Hungarian castle is a monument of eternal love. Bori castle in szekesfehervar - a lifelong romance in stone


In the article I will tell you about Bori Castle in Szekesfehervar and other interesting places in the vicinity of the city. You will find out why the castle is called a symbol eternal love how to see the ruins of an ancient Roman city and where to find a museum where everything is made of aluminum.

Bori Castle in Szekesfehervar is not located in the city center, so I didn’t talk about it in the article about the sights of Szekesfehervar (you will find a route to get to know the city and a map). From the historical center of the city to Bori Castle is 5 kilometers. I’ll tell you how to get there below, but for now, the history of the castle and its creator.

Enyo Bori is a Hungarian architect and sculptor who worked in the first half of the 20th century. He graduated from the sculptural department of the Hungarian School of Drawing, in his youth he traveled to Germany and Italy, where he studied art. marble sculpture. Then he met his future wife Ilona, ​​who was also an artist.

During the First World War, Jenö Bori was drafted into the army, he became the official war artist in Sarajevo. For 30 years, Bory worked at the Hungarian Royal School of Drawing, for some time he headed the Hungarian University of Fine Arts.

His hand belongs to a number of sculptures and memorial plates, many of which are installed in Szekesfehervar and Budapest. For example, in the Várfal park, where the route of walking around the city begins, there is a sculpture of his authorship. They call it that - the Bori column.

The most important creation of Enyo Bori is the castle he built, which is called the castle of eternal love. The architect dedicated it to his beloved wife Ilona. The construction of the castle was carried out intermittently for several decades. Enyo Bori erected the building personally, he had only a few assistants. The architect was also assisted by his wife Ilona. Her paintings adorn the interiors of Bori Castle. Hungarians say that Bori Castle is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most big building built by one person.

Enyo Bori died in 1959 in his native Szekesfehervar. Bori Castle was completed after his death. Now it belongs to the descendants of the architect. Yeno's beloved wife, Ilona, ​​outlived her husband by almost 15 years; she died in 1974.

History of Bori Castle

Jenö Bori acquired the plot of land on which he hoped to build the castle in 1912. But his plans were thwarted by the First World War. As a result, construction began only in 1923. Very soon, the fame of the architect who builds the castle with his own hands spread throughout the country. Curious people began to come to Szekesfehervar to look at the creation of Bori. Soon the name stuck to it - Bori Castle (Bory-vár). The main inflow of funds for the construction came from the sale of paintings and sculptures.

In the decoration of the castle, Enyo Bori widely used reinforced concrete, which was an innovation. Railings, stairs, towers, statues and more - all created using reinforced concrete.

Bori Castle in Szekesfehervar has seven towers, about 30 rooms, in which sculptures, paintings and other works of art are placed. And everywhere there are images of the beloved wife, the architect Ilona. It is not surprising that the name Castle of Eternal Love has become a landmark. One of the towers of Bori Castle is dedicated to twins who were born in the family of an architect.

Useful information for visiting Bori Castle

Official site:

Address: Mariavölgy 54.

Working hours: actual time I recommend looking at the work of the castle on the website (the address is indicated above), since it does not work in winter. In the warm season, access to the attraction is open daily from 09:00 to 17:00.

Price entrance ticket

  • Adult (from 26 to 62 years old) - 1500 forints (if you accompany at least two children under 18 years old, then 700 forints).
  • Children and students - 700 forints.
  • Pensioners - 700 forints.
  • Children under 5 years old and people over 70 years old - free of charge.

How to get to Szekesfehervar

  • From the railway station - bus number 31 (further 500 meters on foot) and number 32 (further 120 meters on foot).
  • From the bus station - bus number 26A (further 120 meters on foot).
  • By car - I marked a point on the map below, with the help of it it is easy to build a route from Budapest or from the center of Szekesfehervar.

How to get to Szekesfehervar i. There you will also find information about hotels in the city and places for dinner.

Attractions around Szekesfehervar

On the outskirts of Szekesfehervar and its environs there are many attractions. If you have time, I advise you to look into everything, well, or into those that arouse interest and desire.

Gorsium Open Air Museum

15 kilometers from Szekesfehervar are the ruins of an ancient Roman city, turned into a museum under open sky Gorsium (Herculia). Reference point - locality Tats. Official name- Gorsium Regeszeti Park.

Excavations of the ancient Roman city began in the middle of the 20th century. During them, historians found out that at first the ancient Romans set up a military camp here, and then founded the city of Gorsium. In 260 AD, the city was destroyed by the barbarians, 30 years later it was revived, but it was already called Hercuia. The city fell into decay at the same time as the fall of the Roman Empire.

In the 20th century, archaeologists unearthed the remains of city walls and gates, streets, a forum, several temples and other buildings. You can walk along all these places.

Working hours

  • April 1 to October 31 - from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • November 1 - March 31 - from 10:00 to 16:00.
  • Monday is a day off.

Entrance ticket price

  • Adult – HUF 1,200
  • Students/pensioners - 600 forints.
  • Free on days national holidays Hungary - March 15, August 20 and October 23.

Museum of the Aluminum Industry in Szekesfehervar

The Aluminum Industry Museum (Alumíniumipari Múzeum) opened on the outskirts of Szekesfehervar in 1971. Initially, it was a small exhibition that caused big interest. Therefore, they decided to make the museum on a permanent basis, a special building was allocated for it. The museum has collected many documents and photographs that tell about the development of the aluminum industry. But the most interesting thing in the museum, of course, is its exhibits. The museum also collects works of art related to aluminum for display.

Address: Zombori út 12.

Entry fee: 600 forints full ticket, 300 forints reduced.

Working hours: Tuesday - Sunday - from 10:00 to 15:00, Monday - day off.

How to get there: buses No. 17 and No. 22, stop Szivárvány Óvoda, then 3 minutes on foot.

Ethnographic Museum of Szekesfehervar

The Szekesfehervar Ethnographic Museum (Palotavárosi Skanzen) is located near the historical center and is easily reached on foot. If you are interested in the history of Hungary, its culture, want to know how the Hungarian peasants and artisans lived, then you are here. The museum is a small street with buildings from the past. Small houses, barns, other buildings. The interiors of the buildings also correspond to historical reality.

Address: Rac utca 11.

Working hours: Tuesday - Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday - day off.

Entrance ticket price: 600 forints, but pre-registration is required. You can check in the tourist information center at the Town Hall Square of Szekesfehervar.

Firefighting Museum

The Fire Museum (Tűzoltó Múzeum) is located right in the building of the fire department. The exposition presents sets of uniforms of Hungarian firefighters, as well as the tools they used in their work. For example, plumed helmets, which were once required to be worn by all firefighters.

The majestic building in Buda, flaunting on top of a mountain, is visible from virtually anywhere in Budapest. It is rare that a tourist who comes to the capital ignores an excursion to this legendary place. The Royal Palace originally (in the XIII century) consisted of three fortresses, but the Tatar-Mongol and Turkish invasions made their own adjustments to the architecture of the building. The castle was revived more than once, but the current baroque style appeared only in 1714. World War II severely damaged interior decoration and the walls of the palace - there was a strong fire. In the post-war years, the Hungarians lovingly restored the premises, equipping the castle according to the latest technologies. Now this place is the pride of the Hungarians and a point of pilgrimage for many tourists who worship history. Posted here National Gallery countries, Museum of the History of Budapest, central Library them. Széchenyi and Museum contemporary art. The outer territory of the Palace is no less informative than the inner one - from the outside you can see the famous huge sculpture of the Turul bird, equestrian statue E. of Savoy, the tower of St. Stephen, a bronze fountain in the form of a group of hunters led by the leader - King Matthias. Coordinates: Budapest Szent György tér 2. Entrance fee - 1400 Hungarian forints (slightly more than 6 US dollars).

Fortress Diosgyor - the musical pride of the country

A 4-hour drive from the capital - in the city of Miskolc is the most musical fortress in Hungary. Diosgyor is the creation of the hands of King Laois the Great, which appeared in 1364. Previously, the fortress was located outside Miskolc, covering the eastern slopes of the Bükk Mountains, but now the building is included in the city line. The approach to the fortress is decorated with a protected alley of wild chestnuts. The internal content of Diosgyor consists of the Museum of Medieval Weapons, galleries wax figures and a hall of archeological monuments. main feature fortress lies in the special acoustics of the courtyard, thanks to which it becomes a place for organizing exciting festivals, musical holidays and summer history shows. Get to historical place You can use public transport (trolleybus or tram number 1). In summer, the fortress is open from 9.00 to 18.00, and the rest of the time - until 17.00. Weekend ticket price: adults 1100 forints ($5), students, pensioners and children under 6 years old - 800 forints ($3.5). On weekdays, the cost for both categories is reduced by 200 forints. Diosgyor coordinates: Miskolc, Vár u. 24.

Brunswick Castle - English style

Brunsvik is the most striking Neo-Gothic castle, with a large (70 ha) English park, located in Martonvasar (30 km from Budapest).

Now it houses the Agricultural Research Institute, the Beethoven Museum and the Museum of the History of Kindergartens. Famous composer more than once visited the Brunswick family and even wrote the famous “Apassionata” here, and Theresia Brunswick distinguished herself by opening the first kindergarten in Hungary. On weekends, Brunswick is open from 10.00 to 18.00, and on weekdays - until 16.00. The entry price is 2650 forints ($12). Address - Martonvásár, Brunszvik utca 2.

The creation was erected by the architect Yeno Bori as a token of love for his wife, Ilona. Construction lasted 40 years, starting in 1912. The end of the project was first prevented by the war, and then by a lack of funds. The creator sold his paintings and sculptures, and invested all the proceeds in construction, which he did until the end of his days. The castle is rich in images of his beloved wife, sculptures of the kings of Hungary and fresco decorations. In the yard of "Bori" there is a romantic chapel with a monument of marital love. It should be noted that Ilona survived Jeno by 15 years, which she spent in the castle in memories of a happy family union. In 1980, the grandchildren of the romantic couple reconstructed the building. Today this place is popular with lovers and newlyweds who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of romance and the love story carried by the Bori family throughout their lives. How to get here? From Budapest 1 hour by train and then bus number 32 or number 31. "Bori" is available for tourists from 9.00 to 17.00 and is located at: Székesfeheérvár, Máriavölgy út 54. Entrance fee: 800 forints (3.5 dollars) - adults and 400 forints (less than $2) - pensioners and students.

Not only Romania is famous for the habitats of Dracula, there is a similar attraction shrouded in secrets in Hungary - in the city of Vysehrad. The fortress was built in the 14th century by order of the ruler of the country, Karoly Robert. Later, Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg and Vlad Tepes III (Dracula) were alternately imprisoned within the walls of the fortress. According to one of the legends, in the cellars of the fortress, Vlad the Kolosazhatel mocked the captured animals. And another version of the story says that having arrived in Hungary, Tepes settled down and in the Visegrad fortress was not in captivity, but under "house arrest". Soon, Vlad Dracula, having secured the favor of the king, married his cousin, and the couple lived happily and for a long time in Solomon's tower. Be that as it may, Dracula's castle bears its name by right and is interesting place for many tourists. Fortress address - Visegrád, Fő utca 23. Open gate hours - 9.00 - 17.00. The price of the visit - for adults - 1100 forints or $ 5, for children, students and pensioners - a 50% discount.

This large and rich castle in the Rococo style is located at a distance of 192 km from the capital - in the city of Fertod. Its construction in 1720 was initiated by the Esterhazy family, who have a love for defiant luxury. It should be noted that the architect, who was entrusted with the construction, raised the base residence in just 3 months. Then the castle was rebuilt, erecting buildings in the shape of a horseshoe. During World War II, a hospital was located here. Now part of the castle has been given over to a hotel, while the rest of the possessions are divided into 4 halls - Opera theatre, Music House, Puppet show and the so-called "Orange House". Coordinates: Fertőd, Joseph Haydn ut. The gates of the castle are open: spring-autumn - from 10.00 to 18.00, winter - until 16.00. Admission fee: adults - 2000 forints (9 dollars); pensioners, children and students - 1000 forints (4.5 dollars).

Gödöllő is located at a distance of 30 km from Budapest - in the town of the same name and has its roots in the 18th century, when Count Grasszalkovich, the then head of the Hungarian Parliament, decided to build a baroque palace here and surround it with a Catholic city. Construction dragged on for a quarter of a century, then the owners of the palace changed until it was in the hands of the family of Emperor Franz Joseph and turned into a royal residence. In this regard, changes were made - the arena, stables and other blocks were completed. However, World War II thoroughly shook the architecture of the palace, and for a long time(until 1994) it was used as a warehouse. However, after the reconstruction in 2007, it came to life again and pleases tourists with its magnificence. Now the castle is a historical exposition. It often hosts memorial programs, shows, musical performances and horse shows. The palace has a souvenir shop and a restaurant with national cuisine. By the way, when it's warm, weddings are often held here, so you have a chance to watch the national wedding. Address: Gödöllő, Grassalkovich-kastely. Entrance fee: for adults - 2200 forints, which is equal to 10 dollars, for students - half as much. When it's warm - Gödöllö Palace is open from 10.00 to 18.00, in winter - until 16.00, and from mid-January it closes for a month for renovation.

The fortress in the city of Eger was born in the 13th century, but its current appearance comes from XVI century. The Eger fortress became famous all over the planet for being the site of the battle between the Hungarians and the Turks, and the latter were 40 times more than the defenders. The confrontation lasted 33 days, in the end, the enemy army, suffering heavy losses of its fighters, retreated from the city. According to legend, the brave men were helped by "Bull's Blood" - a local, world-famous wine, which gives strength and invigorates with its rich taste. The modern Eger fortress is no less interesting than its history - here you can explore the underground labyrinths, shoot at the archery range, hold a wine tasting and participate in their bottling, visit the exposition of instruments of torture and execution, and also mint a coin with your own hands, which the master will give you will give in memory of the trip. Every summer, the fortress hosts jousting tournaments with real medieval performances and colorful costumes, accompanied by music, dancing, gastronomic treats and fun. As a rule, fairs of folk crafts are held here during mass spectacles, so tourists can buy souvenirs and unusual things directly from the hands of their creators. Fortress address: Eger Vár 1. Opening hours vary depending on the season - the miraculous fortress opens its gates invariably at 8 am, but closes in different ways: in summer at 20.00, in spring and autumn - at 19.00, in late autumn - at 18.00, and even earlier in winter - at 17.00. The entrance fee is 1800 forints or $8 for adults and 900 forints or $4 for pensioners, students and children.

There is no such Hungarian palace or castle that would leave tourists indifferent. The spirit of the Middle Ages, the luxury of decoration, the masterpieces of the expositions, picturesque nature, romantic halo and ancient secrets of Hungarian castles - all this attracts travelers like a magnet...

Can one man build a castle with his own hands? A reasonable answer is a resounding no. But it turns out that there are no barriers for a passionately and sincerely loving man. A worthy confirmation of this is the castle of Borivar. At first glance, it seems that he came to today from a fairy tale. And it is impossible to imagine that the artist Jeno Bori built it himself, from the first to the last stone.

At first, the inhabitants of the city openly laughed at the strange neighbor, but soon the mockery was replaced by boundless respect. He became the only person in the world who built a house of this magnitude alone. And all for the sake of his only, beloved wife, Ilona. Construction lasted for a long 40 years and ended only in 1959.

The castle is a truly grandiose and majestic building, which harmoniously combines a variety of architectural styles. Sculptures, bas-reliefs, paintings and stained-glass windows created by the artist himself and his wife are located throughout the castle. In almost every room there is an image of Ilona, ​​the artist literally prayed for her, as for an icon. And this is not an exaggeration: in the palace there is a chapel where Ilona is depicted as the Madonna, and at her feet is the artist himself in the form of an angel.

Courtyard the castle is a fragrant garden with many rose bushes where you want to stay longer. Everything here is saturated with an atmosphere of love, devotion and purity. No wonder the castle became a Mecca for lovers. If you want to carry love through your whole life - come to Bori Castle, make a wish and it will certainly come true!

Bori Castle. In its silhouette, various architectural styles are harmoniously combined: Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and the walls, columns, domes and even sculptures richly decorating the terraces and balustrades are made of concrete. However, the most amazing thing is that this castle was built by the hands of one man, who for almost forty years tirelessly erected its walls and towers as a symbol of eternal love for his chosen one.

At the beginning of the century, the architect and sculptor Jeno Bory decided to build for his young, charming wife, a castle in the vicinity of Szekesfehervar, around a small house, which he acquired in 1912.

But the First World War delayed the execution of this plan for ten years. Enyo Bori had to wear military uniform and go to the dug-out trenches of Serbia. Fortunately, the service at the front was not long: the Architect was transferred to Sarajevo, where he was to complete a number of monumental projects commissioned by the imperial family.

After the war in 1923, he was finally able to start fulfilling his dream. Construction progressed slowly. Working only on weekends, doing almost everything with his own hands, Enyo Bori created this monument of eternal love until the end of his days.

Numerous images of Ilona Bori, the wife of the architect, in sculptures, paintings or poems dedicated to her and carved on the stones of the castle, every corner of it tells about the high feeling that he had for his beloved.

At the same time, this castle is evidence of the architect's love for his homeland, for its history and culture. In the garden, on the terraces and under the arcades of the castle, the artist's studio displays more than 500 works of art made by Bory himself, his wife and daughter.

Walking through the castle, the visitor, as it were, passes through historical eras, coming into contact with their symbols, with the heroes who identify their glorious pages, with the artists and thinkers who have preserved their history for us.

In the garden, among the sculptures, there are fragments of bombs and shells that destroyed what was supposed to bring joy to people. Next to the tombstones of Turkish soldiers who trampled the land of Hungary for 150 years, a monument Soviet soldier, who corrected artillery fire from one of the towers of the castle and died for the liberation of foreign land.

On the terraces of the castle there are busts of famous Hungarian architects, painters and sculptors who determined the European face of Budapest, glorified Hungarian culture.

The walls are decorated with frescoes depicting the essence of various ideologies, scenes of hot battles, the sublime spirit of romantic dreams.

The sword of Damocles hanging between the towers of the castle reminds us of moral character of a person, but an elephant holding the earthly sphere on itself about the progress of human thought.

The sculptures of the Hungarian kings, lined up along the perimeter of the fortress walls, seem to tell about the glorious and tragic moments of Hungarian history.

From the cloudy height of the castle towers, a soothing panorama of the surroundings opens up. The time spent in the romantic walls of this castle allows us to shake off the hustle and bustle of worldly everyday life, worries and sorrows.

The castle turned out the way Bori imagined it to be. Galleries and arches entwined with flowers, fabulous turrets with bright stained-glass windows in round windows and decorated railings of narrow stairs. sculptures strange creatures who smile mysteriously from niches hidden in the greenery of grapes ... Enyo Bori continued the construction of the castle until his death, which occurred in 1959.

Ilona died at 89, outliving her husband by 15 years.

But the life of both of them is still in this castle. In the walls built by the hands of Yene Bori for her beloved. In countless portraits of Ilona. In luxurious flowers, which are now looked after by the grandchildren of Jena and Ilona.

In the smiles of the newlyweds who come here - in search of beautiful background For wedding photos? or a fairy tale that one day loving man managed to make it a reality for his beloved?

Castle of Eternal Love

Castle of Eternal Love

To truly love means to make the person you love happy. Unfortunately, eternal love is rare in our lives, so stories about this magical feeling are carefully preserved by people all over the world.

In the center of Hungary is the small town of Szekesfehervar, which in translation into Russian means “white throne fortress”. This is the former residence of the Hungarian kings and the place where many of them found peace. But not only the royal history attracts tourists here, they go to listen to a completely different story.

It began in 1905, when a student of the Faculty of Arts, Yeno Bori, descending the stairs, noticed a pretty girl with a mysterious half-smile on her face. Without saying a word, they went on, hand in hand, down the street and through life. A few years later they got married, and in 1912 Jeno acquired small house near Szekesfehervar. Then the talented architect and artist had a bold idea to put the whole world at the feet of his beloved.

The war delayed its implementation by 10 years. And in 1923, the master was finally able to announce to his wife Ilona about his intention to build a castle in which all architectural styles would harmoniously merge, all the achievements of world art, expressing the idea of ​​eternal love.

The neighbors, who found out about this plan, only snickered and shrugged their shoulders, considering Jeno an eccentric. Only Ilona, ​​when meeting with them, lowered her eyes out of her habit, and the same mysterious half-smile froze on her face. She was generally very quiet. Eyewitnesses claimed that they had never seen the Bori spouses talking: they walked only embracing, Ilona's head was invariably bowed to her husband.

The couple thought that real love reveals to man other languages, in front of which vain human words lose all meaning. A declaration of love in one of these languages ​​was the beautiful castle that Jeno built stone by stone for 14,600 days, almost 40 years of his life. He became the only person in the history of the world who single-handedly built such a structure.

Now Bori Var Castle is a favorite place for tourists and lovers. It is believed that couples who visit this place will never be separated. This "magic" is quite natural: a place literally saturated great love, will be able to share its sacred energy with visitors for a long time to come.

The Castle of Eternal Love is a majestic building in which gothic, renaissance and Roman style, without causing a feeling of tasteless eclecticism. On its territory there are more than 500 works of art created by the hands of Jeno himself, his wife and daughter. In every room, every courtyard there are numerous images of Ilona, ​​the author's works of the artist Bori.

Between the two towers at the entrance to the castle hangs the sword of Damocles, reminding those entering true values human life. The courtyard is surrounded by a gallery supported by a hundred columns, it houses statues of heroes, thinkers and artists who glorified the Hungarian people.

Above the entrance to the inner chambers is the inscription: “Love is God. God is love". Nearby are two niches containing busts of Jeno, whose gaze is riveted to the image of his wife, and Ilona, ​​who habitually lowered her eyes and folded her lips in the same half-smile. She was embarrassed when Jeno expressed her feelings in front of strangers and asked not to do this, but the happy lover was adamant and did not get tired of repeating: “All the beauties of the world, immortalized brilliant artists- I love you so much!

The chapel became the heart of the castle - a real temple of love and family relationships.

On its central wall there is a pictorial and sculptural composition, where Ilona is depicted in the image of the Holy Madonna.

And behind her back, yellowed with envy, beauties froze, in which it is difficult not to recognize Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Raphael's Fornarina, Rembrandt's Saskia and Rubens' Helena Fourment.

At the feet of the Madonna is an angel bowing in bow, in the image of which Bori portrayed himself.

For all 40 years, Jeno Bori, who built the "castle of dreams", glowed with happiness. His imagination was inexhaustible, creative energy gave him wings. One by one, all his wishes were fulfilled. He wanted to make his beloved the happiest of all women living on Earth - and he did it.

God fulfilled his dream of a daughter, like two drops of water similar to a mother, beyond all expectations: Ilona gave birth to twins, Ilona's daughter became an exact copy of her mother, and Clara inherited her father's character and talent. Also a dream come true happy parents about a hussar who, according to Jeno's playful conviction, arrives in this world, unlike other children, riding a stork.

The walls of the castle keep the whole history of the life of the Bori family. The walls of the rooms are covered with photographs showing Jeno and Ilona visibly aging. Only one thing remains unchanged: the tenderness in their glances at each other is timeless.
1959 was both the date of completion of the construction of the castle and the end of earthly path wonderful master Jeno Bori.

Ilona outlived her husband by 15 years, during which she began every morning by walking around her property. After the morning ritual, she raised her eyes to the sky and smiled enigmatically again. She did not cry at the funeral: everything in the castle told her that her husband was here, nearby. Shortly before his death, Jeno ordered graves for himself and his wife. At a great depth, he asked to make a window between them. When the grandchildren asked the grandfather about his strange whim, he replied: “This is so that my grandmother and I can talk, remember you.”

They do not forget their grandparents and 20 grandchildren and great-grandchildren who agreed to take turns living in the castle, keeping the fire in the great family hearth, illuminating and warming with their Love everyone who wants to know the power of true feelings.

After watching this video, you can make a kind of tour of the castle of love:

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