Mummy Man in the Moscow Metro (9 photos). Pink flamingo


He appeared in the Moscow metro four years ago and immediately attracted everyone's attention. A man with one leg, wrapped in rags and bandages, with his face hidden under a huge hood and pink glasses of huge glasses. Every day he walks around the cars and begs for alms. For a long time "hanging" over people, sometimes lowing, almost never talking.

They called him the invisible man - he really looks like the hero of HG Wells. They called it a mummy. But the nickname Pink Flamingo stuck best of all - for the similarity of the silhouette and color of the robe with the appearance of a bird. His fans started a page on the social network, where every day they post photos, the place and time of meeting with their hero, and speculate about his essence. Thousands of Muscovites broke their heads trying to unravel the secret of the mysterious tramp.

When he enters the train, some try to hastily free the car. Others take out their phones and start taking pictures recklessly. Muscovites post these pictures in thematic group VKontakte, where they share their impressions of the meeting. "Mr. Pink Flamingo" - this is the name of the community, where all the attention of the participants is directed to unraveling the mystery of this person. According to reports, it becomes clear that the man is touring - he was photographed before Moscow in Kyiv and St. Petersburg.
“I saw him once. Chilling horror, like after meeting with one of the monsters of Silent Hill - that's what I felt when he passed by, ”reports one of those who encountered Flamingo on the subway.
“Middle-aged man, not old. Thin pointed nose with a hump, large Blue eyes, the skin is kind of swarthy. Under the hood of the wire from the headphones, most likely something else was blinking.
“He is insanely scary when I first met him, even panic attack She was strong, never happened to me like that. The second time they rushed with a friend from him to the other end of the car.
“Looking at the reaction of older women, you generally involuntarily come to the conclusion that Raskolnikov could do without an ax and crime.”

Nevertheless, many people treat Flamingos kindly.

“Do you know what is the positive aspect of his personality? Don't guess her! It can be imagined by anyone. For example, wise. For example, good-natured. Maybe even noble. Whoever says anything about the emotions that he causes, there is less disgust among them than to other beggars.
“I was traveling from the Arbat with children. On a gray branch, he comes in and hangs over me, shaking his jar in my face. I gesture to the three children sitting next to me, saying, “I already have many children, I won’t give anything.” He, with the same gestures, asks, “are all of you?”, I nod my head, and he bowed to me, after which he went further along the car. I repeat, everything was without words, only gestures. With a sense of humor, he is doing well, apparently, he gets only those who have fear in their eyes.
“I went up to the girl, she didn’t have any money ... And he took it out of his pocket and offered her 10 rubles.”
During the existence of the group, the character has an army of intercessors, which is ready to fight back anyone who offends Flamingo. True, if you believe what is written, there is something to be angry with the “mummy”. They complain that they are pushing, that they frighten children, that they wake up those who are sleeping; that does not leave the “victim” until she gives money.
Per long years Flamingo's personality is overgrown with legends. Some of them are very far from reality. For example, there are rumors that there are as many as three characters in bandages, and they work in shifts: one is young, the second is old, the third is middle-aged. This is not so - he is only one, apparently, the difference in perception affects. Someone claims to have seen that the Flamingo supposedly leaned over the sleeping man and bit him in the face. Looking ahead, there is not a single bitten "victim" in Sergei's biography. Yes, yes, his name is Sergey and it's time to move on to the story about him in the first person.

The mysterious character has quite common name- Sergey, he seems to be just Serezha. He is 44 years old, he comes from Simferopol, where he lived most own life. And since childhood, I dreamed of seeing Moscow.

When I was at school, we sang the song “Where does the Motherland begin - from the picture in your primer”, you probably didn’t find it. And then I noticed: everything that is written in songs and books is all about Moscow, about the Motherland. I, like everyone else, taught the lines “Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing that Moscow, burned down by fire, was given to the French.” And I really wanted to see, to know this Moscow. And now I'm making my dream come true. It’s not that I left for good, I’m still registered in the Crimea, and my home is there. But Moscow seems very interesting to me.

For the last three years, Sergei has been renting an apartment in Perov, before that he lived in Vykhino, and even earlier - in St. Petersburg and Kyiv. According to him, he really did not have time to feel Petersburg, he lived there too little time. Plus, he's freezing all the time. But he recognized Moscow, and he likes it very much. But the residents of St. Petersburg, during the time that Sergei lived there, remembered him well and pass on stories from mouth to mouth about how they met an unusual petitioner in the subway.

Serezha lost his left leg about ten years ago. He does not like to remember this story and agreed to tell reluctantly:

I worked at a construction site, one day a beam fell from above and broke my back. Then the infection began, the leg began to “dry”. When I got to the doctors, they said that there was nothing to be done: I had to amputate, otherwise there would be gangrene. Why did I start begging? What was I supposed to do? After a fracture of the spine, I could not work at a construction site. I stopped being a fighter. After a back injury, he began to engage in commerce, traded. But then it happened to my leg... And I started asking for money. I started back in Simferopol. Then there was Kyiv, Peter. Now I am here.

The metro for Seryozha is not just transport, he knows it by heart and notices many features. For example, how piercingly quiet it becomes in the car when, on the segment from Tekstilshchikov to Volgogradsky Prospekt, the train suddenly leaves the tunnel onto the street. But most often he tries to protect himself from extraneous sounds. To do this, he has a player - the very wires that stick out from under the hood. Many confuse them with medical tubes, attributing them to a serious illness. But no, this is a regular wire that connects the headphones to the player.

The head is not just a soccer ball, it is a computer that remembers everything that goes into it, so the sounds around are very important. Music for me is everything. I listen to it almost all the time, except for sleep. At home - in a laptop, outside - in the player. I listen to disco, pop, techno and break - this is the most The best music for me. When I turn it off, I immediately start to hear negative noises. I do not like, for example, when cars start up loudly outside the window. And all the time I think how good it is that we live far from the noisy road.

I ask Seryozha why he wakes up the sleeping people and mumbles when he walks around the car.

I don't moo anymore. I hummed when I had bad headphones that didn't drown out the station announcer's voice. This information on my "memory card" is of no use to me. She makes me think. Sleeping now, too, I try not to wake. Maybe I accidentally hurt them? I get pushed a lot, lose my balance and fall on people.

The main thing that attracts passengers to the Pink Flamingo is his outfit. Seryozha himself does not consider him any special. He is the author of all his costumes, thinks through every detail, and his sister helps to bring the idea to life.
- Until recently, I did not know that they call me Pink Flamingo. One day a guy carried me home and told me about this community. I got on the Internet and read what they write about me. I like this name. I think pink is the most beautiful color. In children's stores, 90 percent of the clothes are pink. It's the purest color."

Serezha treats underground adventures as a job. He says so: he went to work, returned from work.
- I leave the house at seven in the morning, get dressed for about an hour and a half. Because the metro is not a summer walk along the embankment in Yalta. It’s hard to stand on my foot, I often lean on the handrails. To keep me warm and cozy, I wrap myself in bandages. If you saw how many bandages it takes, you would be stunned (we see that all the bandages are dried right in the room. - Auth.). I cover both my arms and legs, put on various warm things. In the summer it once blew me like that - I could not turn my neck. Over time, the body weakens. It's very hard to walk all day long. I start to sweat, and when I go out into a draft, it always blows me out. My sister sewed a sheepskin vest for me, now I often wear it.
Sergey is wrapped up so that only the chin, mouth and lower part of the nose remain in the visibility zone. What is it - self-defense, the desire to protect your inner world from those around you? Maybe. He himself explains this:
- The hood saves from everything. Most importantly - from the wind and drafts. And then we are not on a talk show so that I take off my hood, my headphones and show myself to everyone. It's more comfortable for me.
Cold - main enemy Flamingo. From hypothermia, he begins to have phantom pains in his leg. And not only because of this, the missing limb for Serezha is an indicator of the correctness of his lifestyle. I slept a little, ate badly, wet my second leg - pain will appear. The foot tells you what needs to be changed. He does not recognize pills, he manages himself: he believes that they "plant" the heart and are addictive.
- I have not eaten meat for three years, but I eat red fish, which my sister cooks for me. I always have dried fish with me, in a bottle. It contains phosphorus, and this is strength. I will explain why the fish: it eats what it wants, what it is supposed to by nature. And pigs, cows, chickens - eat what people give them. And they give them anything, because it’s a pity to spend money on good food. I don't want it to get into my body. And to stop eating fish, you need to live somewhere in Africa where fruits and vegetables are fresh all year round.
- I'm getting to know different people in order to make friends and correspond VKontakte. True, there is little time left for this. I don’t have a beloved woman yet, I’m not ready yet for serious relationship. I'm not in that role yet.

Petersburgers are outraged by the dominance of stubborn beggars and "fake" cripples in the St. Petersburg metro. Passengers notice that recent times they do not just quietly beg for money "for treatment" or "for a funeral", but are engaged in almost open extortion. Moreover, they choose the most defenseless - young women and the elderly - as victims. It is noteworthy that many Petersburgers have repeatedly seen how beggars get into the subway "with the blessing" of the metro staff.

“Recently I was on the subway. Chernyshevskaya station. The people are coming. And then I hear a completely eerie sound - such a drawn-out "and-and-and-and-and", and I can not understand what is happening. In general, this is something - a disabled beggar, without a leg, on crutches, his hands are wrapped in bandages, rather tall, dressed in white and pink clothes in such a way that it gives an already frightening appearance even more horror. The hood is dressed in such a way that the face is not visible, ”writes a Petersburger who identified herself as Romanova on the People’s Line of Vesti.

“As soon as he enters the car, he immediately starts making this unbearably creepy sound. Not only that, he comes up to those sitting in a dense, stretches out his wrapped hand and begins to howl even harder until the person gives him at least how much, just to move away. I jumped up and ran to the end of the car in the hope that he would simply not have time to reach me. And since he sticks to everyone, he moves slowly. He travels three stations in one carriage, - the girl continues. - You know, if it weren't for my young man, who was nearby, I would definitely have a tantrum. To be in a confined space with this ..., albeit for a few minutes, for those who are impressionable is a wild horror.

It is curious that Rosbalt correspondents also noticed this citizen. He periodically stands in the pose of a flamingo near the Vladimirskaya metro station. Apparently, they drive him from there, but in the subway he works, apparently, without problems.

Photo: Rosbalt, Marina Boytsova. Beggar in pink

“Today I was traveling alone. Chernyshevskaya station. Doors open. Again "i-i-i-i-i" ... Get up and run out ?! I sit, reading on the faces of people, especially women, horror and bewilderment. Half the people fled. I am sitting. Sneaking. The heart starts pounding. Comes close, holds out his hand, begins to whine more strongly. I shake my head, they say, I won’t give anything. He bends over and howls. And then I could not stand it. She began to shout at him that he would not get anything, that he would never come closer at all, and who would let him in at all .... How I didn't give him a crutch, only God knows! He rode away from me very quickly, But what was it worth! - the Petersburger is indignant. - And I can’t imagine what it would be like for my little nephew if he was driving at that time with me or with his mother and saw this ?! If adults are afraid, then what about children! ..».

The "pink" beggar was also seen on other subway lines. “And I once came across this character. True, on the second branch. And sticks mostly only to women and girls. I did not try to climb into the men insolently. Brrr. Abomination, ”Michael agrees.

Petersburgers warmly support the indignation of the passengers. “I myself once observed how an employee of the subway (in uniform) said to the “Afghans” when the train approached: “... So, you are in this car, you are in this ...” Do you really think that all these cripples, beggars, Afghans, etc. .d. go down the subway, paying the fare? They end up there with the “blessing” of the metro workers themselves, who, apparently, also have a share ... ”- writes Anna.

Petersburgers are perplexed why passengers know all the beggars without exception, but the police are not able (or not willing) to cope with them for years:

“I work near the Ligovsky Prospekt metro station, I have been traveling along this branch for 12 years and I constantly meet a girl with a sad look and a cardboard box: “Mom died. Help". And so all 12 years. I met her (already without a cardboard box) at other stations, - adds Lyudmila. - “Help a dog for treatment” (“Moskovskaya” and “Sadovaya” (dogs have changed over the years, the mug of a beggar is the same). Chechen war” on “Narvskaya” have also already become familiar ... How much can you? Is it really impossible to start attracting this abomination for parasitism and begging? I help a charitable foundation, but I don’t intend to support thieves and their owners.”

"Walking horrors" will live in the subway and make the trip to work unbearable until people stop giving money, residents of St. Petersburg conclude.

“I am not a sadist and I feel sorry for the disabled, but such begging is a whole system that will not stop working until we stop doing a disservice by giving money to homeless people in military uniform and aunts with vodka-drenched children, ”concludes Romanova from St. Petersburg.

Pink flamingo.

Residents of Moscow must have come across one of the strangest "inhabitants" of the subway - the Pink Flamingo, as it is called by the people. A beggar wrapped in bandages, missing one leg. Sometimes he was seen with rabbits. Wears mostly white, pink, yellow and gray color, on the hands of mittens. Moves on crutches, enters the car and begs passengers, most often women. At the same time, he often makes strange sounds and hangs over sedentary people until he is given money. After that, he bows and leaves. Many are wondering - who is he? A brilliant beggar or just an unfortunate invalid? Some even consider him a mutant or a hoax, but this is completely on the verge of fantasy.

To begin with, it is worth saying that this character and people like him were seen not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kyiv, the Crimea and even Budapest. In Russia, the Flamingo was first seen in St. Petersburg, after which it began to be seen in other cities. Now Flamingos are mostly met in Moscow. According to some information, this is not one person, since the descriptions of this character differ, and information has also been received that there are three of these Flamingos in Moscow itself - Marfan, as people call him, the brightest of the Flamingo representatives, he is about forty years old; thin tall guy, about 25 years old, the most aggressive; "Grandfather", about fifty years old, somewhat resembles Marfan and wears glasses. A woman is often seen feeding Flamingos and changing bandages. He has no problems with the police. It is impossible to say exactly who was in St. Petersburg, it is quite possible that it was already a different person.

Some netizens talk about the Flamingo from Budapest, who shocked people with his appearance and behavior. They described him like this: high growth about two meters, dressed in white pants with red spots, wears a leather jacket and a white sweater, puts on makeup on his face, once wore a clown nose, leans on chrome crutches or canes with reflective lights, wears a backpack with a boombox from which creepy music comes. He asks for money at the station or in the subway, is not afraid to pester passers-by - if a person went into phone booth, then he will wait outside and try to look inside the booth, but no photographs of him were found.

Naturally, the Flamingo is nothing supernatural. Most people know that these beggars are part of big system where the people who run it all get a lot of money from their charges. The police know “their” people and do not touch them, therefore such individuals go about their activities without any problems, and Flamingo himself is popular and easily remembered due to his unusual image.

Flamingo community:

This article was automatically added from the community

pink mummy terrifies metro passengers (photo, video)

ST. PETERSBURG, 13 October. Passengers of the St. Petersburg metro have been terrorized by a man wrapped in bandages and dressed in light pink clothes for two months now. The man lets out an intimidating howl and harasses the passengers, demanding money.

The man in pink is different from other beggars who have occupied the St. Petersburg metro. Although he moves on crutches, he behaves extremely aggressively at the same time - emitting a frightening howl, touches passengers with his hands wrapped in bandages and does not leave until he receives money. At the same time, the extortionist chooses only women and children as victims.

In Runet, Petersburgers have already discussed the appearance of a walking mummy. “Recently I was on the subway. Chernyshevskaya station. People are coming in. And then I hear a completely eerie sound - such a drawn-out “and-and-and-and-and”, and I can’t understand what is happening. In general, this is something - a disabled beggar, without a leg, on crutches, his hands are wrapped in bandages, rather tall, dressed in white and pink clothes in such a way that it gives an already frightening appearance even more horror. The hood is dressed so that his face is not visible, "writes on the "People's Line" of "Vesti" a Petersburger who identified herself as Romanova.

“As soon as he enters the car, he immediately begins to make this unbearably terrible sound. Not only that, he comes up to those sitting close, holds out his wrapped hand and starts to howl even harder until the person gives him at least how much, just to move away. I jumped up and "I ran to the end of the carriage in the hope that he simply would not have time to reach me. And since he sticks to everyone, he moves slowly. He travels three stations in one carriage," the girl continues. "You know, if it were not for my young man, who was nearby - I would definitely have a tantrum. To be in a confined space with this ..., even for a few minutes, for especially impressionable people, this is a wild horror. "

The Rosbalt reporter was able to track down the extortionist on the blue line of the St. Petersburg metro. The man really makes a terrible impression, in addition, he strongly stinks of an unwashed body. It is noteworthy that while the beggar was harassing women, none of the men stood up for them. In one of the cars, the extortionist scared me to hysterics small child, but also adults, especially women, could hardly endure the terrible howl and harassment of this clown.

The man refused to give any information about himself and generally talk. At the same time, as the Rosbalt reporter managed to notice, the man has no injuries under his face and hands wrapped in bandages - apparently, the beggar uses this whole masquerade simply to intimidate passengers.

Why the "pink nightmare" feels so at ease in the metro is known - the staff of the Metro Traffic Service nods at the imperfection of the legislation, which supposedly does not allow punishing beggars. In reality, this is not the case - Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for "insulting harassment of citizens, causing moral or physical harm". Childish tantrums and psychological trauma that metro passengers receive after talking with a disguised extortionist is serious problem, which the St. Petersburg metro does not consider it necessary to solve.

A video with a "pink nightmare" can be viewed.

He appeared in the Moscow metro four years ago and immediately attracted everyone's attention. A man with one leg, wrapped in rags and bandages, with his face hidden under a huge hood and pink glasses of huge glasses. Every day he walks around the cars and begs for alms. For a long time "hanging" over people, sometimes lowing, almost never talking.

They called him the invisible man - he really looks like the hero of HG Wells. They called it a mummy. But the nickname Pink Flamingo stuck best of all - for the similarity of the silhouette and color of the robe with the appearance of a bird. His fans started a page on the social network, where every day they post photos, the place and time of meeting with their hero, and speculate about his essence. Thousands of Muscovites broke their heads trying to unravel the secret of the mysterious tramp.

We paid a visit to the most unusual passenger of the subway.

About the fate of a man on crutches, dressed in a suit of either a mummy or a flamingo, read in MK.

When he enters the train, some try to hastily free the car. Others take out their phones and start taking pictures recklessly. Muscovites upload these pictures to the VKontakte thematic group, where they share their impressions of the meeting. "Mr. Pink Flamingo" - this is the name of the community, where all the attention of the participants is directed to unraveling the mystery of this person. According to reports, it becomes clear that the man is touring - he was photographed before Moscow in Kyiv and St. Petersburg.

“I saw him once. Chilling horror, like after meeting with one of the monsters of Silent Hill - that's what I felt when he passed by, - reports one of those who encountered the Flamingo on the subway.

“Middle-aged man, not old. A thin pointed nose with a hump, large blue eyes, the skin seems to be swarthy. Under the hood of the wire from the headphones, most likely something else was blinking.

“He is insanely scary when I first met him, even the panic attack was strong, this has never happened to me. The second time they rushed with a friend from him to the other end of the car.

“Looking at the reaction of older women, you generally involuntarily come to the conclusion that Raskolnikov could do without an ax and crime.”

Passengers react to the "man-mummy" in different ways. But no one remains indifferent.

Nevertheless, many people treat Flamingos kindly.

“Do you know what is the positive aspect of his personality? Don't guess her! It can be imagined by anyone. For example, wise. For example, good-natured. Maybe even noble. Whoever says anything about the emotions that he causes, there is less disgust among them than to other beggars.

“I was traveling from the Arbat with children. On a gray branch, he comes in and hangs over me, shaking his jar in my face. I gesture to the three children sitting next to me, saying, “I already have many children, I won’t give anything.” He, with the same gestures, asks, “are all of you?”, I nod my head, and he bowed to me, after which he went further along the car. I repeat, everything was without words, only gestures. With a sense of humor, he is doing well, apparently, he gets only those who have fear in their eyes.

“I went up to the girl, she didn’t have any money ... And he took it out of his pocket and offered her 10 rubles.”

During the existence of the group, the character has an army of intercessors, which is ready to fight back anyone who offends Flamingo. True, if you believe what is written, there is something to be angry with the “mummy”. They complain that they are pushing, that they frighten children, that they wake up those who are sleeping; that does not leave the “victim” until she gives money.

Over the years, Flamingo's personality has grown into legends. Some of them are very far from reality. For example, there are rumors that there are as many as three characters in bandages, and they work in shifts: one is young, the second is old, the third is middle-aged. This is not so - he is only one, apparently, the difference in perception affects. Someone claims to have seen that the Flamingo supposedly leaned over the sleeping man and bit him in the face. Looking ahead, there is not a single bitten "victim" in Sergei's biography. Yes, yes, his name is Sergey and it's time to move on to the story about him in the first person.

“When I broke my spine at a construction site, I stopped being a fighter”

My colleague and I went into the entrance, where, according to the assurances of the fans, the Pink Flamingo lives, at about 8 pm. An ordinary five-story building near the Perovo metro station, an apartment on the ground floor, under the stairs - wheelchair. The bell rings, the door opens - and in the dark little hallway, the one we were looking for is sitting in an armchair. In the same attire in which he walks on the subway: a hood, glasses, mittens, patchwork clothes. The voice of a child and a woman can be heard from the room. I don't know about you, but I usually don't let you into the apartment. strangers especially at night looking. Flamingo let go. And he agreed to tell his story.

Sergei Lobachev with his girlfriend in 1995.

The mysterious character has a quite common name - Sergey, he seems to be just Serezha. He is 44 years old, he comes from Simferopol, where he lived most of his life. And since childhood, I dreamed of seeing Moscow.

When I was at school, we sang the song “Where does the Motherland begin - from the picture in your primer”, you probably didn’t find it. And then I noticed: everything that is written in songs and books is all about Moscow, about the Motherland. I, like everyone else, taught the lines “Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing that Moscow, burned down by fire, was given to the French.” And I really wanted to see, to know this Moscow. And now I'm making my dream come true. It’s not that I left for good, I’m still registered in the Crimea, and my home is there. But Moscow seems very interesting to me.

For the last three years, Sergei has been renting an apartment in Perov, before that he lived in Vykhino, and even earlier - in St. Petersburg and Kyiv. According to him, he really did not have time to feel Petersburg, he lived there too little time. Plus, he's freezing all the time. But he recognized Moscow, and he likes it very much. But the residents of St. Petersburg, during the time that Sergei lived there, remembered him well and pass on stories from mouth to mouth about how they met an unusual petitioner in the subway.

Serezha lost his left leg about ten years ago. He does not like to remember this story and agreed to tell reluctantly:

I worked at a construction site, one day a beam fell from above and broke my back. Then the infection began, the leg began to “dry”. When I got to the doctors, they said that there was nothing to be done: I had to amputate, otherwise there would be gangrene. Why did I start begging? What was I supposed to do? After a fracture of the spine, I could not work at a construction site. I stopped being a fighter. After a back injury, he began to engage in commerce, traded. But then it happened to my leg... And I started asking for money. I started back in Simferopol. Then there was Kyiv, Peter. Now I am here.


“I go down the subway because I like to look at people”

Together with Sergey, he travels around the cities younger sister Luda. Now she also lives with him, along with her three-year-old son. It is the sister who brings her brother to the subway every day homemade dinner, which he eats in the same place, on benches in the station lobbies. This meal often falls into the lens of pursuers. I wonder why he chose the subway as a "working" place. It would be physically easier for a person without a leg to settle down in a passage or on a crowded street ...

Where else can I interact with people? Serezha says. - On the street they all run like clockwork, immersed in their problems. And in the subway sit more relaxed, liberated. I can look at good faces. In your apartment and on the street you will not see much. And in the subway you can easily see everyone. The police won't kick me out. I'm not some kind of drunkard. So what if I look like this. If I were simple a common person I would dress differently. But I am who I am. I'm not collecting money, I'm just asking for help. Do you think that I am walking along the carriage and money is pouring in from all sides? It happens that you will pass the whole train - they will not give you a penny. I then look at the icon - it becomes easier for me, I get less upset.

The metro for Seryozha is not just transport, he knows it by heart and notices many features. For example, how piercingly quiet it becomes in the car when, on the segment from Tekstilshchikov to Volgogradsky Prospekt, the train suddenly leaves the tunnel onto the street. But most often he tries to protect himself from extraneous sounds. To do this, he has a player - the very wires that stick out from under the hood. Many confuse them with medical tubes, attributing them to a serious illness. But no, this is a regular wire that connects the headphones to the player.

The head is not just a soccer ball, it is a computer that remembers everything that goes into it, so the sounds around are very important. Music for me is everything. I listen to it almost all the time, except for sleep. At home - in a laptop, outside - in the player. I listen to disco, pop, techno and break - this is the best music for me. When I turn it off, I immediately start to hear negative noises. I do not like, for example, when cars start up loudly outside the window. And all the time I think how good it is that we live far from the noisy road.

I ask Seryozha why he wakes up the sleeping people and mumbles when he walks around the car.

I don't moo anymore. I hummed when I had bad headphones that didn't drown out the station announcer's voice. This information on my "memory card" is of no use to me. She makes me think. Sleeping now, too, I try not to wake. Maybe I accidentally hurt them? I get pushed a lot, lose my balance and fall on people.

“I design clothes myself, and her sister sews for me”

The main thing that attracts passengers to the Pink Flamingo is his outfit. Seryozha himself does not consider him any special. He is the author of all his costumes, thinks through every detail, and his sister helps to bring the idea to life.

Until recently, I did not know that they call me Pink Flamingo. One day a guy carried me home and told me about this community. I got on the Internet and read what they write about me. I like this name. I think pink is the most beautiful color. In children's stores, 90 percent of the clothes are pink. This is the purest color. Today you are in black, and black is slag, excuse me, I have no malice. And pink, of course, everyone likes, because it is an intimate color, sexy, it attracts our eyes. If everything would be bright, light, it would be much better. In addition, to make a scarlet or pink color, you need a much more complex technology than for black.

Pink Flamingo Accessories: Glasses...

Sergey has several sets of clothes. Sometimes he puts on an item that carries a certain message to society. For example, during the Crimean conflict, a man asked his sister to embroider the slogan "Glory to Russia, glory!" and always wore it over other clothes. For support.

He tries to hide his eyes behind large alien glasses with thick wooden frames and pink lenses. These are often seen on the regulars of rave parties.

I bought them in Yalta, they are already eight years old, and they are pretty scratched. They were made by my friend, a wood craftsman. When I go home to the sanatorium, I will make myself new ones - I have already bought lenses at a flea market (shows new lenses neatly wrapped in cloth. - Auth.). When they were in the frame, it was written Gucci. When I go home, I will make a frame for them, it will be new hit. I keep them on an elastic band, because the temples are bad. They put pressure on the nose and on the ears.

Another invariable attribute of the Flamingo's appearance is gloves or mittens. Almost everyone who meets Sergei believes that in this way he hides a skin disease. And he is very surprised when a man takes off his glove to “high five” in gratitude for the alms. This is his signature feature, and he also simply shakes hands or folds his hands in a “namaste” gesture. I answer the most frequently asked question: shaking hands with Flamingo is not dangerous, they are perfectly clean and smooth, even if you take off the cream in advertising. Clearly, cleanliness is a top priority for him.

The mittens are nice and comfortable. And they protect hands from the dirt that surrounds us everywhere. And I like to feel the cleanliness of the body and I love the saying "Clean not where they sweep, but where they do not litter." By the way, Nobel's first motto is clean hands. Now you’re touching your face in vain, it’s better to do it with the back of your hand, it’s cleaner. You do not think about it, but it so happened that you came to visit me and I can explain all this to you.

Space boots with a tubular platform, which all the fellow travelers in the car stare at, lie right there, on a shelf in the corridor. They were given out in the social security. Initially, they looked normal, but the platform wore out very quickly, so Seryozha improved them.

It was hard for my foot in ordinary shoes, I went to the shoemaker and explained what I want from him - he made these shoes for me, they have very good cushioning. It was back in Kyiv, where I spent a lot of time on the street.

He always makes sure that the clothes match in color. His crutches for entering the city are silver, his shoes are light gray, in general he adheres to a light color scheme. And Sergei's costumes are constantly changing, as they are worn and torn.

What I have now on my neck and on my head is not a scarf, but gauze. She heals people's wounds, I enjoy her touch, I sleep like that. I feel warm and comfortable, especially now that the heating hasn't been turned on. I am now in front of you in a home suit, here are pink patches my sister sewed. You see, I always walk like this, both on the street and at home. You don't need to be afraid of me.

Easy to say, hard to do. As the character of the film "The Elephant Man" said, people are always afraid of what they do not understand. It is impossible to understand a flamingo man without talking to him. And in the subway, he just tries to be silent - too noisy for conversations. Which is why most people think he's just dumb.


“Every morning I get dressed for about an hour and a half”

Serezha treats underground adventures as a job. He says so: he went to work, returned from work.

I leave the house at seven in the morning, get dressed for about an hour and a half. Because the metro is not a summer walk along the embankment in Yalta. It’s hard to stand on my foot, I often lean on the handrails. To keep me warm and cozy, I wrap myself in bandages. If you saw how many bandages it takes, you would be stunned (we see that all the bandages are dried right in the room. - Auth.). I cover both my arms and legs, put on various warm things. In the summer it once blew me like that - I could not turn my neck. Over time, the body weakens. It's very hard to walk all day long. I start to sweat, and when I go out into a draft, it always blows me out. My sister sewed a sheepskin vest for me, now I often wear it.

Sergey is wrapped up so that only the chin, mouth and lower part of the nose remain in the visibility zone. What is it - self-defense, the desire to protect your inner world from others? Maybe. He himself explains this:

The hood saves everything. Most importantly - from the wind and drafts. And then we are not on a talk show so that I take off my hood, my headphones and show myself to everyone. It's more comfortable for me.

Cold is Flamingo's main enemy. From hypothermia, he begins to have phantom pains in his leg. And not only because of this, the missing limb for Serezha is an indicator of the correctness of his lifestyle. I slept a little, ate badly, wet my second leg - pain will appear. The foot tells you what needs to be changed. He does not recognize pills, he manages himself: he believes that they "plant" the heart and are addictive.

Crutches are given to Sergei by social services, they break about once every six months: they cannot withstand such a load. Few of the developers expect that a potential consumer will jump on crutches for ten hours a day. But Sergei does not complain about the authorities: they provide a stroller, shoes, a pension, and thanks for that. By the way, on weekends Flamingos can be found in the subway in a wheelchair. There are few people these days, and he gives his tired leg a rest.

“I dream of acting in films and becoming a designer”

Sergei returns home at about six in the evening. He has dinner, takes a shower, sits in a laptop for a bit and goes to bed at eight. He doesn't watch TV, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink.

Don't think I'm not just an invalid and a cripple. I want to be a designer and act in films or, for example, in advertising - mineral water or Crimean honey. I think that my face is photogenic and different from others. It's the Year of Cinema right now. I'm tired of walking on the subway, there must be a finish line. And I would like to do something else. I am sure that if I act in films, I will be in demand.

Sergei is generally convinced that every person must be able to sew. At least a little. He recalls that when he was 12 years old, his parents left for the Baltic states on a tour, and his jacket was torn. I had to sew myself. He also patched up clothes that were torn during school fights.

The man's room can be transferred unchanged to some museum contemporary art. On one wall - an installation of electrical adapters and plastic bottles without a neck, on the other - a fabric system for storing a loved one Pink colour also handmade. The laptop lies on a thoughtful retractable design, the keyboard - on a shelf attached to the wall. There is something to consider, which we are doing, taking advantage of the fact that we were allowed into the house. The rest of the household is already going to bed for behind closed doors another room. The sister prepares her son for bed and hints that it's time for us to leave. For Sergey, she does a lot, first of all, lunches and dinners, and taking into account taste preferences.

I have not eaten meat for three years, but I eat red fish, which my sister cooks for me. I always have dried fish with me, in a bottle. It contains phosphorus, and this is strength. I will explain why the fish: it eats what it wants, what it is supposed to by nature. And pigs, cows, chickens - eat what people give them. And they give them anything, because it’s a pity to spend money on good food. I don't want it to get into my body. And to stop eating fish, you need to live somewhere in Africa where fruits and vegetables are fresh all year round.

My sister is not working now and is taking care of the child. They tried to send him to a kindergarten, but sick children were constantly brought into the group, and for the time being the boy was taken to home education. So it turns out that work in the subway is the main source of income for three people: all the money that passengers give, Sergey spends on his family. They also have a mother, she lives in the Crimea. Serezha is not going to return to Simferopol yet, although he calls it his only home. He says he hasn't gotten to know Moscow as well as he wants to. His Moscow is now underground, where he knows everything. And the surface remains a mystery. Just like the Muscovites themselves.

I meet different people in order to make friends and chat on VKontakte. True, there is little time left for this. I don’t have a beloved woman yet, I’m not ready for a serious relationship yet. I'm not in that role yet.

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