What did I like most about Paustovsky’s essays? (based on the story “The Meshchera Side”).

/ / / What did I like most about Paustovsky’s essays? (based on the story " Meshcherskaya side»)

No reader will remain indifferent to Paustovsky’s essays. Each of them is different from the previous one. But at the same time, like everything else, it carries goodness and “propaganda” selfless love to everything around you.

Paustovsky in his essays talks about the ordinary earthly beauties of the Meshchera region. The reader will certainly enjoy the author's presentation and ability to convey the expressed thoughts in such an interesting and beautiful form.

Everything comes to life in these essays. Familiar landscapes begin to play with new colors. The reader is mentally transported to these amazing lakes, endless pine forest and walks with the writer “on the carpet”, which nature has created for centuries from moss.

In the essay “Old Men,” Paustovsky, as if by the way, talks about the plight of the “older” generation. The most difficult trials befall an entire generation. War, famine, pestilence... This undermines faith in the best, and forces many to literally become atheists. Hard century. The unfortunate fate, the hard-won glances of the surviving people in this inhumane battle, penetrate deep into the soul.

Of course, the reader can simply sympathize with this. It’s scary to imagine what the outgoing generation was able to endure during this time. However, the author writes about this for a reason. He reminds of these events so that descendants will never forget what people had to go through, thanks to whom they are now alive...

Paustovsky's essays make people think, look at familiar things and reconsider their attitude towards life. They teach you to appreciate every moment of life, to appreciate what you have and to enjoy the little things. While overcoming “obstacles” in life, a person should not become weaker. Rather, on the contrary, problems and difficulties should strengthen faith in oneself, in justice, in the best. When going towards your goal, you should stop and look around, otherwise it will just be a “race for survival” and not a full life. Only by paying attention to the little things, remembering them and analyzing what is happening, can you achieve certain positive results.

Paustovsky in his essays shows a magnificent miraculous world that needs protection and preservation. And if humanity does not stop and continues to cut down forests, burn fields, exterminate animals, then this could lead to environmental disaster. The “Green Belt” of Russia is becoming smaller and narrower every year. And if this is not stopped, then the country may be left without this “splendor” in just a dozen years.

Paustovsky’s essays cannot and will not be liked due to the fact that they contain the meaning of our lives. Love to environment, reverence for elders, the desire for “beautiful”, patriotism and knowledge of the unknown. This and much more can be seen on the pages of the story “Meshcherskaya Side”.

The harmony of man with nature and life itself is also the main thought of the “creator”. He not only loves this region and country - he lives every moment, experiencing genuine happiness. Isn’t this the hidden meaning of a person’s life, to be happy and give this feeling to others?!

Cool! 2

In the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Peasant Young Lady” presents us with four main characters: Liza Muromtseva, her father Grigory Ivanovich, Alexey Brestov and his father. Of these, I liked the image of Lisa the most.

Lisa is a 17 year old girl with pleasant features face, as evidenced by her black eyes and dark skin. She was very restless. The girl often heard flattering reviews about young Alexei, he was praised for beautiful appearance and high intelligence. She decided to send her maid Nastya to the Brestov family with one requirement: to find out everything about young Alexei. The stories about the young man aroused Lisa's great interest and curiosity. This prompted her to put on peasant clothes and meet this wonderful guy herself.

Lisa was a fairly smart girl. This can be concluded from their acquaintance, during which Alexey wanted to be her equal, saying to himself that he served as a valet for the young master. Hearing this, the girl felt funny, and she said that you can always tell a master from a servant. During their first meeting, the girl lied to the young man about the fact that her name was Akulina, and her father was the blacksmith Vasily. At the same time, she realized that if a guy wanted to come to the village, he would definitely meet the real Akulina, who was a fat and pockmarked girl. Lisa quickly thought it over and said that her father was very strict and if he found out about their conversation, he would definitely spank her.

After their first meeting, the girl decides to go on a second date with Alexei. Lisa believes that if the young man finds out the truth about her, he will not approve of her action. Second meeting at young man and Akulina takes place the next day. The girl asks the young man to give her a promise that he will never look for her for meetings, saying that she will arrange them herself.

What I liked most in the story was the episode when the Brestovs made their first visit to Lisa’s house. Having learned that such guests were going to come to them, the girl was frightened. He and the maid came up with a prank, which consisted in the girl putting on a lot of makeup, and Alexey would not recognize Akulina in her. I consider Lisa kind because, having taken whitewash from her governess without asking, she later asked forgiveness for this and did everything possible to calm her down.

At the end of the story, everything the heroine dreamed of comes true. Her beloved and his father came to them. She learns that her parents have decided to marry them. Alexey, of course, was against this at first, but when he realized that Lisa was his beloved Akulina, he immediately agreed.

Although Lisa was an adult girl, but remained still a child, whom his father did not forbid anything. Despite this, she was smart, beautiful and could get out of any situation.

I really like N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” because it miraculously combines reality and fantasy. Characters coexist next to ordinary villagers Ukrainian folklore, everyday life intertwined with magic. We witness how folk legends and beliefs come to life on the pages of the story, for example, that on Christmas night evil spirits become especially active and anything can happen. Most a prominent representative small evil spirits are the devil who tries to plot and do harm in every possible way good people. He steals the month, creates a blizzard in the clear winter night In order for Chub and his godfather to go astray, he tries to take possession of Vakula’s soul in exchange for slippers for Oksana. But the pious and savvy blacksmith eventually manages to ridicule and punish the devil.

The magnificent Solokha turns out to be a witch. She flies across the sky on a broomstick, hides stars in her sleeve, and can turn into animals. Some of the residents of Dikanka saw her tail from behind, others recognized her in the form of a black cat and a pig. The humiliated healer Patsyuk “is akin to the devil.” He does not observe fasting and on the evening of hungry Kutya he eats dumplings with sour cream, beating labor he sees evil spirits. The revived characters of Ukrainian folklore make the story more fun, interesting, more fabulous, and help the author convey the richness and originality of folk mythology.

I really like the story N.V. Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas”, because it miraculously combines reality and fantasy. Characters from Ukrainian folklore coexist alongside ordinary villagers; everyday life is intertwined with magic. We witness how folk legends and beliefs come to life on the pages of the story, for example, that on Christmas night evil spirits become especially active and anything can happen. The most prominent representative of small evil spirits is the devil, who tries to plot intrigues and harm good people in every possible way. He steals a month, creates a blizzard in the middle of a clear winter night so that Chub and his godfather go astray, tries to take possession of Vakula’s soul in exchange for slippers for Oksana. But the pious and savvy blacksmith eventually manages to ridicule and punish the devil.

Magnificent Solokha turns out to be a witch. She flies across the sky on a broomstick, hides stars in her sleeve, and can turn into animals. Some of the residents of Dikanka saw her tail from behind, others recognized her in the form of a black cat and a pig. The humiliated healer Patsyuk “is akin to the devil.” He does not observe fasting and on the evening of hungry Kutia he eats dumplings with sour cream, beating labor he sees evil spirits. The revived characters of Ukrainian folklore make the story more fun, interesting, more fabulous, and help the author convey the richness and originality of folk mythology.

Good essay? . This is necessary, because you won’t lose it!

The main character of the story “Scarlet Sails” is the daughter of a sailor, Assol. Her mother died shortly after giving birth, and her father had to raise and raise his daughter himself. He now made a living by making toys, including models of sailing ships. When Assol grew up, she began to help her father, taking ready-made toys from the fishing village where they lived to the city store.

One day she decided to test one of the toy yachts, which had scarlet silk sails. Assol launched a toy boat into a forest stream, but the current picked it up and carried it through the forest to the sea. The girl ran to catch up with the toy. On the shore she met an unfamiliar old man who had caught a boat. He was a collector of songs and fairy tales. He liked Assol, and he immediately made up a story that one day a large white ship with scarlet sails will sail to these lands and the prince from this ship will take her to his wonderful country.

The girl believed in this fairy tale, and her father, having learned about this incident, did not dissuade her, thinking that Assol would eventually forget about the ship with scarlet sails. But the girl continued to remember the old storyteller’s prediction. Soon the villagers accidentally learned about the story. They often began to tease the girl, shouting that scarlet sails had appeared on the horizon. Over time, they began to think about the girl that she was out of her mind and they called her “Ship Assol.”

Seven years have passed. Assol grew up, she already made toys and ship models herself, but sales were poor. Handmade toys could no longer compete with shiny factory products. Poverty settled in the house of Assol and her father.

One evening she walked near the seashore and fell asleep there unnoticed. And in the morning, the captain of one ship, named Gray, who was resting in these places, came across the sleeping Assol, and was so amazed by her beauty that, in a fit of admiration, he took off an ancient ring from his hand and put it on the girl’s finger. Gray was the son of wealthy aristocrats, but a craving for romance and adventure forced him to leave his family castle at the age of fourteen and join a ship as a cabin boy. A few years later he himself purchased a ship and became captain.

Gray did not disturb Assol's sleep. But he went to the village and there tried to find out as much as possible about it. He heard a story about an old storyteller and how Assol believed in a wonderful fairy tale about scarlet sails. And in the head of the romantic captain, who fell in love with the beautiful Assol, an incredible plan was born.

From the merchants, Gray bought the most beautiful scarlet silk that could be found. Scarlet sails were made from this silk for his ship. He also hired the best musicians in the area.

One fine day, in the vicinity of the village where Assol and her father lived, a white ship with sails of an unusual scarlet color appeared. Wonderful music sounded from its side. The villagers were completely stunned - after all, this was exactly the ship whose appearance the old song collector had predicted. Shocked and frightened, residents gathered on the seashore. At this time, a jubilant Assol burst into the crowd. Even on the morning when Gray saw her, she discovered a ring on her finger and finally believed in the prediction about a ship with scarlet sails.

A boat departed from the ship, in which a young, handsome captain stood among the sailors. Without waiting for the boat to reach the shore, Assol ran into the water. Gray pulled her out of the sea and took her to the ship. Soon the ship with scarlet sails sailed from these places, taking away the happy Assol, whose dream unexpectedly came true, and the no less happy Gray, who made this dream a reality.

That's how it is summary stories.

The main meaning of the story “Scarlet Sails” is that there is no greater happiness than helping a loved one’s dream come true. If we can do it loved one happy, you must do this in order to become happy yourself. The story teaches that you can and should believe in a dream. Dreams help people live in a complex, changing world.

I liked Captain Gray in the story. His romantic character, combined with tenacity and perseverance in achieving his goals, led to him finding happiness in his life in a small fishing village. To find his happiness, he did something that no one had done before - he equipped his entire huge ship with scarlet sails made of silk.

What proverbs are suitable for the story “Scarlet Sails”?

A dream is wings that do not know fatigue.
Happiness comes to those who gain intelligence through work and study.
A stubborn person will take on anything and achieve his goal.

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