Love is selfless, selfless, not waiting. A

allows you to reveal the problem from the point of view of the author of the story or turn to your personal understanding of love. Your choice should be reflected in the intro:
  • Classical works are often devoted to eternal themes: love, death, friendship, war and others. It is not surprising that such a sensitive and attentive person as Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote one of his most successful works about love. This is “Duel”, and “Olesya”, and, of course, the story “ Garnet bracelet”, in which the author’s view of this great feeling is perfectly visible.
  • The theme of love belongs to the category of those that can be clearly or implicitly found in absolutely any work. For each reader, it is revealed in its own way, somehow especially resonates in the soul. When the theme of love is given a central place in the work, as in the story of I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", the reader not only gets acquainted with the story told by the writer, but feels it.

Each of the ideas can be developed in different ways, confirming it different examples from the text of the story. The first option can also be supplemented with details of the author's biography.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin lived busy life. Perhaps that is why in his stories he talks about eternal values rather than chasing popular stories and characters. "Garnet Bracelet" can hardly be called lifelike, but Kuprin always claimed that his best, in his opinion, story is a true story. The story is really based on real events, but the plot was based on a funny rather than tragic episode. This is the unique talent of the author - to notice something unusual in everyday routine and create literary masterpieces.

The character, who, by the will of the author, was destined to experience "disinterested, selfless, unrequited" love, is not in the foreground: he is hidden behind letters to Princess Vera, as if he had never existed at all. Even his name is unknown to the reader: at the end of the story, we only learn that the telegraph operator Zheltkov, hidden behind the abbreviation "P.P.Zh." But for Kuprin, neither his status nor his name matters. He conveys all the excitement about this to another hero of the story - Vera's brother. Nikolai Nikolaevich and partly Vera's husband, Prince Vasily Lvovich, express public position. The author needs these characters, as her own point of view differs from the generally accepted one.

Kuprin, contrary to his first impression, shows that Zheltkov was the happiest hero of the story. He is the only one who can experience strong feeling, albeit unanswered. And Princess Vera could only come closer to love, which happens only once in a lifetime. Vera Nikolaevna was "cold", "royally calm", "a little condescendingly kind", but still her ability to feel cannot be ruled out. “Leave me, I know that this man will kill himself,” she says to her husband, realizing that she missed what she was subconsciously looking for in conversations with Anosov, in thoughts alone with herself: “You see, such love, for which any a feat, to give one's life, to go to torment - not work at all, but one joy.

Yolkov, over time, no longer needs reciprocity: he is nourished by love itself. At the moment when Nikolai Nikolaevich and Vasily Lvovich deprive him of the very opportunity to love, Zheltkov sees no point in living on. last hope Vera Nikolaevna’s love disappears with his death: “At that moment she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.”

Own perception of love in the story "Garnet Bracelet" requires at the same time a deeper analysis of the text.

Each person understands and perceives love differently. It's a matter of choice: to believe in it or to consider it possible only in fiction. The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" is not only talentedly written, it has interesting plot, but also universal in perception. It is difficult to say in whose guise the author's soul is hidden, although Kuprin's sympathy and sympathy for Zheltkov is obvious.

The hero, to whom the author entrusts a great feeling, is small and inconspicuous, hidden from the world. In pretty awkward conversation with her husband Vera Nikolaevna Zheltkov, perhaps the first and last time can talk openly about their experiences. This difficulty is close to each of us, because often we hide own feelings from the world and others, afraid of being rejected, but hoping for reciprocity.

Zheltkov at first blames himself for the inadmissible feeling, but later he realizes that he is unable to cope with love, and accepts it as the greatest gift: “I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love that God was pleased for anything to reward me." He is not afraid to be funny or ridiculous, he loves - and this is his happiness.

Zheltkov's feelings resonate even in the soul of Prince Shein, although he absolutely justifiably should be offended and seized with jealousy: “The main thing is that I see his face, and I feel that this person is not capable of deceiving and lying knowingly. And really, think, Kolya, is he really to blame for love, and is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpreter for itself. - Thinking, the prince said: - I feel sorry for this man. And I’m not only sorry, but now I feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul, and I can’t play around here. The power of Zheltkov's love repels all possible opposing forces, and even after his death it is heard with the sounds of a Beethoven sonata and a quiet whisper “May the your name».

In the final part of the essay, conclusions can be drawn that correspond to the chosen idea of ​​the essay:

  • The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" is a reflection of the author's understanding of the feeling of love and a variant of the disclosure of this topic in the writer's work. Many of his works are devoted to the most valuable thing for his characters and, probably, for the author himself - love.
  • Vera Nikolaevna, as an object of love, reverently touches her - the greatest miracle in her understanding - and realizes with bitter regret that she realized her loss too late. However, that is why the author called love "disinterested, selfless, not requiring a reward", the princess believes that Zheltkov forgave her.
  • The author does not talk about great love- he shows it. By the end of the story, the reader certainly believes in Zheltkov's feelings, imbued with faith in the same way as the heroes of the story.
  • The feeling of love described by Kuprin is close to any reader - callous or sensitive, attentive to details or superficial. The author of the story managed to create universal system characters, each of which reflects different views on the issue raised. Kuprin shows that love may not be seen, understood and accepted, but only the happiest and in exceptional cases manage to truly experience the great feeling of love.

Mashkina V., student of the Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University

Essay preparation material on other topics.


Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward based on the story by I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet"

Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that the next return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from its coldness and insensitivity. In our pink dreams we see a bright future, in our daydreams we are again trying to build crystal castles in a cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our life that is so close to our dreams that it almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of everyone. And each person will carry them through his whole life, sharing with the outside world, thereby making it wider and brighter. thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are more and more grounding their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They harden, turn into ice, shrink. Happy and sincere love has to be experienced, alas, not for everyone. And even it has its ups and downs. And some even ask the question: Does it exist in the world. And yet, I so want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice the most valuable - even own life. It is about this kind of selfless and all-forgiving love that Kuprin writes in his story "Garnet Bracelet".
The first pages of the story are devoted to the description of nature. As if on their miraculous light background all events take place, come true beautiful fairy tale love. coldish autumn landscape fading nature is similar in essence to the mood of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to him, we predict her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps that is why the brightness of her being is enslaved by routine and dullness. Even when talking with her sister Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first this beauty also worries her, and then “begins to crush her flat emptiness ...”. Vera could not be imbued with a sense of beauty to the world around her. She was not a natural romantic. And, seeing something out of the ordinary, some peculiarity, I tried (albeit involuntarily) to ground it, to compare it with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measuredly, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied life principles without going beyond them. Vera married a prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person as she herself was. The time had just come, although there was no question of hot, passionate love. And now Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Zheltkov, the brilliance of the garnets of which plunges her into horror, the thought “like blood” immediately pierces her brain, and now a clear feeling of impending misfortune weighs on her, and this time it is not at all empty. From that moment on, her peace is shattered. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which Zheltkov confesses his love for her, there is no limit to the growing excitement. Vera considered Zheltkov "unfortunate", she could not understand the tragedy of this love. The expression "happy unhappy person" turned out to be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, in his feeling for Vera, Zheltkov experienced happiness. He ended his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing his beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of Vera would become free, that life would improve and go on as before. But there is no way back. Saying goodbye to Zheltkov's body was the climax of her life. At that moment, the power of love reached maximum value became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, demanding nothing in return, eight years of devotion to a sweet ideal, selflessness from one's own principles. In one short moment of happiness, sacrificing everything accumulated over such a long period of time is not for everyone. But Zheltkov's love for Vera did not obey any models, she was above them. And even if her end turned out to be tragic, Zheltkov's forgiveness was rewarded. crystal palace, in which Vera lived, crashed, letting a lot of light, warmth, sincerity into life. Merging in the finale with the music of Beethoven, it merges with both Zheltkov's love and eternal memory about him.
I so wish that this fairy tale about the all-forgiving and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin. I wish that I never harsh reality could not defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply it, be proud of it. love, true love, it is necessary to study diligently, as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you wait for its appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up out of nothing, but also put out a strong one, true love impossible. She, different in all manifestations, is not a model of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. And yet, a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy. We must bring to love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…

(based on the story by I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")

Khamidullina K. T.,

Tokushinsky school-gymnasium

Akkayinsky district

To [email protected]

Is love always “selfless, selfless, not waiting for a reward”?

For some people love is happiness, for others it is a gift, and for others it is a test. I, like everyone else, dream of meeting love. She, I hope, will be a gift from God for me, which will help me to succeed as a person and a citizen. I agree with the opinion of Kuprin, speaking in words General Anosov that this feeling should not be either frivolous or primitive, and, moreover, based on profit and self-interest: “Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her.” Such was Zheltkov's love. Without a doubt, " small man"Inexpressibly happy: thanks to love, life was filled with meaning, connection with the whole world and God:" I am infinitely grateful to you only for the fact that you exist ... I say in delight: "Hallowed be Your name." Zheltkov does not demand anything, he is happy that the princess walks on the same land, along the same streets; that she breathes the same air.

I feel sorry for the members of the Shein and Bulat-Tuganovsky families, because they will never be able to understand the sincerity and tenderness of love: their destiny is only to mock everyone and live in a soulless little world, where the main thing is money, position in society; where there is no place for a dream; where they cannot understand selflessness. It is in the little world, because the word "world" includes an infinite number of feelings, sounds, colors. This is the world I want to live in.

Unfortunately, in the literature we meet soulless people more than once. This is Helen Kuragina, Molchalin. For them, there is an equal sign between love and wealth. Such people are terrible. In life, I hope there are few of them. But there are plenty of examples of sincere love, for example, eternal true love Margarita and the Master, which is not a hindrance even the devil.

It is surprising that Zheltkov is not afraid of death. A sincere feeling seemed to dissipate in the surrounding world, merging with Beethoven's sonata No. 2 Largo Appasionato. So love stronger than death. This means that love is a feeling that may not require reciprocity; a feeling that will help to be reborn from a dead soul into a real human one.


this work written in the format of an essay "for and against". Micro topics are highlighted in paragraphs. The expressiveness of thought and speech is achieved by introductory constructions, a question-answer form of presentation, quote material, a variety of syntactic constructions. Feels author's attitude. Arguing his point of view, the author refers to the story of Kuprin, to the novels "The Warrior and the World" by L. Tolstoy, "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov, the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov, but there are no examples from real life.

There are no ties holier than partnership (N.V. Gogol)

Khamidullina K. T.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Tokushinsky school-gymnasium

Akkayinsky district of North Kazakhstan region

Without a doubt, the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" - one of the best historical works. The author depicts the life of the Cossacks, reveals their way of life, manners and customs; talks about the importance of partnership. Is there really nothing more important than fellowship?

It seems to me that it was in the Zaporizhzhya Sich that people became real warriors, defenders of faith and homeland. That is why Ostap and Andriy were so eager to come here. For young people, Zaporozhye camp is a free republic in which there are laws supported by everyone and which could not be violated. But some of them, in my opinion, will seem cruel to a contemporary, for example, burying a living person along with a dead one. I have deep respect for the Cossacks, but still the commandments of the Bible and the Koran - I'm sure - must not be violated, but the Cossacks are deeply religious people. Of course, everything best features Cossack partnerships are manifested in the war. For them, "there is no bond more holy than fellowship." In the campaign against the "Polyakhs" Taras Bulba, as expected, says to the Cossacks: "What kind of Cossack is the one who threw a comrade in trouble, threw him like a dog in an abyss in a foreign land?" These words, in my opinion, are the motto not only of the Cossacks, but of every real person. Let's remember the exploits Soviet soldiers who also, risking their lives, freed the prisoners. These are the soldiers of Colonel Mlynsky, the partisans of Kovpak and many others.

Without a doubt, the essence of the Cossack partnership is revealed by Taras Bulba with the words: “There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land ... to love like the Russian soul - to love not only with the mind or with something else, but everything that God has given, whatever is in you ... No, no one can love like that! ..». Today, these words are united by the capacious concept of "patriotism". Everyone knows that it is impossible to betray the Motherland, that betrayal has no justification and no statute of limitations. This rule is followed by all the Cossacks, except for Andriy. The proof is the rescue of Taras by his colleague Tovkach and the death of the hero: he dies without betraying either his comrades, or his homeland, or faith. That is why Bulba remained a hero for his comrades, a real Zaporozhye Cossack.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that there is nothing more important and stronger than the "bonds of camaraderie."

Kuprin a. And. - Love is selfless, selfless, not waiting for a reward

Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward (according to the story by I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")
Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that the next return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from its coldness and insensitivity. In our pink dreams we see a bright future, in our daydreams we are again trying to build crystal castles in a cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our life that is so close to our dreams that it almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of everyone. And each person will carry them through his whole life, sharing with the outside world, thereby making it wider and brighter. thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are more and more grounding their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They harden, turn into ice, shrink. Happy and sincere love has to be experienced, alas, not for everyone. And even it has its ups and downs. And some even ask the question: Does it exist in the world. And yet, I so want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice the most valuable - even your own life. It is about this kind of selfless and all-forgiving love that Kuprin writes in his story "Garnet Bracelet".
The first pages of the story are devoted to the description of nature. As if on their miraculous light background, all events take place, a beautiful fairy tale of love comes true. The coldish autumn landscape of fading nature is similar in essence to the mood of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to him, we predict her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps that is why the brightness of her being is enslaved by routine and dullness. Even during a conversation with her sister Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first this beauty also worries her, and then “begins to crush her flat emptiness ...”. Vera could not be imbued with a sense of beauty to the world around her. She was not a natural romantic. And, seeing something out of the ordinary, some peculiarity, I tried (albeit involuntarily) to ground it, to compare it with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measuredly, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied the principles of life, without going beyond them. Vera married a prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person as she herself was. The time had just come, although there was no question of hot, passionate love. And now Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Zheltkov, the brilliance of the garnets of which plunges her into horror, the thought “like blood” immediately pierces her brain, and now a clear feeling of impending misfortune weighs on her, and this time it is not at all empty. From that moment on, her peace is shattered. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which Zheltkov confesses his love for her, there is no limit to the growing excitement. Vera considered Zheltkov "unfortunate", she could not understand the tragedy of this love. The expression "happy unhappy person" turned out to be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, in his feeling for Vera, Zheltkov experienced happiness. He ended his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing his beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of Vera would become free, that life would improve and go on as before. But there is no way back. Saying goodbye to Zheltkov's body was the climax of her life. At that moment, the power of love reached its maximum value, became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, demanding nothing in return, eight years of devotion to a sweet ideal, selflessness from one's own principles. In one short moment of happiness, sacrificing everything accumulated over such a long period of time is not for everyone. But Zheltkov's love for Vera did not obey any models, she was above them. And even if her end turned out to be tragic, Zheltkov's forgiveness was rewarded. The crystal palace in which Vera lived was shattered, letting in a lot of light, warmth, sincerity into life. Merging in the finale with Beethoven's music, it merges with Zheltkov's love and eternal memory of him.
I so wish that this tale of all-forgiving and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin, penetrated into our monotonous life. I so wish that cruel reality could never defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply it, be proud of it. Love, true love, must be studied diligently, as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you wait for its appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up out of nothing, but it is impossible to put out strong, true love. She, different in all manifestations, is not a model of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. And yet, a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy. We must bring to love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…

Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward (according to the story by I.A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet")
Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that the next return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from its coldness and insensitivity. In our pink dreams we see a bright future, in our daydreams we are again trying to build crystal castles in a cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our life that is so close to our dreams that it almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of everyone. And each person will carry them through his whole life, sharing with the outside world, thereby making it wider and brighter. thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are more and more grounding their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They harden, turn into ice, shrink. Happy and sincere love has to be experienced, alas, not for everyone. And even it has its ups and downs. And some even ask the question: Does it exist in the world. And yet, I so want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice the most valuable - even your own life. It is about this kind of selfless and all-forgiving love that Kuprin writes in his story "Garnet Bracelet".
The first pages of the story are devoted to the description of nature. As if on their miraculous light background, all events take place, a beautiful fairy tale of love comes true. The coldish autumn landscape of fading nature is similar in essence to the mood of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to him, we predict her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps that is why the brightness of her being is enslaved by routine and dullness. Even during a conversation with her sister Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first this beauty also worries her, and then “begins to crush her flat emptiness ...”. Vera could not be imbued with a sense of beauty to the world around her. She was not a natural romantic. And, seeing something out of the ordinary, some peculiarity, I tried (albeit involuntarily) to ground it, to compare it with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measuredly, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied the principles of life, without going beyond them. Vera married a prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person as she herself was. The time had just come, although there was no question of hot, passionate love. And now Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Zheltkov, the brilliance of the garnets of which plunges her into horror, the thought “like blood” immediately pierces her brain, and now a clear feeling of impending misfortune weighs on her, and this time it is not at all empty. From that moment on, her peace is shattered. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which Zheltkov confesses his love for her, there is no limit to the growing excitement. Vera considered Zheltkov "unfortunate", she could not understand the tragedy of this love. The expression "happy unhappy person" turned out to be somewhat contradictory. Indeed, in his feeling for Vera, Zheltkov experienced happiness. He ended his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing his beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of Vera would become free, that life would improve and go on as before. But there is no way back. Saying goodbye to Zheltkov's body was the climax of her life. At that moment, the power of love reached its maximum value, became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, demanding nothing in return, eight years of devotion to a sweet ideal, selflessness from one's own principles. In one short moment of happiness, sacrificing everything accumulated over such a long period of time is not for everyone. But Zheltkov's love for Vera did not obey any models, she was above them. And even if her end turned out to be tragic, Zheltkov's forgiveness was rewarded. The crystal palace in which Vera lived was shattered, letting in a lot of light, warmth, sincerity into life. Merging in the finale with Beethoven's music, it merges with Zheltkov's love and eternal memory of him.
I so wish that this tale of all-forgiving and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin, penetrated into our monotonous life. I so wish that cruel reality could never defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply it, be proud of it. Love, true love, must be studied diligently, as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you wait for its appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up out of nothing, but it is impossible to put out strong, true love. She, different in all manifestations, is not a model of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. And yet, a person needs love for purification, for acquiring the meaning of life. A loving person is capable of sacrifice for the sake of peace and happiness of a loved one. And yet he is happy. We must bring to love all the best that we feel, that we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely illuminate it, and even the most ordinary love will become sacred, merging into one with eternity. Forever…

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