What is hard bass: a detailed description. Hard Bass or sausage school - what is it


Modern dance styles, which young people are fond of, came to Russia mainly from the West. But every rule has its own exception. Such an exception in dance world there was a movement However, this name refers to both the dance and the music to which it dances.

Who invented the hard bass style

Hard bass was invented in 2010 by a group of guys in St. Petersburg. The first place where they began to dance it was the Hardbass Dance School, located in the same city. The founder of the style is Dj Snat.

The rather young direction of hard bass very quickly gained popularity in Runet, videos with people dancing in this style became real hits, and groups of this movement with numerous participants appeared on social networks.

Where and how to dance hard bass

A few clubs help to understand where and how it is danced. As a rule, you can see young guys dancing in the streets in them. shopping malls, on roofs, in buses, playgrounds, schools and other in public places. Of course, dancers in this style can also be found in nightclubs or dance floors. More often a group of guys dances, less often one.

The dance movements are quite simple and even monotonous, which makes it popular among non-professional dancers. A mandatory rule is palms clenched into fists, with the thumb and little finger apart. This gesture can be considered a symbol of style.

The dance welcomes improvisation and freedom of action. In hardbass schools, they say that it is enough to learn just a few movements, and all the rest will “come themselves”, the main thing is to listen to the music and move to the beat.

The simplicity of the dance movements is explained by its purpose. The guys who created it tried to come up with a Russian version of the lezginka, a dance that anyone could quickly master. This helps to understand what hardbass is: more of a mass movement, rather than an individual dance.

Who dances hard bass

Hardbassers, that's what the adherents call themselves this style, - these are mostly young guys, less often girls. There are many schoolchildren, students, football fans among them.

Most often they are dressed in comfortable for such a dance. tracksuits. Often in a group of dancing you can see teenagers with school backpacks. Sometimes hardbusters put on face masks or tie headscarves.

What is hardbass music

If you translate the name of the style from English, you get "heavy bass". This phrase perfectly characterizes hardbass music. Powerful, non-standard bass, fast pace - these are the main components of this electronic music. Thanks to them, the sound becomes unique, unlike the slower styles of electronic music.

This feature repels many people, especially the older generation, makes music difficult for them to perceive. But true connoisseurs electronic bands find hard bass very attractive precisely for its individuality.

As for the texts to which hard bass is danced, they are as simple and uncomplicated as the dance itself: “One, one, one, this is hardbass, everyone is in Adidas sportswear.”

Hard bass for a healthy lifestyle

What is hardbus? For hardbusters, it's not just a dance, it's a philosophy. With their movement, they want to show that life can be more fun, brighter and more diverse, and this does not require alcohol and drugs. In all the lyrics of hardbusters you can hear about the desire for positive and healthy lifestyle.

Today, hard bass is a movement whose adherents can be found in many cities of Russia and the CIS. And he also finds his fans abroad - in Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Spain and Chile. Thanks to the movement, young people gather in groups to dance and express their negative attitude towards drugs. And this is a huge plus for the direction, as well as the main answer to the question of what hardbass is.

What is hard bass? The underground movement of youth has existed for more than fifteen years, but so far nothing is known about it to the general public. This is a controversial subculture that has many of its own branches and subgenres. It is based on the genre of electronic music, which is a protest against the "sugary" and "pop", according to harbussers, the sound of the majority of DJs.

The movement is closely intertwined with other youth subcultures of football fans, ravers, hardcore players, straightedgers and many others.

The origin of the genre

By the end of the nineties, youth music is undergoing significant changes. The emergence of new technologies has led to the availability of synthesizers and DJ consoles to a wide segment of the population. Rock and heavy metal are gradually fading into the background. Electronic music is gaining widespread development and popularity: it sounds on music channels, plays on the radio, listens to young people on cassettes. Gaining popularity in Europe in 1997 new genre scouse, main hallmark which is the presence in the composition of the so-called bambu bass.

Electronic music with a rhythmic sound quickly captured the hearts of young people in the post-Soviet space. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities the first raves begin to take place. This is a disco for many hours with the presence of several thousand people. Raves were held on the outskirts, in undeveloped warehouses, hangars and so on. Nobody knew what hard bass was then, so the dances were accompanied by compositions by DJs X-ray, Hard Lickerz, Just Motion and others. It was then that the DJ "High Per" presented his first composition in the style of hard bass.

special sound

Unlike many popular youth musical genres and cultures at the beginning of the 2000s, hard bass did not come from the West, but originated in Russia. When in St. Petersburg they were already dancing to uncompromising basses, almost no one in Europe knew what hard bass was.

The musical style is based on a fast straight beat - a barrel. Synthesized inserts are usually only a small part of the composition. One hundred and fifty beats per minute is the average tempo of the genre. Another distinguishing feature from a pumping house is the presence of frequent vocal inserts, often with the use of auto-tuning.

Protest culture

The crisis of the nineties led to changes cultural property youth. Electronic raves have gradually evolved from a regular disco into a whole movement. Culture became inextricably linked with drugs and casual sex, which was the main leitmotif of music. The first hard bass songs had the same semantic direction.

However, they were rarely played at raves due to their overly fast and harsh, almost unprocessed sound.

One, one, one - it's hard bass!

The real popularity of the genre has gained thanks to creative association"Hardbass dance school". It consisted of four DJs from Moscow and St. Petersburg. They loved electronic music, but did not share the views of the mainstream ravers. In their songs, the guys ridicule the image of drug-addicted gopniks who filled the dance floors of the country, and promote healthy lifestyle life. Their unique style appealed to many listeners. simple music has many vocal inserts without autotune, which are quickly remembered by listeners. Thanks to the composition "Hard bass - everyone is in Adidas sportswear", they learned about the genre and started talking.

Gradually, the movement developed into a separate youth subculture with its unwritten rules and laws. An integral element was the special movements that are performed under electronic compositions. Fast and aggressive dances began to be performed not only at raves, but also at open areas afternoon.

Members of the subculture are characterized by a special style of clothing: sports items of famous brands Nike and Adidas. Also, many harbassers strongly oppose drugs and are supporters of a healthy lifestyle. The broad masses learned after the release Russian film"Okolofutbola", where one of the compositions of the "Hardbass Dance School" sounds. This gave impetus to a new development of culture and music, increased its popularity among football fans.

hard bass- dance and musical style of the same name, mainly popular among gopniks and football fans. The essence of the dance is in simple energetic movements to low beats. Numerous memes and videos make fun of hard bass fans.


Hard bass is a type of pump house music that uses a Bamboo bass. The pumping house was invented by the Dutch band Klubbheads, who started performing in the 90s. Hard bass appeared in the early 2000s in St. Petersburg, this music was played in clubs where young people in sportswear gathered - the so-called gopniks. Hard bass was popular among right-wingers and was also played on the streets as an alternative to the lezginka.

Hard bass became a meme in 2010, when four guys recorded a parody video "Hardbass Dance School" in St. Petersburg. They ridiculed fans of this dance and wrote a song that became the anthem of this movement: "One, one, one is hardbass." In the VK group Hard Bass School it is indicated that the authors are Pavel Zhukov and Val Toletov.

The video received viral popularity, their versions of hardbass for this song began to be performed in different cities Russia and abroad and upload to YouTube.

The popularity of hard bass fades and then flares up again. At the beginning of 2017, several more parodies of this dance appeared, which collected quite a lot of views.

Pictures about hard bass and jokes on this topic continue to circulate in public VKontakte, although the dance itself is no longer in vogue.


Distinctive features of a harbass lover are sportswear, especially Nike, sneakers, hats and balaclavas. Hardbass was popular among right-wing, nationalist, football fans. Another popular gesture is similar to the “class”, but with the little finger sticking out to the side.

Hardbass promotes a healthy lifestyle: giving up smoking, alcohol and drugs. Fans of this dance have fun with kvass, so it often appears in pictures. In memes, hardbass players are ridiculed for their low intellectual level and lack of understanding of the quality of music, as well as rather funny dance moves.

By 2017, the ironic meaning of the meme was complemented by a touch of nostalgia. Calls to dance hard bass began to look like a tribute to the cheerful past and can already be perceived not only as sarcasm.


“To make it more fun, you dance harbas faster !!!” or here's another “ONE, ONE, ONE, THIS IS HARDBUS! EVERYONE IN ADIDAS SHOES!”. Yes, it is incredibly difficult to understand modern youth! But still it is possible. And sometimes you need to. Let's start by opening the veil of secrecy over such an incomprehensible word as hardbass. By the way, no one really knows how it is spelled correctly. We will write simply - hardbass, although English version words suggests separate spelling HARD BASS.

If to speak plain language, then hardbass is a style of music and dance that is danced to this music. This musical direction appeared quite recently - in 2010. St. Petersburg is considered his homeland, and Dj Snat is considered to be the founder.

It should be noted that hardbass is one of the areas of electronic music. Hardbass refers to a style called pumping house. Hardbass is a dance that can be danced alone or in a group. And it is not necessary to dance hardbass only at discos and nightclubs. This dance is very often danced just on the street in front of an astonished audience, or in the trading floor of a large supermarket. And it's not just dance and not just music.

This dance has its own business card is a special hand gesture. At the same time, the fingers are clenched into a fist, and the first and fifth stick out. This gesture is the sign of the real hardbass. Only with such a gesture they dance it. In addition, it is easiest to dance hardbass in sportswear, and it’s not for nothing that there is such an expression “ONE, ONE, ONE, THIS IS HARDBAS! EVERYONE IN ADIDAS SHOES!”. However, I have started repeating myself...

Now a little about the name of this style of music. For those who do not know English - hardbass is translated as " high bass". Indeed, in no other musical direction is there such a fast pace - about 150 beats per minute and there is no such unique and powerful bass. But because of this bass, the style itself becomes quite complex and attracts only the most real fans of electronic music.

So it turns out that you should not judge people only by their clothes. It seems at first glance simple guys and the girls dance a rather simple dance with spread fingers. But in fact, the dance turns out to be stuffed, with a twist. And it's much better if the same guys or girls were lying somewhere under the fence in a deranged state.

When Russian Rock was dying, domestic chanson corrupted the minds of forty-year-old fellow citizens, and pop music was finally fed up with everyone - St. Petersburg youth, also pretty tired of " Western heritage”, came up with an alternative musical style, and with it dance.

Originated in 2010 in St. Petersburg dance direction now known by this name as − HARD BASS. It combines uncomplicated music with the same uncomplicated, but rather energetic dance. And rhythmic electronic sound, with a speed exceeding 150 beats per minute, makes even a notorious shy fellow start dancing.

By itself, the music of this style is created from a sound combination of synthesizers, powerful basses and a confident fast rhythm. The texts of the sounding downhole tracks do not pretend to be metaphorical and thoughtful. Everything is quite simple and clear here - ordinary guys campaign for a healthy lifestyle . Which is, in fact, amazing. After all, almost all musical styles, not counting, probably, the classics, promoted, one way or another, - drugs, smoking, alcohol. Think rock and roll, techno or reggae.

Hard Bass, of course, unlike the well-known and recognized musical directions, with his style of performance looks and sounds rather pretentious and at the same time somewhat abnormal, but it is in his external mockery that the meaning lies.

Guys gathering in groups of 10 or more people, dressed in tracksuits " Adidas" or " Nike”, symbolizing their appearance as “gopniks”, dance to incendiary, similar tracks, somewhere in the middle of the city, in buses, schools, in the subway and shopping centers, thereby demonstrating that you can enjoy life without all kinds of "chemical" doping , in the form of drugs or alcohol. Here, for example, is the main message of their songs:

«… butyrates and speeds

our worst enemies

on the grounds we are under kvass

we will burn hard bass for you ... "

It is worth noting that dance style followershard bass became many Russian schoolchildren , therefore, in the external attributes of dancers, one can often notice the presence of backpacks behind their backs, sometimes dance performers also put masks on their faces - as an element of the image. It is interesting that in the companies that rock out to hard bass, there are mostly men. Perhaps this is due to the fact that dance also most distributed among our football fans as well as right-wing youth, where most are made up of representatives of the stronger sex.

The direction of Hard Bass in Russia was conceived as a kind of answer caucasian lezginka and overseas rap with hip-hop, which came to us from Latin America. That is why, in order to consolidate, so to speak, the uniqueness of our style, both the philosophical orientation of the current and the external attributes, and the originality of the venue for performances and the nature of the dance itself.

If we talk about the philosophy of the Hard Bass movement, then, as already mentioned above, it consists in dance without the use of psychoactive foods like drugs or alcohol. As for the dance itself, as they say in Schools Hard Bass, no specific skills are required from a person, that is, there is some freedom of action, the main thing is to memorize a couple of simple movements, and then you can make chaotic and energetic additions to your taste. Complete improvisation also welcome.


During the preparation of this article, it turned out that not many people know what a direction in music and dance is like hard bass exists and first appeared in Russia. However, the youth of St. Petersburg still could not fail to note the emergence of a new movement in their city.

Valentina, musician: "Not so long ago in the area Gostiny Dvor I observed a strange cluster of young people. A group of about fifteen people, all of them just like that on the street, among passers-by, danced very briskly and cheerfully. It can be seen that the dance was planned in advance, the music from the boombox sounded some kind of rhythmic. It was cold, but looking at them, I felt warmer. This looks really fun! But I don't know anything about this direction of dance. It even seemed to me that it was just some kind of paid flash mob.”

Daniel, engineer: “I haven’t heard anything about Hard Bass, but judging by the description, it reminds me of a videoGangnam Style, which blew up YouTube last year, where a ridiculous Korean dances surrounded by girls. It would be interesting to see how this happens in Russia. In general, it is interesting that young people, as you say, even schoolchildren, are now inventing something. Probably, in a couple of years, if the dance really remains alive and relevant, it will be very popular. It's cool to create something unique and new in our time, because everything revolves mainly around something that has already been created by someone before.


Elena, merchandiser: "I have a husband football fan. And I know firsthand about all these dances and other fun. Yes, Hard Bass is popular with his coterie now, I mean his boyish coterie. Where are they dancing? Well, since the guys have not been schoolchildren for a long time, it mainly happens in our area, or at someone's dacha, if we are relaxing or in nature, when it comes to someone's mind to have fun and throw out energy. I can say that this dance does not arouse any understanding in me, but as an alternative to their “fan” fights, it’s better to let them dance!”

Svetlana, philologist: “I decided to look and learn at least something about the direction of Hard Bass. To be honest, I don’t understand the meaning of this dance, not to mention the lyrics to which they dance. They declare that they are against drugs, but they themselves frolic as if “under something”. I can believe, of course, that they do not use anything forbidden, but I think older generation- will not understand. Even if the guys dance against drug addicts, not a single pensioner will understand this, every old woman will say, looking at them, “drug addicts!” — it's 100%! Our people have such a mentality. If you slightly deviate from the generally accepted body movements, then something is wrong with you, but with these “dancers”, according to the masses, there will definitely be something wrong.”

Vladimir, forwarder: “Yeah, I know some guys who rock Hard Bass. They are really for a healthy lifestyle dudes, they make fun of gopniks, but in a kind way. And they dance to release aggression somewhere, you understand? So you jump big company and immediately no one wants to go to beat the face. And everyone is happy. An excellent decision, I think."


Interestingly, in some regions of Russia and in the CIS countries, Hard Bass is also gaining popularity, this can be seen at least from the numerous videos on YouTube. In addition, they actively adopt the tradition of our dance "sausages" and such European countries like Spain, France, the Czech Republic, Poland, and even overseas teenagers from Chile.

The positive aspect of the newly minted style is its focus, which contributes to a change in the focus of young people - from health-destroying habits to move on to body-strengthening movements. And this, you see, is a positive trend. Moreover, before the advent of Hard Bass, there was not even a trace of such a direction promoting dance in the name of protection from drugs and alcohol addiction.

The downside of the style within the framework of our country specifically can be called its mediocrity and intricacy, which in turn is its main feature. On the one hand, this can, of course, act as a virtue - many will be able to learn the dance, and the mass character of its performance in itself allows people to become more liberated faster. However, monotonous music and primitive lyrics will clearly alienate a good part of the advanced, highly educated youth from Hard Bass, for whom it will remain so. the only place, where you can get a breath of fresh music or dance - the West, but not Russia.

Sargsyan Armen Meruzhanovich

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