Scenarios about the Cossacks. Scenario "Cossacks and Cossacks


Tatyana Gerasimova

The song sounds "Oh, yes Krasnodar region» in Spanish KKH. At the entrance to the hall, decorated in the form of a gate, there is a leader with bread and salt.

HOST: Hello, invited and welcome guests! You are welcome to

us on Cossack holiday !

Guest, come in! Traditions will not be broken

And always pour some tea -

Everyone knows Cossack hospitality,

Hospitality and an open house!

The guests enter the hall. The presenter stands in the center at the curtain.

HOST: We gathered with you on Cossack holiday ... And who are they

Cossacks? You know?. In ancient times, when you and I are on

there was no light yet, there were not even our grandparents,

here in our area from different places people came. They are

escaped from a hard life and loved freedom very much. These

freedom-loving people called themselves Cossacks. Cossack -

this means: "free man". Life at Cossacks was

not easy. If suddenly the war began - the Cossack sat on

his faithful horse, took the saber in his hands and went to fight,

protect their homeland, their land and their families. home

Cossack commandment -"Love the Motherland, for she is your mother!"

Each Cossack from childhood he knew this commandment and was it

correct. Who among you knows what is the main vocation Cossack?

CHILDREN: Be a military!

HOST: Military service for a Cossack is his life, his honor,

pride and holiness. Cossack - brave, brave,

fearless warrior: fought on a horse with a saber and a pike in

hand ... But how escorted the Cossack to the service, want to

The song sounds "At dawn, at dawn". The curtain opens. The scene is framed as« Cossack house» . Sitting Father, Mother, between them a son.

FATHER: Hey, mother, the ataman is walking around the yard!

In the hall to the song « There is no translation for the Cossack family» includes chieftain and Cossacks, the presenter introduces everyone. The Cossacks are approaching"at home".

FATHER: We wish you good health, Mr. Ataman! You live well


COSSACKS: Great, if you're not joking!

MOTHER: Please, guests, sit down!

COSSACK: We came to you with an important deed: it's the son's turn

your Andrei in the ranks of the Kuban Cossack army

join and serve Fatherland as it should.

MOTHER: Oh, you, my dear child,

Yes, where are you hurrying and hurrying from home!

The bright upper room will darken, the courtyard house will be empty.

equipment from the chest, we will dress up the son with dignity for the sacred

case, on military service!

While the mother takes out the equipment and the parents dress the son, the song quietly sounds « Seen off the mother of the son of the soldiers» .

The presenter explains:

HOST: As we have already said, the military service for the Cossack -

this is his life, his honor, pride and shrine. Not serve in

army was considered a misfortune. To non-serving treated with

sympathy, and sometimes even contempt.

FATHER: Well ... brave Cossack. Mother, carry our family icon,

our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, bless our son on


MOTHER: Go, Andrey, under the blessing of your parents!

The mother gives the icon to the father, she herself takes the bread and salt. Cossack throws a fur coat outward, on which the boy kneels.

COSSACK: So as not to be naked serve him!

FATHER: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit we bless you,

our beloved son military service. Remember us

your parents, your dear land, do not shame our kind

and countrymen - stanitsa. Be true to glorious traditions

Cossack army. Amen.

The son kisses the icon, bread and the hands of his parents, gets up. Mother puts on a cross (or the image of Nicholas the saint) and thrice He speaks: "God bless!"

HOST: And what should be the military? Come on, kids

let's sing so that Andreika doesn't forget! Come here


The mother takes 2 towels and ties them crosswise with words:

MOTHER: I will bandage you with a towel so that you do not forget your father's house!

Serve - don't grieve!

Then the girls come up, pin handkerchiefs to the Circassian coat.

HOST: Let's gather Andreikin's friends for service!


Girls collect Cossacks: cereals, flour, a bag with native land, a tobacco pouch.

CHILD 1: In the Kuban we have strong people,

Praise the land of abundance!

CHILD 2: Kuban Cossack grip, strength, prowess is rich!

Let the enemy know Cossack father's land of roads!

HOST: Come on, Cossacks, show drill training yes force

your own and ingenuity! Cornet, command! And you girls

look after your fiancés!

The girls sit down, and the boys line up behind Andrey. The cornet stands in front of them.

DRILL (command execution): 1. Become ... 2. Equal, quietly! 3 On the first or second pay off! 4. First numbers, step forward - one-two ... 5. Second numbers, step forward - one-two ... 6. To the right ... step march ... 7. Through the middle into a column of 3 marches ...

8. At ease. Disperse...

The boys sit down.

HOST: Ataman, are they good Cossacks?. Guys, is ours good?

ataman? And who is the ataman, you know? … And how

choose?. (children's free answers) Yes, this is the most

the oldest and most experienced Cossack, his word, his decision for

all Cossack law. Ataman - Cossack commander, him

stored Cossack banner, with him Cossacks went to battle. Ataman

always ahead, he is responsible for military discipline and

It was before, and now among Cossacks have such

expression: if the boy falls, breaks his knee, then he

spoke: "Do not Cry, Cossack, you will be an ataman! Any of

boys - Cossacks dreams of becoming an ataman! About chieftain

many songs are composed, let's listen!

SONG "ATAMAN" ans. Cossack song "Brother"

After the song, the word is given to the ataman. Then he asks if the children know Cossack commandments.

HOST: O Cossacks Glory has always flowed across Russia.

Don and Kuban Cossacks still praise

Their will, the power of the people ... They strictly observe

10 commandments of the saints ... Tell, Andrey, them!

7 children approach Andrey.


ANDREW: Honor and name Cossack always important in life!

CHILD 1: Treasure honor and dignity from childhood.

If you are wrong, then admit it, do not let anger in your heart.

ANDREW: Everyone has rights - there is neither a prince nor a slave.

CHILD 2: Everyone is equal in their rights, but they are responsible for their own affairs.

ANDREW: On the affairs of only one about Cossacks of all

All honest people judge. So remember ahead d:

CHILD 3: Be honest Cossacks, pure in deeds and deeds.

Always be an example to everyone - that's the fate Cossack!

ANDREW: For Russia, the honor of your life is not a sin to give in battle!

I gave my word - keep it cherish the Cossack word!

CHILD 4: Remember word the Cossack was always true.

It is better to remain wisely silent than to promise in vain.

ANDREW: Respect old age everywhere, don't hate old people!

CHILD 5: Elderly respect the Cossack as a father.

An elderly Cossack consider your mother.

ANDREW: Save the memory of your ancestors, decide according to customs!

If it is difficult - perish, but save your comrade!

CHILD 6: In battle, in service, at work, at home or on the hunt

Help a friend everywhere, if necessary - help out!

ANDREW: Do not be proud of someone else's good, but live by your own work.

Take care of your family, honor your kindred.

CHILD 7: Respect elders in the house, do not offend the younger ones.

The children take their seats. Ataman praises.

HOST: And who Cossack's first friend?. Of course, a horse!

Cossack without a horse, what….

CHILDREN: A soldier without a gun!

HOST: The Cossack won't eat by himself...

CHILDREN: And feed the horse!

HOST: Not horse paint Cossack, a…

CHILDREN: BUT Cossack horse!

HOST: Ataman, and at what age did the father put his son on a horse? FROM

early childhood, fathers taught their sons to horses -

first they taught to take care of a horse, then to ride,

taught to sit in the saddle and without it, to stand on the horse's feet,

get under the seat. It was very difficult to do

because the horse rushes very fast, like the wind. And at

this could be fired on the move. Boy from 3 years of age

confidently kept in the saddle, he was taught to shoot from the age of 7, and

chop with a sword - from 10. Let's now listen to songs about

true friend Cossack by our kids!



HOST: Well, Cossacks, it's time for you to remove your and

dexterity show, on fast horses to ride!


2 teams are participating. On signal, the first players "on horseback" they jump to a stretched rope, on which handkerchiefs hang with the help of clothespins. We must tear off the handkerchief, return to our team and hand over "horse". Whose team will collect the most headscarves. Near each team there is a girl who collects these scarves, and at the end of the game she counts.


HOST: While our Cossacks and their horses are resting let's hear how

sing senior Cossacks!

SONG "ESAUL" ans. Cossack song"Brother"

HOST: Listen to Cossack songs, what sweet Honey eat! Well, we

we will sing ditties to you, army!

ARMY PARTS with d.m.i., handkerchiefs

HOST: Who has a frown there? The music is playing again!

Come out to dance, people, our Cossack dried apricots!


While the children are sitting down, a song is playing softly "Rus yes Cossack will» .

HOST: Where the song flows, life is easier there. And in the war Cossacks

they sing, the house - they remember the family ... They are waiting Cossacks, when

the war will end, will they return home alive -

unharmed ... Let the song sound, our soul

stirs ...

SONG "TWO EAGLES" ans. Cossack song"Brother"

After the song Mother, Father and Son stand up.

FATHER: Stationers! Thank you for coming our son to service

conduct. And to you, father - chieftain, thank you! (bow)

The horse of our rookie is saddled, beyond the outskirts he is already waiting,

it's time to hit the road, on faithful service.

MOTHER: Come on, kids. escort Andrey from the yard!

The song sounds "Oh yes Krasnodar Territory". Come out: Andreyka goes first, then parents, then children. At the entrance to the Andrey Hall "remembers" that I forgot the pouch at home. Going to "house", takes a pouch. The mother comes up to him, gives one end of the handkerchief, holds the other herself, and thus finally brings her son out.

HOST: Ataman-father and villagers are asked to our hut

have a meal, drink tea and give a present.

Event plan:

  1. Greetings. Bread and salt.
  2. Dance "Heroes"
  3. Poems and proverbs (children)
  4. Chastushki (girls)
  5. round dance "Spring"
  6. Ataman's word
  7. Final word.

Host: dear guys, dear guests. Today we are hosting an event "There is no translation for the Cossack family" . Honored guests are present at our celebration: Bulgakov Vladimir Petrovich, head of the headquarters of the city Cossack society, and his family, wife Oksana Vasilievna, Yaroslavna; representative of the Langepas city Cossack society, librarian Fadeeva Elena Sergeevna.

According to the old good tradition It is customary to greet dear guests with bread and salt as a sign of friendship and wishes of wealth and prosperity.

We welcome good guests
Round lush loaf.
He is on a painted platter
With a white towel.

The tradition lives on!
From the older generation
Rituals and words are important
From our past.

And so please accept
The one who came to the gatherings
On this festive plate
From our hands and bread and salt!

(Children greet guests with bread and salt)

Presenter: guys, this year you met with the Cossacks every month: you went on an excursion to the headquarters of the city Cossacks, in the city museum you got acquainted with the Cossack kuren, with the life and traditions of the Cossacks. Guys, now can you tell me who these are - the Cossacks? (children answer)

Cossacks are free, brave people who lived along the borders of Russia and defended it from enemies. Russia has always been proud of its warriors and soldiers and generals.

The Russian soldier is rich in glory. Today we are visiting dance group. Meet!

(dance "Heroes" )

Presenter: The exploits of the Cossacks are covered with legends, songs and legends are composed about them, many books have been written and films have been made. They are the heirs of glory and grief, all those who, despite the cruel persecution, decossackization and dispossession, years of wars and repressions, when the very name was a sentence - Cossacks. Their ancestors carried their original culture and traditions, way of life and military glory through the centuries. Cossacks are proud of their name. Guys, of course, you know who the leader is - the most important, the eldest among the Cossacks? (ataman)

(poems of children)

Free, but hard life for the Cossacks. They fought for the glory of the Cossacks and put it above all else. Since then, there has been a saying "Though the life of a dog, so the glory of the Cossack" . And military prowess, courage, indefatigability, well-aimed shooting were also valued more than wealth. Do you know proverbs and sayings about Cossack valor?


The courage of a Cossack is half the luck.
You can’t confuse a Cossack with anyone: marked with bullets, marked with trousers.
The strength of the Cossacks from the earth, the distance from the rati.
Where you can’t take a saber, you can get it with a pike.

Scout and reeds will cover and the tussock will save.

Where there is a barrow there is a Cossack post.

Cossacks zealously preserve their traditions and customs. In the Cossack family, not only the elderly, but also women enjoyed a special position, respect and reverence. They were protected and protected by their honor and dignity. The rumor about the cool temper of the Cossacks survived the centuries, gaining a foothold in folklore: songs, ditties, fairy tales. We bring to your attention Cossack ditties performed by girls.


1. To protect your home,
A Cossack must be strong!
To protect the border
Must ride a horse.

2. I was sitting on the window
A Cossack rode on a cat
Began to drive up to the window
I couldn't keep my cat!

3. You have not grown up to the fees,
Stayed small.
put you on a horse
Uncle refused!

4. Come on, syts, you are laughing!
You would only have all the toys!
The year goes by without noticing
And our Cossack will grow up.

5. We are girls - Cossacks
We can't grieve
Without ditties - jokes
We can't live a day

Host: The sun is shining over Russia,
And the rains rustle over it.
In the whole world, in the whole world
There is no country of her relatives,

There is no country of her relatives.
How fabulous places at Russia,
There are countless cities in Russia!
Maybe somewhere it's more beautiful

But it will not be dearer than here!

Children dance round dance "Vesnyanka"

Presenter: the Cossacks have always been a support for the Russian state, the Cossacks carried state service voluntarily, guarding the borders of Russia, they often took the brunt of the enemies on themselves. Cossacks raised boys as future warriors: already in early childhood the Cossacks learned how to handle a horse, held a whip and a saber in their hands, and as teenagers they prepared for military service. The ataman will tell us about this in detail.

The floor is given to the ataman of the Langepas city Cossack society Bulgakov Vladimir Petrovich.

Moderator: We thank the ataman and his family for an interesting meeting.

Our country is called Russia
Let the peaceful sky shine over her.
Let the heart be filled with joy, happiness,
Let millions of people sing songs.


Ivanova G.N. senior educator


On the club territory at the entrance to the Palace of Culture, guests are greeted with a song by a folklore group. Esaul appears.

Hey, villagers, meet the marching ataman!

Meet. The ataman appears with a group of Cossacks.

Well, shut up, brothers Cossacks, our chieftain will speak on the march.
Cossacks-friends, free people! Gather, brothers, in a single circle of your kurens with your families for a walk, and we will choose a deadly ataman for our holiday.
Do you, brothers, want our koshovoy ataman to become our slaughter ataman?
Love, love!
Grandfather Shchukar!

Grandfather Shchukar appears.

I don't mind taking orders...
Always ready to help...
Quiet, old citizens!
A holiday is not a toy!
To walk - you need at least a rub,
I disagree without a cup (too stupid)
I give self-repayment..
You are power in our village,
So go ahead and party to your heart's content,
And to stir me up with some tea,
Someone's bald head flared up.
You are such a fool
By Sundays il how?
That sobriety is the norm
How are the words for you?!
I am useful prospects
Never opposed.
If the line is like this
I am always for the team!
I'm sharp on the tongue
And I love native folklore!
Hey, Cossacks, sing,
I'm a conductor now!

Song golden bee.

Your choir, grandfather Shchukar, is good,
But ours is unbearable!
Look here, how nicely dancing
Youth without alcohol!

The dance "Krivyanskaya quadrille" is performed.

Oh, and they dance, at least where,
Girls are ripe fruits.
But you have long forgotten
Enti, like them, rites!
You are not the right place!
Also blurted out - rituals!
Do you know the beat?
I'd rather take water in my mouth!
Maybe I didn't say that
Just what I was leaning towards
What are the rites of these old
You haven't seen in a long time!
Don't be fooled by words
Better get married!
Show me how on the Don
Girls were given in marriage
According to the rite of old!
Everything, your order is clear,
I fulfill this hour
Don't hesitate,
Chai, it's not the first time.
An announcement sounds.
Dear friends, guests have arrived for the holiday! Newlyweds - Galina and Grigory. Meet them.

The march of Mendelssohn sounds. The newlyweds arrive.

You listen to the ataman
I've been to different countries
I saw London, Singapore,
Ai love yu knew and lyamour.
Seen the whole wide world
Josephine and Henriette
But people like your Galya,
There are no beauties among them.
I approve of your choice
And with all the Cossack circle
I bless this sword!
And I'll tell you, wife:
Be faithful to him all your life!
Look what you grabbed -
Everything with him, everything in full!
Hey, wait, friends!
You can't do a wedding like that.
We remember rituals
We were interrupted at the wrong time...
Kohl got to the Maidan,
Well, in their circle, ataman!
Let the old rite
Walk with us!

Cossack, bridesmaid:
Dear Galya and Grigory! Please accept this cake. May your love be sweet, etc.

Cossack girls present flowers, shouting from the crowd: "Bitter, bitter." The general choir sings the solemn Cossack song "Wedding".

Oh, but where is our Shchukar?
Here I am, faq, Gutar!
Well, grandfather, I'm very glad
Nicely done ceremony!
The youth convinced us
They have Don blood in their veins.
Still I have confusion
To the younger generation...
And what, speak!
Are there any heroes here?
Cossacks are not sick?
You say the same, really.
STE you completely withered,
And they have a fathom in their shoulders.
Come on guys, get out.
Show your strength!
Come on, Sasha, take off your shirt.
Don't flash your eyes,
Have fun with the weights!

There is a competition to see who can lift the weight more times.

Can they wield a saber?

The competition is on. At the moment of the competition, as if accompanying:

Loves every person
Holiday, every strength.
That's why it's worse than all
Both in work and in a fight!
And in his habit -
Long since forever
For dashing daring
Respect cordially.

Pike tries to walk on a log. Yesaul invites youth to a pillow fight on a log.

Well thank you all for that
Our Quiet Don is strong to know.
There is gunpowder in powder flasks,
There are eagles in the Don villages.

In the middle of the competition, Shchukar, watching the action at the moment of fading interest in them, shouts out:

And now, honest people,
Get the faces out of the beards!
Our tea is not a memorial service,
Quite the contrary!
We no longer shed tears -
Sing songs, drink honey!
If you have come to have fun
So so be it.

At the entrance to the DC choir. Choir sounds. The song "Oh pancakes, pancakes."
DC invitation.

Who is hungry for food -
Let him come here:
Come into the Cossack hut,
Here we have her pounds!

DC is getting ready. There are tables with traditional Don cuisine in the foyer.

Here, for example, get
Straight from the kalachi oven.
Got a roast turkey
There is cherry plum compote.
There are sausages and cheeses,
There is half a centner of caviar,
There are Caribbean lobsters
And Don sturgeons.
Ataman Yesaulu:
What are you standing for, fool?!
Prem soon in the Cossack kuren!
Hey people, come on over here.’
This is for sale here
You will never see.

All guests pass in the foyer, where an exhibition of traditional crafts of the Don is deployed. There is also organized "Samovar table". Table with refreshments. Under the emblem of the Cossacks (a Cossack on a beer barrel) there is a beer bar with dried fish, crayfish.

The owner of the hen:
I am always glad to have guests
I have a stage here too.
Come in, Cossack people,
How much to eat I will instruct dishes.
I will treat all the guests,
And I won't let you, grandfather!
You're aiming me right in the stomach!
You don't appreciate humor
You won't understand the joke!
I'm not evil, sorry!
Okay, old man, come in! Passes with Shchukar to the stage. To the guests: Come in, accommodate yourself, Have fun, help yourself! The game "Guess" is waiting for you - Mandala, balalaika, Samovar is waiting for you and kvass, Everything is available for you!

Cossack (with tray):
But who wants gingerbread, who wants cookies?!
How much is your product worth?
Sweet tea is not turpentine?!
We don't sell anything
We are giving away!
How do you solve the riddle?
You get a treat!
And here they give spiritual food
And not for a ruble, but immediately for a thousand!
Local poets read their poems and couplets!

Speakers literary associations. A relay race is being held. Auction of proverbs and sayings "On the Don, a proverb is not said from idleness."

Esaul: .
With Ataman Kashev
I've been everywhere.
And in many cities
I marveled at the miracle!
I saw yogis in India,
Equilibr in China,
About the talent of fellow countrymen
I often remember!

Cossack invites to the auditorium for a concert of amateur art folk groups. Music sounds.
Leading the concert characters Quiet Don"- Aksinya and Grigory. The program is built from existing creative possibilities DC, district.
The final.

Dear countrymen! Daring Cossacks!
Our evening is coming to an end
Speech is out of hand.
We said everything without words
You have been proven today:
What flows in the end
The blood of the Donets is in our veins.
All participants of the evening take the stage.

- What is our Cossack glory -
We are rightful heirs.
That we observe traditions, we cherish the sacred memory.
What we are glad to keep in our hearts;
Songs, dances and rituals! .
In a word, Cossacks in everything,
So let's sing!
Let's say goodbye together
We all love the song
"Like beyond the Don across the river."

The common choral song "Like beyond the Don, beyond the river" is performed. Evening continues in the lobby. Working: beer bar, "Samovar team", "Tasting table".



One of the leading components of the cultural and educational environment modern school should become a traditional folk culture with a huge educational potential. traditional culture has always reflected the value, mental characteristics of the people, at the same time, it has always influenced the formation and development of the internal, spiritual world person.

Disadvantages, ignoring the importance of the educational potential of the Russian folk culture confirmed by the content of existing basic programs in the subjects of the cultural cycle in school system education. Even more so, this applies to the area educational work with students. Introducing children to the richest heritage of Russian folk culture, with the aim of their moral, aesthetic education, is unsystematic, episodic in nature. Given that distinctive feature the current reform of the school has become a revival national spirit Russian education, a return to the temporarily lost, consigned to oblivion in Soviet period, the spiritual values ​​of Russian folk culture, acquires special significance today.

Traditional folk culture has always been for the Russian people a kind of moral guide and an ethical limiter, since it was based on the moral and spiritual values ​​of Orthodoxy. Existence of traditional folk culture in various types folklore accompanied the whole life cycle Russian person from the first to last day his life. One of the most important and socially significant components of folklore are folk holidays and rituals. As a connecting thread between different generations, they were not only a means of communication, but also played a special role in spiritual development personality. The content of any national holiday somehow fit into the canvas Orthodox traditions people, and therefore lined up in accordance with that scale moral values which was characteristic of the Orthodox worldview. In our opinion, traditional folk holidays and ceremonies were for a Russian person that cultural and educational environment of his society, where his personality developed.

Today, when one of the areas of reform educational process is its regionalization, the problem of restoring old holiday traditions in the context of regional culture, the study and disclosure of their pedagogical potential is of great importance. practical significance especially in the field of educational work with children.

The scenarios of folklore holidays presented in this manual were developed on the basis of materials collected over five years during the ethnographic search work in the villages of the Labinsk Cossack department, which are the place of historical residence of the linear Cossacks of the Kuban. Many of the songs used in the scenarios of the holidays were recorded from the words of the old-timers of the Cossack villages of Nikolaevskaya, Prochnookopskaya, Zassovskaya and others, which confirms the authenticity and historical accuracy of the presented song repertoire.

Of course, the content of folklore holidays is adapted to the conditions and opportunities of the school, children's team. Holiday scenarios are focused on the performance and perception of middle school students, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of participation as spectators of junior and senior students.

The manual includes scenarios for five folklore holidays, which allows you to prepare and hold at school once a quarter, as an educational and educational event, as a collective creative activity of students, as a kind of show amateur performances children, given folklore performances.

For each scenario, an appendix is ​​given, where the song repertoire is presented. folklore holiday. At the same time, the possibility of replacing certain songs with similar ones in content and in the nature of musical images is not ruled out.

characteristic feature holiday tradition in the Kuban there was the participation of the whole family in holding holidays and rituals, therefore prerequisite the organization and holding of folklore holidays in the school should be as active as possible to involve parents in participating in the holiday, not only during the performance, but also during the rehearsal period.

The author-compiler plans further development teaching aids from the cycle "Folklore Holidays at School", paying special attention to the Kuban family ritual holidays in the historical and ethnographic aspect, such as, for example, "Cossack christening", "Feast of the first bow", "Feast of Cossack twinning", "Kuban Cossack wedding" and so on.

In our opinion, the revival historical memory Russian people, lost over the past eighty years, should begin with childhood, which to a certain extent will be facilitated by the restoration of traditions folk holidays in the Kuban.

Ponomarenko O.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences



(Children in Cossack costumes enter the stage, while singing the old carol song “Here comes the carol”).

1st girl: The days flew by without looking back!

Here come the long-awaited Christmas time!

2nd girl: We have been waiting for Christmas time for a long time,

They bought the chicken for carols.

Parents asked young people

The father was asked for permission.

(Father enters the stage in a Cossack costume).

3rd girl: (refers to the Father with a bow):

Uncle Andrei! Release Olga with us soon!

Caroling around the village New Year meet!

Father: And whose hen was bought off?

4th girl: Yes Gutenevykh. The hut is spacious and new.

We have a place to play

Songs to sing and dance!

Father: With God! Go!

Don't lose your head!

Take care of yourself

Yes, caroling, go!

(Girls - Cossacks, performing a verse of the song "Merry Kolyada", leave the stage with their Father).

(There are scenery depicting a Cossack hut on the stage. Girls are sitting on the benches, they knit, embroider, performing a couplet of the song “Nastya is a needlewoman.” Carolers enter the hut from the street - boys and girls in Cossack costumes).

1st boy - caroler: The girls are great!

We walked around the village

Yes to your chicken

Warm climbed up!

On the street, teeth were brought together by frost,

And it's warm in your hut!

2nd boy - caroler: We are to you, girls,

Come to show yourself

Let's sing and dance with you!

Well - ka girls, dance!

Refine us!

1st girl: Don't look for fools, dance yourself!

3rd boy: We shoe - sideways!

2nd girl: And we have a leg on a toe!

4th boy: Let's go with a shotgun!

2nd girl: And we will sit down, have a rest!

(Children sing the song “Don’t go, boy”, one couple, a girl and a boy dance a Cossack square dance).

1st boy: Can you litter here?

1st girl: Sori as much as you want! You will sweep yourself!

1st boy: We sow, we sow, we sow!

Happy New Year!

2nd boy: Generate, God, live in wheat,

Every yarovka!

And in the field the core, and in the house is good!

3rd boy: Where the horse's tail is, there is a bush.

Where a goat with a horn - there is a haystack of life!

All together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Mistress of the house: Here you are, dear guests,

Lollipops are sweet and tight!

Yes, sweet donuts!

Yes, pies are soft, puff!

Yes, baked poppy seeds!

(The hostess gives sweet gifts to carolers, they put them in a bag).

The owner of the house: Here are the tomboys - pickles!

(Gives carolers a jar of cucumbers.)

Yes, money with a spear, yes a ruble with silver!

(Throws money into the bag.)

Mistress of the house: Natasha, daughter, come out and dance!

Make your guests happy!

(The girls sing the song “Young, Young”, one of the Cossacks dances, then one of the Cossacks joins her).

1st caroler: Oh, yes Natakha! Fire girl!

1st girl: He praised Natalya a lot!

Yes, and we are no worse!

2nd caroler: Well, girls! you see

The old woman - "envy" does not give rest!

Here are the girls - splintered people!

(Throws a handful of small coins towards the girls. They collect coins with a laugh).

2nd caroler: Do not puff from envy -

here you go - catch it!

(Throws another handful of small coins, the girls pick them up with laughter).

1st boy: Thank you, hostess!

We sat with you

Warm up, brighten up!

(Addressing carolers):

Stop sitting, do homework,

(The girls whisper, spin around the mirror, put on scarves, the boys take a bag with gifts, bow to the Mistress and the Master, leave the hut).

2nd scene.

(A stanitsa street is depicted on the stage: a wattle fence, a hut in the distance. A group of carolers - girls and boys - go out into the street, perform the old carol song "Here at home, at home."

1st boy - caroler: Kolyada has come!

Brought Christmas!

2nd boy: Kolyada, Kolyada!

Sitting in the oven, looking at us!

Kolyada was born on the eve of Christmas!

1st girl: The owner is a gentleman! Good hostess!

Give me what's good!

Donut and flatbread, and pork leg!

2nd girl: The owner with the hostess!

Get off the stove, light the candles!

Open the chests, take out the patches!

3rd boy: Whoever does not give cakes - let's break the windows!

Whoever does not give cheesecakes - we will scatter the tubs!

Whoever does not give a pie - we will lock the gates with a stick!

(The Host and the Hostess enter the stage, they bring refreshments and gifts for carolers).

Mistress (with a bow): Kolyada, Kolyada!

Get the pie! With onions, peppers

With a rooster heart!

(Gives treats to carolers).

Host (addressing carolers):

You don't stand still!

Sing songs louder!

1st girl: We respect the Master with all our respect!

Do you just sing or with an image?

Owner: Well, first just sing, and I will listen!

Mabut, please us with the old woman!

(Carolers sing the song "Teshen - amusing" in chorus, the girls dance).

Owner: I won’t give a pie for such a song!

2nd boy: Do you want to feed us?

Then we will drive a goat!

(A caroling boy brings a "goat" onto the stage - one of the boys is dressed in a sheepskin coat turned inside out, on his head is a cap with a picture of a sheep's muzzle).

3rd boy - caroler: The goat came thrashed,

Bought for three rubles!

I pastured badly

Just drank water!

Owner (says “goat”): Why are you like that -

Is the whole face dry?

"Goat": While they were driving, the lips dried up!

Have pity on the cattle - give me fifty oats!

3rd boy - caroler: Kozonka, you sweat from the heart!

For the owners of hopak, dance!

("The goat" dances to the melody of the song "Grass, my grass").

3rd boy: And now bow to the mistress!

Give us a cake for dancing!

To the goat - senzo, and to the Cossacks - lard!

1st girl: Where the goat walks, it will give birth to life!

Where the goat's tail is, there is a bush!

2nd girl: Kolyada walks around the village

And he leads a goat!

Who will give the goat water to drink,

That one will have a life!

1st boy: Who will sing a song to Kolyada -

That rye will rise early!

Owner: Good people! pokalyadit,

You and the hostess will delight us!

(All carolers, girls and boys, perform an old carol song

“Christ is born”, see the Appendix for the lyrics and the melody of the song).

Hostess: Thank you for your participation,

Here are your lucky gifts!

(The owner gives treats to carolers, they put everything in a bag, thank the hostess with a bow).

1st boy: We walked around the village all day with Kolyada!

Look - full bag scored!

(With difficulty lifts a full bag of gifts, treats).

2nd boy: Hey, Mikola, wait a bit, untie the bag!

Let me see what Kolyada brought us!

1st boy (looking into the bag with gifts):

Kolyada gave a quarter of a pie,

Two honey gingerbread, butter katochek,

Hundreds of pancakes, fat shmatochek!

You can live - live

A whole year of grief not to know!

1st girl: Well, it's time for us to go on our way,

You have to get to the next chicken!

2nd girl: Dear Host and Hostess!

Here is our farewell wish:

(Carolers speak in turn, turning to the owners):

Live, owners, you are together for up to two hundred years!

New year to you, new offspring!

Happiness to you, great health,


Receive guests in your home

We wish you happiness in the New Year!

In conclusion, all participants sing the old carol song "Meet the Kolyada"

(See the Appendix for lyrics and melody).



Girl - leading (in a Cossack costume):

Good afternoon, dear guests! Welcome to our Kuban Cossack Fair!

Boy - leader (in a Cossack costume):

In the old days, we, in the Kuban, were very fond of holding folk fairs. The fair was considered a holiday among the Cossacks, and folk wisdom says: any soul is happy for the holiday!

Presenter: Fairs in the old days were different - spring, summer, autumn and winter. In autumn, in October, Pokrovsky fairs were held, which began after Orthodox holiday, which was called the Pokrov Mother of God, that's why autumn fairs nicknamed by the people Pokrovsky.

Presenter: Winter fairs began after the Orthodox holiday, which was called the Introduction to the Frame Holy Mother of God. Therefore, the first winter fairs were called Vvedensky, followed by Christmas fairs.

Presenter: At Cossack fairs, they not only traded and bought, but they also had fun as best they could: they sang songs, danced, measured their strength, boasted of their craft, gave gifts!

Host: Do you want to visit the old Cossack fair?
(Audience responds in chorus "Yes"!)

Leading: Then, Barker - gather the people!

Barker (a boy dressed as a farce Petrushka):
Welcome guests, invited and uninvited!
Skinny and obese, funny and boring!
Hurry everyone to us!
We welcome all guests!

Presenter and presenter (together): The people are gathering, the fair is opening!

(The “sellers” enter the stage with “goods” in their hands, “buyers” with bags and wallets. They look for goods from the “sellers”, ask the price, bargain. "," Fly in, don't yawn!")

1st lotus: There are toys at the fair,
Painted rattles!

2nd lotusnik: There are cheesecakes, bagels,
Get your rubies ready!

3rd loter: I offer my goods,
Not for a ruble, not for two!
I give for good fairy tale,
For a fun tip!

Cossack girl: Will ditties fit?

3rd Lotus: Sing, let's listen!

Girl - Cossack (sings ditties):
I was sitting on the window
My dear rode on a cat!
I began to drive up to the window,
I couldn't keep my cat!
In the swamp, in the snow,
A mosquito bit a flea!
A hare sits on a birch
Dying with laughter!

3rd Lotuster: Good maiden sings!
I would have such a kuren!
For good effort
I'll give her earrings!
(With a bow, he gives the girl - a Cossack woman earrings).

(Gypsy enters the stage with a horse - an image of a head or a horse on a stick - which he holds in his hand).

Gypsy (addressing the Cossack):
Hello Ivan Petrovich!
How are you - how are you doing?
Do you get sick often?

Cossack: Great! What's your business? Are you a doctor?

Gypsy: Don't be afraid, I'm not a doctor! I'm the gypsy Mora from the choir!
I sing with bass, I drink kvass!

Cossack: Don't talk your tongue, don't speak your teeth!
Say what you need, but get lost!

Gypsy: My friend Foma, who is completely crazy,
Says you need a good horse!

Cossack: This, brother, is the case!
I have long time to start a horse!
Only, is the horse good?

Gypsy: Not a horse, but a miracle!
Runs, trembles, stumbles,
When it falls, it doesn't rise!

Cossack: Oh! That's the horse! And what suit?

Gypsy: Piebald, with spots, with a shaggy mane,
Curve itself, humpbacked,
English breed,
You will lead through the gardens,
Schaub people did not laugh!

Cossack: Yes, I'll see, the horse is very young -
Not a single tooth in the mouth!

Gypsy: Why do you need a horse with teeth?
No teeth, will eat less!

Cossack: You know what, Mora from the choir? Go with your horse for good - healthy away from here before your sides are broken off!

(A Cossack girl runs onto the stage, in her hands is a jar for sour cream).

Cossack woman with a lid: Oh, good people, help, tell me who is here
selling sour cream? I cooked dumplings, for a Cossack, so he, the enemy, does not agree to eat without sour cream!

(The girl sings the song "Dumplings", all the Cossack girls present sing the chorus of the song. See the text and melody of the song in the Appendix).

Cossack woman with a lid: Oh, dear, I'm running, I'm in a hurry!
God forbid, do not spill sour cream! (runs away).

(“Buyers” walk around the stage, choose a “goods”, bargain. At this time, godfathers meet godfathers at the fair).

Kuma: Hello Kuma! How are you doing? Did you buy a lot of good stuff?

Kuma: Good afternoon, Kumanek! I have enough goods! No wonder they say: it’s bad to live for someone who has an empty house! So I try, because every house is kept by the mistress!

Kuma: Oh, Kuma! How much you boast! As they say - I got up early, but I strained a little!

Kuma: And you, Kumanyok, come visit! Look how we live: we don’t slurp soup with bast shoes!

(Sounds Russian folk song"Kumanek" performed by Kuma and Kuma. See the Appendix for lyrics and melody. After the end of the song, Kum and Kuma, holding hands, leave the stage).

A seller of ropes and ropes appears on the stage, they hang on his shoulder, around his neck.

Rope Vendor: Come, swoop in! The goods are not stale!
Hemp ropes, pitched ropes!
They don't burn in fire, they don't drown in water!

(Cossacks approach the seller).
Old Cossack: Is the goods expensive?
I need a hemp rope
Yes, to be strong, but new!

Seller: According to an acquaintance, I’ll take it inexpensively:
Come on, three hundred!

Old Cossack: Why are you asking so dearly?
I give you two and a half
Yes, in addition, a club with a hump!

Seller: Little! Add some milk to the kids!

Old Cossack: Well, okay, I’ll add another nickel, but I’ll take the goods for a reason. I'll check its strength first.

(Addresses the audience to the audience):
Hey, my dear sons!
Peter, Ivan, Danila and Andrey!
Come here quickly!
Amuse the valiant Silushka,
Make good people happy
You will please me, an old man, with your prowess!

(From auditorium four boys come out, in Cossack beshmets - red shirts-kosovorotkas. Begins folk game"Tug of war". Buyers help young Cossacks pull the rope, they are divided into two groups. The game is played under musical accompaniment: the record sounds old Cossack song"Oh, near the meadow" performed by the Kuban Cossack choir).

Old Cossack (after the end of the competition game):
Well, sons, it was a pleasure for me to look at you!
A good son is joy to a father!

Seller: What a Cossack is - a father, such is a son - well done!

Cossack: Raising children is not counting chickens!
Here is my Maryanka, small, but already a hostess!
Walked around the fair all day
I haven't forgotten about anyone!
Show me, daughter, what did you buy?

Maryanka (takes out of her purse and shows it to everyone):
To the native father - a sash,
To gird in battles!
Beloved mother - a scarf,
In the middle is a golden flower!
Brothers - falcons, new boots!
Little sisters -
With new gloves!

Cossack: Well, what about yourself, daughter, what did you look after?

Maryanka: Yes, mother, I would sing a song to you,
Here, at the fair, I heard it and I liked it a lot.

Cossack: Where the song flows, life is easier there!
Sing, daughter, let everyone listen!

Cossack: And we will not only listen, but also sing along.
Good song spirit invigorates!

Old Cossack: Without roots there is no tree, without a song there is no people!
Come on, sing, beauty!

(The old Cossack song “Daughter of a Cossack” sounds, Maryanka sings, all the Cossack girls sing the chorus. See the text and melody of the song in the Appendix).

A Gypsy appears on the stage, instead of a horse he has a kitten in his hands. He is very pleased, strokes the kitten, approaches the Cossack, to whom he wanted to sell the horse.

Gypsy: Hey, Ivan Petrovich, I sold my horse!

Cossack: Yes, well! Are you lying?

Gypsy: True, as long as they brought her home, she died.
But I have nothing to do with it! I sold it live!

Cossack: Well, now I see you are selling a kitten?

Gypsy: God be with you, Ivan Petrovich! What kind of kitten is this?
This is a mountain leopard! Buy it, you won't regret it!

Cossack: Oh, gypsy Mora from the choir, get out of my sight,
Otherwise, I'll chase you with a tattered broom!
(Gypsy quickly leaves the price).

The day is drawing to a close, the fair will close soon.

Leading: There were a lot of merchants here, there was a lot of goods!
Our Kuban is a beauty, famous for its rich harvest!

Cossack: To achieve a harvest,
Each spikelet must bow!
The Cossack's income does not grow without worries!

Cossack: A Cossack in the Kuban is a plowman,
Daily bread with their labor earns,
But do not forget to protect the Motherland!

Old Cossack: Honor to the Cossack - Protect the Motherland, because the Cossack is always sweet native side! He doesn’t need someone else’s, but he won’t give his own to anyone!

Presenter: For peace and tranquility to be in the Kuban land,
So that holidays and fairs are not translated
And everyone had fun with them!

Leading: Let's love and keep our land, like ours glorious ancestors- Cossacks - Kuban, who knew how to hold a saber in their hands, but also danced and sang well!

Cossack: Cossack family - no translation!
This means that the Cossack song will never stop in the Kuban!
(The final song sounds " Kuban Cossacks”, performed by the chorus of all participants in the performance. See the Appendix for lyrics and melody.)

An addition to the folklore holiday "Kuban Fair" may be an exhibition - the sale (for a symbolic price) of children's crafts, toys, homemade culinary products.
Spectators are invited to the "Trading Hall" after the end of the performance.



Girls in Cossack costumes take the stage, performing the old Cossack song "In the Kuban, in the village."

(See the Appendix for the lyrics and melody of the song).

1st Cossack woman: Talking around the village:

Soon to the Cossacks to the training camp!

2nd Cossack: Which of the young guys

Is he going to the squad this time?

3rd Cossack woman: Yes, Gromov's son - Andryushka!

4th Cossack: Oh, let's go to him, girlfriend!

Goes to a distant village

We need to say goodbye to him!

The girls go backstage to the music of the song "In the Kuban, in the village." The curtain opens, in front of the audience there is a Cossack hut: a table, benches, a chest, a spinning wheel in the corner.

Sitting behind a spinning wheel younger sister Andrei, grandmother sits on the chest, knits socks, mother collects on the table, father and Andrei repair the sword belt.

There is a knock on the door, the constable enters (bow).

Officer: God help you, good afternoon!

Maybe you didn’t expect guests,

Yes, serious news?

Ataman sent me

Yes, he conveyed his order:

Cossack is already sixteen,

It's time to serve!

Tomorrow we'll hit the road

Gather a little!

To the village of Verkhpolisskaya

We are not close to the steppe!

Excuse me, I'm off!

Mother: Can you sit down at the table? (with bow)

Let's dine in a group!

Sergeant: No matter what - be later.

We have a lot of work in the Council.

Well, see you at the outpost!

Mother (wails): Oh, Andryushechka, son!

Precious dove!

I don't want to let you in

I will wave my saber!

Father (strictly): Enough, mother, no longer a chick,

And it's time for the eagle to fly

I will wave my saber!

Sister (affectionately): Oh, you, my dear brother!

It won't be sweet for you!

The white day will darken

Our chicken will be empty! (hugs brother)

Grandmother (deliberately angrily): Look, the goat, it's loud!

Nothing happened!

(thoughtfully, recalls): I, out, saw off my grandfather (baptized),

She ran to the Kuban.

He did not tell me to grieve, he said:

"That's right, mother!"

(sighs): He died for the Kuban,

For the dear station!

Granddaughter, now the bride (sighs),

(grandmother opens the chest):

How I put it yesterday

Too bad he didn't make it to this day!

Here, granddaughter, his dad!

Put on, do not know fear!

Let me bless you!

(Grandma takes the icon, blesses, then hugs her grandson and kisses):

I do love you!

Andrew (hugs his grandmother):

You, grandmother, do not be sad,

Don't worry about me!

After all, today is not a war -

Raise warriors country!

(Boys in Cossack costumes take the stage, the song “As we had, on the Don” sounds, see the text and melody in the Appendix).

There is a knock on the door (they make the sign of the cross):

(Godfather and mother enter)

Open up, motherfuckers!

Godmother: Sons have grown up!

Godfather: We bless the son,

Yes, we instruct:

Don't shame your parents

Yes, always be vigilant:

Do not trust a dream

Sharpen your saber more often!

(the godfather with a bow gives Andrei a gift - a saber):

With a saber you are a Cossack, Andrey!

Do not be shy before enemies!

Father: Well, I will give Andrei

Your personal harness!

(puts a belt on his son):

Now you are a Cossack!

Something zasty eye tear!

(wipes away tears, hugs son).

Godmother: I embroidered a towel,

I thought about Andreika!

AT good hour, you, son,

God will not leave you!

(gives Andrei a towel).

Andrew: Thanks for that!

(swears to everyone in turn):

I bow before my father

Before mother, sister,

In front of my grey-haired grandmother.

I will honor the family

I won't let Grandpa down!

(Girls run into the hut to the music).

First: Why, Andryush, are you not cheerful?

Why did you hang your nose?

Second: He missed us,

Yes, I almost started crying!

Andrey (laughs): Oh, you girls are rumblers!

Arrange - cauldrons,

Let's dine in a group!

Girls in chorus: Yes, we can do it!

First: In the meantime, we are preparing the table,

We'll sing something!

(The old Cossack song “Don’t go, you boy” sounds, everyone sings, two couples, a Cossack and a Cossack, dance a quadrille. See the Appendix for the text and melody).

(There is a knock on the door, the lads, Andrey's friends, enter).

First: Who here sings so loudly,

Invites you to fun?

Second: Heard everyone, from afar!

Escort the Cossack!

(referring to Andrew)

You, Andryukha, do not scoff,

Come back home soon!

Third: We hand you a dagger,

Host: Greetings, you kind people!

Hostess: Welcome, dear guests!

(The stanitsa enter the stage - boys and girls in Cossack costumes, among them " old cossack”, small Cossacks, only 5-6 people).

Owner: Please go to the hut! The red guest is a place of honor!

Mistress: Make yourself at home, sit down!

Owner and Mistress (together): You are welcome!

(Ataman enters the stage, accompanied by the Yesaul (adjutant)).

Ataman: Glory to the Kuban!

All Cossacks (in unison): Glory to the Heroes!

Ataman: Good health, dear villagers!
Peace be with you, neighbors!

Owner: You live well, Old Man Ataman! Glad to see you in my kuren! He came to us with kindness, or with sadness?

Ataman: Of course with good! Yes, with love to you, my dear villagers! I am glad that you are all here together. Just tell me why?

Hostess: And we gathered to sing Cossack songs, remember Cossack games and customs, so that they do not disappear for centuries, but go to our children and grandchildren!

Ataman: Good, Hostess, you talk, it's a pleasure to listen to such speeches!

Cossack (turns to Ataman): Mr. Ataman! Let me say a word!
Ataman: Well, what do you have there, kid, burned up? Speak!

Cossack: Accept a petition from us, Cossacks!

(Gives Ataman a folded Petition).

Ataman: Good, let's read it in a moment! What are our lads tay girls asking for.

(Reads): "Prayer." "Mr. Ataman! We ask you to spend the bride of our lads and girls, to dedicate them to the Cossacks, because we want to be, like our fathers and grandfathers, the defenders and guardians of the Russian land, the Kuban native!
Well, what can I say? Worthy Petition made! Tai, where are those lads and girls who want to become Cossacks?
Well, Boss, call them here!

(Children come out to the music of the old Cossack song “Oh, near the meadow”, first girls, then boys in Cossack costumes).

Ataman: Look, dear guests! Yaki garni lads thai girls have grown up! Name yourself, whose will you be?

1st boy: I am the son of the Cossack Ivanov - Sashko.

2nd boy: I am the son of the Cossack Krasnov - Vasil.

1st girl: I am the daughter of the Cossack Yaroshenko - Maryanka.

2nd girl: I am the daughter of the Cossack Gromov - Nastya.

Ataman: As I understand it, dear guests: we need to arrange a bride to find out: have these brave lads and garrison maidens grown up to Cossack strength and skill, are they suitable for Cossacks. People say: what is best in a son comes from his parents. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers could always amuse the people with songs and jokes, dances and jokes. Are you ready to entertain your guests?

1st boy: We are always ready to celebrate fun, just give me a zgak, Mr. Ataman!

Ataman: I give an order - sing a song!

(Children sing the old Cossack song "Viburnum is on the mountain").

2nd boy: We sang the song, Batko Ataman! Now we want to compete with the girls in dexterity! Apanas! Where are you? Bring the bags!

(An outdoor game is being held: jumping in bags, girls and boys compete in speed in turn).

Ataman: I give the winners a soaked watermelon!
Losers - a handful of seeds!

(He hands out his “gifts” to the children).

Owner: Let me, Mr. Ataman, help the guys? Sing a song, the one that our grandfathers sang, leaving for military service. Let the boys sing along if they like this song!

Ataman: Come on, sing! And I will help you!

(The owner sings an old Cossack song “As it was with us, on the Don.” Starting from the 2nd verse, all the children sing, along with the Owner and Ataman).

Ataman: Well done, kids! You warmed my soul with the fact that you know and keep our old Cossack songs! After all, the song is a joy for the soul of a Cossack! My grandfather used to say this: the evil one does not sing songs! Anger in a person's voice chokes, which means, be a granddaughter, be on your guard with that person who does not like to sing! This is the kind of Cossack wisdom my grandfather passed on to me. And here I see that everyone loves the song, which means they live with an open soul!

1st boy: Old Man Ataman! So we not only love to sing, but also dance a lot! Let us dance, let the Cossack square dance!

Ataman: Dear hosts! May I have a quadrille? Will your land fail when the Cossacks start dancing?

Owner: Let them dance! A Cossack should be able to show his prowess not only in a dashing battle, but also in a Cossack dance!

Ataman: Ayda, the Cossack brothers dance!

(To the music of the old Cossack song “You don’t go, lad”, a Cossack quadrille is performed, in pairs, a boy and a girl).

Ataman: Well, our lads and girls are strong in dancing! How much prowess and skill showed! And how much enthusiasm! I could hardly stand still, I almost went to the dance myself!

1st girl: Let me, Old Man Ataman, give you a present! We tried, we embroidered this pouch for you! My grandmother always says: a pouch for a Cossack on a military campaign is a piece of his native home. He will look at the pouch in the far side - immediately a house, a woman, he will remember his children!

(Gives the pouch to Ataman with a bow).

Ataman: Thank you from the bottom of my heart, daughter! God bless you, and your golden hands - dexterity and skills!

(He hugs the girl, strokes her head.)

Ataman: And now the time has come to test the lads: how do they protect our Cossack glory and antiquity? Do they remember the testaments of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, do they know Cossack customs and commandments? Do they respect the elders, do they learn from them the mind-reason. Well, get ready, brothers, keep the answer before the villagers. Listen to all my riddles!

(Ataman tucks the ends of his hood under the belt, goes to the middle of the stage).

Ataman: What does it mean when a Cossack walks along the village, tucking in the ends of his hood like this?

Ataman: Right! This meant that the Cossack was in a hurry, he was performing the important task of the Ataman, and no one should detain him and distract him from business.

Ataman: And what does it mean when a Cossack throws the ends of the hood behind his back?

(One of the boys answers Ataman).

Ataman: Right! Since the ends of the hood are behind his back, then the Cossack is now free, on vacation, so you can go up to him and chat.

Owner: It's time for the boys to play, stretch their bones! Get into a round dance - Cossack Fedot is ahead!

(All children stand in a circle, the old Cossack song “Grass, my, grass” is performed - 3 verses).

Hostess: Well, girls, all here! Cossacks do not have fun without a Cossack ditty! Maryanka, start!

(Girls take turns performing couplets of ditties), for example:

Guard! Guard!
Cossack Misha drowned!
Not in a swamp, not in a river -
Just in sour milk!

I was sitting on the window
A Cossack rode on a cat!
I began to drive up to the window,
I couldn't keep my cat!

Remove heads!
How long will you stand
Are you away from us?

Owner: Well, why are the lads squeamish? It is not the business of the Cossack to lose heart! The Cossack must always be ahead, such is his share! Just think, the girls are flooded with a nightingale, but they don’t know how to chop a vine. And we’ll show them in a moment what a checker is when it ended up in a Cossack hand!

(The game element “Cutting the vine” is performed. Then the Owner and one of the boys imitate a saber fight. All this happens to the music of the old Cossack song “Kuban Cossacks”).

Ataman: Dear guests! How do you think, famously cut the Cossacks?

Guests: Good! Famously! Well done!

Ataman: So I understand that it’s not good for such lads to walk in bare feet, it’s time to attribute them to the Cossacks! They have dashing and dexterity, they know and respect our Cossack customs, and besides, they sing and dance well, in a word, the Cossack spirit lives in them!
Cossack brothers! Do you agree with Ataman's word? Are these boys and girls worthy of the Cossack title?

Guests: Worthy! Love! Dobre!

Owner: Old Man Ataman! Take them under your ataman's wing, let the chicks grow into eagles!

Ataman: Well, if so, since all of you liked these lads and girls, I will speak my ataman's word, our Cossack mandate!
Owner: Quiet everyone! Ataman will be talking!

(Ataman is presented with an order written on a large folded sheet of paper, he unfolds it and reads aloud):

Ataman: “There is no translation for the Cossack family!
Glory to you, Lord, that we are Cossacks!
Cossack should not be born,
You have to become a Cossack!
To be a Cossack means to love the Motherland!
The first thing for a Cossack is to protect his native land!

(To children):

Here, my children, is the ancient mandate of our Cossack ancestors, every Cossack should know it and keep it in his heart and not only keep it in his heart, but also sacredly fulfill it!

(Then Ataman turns to the boys):

Repeat after me the words of our Cossack oath:
“Glory to the Kuban, glory to the heroes!
I swear that I will be a faithful son of mother - Russia!
I swear that I will not let my brothers - the Cossacks down!
I swear that I will honor the covenants of our ancestors -
Kuban Cossacks!

(The boys, all together, repeat after the Ataman).

Ataman: From now on, you are not lads, but Cossacks! Don't disgrace bad word or a bad deed our Cossack family and their native village! May you have a hot heart, a cold mind, kind soul and clean hands!

Mistress: And may your hand always firmly hold the Cossack dagger and saber, so that you are always ready to protect the weak, protect your home, protect the Russian land!

Ataman: Well, the Cossack has always been a faithful friend and assistant to the Cossack in any good deed! She took care of the house, kept the fire in hearth when the Cossack went on a long trip. Be kind and faithful hostesses in Cossack kuren. To make this day memorable for you for the rest of your life, accept my Ataman gifts!

(The host gives the boys a type-setting Cossack belt, and the hostess puts on the girls curtains - colorfully embroidered aprons).

Boys - Cossacks: Thank you, Mr. Ataman!

Cossack girls: Thank you, Old Man Ataman!

Ataman: In parting, my dear villagers, let's sing our Cossack marching song, and let the Cossacks sing along!

(The modern Cossack song “Let's sing, Cossacks” is performed. Music by V. Zakharchenko, see the text and melody of the song in the Appendix).

Explanation to the scenario of the holiday DEDICATION TO COSSACHATS

The script is designed for middle school students. The folklore holiday "Initiation to the Cossacks" can be timed to coincide with the Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23).
The song repertoire of the holiday must be learned in advance by the participants of the staging during after hours. At the same time, the final song "Let's sing, Cossacks" (music by V. Zakharchenko) should be familiar to all children, so that at the end of the holiday all those present in chorus sing this song, that is, learning it can be included in the song repertoire of music lessons.
The roles of Ataman, Master and Mistress should be played by older students, for example, students in grades 10-11. Rest characters dramatizations (cossacks, guests) are designed to be performed by middle school students. For these roles, it is desirable to select children with expressive facial expressions, a loud voice, with artistic inclinations.
A folklore holiday at school should not be limited only to the performance of the staging “Initiation into the Cossacks”. It is desirable that an exhibition, albeit a small one, of children's crafts and drawings related to the theme of the Kuban Cossacks be prepared for the day of the folklore holiday. Before the staging, a small amateur concert may be held, where folk songs and dances, including those of the Cossacks. Students must be invited as spectators of the performance. primary school apart from middle school students.



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