That's just his point of view. What is a person's point of view and how to understand or accept it


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The opposite point of view is not confirmed in the Civil Code. The donee could also be forced to fulfill the obligation in kind, forced to accept the gift against his will, which looks completely absurd.

The opposite view questions the usefulness of instanton-based results in the context of QCD, especially because of the problem of strong coupling and large instantons, which is described in Sec. We have already referred to Witten's paper, in which he proposes the l/Af expansion as a more meaningful approximation to the SU(3) gauge theory, and furthermore proves that instanton effects vanish in the main N-oo limit of this expansion.

The opposite point of view: the theory of resonance is closely related to quantum mechanics; Having discarded the theory of resonance, one must also discard quantum mechanics.

The opposite view, that only acceleration relative to fixed stars matters, is a hypothesis commonly referred to as Mach's principle. Although there is neither experimental confirmation nor refutation of this view, some physicists, including Einstein, have found this principle of a priori interest. Other physicists hold opposite opinion. This question has implications for theoretical cosmology.

The opposite point of view, which states that the failure of a composite under compression can be described by the rule of mixtures, is apparently based on data that depend on the action of micromechanical factors. This kind of relationship could be valid when failure occurs in the composite at a predetermined level of strain associated with a characteristic level of stress in the fibers or in the matrix. For example, a very good agreement with the rule of mixtures for the destruction of vacuum cast copper reinforced with tungsten wire was found in the work.

The opposite point of view focuses more on external circumstances and conditions.

The opposite point of view - when conducting certification, the goals should not intersect (see, for example, Robert L. But common sense suggests that it is very difficult to separate, for example, the need for training (to maintain current activities or correct shortcomings) from career planning.

The opposite point of view on organizational development is presented in models of natural orientation. The development model they consider is called the concept life cycles organizations. The concept describes organizational development as a natural, teleologically predetermined, universal and irreversible process of a phased passage by an organization of a number of phases: from birth through maturity to decrepitude and death (the logic of I. This model is actively used today in the practice of management consulting in diagnosing organizations and developing change projects.

The opposite view is that immigration is a burden on the host country. Immigrants compete with natives in the market for rare jobs; reduce the average level of real wages and replenish the lists for receiving state benefits at the expense of taxpayers. In addition, modern high levels legal and illegal immigration undermine the idea of ​​the United States as a country where all immigrants assimilate. The heterogeneity of recently arrived immigrants allegedly threatens US cohesion, generates social and racial conflicts, and challenges American culture and lifestyle.

The opposite point of view proceeds from the assumption of the coexistence of both phases in each porous channel, and the simplest scheme in this case is an annular flow scheme, in which the wetting liquid moves along the walls of the porous channel, and the non-wetting phase (in particular, gas) moves in the center of this channel. This scheme is rejected by most researchers for indirect reasons: if such a flow regime were realized in a porous medium, then the relative permeabilities would depend on the viscosity ratio. In reality, however, most experiments do not detect such an effect. Let us consider this issue in more detail, presenting a porous medium as a bundle of cylindrical capillaries of the same diameter, inside which an annular flow regime is realized.

The opposite point of view, which is that compression is considered positive and tension is negative, is classical in fluid mechanics and is most often applied when dealing with ideal, or Newtonian, fluids.

Correlation between hot hardness and long-term strength for a series of austenitic parts of type 18 - 8 for terms.

The opposite point of view is held by A. P. Gulyaev and E. F. Trusova, who believe that the method of long-term hardness neither qualitatively nor quantitatively characterizes the heat resistance of alloys. These authors see an organic drawback of this method in the fact that both parameters change during testing, by which one can judge the heat resistance of the material - both deformation and stress. Added to this is the difference in the initial specific pressure, which is inevitable for alloys with unequal short-term hardness.

Supporters of the capillary theory adhere to the opposite point of view. They believe that liquid permeates through selective membranes through capillaries a few thousandths of a micrometer in size. Due to surface phenomena, the liquid filling such capillaries is in a special state and cannot contain a dissolved substance, therefore it does not penetrate through the membrane.

Only one out of ten experts (11%) adheres to the opposite point of view, and almost the same proportion of experts finds it difficult to unequivocally answer this question.

Many do not know what is human point of view and how to understand or accept it, but this is the most important and important thing a person needs to learn how to communicate, build relationships with others. After all, we do not understand each other, because we do not know how to accept the point of view of another person and often think only about our problems and our own benefit.

In the article you can not only find out what a person’s point of view is and how to understand or accept it, but also how to learn to contact with any person, regardless of his character and inclinations. You can negotiate with any person if you start thinking about other people's problems.

think of others

Learn to listen

Also to understand person's point of view , you need to learn to listen to him, and not constantly talk about what you know. Become a good listener and then everyone will love you and be happy to communicate with you. Each person lacks someone who would listen to them, praise and support. Become a medicine and a salvation for people - then you will achieve a lot in life. Thinking only about your own problems, you are not able to achieve the desired success, since wealth and success depend on others.

psycho- olog. ru

Undoubtedly, we all dream that our children will be successful in life, will find Good work. And most of us are aware that in our hectic age, it becomes more and more important to have our own point of view and, at the same time, the ability to understand the point of view of another person. Therefore, it becomes our parental task to develop this skill in our offspring. Let's imagine such a conversation with a child.

Mom, what is a "point of view"? Here I am standing here, at this point, and I see ... And if I took one step away, does it mean that my point of view has already changed? the child asks.

And what should he say to that? And no need to say anything yet! Let's think: if there is one point of view on the problem, there may be another. In order to understand this, the other, one must "stand on it" and look at the original problem from it. In order to do this, you have to go beyond your own point of view. But as?

In solving this problem, art canvases and our desire to be with the baby and give him (and ourselves!) A wonderful day off can again help us.

For this our

Pedagogical recipe number 10

Or we again go to the museum, or we give the child an album with reproductions of paintings and get comfortable on the couch.

We offer him to choose his favorite picture. Then we ask the child to mentally step over the frame of the picture and answer the questions - what is under his feet, what is the weather like, is the wind strong, what does he see around?

Naturally, the child will describe his feelings in accordance with what he sees in the picture. Let's not rush, listen to his full answers. And then, we ask him to go for a walk inside the picture. Let him mentally "go beyond" the depicted landscape or look beyond the boundaries of the still life. We invite him to describe what he sees behind the frame. What kind of houses, trees, people are there? What are they doing? Who would the child want to talk to? What's new heard? Let him look from the picture into your room (museum hall). What does it look like from the outside? What did he want to change about her?

Of course, we ourselves perform this exercise together with the child.

After the walk, we "return" to the frame and "step" over the frame back to our room or to the hall of the museum. The child may ask you to take a trip outside of another painting. But don't do it on the same day. Dedicate your next weekend to it.

On the way home from the museum or from the couch to the kitchen table, we compare our descriptions. It often happens that outside the picture we see different things. Therefore, over a traditional cup of tea with jam, we will tell each other about what we saw "beyond", compare our feelings. And at the same time we ask the child the question: which of us is right?

Like who? - he will be surprised. You saw one thing, I saw another. Everyone has their own fantasies!

Yes, it is, - you agree - I have one life experience, you have another. So who is right here?

Both are right! - the heir makes a philosophical conclusion, at the same time taking the first step in mastering a very complex concept"point of view".

If it is difficult for him, use

"- the places where the observer is located and on which the perspective he sees depends.

Concept in philosophy

The introduced point of view is always located against, above, aside, below from the world as a holistic image. Through point of view, there is a perspective reduction of objects that otherwise could not be perceived. The most notable contribution to the development of the philosophical doctrine of the point of view was made by such thinkers as G. V. Leibniz, W. James, P. A. Florensky, P. Valery, X. Ortega y Gasset and others. The point of view correlates with such concepts like “ perspective", " aspect", " view", " worldview" (Weltanschauung), " position", " distancing", etc.

Different points of view help to better analyze the phenomenon, avoid biased judgments, and find an original solution to the problem.

The point of view is given worldview functions, it is endowed with mental, conscious, value qualities, which are projected onto the "visible" world in the form of its integral qualities. All points of view can be divided into two types: a single point of view and a private, relative one. The first is defined as metaphysical, or transcendental, its invariable property - hovering over, the uniqueness of the view, omnipresence, like the "eye of God". The place of the second point of view is projected not outside the world, but in itself: it is always co-possible, dynamic, mobile, depending on the distance that needs to be established.

Classification by person or position

  • Personal point of view (, 1st person) (see subjectivity);
  • The point of view of the interlocutor (you, 2nd person);
  • The point of view of the observer (he, someone, 3rd person).

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the point of view

- After Austerlitz! said Prince Andrei gloomily. - No; I humbly thank you, I promised myself that I would not serve in the active Russian army. And I won't if Bonaparte was standing here, near Smolensk, threatening the Bald Mountains, and then I wouldn't serve in the Russian army. Well, so I told you, - Prince Andrei continued calming down. - Now the militia, the father is the commander-in-chief of the 3rd district, and the only way for me to get rid of the service is to be with him.
- So you serve?
- I serve. He paused a little.
So why are you serving?
- But why. My father is one of wonderful people of his century. But he is getting old, and not only is he cruel, but he is too active in character. He is terrible because of his habit of unlimited power, and now this power given by the Sovereign to the commander-in-chief of the militia. If I had been two hours late two weeks ago, he would have hanged the recorder in Yukhnov, ”said Prince Andrei with a smile; - I serve this way because no one except me has influence on my father, and in some places I will save him from an act from which he would later suffer.
- Ah, so you see!
- Yes, mais ce n "est pas comme vous l" entendez, [but this is not how you understand it,] continued Prince Andrei. - I didn’t and don’t wish the slightest good for this bastard recorder who stole some boots from the militias; I would even be very pleased to see him hanged, but I feel sorry for my father, that is, again for myself.
Prince Andrei became more and more animated. His eyes shone feverishly while he tried to prove to Pierre that there had never been a desire for good for his neighbor in his act.
“Well, now you want to free the peasants,” he continued. - This is very good; but not for you (I think you didn't spot anyone or send them to Siberia), and even less so for the peasants. If they are beaten, flogged, sent to Siberia, then I think that this does not make them any worse. In Siberia, he leads the same bestial life, and the scars on his body will heal, and he is as happy as he was before. And this is necessary for those people who perish morally, earn themselves repentance, suppress this repentance and become rude because they have the opportunity to execute right and wrong. That's who I feel sorry for, and for whom I would like to free the peasants. You may not have seen, but I saw how good people brought up in these traditions of unlimited power, over the years, when they become more irritable, they become cruel, rude, they know this, they cannot resist, and everything becomes more and more unhappy. - Prince Andrei said this with such enthusiasm that Pierre involuntarily thought that these thoughts were induced by Andrei by his father. He didn't answer him.

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