Wood burning effect in corel. How to Create Scorched Text on Skin in Adobe Photoshop


Today's tutorial will be about how to make a scorched text effect on wooden surface. The result is just super, very suitable for some Hollywood poster. We get this effect with a nice wooden texture, a grunge brush, a couple of blending modes and a few simple filters.

Step 1.

First we need a wooden texture. Let's download it from here. Open the downloaded file in Photoshop and change the size to a more manageable one. For example 1200x800.

Step 2

Now we write the text. We write the word BURN, well, or any other, in Arial Black font, color # 7b4a0f.

Step 3

First, let's create an effect around the main text. To do this, select the text (Ctrl + Click on the text layer).

Step 4

Now let's transform the selection. In the menu, select Selection (Select)> Modification (Modify)> Expand ... (Expand). Expand by 25 pixels.

Step 5

Create a new layer below the text layer and fill the selection with dark in gray (#222222).

Step 6

Now soften the edges with a blur. In me Filter (Filter)> Blur (Blur)> Gaussian Blur… (Gaussian Blur). The value is 1.8 pixels.

Step 7

Apply the Wind filter. In the menu Filter (Filter)\u003e Stylization (Stylize)\u003e Wind ... (Wind). Set direction to left.

Step 8

In this step, we will do everything the same as in the previous one, only set the direction to the right.

Step 9

Change the blending mode of the layer to “Blackout Basics” (Color Burn) and set the layer transparency to 30%.

Step 10

Go to the text layer. Change the layer blending mode to “Multiplication” (Multiply).

Step 11

Apply the following layer style to the text layer. Inner Glow: Blend Mode: Multiply, Opacity: 60%, Color: #111111, Size: 21px.

Step 12

Now we need to add some roughness to the edges of the text. For these purposes, "Add a vector mask" by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the container.

Step 13

Download cute grunge brushes. Select one of them and set the settings for the brush, as shown in the figure below. Black color. We made sure that the layer mask is active, and we begin to clean up the upper edge of the text with a brush.

Step 14

Then, in the brush settings, rotate the brush slightly and continue to clean up the edges of the text.

Step 15

After all the manipulations with the brush, our text should look something like the image below.

What You'll Be Creating

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a super light but very realistic burnt text on the skin using two layer styles. So let's get started!

This text effect was inspired by other text effects available on GraphicRiver.

Raw Materials

The following source materials were used to create this tutorial:

  • Big Top font
  • Skin Texture

1. How to Create a Background

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop with the following dimensions 1024x683px and then we go File - Place related(File > Place Linked) to load the skin texture.

Apply scaling so that the texture fits the dimensions of the working document, and also try to stretch the texture so that the dark lower right corner of the texture remains outside the edge of the working canvas.

Step 2

Check the box Extra options(Show More Options), and then apply the following values ​​for the rest of the settings:


  • Effect(Amount): 1
  • Tonal Width(Tone): 50
  • Radius(Radius): 30

Light (Highlights):

  • Effect(Amount): 20
  • Tonal Width(Tone): 50
  • Radius(Radius): 30

Correction (Adjustments):

  • Color correction(Color): 0
  • Midtone Contrast(Midtone): 0

2. How to Create a Simple Vignette Effect

Step 1

Click the icon Create a New Adjustment or Fill Layer(Create new fill or adjustment layer) at the bottom of the layers panel and in the menu that appears, select the option Gradient(gradient).

Step 2

Set the gradient from transparent to foreground color. Set the gradient colors to #eaeaea on the left and #816f69 on the right.

Change Style(Style) on Radial(radial), Scale(Scale) on 350 and check the box dithering(Dither).

Step 3

Change the blend mode for the adjustment layer Gradient(Gradient) to Linear dimmer(Linear Burn).

3. Create the Text

Step 1

Create text using a font big top. Install Size(Size) font on 200pt, and the value tracking(Tracking) on -50 .

Step 2

Decrease the value fills(Fill) for the text layer before 0 .

Step 3

Duplicate the text layer.

4. Apply Styling to the Text Layer

Double click on the original text layer to apply the following layer style:

Step 1

Add a layer style Embossing

  • Size(Size): 30
  • gloss outline(Gloss Contour): Ring - Double
  • Check the box Smoothing(anti-aliased)
  • Backlight mode
  • Shadow Mode:
    • color: #675b47

Step 2

Add a layer style Circuit

  • Circuit(Contour): Rolling Slope - Descending
  • Check the box Smoothing(anti-aliased)
  • Range(Range): 100%

Step 3

Add a layer style Texture(Texture) with the following settings:

  • Pattern(Pattern): Metal mesh

Step 4

Add a layer style color overlay(Color Overlay) with the following settings:

  • Color: #3f3d43
  • Blend Mode(Blend Mode): Multiply
  • Opacity(Opacity): 90%

Step 5

Add a layer style Shadow

  • Blend Mode(Blend Mode): Linear dimmer (Linear Burn)
  • Color: #74838e
  • Opacity(Opacity): 65%
  • Bias(Distance): 5
  • scope(Spread): 10
  • Size(Size): 20

5. Apply the Blend if Option

Step 1

Click on the tab Overlay options(Blending Options) at the top of the settings window layer style(Layer Style).

At the bottom of the parameter overlay if(Blend If), move the white slider Underlying layer(Underlying Layer) to the left.

Notice how this affects the shading of the text, and you'll see how the highlights start to show.

Step 2

Now holding down the ‘ alt', drag the slider to split it in two. By moving each half of the slider, create a smooth transition.

Play with the sliders until you're happy with the result.

Basically, this will help protect the highlights of the texture from being affected by the layer styles you have applied.

6. Apply Styling to the Duplicate Text Layer

Double click on the duplicate text layer to apply the following layer style:

Step 1

Add a layer style Embossing(Bevel and Emboss). Set the following settings:

  • Style(Style): Pillow Emboss
  • Size(Size): 15
  • Check the box Smoothing(anti-aliased)
  • Backlight mode(Highlight Mode): Overlay (Overlay)

Step 2

Add a layer style Circuit(Contour) with the following settings:

  • Circuit(Contour): Cover - Deep
  • Check the box Smoothing(anti-aliased)

Step 3

Add a layer style inner shadow(Inner Shadow) with the following settings:

  • Blend Mode
  • Color: #85552f
  • Opacity(Opacity): 35%
  • Bias(Distance): 5
  • Size(Size): 10

Step 4

Click on the ‘ + ' to the right of the tab inner shadow(Inner Shadow) to add another layer style inner shadow(Inner Shadow) with the following settings:

  • Blend Mode(Blend Mode): Linear Burn (Linear Burn)
  • Color: #85552f
  • Opacity(Opacity): 35%
  • Bias(Distance): 0
  • Size(Size): 25

Step 5

Add a layer style External glow(Outer Glow) with the following settings:

  • Blend Mode(Blend Mode): Linear Burn (Linear Burn)
  • Opacity(Opacity): 70%
  • Color: #b2b0af
  • Size(Size): 10

Step 6

Add a layer style Shadow(Drop Shadow) with the following settings:

  • Blend Mode(Blend Mode): Linear Dodge (Add)
  • Color: #ccdfe0
  • Opacity(Opacity): 45%
  • Bias(Distance): 0
  • Size(Size): 5

Step 7

Add another layer style Shadow(Drop Shadow) with the following settings:

  • Blend Mode(Blend Mode): Bright light(Vivid light)
  • Color: #c9c7ad
  • Opacity(Opacity): 35%
  • Bias(Distance): 5
  • Size(Size): 15

You can see the final result in the screenshot below.

Great job! We have completed the lesson!

In this tutorial we created a simple background using a texture and a gradient fill layer.

Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, and post your work.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a scorched logo engraving effect on a wood surface. You can use any logo, shape or text for this effect. The engraving can be edited and customized to your liking.

First you need to choose your favorite wood texture. I will use the texture of an old faded wood, which can be taken from the archive.

Materials for the lesson:

Add a few adjustment layers to age the wood even more. First add Brightness/Contrast(Brightness/Contrast), and then Hue/Saturation(Color tone /Saturation).

Let's add our logo to the work. I will be using a retro logo that I created myself. You can download it. This is a fully editable PSD file. Also you can choose one of these amazing ones and customize to your taste.

Open the psd file with the logo in Photoshop and place it above the wood texture layer. Convert all logo layers to Smart Object.

Translator's note: Vpsd-file with the logo of three groups. For the convenience of moving to work, I advise you to combine all these groups into new group and then drag this group into the working document. Next, convert this group into a smart object.

Our logo and texture have different angles review. Go to menu Edit>Transform>Distort(Edit-Transform-Distort) and change the perspective of the logo.

Now, all you have to do is add the following layer styles to create an engraved effect, as well as a burnt wood effect.

Font burning

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make an inscription on a wooden product made in a folk circle. applied arts. Such an inscription can be obtained by burning. This requires an electric burner - a metal pin with a wooden handle. The pin is heated by means of an electric current with a voltage of 2-4 V. In this case, a transformer is needed that would allow changing the operating voltage and adjusting the heating temperature of the tip.

In contact with the surface of the wood, the red-hot pin leaves a charred mark, colored, depending on the duration of cauterization and the degree of heating of the pin, various black-brown shades.

It is necessary to burn letters carefully and carefully, since mistakes made during burning are very difficult to correct.

It is better to burn inscriptions on relatively soft, finely porous woods: linden, poplar, alder, birch. Hard wood, such as oak, beech, pine, ash, spruce, larch, in which soft layers alternate with very hard or resinous ones, makes it difficult for the burner to work, does not allow achieving the same depth and color of the burnt strokes.

The wood must be well dried so that the surface of the product does not warp during burning.

The inscription is first made on paper, then transferred to wood using carbon paper. Wood must first be sanded with fine glass sandpaper.

After burning, the surface of the product can be finished with waxing or varnishing, then the inscription will become brighter.

For waxing it is necessary to dissolve one part of natural wax in two parts of pure turpentine, and turpentine is added to the melted wax. Before waxing, remove all dust from the wood with a clean cloth. Then its surface is rubbed with a swab made of a clean cloth impregnated with wax polish, first across and then along the fibers. After 20-30 minutes, this must be repeated, and after drying, the treated surface should be rubbed with a dry, clean cloth to a slight sheen. Lacquering is done with ordinary furniture varnish with the addition of one or two drops. vegetable oil. Prepared, as in waxing, the surface is covered several times with varnish, which is applied with a cotton swab wrapped in a clean linen rag. When applying a new layer of varnish, the previous one should dry well.

Font embroidery

Artistic embroidery is one of the fascinating types of applied art. People with basic knowledge in this area and a minimum of skill can embroider inscriptions on banners and pennants.

Letters are embroidered, as well as regular drawings, on the hoop on the canvas with colored threads (mulina). Embroidery is carried out with a single (Russian) or double (Bulgarian) cross. The font must be chosen with such a constructive construction that would allow it to be embroidered on the canvas. It can be either italic or roman. To preserve the shape of the embroidered letters, their contours are stitched with stitches like a machine seam.

The color of the threads, of course, must be chosen so that the letters are effectively combined with the background. The font is embroidered with threads of one or more colors. For example, one stitch can be made with orange thread and the other with yellow thread.

It will be about how to make the effect of scorched text on a wooden surface. The result is just super, very suitable for some Hollywood poster. We get this effect with a nice wooden texture, a grunge brush, a couple of blending modes and a few simple filters.

Step 1.
First we need a wooden texture. Let's download it from here. Open the downloaded file in Photoshop and change the size to a more manageable one. For example 1200x800.

Step 2
Now we write the text. We write the word BURN, well, or any other, in Arial Black font, color # 7b4a0f.

Step 3
First, let's create an effect around the main text. To do this, select the text (Ctrl + Click on the text layer).

Step 4
Now let's transform the selection. In the menu, select Selection (Select)> Modification (Modify)> Expand ... (Expand). Expand by 25 pixels.

Step 5
Create a new layer below the text layer and fill the selection with dark gray (#222222).

Step 6
Now soften the edges with a blur. In me Filter (Filter)> Blur (Blur)> Gaussian Blur… (Gaussian Blur). The value is 1.8 pixels.

Step 7
Apply the Wind filter. In the menu Filter (Filter)\u003e Stylization (Stylize)\u003e Wind ... (Wind). Set direction to left.

Step 8
In this step, we will do everything the same as in the previous one, only set the direction to the right.

Step 9
Change the blending mode of the layer to “Blackout Basics” (Color Burn) and set the layer transparency to 30%.

Step 10
Go to the text layer. Change the layer blending mode to “Multiplication” (Multiply).

Step 11

Apply the following layer style to the text layer. Inner Glow: Blend Mode: Multiply, Opacity: 60%, Color: #111111, Size: 21px.

Step 12
Now we need to add some roughness to the edges of the text. For these purposes, "Add a vector mask" by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the container.

Step 13
Download cute grunge brushes. Select one of them and set the settings for the brush, as shown in the figure below. Black color. We made sure that the layer mask is active, and we begin to clean up the upper edge of the text with a brush.

Step 14
Then, in the brush settings, rotate the brush slightly and continue to clean up the edges of the text.

Step 15
After all the manipulations with the brush, our text should look something like the image below.

Step 16
Let's add some more charring to the background. To do this, on top of all layers, create a new layer. Set the foreground color to black and the background color to white. Go to menu Filter > Render > Clouds. Set the blending mode for this layer to “Multiplication” (Multiply).

Step 17
Now take a large soft brush and use the Eraser tool to erase part of the layer around the text.

Step 18
Let's add a new adjustment layer. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels. Set the black value to 15 and the white value to 223 as in the image below.

Final result.
As a result, we have such a wonderful effect.

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