Doll eyes with acrylic paints. How to draw doll eyes? Homemade dolls: master class


In this master class, I will tell you in detail and show how I draw the face of a textile doll. Mini MK was here -

It took me a very long time to create dolls with painted faces, because I can’t draw at all, even at school others drew for me, and in exchange I taught them English. So my case is hopeless. But even there was a way out of it :)

Therefore, if you are at the very beginning of the puppet journey, my master class on drawing the face of a textile doll will be very useful. It is only later that you can search the Internet for MK professionals who can take a deep look, etc. and so on. I can accurately draw the face of a doll, and I will share this :)

Let's start. Oh yes! I don't prime my face! I draw directly on the fabric.

1. We will need:
— head :)
— Acrylic paints on fabric;
- Very thin brushes(a quality brush is the key to success, so do not be stingy);
- Pastel pencil for tinting;
- Blush for cheeks;
- And everything else that you see in the photo:

2. We begin to draw a face. I use templates to draw eyes, because every time I could not draw evenly :) First, I “fix” the eyes and align them:

3. And then I trace them with a simple pencil while not pressing too hard:

4. Draw the nose. It’s easier with him - when the eyes are drawn evenly, we simply “sculpt” the nose under them clearly in the center :)

5. We continue to draw the face of the doll - lips, eyelids and eyebrows:

6. I draw the iris of the eyes with the help of such a ruler, just choosing the right size.

We draw eyes to a textile doll. Master Class. Very often, many needlewomen who love to sew textile dolls have a problem when painting the face of the doll, and especially the eye. I think that a master class from Elena (A_Lenushka) may come in handy for work

We draw eyes to a textile doll. Master Class

For work we need:
1 Acrylic paints
2 Synthetic brushes
3 The carcass of the doll primed (I primed with a mixture of 0.5 water + 0.5 PVA + acrylic paint)
4 Water
5 Sheet of paper (instead of a palette)
6 Pencil and eraser.
First you need to draw a puppet face on paper. This will allow you to fill your hand and you will have a cheat sheet where you will periodically look. Believe me, it's better to ruin a few sheets of paper than a finished doll carcass. You can use "mother's" magazines (about babies) for a sample, there are very high-quality photographs

Additionally, I prime my face with almost undiluted PVA glue and dry it. After that, the paint lays down perfectly and the face becomes like porcelain. In addition, I pass with a brush along the neck (the seams that secure the head) and legs. The neck becomes stronger, and the legs will also be painted

We draw eyes on the face with a pencil, outline the nose and mouth. Fill the eye with white acrylic paint (including the eyelid). With the rest of the paint (at the tip of the brush), we outline the nose and brows (just put dots). We wash the brush. We are waiting for it to dry and outline the contours of the eyelid and iris with a pencil

We draw the iris, carefully picking up paint on the brush. Have you drawn? And now, they dipped the brush in water, ran it over the paper (they removed the excess paint). Is the trail slightly blue? make shadows on the squirrel (or what is it called?) Eyes. If the brush leaves almost no trace, then again gurgle it in water, draw it over a sheet of paper (remove excess paint), draw 0.5 mm of paint on the brush, lightly smear it on paper and draw the eyelid with the rest

Washed the brush. carried out on paper (removed excess moisture). dip the brush literally 1 mm into the paint. We rest the elbow firmly and circle the eyelid with a confident hand. Let's pick up more paint and draw a pupil. With the rest of the paint, add shadows on the squirrel and iris. The brush bubbled in the water. Swipe across the paper. Is there a trace left? Amazing! now with this brush we add shadows above the eyelid, under the nose and lightly outline the mouth. The brush no longer paints? dip it in water and paint on it will be enough again

Rinse the brush well. They dried her. Picked up some white paint. We put highlights and slightly highlight the lower part of the iris. With the rest of the paint, add brightness to the spout

I draw the nose and mouth with a bronze outline. I also add shadows near the eyes. You can draw eyelashes. Can you leave it like this

I remind you again:
paint with a synthetic brush (it is more elastic).
We thoroughly rinse the brush, acrylic paint dries very quickly, a lump forms on the tip of the brush, and it makes it very difficult to draw.
We paint with an almost dry brush. Before you pick up the paint, dry the brush by swiping a few times over the paper. Otherwise, the colors will be faded and blurry. If the brush does not slip, then the water is still not enough.
If you waved the brush in the wrong direction, do not roar! Fresh paint is washed off with water and cotton swab. Dried out - nail polish remover and the same cotton swab


The tilde chrysalis, thanks to its original personality, can afford to be without a face, mouth, nose, with dotted eyes. But in all other cases, painting the doll's face is one of the main ways to put character, soul into the craft. The hackneyed phrase “eyes are the mirror of the soul” in this case is 100% right. It is the expression of the doll's face, the raised or lowered corners of the mouth, the shape of the eyebrows that tells about the character of the textile doll. Therefore, it is very important to paint her face the way the author intended and according to all the laws of plasticity.

A textile caramel doll should be cheerful, a little naive, and therefore a little surprised. A smiling mouth, a round snub-nosed nose are already stitched along the contour. We just have to apply decorative makeup.

We will draw acrylic paints, although in some places it is allowed to apply war paint and oil. Prepare in advance a palette for diluting paint, brushes of different thicknesses and hardness, white paper for a sample.

  • The master class will begin with the preparation of paint. Put it quite a bit on the palette and dip the tip of a dry hard brush. Choose a tone slightly darker than the “skin” of the toy. Smear excess paint onto a sheet of paper.

  • With light, quick strokes, apply paint on the cheeks, in the recesses of the lines, near the eyes and mouth. You can slightly toned the tip of the nose. If the paint does not lay down evenly enough, blend it with a cotton swab.

  • Mark the middle of the eye with a pencil, then step back a little up (1-2 mm) and draw a large circle from this center. Step back up another 1 mm and draw a smaller circle. Keep your eyes the same. Paint over first big circle light brown paint, then, without waiting for it to dry, make the outer diameter dark with a smooth transition to the center in light brown. After drying, mark the black pupil.

  • Make two white spots on both pupils with a thin brush. One is small, the other is large. See how the eyes of our doll sparkled. Here is such a hand-drawn face plastic turned out. It remains to slightly run dry red paint over the lips and the caramel is ready.

Advice. For tinting, you can use a mixture of ground cinnamon and fine instant coffee.

This master class will start with pencil drawing. There are certain rules, proportions, according to which all features are drawn not only for dolls. Imagine that the face is a circle. Divide it mentally into 4 equal sectors. It is on the horizontal axis that the inner corners of the eyes and the centers of the pupils will be located. The outer corners, depending on the plasticity of the face, can be lower, higher and generally asymmetrical to each other. In our case, they are lowered. Textile melancholic doll. The eyebrows raised at the nose also indicate that this craft is not very good. happy life.

  1. We draw pupils, eyelids and a mouth.
  2. We paint over the squirrels with a thin brush with white paint.
  3. Draw a blue pupil.
  4. Apply a black circle in the center so that it touches the eyelid.
  5. Put two white dots (small and large) on the black circle.
  6. Blend the dry white paint over the blue iris. Try to ensure that all manipulations performed are the same in both eyes.
  7. Make shadows. They are also applied with dry pastels. Blue on the edge of the whites and black on the borders of the eyelids. Draw cilia, nose, lips.
  8. Make a soft blush with dry paint or pastel.
  9. Here you go! It remains to add a few small freckles, put on a spicy hat with a red curl on your head and the sad lady is ready.

Pay attention to the lively eyes of the dolls, which are painted by a wonderful master needlewoman Irina Khochina. It seems that these are not drawn, but at least glass pupils. How to achieve this, Irina tells in one of the master classes.

Always remember that the eye is a large sphere inserted into the head. The shadows on it are the same as on the sphere. The extreme, lightest point is a glare, followed by light, penumbra and, finally, a shadow.

  1. We draw two identical circles on the central axis (in the middle of the face). It always visually seems that the eyes should be a little higher to the hairline. This visual illusion is obtained due to the fact that the lower part of the face is more loaded with elements (nose, mouth, chin).
  2. Then from below and from above deep into the circle we draw the eyelids.
  3. The pupil should be slightly covered upper eyelid. Only in a very frightened person can it be in the middle, without touching the eyelids. But it won't look good.
  4. The next step is toning the brow ridges. Slightly darken the distance from the eye to the eyebrow. This will create depth and volume.
  5. We paint the eye with off-white paint so that the absolutely white highlight stands out against this background.
  6. We paint the iris and black pupil. Don't use pure color. Add some brown to the blue, etc. The iris also changes saturation from the edge to the center.
  7. Draw a shadow under the eyelid.
  8. We put two white dots relative to the center of the eye opposite each other. One point will represent the glare (lower), the second (upper) is its reflection.
  9. We circle the eye. The line closer to the highlight should be brighter. Draw the upper eyelid clearly, because it is all in dark cilia and has a shadow. We draw the line of the lower eyelid lighter and almost dotted, darkening to the outer corner.

Professional masters, it seems that such a face is very difficult and unrealistic to make yourself. However, the step-by-step master class below describes the process "from and to" and shows that even if you cannot repeat this the first time, anyone can create a doll face!

Are used:

  • synthetic brushes of different sizes, starting from the smallest ones for drawing small details;
  • two types of pastel - dry and oil;
  • acrylic paint.

First of all, sketches of the puppet face are made on paper, where the dimensions of the nose, mouth, eyes, facial expression of the toy, etc. are pretended.

The resulting contours need to be drawn with a pastel (the most convenient one is in the form of pencils). Shades are flesh-colored, in this case pink-brown. The applied pastel is shaded with a brush. So the first shadows are laid on the face.

Further, the contours of the eye, nose, mouth are slightly drawn with a brown pastel pencil, and the chin, corners of the mouth, etc. are again painted with a lighter (brick shade). The lines are constantly shaded so that there are no sharp color transitions.

In this master class at the toy Blue eyes, so the next step is to outline the overall color of the eye by tracing desired color iris.

The middle is painted with a lighter blue tint, the paint is slightly shaded to get a soft transition between tones.

The center of the iris is made lighter by adding white acrylic.

A small amount of black is added to blue. This shade outlines the pupil and shadow under the eyelashes. With a brush, almost without water, a shadow is drawn in the corners of the eyes. very light blue color there are stains on the iris.

For the pupil, a black color is taken, it is not necessary to draw a perfectly round or oval shape for it, a slight “trembling” of the contour looks more natural. Thin black stripes from the pupil are drawn on the iris. Glare is applied with white paint.

Lips can be drawn with a dry peach pastel. For a blush on the cheeks, a large brush is taken. It is permissible to use for them not only pastel pencils, but also real cosmetic blush.

One of the smallest brushes with brown acrylic needs to re-stroke the outlines. She also needs to write eyelashes and eyebrows. To fix the paint, the eyes can be covered with a special acrylic varnish, but in its absence, the usual transparent nail polish is also suitable.

White pastel outlines highlights on the eyelids, nose, lips. With the help of varnish in the form of a spray, the result is fixed.

We draw eyes to a textile doll. Master Class

Very often, many needlewomen who love to sew textile dolls have a problem when painting the face of the doll, and especially the eye. I think that a master class from Elena (A_Lenushka) may come in handy for work

For work we need:
1 Acrylic paints
2 Synthetic brushes
3 The carcass of the doll primed (I primed with a mixture of 0.5 water + 0.5 PVA + acrylic paint)
4 Water
5 Sheet of paper (instead of a palette)
6 Pencil and eraser.
First you need to draw a puppet face on paper. This will allow you to fill your hand and you will have a cheat sheet where you will periodically look. Believe me, it's better to ruin a few sheets of paper than a finished doll carcass. You can use "mother's" magazines (about babies) for a sample, there are very high-quality photographs

Additionally, I prime my face with almost undiluted PVA glue and dry it. After that, the paint lays down perfectly and the face becomes like porcelain. In addition, I pass with a brush along the neck (the seams that secure the head) and legs. The neck becomes stronger, and the legs will also be painted

We draw eyes on the face with a pencil, outline the nose and mouth. Fill the eye with white acrylic paint (including the eyelid). With the rest of the paint (at the tip of the brush), we outline the nose and brows (just put dots). We wash the brush. We are waiting for it to dry and outline the contours of the eyelid and iris with a pencil

We draw the iris, carefully picking up paint on the brush. Have you drawn? And now, they dipped the brush in water, ran it over the paper (they removed the excess paint). Is the trail slightly blue? make shadows on the squirrel (or what is it called?) Eyes. If the brush leaves almost no trace, then again gurgle it in water, draw it over a sheet of paper (remove excess paint), draw 0.5 mm of paint on the brush, lightly smear it on paper and draw the eyelid with the rest

Washed the brush. carried out on paper (removed excess moisture). dip the brush literally 1 mm into the paint. We rest the elbow firmly and circle the eyelid with a confident hand. Let's pick up more paint and draw a pupil. With the rest of the paint, add shadows on the squirrel and iris. The brush bubbled in the water. Swipe across the paper. Is there a trace left? Amazing! now with this brush we add shadows above the eyelid, under the nose and lightly outline the mouth. The brush no longer paints? dip it in water and paint on it will be enough again

Rinse the brush well. They dried her. Picked up some white paint. We put highlights and slightly highlight the lower part of the iris. With the rest of the paint, add brightness to the spout

I draw the nose and mouth with a bronze outline. I also add shadows near the eyes. You can draw eyelashes. Can you leave it like this

I remind you again:
paint with a synthetic brush (it is more elastic).
We thoroughly rinse the brush, acrylic paint dries very quickly, a lump forms on the tip of the brush, and it makes it very difficult to draw.
We paint with an almost dry brush. Before you pick up the paint, dry the brush by swiping a few times over the paper. Otherwise, the colors will be faded and blurry. If the brush does not slip, then the water is still not enough.
If you waved the brush in the wrong direction, do not roar! Fresh paint is washed off with water and a cotton swab. Dried out - nail polish remover and the same cotton swab


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