How to draw a presentation drawing with cotton swabs. Presentation "Master class" Non-traditional drawing


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Presentation on the topic: Non-traditional drawing techniques. Drawing cotton buds. Prepared by: Sudarenkova E. A.

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter child". V.A. Sukhomlinsky

goal: To study the development process creativity children by means of non-traditional drawing techniques To form an aesthetic attitude to surrounding reality based on familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques. Expand ideas about the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. improve technical skills and drawing skills.

tasks To form fine skills and abilities in children To induce a desire to draw To develop imagination, thinking To induce children to be emotionally responsive to the world around them

The game "Sunflower" A sunflower grows in the yard (stand up, straighten up) In the morning it reaches for the sun (arms up, legs on toes) Next to it is the second one, similar, (lower hands, legs on the floor) He also reaches for the sun. (stretch up, legs on toes) We turn the handles in a circle (rotation of straight arms back and forth) Do not accidentally hit a friend A few circles forward, And then vice versa

Drawing with cotton buds It is very easy to draw with cotton buds. We lower the stick into the water, then into the paint and put dots on the sheet. What to draw? Yes, whatever! The sky and the sun, a house in the village, a river, cars, dolls. The main thing in this business is desire!

Finger gymnastics “Fish swam, dived In clean light water. To close, to open, They burrow in the sand.

Any type of developmental activities has specific goals. Among the main ones that drawing with cotton swabs involves is the development of the following skills and abilities: the ability to hold a wand in your hand, the development of fine motor skills of the hands; the ability to mix colors; the skill of creating multi-layered drawings; education of aesthetic taste; development of imagination, fantasy; developing a sense of composition.

Tools and materials For drawing with sticks you will need: cotton swabs; gouache; a glass of water; paper napkins; plastic palette; album sheet; drawing pencil; an image or picture of what is planned to be drawn.

Tips for parents materials (pencils, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, wax pencils etc.) must be placed in the field of view of the baby so that he has a desire to create; introduce him to the surrounding world of things, animate and inanimate nature, objects visual arts, offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw; do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to draw; praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!

Recommendations for teachers use different forms artistic activity: collective creativity, independent and play activities of children in mastering non-traditional image techniques; in lesson planning visual activity observe the system and continuity of the use of non-traditional fine technique considering the age and individual abilities children; raise your professional level and mastery through familiarization, and mastery of new unconventional ways and image techniques.

Thank you for your attention

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Directly educational activities in artistic creativity (drawing) in the younger group “Rain, more often, drip-drip-drip!” using non-traditional drawing techniques with cotton swabs

Directly educational activities on artistic creativity(drawing) in junior group“Rain, more often, drip-drip-drip!” Using non-traditional cotton drawing techniques...

Many children love to draw. But what if the baby is still small and cannot draw? There are many tricks with which you can create original works and crafts, even without any artistic skills. The child will receive from such activities not only pleasure. In these games, he will get acquainted with color, the properties of paints, he will develop artistic taste and spatial imagination, fantasy and diligence.

We draw with fingers, palms and legs. For young children the most affordable way drawing with fingers. What could be simpler - dip your finger in the paint and paint ... Even the baby will get very beautiful work. AT recent times there was a huge selection of special paints for drawing with fingers - they are easily washed off and washed off. You can make your own finger paints: dilute gouache with a little water and add a few drops of dishwashing detergent or starch to it. More complicated recipe: cook a thick jelly from 1.5 tablespoons of starch and a glass of water, cool, pour into jars and add food coloring to each. Safe and inexpensive finger dyes are ready.

1. Finger Stamps In his wonderful book "Ed Emberley's Complete Funprint Drawing Book" the author describes the technique of drawing with fingerprints. You will need paint of different colors, water, sponge, paper and a felt-tip pen. Ed Emberley "s Complete Funprint Drawing Book"

funny prints original pictures can be created using all sorts of homemade dies. In addition, with the help of homemade stamps, you can create beautiful Greeting Cards, wrapping paper, decorate photo albums with them. Working with stamps develops creative thinking and imagination in children.

1. Plasticine dies: It is very easy and affordable to make plasticine dies. Apply an even layer of plasticine on a wooden or plastic block, a cube, a part from a children's designer. With the help of any sharp object, draw on it some object or an abstract pattern. The stamp is ready! If you have store-bought ink pads in different colors, then use them. If not, make your own ink pad. To do this, apply a small amount of paint evenly on a sponge for washing dishes. Attach the stamp to the sponge with paint, now make an imprint on paper with it.

10. On any surface that does not absorb paint (for example, a regular baking sheet), make a rectangular frame (the size of a sheet of paper) from adhesive tape or electrical tape. Apply the paint evenly to the surface. Draw a picture with a cotton swab. Remove the tape. Attach a piece of paper. The print is ready!

Printing leaves In autumn, walking with a child in the park, you can collect leaves from different trees, differing in shape, size and color. The leaves are covered with gouache, then the painted side is placed on a sheet of paper, pressed and removed, a neat imprint of the plant is obtained.

An example of a drawing using the “leaf printing” technique: We take any leaf we like. And on a separate sheet of paper, paint over it well with gouache with a brush. Lay the leaf, painted side down, on the Blank sheet paper and firmly pressed against the paper, trying not to move it, otherwise the image will turn out blurry. Carefully take the leaf by the handle and, with a smooth upward movement, gradually peel it off the album sheet. The following leaves can be painted in other colors, or you can make one leaf two-color. We print them in other places of the composition. When the drawing is filled with imprints of leaves, we finish the tree trunks with a brush, the imprinted veins of the leaves will resemble twigs in a colored crown.

Bloating the paint This painting technique is based on the usual inkblot. A few drops of liquid paint are applied to a sheet of paper, a tube is taken. You can take a straw for a cocktail, or you can use regular baby juice. The lower end of the tube is directed to the center of the blot, and then they blow it with force into the tube and inflate the blot from the center to different sides. Children really like it when the “legs” of the blot scatter in different directions. The stain can be influenced and controlled by transforming it into any conceived object, the individual details of which are completed with an ordinary brush or with the help of felt-tip pens. Paint blowing efforts contribute to active work lungs.

An example of a drawing using the “paint blowing” technique: Draw a tree trunk with a brush Brown color. Above the tree trunk, apply a large drop with a brush bright color(yellow, red, orange, green) diluted with water. If you dilute it strongly, then the “legs” will be thick when inflated, if it is thicker - thin and neat. We place a tube in the center of the drop and begin to inflate in different directions, turning the sheet. Next to the first we apply a spot of a different color and inflate it. In this case, the legs of adjacent spots can intersect and merge. From several spots we depict a rounded crown of a tree. In the same way, 2-3 trees can be made. In addition to the composition, we will draw hedgehogs using the same method. We inflate a black spot in its upper part. Draw the muzzles and paws with a brush. On top of the needles - a leaf, a fungus or an apple. You can draw the sun and clouds.

Subject Monotype If you fold a leaf in half, drip a few drops of liquid paint on one side and press the other side tightly, you can get unusual fancy patterns. And then, in the resulting blots, try to consider trees, flowers, algae. To begin with, you can try working with one paint, then with several. During the drawing process, spontaneous images are obtained first. Then the child draws the details to give completeness and resemblance to the real image.

An example of a drawing in the “subject monotype” technique: Fold the album sheet in half, carefully iron the fold line. We open the sheet. Recruiting more paint on a brush and drip on one half of the sheet. Fold the sheet in half and smooth it well. Let's open the sheet and see what happens. We perform the same operation with paint of a different color, each time dripping onto clean place and only on one of the halves of the sheet. We look at what happened and, if necessary, finish the details.

monotype landscape This technique used for image specular reflection objects on the water surface (ponds, lakes, rivers, etc.). A sheet of paper is folded in half, objects of the future landscape are drawn on one half and painted with paints, and then the sheet is folded in half and ironed. After receiving the print, the original objects of the drawing are revived with paints again so that they have clearer contours than their reflections on the “water surface” of the reservoir.

An example of a drawing in the "landscape monotype" technique: We take a blue sheet. Pre White list can be painted blue. In the upper part of the sheet, we gradually draw landscape objects with gouache: trees, shrubs, mountains, a house, the sun, clouds, etc. Then we fold the sheet along the lower border of the transition of the pattern into the water surface and press it. Thus, the reflection of the landscape in the water will turn out. We enliven the landscape on the shore with colors so that it is clearer and brighter than its reflection in the water. The reflection on the water does not need to be tinted, it remains slightly blurry. Complicate the drawing, fold the sheet into three parts, then you will get a reflection of objects that are on the water, for example, a boat with a sail.

Wax crayons + watercolor This is a mixed media painting various materials. The main goal is to get acquainted with the properties and characteristics of materials. The conceived plot is carried out with wax pencils (crayons). Then watercolor is applied over the drawing. Watercolor paints roll off the drawing, and it seems to appear.

An example of a drawing " Fireworks above the city”: In the lower part of the picture, draw low houses or only roofs with wax crayons. Color them by clicking on wax crayon so that the trace is clear and bright. On the rest of the sheet, we draw multi-colored bundles of fireworks in the form of circles, a fan, a fountain, etc. At the ends of the rays we draw lights in the form of stars, circles, snowflakes. We cover the finished composition with black watercolor (purple, dark blue)

Poke method (painting with a hard semi-dry brush) Sometimes, when painting animals, we paint over their fur with one solid color. The wool is smooth and slick. How can you convey the fluffiness of animal fur or the bulk of the surface? There are several ways to do this. One of them is with the help of poking with a hard brush. Special fluffiness or pricklyness is obtained only when using a completely dry brush with a small amount of paint. Therefore, it is very important that the child pick up gouache only at the tip of the pile and start drawing from left to right, leaving no gaps.

An example of a drawing in the technique of "drawing with a hard semi-dry brush": Draw with a simple pencil contour image animal (for older children, the contours of animals can be omitted). We collect quite a bit of gouache on a dry hard brush desired color and, holding the brush vertically (the brush taps with its “heel”), we make “pokes” on top, placing them inside and along the edges of the silhouette of the animal. When the paint dries, draw the animal's eyes, nose, mouth, mustache and other characteristic details with the tip of a soft brush. Variants of work: with a poke of a hard semi-dry brush, you can draw a kitten, a dog, a sheep, a goat, a hedgehog, a lion's mane, a snowman, snow, a Christmas tree, a pine tree, a forest, the sun, flowers (dandelions, sunflowers) and much more.

This is a method of highlighting a drawing by scratching paper or cardboard filled with ink with a pen or a sharp instrument. The word "grattage" comes from the French "gratter" - scrape, scratch, so another name for the technique is the scratching technique. Beginners usually work like this: thick paper is covered with a thick layer of wax or paraffin. You can evenly rub the candle over the paper. Then, with a wide brush, sponge or cotton swab, a layer of ink is applied to the surface. When the ink dries, with a sharp object - a scraper, a stick with sharpened ends, a knitting needle - they scratch the pattern, forming thin white strokes on a black background. Grattage

Black and white scratching: Age: from 5 years. Means of expressiveness: line, stroke, contrast. Materials: half cardboard or thick paper white color, candle, wide brush, black mascara, liquid soap (about one drop per tablespoon of mascara) or tooth powder, mascara bowls, stick with sharpened ends. Method of obtaining an image: the child rubs the leaf with a candle so that it is completely covered with a layer of wax. Then mascara is applied to it with liquid soap, or tooth powder, in which case it is filled with mascara without additives. After drying, the drawing is scratched with a stick.

Color scratching: Age: from 6 years Materials: oil pastel, paraffin, black gouache or ink, stick with sharpened ends. Image acquisition method: the child first paints the sheet in full color oil pastel, a little from above it is passed with paraffin and then fills the sheet with black gouache. The drawing scratches with a sharp object, you can use a toothpick.

Drawing with an eraser Everyone has long been accustomed to drawing with a pencil and erasing with an eraser. Many children will like to do the opposite - draw with an eraser and erase with a pencil. To do this, you need to shade a sheet of paper with a simple pencil or, using a knife blade, chop up a little pencil lead and rub it over the sheet, for example, with a cotton pad. Eraser - in hand and begin to draw a light picture on a dark shaded background. If something in the picture did not suit us, you can erase it ... with a pencil!

1. Internet resources: 2. Author of the template: © Kuprina Evgenia Vladimirovna teacher of the Moscow Art Theater and the history of arts of the MOU school 124 g.o. Samara Site: nt&view=article&id=14: &catid=1: &Itemid=schie_zanyatiya/id/788 Template source: Shevlyak Irina Alekseevna, MBOU secondary school 16 Beloglinsky district Krasnodar Territory, image source backgrounds.jpg backgrounds.jpg animation source

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Purpose: To study the process of developing children's creative abilities by means of non-traditional drawing techniques To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality based on familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques. Expand ideas about the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Improve technical and drawing skills.

Drawing with a palm A child dips his palm (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Drawing with cotton buds It is very easy to draw with cotton buds. We lower the stick into the water, then into the paint and put dots on the sheet. What to draw? Yes, whatever! The sky and the sun, a house in the village, a river, cars, dolls. The main thing in this business is desire!

Drawing with foam rubber A child dips a piece of foam rubber into paint and draws using the luring method. It is very good to draw fluffy animals, snow, a snowman in this way, and you can very easily paint over the background. It is also very good to use a stencil for this drawing.

The child scoops up gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto paper. The result is spots in random order. Then the sheet is covered with another sheet and pressed (you can bend the original sheet in half, drop ink on one half, and cover it with the other). Next, the top sheet is removed, the image is examined: it is determined what it looks like. Missing details are drawn. Blotography

The results of my work in this direction were the activity and independence of children in art activities; ability to find new ways to artistic image; the ability to convey their feelings in the works using various means of expression.

Tips for parents materials (pencils, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, etc.) must be placed in the child's field of vision so that he has a desire to create; introduce him to the surrounding world of things, animate and inanimate nature, objects of fine art, offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw; do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to draw; praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!

Recommendations for teachers Use different forms of artistic activity: collective creativity, independent and play activities of children in mastering non-traditional image techniques; in planning classes for visual activities, observe the system and continuity of the use of non-traditional visual techniques, taking into account the age and individual abilities of children; improve your professional level and skills through familiarization and mastery of new non-traditional ways and techniques of image.

Cotton swabs, it turns out, can be used not only for their intended purpose. With their help, you can also draw, and in the process of creativity, develop children, memorize colors, acquaint kids with nature, develop fine motor skills, enrich vocabulary baby and many more useful features performs this uncomplicated subject of hygiene. But first things first.

unconventional drawing

In order to arouse interest in drawing in children, it is necessary to turn this process into a game or fairy tale. At first, the child is happy then - with pencils and brushes. Time passes, and interest in drawing is lost.

To encourage the desire to create in children, you can offer them unconventional techniques drawing. In such cases, you are allowed to draw what you want and how you want.

But adults always direct the child in some direction, so they can offer him certain types of drawing. For example, blotting, the basis of which is a sheet of paper folded in half and a few drops of paint. Or drawing with a candle, when an invisible pattern is first applied to the paper, and then the child covers the sheet with paint. The contours of the pattern remain colorless. Or drawing with cotton swabs.


Drawing with cotton swabs can be called one of the types of pointillism.

Pointillism is a unique trend in painting, which, translated from French means "to write in dots". Pictures of this plan were written by many artists. For example, paintings by Georges Seurat are recognized as masterpieces. He is considered the founder of this technique.

Drawing with cotton buds is not only junior schoolchildren, but also for kids who are just getting acquainted with various tools for painting.

Pointillism for a child

Children are usually happy to welcome the technique of drawing with cotton swabs, since you can create the same picture in completely different ways.

  1. When working, you can take a template as a basis and fill in all the details of the picture with dots of a certain color.
  2. You can not fill the entire drawing, but make only the outline of the details with multi-colored dots.
  3. Dots are fun to complement ready-made drawings and templates. This option is especially convenient for very young artists: when a mother suggests drawing eyes to some animal or people, and it is also interesting to create snow or rain with cotton swabs.
  4. children school age it is possible to propose the creation of more complex work, for example, reproduce a mosaic picture.

Drawing with cotton buds for beginners

For children aged 1 to 3 years, it is much easier to draw with sticks than with a brush. In order to interest the baby, you must first show him how to spend nice line or put a dot, then another, and then another color.

For the first lesson, you will need the following inventory:

  • paints for drawing, for example, finger or ordinary gouache, if there is no fear that the child will pull the paint into his mouth;
  • paper;
  • templates with black and white drawings or thematic pictures on which you want to finish something;
  • a large number of cotton buds;
  • palette.

A plastic palette is useful in order not to give the child a whole jar of paint. Very often, children have a desire to use such an abundance of material for other purposes. On the palette, it is convenient to dilute paints of several colors with water and put your wand next to each. After everything is ready, you can start drawing pictures with cotton swabs on some interesting topic.

It is better to think over the topic of the upcoming lesson in advance, choose suitable rhymes or riddles. Don't neglect in the middle of drawing because toddlers 1 to 3 are often distracted. And they need a constant change of activity.

Pointillism for preschoolers

When working with preschoolers, it is worth paying attention to the story about the pointillism technique itself. It is necessary to give minimal information that the drawing is created using separate strokes or dots of different colors.

It is advisable to prepare several paintings created using the pointillism technique, to show them to the child in order to arouse a deeper interest.

It is important that when paints can not be mixed with each other. In this case, the distance from one point to another can be large, or, on the contrary, the points can be located close to each other.

If you wish, in the future it is not necessary to use paints for drawing pictures using the pointillism technique, you can replace cotton swabs with markers, pens or felt-tip pens.

Age nuances

In every drawing technique there are various secrets and nuances. Pointillism is no exception. There are some points that you should focus on in order to get the most satisfactory result.

  1. For kids in the first lessons, it is better to offer only one color of paint. Pictures should be selected as simple as possible: the sun, an apple or snow, rain.
  2. Older children are given more difficult tasks. The number of colors is increasing. This will allow young artists show imagination.
  3. And older students can try themselves as artists, creating whole paintings using the pointillism technique.

An example of one of the classes - "Rowan twig"

Drawing rowan with cotton buds is an activity that can be done both in groups kindergarten and with children at home. It aims to introduce children to a new drawing technique, as well as arouse their interest in nature.

In the lesson, the child will learn how to depict a bunch of mountain ash using the pointillism technique.

For the lesson you will need the following equipment:

  • a bunch of mountain ash (picture or real);
  • red paint (gouache or finger paints);
  • patterns with the image of a branch;
  • silhouettes of bullfinches.

Course progress.

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