What colors to mix to get blue. How to mix paints to get the right color? Video: Mixing paints and getting purple


In the article I will tell you how to brew pu-erh in tablets and pressed, and how to drink this tea correctly. Immediately, I note that you should not do this on an empty stomach or after eating. This type of tea significantly reduces appetite.

Puer is a tea produced according to a specific technology. First of all, the leaves are processed as green tea. After, they are waiting for the fermentation process - accelerated aging.

Puer improves over time beneficial features. In other varieties, after a certain time, the quality decreases. The name is due to the name of the main territory of cultivation and production - an area in Yunnan province. They are also made in other regions of the Middle Kingdom, in Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam.

Pu-erh is able to regulate the state of the body, even a cup will invigorate and give strength. It perfectly cleanses the body. The maximum effect is achieved when drunk without sugar. If you like sweet drinks, replace sugar with dark chocolate or dried fruit.

Since pu-erh has a rich color and smell, it is not recommended to use a clay teapot for brewing. Clay easily absorbs odors. Looks great in porcelain and glassware. A high-quality drink suitable for multiple brewing.

The secrets of the correct brewing of pu-erh from master Lu Yu

Pu-erh is usually brewed according to the method of Lu Yu. Only a master with vast experience can do this correctly. Boiling is wrong. From dishes for brewing, it is recommended to use bowls and teapots made of glass and porcelain.

Brewing technology

  1. Take a small piece and put it in a teapot. Add 150 milliliters of water. If you get a weak taste - tea leaves are not enough. Empirically, you need to choose the optimal dosage.
  2. If the tea is pressed, crumbling is optional. It is enough to separate several layers with a sharp object.
  3. Revive before brewing. Pour boiling water over and immediately drain the water. Do it several times.
  4. The temperature of the water for brewing is at 95 degrees.
  5. The duration of the first welding is 3 minutes. If you intend to brew a fourth time, it will take more time.

Video tips

The taste is peculiar, so not everyone likes the drink.

Is it possible to drink pu-erh with sugar

Pu-erh is quickly gaining popularity. It is advertised on TV, mentioned in books and songs, sold in many stores.

  1. It cleanses the body if you drink without sugar and sweets. Fruit and chocolate are allowed.
  2. Normalizes without sugar metabolic processes, reduces cholesterol levels, helps to lose weight and get rid of fatigue.
  3. Sugar in the drink clogs the taste and aroma.

Experts advise drinking pu-erh in small portions without sugar.

Pu-erh in tablets

Pu-erh in tablets is a legendary Chinese tea. Each tea tablet is a lump of pressed small blue and brown leaves.

Tableted - a kind of pressed. Differs in gentle taste, specific aroma, sweetish aftertaste. If brewed correctly, you get a dark brown drink that improves digestion, cleanses from radionuclides, stimulates nervous system, soothing and relaxing.

Properly prepared tableted pu-erh has a thick consistency. The aroma has chocolate, caramel, nutty notes. The taste is soft and velvety. Astringency is regulated by the amount of dry leaves and the duration of brewing.

Pu-erh is brewed in tablets similarly to leaf. You can only brew a tablet about 10 times.

  1. Carefully crush the tablet and pour the resulting powder with boiling water. After a few seconds, drain the water.
  2. Fill with water at 95 degrees. Insist 2 minutes. Tea is ready.

Brewing is simple and straightforward. Before drinking, do not forget to cool slightly. If you try to brew in tablets in the usual way, count on a mature, full-bodied and original taste won't have to.

Pu-erh for weight loss

Beneficial features

  1. The composition includes vitamins, trace elements, essential oils and amino acids. Breaks down fats, removes toxins and toxins.
  2. Normalizes metabolism. Warms the digestive organs, they begin to work more actively.
  3. It does not increase acidity and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder. Accelerates the secretion of bile.
  4. Affects digestive system, but does not stimulate the production of gastric juice. Weight loss when drinking pu-erh is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger.

2 weight loss methods

  1. The first method involves replacing one meal with tea, better than dinner. Pu-erh can be used for unloading, replacing it with green tea.
  2. The second technique involves the use of pure tea infusion.
  3. To prepare four servings, you need 25 g of tea.
  4. Brew the classic way using boiling water. Before use, insist a little.
  5. Before eating, drink half a glass of infusion. Use the second part of the serving after the meal.

If other methods of losing weight have not brought results, be sure to pay attention to pu-erh. Perhaps he will help get rid of excess weight, remove the second chin and return the figure.

Tea ceremony with a strait

The method of brewing tea by pouring is classic for China.

The option described below involves the use of a minimum number of devices. You will need a kettle and appropriate utensils. You get a simple tea party, not a real tea ceremony.

  1. Pre-steam the brew. Brew with boiling water.
  2. Fill the pu-erh with boiling water, drain the water after a few seconds. If the fragrance does not become clear, repeat the procedure. Usually the bay is done twice. Operational bay and drain does not affect the color of the drink.
  3. Brewing. It will take 4 g of tea leaves and 150 ml of water. The optimal ratio of leaves to water is 1 to 40.
  4. After a minute, pour into cups, the rest continue to brew.
  5. If you get a drink with a weak aroma and taste, increase the brewing time next time.

Video of traditional Chinese tea ceremony

How to cook pu-erh

Soak a piece of tea in water, transfer to a small saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. If bubbles begin to separate from the bottom of the dish, remove from the stove and return after a minute.

When the bubbles increase from the dish, take a couple of cups of water. After a strong boil, the remaining liquid is returned back. The technology is extremely complex. If you deviate a little, you get a tasteless and cloudy drink.

Is pu-erh harmful?

Pregnant women and children are not allowed to drink, as are people with kidney stones. The tea will cause the stones to move.

The story turned out to be very interesting and informative. You have learned how to make tea, what utensils to use, when to use it. A lot has been said about the benefits.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to properly brew Pu-erh tea using the Ping Cha method and the infusion method in a glass teapot. How you brew pu-erh depends on whether you enjoy tea drinking or pour bitter, spoiled pu-erh into the sink. You can brew pu-erh different ways. Someone prefers traditional method straits. Someone prepares an infusion in a thermos, mug or teapot.

There are several methods for brewing pu-erh.

Brewing method "Gong Fu Cha" or " higher art» allows you to get the maximum pleasure from the tea ceremony. This ceremony will require from you a certain set of Chinese tea utensils, good water and, if possible, the presence tea master. However, in Everyday life for regular tea drinking, the method of straits is more often used, or "Ping Cha". There are also lovers of brewing pu-erh, for them the Lu Yu method is considered the best option.

Brewing method from "Lu Yuya". In a large teapot, preferably made of tempered glass, a funnel is unwound in boiling water with a spatula or spoon, and pre-washed tea is lowered into the center of it. After the rotation stops, when the brew sinks to the bottom, then Puer tea can be considered ready.

How to choose water for brewing tea.

To brew Pu-erh tea correctly, we recommend using filtered water or store-bought bottled water, because tap water is quite hard and contains various chemical substances and minerals, which can only harm the taste of tea.

How much tea leaf is needed for brewing.

For one person, 3-5 grams of tea (1-2 teaspoons) per 150 ml of water is enough. It is easiest to separate the required amount of tea from pressed Pu-erh with a special Pu-erh knife, but you can also use an ordinary knife or just your hands.

Pressed Pu-erh for brewing is better to delaminate layer by layer, trying to separate the whole leaves, because a small broken leaf can cause the tea to be too bitter.

What should be the temperature of the water.

Shen and Shu Puer should be brewed at different water temperatures. For example, for young Shen Pu-erh, up to 3 years old, the recommended water temperature is 85-90°C, remove the kettle with boiled water from the stove and wait 3 minutes, the water temperature will be about 90°C. For more aged shengs, water with a temperature of 95°C is suitable, and Shu Puer it is better to brew with boiling water at 100 ° C. If it seems to you that the taste and aroma of Shen Pu-erh infusion is not rich enough, try adding a little more tea leaves and increase the infusion time, but be careful, otherwise Shen Pu-erh infusion may become bitter.

What is the best container for brewing pu-erh tea?

Pu-erh can be brewed in a clay teapot, in a glass teapot with a filter cup, in a convenient isipot, in a gaiwan or an ordinary mug, the main thing is to follow some recommendations to get a delicious and fragrant tea.

Step-by-step instructions on how to brew pu-erh tea:

Preheat the dishes before putting tea into them.

Rinse the dry tea leaves for 5-10 seconds in the kettle and drain immediately.

Drain the first brew.

Washing the tea leaves is necessary to rid the tea of ​​dust, and also allows you to steam dry pressed leaves. Tea rinsing contributes to a better opening of the leaf, aroma and taste of the drink.

Pour water into a teapot with steamed tea leaves. The first infusion should be kept for about 15-20 seconds. This is especially true for shen pu-erh, otherwise the infusion may be too tart, and if shen pu-erh young (1-2 years of exposure), then a little bitter. With each subsequent brewing, increase the infusion time to taste.

As soon as the tea is brewed to the desired strength, immediately pour the tea from the teapot into a separate vessel or immediately into cups. If the tea was brewed in a teapot with a teapot or a filter cup, then remove the tea leaves (filter) from it, otherwise the infusion will become too tart and may taste bitter, and subsequent tea leaves will be too weak.

Pour tea into cups. Puer should be drunk slightly cooled, in small sips, only in this way you will feel all the facets of the taste of tea and its aroma.

How to brew pu-erh to “insert”?

This is often associated with the so-called "Cha Qi" effect - the "power of tea" or the "tea state". This largely depends on the quality of the pu-erh, on what kind of tea raw materials are used, for example, pu-erh from ancient tea trees from the village of Lao Ban Zhang "hit the balls" very strongly, and of course this applies to shen (green) pu-erh than in shu (black) pu-erh. Although someone prefers to achieve the "Cha Tzu" effect by increasing the recommended infusion time, and someone believes that they only insert boiled pu-erh. Be that as it may, everyone determines for himself his favorite varieties and his own convenient method of preparation, the main thing is to listen to yourself and your condition. Relaxes pu-erh or inserts, this is rather a matter not of brewing, but of individual perception. Shengs tend to relax more. But the same pu-erh can invigorate one person, and bring another into a state close to tea intoxication.

How to brew pu-erh in a teapot. Video.

How to brew pu-erh in Tipoda. Video.

Some time ago, Pu-erh tea was the preferred drink of selected people, real connoisseurs who brought it from long trips. But even today, thanks to the abundance of goods, any inhabitant can try and appreciate the unique taste and aroma of an elite Chinese drink.

Many have heard about the amazing properties of this drink, but not everyone knows how to drink and brew Pu-erh properly. Therefore, in this article you will find instructions for preparing this wonderful drink.

The effect of Puerh tea and beneficial properties

This variety of tea is very popular worldwide due to its unique properties, he:

  • invigorates and tones;
  • increases concentration;
  • helps in weight loss;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • “cleanses” the liver from various waste products of the body;
  • reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • helps to cope with a hangover;
  • thins the blood and cleanses the vessels;
  • restores the intestinal microflora after prolonged use of antibiotics.

Ways to brew Pu-erh tea at home

There is not one or two, but a whole variety of ways to brew this tea: from traditional tea ceremonies to simple steaming in a homemade mug. At the same time, the method of brewing affects both the color, aroma of Pu-erh, and its taste. So, in order to fully reveal all its taste, you need to properly prepare this drink. In stores and supermarkets, you can find pu-erh heads, Pu-erh in tablets, pressed or loose.

When choosing elite Chinese tea, you need to pay attention to a number of nuances. Firstly, it is better to buy a product without additives, because it already has a unique taste and aroma, which is why it was called noble earthen tea. Additives are usually used to saturate low grade tea leaves.

Secondly, tea in tiles, it must be well pressed. And, thirdly, the aroma of tea, it should include distinctly perceptible notes of black soil and dried fruits. The presence of a moldy odor indicates poor quality raw materials and violation of tea storage conditions.

How to brew pressed in tablets

Compressed tea tablets are round or square in shape and consist of small black and blue granules. The finished drink has Brown color, delicate taste with a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

In a pre-prepared container, you need to put a Puer tablet, then gently knead it with a spoon and pour boiling water over it. After a few seconds, drain the water and after a quarter of a minute again pour hot water at about 95 ° and let the drink brew for 2-3 minutes. At the first steaming, one minute will be enough, which will allow you to navigate your taste preferences, if the tea turns out to be rather weak, then the steaming time can be increased.

Crumbly young Shu Pu-erh in mandarin

When buying an interesting and unusual variety of Pu-erh, you need to know that this black tea is brewed only 3-4 times. For one brew, half a tangerine will be enough. It is important to put a small piece of the tangerine itself in the container, the main thing is not to overdo it. Then pour tea with boiling water and drain, then add again hot water and let it sit closed for 3-4 minutes. The finished drink and its subsequent brewing will give a lot of flavors - honey, plum, tangerine, apples, flowers.

Some fans claim that this tea should be infused for at least 10 minutes, but in this case, the tea leaves cannot be reused.


It should be noted right away that milk Pu-erh and Chinese milk tea are completely different things. Milk Pu-erh is a type of elite Chinese tea, which has a dark red color and a delicate milky-caramel aftertaste. It, like other varieties of Pu-erh, lowers sugar levels, removes bad cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

This type of tea is steamed with boiled water at a temperature of 65-80°. Then it is infused for 2-3 minutes. It should also be remembered that these teas can have different fermentation, so it is better to ask a sales assistant about how to brew milk Pu-erh correctly.

How to brew green Shen Pu-erh

Shen Pu-erh is Chinese green tea, which is a primary pressed maocha (unpressed leaf of the pu-erh tree) that has not undergone additional processing. White Pu-erh is processed in the same way, only in its case, tea buds are the raw material.

Before steaming, tea must be washed, for this it should be poured with boiling water, and drained after 5 seconds. Then the brew should be allowed to brew for 25-30 seconds, after which it should be poured again with water with a temperature of 80-100 °. The first time tea needs to be brewed from a few seconds to 2 minutes, depending on taste preferences and the quality of raw materials.


Wild Pu-erh is loved not only for its taste, but also for healing properties. Brewed this species tea is about the same as Pu-erh in tablets. Specifically, it is poured with boiling water, after which it is drained and again filled with boiled water (95 ° C). However, such tea should be infused longer, about 3-5 minutes when closed. For an average bowl of tea, 1 tsp is enough. tea leaves.

With quick brewing, the infusion of tea gives discriminating taste with subtle sourness and slightly noticeable woody notes. With prolonged infusion, the taste becomes more tart, a slight bitterness appears, which subsequently turns into a fresh, flowery-sweet aftertaste.

Royal Puer

Royal Pu-erh differs from other varieties in manufacturing technology: it is not dried, but dried. Due to this, tea leaves retain microorganisms that have a positive effect on the taste of tea.

Royal tea is being brewed in the following way: take 4 gr. Pu-erh for 150 ml of boiled water cooled to 90-95 °. This drink is infused for 2 minutes and then poured into a cup. Royal Pu-erh can withstand from 5 to 10 brews, the only thing to consider is that with each subsequent brew it is necessary to increase the waiting time. The taste is the same as other types of Pu-erh - tart with a sweet aftertaste.

The nuances of brewing Pu-erh

Since Puer is a high-grade tea, it will not be superfluous to learn the intricacies of the tea ceremony.

  • It is not recommended to steam earth tea in a clay container, because this material absorbs and absorbs odors, thereby depriving elite tea of ​​its inherent aroma.
  • In general, Pu-erh is drunk without adding sugar, the only thing that is allowed is dark chocolate.
  • Before you start steaming tea, the tea leaves should be washed well under hot water to clean it from all kinds of debris, dust and impurities. After that, the tea can be dried in a pan. It is to dry, not to roast, otherwise the tea will lose its characteristic taste.
  • Do not use running water to brew tea. For these purposes, spring or bottled water is suitable. Also, you can not bring water to a boil, the optimum temperature is considered to be 80-95 °.
  • The choice of dishes should be treated with due attention. The teapot must be preheated, it will not be superfluous to rinse with boiling water and all the containers that will also take part in the tea ceremony.
  • Water for brewing tea should be filtered in advance.

What dish to brew

A real Yixing teapot.

  1. Porcelain Gaiwan (cup with lid).
  2. Ordinary ceramic or glass teapot (which volume does not exceed 200 ml.).
  3. Thermos.

In the process of preparation, you will also need Chahai - this is a small jug where infused tea from a teapot or gaiwan is poured for further pouring the drink into cups. As well as a tea strainer with a fine mesh and small bowls.

What temperature should the water be

  • Shu Puer -90-95°
  • For young Shen Pu-erh - about 80 °, for more mature - 85 °.

You don't need to bring the water to a boil the main objective- preserve the valuable substances found in tea leaves. If the water turned out to be somewhat hotter than expected, then it can be slightly cooled by pouring it in a long stream from a height. This method will not only cool, but also saturate the water with oxygen.

How long to brew

If you are brewing Pu-erh for the first time, then you need to let it brew for 10-60 seconds no more. If after this the taste and aroma turn out to be rather weak, then the next time you brew, you can slightly increase the cooking time. If the tea came out bitter, then you can try to reduce the steaming time or reduce the amount of tea leaves. If neither, then neither helped, you can try to reduce the temperature of the water.

Pu-erh tea is not only an exotic drink, it is also healthy and tasty. Many
are interested how to brew pu-erh tea to make it delicious drink and fully manifested all its properties. Actually from proper cooking tea depends on its taste, and if you do not adhere to certain rules, then really good tea it just won't work.

Along with its taste, which is liked by many people, Pu-erh tea has numerous and proven benefits, can promote health and improve well-being. The therapeutic effects of the drink include the following features:

  • At metabolism speeds up Therefore, the drink is recommended to be consumed after eating fatty and heavy foods. In addition, you can improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder with its regular use.
  • Decreased blood pressure because tea has antihypertensive properties.
  • Eliminated bad smell from mouth, caries and other dental diseases.
  • Improves the condition of the skin- the skin takes on a healthy appearance.
  • Reduced risk of cancer cell growth due to antioxidants.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Increases blood circulation which reduces the risk of developing
    cardiovascular diseases.
  • Promotes weight loss, as it speeds up metabolic processes.

Many people consider the main benefit of Puer tea to be its invigorating properties, and therefore it is not recommended to drink it before going to bed, as it will be difficult to fall asleep. It is best to take the drink in the morning or before a long trip. By the way, Pu-erh contains quite a bit of caffeine, but it invigorates much more than coffee.

If you bought Pu-erh tea and it smells like mold, then you should not use it to make a drink, as this indicates a spoilage of the product or its
improper storage. In general, this indicates that you were sold a low-quality product. Conscientious sellers in specialized tea shops protect their reputation and will never sell you such tea. And then do not believe any excuses about the tastes and specific aromas of Puer tea.

"Effect of Puer tea"

Pu-erh tea recent times became very popular because of its "tea intoxication" or it is also called the "puer tea effect". This action can be achieved due to the content of alkaloids in the drink, which affect the human nervous system. Do not confuse the state of "Puer effect" with alcohol or drug intoxication, which adversely affect human health. Tea intoxication means a state when a person can fully concentrate on his thoughts - it was for these properties that people in ancient times took it before meditation.

Methods for brewing Pu-erh tea

In order for Pu-erh to be tasty, it must be washed well, that is, the first tea leaves should be drained. You can perform this procedure using one of two methods:

- Rinse the tea leaves cold water, pour tea leaves with boiling water, drain the infusion and brew tea for drinking.
- Pour hot water over the Pu-erh leaves, drain the tea 1-2 times and brew it again with boiling water.

When you brew Pu-erh tea, you need to know how to do it correctly. It is necessary to pour dry tea into a heated teapot per 100 ml - 7 g of dry raw materials. In order to feel the real taste of Pu-erh, you need to drink it in pure form without adding sugar or milk. However, during a cold, it is allowed to add a little honey to the drink, but only for medicinal purposes.

pressed pu-erh

How to brew pressed Pu-erh

In order to brew pressed Pu-erh, you need to use a different method of preparing the drink. It is worth noting that the product of this form has large leaves, and therefore the brewing time increases and the main ingredient is required a little less than the loose product. To make pressed tea, you will need a special Pu-erh knife and an awl. Thanks to these tools, you need to break off a small piece from the tablet (no more than 7 g) and brew tea according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour a piece of tea with cool water so that the leaves can open. After 2-3 minutes, drain the water.
  2. Pour the opened Pu-erh leaves with boiling water no more than 95 degrees.
  3. Drain water after 10 seconds.
  4. Brew tea again.

Boiling water can also be used to open the leaves, but in this case it must be drained immediately after the raw materials have been poured.

How to brew Pu-erh in tablets

There is also Pu-erh tea in the form of small tablets that need to be brewed in a different way. A huge selection of them can be found in this store, just scroll through the seller's page and see for yourself.

How to brew pu-erh in a thermos

  1. Soak two tea tablets in boiling water.
  2. Put the tea in a thermos.
  3. Fill with water at 95 degrees.
  4. Leave the drink for 2 hours.
  5. Then you can drink the finished drink.

How to brew pu-erh in a teapot

If you decide to brew Pu-erh tea just to "pamper" your loved one, then it is recommended to brew it in a teapot. How to brew Pu-erh in tablets is very simple:

  1. Soak one tablet of tea in boiling water for no more than 10 seconds and drain.
  2. Pour boiling water again and leave for 5 seconds and immediately drain the water.
  3. Now you can make tea.

How to brew Pu-erh to "insert"

In fact, there are many ways to brew Pu-erh, and each is correct in its own way, it all depends on your preferences. But some people drink Pu-erh tea not to enjoy the taste and heal their health. Increasingly, modern youth drink the drink in order to "insert". However, it is still better than smoking or drinking alcohol.

In order for you to get an effective charge of vivacity and energy, it is recommended to brew and infuse tea for a long time in order to obtain an infusion of sufficient strength and density. But too much of such a drink is still not recommended, as it causes harm to the body. From a large number drinking strong tea may cause dizziness, nausea and other side effects.

Where to buy real pu-erh tea?

In conclusion, I would like to say that any kind of Puer tea is not only tasty, but also
beneficial to the body. The most important thing is to buy a natural product, and notfake, and properly brew it. It goes without saying that real pu-erh can only be bought from its producers in China. Who, if not them, knows a lot about this? And given that pu-erh is not the cheapest pleasure, it is more profitable to take it at a sweat price and with free delivery. You can buy first little weight- pressed into medals or cubes, then take loose, large pancakes or bricks.

If you like Puer tea, then it is recommendedget special utensils for cooking good, realdrink. Even if the first time it was not possible to achieve the desired taste, you should notget upset, over time you will understand how to brew Pu-erh tea and choose the methods that are right for you. There are a lot of varieties of Puer tea, so everyone can find a drink to their liking. We can say with confidence that pu-erh in a beautiful package is ideal as a gift for a man!

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