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What new races will be introduced to Archeage?


On this moment There are 4 races in Archeage, which are located on the Western and Eastern continents. Each of the races has its own characteristics and advantages. Initially, 8 races were planned in the game, but due to some problems, only four were added: Nuians, Elves, Harnis and Ferre. Now the developers are planning to introduce new races in Archeage.

Among them will be the well-known Dwarves, who are gnomes. Warborns will also be introduced. This race is distinguished by its huge body size and unprecedented physical strength. It is worth noting the mysterious race of the Returned, who are not living beings. So far, absolutely nothing is known about the features of this race. Absolutely nothing is known about the last race, which is the people of the Fae. These forest creatures are not at all suitable for the fierce battles of the world of Archeage, let's see what the developers come up with about this.

Hello ArcheAge players)

In this blog I will talk a little about 4 races, which may appear in the game in the near future.

At the moment, the player is given the opportunity to choose one of 4 races:

  • Elves - Elves
  • Nuians - Nuians
  • Ferres - Ferret
  • Hariharans - Hariharans (Harnians)

However, also there are 4 other races that are not yet in the game.

About them and will be discussed today.

  • Warborn - Warborns

These are some creatures that resemble strongmen - titans.

It is neither human nor demon.

Warborn are dragon slayers who prefer war.

They served as great warriors and generals in the Nashasui army.

After the war, they lost their leaders and had nowhere to go, which led them to think about creating your own civilization that still exists.

  • Dwarf - Dwarves

We all know fat gnomes)

The Dwarves were created by a tiny race who were put to work in the mines and to build the machines needed for Nashasui's war effort.

Later, towards the end of the war, The Dwarves rose up and freed themselves from the oppression of their creators, becoming a free race. But the gnomes retain their love for mining and the creation of mechanisms to this day.

Dwarves are stubborn fanatics of the mountain craft, as well as unsurpassed warriors. Very fond of jewelry, rare metals and beautiful expensive stones

  • Returned - Returned

Mysterious ghosts from the spirit world, returned to the world of the living.

Those returned were actually dead souls who were brought back to life for service.

They formed countless undead armies.

When the Nashasui were defeated, the Returned were unable to find a way to free their souls for the later afterlife.

So they decided to found their own civilization which exists to this day.

  • Fairies - Fairies

Mysterious forest creatures about which little is known.

However, there is still a small postcard of their origin:

The Nuone were part of the Nashasui race, but denied rule and desired to reconnect with nature.

Their desire to be one with nature led them to unite with animals and plants.

The descendants of this fusion became known as the Fairies.

That's all) Let's hope that these classes will still appear in the game in the near future #happy#

The developers have published the first materials for the upcoming global update 5.0, which will be installed on the Korean servers on July 5, and this article will collect all the key information for you to review!

1. New location Iramia (Iramkad Range)

The first key innovation of the update is the addition of a new location, Iramia, or what else can be called in Korean - the Iramkad Range, which is located north of the Corvus Wasteland, and brings us very close to the key moment in the lore of the game - namely, the descent into the Mother Garden (the Garden itself Mothers will obviously appear only in a future update). Below you can see the published screenshots and concept art of the location and its mobs.

2. New Ramian equipment T3 grade

The second major innovation is the addition of the next T3 grade of Ramian equipment to the game, whose weapons have their own unique animation and which can be improved up to the Age of Tales. By default, the primary characteristic of this equipment is average between T7 and Efenskaya (excluding prism), while a new mechanic is introduced into the game - weapon upgrades by "+" with the help of new items, which, in fact, replace the effect of the prism for this equipment.

Visual comparison of damage:
Bow T7 ep 2 without a prism has 571 damage.
Bow T3 Ramian 2 ep. has 650 damage by default.
Efensky Bow 2 ep. without a prism has 693 damage.
Bow T7 ep 3 with +18% prism has 753 damage.
Bow T3 Ramian 2 ep. chiseled at +16 has 754 damage.
Efensky Bow 2 ep. with +18% prism has 818 damage.

That is, this equipment can be made better than T7 equipment 3 ep. with a prism + 18%, which converts Ramian equipment from auxiliary and giving good bonuses to the main one, and speaking very roughly, the T7 and Efen equipment is an equipment that can be bought with sufficient gold funds, and the Ramian T3 equipment is an equipment for those who are ready to spend a lot of time on the extraction of personal resources for pumping it, and it will take a long time to farm (about 2000 ramian women whose chance of falling out is around 5%).

3. New maximum level and changes in Efe "Rund

In Update 5.0, the maximum heroic level becomes 34, and for each level up, the player will receive:
Critical Resist +20 (680 total)
PVP Attack Resistance + 10 (340 total)
Damage Resistance +0.1% (3.4% in total)
Accuracy + 0.05% (1.7% in total)

In order for the players to have a place to download them, new high-level mobs were added in the new Iramiya location.

The Efe "round was also rebalanced. Now skill points are not spent there to give skills an elemental attribute, and you can at least set the selected artiboot to all skills (handy when changing a spec), but there is also a binding to 1, 4 and 7 ger. level for skill upgrades.
Also, levels are now taken automatically and no longer require Marks of Courage.

In addition, the developers announced that in August there will be new skills with elemental attributes, for which leveling will require heroic level 10.

4. New system boss equipment upgrades

I already mentioned earlier that in update 5.0 a new mechanic is added that allows you to improve T3 Ramian equipment by adding a "+" value to it, and the higher this value, the higher the primary characteristic becomes (damage / defense / resistance, etc.). So, a similar mechanic appears for equipment from Bosses. According to the developers, this was done to make the equipment from the bosses relevant, up to using it as the main one. It can be enhanced by primary characteristics with new special scrolls (unique for equipment from each boss) up to a maximum of +20, while each scroll can improve equipment by 1-2 points, or not improve it at all (whether a rollback can occur is unknown) . Secondary characteristics, as well as the properties of equipment from bosses will not change.

The developers also note that equipment from bosses improved in this way will also give more experience when synthesizing Efen equipment.

The equipment itself will also be upgraded, and by default it will be equal to T7 equipment, as can be seen from the table above.

5. Pet bag

In update 5.0 in Korea, in addition to those already mentioned major changes There will also be minor changes. One of these is a special bag for pets with 30 cells. That is, as far as one can tell, it will be a bag (it is quite possible that it is portable and stored in the inventory itself), into which you can drag all your pets so that they do not take up space in the main inventory.

6. What kind of animal?

Concept art of the new creature. It is not yet clear who or what it is, but

The Archeage game covers eight different races, which include Nuyan, Elves, Dwarves, Ferre, Hariharani, Fae, Warborn, and Returned. All of the above playable races are presented in view of the two fighting between the associations of the western and eastern continents. They have an unfriendly attitude towards each other.

Races living on the western mainland:

  • Nuian- representatives of the game world with a typical human appearance of the European type. The name of the race came from the goddess Nuya, whom they worship. Nuiane starts on the western mainland, on the island of Svozirid. The architecture of the people resembles the Western European style of construction.
  • elves- representatives of Archeage, which are very reminiscent of the race of light elves from the famous MMORPG Lineage 2. They start on the western mainland, in the Harf camp.
  • Gnomes- characters that are very similar to gnomes from other MMORPG games. As in other games, dwarves are very partial to various kinds of jewelry, be it stones or metals. In addition, dwarves are excellent warriors. They live, as expected, in caves and small villages, earning a living by mining ore and jewelry.

Races living on the eastern mainland:

  • Hariharane- characters human race with an Asian appearance. Hariharani culture is characterized by various Eastern motifs. The main concepts of this race is a reverent attitude towards the family. In battle hallmark is lighter equipment and weapons than the Nuian.
  • Ferret- represent a race of beast-people, humanoid creatures with pronounced cat features in appearance. Ferre's architecture is represented by the Middle Eastern style.
  • Warborns- Characters that are more demonic than human. They were created to crush and destroy. Absolutely no one can understand how and when the Warborn race appeared, even the oldest races give in to these questions. The goal of the Warborn race is to discover the purpose of existence, which is what they do on the northern continent.
In addition to the above races, the developers announced two more races - fairies And returned. Currently more than detailed information not for these races.

Character classes

There is no clear division of characters according to their functions, as in other online MMORPGs. Instead, ten different specializations have been added, each player can choose three of them. Such a system allows you to create up to 120 different combinations of characters or choose from the development paths provided by the developers. All ten specializations are divided into four subtypes:

Mage - dd or summoner.

  • Magic- crushing mental or magical attack. It is represented by a significant number of point or mass spells, buffs and debuffs. The magic attack parameter, which is present only on magic weapons, directly affects the strength of magic. If the character uses magic armor, then the casting speed increases by 20%.
  • Illusion- the ability of the magician to control the enemy, impose paralysis, slowdown, fear.
  • Necromancy- stunning spells, summoning various kinds of dead and ghosts.

Warrior - tank or dd, depending on the chosen development branches.

  • Fortitude. Agr of monsters, the ability to stop the enemy's casting by hitting with a shield. This ability is inherent in tanks in any MMORPG.
  • Will. Includes a global increase in magical defense, the ability to teleport to the enemy.
  • The battle. Characteristics are powerful non-magical melee attacks. A significant number of different skills for quick and effective incapacitation of the adversary.
All the parameters of this branch are perfectly combined with all types of weapons presented in the game. The exception is long-range weapons. If you are equipped in light armor, it becomes possible to catch up and kill weak opponents faster, and when wearing heavy armor, incoming damage is significantly reduced and the player has a chance to survive enormous damage.

Priest is a buffer in Archeage.

  • Artistry. With the help of artistry, the priest can speed up allies, increase attacks and the amount of damage, mana and health dealt.
  • Devotion. This branch of development gives the priest the skills of treatment, resurrection, as well as an increase in the amount of restored health.

But in any case, no matter what race you choose, no matter what class you play, the character must be developed and dressed, and this requires an enormous amount of time. The following article will help you to early stages development and tell you quickly and in decent quantities.

For those who do not have the time and desire earn gold in the game, we offer to use our service and.

XLGAMES has released a brand new trailer for the upcoming major update 3.0, talking about one of the most iconic and long-awaited innovations: we are about to introduce two races - dwarves and battleborn. If you are interested in controlling different characters, then the appearance of new heroes provides a great opportunity to learn more about the world of ArcheAge. Each race will have its own locations, storyline and special skills.

In the early 1600s, after the exodus, the Earl of Seachild tried to declare the independence of his fortress, which resulted in long war. Unable to stand the test, he made a deal with one of powerful demons to secure your victory. The incessant battles led to the death of all life in the territories subject to him, and his castle became known as the Burnt Fortress.

In the war, the demon used a mysterious race of battleborn - strong and hardy warriors, who were called to life by the awakened Orchidna. Thanks to them, the demonic army quickly advanced, leaving only destruction behind. The attackers easily devastated the fortress of the Two Crowns and attacked the Crescent Seat. The inhabitants of the kingdom fled without attempting to resist, and the entire peninsula of Solrid was at the mercy of the invaders.

Dwarves, Nuians, and Elves united to resist the conquest, but were unable to deal with the onslaught and requested aid from the western Ishubara and Inistra. Desperate, they decided to last Stand, during which the demon commanders of the army suddenly separated from the army of battleborn, freed from the power of Orchid, and disappeared without a trace.

In addition to the appearance of two races, all characters will be waiting for changes in skill branches: even more variety will be added to the rich set of 120 classes! Any hero will be able to learn new skills from a special line by upgrading any specialization to level 55.

ArcheAge 3.0 update is very milestone in project development. The amount of new content is huge, and the races that have been revealed and the rebalance associated with them are deservedly attracting maximum attention. Dwarves and Battleborn, as well as other new items, will be waiting for the players Korean servers already July 13th.

We are looking forward to the update together: we will definitely share the latest announcements about ArcheAge 3.0 with you!

IN South Korea have published the latest information about update 3.0, and, of course, we can't ignore this news! XLGAMES talked about one of the main innovations of the version - the playable races of dwarves and battleborn. Hurry up to find out more about the new characters that will be available soon in the homeland of the project.

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