How to jump higher in basketball. How to jump higher in basketball - tips and exercises. Air Alert is a basketball software developed by the American company TMT Sport. This set of exercises is very effective for increasing the jump, dawn


Exercises to increase the height of the jump (The complete vertical jump program)

The complete vertical jump program was developed by TMT sports. This is one of the most popular (to date) programs for increasing the jump. At serious attitude to the exercises, passing full course(12 weeks), you will be able to increase your jump by 20-30 cm. During these 3 months of implementation, you should ensure that you are well rested and fed. Of course, it is better to perform all exercises under the supervision of a sports doctor and / or coach.

These muscles are the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Explosive - indicates the ability to develop maximum strength in minimum time without using the plyometric stretch reflex. Pause jumps and run outs of blocks require almost pure explosive power because you don't have the luxury to spin out and use your plyometric abilities like you would do a big takeoff before jumping, in a sprint.

The explosiveness depends on the initial force, which is the ability to "turn on" as much force as possible in the first 03 seconds of movement. In order to create maximum force in minimum time, you obviously need to have enough raw strength, or strength to pull quickly or quickly. That is why ultimate strength serves as the basis for explosiveness. Similarly, an athlete who can only apply 100 pounds of force is not going to jump very high, no matter how fast they apply that force.

Order of execution:

(jumping rope, running in place) for 3-5 minutes.

Before performing, it is necessary to stretch all muscle groups that participate in the program. The calves are stretched with exercises similar to step-ups (put your foot on a book, a ladder and try to reach the floor with your heel). To stretch the anterior femoral muscle, place your foot on a chair or table and tilt your torso toward that leg. The hamstring muscle is stretched with simple tilts.

This kind of strength is evident when you perform a quick counter before jumping. You can jump higher than then, you can pause and then try to jump, can't you? The countermovement quickly stretches the tendons throughout the lower body. This allows your muscles and tendons to collect energy and create recoil like a rubber band.

With every step and foot contact of a sprint, the same thing happens as the Achilles tendon is stretched and pulled back like a spring or rubber band. The faster and more stretched, the higher the corresponding reactive force. This is why you will notice that people who are excellent jumpers drop quickly and abruptly in their opposition. They create a large force in one direction, which can then be converted into force in the other direction when they explode with a powerful jump.

Legs shoulder width apart. Jump straight up as far as you can. Once down, squat about a quarter - that's one jump.
The speed of the jump during the exercise is most important. The point is to jump as fast as possible. The time spent on the ground should be equal to fractions of a second.
You should feel that the anterior thigh muscle is tightening more than the calves.

When your reactive ability is good, the more power you can take, the more power you can take. Guys with sub-jumps are able to barely use reactive power in the hips and quads, so they don't counter with anything close to speed, smoothness, and skill.

Fortunately, this can be improved. High jumping and running quickly get involved. Most of the force generated by reactive contractions is involuntary, i.e. you do not have to think about it. That's why you can bounce a lot more weight when doing a bench, then you can whenever you suspend max weight on your chest before you lift it - without even trying to do it. This is why you jump higher when you "jump" down and then up. We tend to naturally use reactive power when we are given the opportunity to do it and do it without thinking about it.

Stand on something so that your heels do not touch the floor (ladder, ~10cm thick book). Raise up on one leg as high as you can using only your calves, then on the other leg.
Rest between sets: 25 seconds
Place one foot on a solid platform (chair, bench) and push your supporting leg up. In the air, change the supporting leg and repeat the same.
Rest between sets: 3-4 minutes
Stand on both feet and push off as hard as you can using only your calves. The point of the exercise is to jump as high as possible and "linger on the ground as little as possible (the faster you jump out after landing, the better)
Make sure that when performing the exercise, the legs do not bend at the knees.
Break between sets 1 minute

In fact, one way to improve reactive abilities is to simply avoid screwing. This is natural, and all preparation should improve it, not distract from it. One way you can screw this up is with bodybuilding style training, which basically teaches your body to do the opposite of what it's programmed to do. It's going to go against what you've heard, but cheating, bouncing, and accelerating the weight through the sticking point are all natural, as well as using and improving reactive abilities.

The exercise is named so because, if performed correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the legs. The technique is about the same as in the previous exercise. Standing on two legs, you need to jump out, using only calves. Here you need to jump only 1-1.5 cm, and the main emphasis should be on the speed of execution and be careful not to sink on your heels.

You can get distracted from this by over-reliance on long eccentric training and slow learning. How to jump higher - in a nutshell. Thus, for quick repetition, vertical jump strength comes from a combination of explosive strength and reactive strength - with ultimate strength serving as the basis for both. When you put 3 together you get what is known as your static spring mastery. The athletic athlete, static-spring, is otherwise known as the showy athlete.

Think of the core strength as the invisible concrete foundation of the house, your reactive power and explosive power as a result of the foundation everyone sees. In an athlete with a static-spring, you see final result, ease of movement, speed and ability to jump, but you don't necessarily see the "foundation".


Exercises must be performed 5 days a week and preferably at the same time. The program takes 12 weeks in total.

(1) High jump
(2) Rises on toes
(3) Step-ups
(4) Half squat jumps
(5) Burnout
(H) Week

2x25 - means that you need to do two sets of 25 repetitions.

If you are someone who doesn't have a solid foundation, you should train with slow heavy weights to build that foundation, and use explosive and reactive forces to power up or display your foundation. If you are already advanced enough, then all you need to do is determine which part of your pyramid of power is the weak link, and eliminate the weakness accordingly. Repeat this process consistently and you will soon be jumping higher and running faster than you ever imagined.

1 1x50 2x10 2x10 2x15 1x50
2 1x100 2x20 2x15 2x20 1x100
3 1x125 2x25 2x15 2x25 1x150
4 1x150 2x30 2x20 2x30 1x200
5 2x100 2x35 2x20 2x35 1x250
6 2x125 2x40 2x25 2x40 1x300
7 2x150 2x45 2x25 2x45 1x350
8 2x200 2x50 2x30 2x50 1x400
9 2x250 2x55 2x30 2x55 1x450
10 2x300 2x60 2x35 2x60 1x500
11 2x350 2x65 2x35 2x65 1x550
12 2x400 2x70 2x40 2x70 1x600

It is best to perform the program at 13-15 hours of the day (peak muscle work)


Classification of exercises to improve jumps. There are actually countless exercises that are effective, but these exercises will give you a lot of value for your training dollar. The goal of strength-limiting exercises is simply to increase strength or strength by building the capacity of your muscles. Progress will be noticeable in the amount of weight you can move in basic movements. The goal here is not to try to "imitate" athletic movements, but simply to increase the contractual strength that creates the capabilities of the muscles involved in athletic movements.

Whenever you do a resistance exercise, the rep pattern may change, but in general, the total length of the set should be kept below 25 seconds. Perform for 3-8 reps per set. Heavy rows are an excellent strengthening exercise for the glutes and hamstrings, and develop full body strength through their effects on the traps, grip, and upper back. It also makes some version of the pull necessary for anyone who wants to jump higher and run faster. For additional set hips and hamstrings, try doing wide-grip rows while standing on a box.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

- All exercises must be performed on the carpet.
- The program must be performed in sneakers with FLAT RUBBER soles.
- A chair or other object for step-ups, a book or something else for lifting on toes
- The program does NOT require the use of weights of any type. The increase in the jump is only due to your weight!

Perform 3-8 reps in a set. Grasp the bar again and keep your back straight or arched with concentration, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings to pull the plank out. It also helps if you think of yourself as a bull pawing the ground up and down with its feet. Your legs don't actually move, but by thinking about this action, you'll correct your form and make sure you're putting stress on the proper musculature.

Perform this exercise with a dumbbell in each hand or with a barbell on your back, lower yourself until your back knee touches the floor and then explode back to the starting position. This is definitely one of my favourites. Perform 5-15 reps per set. Good morning- start in a squat position with a barbell on your back resting down on your traps - next arch with your back holding your chest and pushing your hips back as far as possible. As you do this, your upper body will drop forward and you will feel a stretch in your glutes and hamstrings.

FOOD is an important part of the program.
- A minimum of 2 meals a day is required.
- Eat 1-2 hours before exercising
- Don't overeat!

Good nutrition is mandatory not only on the days of execution, but also on the days of rest.

Learning to jump even higher for every basketball player is a matter of efficiency. Many training complexes and methods have been developed that have been tested by the most eminent athletes. Similarly, using this article, you can understand how to jump higher in basketball.

Dig out and back as your legs rise to the starting position. Perform 5-10 reps for each set. Slug Lift - If you don't have a ham gamma machine, you can always do it the old way. Find someone or something to hold your feet as you put your knees on some kind of pillow. roll your back, hold your chest, and control your downward descent. You will feel it widely in your hamstrings. Then try to tighten your hamstrings, but help yourself with your arms as much as you need.

jump mechanism

The entire surface of the leg is a combination of muscle tissue and tendons. The jump mechanism can be two processes:

  • jump with ankle flexion;
  • jump with bending the knees;
  • swing jump with arm swing.

In any case, the initial effort comes from the ankle, gradually being transferred to the calves and thighs. In this case, focal tension of the muscle bundles occurs, followed by a sharp discharge.

Remember, hamstrings are essential for anyone looking to run faster or jump higher. Tin - ham is the kind of all straight hamster exercise. Do 5-15 reps per set. The goal of explosive strength exercises is to either perform the movement with greater speed or with greater height. For example, instead of squatting with a heavy weight, we will jump with weights. You are simply trying to jump higher by squatting with light to moderate weights. As a rule, the speed of movement, especially the beginning of the movement, is more important than when it comes to these exercises.

  • Absence excess weight- excellent help in high jumps. That is why it is necessary to get rid of excess weight, and for this you need to review your diet, get rid of addiction to excesses and bad habits;
  • Only a rested body is able to show effective results. It is necessary to maintain a balance of forces in balance, because if the body leaves it, then recovery will require a very long time, you can forget about high jumps for this period;
  • A warm shower after a workout and a massage is a very useful procedure;
  • Muscles must develop, which means that after training you need time to recover, so it’s better to train every other day;
  • If there are any leg injuries, then it is better to forget about training for a while, the most optimal thing is exercise therapy and gymnastics for the recovery period;
  • A warm-up is required;
  • In order to jump high, it is necessary to stretch the ligaments and tendons in the legs;
  • In the jump, as already mentioned, not only the legs are involved, so it is necessary to harmoniously develop the muscles throughout the body;

The movements in the explosive strength area focus on developing maximum starting and explosive strength, without significant involvement in the reflexive stretch cycle. They inherently force you to focus on the maximum possible use of maximum voluntary force.

You can also do them with ranges and chains for additional effect. Do 2 to 5 reps per set. Descend just above parallel, pause for 3 seconds, and then jump as high as you can. Not only do they squat, but they are also very effective for jumping higher and faster.

A set of exercises

There are several specific exercises that perfectly train jumping ability:

  • fly run, that is, not just run a distance, but run it in much the same way as a ballet dancer, with wide swings at maximum speed. This exercise helps to develop stretching and muscle endurance;
  • jump up. A mark is placed on the wall and gradually, painstakingly, it is necessary to try to jump to it - this exercise will allow you to tighten the surface of the buttocks and calves, develop the Achilles and ankle ligaments.

You should also pay attention to the usual strength exercises for the legs: squats, bends and extensions with weighting.

Starting from the floor or from the "hang" position, explode by starting the movement with the help of the legs and hips. As you expand your hips and start to leave the floor, continue with a shrug. Perform 3-6 reps for each set. Pure and exciting variations. These movements are explosive in nature and in order to perform them correctly you must develop maximum strength instantly. They are also strongly associated with the hip extensors, which are key to speed and jumping ability.

Olympic lifts have long been used to help athletes run faster and jump higher. An explanation of the movements is beyond the scope of this article, but if you can do them correctly, you can use them in your program. Standing wide jumps - just jump as far as you can in the distance and try to make a mark for shooting. Pause between repetitions.

It must be remembered that excessive exercise is the stupidity of beginner athletes. After a workout, you need to feel tired, and not a wild feeling when "legs fall off."

You need to listen to what the body says and predict the onset of improvement in yourself and make progress with constancy of exercises, perseverance and willpower, only in this case it will be possible to score "three-point" balls from a first-class jump, like Michael Jordan.

In box jumps - find a box, stand in front of it and then jump on it and then walk away and repeat. As you develop the ability to jump higher, you can challenge yourself in 2 ways. Either jump on a low box, trying to bend your legs as little as possible, or find a high box that requires you to really give it your all.

1-foot forked squat jump - This exercise is another of my favorite high jumps. Stand towards the box with one foot on the box and the other foot on the ground. Then quickly straighten the leg that is on the box and try to lift yourself as high as you can by pushing off the lead leg. Pause instantly between repetitions. Complete all reps on one leg before switching to the other leg. window height to focus on different areas. You can also add weight to them by holding light dumbbells.

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