What do you need to take to become a singer? What data should a famous singer have?


People are born capable of making sounds. Each has its own individual timbre, speed of speech, and volume. Many people sing. These actions are similar to meditation; they put the body into a different state: either calm it down, or, conversely, add energy and liveliness. IN ancient times ancestors believed that the soul itself sings in a person and singing is its natural state.
People sing for themselves to express their feelings. Some people like to sing for others. And there is a group of people who simply need listeners, and singing is their life. Such people become singers in the modern world. But how?

American singer Taylor Swift

How to become a singer: goal setting

Many of those who chose the stage for themselves grew up in a family of composers, producers, actors and musicians. They learned a love for music from their family, and they received their first recognition and support from their family. We studied since childhood musical art and vocals, went to music school. And some grew up in the most ordinary families, where music was not a professional craft. But a calling will find a person everywhere. Every family has a TV and a tape recorder, computers, and all this technology brings sounds to us every day, and often singing.
If someone wants to become a singer or singer (most often girls want this), and there are all the prerequisites for making the desire come true: a voice, love for the stage, a thirst for attention, you must first set a goal for yourself. To make it clear where to move next. Each person has his own level of ambition, dreams of small or big. Therefore, you need to clearly define from the very beginning: how high you want to rise and shine. Some want to sing in bars, others are close to backing vocals, others want to join the big pop stage, others love rock and can even perform on the street at first, others dream of opera and have a strong enough voice for this. Everyone sees themselves differently as a singer. You need to decide: where you want to sing, after what time and how much money you want to earn with your voice. Once the goal is set, the means to achieve it are put into action.

Work on yourself

Reading biographies bright stars, you can see that they were somehow different from everyone else. Each has its own character, style, and its own special effectiveness. But talented girls and women still have something in common. What allowed them to reach Olympus.
This is perseverance, the desire to go to the end and not stop in the face of difficulties and obstacles. This is ultra-high performance, the ability to sleep 2-3 hours a day, achieving the desired effect. People are not capable of this unless they are passionate about a particular cause. It is the relentless desire for singing and music that can provide you with open doors on the way to conquering the stage and the sympathy of the audience.
You need to develop in yourself strong-willed qualities, tune in to the positive course of events, learn to overcome fears and doubts.
It’s also a good idea to work on your external appearance: strictly evaluate your style, manners, movements; understand how well all this corresponds to your image of a future singer.
Realize how developed your sense of rhythm is. You may need to take dance classes or enroll in dance school, because a modern pop diva is not only her voice, but also fiery, attractive, energetic or smooth movements.
Understanding the lives that stars lead is also important. If a girl is ready to be most time on tour, living in hotels, constantly traveling, flying, lack of sleep and overwork, complying with strict contract conditions, then this job is for her. The existence of popular artists also does not exist without rumors, gossip, rivalry, millions of fans, letters from them with declarations of love, and from some - with threats. When choosing this profession, you need to accept that you no longer belong entirely to yourself, you belong to the public, the people, you are becoming a public figure, into whose life more and more people will strive to get into.
It is necessary to prepare in advance how to great fame and attention to the fact that your personal life will be public, and to the fact that there may come a period in fate (months and even years) during which the public and viewers may completely forget about you.

Also, each performer has her own special personality. The inimitable data includes the timbre of the voice - they may be similar, but not identical (Voice is like fingerprints); appearance: face, physique; charm and history.
History makes an artist interesting. How more interesting story, a person’s life, the person himself, the more interesting is his music and songs (the fruits of his creativity and experience), because, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the soul sings. You probably noticed that musical compositions, which are catchy, fascinating, as if carried away into a fairy tale, performed by unusual, creative and unique people, with bright charisma and rich life or emotional experience. It turns out that inner world pop artist breaks out and becomes noticeable to millions.
Conclusion: to get somewhere, you need to go through something, let events pass through you, get enough of what is happening around you.
Try to see your uniqueness and follow the path of your heart. Do what interests you, have fun with it and don’t limit yourself to a whole range of “impossibles”. A lot should be possible for an artist, because he is the future idol of millions, an example and inspiration for exploits for others, because music is drive. And it is precisely for the sake of the feeling of freedom and wide possibilities that they listen to her.

Musical education

Every vote needs to be cast. For this purpose, there are music schools, lyceums and higher educational institutions. Independent practice is very important, but someone must also control and guide you on the path to perfection. If these are not relatives who are musicians, then they are teachers in educational music institutions. It is not enough to have a good beautiful voice, you still need to learn how to use it as a serious instrument. True professionals understand this and spare no time and effort for self-development.
You can't get on stage without a voice.
In many biographies of famous pop singers, it is written that they were completing higher musical or theater education.

Vocal lesson

Let's turn to experience famous performers to understand how important specialized education is and whether it is possible to become a singer without it.
Diva – Alla Pugacheva She graduated from the children's music school and entered the conducting and choral department of the Music College named after. Ippolitova-Ivanov.
Taisiya Povaliy graduated from Kiev Music. Glier School.
U Zemfira I have a music school with honors and a music school behind me.
Vera Brezhneva I went in for sports, danced and worked on loving my face and body. The singer became a pop star without any special musical education.
Zhanna Friske studied ballet, ballroom, sports dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics. Participated in school theatrical performances. Moscow Institute of Culture, Department of Choreography.
Natasha Koroleva. School of Music, choreographic studio folk dance with the choir "Rope". She graduated from the Kiev College in the class “Pop Vocals”.
Jasmine As a child, he leaves music school after 3 years. At just over 20 years old, she decides to learn vocals. He chooses Natalya Zinovievna Andrianova from the Gnessin School as a teacher.
Thus, it is clear that from a random sample of singers, 2 out of 6 had no vocal education, while paying a lot of attention to dancing and physical development.

The following conclusion can be drawn. A singer is also an artist.
Either you need to learn how to create a stage show from your performances, or have exceptional vocal abilities and seriously work in this direction, or both. Certainly, musical education It is highly desirable, but apparently not necessary.

Search for investor or capital

An important step on the path to a singer’s career is finding an investor or producer. You need money for everything: to record your first song, to purchase outfits to create your own unique image. If you record songs on your computer yourself, then first try to promote your performances in your own ways. The goal is to get as many people as possible to listen to your songs. Here your friends can help with advertising, or you should turn to special advertising websites where they promote YouTube channels and social profiles. networks, etc. For relatively little money you can get a sufficient number of views. And if those who open your videos like the vocals and video, they, in turn, will share their finds with friends and acquaintances. The statistics are as follows: if a person likes something, he shows or recommends it to 3-4 people in his environment. This is how they become popular online. The next step after this is to translate the popularity into reality.

For this purpose, there are television shows where aspiring singers demonstrate their talent to everyone. And even if you took part in one of these programs and did not reach the finals, it is still a victory - you have already been on television and “lit up”. You are already familiar with the TV presenters and can in any case count on their advice and support.
By taking steps towards success, you prove to yourself and others that your intentions are serious. Therefore, having appeared on television, impressed your acquaintances and friends with your courage and perseverance, even among them you can find an investor for your musical project.
When funds become available, you can move on to the next stage - recording a song in a studio and broadcasting it to a radio station. They say that if the radio likes the song, they will broadcast it for free.
A successful radio debut means that celebrities will be interested in you. So you are on the right track.

Glory and Perseverance

The singer's fame comes after titanic work, after a huge number of fears and experiences overcome. Some stars light up quickly and go out just as quickly. Others burn for a long time, warming the hearts of listeners.
How to shine on stage for a long time?
The first rays of fame can blind an aspiring singer. She thinks that the wish has been fulfilled, the goal has been achieved. You can happily reap the fruits of your labor. In reality, everything is more complicated.
The main thing is not to stumble over apparent success at the very beginning. It is necessary to endure this positive test with steadfastness and understand that in the future you need to work even harder and harder. It should always be understood that only moving forward and professional growth will provide you with constant attention spectators.
Don’t be afraid to experiment, turn all your ideas into reality musically, organizing PR campaigns, finding supporters and friends among a growing number of colleagues - this is the path that will continue to lead you to success on stage.


To become a singer, you need, first of all, to set a specific goal for yourself: where and in what genre do you plan to perform.
It is necessary to identify the data that will be the basis for building a career. This is voice, hearing, sense of rhythm, artistry. Evaluate your appearance and plasticity, improve yourself, love your strengths and weaknesses. Learn to overcome fears and obstacles.
Get a music education or find a good vocal teacher. Learn to approach life creatively.
Conduct large-scale advertising and, if any, of your creations. Find financial support.
Having bathed in the rays of glory for the first time, do not lose your head, but persistently and boldly move on to achieve your goals.
The support of an aspiring singer from relatives and friends is of great importance. Believing in yourself begins with believing in you among your family, then among other close people. Find those who will believe in you no matter what and help you when the going gets tough. Sometimes others are able to see more in a person than he himself and help him believe in himself.

Traditional methods of building a career as a singer-performer are becoming a thing of the past. In today's rapidly changing world, anyone who wants to build a career as a singer must engage in active self-promotion, and not wait until they are “discovered”. If you love to sing and think you have what it takes to sing professional level, improving your skills, taking initiative, and being willing to take on every opportunity to perform will greatly increase your chances of breaking through!


Part 1

Improve your vocal skills

    Build your repertoire. Before moving anywhere in your vocal career, you need to decide what genre you will develop in and what you do best. Start experimenting with different musical genres. This will help you identify which type of music is closer to you and more natural in your performance. Keep notes noting your personality traits as a vocalist, such as your vocal range, vocal parts that come more naturally or that are more difficult for you, or things that negatively affect your voice. You can ask yourself a few specific questions:

    Take vocal lessons. You should learn to get the most out of your voice. An experienced vocal teacher will be able to help you with this. He will correct technical inaccuracies, help you realize your own strengths and weak sides, will train vocal exercises to expand the vocal range, teach you to control your voice and use it more competently.

    Learn to sing from notes. In the music industry, it is considered normal for someone to give you the sheet music of a piece and expect you to sing along to it with ease. When working with professionals, sight reading is the key to success. So if you want to be taken seriously, work on the theory.

    • At the top of your career, there is no time left for learning - you need to work on new material right away during rehearsal. This is why you need to learn to sing from notes and sight read.
  1. Learn to play a musical instrument. Learn to play the piano or guitar and you will become a multi-talented and more independent artist. Mastery of the instrument also allows you to play additional parts in the song, which gives the performance unique sound. Plus, by playing on your own, you can afford to be completely self-reliant, reducing the risk of problems like missing a guitarist at the last minute before a gig.

    • To summarize the above, we note that you need to determine exactly what materials and tools you need to perform at a concert. This will help you be confident on stage, build a strong reputation, create a unique sound and win over your audience.
  2. Explore this area activities. Study the work of your favorite singers. Watch their performances and note for yourself what exactly impresses the crowd of listeners. How do they act on stage? Watch videos of your favorite singers. Try turning off the sound and observing only facial expressions and movements. This might be something you'll want to replicate in your performances.

    Part 2

    Speak up
    1. Perform and sing as often as possible. Thanks to frequent performances, you will feel more confident in front of a microphone and learn how to interact with different audiences. You can start small: join church choir or an acapella group, sing in night bars or restaurants, or simply perform karaoke. You can start small and look for other speaking opportunities.

      • Start with small performances before moving on to bigger fish.
    2. Sing at school or university events. Find out in advance if there are any events planned where you might be able to speak. Or, inquire about speaking at a local sporting or corporate event.

      • Always arrange for someone to film your performance so it can be posted on You Tube. The main thing is that the sound is of good quality.
    3. Participate in singing backup for other people's recordings. Some composers in your city may need the help of vocalists to record demo versions of their songs. Try to find out who is doing this and if they need vocalists. Submit your demo and ask if you can use their songs in your portfolio.

      Participate in auditions as much as possible. By participating in auditions, you will get used to performing and learn how to interact with music producers and managers. You can even audition at your local musical theater– there you will gain stage and professional experience.

      • Thus, you can gain work experience and perform on stage, as well as get into the performer database.
    4. Record a demo CD. A prepared demo will allow you to showcase your talent at any time and take advantage of opportunities as soon as they arise. At all your concerts you can sell demo CDs to those who want to buy them, or give them away for free.

      • Record a demo CD of 4-10 songs at a local recording studio. This number of songs will be enough to demonstrate your vocal range and style to those who may be interested in collaborating.
      • If you have a limited budget, you can make a demo recording yourself by ordering a backing track from local musicians or online. All you have to do is add your voice over the music. The main thing is to make sure that your voice sounds as beneficial as possible and does not get lost in the music.

    Part 3

    Make contacts
    1. Make useful contacts in your local community. All cities have their own music scene; By making friends with other vocalists and musicians in your area, you will surround yourself with people who share your interests and can support you. Watch what they do at their shows, where they perform, and listen to their advice for newbies.

      • The more you surround yourself with people from this field, the more opportunities you will have to show your talent and become a recognizable performer.
    2. Contact the concert organizers. Also look for opportunities to open for other musicians. Warm-up performances – good way gain experience. Gradually, your performance time may increase, and with this there will be more opportunities to please a producer or agent.

      • Eventually, your concerts will get bigger and bigger.
    3. Write press releases for local newspapers. Press releases can provide additional exposure. Your name will become recognizable in the local community and eventually (hopefully) your work will be recognized locally. Publications in local publications will give you a certain reputation that you can build on when traveling further afield. big cities: Ekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

      Build connections within the music industry. Meet music managers, consultants, representatives recording studios, and agents and send them your demos. Many music industry contacts are available online. Smaller and more independent record labels are more receptive to diverse material. Don't limit your audience solely to well-known brands.

      Send press materials along with demo recordings. Press materials greatly increase the chances of showcasing what you look like, visually complementing your musical energy, and providing all the information you need. You can prepare them yourself, but it will most likely be better if you contact an experienced person. Be sure to include a link to your portfolio and website in these materials.

      • Because of this, it is necessary to consider seeking professional help, for which you will need to prepare a press kit.
      • Don't forget to include a link to your portfolio or personal website.
    4. Find an agent. Agents exist precisely to provide their clients with adequate and profitable work. As a rule, agents do not take advance payments, but receive a 10-15% commission on each ticket sold. Typically, one agent works for several clients at the same time, which significantly limits their time.

      • Only by being persistent and fearless and putting in enough effort to find someone dedicated to your projects can you secure the services of an active, reputable agent.
    5. Treat your contract like a professional. Check all terms of the contract carefully. Carefully read all clauses regarding commissions, contract duration and exclusivity. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the amount of time a given agent is willing to devote to you and the penalties for missing a gig. If necessary, object and make counterproposals. By doing so, you will demonstrate responsibility and dedication to future cooperation. Sign the contract only if you are satisfied with all the points.

      • Never give up. If it doesn’t work out in one place, don’t be afraid to try again and again.


      • If a record company offers you a contract, make sure you understand all of the terms offered. If necessary, consult with a lawyer.
      • If you manage to get a good deal, don't forget that there is always a press around that can write something about you that will ruin your career.

If you attractive girl and nature has endowed you with a beautiful strong voice, you are incredibly lucky. If you also have a good sense of rhythm, developed ear for music and excellent memory, artistry, you are distinguished by your hard work, the path is open for you to become a real singer.

How to become a singer: qualities you need to have

How to become a singer? Firstly, there are certain qualities that must be present:

  1. There is a chance of becoming a singer if you have a well-trained voice to sing from the stage and a developed ear for music. Musical talent either given from birth, or developed through persistent study under the guidance experienced teacher. It will help to reveal the capabilities of the voice and select the repertoire. Developing an ear for music and developing a voice as an adult is very difficult.
  2. An attractive, presentable appearance is required. The singer's work means concerts in front of the public, who would be pleased to look at the star. Taste and color, as usual, are different for everyone, but certain appearance criteria must be present. Your figure, facial expression, movements, clothes, makeup - all this should be perceived by the viewer without irritation, and even better - with enthusiasm. To become a singer, appearance matters great importance. If you are not very happy with your appearance, you need to work on it. Trainers involved in modern and ballroom dancing, cosmetologists, makeup artists, image makers.
  3. It is very important to have artistic ability if you really want to become a singer. Mortal boredom for the viewer: watching a singer standing on stage without moving. To do this, you can go to the opera, but not to a concert of a young famous singer. You need to learn to move artistically and freely, to be able to do beautiful movements and gestures, look at the audience without stiffness or embarrassment. In order to develop these qualities, you need to attend dance clubs and acting courses where they will teach you all this.
  4. It’s not a bad idea to compose poetry and music yourself; this will help if you want to become famous singer. This is not a necessary quality; today many poets and musicians create songs. However, if you play a musical instrument (piano, guitar, etc.), are inspired and easily compose rhyming lines, this will certainly play in your favor when looking for a producer.
  5. It’s very good if you have a rich sponsor (father, friend, husband). This is also not a mandatory point for a beginning singer, but it won’t get any worse. You just need to take into account that if you don’t have talent, having such a person will not help you become a singer.
  6. Personal qualities play an important role. Among other things, to become a real singer, you must have the following: personal qualities: hard work, willpower, perseverance, resistance to stress. Job successful singer- this is hard labor: trips to the Russian outback, abroad, the impossibility for a long time seeing family, endless rehearsals, filming videos, recording songs in the studio and other “delights of star life.” All this must be endured with dignity.

Nuances that need to be taken into account to become a singer

There are nuances you need to know to become a singer:

  1. Some serious educational establishments: conservatories and music schools, do not accept applicants under 18 years of age to the vocal department. The fact is that only by the age of eighteen the voice becomes real. Actively engage in singing adolescence not worth it. At the age of 13-16, voice mutation occurs in both boys and girls. It's just less noticeable in teenage girls. If you want to become a singer, during the period of mutation you should not strain your voice too much.
  2. Sing in full voice It is strictly forbidden if the temperature has risen. And if, suddenly, your voice disappears, you need to urgently visit a phoniatrist. No self-medication, only silence will help, you can’t talk even in a whisper for several days. The doctor will prescribe irrigation of the ligaments with special compounds.
  3. If you want to become a singer, you need to follow all kinds of shows that start almost every month in order to talented people could prove themselves. Don't be afraid to try your hand at these projects.

Well, what girl doesn’t dream of standing on stage and, squinting from the dazzling spotlight, singing loudly and sweetly to the applause of the audience? What can I say, a considerable part of adult women dream about this. But some people live with dreams all their lives, while others go towards this dream, like the powerful icebreaker “Arktika” - through any obstacles, to fame and recognition.

What do you need to do to become a singer? How to make your dream come true?

  • Appearance
    A singer is not just a girl singing in the bathroom or while washing dishes. This is a public figure. Accordingly, it should look great. So that everything is perfect - your makeup, your hair, your skin, and, of course, your unique style. Moreover, you need to look like a king at any moment in your life. Even at night. In a word, we get used to the new status in advance - this will make it easier to tune in to victory.
  • We fight complexes
    Naturally, no one will pay attention to you if you are shy, shy, blushing - and this is even before you go on stage. And on stage you completely forget what to sing, how to watch, and why you came here in the first place. Therefore, we begin to fight our complexes in advance. If you can’t cope with them on your own, we turn to specialists at trainings, read useful articles, experiment with relatives, in the company of friends, at parties, etc.
  • Vocal lessons - instead of lunch, on weekends and holidays
    Have perfect pitch and a powerful voice that makes faceted glasses explode – that’s good. But a properly trained voice is a completely different level. And any vocal specialist will immediately determine whether you are an amateur or have already curbed your voice. Therefore, run to make an appointment with the teacher! Preferably for the best. We spare no expense; a lot depends on the voice we deliver. There you can make useful acquaintances and learn about the most secret secrets on the topic - “how to sing so that everyone around you is stunned with delight.”
  • “The song helps us build and live”
    If you are already taking vocal lessons, this does not mean that the rest of the time you need to relax and take care of your neighbors’ nerves - sing everywhere! Practice, practice and only practice. Before bed, in the shower, at work during your lunch break, in karaoke bars or at home into a microphone. Don't miss a single singing competition or opportunity to demonstrate your talent. It happens that a miracle happens so unexpectedly that you don’t even have time to get confused - and it’s already a star!
  • Voice is your future working instrument and your business card
    Therefore, take care of him. If you have been struck down by a terrible ARVI, and it’s as if a coil of barbed wire has been stuffed down your throat, don’t even think about singing. And not only sing, but even talk or whisper. You should also refrain from singing at elevated temperatures and during menstruation.
  • Mastering musical instruments
    With such additional talent you will be noticed faster. And the prospects are becoming wider. If you master 1-3 musical instrument, then the long-awaited dream itself will turn towards you, and the opportunity to get into some music group increases multiple times.
  • Master special programs on the computer so that your recorded voice sounds perfect
    Only then will it be possible to demonstrate your talent to the producer. No skills or opportunities? Reach out to your friends.
  • Learn to move
    Not only, while hanging out, stand with a hairdryer instead of a microphone, dance the hopak or sway like a mountain ash in the wind - but present yourself on stage as an artist. That is, move so brightly, dazzlingly and bewitchingly that even Shakira will envy you. Use the entire arsenal of tools for this - articles, video lessons, courses, training from specialists, communication with professionals on forums, etc.
  • Want to amaze the world?
    Don’t sing other people’s songs when you go on any stage or even to your friends’ kitchen with a guitar - write your own songs. You can, of course, turn to professionals, but this is expensive, and money is usually tight for a beginning singer. Therefore, write yourself or ask your friends for help. Surely there are talented poets in your circle, and maybe even aspiring genius composers.

Have you already written your song? And have you honed your skills? And isn’t it a shame to show yourself?

So, it’s time to look for ways to reach the big stage.

What are the options?

  • Record your own CD in the studio and send your song to all radio stations, all potential producers and generally everywhere else where they might be interested in you. Don’t be afraid if you are rejected, ignored or completely rude: the path to the stars always lies through thorns.
  • Record a clip and do the same with it. And also post it on the Internet, not forgetting to send the link to all your acquaintances, friends and useful people. For help in creating a video, you can contact the studio, or you can record it yourself. By the way, many modern musicians We started with homemade videos on YouTube.
  • Don't forget, after recording a clip or disc, gain sincere support, approval and constructive criticism from your friends (although criticism from the outside is always more useful and honest).
  • If everyone likes your song– friends, family, strangers on social networks, if the number of likes on your video is growing rapidly, and your neighbors are knocking on your radiator, demanding an “encore” - do not rush to crumble into golden stardust, move on. Write down new song! Let people wait for your songs like rain in the middle of the desert, checking the Internet every hour to see if anything new has come out?
  • And - believe in yourself. Even failure is already an experience. Draw conclusions, correct mistakes and try again and again until recognition comes to you.
  • Have you already started receiving offers? They call and write “ important people“, offer to star in a video, sing on the radio, perform at a corporate event or in a club? Be careful! At best, you can run into scammers, at worst... We won’t talk about the worst. Just be careful. Before agreeing to anything, check the caller's contact information and the veracity of the offer. If “it seems true...” - take a friend, a husband, a stronger guy with you, so that no one even has the thought of offending you.
  • If you don’t like anything about the offer you receive, refuse. Look for the person you can trust.
  • Look for musicians with whom you can form a group. Music band with a bright soloist they will be noticed faster than one soloist. And it will be much easier to get into clubs with a group. And from the club the path to the stage is much shorter. The exception is if your voice causes people to stop in the middle of the road to cry with happiness and ask for an autograph. Then you can do it alone.
  • Find your own style. Original, unlike anyone else. In clothes, in presenting oneself, in music, in lyrics. So that when people listen to you they say, “Wow, how great! I've never heard anything like it." Look carefully at the multi-colored and vocally diverse “mass” of show business - it’s a rare rarity when you can single out someone specific, different from the others. But you don’t want the fate of a “fly-by-night”, do you? Therefore, work for the future, and not for the immediate result and a full house in the karaoke bar.

Forget the words “I can’t, I don’t know how, I don’t want, I’m tired, it’s all in vain”! Only positivity and self-confidence! Otherwise, it’s really all in vain.

Don't expect it to be easy - get ready for a long and difficult journey. Although miracles have not been canceled. Especially for those who believe in them.

Do you have a wonderful voice? You are able to perform in front of large audiences without much embarrassment, so why not get some information on how to become a singer? Then it's time to think about your brilliant future! After all modern world offers us a bunch of opportunities to become famous and get rich.

Firstly, are you aware that a young girl aged 18 or over has the most beautiful voice? Yes exactly. It is at this time that you are able to get to know yourself well, and finally understand whether you have excellent vocal abilities. Therefore, wait for the very moment when you can sing without any difficulties! Don't know how?

So there's a computer for that. Don't own the desired program? Ask your friends, they will most likely help you! Have you tried it? If you liked it, then do not stop at the achieved result, try many times until you can show yourself to the producer with dignity.

Secondly, learn to present yourself in front of other people as effectively as possible. To do this, you will need to learn to dance beautifully, move so captivatingly and brightly that even the most popular singer the world will be the envy of you. You can try contacting well-known fashion models in your city and ask how they achieved this. Either way, look for opportunities.

Third, don't criticize yourself. There are days when you can’t sing, but you want to become a singer. What if you get sick or catch a virus? Pay attention to this point. Don't wait for your voice to recover on its own. It may be dangerous! Get treatment. You can contact your doctors for advice. Always try to be sure that your illness is not dangerous, which means you can recover without problems. Remember that if you decide to become a singer, then you need to devote a huge amount of your free time to your voice. Train him, study him.

1. Take care of yourself. Nowadays, there are many divorced people who use children for their own personal, base purposes.

Never allow yourself to be forced to do something you don't like.

Look for a person who is in the most difficult situation can help out. And first of all, make sure who you are dealing with, if you don’t know him, then it’s better to refuse and start looking for another teacher, producer

2. Don’t think that becoming a singer will be easy for you. There are many young girls who, once they sing at a school concert, still no one notices them. If this were not so, every girl would be happy... You live in a unique time, where you can only build yourself thanks to the capabilities of the Internet. Television is not lagging behind, stars create their own TV shows, anyone can get there. You have a voice, then find a song that you could sing and give you 10 points out of ten! Gradually, thousands of people will see your video, and they will probably invite you to the studio. There are a lot of similar cases, and what is most surprising is that the main factor of success was that the singers did not hesitate to show themselves, their own, and thereby achieved popular greatness!

3. Let it be known to you that you need to be born a singer. Sorry, if you don't have a voice, then no matter how hard you try, all your time will be wasted. It wouldn’t hurt to start by defining this important point: Do you have talent? Why do you think so, if there are serious arguments in favor of this? Until you've researched it, don't even try it. Otherwise, at the end of your journey you will weep bitterly. Well, does he know? If you just turn on the radio, then I will be wrong. Not everyone who sings there has an extraordinary gift. Their sponsor promoted them well, and the one everyone knows wins. Previously, you could only use your gift, but now you need the person who agrees to invest in you. There will be no need to suddenly think about the question of how to become a singer.

Don't let the above point scare you. Maybe this is not true at all, and you are capable of working your way up without any money. If you haven’t tried it, then be sure to take this method into your piggy bank.

4. To begin with, you need to have at least some understanding of music. If you graduated from music school, then you will have a great advantage over others. Knowledge will not hurt, and you will not make the mistakes that newcomers to this business make. Learn to use your voice correctly, listen to yourself, and stop at the right moment.

And what I would also like to tell you is not to chase the quick gains that people tell you about and show on TV. Don't give up on things you started, including studying. This is an important element that will play a major role in the future, positive role. It is in such ordinary places that you will be able to meet like-minded people. Discuss your plans with them, and it would be good if among them there are good guitarists And so on.

5. The chance is given only to persistent, self-confident individuals who really want to become a singer. If you watched a program where everything is so elementary simple, and a thought arose in your head, then let time will pass. Let's say 5 months. Do you still want it, is your desire as strong? Pass the test of time - the most important and magnificent test.

Don't be afraid if you reach the point of fanaticism. Your sense of taste is strengthened. Finally understand that you don't have to do what others do. Including the same type of clothing. Nothing will come of this. Come up with your own style, manner, gait. Thus, you will emphasize your individuality. Is it so important! Otherwise, if you look at all kinds of artists with one eye, then all these naive colors do not attract your attention. Everything is worn out and old. And then what can we talk about, about knowing how to become a singer?

Do you imagine yourself as a singer in a few, ten years from now?

What changes do you expect in yourself, do you know what your lifestyle will be? And most importantly, are you willing to give yourself to the public? All efforts are devoted precisely to satisfying the public. All owners of large establishments need their clients to smile and laugh. An exciting life probably awaits you. It's worth it if you want to leave a mark.

Any singer should have the talent to compose songs and poetry. Be someone " Freelance artist”, who at any time of the day will be able to say something original and diversify a boring conversation.

Remove words like “I can’t”, “It won’t work” from your vocabulary. Understand that everything is in yours. When a person only thinks about this, then incredible circumstances help him achieve his cherished goal. This can be observed everywhere, including very young people, who dream day and night of a rich, colorful life. All their thoughts are focused on this, and at this very moment their imagination knows no limitations! Just like children! Don’t be naive, try to think through your actions and firmly believe in your success. Without it important quality, there is literally no chance of getting anywhere, even if your pockets are full.

Money plays important role. This tool will help you quickly gain popularity, but tell me, will all this make your songs so that they will be humming them in ten years? Will your former fans want to remember that time? Remember yourself. When you were a kid, you loved a certain group, but... time goes by and your views change. Do you have a desire to hum old songs? If yes, then think about why this happens, what made their songs unique. Now there is little desire. Everything needs to be applied possible ways that only you can imagine! Then you can sleep peacefully when your desire to learn how to become a singer comes true!

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