Christian rock foreign. Rock music in Christianity and Christian rock bands


The latest evidence leaves no doubt about the connection between witchcraft and rock music. This testimony was given by a former sorcerer.

It is noteworthy that all significant rock and roll producers are members of the satanic "church", and that most rock bands are attributed as members of one or another Luciferian religion.

In the event that they release a record or they have to compose a new song, they ask the high priests or high priestesses of their temple to cast a spell (Bewitch: use magical powers in order to send damage to people, objects or places, so that devilish forces can act there).

Such damage can be in various ways: from illness to fatal accident, from mental insanity to self-destruction. For certain rock 'n' roll records, the Wizards' Association (VICCA) holds dedications to Satan of music and artists as part of a "black mass" that sometimes includes human sacrifice. "Ze-Khu", "Black Sabbath", etc.) these works so that they become successful. After the end of the initiation rituals, when damage is called to the plate, a huge number of demons are charged with the duty to fulfill their orders.


In accordance with this circumstance, whenever you buy or bring with you an album of records thus bewitched, you are inviting to a large extent the sorcery and demons associated with this work. Therefore, it is not surprising that demonic influences are felt by the audience in the following forms:


The desire for rebellion

obscene speech,

blasphemous words,

Suicidal tendencies.

To the best of my knowledge, there is not a single sorcerer or rock musician who could be converted and be set free without first destroying all rock records in his possession and severing all ties to witchcraft.

Everywhere we deal with the money of Satanists: for example, I had an assignment - to sign various checks. These were checks for hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars; moreover, one half of this money went into politics, and the other christian churches. In two charismatic churches, I have contributed to a new endeavor: Jesus rock music. One of the churches that organized this received eight million dollars in two years.

What is the connection between rock music and Christianity? If the sorcerer or sorceress repents, then the preacher does not need to tell them anything about rock music. On the contrary, they can tell the preacher something about it. When I came to Jesus in repentance, I burned all my occult paraphernalia, including all rock records.

If a person says that he is a Christian, or if words about God are used in music, this does not mean anything. It's the perfect way to infiltrate the Church, as Bono did on his Christian tour. But many even did not notice anything, but in vain !!!

Through worship and service to Lucifer, people became rich. An example of this is the temptation of Jesus when he was told: "I will give you everything if you bow down and serve me." So people fall into the weak-willed slavery of Satan in order to do everything that he indicates. This is the only way to explain the emergence of new stars on the stage (Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, etc.)

Ruth Carter-Stalelton, in addition to witchcraft, also evangelizes (including in Germany), talks about how easily Satanists penetrate Christianity and mix the occult with the Gospel. One has only to show a little "holiness" - and everything goes like clockwork.


We were also familiar with all the famous TV stars. In fact, not a single television evening passes without the participation of a TV star, whom I would not initiate into witchcraft. I shared with them a lot of personal things. If you are alone with them, they share how they came to this kind of music. Some make music while under the influence of drugs.

Others do it during transcendental meditation (supernatural meditation) or prefer automatic recording during a séance. Most of them then go to an occult priest if they are not already sorcerers themselves, and ask him for a certain ceremony in the sorcerer's circle, so that their music will be accompanied by power and authority.

Most of the famous records today have witchcraft on them. This means that the demons were assigned to accompany the produced product - the record. Buying such a record, a person opens the free entrance to the demons in his house.

We mean this literally. We have spoken to thousands of people who have not had peace in marriage or family. If they then destroyed their rock records, peace would come to their house.

Parents are often afraid to forbid their children from listening to rock music, thinking that then the children will leave the house or become bitter against them. But after all, their children are already hardened and just for this reason they are fond of rock music. Some leave their home, others don't, but the hearth can only be restored when rock music is gone. No young man can repent if he listens to this music.

Selling Music

Before records hit the market, a special ritual of dedication to the devil, also called.

Those who have the patience to parse the lyrics will quickly come to the conclusion that they are usually the same: resistance to parents, society, everything that exists. Emancipation of all sexual desires in man is necessary condition creating a state of anarchy, which, in turn, contributes to the establishment of the worldwide domination of the devil.

Rock music includes everything from magic to terrifying spiritualism. Ecstasies in which young girls stripped, urinated, tore at their blouses, and screamed like a man possessed are not uncommon. What the inner life of such people looks like can already be seen from their texts.

For example, the band's title track: Another advertisement for the band's record: John Lennon went so far as to literally glorify and idolize the Antichrist in one of his last songs: If the band's record is played backwards (back to front), you can hear the following:

If the Word of God is contained in rock or pop music, it is completely drowned out by super-loud music.

I myself saw how at one evangelistic meeting, under the influence of this music, people fell into a besotted state. Even the newspapers are reporting that rock music is a satanic cult, so there is no shortage of explanations about the dangers of rock music.

And yet this music is heard at Christian events! It is no longer only conscious disobedience; but impudence and a challenge to God. On the other hand, it shows that the Illuminati, through bribes and bribery, firmly hold Christianity in their hands.

Even in the recent past, Christians knew well that watching movies is a sin. Today they are no longer sure. It has not been very long since the printed Christian publications opposed cinema, television, dance, etc. with great conviction.

Christians were sure that all this was from the devil. Today they no longer write anything. Moreover, they are convinced otherwise, and those who still speak out against and abstain from all this are called fanatics. What happened to you Christians?

Modern Christian music has gone too far beyond what is permitted, Preachers admit.

The collection "Anthology of Christian Rock in Russia" was released in 1994 on double vinyl. From this date, one can safely count the beginning of the active missionary activity of Christians in Russia in musical direction. The author of the album, its producer and manager is Igor Korolev, director of the Musical Christian Producer Center "Messiah", who has done a lot for the development of Christian musical movement in Russia.

Christian rock: enemies or allies?

Annotation for the Album “Christian Rock Anthology”,
published with the participation of the All-Church Orthodox Youth Movement, Messia. 1994

Today we are witnessing a dispute, often explained by the conflict of generations, but still not reducible to the latter. Can a Christian relate to fate otherwise than by lowering his visor and clutching a shield and a sword in his hands?

The most zealous protest against rock culture in his work "Rock and Roll" is the Catholic priest Jean-Paul Regimebal. His conclusions are not original: fate affects the subconscious and distorts the human psyche, increases aggressiveness, throws the listener into the element of unbridled sexuality, destroys taboos, and makes a person unable to accept Christianity.

Father Jean's view repeats the situation that arose when, perhaps, every cultural direction appeared: everything unusual seemed to shake the foundations of the universe, incomprehensible and dangerous. Consider, for example, how each the new kind church singing, which has become familiar and traditional today, was condemned so many centuries ago!

Any set of artistic means, which in themselves are morally neutral, can be used for good and for evil, like any human ability. Among the phenomena of rock culture, indeed, there is a lot of evil: there is a sermon of sex without borders, and propaganda of aggression, and much more, which Regimebal writes about. But the same human vices were expressed both through classical music and through folk songs ... Has anyone tried to scroll backwards through recordings of Catholic chants?

In today's Orthodox Church there are diametrically different views on rock culture. It seems to me personally that along with things that I cannot understand and accept, in the work of the “rockers” there are the same breakthroughs in sincerity, the same confessions, the same search for God, which is at any time in any true culture. For a person who lives culture seriously, and not for the sake of entertainment, cannot fail to manifest in it what is given from the Lord: the image of God, an indestructible desire for Him.

I would like to note two phenomena in our rock - not “pop”, not market, but that serious, smart, open-hearted rock, on which a whole generation grew up - I would like to note.

The first is longing for Eden, for the lost harmony of being, for the “city of God”, which is present in every genuine art. By itself, longing may not lead anywhere, it may even become a cause of despair. But if it exists, it means that the person is not spiritually dead, it means that he cannot calmly doze off at the TV while contemplating the “soap opera” dear to the heart.

The second is the rejection of lies, pseudo-harmony built on untruth and compromise with the conscience of the burgher world. This rejection sometimes breaks out into a protest that shocks “civilians”. But can we condemn him? Are we sure that the foundations of the worldly world, its selfish wisdom and its taboos are right in everything? Have we forgotten how the Lord Jesus Christ Himself opposed this little world, angrily crushing the tables of merchants in the temple and saying: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Mt. 10.34)?

As for the general “undignity” of rock, allegedly incompatible with “serious” ecclesiasticism, let us remember King David, who galloped “with all his might” in front of the shrine, rejoicing in the Lord like a child. To the indignation of his wife, who was concerned about the “damage” to royal dignity, David replied: “I will play and dance before the Lord” (1 Sam. 6.21). And if people express their feelings, including the feeling of love for God and joy for Him, in songs that are too loud, too unusual, too jubilant - do not interfere with them, do not condemn them!

Of course, fate is unthinkable in a temple. But in all ages, Christian culture was divided into temple, liturgical, and the one that united believers outside the church walls. There have always been folk Christian songs, and various game actions (one of the authors of the latter was the great Russian saint of the 17th - 18th centuries, St. Dimitry of Rostov). Who knows, maybe today the non-church Christian culture will be able to accommodate rock? (however, I note in brackets that some rock bands that deliberately use Christian symbols and church vocabulary, they sin strongly with falsity.)

Be that as it may, the dialogue between the Orthodox Church and rock culture has begun. Recently, rock performers performed in Volgograd, on the embankment, where before that a divine service was held, as part of the Sergius celebrations organized by the diocese. Sergius of Radonezh was also dedicated to the “Awakening” festival, which took place in Moscow in mid-October with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. On the stage of this festival came and church choirs and rock bands.

I would like to hope that such contracts will be continued, that the interest in the Church on the part of the “rock party” will not be a tribute to idle fashion, but a genuine spiritual thirst, capable of renewing and transforming the human heart through the help of the Lord.

Record 1

Side 1. LOVE

01. Viktor Tretyakov - Prayer
02. Third Rome - Faces of saints
03. New testament - Virgin of love
04. Monomakh - Our God is with us


05. royal hunt- Look at the sky
06. Andrey Misin - Candle and sword
07. New Jerusalem - Song of the Virgin
08. Olga Arefieva and the Ark - Hallelujah
09. Legion - Do not be afraid to enter the Temple

Record 2


10. Dumb - Lord, I'm sorry
11. If - Virgin Mary
12. Emphasis - Golgotha
13. Pilgrim - Day of Wrath


14. Oleg Stepurko and Troparion - Let your eyes close
15. Galactic Federation - And it's spring outside
16. Valery Barinov and the Trumpet Call - You killed Him
17. Nikolay Parfenyuk - My Angel

Duration: 00:37:04 + 00:42:54

01. Viktor Tretyakov (Moscow) - "Prayer", 1990. Of course, he is not a rock musician, but his "Prayer", without a doubt, can be considered a program piece for all the performers presented on this disc. And his cycle of songs "God, Russia and Love" is an example of a musician serving God and Russia.

02. Group "Third Rome" (Moscow) - "Faces of Saints"(Yu.Kuznetsov - M.Lomov). Recorded in 1990. Oh, this controversial "Third Rome"! A group that shouldered the fulfillment of such a historical mission as the transfer of the center of world civilization to Moscow.

03. Group "New Testament" (Moscow) - "Virgin of Love"(V.Volkov - V.Gorbachev). Recorded in 1992. The group was created in 1990 by the vocalist of "Alexander Nevsky" Vyacheslav Gorbachev, who already in the 80s was obsessed with the idea of ​​transferring the Christian teaching into the texts of his compositions and establishing the foundations of this teaching on our rock scene.

04. Group "Monomakh" (Moscow) - "Our God is with us"(A. Zakharov). Recorded in 1989. The history of the group begins in 1982 under the name "Interview" and only since 1990 they - "Monomakh". The group gave its first concert under this name in St. Basil's Church together with the Chamber Music Ensemble.

05. Group "Royal Hunt" (St. Petersburg) - "Look at the sky"(A. Osovitsky). Recorded in 1991. Group from the Orthodox Music Center "Galactic Federation" (St. Petersburg). Her credo, as the musicians themselves defined it, is "to bring the word of God to the people with modern musical means namely, orthodox rock."

06. Andrey Misin (Moscow) - "Candle and Sword"(A. Misin - S. Patrushev). Recorded in 1990 by The Man Who Revolutionized contemporary music(with the song "Alien") and finally explaining to the world what the so-called "Russian rock" is - no need to imagine. One has only to add, and this is very sad, but the fact is that no one has yet seriously competed with Andrei in this genre.

07. Group "New Jerusalem" (Moscow) - "Song of the Virgin"(M.Yu. Lermontov - V. Khoronenko - V. Filatov). Recorded in 1990. Formed in 1988 by Volodya Filatov, the group successfully combines religious orientation with Russian folklore in its work.

08. Olga Arefieva and "Ark" (Moscow) - "Hallelujah"(O. Arefieva). Recorded in 1990, re-recorded in 1993 "The Star of the Sverdlovsk Blues" (in the words of A. Didurov), Olga successfully made her debut on the stage of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" (festival "Awakening") with the group "Ark".

09. Group "Legion" (Moscow) - "Do not be afraid to enter the Temple"(A. Bulgakov - A. Afanasiev). Grand Studio. Recorded in 1990. Let's make a reservation right away that the modern "Legion" has nothing in common with the former one, the recording that is presented on this disc, although the composition is generally the same. This is primarily Alexei Bulgakov - vocals ( sole member composition of 1979) and Sergey Salkin - guitar. This recording was practically the last song of the group in Russian.

10. Group "Stupid" (Moscow) - "Lord, forgive me"(D. Golubev). Recorded in 1989. The group, organized in 1986, consists of young artists, art historians, publicists and musicians, united by a certain line of thought and a corresponding way of life. From the very beginning of its existence, the group's performances took place in the form of performances that included elements of the theater of the absurd, "inadequate ballet", parodies of variety shows and a delicate understanding of various religious cults.

11. Group "If" (Moscow) - "Virgin Mary"(S. Barteniev). Recorded in 1989. One of the first bands to seriously start to develop the direction of Christian rock. First concerts in Moscow since 1988. Participant of the festival "Awakening 90" (GCC "Russia"). Soloist Valery Anokhin since 1992 - sings the part of Christ in the musical Webber and Rice at the Moscow City Council Theater and in 1993 leaves for the USA.

12. Group "Accent" (Morshansk) - "Golgotha"(S. Polyakov - Yu. Sivnukhov). Recorded in 1990. One of the few peripheral bands who are still actively working in this genre despite all the difficulties of the current period.

13. Group "Pilgrim" (Riga) - "Day of Wrath"(D. Fedotov). Recorded in 1989. In 1983, Dima Fedotov recruited the first composition of "Pilgrim". Semi-basement concerts and frequent line-up changes, and by 1988 a permanent line-up, a solid success of the audience and a great concert activity.

14. Oleg Stepurko and the group "Tropar" (soloist L. Ulyanova) (Moscow) - "Let your eyes close". Aria from musical performance"The King of the Jews" written by Oleg based on the drama of the Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov to the verses by S. Bychkov and G. Zobin. It is Oleg who is now the person in whom that life-giving combination of a deep spiritual tradition preserved by the Church and modern musical language characterizing our dynamic time.

15. Group "Galactic Federation" (St. Petersburg) - "And on the street - spring"(T. Vishnyakov). 1992 Orthodox faith and the Russian land - these concepts have become for the musicians of the group the meaning of life and the main core of their work. To date, without false modesty, they can be called the strongest in the genre of religious rock.

16. Valery Barinov and the Trumpet Call group - "You killed Him"(V. Barinov). Re-recording of 1992. In the Christian rock of Russia - a legendary person, has been living in England for 10 years now. The first to start singing about Christ from the rock scene, for which he paid dearly: together with the group's bass guitarist Sergei Timokhin, Barinov received a sentence. The need to create freely and praise the Lord, as he knows how, led him to the fact that he was forced to emigrate.

17. Nikolai Parfenyuk (Moscow) - "My Angel"(N. Parfenyuk). Recorded in 1992. A great musician, singer, composer, arranger and just a wonderful person. He rarely performs ("Awakening" 90 at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia"), almost unfamiliar to the general public: - a kind of "LenKomovsky" recluse. Nikolai is an optimist both in life and in his work, which compares favorably with the philosophically serious Andrei Misin, the only musician, by the way, with whom he could be compared, but it's like comparing a whale and an elephant (who is stronger?) .

Media: Double Vinyl LP
Released: 1994
Publisher: Messiah
Item No. RGM 7133
Format: MP3 320 kbps
File size: 180 Mb

Christian rock is one of the varieties of rock music, the main hallmark which is the Christian orientation of the texts. AT musically this genre does not stand out from the background of others: rock, metal, hardcore, metalcore bands. The only difference is that they all sing songs about God, humility, religion and other topics within the framework of Christianity.

History of the genre

Even during the formation of such genres of music as rock and roll and rhythm and blues, many clergy spoke negatively both about the musical direction in general and about the people performing this music in particular. Later, rock musicians began to resort to more and more provocative images, often associating their music with mysticism, the occult and devil worship. Many metalheads and rockers often behaved scandalously, used drugs and alcohol in exorbitant amounts, thereby exacerbating the situation and negative attitudes towards rock music.

The situation began to change with the advent of rock bands and musicians performing the so-called Christian rock. The pioneers in the genre were Mind Garage and Petra. Over time, this direction only developed, a festival appeared, in which only Christian rock bands took part. A similar progress in the world of music did not bypass Russia, where new groups began to appear, writing texts related to Christian themes.

Christian rock bands: foreign

The list of groups preaching Christianity in their work is not small and continues to grow every year. Among the popular teams it is worth highlighting:

  • Skillet, formed in Memphis back in 1996. The team has been nominated for the Best Rock Gospel Album (Best Christian Rock Album) more than once in their long career.
  • Thousand Foot Krutch - Canadian Music band created in 1997. One of the most successful VIA performing rock music in general and Christian rock in particular. Over the entire history, more than one and a half million copies of their discs have been sold.
  • Red is a relatively young (formed in 2004) American rock band that has become one of the leading Christian rock bands. Interestingly, the guys started their careers drinking Christian hymns.
  • P.O.D. - one of the few bands that perform Christian rap core, preferring recitative, mixing it with heavy riffs and blast drum beats. The team has been nominated many times for the Grammy Award. The band's name comes from the Payable on Death metaphor, which is associated in their understanding with Jesus, who atoned for the sins of all mankind.

Also playing in this genre are Starfield, FM Static, Antestor, Pillar, War of Ages and many other lesser known bands.

Christian post-hardcore

Despite their aggressive sound, punk, hardcore and metalcore have also become part of the Christian culture. The musicians focus not only on the theme of Christianity, but also urge to lead a correct lifestyle, not to abuse alcohol and tobacco, to be selective and moderate in their relationships with people. Among the popular groups it is worth highlighting:

  • As I Lay Dying is one of the most powerful and influential bands in the metalcore genre, which has become a kind of cult musically. Despite the overly heavy sound and the use of techniques such as "growling" and "screaming" in their vocals, in their lyrics the band members often refer to Christian images and religion in general.
  • The Devil Wears Prada is a popular post-hardcore band from Ohio. One of the most popular bands in the genre, still gathering crowds of fans. The group name is taken from novel of the same name and metaphorically adapted to their religion and adherence to Christianity.
  • Underoath is one of the few bands that managed to achieve gold status for one of their albums despite restrictions on radio play. The group was formed in 1998 in Florida and immediately drew attention to itself with its atypical aggressive sound and Christian lyrics.

Also playing in this genre: Soul Embraced, August Burns Red, Norma Jean and other less popular bands.

Christian metal

Often this musical direction is opposed to "black metal" and is called "white metal". Bands performing music in this genre try to inspire and inspire the listening audience and, unlike their counterparts, completely ignore the theme of violence and murder. Among the popular representatives it is worth highlighting:

  • Stryper is an interesting glam metal band. The group was formed back in 1983, but survived the collapse and did not exist from 1993 to 2003. The band members use verses from the book of the prophet Isaiah in the design of their CDs.
  • Petra is perhaps the first musical group to officially call its work Christian rock. It is symbolic that the group was formed by the students of the Christian Training Center, right during their studies there. The band's sound is reminiscent of a mixture of country music and hard rock. In 2006, the group broke up.

Domestic Christian rock bands: list

Russian groups, as well as foreign ones, quickly picked up this practice and began to fill their music with religious texts and references. Among the musicians from the national scene, there were many deeply religious people who founded entire groups with a Christian direction. Among the most famous groups are:

  • "Alisa" is a Soviet VIA, which originated in 1983 in the city of Leningrad. One of the most famous and popular bands in the history of Russian rock music. One of the first to start writing texts related to religion. The group exists to this day.
  • "Black Coffee" is a Soviet rock project by Dmitry Varshavsky, performing hard rock and Christian metal with a heavy sound. The team was formed in 1979 and is still active, performing and recording new songs in Russian and English.

Among domestic performers The genre is also worth mentioning such Christian rock bands as "August", "Legion", "Voice of the Prophet" and "Trumpet Call".

Christian rock has its roots in 1965 when Barry McGuire wrote the first Christian manifesto, Eve of Destruction, becoming the first Christian act to hit Billboard.

Following him, America learned about the first Christian rock band - Mind Garage, who performed high-class psychedelic rock, became the first Christian rock band to appear on television (ABC and NBC) and received a review from Rolling stone magazine.

In the late 60s, a notable quartet appeared - AUM, which received the blessing of Billy Graham and showed the world the first Christian blues rock. And all this was a few years before Larry Norman's first official and already canonical album - Upon This Rock.

In the 80s, Christian groups went further. DeGarmo and Key and Ressurection Band became the first Christian bands to have music videos on Mtv. And the crazy success of STRYPER gave the Christian scene its first cosmic mega-star. STRYPER became the first Christian rock band to sell millions of albums, supported by the then emerging Metallica and Pantera. In the same decade, Christian rock legends such as Steve Taylor were born - chief ideologue Christian post-punk, as well as the owner of a voice in four octaves - Ken Tamplin and his Shout.

Some Christian rock bands such as Crumbacher, Prodigal, Imitators, The Choir, Mad at The world, as well as veterans from the 70s Daniel Amos actively experimented with synth-pop and nu-wave. Others, such as Bloodgood, Whitecross, Guardian, Neon Cross, and the Stryper and Shout mentioned above, set about conquering the hearts of the listener through hair-metal, which was insanely popular in those years.

In the 90s, Christian rock bands filled a niche in almost all genres, but interest in Christian music on the part of the secular listener had already declined significantly. Therefore, titans such as DC Talk, Newsboys and Audio Adrenaline have not received attention outside the Christian scene. However, Jars of Clay and MxPx had frequent rotations on Mtv, and Sixpence non the richer was lucky enough to write the most successful Christian rock song of the entire 90s, Kiss me. Although, it is worth noting Christian pop artists Amy Grant and Bob Carlisle, who managed to conquer Billboard with hits "Baby, baby" and "Butterfly Kisses (Shades of Grace)".

We have taken the liberty of selecting 100 of the most famous, significant and historically important Christian rock songs from the very beginning to the present day.

01. Larry Norman - Why Should The Devil Have All The Good Music? (1972)
02. Daniel Band - Walk on the Water (1984)
03. Mind Garage - Electric Liturgy (1967)
04. Agape - Wouldn't It Be a Drag (1972)
05. Randy Stonehill - I've Got News for You (1976)
06. Joshua - I Wish We`d All Been Ready (1973)
07. All Saved Freak Band - My Poor Generation (1973)
08. Daniel Amos - Shotgun Angel (1977)
09. Love Song - Let Us Be One (1972)
10. Harvest Flight - Kingdom (1971)
11. Randy Matthews - Brown Eyed Woman (1973)
12. Earthen Vessel - Life Everlasting (1971)
13. AUM - Mississippi Mud (1969)
14. Phil Keaggy - What a Day (1973)
15. The Way - Days Of Noah (1975)
16. Keith Green - Soften Your Heart (1978)
17. Wilson & McKinley - He (1971)
18. The Sheep - Harvest (1973)
19. Prodigal - Future Now (1986)
20. Ken Tamplin - Living For My Lord (1990)
21. The Excursions - Dry Ground (1971)
22. Shout - In Your Face (1989)
23.441 - Mourning Into Dancing (1985)
24. Undercover - The Fight For Love (1986)
25. Daniel Band - Walk on the Water (1984)
26. Rick Cua - Wear You Colors (1986)
27. Whitecross - Enough Is Enough (1987)
28. Jerusalem - Dancing on the Head of the Serpent (1987)
29. Resurrection Band - Love Comes Down (1985)
30. The Choir - Consider (1989)
31. Lifesavers Underground - Bye Bye Color (1987)
32. Crumbacher - Glowing in the Dark (1985)
33. Servant - Heidelberg Blues (1981)
34. DC Talk - Jesus Freak (1995)
35. Out Of Darkness - Think You Lord (1971)
36. Petra - More power to ya (1982)
37. Rebecca St james - God (1995)
38. Angelica - Cover Me (1991)
39. Steve Taylor - I Want to Be a Clone (1983)
40. Bride - Heroes (1988)
41. Altar Boys - You Found Me (1986)
42. Jennifer Knapp - Undo Me (1997)
43. Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (1997)
44. DeGarmo & Key - Six, Six, Six (1985)
45. Mad At The World- No More Innocence (1987)
46. ​​Sweet Comfort Band - Perfect Timing (1984)
47. Mylon - Old Gospel Ship (1970)
48. Guardian - Never Say Goodbye (1990)
49. The 77`s - The Lust, The Flesh, The Eyes & The Pride Of Life (1987)
50. Stryper - To Hell With The Devil (1986)
51. Holy Soldier - Stranger (1990)
52. Bloodgood - Accept the lamb (1986)
53. Imitators - Got to fell the fire (1985)
54. Carman feat. Petra - Our turn now (1991)
55. MxPx - Punk Rawk Show (1995)
56. One Bad Pig feat. Johnny Cash - Man In Black (1991)
57. WhiteHeart - Desert Rose (1990)
58. Johnny Q Public - Body Be (1995)
59. Bleach - Epidermis Girl (1996)
60. PFR - Great Lengths (1995)
61. Michael W. Smith - I Still Have The Dream (1999)
62. Caedmon's Call - Thankful (1999)
63. All Star United - La La Land (1996)
64. Halo - Lose To Live (1990)
65. Delirious? - Deeper (1997)
66. Pete Stewart - Spinning (1999)
67. The W`s - The Devil Is Bad (1998)
68. Five Iron Frenzy - Every New Day (1997)
69. Charlie Peacock - In The Light (1991)
70. The Huntingtons - No Pool Party Tonight (1995)
71. Audio Adrenaline - Get Down (1999)
72. SonicFlood - I Want To Know You (1999)
73. Third Day - Consuming Fire (1995)
74. OC Supertones - Escape from Reason (2000)
75. Lifehouse - Hanging by a moment (2000)
76. Relient K- Marilyn Manson Ate My Girlfriend (2000)
77. Demon Hunter - My Heartstrings Come Undone (2004)
78. Family Force 5 - Luv Addict (2006)
79. Leeland - Tears of the Saints (2006)
80. Newsboys - Take Me to Your Leader (1996)
81. Smalltown Poets - If You'll Let Me Love You (1995)
82. Kevin Max - Existence (2001)
83. Big Tent Revival - What Would Jesus Do (1998)
84. Jars of Clay - Flood (1995)
85. Skillet - Savior (2003)
86. P.O.D. - Alive (2001)
87. The Fray - How To Save a Life (2005)
88. Switchfoot - Meant To Live (2003)
89. Blindside - Pitiful (2002)
90. Anberlin - Godspeed (2007)
91. Flyleaf - All Around me (2005)
92. TobyMac - Extreme Days (2001)
93. Pillar - Fireproof (2002)
94. Showbread - Mouth Like a magazine (2004)
95. The Afters - Beautiful Love (2005)
96. Mat Kearney - Nothing Left To Lose (2006)
97. Red - Breathe Into Me (2006)
98. Plumb - Cut (2005)
99. MuteMath - Spotlight (2009)
100. The Elms - Hey, Hey (2001)

Stas Sorochinsky

The collection "Anthology of Christian Rock in Russia" was released in 1994 on double vinyl. From this date, one can safely count the beginning of the active missionary activity of Christians in Russia in the musical direction. The author of the album, its producer and manager is Igor Korolev, director of the Musical Christian Producer Center "Messiah", who did a lot for the development of the Christian musical movement in Russia.

Christian rock: enemies or allies?

Annotation for the Album “Christian Rock Anthology”,
published with the participation of the All-Church Orthodox Youth Movement, Messia. 1994

Today we are witnessing a dispute, often explained by the conflict of generations, but still not reducible to the latter. Can a Christian relate to fate otherwise than by lowering his visor and clutching a shield and a sword in his hands?

The most zealous protest against rock culture in his work "Rock and Roll" is the Catholic priest Jean-Paul Regimebal. His conclusions are not original: fate affects the subconscious and distorts the human psyche, increases aggressiveness, throws the listener into the element of unbridled sexuality, destroys taboos, and makes a person unable to accept Christianity.

Father Jean's view repeats the situation that arose when, perhaps, every cultural direction appeared: everything unusual seemed to shake the foundations of the universe, incomprehensible and dangerous. Let us recall, for example, how every new type of church singing, which has become customary and traditional today, was condemned so many centuries ago!

Any set of artistic means, which in themselves are morally neutral, can be used for good and for evil, like any human ability. Among the phenomena of rock culture, indeed, there is a lot of evil: there is a sermon of sex without borders, and propaganda of aggression, and much more, which Regimebal writes about. But the same human vices were expressed both through classical music and through folk songs... Has anyone tried to rewind recordings of Catholic chants?

In today's Orthodox Church there are diametrically different views on rock culture. It seems to me personally that, along with things that I cannot understand and accept, in the work of the “rockers” there are the same breakthroughs in sincerity, the same confessions, the same search for God, which is at any time in any true culture. For a person who lives culture seriously, and not for the sake of entertainment, cannot fail to manifest in it what is given from the Lord: the image of God, an indestructible desire for Him.

I would like to note two phenomena in our rock - not “pop”, not market, but that serious, smart, open-hearted rock, on which a whole generation grew up - I would like to note.

The first is a yearning for Eden, for the lost harmony of being, for the “city of God”, which is present in every true art. By itself, longing may not lead anywhere, it may even become a cause of despair. But if it exists, it means that the person is not spiritually dead, it means that he cannot calmly doze off at the TV while contemplating the “soap opera” dear to the heart.

The second is the rejection of lies, pseudo-harmony built on untruth and compromise with the conscience of the burgher world. This rejection sometimes breaks out into a protest that shocks “civilians”. But can we condemn him? Are we sure that the foundations of the worldly world, its selfish wisdom and its taboos are right in everything? Have we forgotten how the Lord Jesus Christ Himself opposed this little world, angrily crushing the tables of merchants in the temple and saying: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Mt. 10.34)?

As for the general “undignity” of rock, allegedly incompatible with “serious” ecclesiasticism, let us remember King David, who galloped “with all his might” in front of the shrine, rejoicing in the Lord like a child. To the indignation of his wife, who was concerned about the “damage” to royal dignity, David replied: “I will play and dance before the Lord” (1 Sam. 6.21). And if people express their feelings, including the feeling of love for God and joy for Him, in songs that are too loud, too unusual, too jubilant - do not interfere with them, do not condemn them!

Of course, fate is unthinkable in a temple. But in all ages, Christian culture was divided into temple, liturgical, and the one that united believers outside the church walls. There have always been folk Christian songs, and various game actions (one of the authors of the latter was the great Russian saint of the 17th - 18th centuries, St. Dimitry of Rostov). Who knows, maybe today the non-church Christian culture will be able to accommodate rock? (however, I’ll note in brackets that some rock bands that deliberately use Christian symbols and church vocabulary are very false.)

Be that as it may, the dialogue between the Orthodox Church and rock culture has begun. Recently, rock performers performed in Volgograd, on the embankment, where before that a divine service was held, as part of the Sergius celebrations organized by the diocese. The Reverend Sergius of Radonezh was also dedicated to the Awakening Festival, which took place in Moscow in mid-October with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. Both church choirs and rock bands took to the stage of this festival.

I would like to hope that such contracts will be continued, that the interest in the Church on the part of the “rock party” will not be a tribute to idle fashion, but a genuine spiritual thirst, capable of renewing and transforming the human heart through the help of the Lord.

Record 1

Side 1. LOVE

01. Viktor Tretyakov - Prayer
02. Third Rome - Faces of saints
03. New testament - Virgin of love
04. Monomakh - Our God is with us


05. Royal hunt - Look at the sky
06. Andrey Misin - Candle and sword
07. New Jerusalem - Song of the Virgin
08. Olga Arefieva and the Ark - Hallelujah
09. Legion - Do not be afraid to enter the Temple

Record 2


10. Dumb - Lord, I'm sorry
11. If - Virgin Mary
12. Emphasis - Golgotha
13. Pilgrim - Day of Wrath


14. Oleg Stepurko and Troparion - Let your eyes close
15. Galactic Federation - And it's spring outside
16. Valery Barinov and the Trumpet Call - You killed Him
17. Nikolay Parfenyuk - My Angel

Duration: 00:37:04 + 00:42:54

01. Viktor Tretyakov (Moscow) - "Prayer", 1990. Of course, he is not a rock musician, but his "Prayer", without a doubt, can be considered a program piece for all the performers presented on this disc. And his cycle of songs "God, Russia and Love" is an example of a musician serving God and Russia.

02. Group "Third Rome" (Moscow) - "Faces of Saints"(Yu.Kuznetsov - M.Lomov). Recorded in 1990. Oh, this controversial "Third Rome"! A group that shouldered the fulfillment of such a historical mission as the transfer of the center of world civilization to Moscow.

03. Group "New Testament" (Moscow) - "Virgin of Love"(V.Volkov - V.Gorbachev). Recorded in 1992. The group was created in 1990 by the vocalist of "Alexander Nevsky" Vyacheslav Gorbachev, who already in the 80s was obsessed with the idea of ​​transferring the Christian teaching into the texts of his compositions and establishing the foundations of this teaching on our rock scene.

04. Group "Monomakh" (Moscow) - "Our God is with us"(A. Zakharov). Recorded in 1989. The history of the group begins in 1982 under the name "Interview" and only since 1990 they - "Monomakh". The group gave its first concert under this name in St. Basil's Church together with the Chamber Music Ensemble.

05. Group "Royal Hunt" (St. Petersburg) - "Look at the sky"(A. Osovitsky). Recorded in 1991. Group from the Orthodox Music Center "Galactic Federation" (St. Petersburg). Her credo, as the musicians themselves defined it, is "to bring the word of God to the people by modern musical means, namely, by orthodox rock."

06. Andrey Misin (Moscow) - "Candle and Sword"(A. Misin - S. Patrushev). Recorded in 1990. The man who made a revolution in modern music (with the song "Alien") and finally explained to the world what the so-called "Russian rock" is - no special introduction is needed. One has only to add, and this is very sad, but the fact is that no one has yet seriously competed with Andrei in this genre.

07. Group "New Jerusalem" (Moscow) - "Song of the Virgin"(M.Yu. Lermontov - V. Khoronenko - V. Filatov). Recorded in 1990. Formed in 1988 by Volodya Filatov, the group successfully combines religious orientation with Russian folklore in its work.

08. Olga Arefieva and "Ark" (Moscow) - "Hallelujah"(O. Arefieva). Recorded in 1990, re-recorded in 1993 "The Star of the Sverdlovsk Blues" (in the words of A. Didurov), Olga successfully made her debut on the stage of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" (festival "Awakening") with the group "Ark".

09. Group "Legion" (Moscow) - "Do not be afraid to enter the Temple"(A. Bulgakov - A. Afanasiev). Grand Studio. Recorded in 1990. Let's make a reservation right away that the modern "Legion" has nothing in common with the former one, the recording that is presented on this disc, although the composition is generally the same. First of all, this is Alexei Bulgakov - vocals (the only member of the 1979 line-up) and Sergey Salkin - guitar. This recording was practically the last song of the group in Russian.

10. Group "Stupid" (Moscow) - "Lord, forgive me"(D. Golubev). Recorded in 1989. The group, organized in 1986, consists of young artists, art historians, publicists and musicians, united by a certain line of thought and a corresponding way of life. From the very beginning of its existence, the group's performances took place in the form of performances that included elements of the theater of the absurd, "inadequate ballet", parodies of variety shows and a delicate understanding of various religious cults.

11. Group "If" (Moscow) - "Virgin Mary"(S. Barteniev). Recorded in 1989. One of the first bands to seriously start to develop the direction of Christian rock. First concerts in Moscow since 1988. Participant of the festival "Awakening 90" (GCC "Russia"). Soloist Valery Anokhin since 1992 - sings the part of Christ in the musical Webber and Rice at the Moscow City Council Theater and in 1993 leaves for the USA.

12. Group "Accent" (Morshansk) - "Golgotha"(S. Polyakov - Yu. Sivnukhov). Recorded in 1990. One of the few peripheral bands who are still actively working in this genre despite all the difficulties of the current period.

13. Group "Pilgrim" (Riga) - "Day of Wrath"(D. Fedotov). Recorded in 1989. In 1983, Dima Fedotov recruited the first composition of "Pilgrim". Semi-basement concerts and frequent line-up changes, and by 1988 a permanent line-up, a solid success of the audience and a great concert activity.

14. Oleg Stepurko and the group "Tropar" (soloist L. Ulyanova) (Moscow) - "Let your eyes close". Aria from the musical play "King of the Jews" written by Oleg based on the drama of the Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov to the verses by S. Bychkov and G. Zobin. It is Oleg who is now the person in whom that life-giving combination of the deep spiritual tradition preserved by the Church and the modern musical language that characterizes our dynamic time is fully present.

15. Group "Galactic Federation" (St. Petersburg) - "And on the street - spring"(T. Vishnyakov). 1992 Orthodox faith and the Russian land - these concepts have become for the musicians of the group the meaning of life and the main core of their work. To date, without false modesty, they can be called the strongest in the genre of religious rock.

16. Valery Barinov and the Trumpet Call group - "You killed Him"(V. Barinov). Re-recording of 1992. In the Christian rock of Russia - a legendary person, has been living in England for 10 years now. The first to start singing about Christ from the rock scene, for which he paid dearly: together with the group's bass guitarist Sergei Timokhin, Barinov received a sentence. The need to create freely and praise the Lord, as he knows how, led him to the fact that he was forced to emigrate.

17. Nikolai Parfenyuk (Moscow) - "My Angel"(N. Parfenyuk). Recorded in 1992. A great musician, singer, composer, arranger and just a wonderful person. He rarely performs ("Awakening" 90 at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia"), almost unfamiliar to the general public: - a kind of "LenKomovsky" recluse. Nikolai is an optimist both in life and in his work, which compares favorably with the philosophically serious Andrei Misin, the only musician, by the way, with whom he could be compared, but it's like comparing a whale and an elephant (who is stronger?) .

Media: Double Vinyl LP
Released: 1994
Publisher: Messiah
Item No. RGM 7133
Format: MP3 320 kbps
File size: 180 Mb

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