Symbols in architecture. Symbols in Christian architecture


The symbols on the facades of houses not only decorate the building, but also turn it into an open book. They can tell a lot about the history of the house and its owners. Some symbols are used as amulets, others attract good luck, others reveal their secrets to the initiates. You just need to be able to read the sign language.

Cupid (Cupid) appears as a charming winged baby. It symbolizes love. His traditional attributes are a bow, arrows and a quiver. But often Cupid is unarmed (then he is called "Putti"). This means that love can hit anyone. Often Cupid is blindfolded because love is blind. It is also a hint of the darkness associated with the sin of love.

Angel (archangel)- a messenger who brings news. These are spiritual beings, more perfect than man, who proclaim to people the will of God and carry out his commands on earth. Traditionally, angels are depicted as anthropomorphic creatures with wings behind their backs. They symbolize divine deeds and the connection of God with his creations.

St. Andrew's Cross also called diagonal or oblique. Apostle Andrew was martyred on such a cross. It symbolizes perfection and is also used on the flag of the Russian Navy. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew visited the territory of the future Rus' and therefore is now the patron saint of Russia.

Atlant- a mighty titan holding the vault of heaven on his shoulders. In architecture, this is a sculpture of a man, supporting the ceilings of buildings, balconies, cornices. Atlas symbolizes endurance and patience.

Bull- a symbol of fertility, sexual strength, as well as violence and rage. This is the embodiment of power, power, male fertility.

Wreath- an annular plexus of leaves and flowers. The wreath represents life, success, abundance, prosperity, triumph, celebration, glory, reward, victory, perfection. But funeral wreaths serve us as a reminder of mortality and, at the same time, eternity. Plants from which it is woven add additional significance to the wreath.

Grape- one of the oldest symbols of fertility, abundance and vitality. It is actively used in Christianity, since the vine is one of the symbols of Christ, and grape juice is the personification of human blood.

All-Seeing Eye (Radiant Delta)- a complex allegory denoting the All-Seeing God. Often the All-Seeing Eye is called an eye inscribed in a triangle - a symbol of the Trinity. Masons borrowed this symbol, supplementing it with divergent rays. It became known as Radiant Delta. This is a sign of enlightenment and attention, symbolizing the Great Architect of the Universe, observing the work of freemasons (the triangle is a sign of fire and enlightenment, open eye- a sign of truth and conscience). Also, the Radiant Delta reminds initiates that everyone has his own star, which shines on him in his labors and guides him in his search.

Pigeon- peace, purity, love, serenity, hope. It is also a traditional Christian symbol of the Holy Spirit and baptism. At the same time, pigeon cooing is associated with sex and the birth of children. That is why the dove has become the personification of a tender wife.

Griffin- a mythological creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. These animals personify power over air and earth (the king of birds and the king of beasts), so the griffins symbolize strength and vigilance. According to legend, the griffins guarded the gold of India and the Scythians, so even now they act as guards.

Power is one of the attributes of the supreme power. The round shape of the orb is associated with the globe.

Unicornmystical creature with the body of a horse or deer and a long sharp horn. According to legend, it can only be caught by a chaste maiden sitting alone in the forest: feeling her purity, the unicorn can come up to her, lay her head on her lap and fall asleep. Therefore, the unicorn symbolizes purity, purity and chastity.

Five-pointed star (pentagram) interpreted differently. It symbolizes joy and happiness, the victory of the spiritual over the material, security. It is also a symbol of a perfect man standing on two legs with outstretched arms. And among the Freemasons, the five-pointed star symbolizes the mystical center.

Corn- the main food for many nations, which is why it symbolizes fertility and abundance. Another meaning is renewal of life, resurrection. The grain thrown into the ground (“buried”) seems to be dead, but in the spring it wakes up to a new life and gives a rich harvest.

The snake wrapped around the bowl- a common symbol of medicine. For all peoples, the snake personifies youth, wisdom, the infinity of life. Snakes were considered the owners of magical healing powers and lived in the healing center of the god of healing Aesculapius. At the same time, medicines were made in a ritual vessel - a bowl. Also in arid countries, life-giving moisture was collected in bowls. In addition, the bowl is an ancient vessel for storing snake venom, from which various medicines were made. That is why now this snake wrapped around a bowl is used by pharmacies and medical institutions.

Caduceus often referred to as the rod of Mercury, the god of trade and thieves. This is a "magic" wand with small wings, which is wrapped around two snakes. They symbolize the fusion of two polarities: good and evil, right and left, light and darkness. The image of the caduceus, as an attribute of the god of trade, is traditionally used in the symbols of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry. But the caduceus is also a sign of protection from cunning and deceit, which often accompanied trade transactions.

Caryatids- female sculptures supporting ceilings or cornices. They are named so from the girls of the city of Caria, in Arcadia, who, on holidays in honor of the goddess Artemis, performed religious dances with baskets on their heads. Caryatids symbolize the feminine and, often, the Virgin Mary.

Square, due to its stability, began to symbolize the earth and matter, and its four corners - the four cardinal points, the four elements and the four seasons.

Book- knowledge. The open book symbolizes the book of life, teaching, revelation and the wisdom of the scriptures. Also, the book can mean a hike and a search.

Wheel- a symbol of solar energy (the center is the solar disk, the spokes are rays). It also personifies the life cycle, rebirth, renewal, variability. Often used and the wheel of fortune - a symbol of ups, downs and unpredictability of fate.

Chariot- a symbol of power, power and speed of movement. Also, the chariot personifies the human essence: the charioteer (consciousness), using the reins (willpower and mind), controls the horses (vital forces) carrying the cart (body).

Horse (horse) some peoples was a sacred animal. According to ancient beliefs, the sun moved across the sky in a chariot drawn by fiery horses. Other gods and heroes also rode horses. This explains the generally accepted symbolic meaning of the horse - fidelity, speed, energy, movement, diligence, endurance, chivalry, freedom, heroism.

ship (boat, boat, ship), according to legend, was a means of transportation celestial bodies and gods, and also served to ferry the dead to the other world. Images of ships can be interpreted as symbols of travel, crossing, immortality and life's journey. When considering life as a dangerous journey, the boat becomes a symbol of safety: it resists the sea of ​​passions. Hence, in Christian symbolism, the Church is likened to a ship. Also the ship and the ark are vessels of hidden knowledge.

Crown- one of the ancient symbols and embodiments of supreme power (head decorations similar to the crown made of horns, feathers, branches and grasses are found among peoples even preliterate cultures). The crown rises above its wearer and, at the same time, elevates him above those around him. Thus, the crown becomes a sign (manifestation) of higher, superhuman powers and powers. Also, the closed circle of the rim of the crown is a symbol of immortality and eternity, in relation to power.

Cross- an ancient universal symbol of the connection between spirit and matter. In Christianity, the cross symbolizes Christ. But if you inscribe a cross in a circle, then we get a Masonic cross. It means a holy place and a cosmic center.

Circle- perfection, unity, eternity. The circle represents space and the globe.

Corn, like almost all grains, is a generally accepted seed image, personifying abundance, nutrition, peace.

laurel symbolizes immortality, triumph, victory and success. According to ancient Greek myth, the god of poetry Apollo pursued the nymph Daphne, who, running away from him, turned into a laurel bush. Apollo adorned his head and lyre with its branches. That's why in Ancient Greece musicians, poets and dancers were awarded with laurel wreaths. And the Romans extended this tradition to military victors.

a lion, commonly called the king of beasts, is one of the most used symbols of strength, royal power, justice, patronage.

Bat- nocturnal mammal of a dual nature (mouse and bird). In the West the bats considered sinister creatures that feed on blood. They symbolize nightlife, black magic, the wandering of souls, rapacity.

Lotus, first of all, is a symbol of fertility, birth and rebirth (it is believed that it personifies the ideal shape of the vulva). Also, this flower, perfect in beauty, became a symbol of the gods who created the world. The lotus symbolizes the past, present and future, as each plant has buds, flowers and seeds at the same time.

Maltese cross also called eight-pointed. This is the emblem of the Knights of the Order of Malta (Order of the Hospitallers), who moved their headquarters to Malta in 1529 - hence the name. The eight ends of the Maltese cross represent the eight beatitudes awaiting the righteous in the afterlife.

Bear- a symbol of good nature and rage, heroic strength and clumsiness, laziness and tender maternal feelings. And he is considered an unspoken symbol of Russia.

Sword- one of the most common characters. On the one hand, it is a formidable weapon that brings life or death, on the other hand, it is a symbol of power, justice, and higher justice.

Hammer and square, along with other Masonic symbols, served as a reminder to the initiate of his duties and qualities. So, the ruler and the plumb line symbolize the equality of estates. The goniometer is a symbol of justice. The compass serves as a symbol of the public, and the square means conscience. A wild stone is a rough morality, chaos, and a cubic stone is a “processed” morality, close to the ideal. The hammer is used to process wild stone and is a symbol of silence and obedience, as well as a symbol of power, since it belongs to the Master. The spatula symbolizes condescension to human weakness and being strict with yourself. Acacia branch means immortality, and the coffin, skull and bones - contempt for death. In general, Masons strove not to leave written and clear traces of their activities, resorting to symbols and signs understandable only to members of the order. Hence the great variety of objects to which the Masons have given symbolic meaning.

Muses- V ancient Greek mythology patroness of the arts and sciences. Each of the nine muses personified its own direction in art and was depicted with its characteristic attributes: Calliope - epic poetry, Euterpe - lyric poetry and music, Melpomene - tragedy, Thalia - comedy, Erato - love poetry, Polyhymnia - pantomime and hymns, Terpsichore - dances, Clio - history, Urania - astronomy.

Olympic gods can be depicted both in the form of sculptures and in the form of mascarons. In ancient Greek mythology, these are the supreme deities who lived on Mount Olympus. Traditionally, the Olympian gods included:
Zeus - the supreme god of the ancient Greek pantheon, the god of the sky, thunder and lightning;
Hera - the wife of Zeus, the patroness of marriage, family love;
Poseidon - the god of the sea element;
Hades - the lord of the kingdom of the dead;
Demeter - goddess of fertility and agriculture;
Hestia - goddess of the hearth;
Athena - the goddess of wisdom, justice, sciences and crafts;
Ares - god of war and bloodshed;
Persephone - goddess of spring, queen realms of the dead;
Aphrodite - goddess of love and beauty;
Hephaestus - the god of fire and blacksmithing;
Hermes - the god of trade, cunning, speed and theft;
Apollo is the god of light, the patron of the arts, the god of medicine and the patron of oracles;
Artemis - the goddess of hunting, the patroness of all life on Earth;
Dionysus is the god of winemaking and fun.

Eagle- the lord of the air, the embodiment of power and speed, a symbol of rulers and warriors. The eagle is associated with greatness, power, dominance and courage. Therefore, double-headed eagles mean omniscience and dual power - heavenly and earthly.

Weapon personifies strength, power over the world, justice, determination, defense, military booty. In the legends and myths of many peoples, one can find an indication that the weapons were given to the heroes by the Gods, and it endowed its owner with extraordinary abilities. In this sense, the weapon becomes a symbol of struggle and victory over oneself.

Sign "Osoaviakhim" can still be seen on many buildings. This sign was placed where most of the residents were members of the Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction (abbreviated as OSOAVIAKHIM) - the Soviet socio-political defense organization that existed in 1927-1948, the predecessor of DOSAAF.

peacock tail- a symbol of eternal cosmic cycles, the starry firmament and, as a result, unity and interconnectedness.

Pegasus- This winged horse The Muses who emerged from the neck of Medusa when Perseus cut off her head. It symbolizes the superiority of the spiritual over the material, eloquence, poetic inspiration and contemplation. Pegasus is now used as the emblem of air transport.

Pyramid- a symbol of hierarchy and unity. It is believed that the initiates chose the shape of the pyramid for their sanctuaries because they wanted the lines converging to the top, rushing towards the Sun, to remind humanity of unity.

Feather symbolizes truth, lightness, heaven, space, soul.

Sink- a symbol associated with prosperity, birth, life and marriage. So, the born Venus was already depicted on the Pompeian frescoes standing on a shell.

Cornucopia- a symbol of abundance and wealth. He is usually depicted as curved, filled with flowers, fruits, and the like.

Horns, being sharp and piercing, are a phallic and masculine symbol, while being hollow, they mean femininity and receptivity. Therefore, the horns represent warriors and fertility.

Rose has polar symbolism: it is heavenly perfection and earthly passion, time and eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. It is also a symbol of the heart, the center of the universe, divine, romantic and sensual love. Rose - beauty, grace, happiness, but also voluptuousness, passion.

Lynx, due to its sharp eyesight, symbolizes vigilance.

Knight- a rider belonging to the military class, order or noble level. The knight personifies courage, fidelity, generosity, prudence, honor, and is also a guard.

Salamandermythical creature, which is usually depicted as a small lizard among flames. It is believed that the salamander can live in fire as it has a very cold body. It is a symbol of the fight against sensual temptations. The salamander is also used by insurance companies.

Swastika (kolovrat) a straight line is a cross with the ends bent to the left (rotation is considered to occur clockwise). It is a symbol of the movement of life, the sun, light, good omen, well-being, good luck and aversion of trouble, as well as a symbol of longevity and health. The reverse swastika is a cross with the ends bent to the right (the rotation is considered to be counterclockwise). She is associated with negative energy. In general, the swastika has many meanings, and in most nations they were positive until the swastika was compromised by the Nazis.

Hammer and sickle- a symbol that personifies the unity of workers and peasants. It became the main state emblem of the Soviet Union and one of the main symbols of the communist movement. In general, the hammer was actively used as an emblem for various crafts, and the sickle was the most widespread common peasant tool, symbolizing harvest and harvest.

Scepter (wand, staff)ancient symbol supernatural power. The staff was also an attribute of pilgrims and saints, which may mean knowledge as the only support of a person.

Owl) is a traditional symbol of wisdom. But because of the silent night flight, glowing eyes and eerie screams, the owl is sometimes associated with death and occult powers. Nevertheless, the gift of prophecy is always attributed to owls, so she personifies insight and book erudition.

Falcon (petrel)- the epitome of superiority strong spirit, light, freedom, strength, courage.

Thyrsus- Wand of the Greek god of wine Dionysus. It is a spear-shaped pole topped with a pine cone or a bunch of grapes. Thyrsus symbolizes fertile power - both sexual and vegetative. The bump is present on the thyrsus, probably because fermented pine resin was mixed with the wine that was drunk during bacchanalia - it was believed that this enhances sexual sensations.

Axe- a symbol of power, correction of mistakes, sacrifice, support, help. The double ax (double-sided ax) denotes the unity of opposites, supreme power and strength.

Herbal, floral ornament actively used to protect the home. The sprout is a symbol of the awakening of life.

Themis (libra) personifies justice, impartiality, judgment, assessment of the merits and demerits of a person. Therefore, Themis is most often depicted blindfolded.

Bread- the most important food product of the peoples cultivating grain crops. It symbolizes life, the body of a deity, fertility, livelihood, labor, and in combination with salt - hospitality.

Chimera- This is a monster with a lion's head, a goat's body and a snake's tail. It symbolizes danger and delusion, as it can give rise to illusions.

Chalice (cauldron, goblet)- a symbol of abundance, maintenance of life, rebirth. The cup can also represent the Holy Grail - the cup that Jesus used in the Last Supper, and in which the blood of Christ was then collected after the crucifixion. It is believed that he will give eternal life to those who drink from him and therefore symbolize spiritual search, spiritual knowledge, enlightenment and redemption.

Cone- phallic sign. The cone was an attribute of Dionysus (Bacchus) and personified masculinity, fertility, health, family life, wealth.

Shield symbolizes protection, shield and sword - the emblem of courage.

Anchor personifies hope, salvation, security, strength, stability, stability, calmness, reliability, fidelity, devotion, support, caution, faith. The symbolism comes from both the form and the function of the anchor.

But the number of architectural elements is no less symbolic. Their number also carries a certain meaning:
1 - unity, wisdom, beginning;
2 - duality, alternation, balance, sometimes - difference and conflict;
3 - Trinity, creation, renewal, growth, good luck;
4 - integrity, earth, stability, order;
5 - five senses, individuality, activity;
6 - union, balance, perfection;
7 - confidence, abundance;
8 - harmony, justice;
9 - strength, energy, fulfillment, achievement.

Architecture is based on a symbolic understanding of space. Refers to symbolic meaning building, establishes a correspondence between different planes of being and forms of the building. The proportions of many buildings were also determined by the symbolic meaning of the forms. When following a certain geometric logic, the building turns out to be charged with sacred power. In ancient Greek and Roman temples, a direct correlation was established between architectural proportions and cosmic models and the idea of ​​spiritual ascent was emphasized. The complex geometric symbolism of the temple is based on a vertical vector. It also correlates with the vertical principle of the tree, the mountain. It contains cosmic and theological symbolism. The temple is a symbol of spiritual aspirations and achievements. Thus, the idea of ​​gradual ascent is most consistently expressed in the composition of the Babylonian ziggurats. The temple acts as an earthly projection of models of the cosmos: several heavens resting on supports (pylons, columns) connect the earth with the "primary waters". The image of the temple is a reflection on the Universe as a whole. Thus, architecture is an element of the spiritual cosmos. The temple is also based on the symbolism of the mandala - the square of the circle, the square and the circle, connected by an octagon, which bears the weight of the temple.

An important role in architecture is played by the geometric symbolism of the cosmos: all round shapes express the idea of ​​the sky, the square is the earth, the triangle symbolizes the interaction between the earth and the sky. The following chain of analogies: the pyramid has a square in plan and a triangle in vertical section, the square corresponds to the cross formed by four cardinal points.

Pyramid of Sneferu, Medum 27th century BC square in plan, triangle in vertical section.

The temple expresses the hierarchical correlation of parts organized around the source of creation and spatially located around the world axis. It is a model of an organized cosmos, a manifestation of one in plurality. It uses the symbolism of numbers. This is the number 1 - in the pyramids, the number 3 - in Christian churches, the number 8 - in the towers, which is the link between four - a square and two - a circle. Cave temples are also known. Such are the Indian cave temples, in which the idea of ​​the Center is internalized and the symbolic center moves from the upper point of the world axis, represented both in the pyramid, pagoda, Jewish temple, and in pagan and Christian temples and in the Muslim mosque - inward: in the heart of the mountain, man, of things.

Many traditional teachings offer the idea of ​​the human body as a temple created by the Divine architect for the spirit. It restores the theomorphic principle of man. The symbolism of Christian churches expresses the transformation of the human figure. Their cruciform plan resembles the figure of the crucified Christ. The Romanesque church combines the symbolism of a circle with a square and a cruciform building plan.

Great Cathedral of Saint Martin. It combines the symbolism of a circle with a square and a cruciform building plan.

Let's take a closer look at the main symbols in architecture.

Circle symbol. The solar sign is the oldest astral symbol, which has been one of the most beloved and revered throughout the existence of civilization. In many civilizations of the Ancient East, the sun was designated as it appears to the eye - in the form of a disk (Egypt, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, the pagan culture of Ancient Rus'). A common sign was a circle with a dot in the center, which is used today as the international symbol of the sun in astronomy and astrology (hieroglyphs of Egypt and Ancient China, architecture and art Ancient Rus', Ancient Greece). The sign "half disk of the sun" symbolizes the luminary at sunrise or sunset. The number of rays also contains symbolism, for example, the symbolism of the number 5 or the number 3, which mark the boundaries of sections of the sky; the third part of the sky is a conditional area of ​​space where the sun is at noon.

Most widely in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. these signs are found in eclectic architecture, stylizing the forms of ancient Russian architecture, and in buildings in the Art Nouveau style (Rostov buildings - B. Sadovaya St., 146; Stanislavsky St. 149; Bratsky Lane, 35; Pushkinskaya, 65; Pushkinskaya, 106).

The circle is also one of the four fundamental symbols. It is a symbol of movement (wheel), sky, infinity, the universe, time, protection provided within its borders. This is an expanded point (center) with common symbolic properties. It is associated with the cult of fire, heroes, deities. In Christian mythology, the circle symbolizes eternity.

Often this can be observed in cathedrals and churches. The drum of the dome has a circle in plan, which symbolizes the movement (ascension) to the sky.

Issakiev Cathedral. The drum of the dome has a circle in plan.

Gothic architecture is based on a triangle - a symbol of the Trinity.

Triangle symbol. The triangle served as one of the symbols of the Earth. In Christianity, the triangle served as a symbol of the deity, the "all-seeing eye." Since in this case the rays of the sun emanate from the triangle, it is here associated with the symbolism of the solar cult. IN early middle ages the triangle became the symbol of the Trinity, being the pagan symbol of the three suns.

IN various types the triangle is an ornamental motif common in architectural decoration, especially used in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The triangle is one of the most powerful and versatile symbols, the mystical number three. This is the first of the figures defining the plane. From here, the surface symbol. As Plato said, "The surface is made up of triangles." The equilateral triangle symbolizes completion. In sacred geometry, the shape of an equilateral triangle is symbolic image A God in whom the knower, the known, and the recognition are one and the same: 1 in 3 and 3 in 1. Each form is a manifestation or image of the creative force that stands and dwells in it. Divinity in the original state of rest always manifests itself in the form of a triangle. Therefore, an equilateral triangle is a symbol of complete harmony and complete balance: all three of its corner points lie at the same distance from each other. On the other hand, when Divinity moves from rest to three dimensions, then it always manifests itself in the number 4. As long as the numbers 1 and 3 form a unity in Divinity, they remain 3 in 1 and 1 in 3. But when they leave the divine unity , they are separated and from "1 to 3" it turns out 1 and 3, and this is 4.

*It was amazing to note to herself that no matter what she took the subject, they were all connected by numbers, whether it was symbology or numerology.

An equilateral triangle contains four smaller equilateral triangles hidden within it. This is also the secret of the key number of the three-dimensional world of the number 7. Here lies the great secret of sacred geometry: a triangle with ten points gives the idea of ​​dividing it into other triangles, resulting in a sacred figure

More generally, linear triangles or triangle-shaped compositions can represent triads of gods and other tripartite concepts: the triune nature of the universe; Heaven, Earth, Man; father, mother, child; man as body, soul and spirit; in man - intellect, heart and will; in Chemistry - acid, base, salt... Triangular radiance is an attribute of God the Father. The equilateral triangle can also be seen as a symbol of the Sun. Of course, the most common symbolic representation of the Sun is a circle with a dot at its centre, emphasizing the relationship between center and periphery. But since the Sun is the source of life, heat and light, it can also be depicted as a triangle.

The sun in the form of a triangle is considered the best Symbol of the Holy Trinity (an eloquent image of the power, love and wisdom of God). An equilateral triangle with its apex pointing upwards is called the evolutionary triangle (evolutionary turner). This is a male and solar sign, symbolizing the deity, fire, life, heart, mountain and ascent, well-being, harmony, flame, heat (hence the Horizontal line symbolizing air), the spiritual world. It is also the trinity of love, truth and wisdom. The red triangle signifies royalty. An equilateral triangle pointing up is the Egyptian emblem of God. Pythagorean symbol of wisdom. And besides, unlike the next sign, this is a male element, which is based on the earth and strives for the highest. An equilateral triangle pointing down is called an involution triangle, or an involution turner.

Inverted triangle - perhaps more ancient sign, it is lunar and has the symbolism of the feminine, fertility of the uterus, water, rain, cold, nature, body, yoni, shakti. Symbolizes the Great Mother as a parent, divine grace. The symbolism of the female pubic triangle is sometimes indicated more directly: by adding a short internal line drawn from the apex.

In the symbolism of the mountain and the cave, the mountain is a male triangle with its apex up, and the cave is a female triangle with its apex down.

The triangles, symbolizing the elements, are as follows: fire - turned upside down; water - upside down; air - turned with a truncated top upwards; earth - turned with a truncated top down. As the simplest flat figure based on the sacred number three, the triangle was the Pythagorean sign of wisdom associated with Athena. Among the Greeks, the delta (triangle) symbolizes the door of life, the feminine, fertility. In Judaism and Christianity, an equilateral triangle pointing up is a sign of God. For Christians, an equilateral triangle or a triangle formed by three intersecting circles symbolizes the trinity (the unity and equality of its three constituent persons). The God of the Christian trinity is sometimes represented by an eye INSIDE the triangle or a figure with a triangular halo.

In Hinduism, the up and down triangles are shakta and shakti, lingam and yoni, Shiva and his Shakti.

In China, the triangle is almost always a female symbol. The triangle with hanging swords symbolizes restoration.

Occultists regard the triangle as a magical symbol of particular importance because it is associated with the concept of the three and symbolizes the triads in various occult systems.

The flaming gothic arch sets the theme of fire and develops the apocalyptic theme. Pylons, side columns, door jambs - the guards of the entrance. Porticos repeat the altar - the program theme of the temple. Covered colonnades represent the annual cycle. Four seasons and four periods human life serve as an Analogy of the four phases of ritual salvation (healing): 1. Danger, death, suffering; 2. Cleansing fire; 3. Healing; 4. Recovery. In the twin frontal towers of Gothic cathedrals there are symbols of Gemini, Janus and the number 2, as well as two peaks of the hill of Mars.

Domes in Buddhism, Islam and Christian temples (have a triangle in the section) mean the dome of the sky - they depict stars, angels. The dome above the intersection of the nave and the transept represents the unity, or torus, of Jupiter. Heaven is above the platform and hell below it. Four supports, pylons or buttresses that divide the facade and determine the location of the three entrances - these are the four rivers of paradise. The door represents a barrier through which only initiates can pass. It is also a transition to another level of existence. The three doors of the Christian church represent faith, hope, mercy. The window in the temple is a way of our perception of the world. Through the windows we see the sky and through them the light penetrates into the temple. The central rosette is the Lake of Life where heaven and earth meet. Church walls enclose saved humanity. Support buttresses mean spiritual uplift and moral strength. The roof is mercy, the columns are the dogmas of faith, the vaults are the ways of salvation, the spire is the finger of God, indicating the ultimate goal of mankind.

Islam, integrating religion into all spheres of life, has created an integral worldview, which is expressed in its architecture. The sacred architecture of Islam is the crystallization of Islamic spirituality. There is no idea of ​​a Promethean impulse in a Muslim mosque. It harmonizes with natural rhythms. The architectural space of the mosque is created by the balance of quality, forces and energies of the elements, correlation with the movement of the luminaries in the sky, the alternation of light and darkness. The sacred architecture of Islam depicts the Divine presence, it is the center that emanates light and influence on all spheres of human activity. The space of the whole city is considered to be cleansed by the presence of the Divine Word, which periodically fills the city in calls to prayer. Through sacred geometry, cosmic dimensions are introduced into the world of man and there is an appeal to the eternal in it and the sacralization of the earth.

The tombs in the temple are like a gate to another world. They contain everything necessary to represent a person's good name in the two worlds, they characterize his merits and virtues. The castle is a place of physical and spiritual refuge.

Gothic cathedral in Sydney. The predominant shape is a triangle.

The next main symbol in architecture is the square. The square is one of the four fundamental symbols. This is a symbol of the earth in opposition to the sky, as well as a symbol of the created universe - space, it is an anti-dynamic figure, symbolizing a stop, a single moment, the idea of ​​stagnation, solidification. In all astrological traditions, the square represents earth, matter, limitation.

A square is a geometric figure that has a number of mythological, symbolic and other non-traditional interpretations. The most obvious square is associated with the number four, symbolizing such concepts as order, equality, truth, justice, wisdom, honor, sincerity, earth. The square personifies the four cardinal points, the four seasons, the four human ages, the four basic elements of the world (fire, water, earth, air). It is also the union of the four elements.

Square - fixation of death as opposed to the dynamic cycle of life and movement. The square combines the principles of static stability and integrity.

The square symbolizes the perfect type of closed space and is a model for many religious buildings (pyramids, churches, ziggurats, pagodas, etc.), which, in turn, are considered as a symbolic image of the world. The square is masculine, therefore the square is identified with the Earth.

The square is the fixation of death as opposed to the dynamic cycle of life and movement, while in architectural symbolism it represents the fixation of the buildings of agricultural and sedentary peoples as opposed to the dynamic and continuously moving round nomad tents and their camps. It is a limitation and therefore has a form.

Ulyanovsk State Technical University Supervisor – Senior Lecturer E. V. Kuzmina

Modern architecture is rich in a variety of styles and trends, both completely new and modified, transformed old ones. However, the problem often arises that architecture filled with decor is completely devoid of artistic imagery. Brightness, flashiness often dominates the idea, image. I think that this issue should be given attention, since now it is quite relevant.

Obviously, when discussing this problem, it is necessary to remember the great importance of the image, both for architecture and for a person. First of all for public buildings, the presence of an artistic image is one of the main tasks. Imagery, carrying socially significant content,

is a necessary part of the function of a work of architecture. The image serves as an important tool for bringing an architectural object to integrity, to an organized, harmonious form. Besides, how people build

perceive and understand the city, so the city influences their perception of the world. The more varied and richer the architecture, the more spiritually developed are the people contemplating it. Therefore, do not forget about industrial

buildings where the artistic image is no less important. Most modern people spend most of their lives at work, and appearance buildings where a person works has a tremendous impact

not only on productivity, but also on the psychological state. In addition, it often happens that industrial buildings are located among public and residential buildings, which pretty much spoils the view of the environment.

buildings. An example is the plant "Kontaktor", located in the center of Ulyanovsk. Outwardly inconspicuous, it does not fit at all into

surrounding buildings and spoils its appearance. So why not diversify modern architecture by adding an image to it?

By solving the problem of the lack of imagery, one can not only significantly

diversify architecture, not only enhance its artistic value, but also attract people who want to appreciate the work of architecture. The architects of past centuries already knew about the great significance of the image, many religious and public buildings of those years are completely saturated with symbolism, the idea, and the result was that every year such buildings attract tourists from all over the world who want to see the mysterious and excellent works of architecture with their own eyes. Tourists are often attracted precisely by those buildings that are shrouded in a veil of mystery, which can be tirelessly studied and always find something new, and these are, as a rule, monuments of ancient and medieval architecture. In modern architecture, there are hardly many such buildings. Modern architects sometimes forget that the rejection of artistic imagery means the rejection not only of meeting the existing social need, but also of an important means of harmonizing the subject-spatial environment.

It should also be noted that symbols in architecture are of considerable importance. As you know, earlier during the construction they were actively used and

were widespread. Secret societies placed their symbols in temples, in the UK there were various religious orders that also had their own symbols. It was believed that in addition to the hidden

meanings, some symbols also had mystical properties. Certainly not everyone modern man pays attention to their supernatural properties, but competent and careful use

symbols can not only have a positive impact, but also allow us to get more information about a particular building. That is, symbols also have a narrative function. They help perpetuate

architectural work.

In my opinion, images and symbols can significantly diversify architecture. This applies to both small architectural forms (arbors, index signs, lanterns, etc.) and more significant ones, such as theaters,

museums, factories, offices, etc. Speaking about the economic side of the issue, it should be noted that significant material costs are not required to solve the problem, diversity can be achieved by quite simple

techniques that require the imagination of the architect.

In the architecture of the English-speaking countries, let's pay attention to the London

The Tower is a fortress built on the banks of the River Thames. The Tower was surrounded on all sides by towers, which could carry not only a defensive function.

After the Norman conquest of England, King William I began to build defensive castles to intimidate the conquered Anglo-Saxons.

Obviously, the functional purpose here was combined with the image, because the tower

- not just an engineering structure, it is also the most important and meaningful symbol that embodies power, pride,

vigilance, spiritual uplift, inaccessibility and chastity. Thus,

the tower here symbolizes the majesty and power of its builder.

Towers are used to this day, there is a very obvious need for this, but on this moment they often no longer carry an image.

Although, we can see for ourselves how majestic the buildings look,

having tall towers. Perhaps modern architecture would do well to use towers in decorative purposes, for example, when building

administration buildings, city halls, etc., thus demonstrating the power of the existing government in architecture. In addition, narrow towers give the impression

aspirations up, which can also be used as part of the image, if necessary.

Turning to Gothic architecture, we can see a characteristic

element of style - pointed arch. She is present in Canterbury Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral, and so on. This architectural element also combines function and image. The arch has a symbolic meaning in many cultures and religions of the world. This is a symbol of the connection of heaven and earth, male and female, a symbol of transition, an open door that separates the animal and divine facets of our inner world. For Gothic architecture, a characteristic feature is the lancet arch. Apart from symbolic meaning, it, like the tower, creates a feeling of striving upward. The use of the arch at the present time may be appropriate, for example, in the construction of museums, theaters, etc., personifying the connection of a person with something sublime, striving upward, towards enlightenment. Arches are common even today, but they are unlikely to be endowed with an image, with the possible exception of religious buildings. Perhaps the symbol that the arch carries can help a modern architect complete the image he has invented.

Speaking of decor, one cannot but mention the stained-glass windows. We can also see them by looking at any Gothic cathedral in England. But most famous

thanks to the largest and most beautiful stained glass windows in Europe, York Minster. Stained-glass windows were widespread in Gothic architecture and were placed in huge lancet windows, the so-called "roses". They are considered a symbol of Divine light. Often in stained-glass windows were placed

various symbols, biblical scenes, etc., that is, in addition to being decorative, they also performed some narrative function. For example, the "rose" of York Cathedral is dedicated to the union of the royal houses of York and

Lancaster. Currently, stained glass windows are again becoming widespread, but they no longer bear any semantic load, as they are only a beautiful, sometimes inappropriate, addition to the decor. I believe that everyone

the element of the building must be thought out in all directions. Having returned the function of narration to the arch, we will once again return to it the meaning and justification, which, in combination with the decorative function, will significantly add to its uniqueness and


Symbols and images can be present not only in individual architectural elements, but in the entire structure as a whole. A prime example of this is

Gothic temple in the form of a Latin cross. An example of such a temple is St. Patrick's Cathedral in Australia, made in the neo-Gothic style. The Latin cross symbolizes a man with outstretched arms and is a direct image of the Passion of Christ. It is also a symbol of the earth with four sides, formed by the four elements. christian temple always oriented to the cardinal points, the facade was turned to the west, the altar - to the east. Thus, this decision helps to support the image and is a symbol, and the shape of the cross simplifies the process of orienting the temple to the cardinal points. But why not also use a similar technique in modern non-cult structures?

An example of such modern use Symbols can serve as the Pentagon - the building of the US Department of Defense. Building plan

made in the shape of a pentagon (hence the name). The pentagon, in itself, is not an independent symbol, unlike the pentagram formed by its diagonals. And the pentagram, according to one version, is considered a symbol of power over the world. Perhaps this could influence such a form

Thus, we see that symbols in architecture are used quite often. I believe that they may be relevant at the present time.

Complementing the architecture with symbols, it is not at all necessary to place them in the most visible place, and it is not necessary to use existing ones. You can develop your own and thereby perpetuate your project by putting on

his "seal" of belonging, as did, for example, religious warrants,

such as the Templars, Hospitallers, etc.

Summing up, it should be noted that the use of such techniques does not imply their use unchanged, because otherwise modern

architecture may cease to be such. But by transforming and modifying elements of the architecture of past years, it is possible to significantly

to diversify the modern one, to return its semantic load, because architecture is a work of art, which, by definition, should have aesthetic value. The image in architecture is one of the most important tasks facing the architect. But, as we have seen, to solve the problem

lack of artistic imagery can be quite simply and economically using arches, stained-glass windows, towers and other elements, and in our time, saving is an important aspect in design.

Bibliographic list

1. Ikonnikov A. V. Function, form, image in architecture // Obraz. - 1986 - P.85.

2. Ponomarev M.A. Gothic architecture // Symbolism. - 1991 - S.127-131.

The symbolism of the liturgical rank is directly related to the symbolism of temple architecture, which was formed simultaneously with the addition of the rite of the Liturgy in Byzantium in the period of the 6th-9th centuries. At that time, a cross-domed type of church was developed, which ideally corresponded to the liturgical rank and created visual images of what was proclaimed by the word and sacred rites of worship by architectural forms. Along with the adoption of Christianity and the fullness of the dogmatic doctrine of the Orthodox Church, Rus' in the 9th century adopted from Byzantium the symbolic interpretation of the temple.

According to the teachings of the Church, the entire visible material world is a symbolic reflection of the invisible, spiritual world. Thus, the sun and stone are images of Christ, and gold is an image of truth, and so on. According to the church theory of the relationship of the image with the prototype, architectural images and the symbols of the temple, when performed within the framework of the canonical tradition, can reflect the prototypes of heavenly existence and attach to them. The symbolism of the temple explains to believers the essence of the temple as the beginning of the future Kingdom of Heaven, sets before them the image of this Kingdom, using visible architectural forms and means of pictorial decoration in order to make the image of the invisible, heavenly, divine accessible to our senses.

If the prototype - the Kingdom of Heaven - is the realm of truth, truth and beauty, then similar characteristics should be applied to the architecture of the temple, which claims to reflect the heavenly prototype.

Architecture is not able to adequately recreate the heavenly prototype, if only because only some holy people during their earthly life were awarded the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven, the image of which, according to them, cannot be expressed in any words. For most people, this is a mystery that is only slightly revealed in Holy Scripture and Church Tradition.

In the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse), the symbolic image of the Kingdom of Heaven "Holy Jerusalem" is conveyed in the following definitions:

“... it has a large and high wall, it has twelve gates... three gates from the east, three gates from the north, three gates from the south, three gates from the west” (Rev. 21.12-13);

“... the city is located in a quadrangle ... its length and breadth and height are equal” (Rev. 21.16);

“...its wall was built of jasper, and the city was pure gold, like pure glass” (Rev. 21.18);

"... the throne of God and the Lamb will be in him, and his servants will serve him" (Rev. 22.3).

In the earthly images of the temples, these characteristics are expressed as follows:

square shape of the plan and cubic shape of the volume;
three-suited articulations on each side;
centricity of the planning structure, the hierarchy of its elements with a throne in the middle;
precious decoration (gold, stones), whiteness.

All these characteristics are present in the ancient Russian temple

The temple is an image of the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and accordingly it is an image of the palace of the King of Heaven. From this image comes the tradition of decorating the temple like the royal chambers, using all the artistic means available to a particular era.

The temple is also an image of the universal Church, its basic principles and structure. In the "Symbol of Faith" the Church is called "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic". In some way, these features of the Church can be reflected in temple architecture. So, for example, the image of the unity of the Church, headed by Christ, is visibly embodied by the one-domed cubic volumes of ancient Russian churches. The holiness of the Church is figuratively expressed by the whiteness of the walls of churches and the radiance of golden domes, like halos on the icons of saints.

Sobornost and apostolic succession is expressed, as in the hierarchical structure of the Church itself, by the centric composition, the hierarchical orderliness of the parts of the temple, subordinate to the central domed space.

In patristic interpretations, the temple is also likened to the image of God. So, the trinity of God corresponds to the three-masted structure of the temple; the otherworldliness of God and the Church is expressed in the forms of the temple, which are different from the forms of residential and other earthly structures.

The incomprehensible God reveals Himself in the world in such names that are reflected in the architecture of the temple. Thus, God is referred to as Beauty, Love, Unity, Light, Truth, Good. In temple architecture, these names are expressed in the proportional correspondence of the whole and parts, the symmetry of the composition, the integrity of the form, the clarity of the composition, the tectonic structure, and the recognition of the form.

The interior of the cross-domed church is complete system hierarchically ordered spaces, developing from the side aisles, where the main part of the worshipers are located, to the central dome space with an ambo in the center and further up, to the dome, on which there is a light-filled image of the Head of the Church - Christ the Almighty. Such a harmonious spatial system visually represents the symbolic essence of the temple as the beginning of the future Kingdom of God.

In terms of planning, the altar is an image of Paradise, the spiritual world descending to earth to people. The middle part of the temple is a symbol of heaven and earth, the universe, renewed by reconciliation with the spiritual world. The vestibule is a symbol of the unjustified, sinful world.

In the middle part of the temple stand the faithful, who, upon receiving the Divine Grace poured out in the Sacraments, become redeemed, sanctified, partakers of the Kingdom of God. If the divine principle is placed in the altar, then in the middle part of the temple is the human principle, which enters into the closest communion with God. And if the altar received the meaning of the supreme heaven “heaven to heaven”, where only God resides with heavenly ranks, then the middle part of the temple means a particle of the future renewed world, a new heaven and a new earth in the proper sense.

The altar in the temple means the spiritual, divine side in the universe, and its middle part is the sensual world, and both enter into an interaction in which the first enlightens and guides the second. With such an attitude, the order of the universe, violated by sin, is restored.

Various zones of the middle part of the temple also receive the interpretation of the Holy Fathers. So, the upper zone means the visible sky, and the lamps represent the stars, the chandelier - the circles of the planets. The lower zone means ground.

The iconostasis separating the altar from the middle part of the temple expresses the idea of ​​the closest and inseparable connection, existing between the sensual and spiritual worlds through the prayerful help of the celestials depicted there on the icons, including those who have reached the state of holiness on earth, that is, deification, to which others only strive.

The Old Russian temple ends with the head of the "onion" form. If the flat Byzantine dome above the temple resembles the vault of heaven above the earth, and the Gothic spire of Catholic churches expresses aspiration upwards, to heaven, then the Russian onion dome resembles a fiery tongue, symbolizing the idea of ​​prayerful burning, which is necessary for every Christian to unite with God.

Sometimes the temple is built in the form of a Cross as a sign that the Church, that is, the assembly of believers in Christ, is saved thanks to His redemptive sacrifice on the cross. The round shape of the temple symbolizes the eternity of the Church, since the circle, which has neither beginning nor end, is a symbol of eternity. The elongated shape of the temple in the form of a ship means that the Church, like a ship, saves us in the sea of ​​life.

According to the figurative thought of Archpriest Dmitry (Smirnov), the temple is a ship where people must hold tightly to its mast during a storm and strong pitching. On a ship, this is the safest place, where it shakes the least. Without holding on to the mast and being at the side, it is easy to fly overboard and drown. The mast is the core of the ship, just as our faith and our Church are the core of our life, and we must hold on to them tightly so as not to perish among the stormy waves of the sea of ​​life with its pitfalls of temptations. The temple is a ship, and the mast in the center of the ship is a vertical line going from the pulpit to the dome and the Cross above the temple. This vertical connects the heavenly realm of the existence of the Holy Spirit with the Eucharist celebrated on the pulpit. The “sails” of the temple supporting the dome with the evangelists depicted on them, proclaiming the Word of God to the world, are sails fastened to the mast of the ship, filled with the Spirit of God and leading the ship-Church to the quiet harbor of the Kingdom of Heaven.

It should be noted that patristic symbolic interpretations were associated with worship and related mainly to the internal forms of the temple. The external forms of the temple were interpreted only in the 19th century, such as, for example, the symbolism of the number of chapters: chapter 1 - Christ; 5 chapters - Christ and the four Evangelists, etc.

Architectural composition and, accordingly, architectural expressiveness Orthodox church are based on the reflection in the image of the temple of its symbolic essence, based on Orthodox dogma.

Architecture is a complex phenomenon. It arose and exists as a result of the social need for it. Buildings are for practical use and at the same time they are (or should be) works of art. Therefore, some tend to attach great importance to the practical side of architecture, others to its specificity as a special kind of art. Russian wooden house since ancient times has been the whole world, and all its elements constituted a common system reflecting ideas about the universe. An important part of this system was wooden carved decorations, which were fixed on the pediments, pilasters, architraves, and which were encoded in stable artistic images and symbols of the ancestral collective memory of the people. Tomsk residents have been decorating their homes since the founding of the city, while class and wealth did not matter much. Of course, merchants' mansions and tenement houses were more beautiful, but even poor houses were greeted with a friendly pattern of architraves, intricately carved details of the porches, skates directed to the sky. The term "decor" in architecture is closely related to the term "ornament", which consists of a combination of useful and beautiful. It is based on functionality, and beauty comes after it. The ornament does not exist in the form of an independent work of art, it only decorates this or that thing, but, nevertheless, it is a rather complex artistic structure. Being ancient species visual activity man, he carried a symbolic and magical meaning, sign. Early decorative and ornamental elements could only be abstract signs, expressing a sense of rhythm, form, order, symmetry. Getting to the main part of the message, it is necessary to say the following - this is the first attempt to systematize the iconic symbolism of the Tomsk architectural decor stored in the Museum of Wooden Architecture or found in the patterns of wooden houses on the streets of the city. At the same time, literary sources were used / It is difficult to give an exact date for the appearance of a particular sign. The ornament could have originated in the Upper Paleolithic era. (15-10 thousand years BC) In those distant times it was exclusively geometric, consisting of strict basic shapes, a circle, a cross and a square. These are universal forms. Initially, signs performed only auxiliary functions and were applied to invisible parts - bottoms, back sides jewelry, amulets, amulets, etc. Gradually, signs-symbols acquired the ornamental expressiveness of the pattern, which began to be regarded as an artistic component. In subsequent times, artists simply copied the old forms that had a very specific meaning in antiquity. Consider the first group of signs that were often used in wooden architecture as decorative elements. The symbol "circle" is the embodiment of ideas about the most important fundamental qualities: absolute equality, uniformity, infinity, eternity, circulation. The circle was associated with the concept of heavenly perfection - God, Sky, Cosmos, Sun. “The concept of “holiness” and at the same time “purity”, “whiteness” is written in particular by V.I. Ravdonikas, - in the primitive consciousness is linked with the "heaven" and its incarnations in the sun, "moon".

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Hence the pictorial symbolism of holiness, divinity - a circle, an image of the sky or the sun. Symbol "circle" - solar sign, the oldest astral symbol, which throughout the existence of civilization was one of the revered and beloved. So the solar disk was designated in Egypt, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, the pagan culture of Ancient Rus'. The sign "half disk" symbolizes the luminary at sunrise or sunset. The number of rays also contains symbolism - the numbers 5 or 3, which mark the boundaries of sections of the sky, the third part of the sky is that conditional area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace where the sun is at noon. These signs are most widely found in the architecture of Tomsk in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Art Nouveau architects also actively used this sign. The symbol "square" - in contrast to the circle, is associated with the idea of ​​the earthly beginning as a place of human habitation. A kind of coordinate system, where the cardinal points are highlighted. A quadrilateral with a cross reinforces this meaning even more, forming a center, an axis of coordinates. The sky-circle acts as God the creator, while the earth-square is created, derivative, created through the mediation of the cross. The symbol "cross" is an ancient sacral sign originating from a schematic image of a bird, emphasizing the idea of ​​the center, the point of intersection of the upper bottom, right-left. The sign ordering space, the vertical rod of the cross in the primitive consciousness was identified with the Axis of the World, the World Tree, connecting heaven and earth. It is called the "sign of signs" Since prehistoric times, it has served as a religious, protective symbol in almost every culture of the world. The Scandinavians depicted the hammer of Thor - the god of thunder and war - in the form of a T-shaped cross, it symbolized thunder, lightning and rain. The cross was also an attribute of the gods of Assyria, Persia and India. In Christian art, the sign established itself as a revered emblem only at the end of the 6th century. It has become an integral part of church rituals, as well as one of the main symbols in art and architecture. There is a fairly significant number of varieties of crosses, we will consider some of them that are most often found in our practice. The Greek equal cross - the simplest form, was used in a variety of meanings as a symbol of the god of the sun, the god of rain, and the elements from which the world was created - air, earth, fire and water.

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The oblique cross is a very common motif. He meets in different eras from the Paleolithic to the 19th century. Reminiscent of the first letter of the spelling of the name of Christ Depending on the color, it has different meaning Blue or white colors are the sign of St. Andrew the Apostle. Often used in architectural decoration as decorative element, and also as a solar sign denoting the Divine fire, burning all the bad. Spiral - is one of the most ancient signs that are of great importance for the ornament - a comprehensive formula, from which the ancients drew the alphabet of their first abstract concepts. The spiral embodied the basic laws of nature, their relationship, logical thinking, philosophy, culture and worldview of the ancients. The development of everything in the world is carried out according to the principle of a spiral. Each turn is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Volute - an architectural motif in the form of a spiral curl with a circle ("eye") in the center. Part Ionic capitals, is also part of the Corinthian and composite capitals. The shape of the volute has various architectural details characteristic of the Baroque style. The volute has its roots in the image of the World Tree. In architecture, this can be seen in the capitals, where the volute is the most important constructive and artistic element. We already meet the volute motif in capitals in Egypt and Greece. "Guardians" of the Tree, for in Mesopotamia the horns of celestial goats or bulls were also depicted in the form of volute-shaped curls. The swastika (bearing good) is one of the earliest symbols found in all nations. solar symbol, lucky sign, fertility, well-being, generosity, movement and power of the sun. In the Christian image, this is not just a symbol of the elements, but of the one who controls the elements - the eternal wind, the Holy Spirit. The swastika is one of the most ancient and widespread graphic symbols, which was depicted by many peoples of the world on objects. everyday life, clothes, coins, vases, weapons, banners and coats of arms, in the design of churches and houses The symbol has been found since the 8th millennium BC. e.,

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presumably from a rhombo-meander ornament, which first appeared in the late Paleolithic. The swastika, as a symbol, has many meanings; among the ancient peoples, it was a symbol of movement, life, the Sun, light, prosperity, and is capable of symbolizing philosophical categories. The first information about the swastika as a Christian symbol and a variant of the cross was found in the writings of the Jesuit scholar Abbot L. Martigny in 1865. The symbol "rhombus" - it is believed that the sign in the form of a rhombus in folk and ancient ornamentation comes from a conventional image of a land plot and is a symbol of the earth. In Scytho-Sarmatia, he also denoted the Sun, the World Tree. In various historical eras, the rhombus symbolized the Great Goddess, the parent of all things. In later times, the rhombus became a symbol of fertility. In Christian iconography, the rhombus was combined with the image of the Mother of God, in addition, rhombuses with crosses or plant rosettes, hemispheres and equal-pointed crosses are symbolic signs of the image of Seraphim, Cherubim, Angels, Apostles. In the architectural decor of Tomsk, a rhombus is found in the design of architraves, as one of the ornamental motifs. The symbol "triangle" - served as one of the symbols of the Earth. In Christianity, the triangle served as a symbol of the deity "all-seeing eye", in this case, the sun's rays come from the triangle, it is associated with the symbolism of the solar cult. The triangle in its various modifications is a common ornamental motif in architectural decoration, especially used in the 19th-20th centuries. ending short review geometric symbols, it must be said that in the Christian pictorial system they correspond to abstract, more precisely Divine concepts: the square is the firmness of faith, the circle is a symbol of eternity, or in another sense - the image of the Heavenly forces. They also make up a special group of signs - the so-called power Solar "solar" signs, there are about 144 types of them. For several millennia, decor motifs created by ancient civilizations have been preserved and repeated. We also note the presence of other ornamental motifs in the Tomsk wooden decor. One of them is a cartouche.

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Cartouche (cartoccio bundle, bag) - in architecture and decorative arts- “motif in the form of a half-folded, often with torn or notched edges of a roll of paper, a scroll”], on which a coat of arms, emblem or inscription can be placed. Cartouches arose during the Renaissance at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries. In the Baroque and Rococo eras, cartouches acquire more complex, often asymmetrical forms, the decorative properties of the element come to the fore, which often does not carry any internal image. Cartouches can be found in more late time in eclectic, modern, neoclassical architecture. Spread in the XVI-XVIII centuries. cartouches adorn the main entrances to palaces. Cartouches were placed above the main entrances to buildings and window openings, in the tympanums of the pediments, in the interiors of buildings, on monuments, on tombstones and documents. Meander - the idea of ​​perpetual motion, endless repetition, came to us from Ancient Greece. The ancient geometric ornament is being replaced by the so-called wicker ornament. The braid motif arose from pressing a rope into wet clay, later heads, tails, paws of animals began to be woven into the braid, this is especially characteristic of the Scandinavian peoples. The motif of a dragon-like animal also appears there. The dragon personified lightning, was considered the patron saint of housing and fire. The snake is a symbol of the ever-restoring world order. Appearance floral ornament associated with art ancient egypt The lotus flower is an attribute of the goddess Isis, a symbol of the divine generative power of nature, resurgent life, high moral purity, chastity, mental and physical health.

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Tree of life (another Russian paradise tree) - mythological image in many cultures. In literature and folklore, this is a motif that reflects ideas about the biblical tree of life in the middle of paradise. The concept of the Tree of Life has been used in religion, philosophy and mythology. Denotes the interconnectedness of all life on our planet and serves as a metaphor for a common origin in an evolutionary sense. The term tree of life can also be used as a synonym for the sacred tree. The tree of knowledge linking heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life linking all forms of life, are both forms of the world or cosmic tree. In pagan art, the tree of life embodied the power of living nature, the divine tree, on which the growth of herbs, cereals, trees and "the growth of man himself" depended. Rosette (chamomile, daisy) came to us from Ancient Mesopotamia. It looks like a stylized round head of a blossoming flower, when viewed from above. In all likelihood, the rosette, its round shape was perceived as a symbol of the sun, denoted the idea of ​​the cycle of phenomena in the Universe, as it is said in the Bible - "everything returns to normal." The figure of the rosette turned out to be the most stable, and in decorative folk woodcarving it is one of the main elements of the pattern. In its outline, it is close to a flower. The rosette, as it were, embodied the idea of ​​the connection between the life-giving rays of the sun and the abundant growth of flowers and herbs on earth. Interestingly, in Lithuania, some flowers (for example, daisies and roses) were considered the flowers of the sun. A circle with a rotating division (the so-called "Segner's wheel") is a graphic representation of a rotating wheel-sun. Often found in Assyrian art is the image of a cone. It is believed that this is a cedar cone and it symbolizes courage. "The cedar was considered in antiquity sacred tree, it was used in the construction of the temple of Solomon, and one of the glorious feats of Gilgamesh (the hero of the Mesopotamian epic) was the victory over the monster Khubabu, the lord of cedars. From flora borrowed in the decor: palmette, pomegranate fruits, pineapple fruits, bunches of dates, ears of corn (the emblem of the god of fertility). Acanthus, palmettes, kims (incoming waves from stylized leaves).

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Shamrock or krin - symbolizes purity and purity Holy Mother of God. At various times, more and more new symbols were added to the ornamentation. In any sacred tradition, numbers play important role. The number three is considered the most magical and sacred in many cultures. The symbol of three intersecting sheets was found 5000 years ago in the culture of the Indians, its meaning has become known since the 8th century. In Celtic culture, the three symbolized completeness, completeness, perfection - past, present, future; sky, earth, underworld (other world). The triple multiplied by itself gave nine as a result - a sign of the highest dignity. The concept of the trinity, the tripartite deities is also universal and is found in almost all Indo-European religious and mythological systems. In Christian symbolism, the Shamrock represents the Holy Trinity: father, son and holy spirit. The circle in the middle means eternity, while the crossed lines symbolize inseparability. Thus, the Shamrock indicates that Holy Family consists of three elements: power, honor and glory, and they are inseparable in one God. Pagan religion claims that this symbol represents life, death and return to life as an endless cycle, as well as the three forces of nature: earth, air and water. The three circles symbolize the feminine element and the element of fertility. Enough examples of the treatment and active use of ornamental motifs of the Baroque style by Tomsk masters can be cited. The dynamics of complex three-dimensional forms, the restless rhythm of curved lines that create complex monumental compositions overloaded with details. The decorative decoration of objects almost completely masks the structure. The ornament is dominated by various variations of acanthus leaf motifs, palmettes. Patterns are often C and S-shaped. Like geometric figures, Tomsk masters used plots traditional for ancient Slavic mythology. Sirin is a bird-maiden, a wonderful bird, whose singing disperses sadness and longing, is only happy people. An element that is often found in the ornamentation of the European part of Russia, in Tomsk there is almost a single copy at the address ul. Krylova, 4.

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Animal ornament in the Middle Ages was the basis for creating compositions of reliefs and was inexhaustible source for folk art. Animal symbolism characterizes the properties of the non-material world, the image of a horse testifies to the movement towards the Highest Ideal, the Horse among the Slavs symbolized the god of the sun - Khors and was his emblem. The personification of the sun god in the form of a horse led to the image of a horse in the carved decoration of peasant huts as an ancient protective image that attracts good to the owner of the house. Horse heads - "skates" adorned the top of the roofs Often on carved architraves and valances - a horse with a fluttering mane, similar to the rays of the Sun. The image of a fish is an ancient symbol of the Savior, the image of birds is a symbol of righteous souls. Waterfowl represented the water element. The Russian language has preserved for us the meaning that our ancestors invested when they created their dwelling - the street is near the face, the door is trust, the casing is on the face. The pediment in ancient Rus' was called "chelo", hence - the edges of the roof, forming a triangular shape from the facade - prichelina. The meaning of the window was originally identified with the eye. The purity of the eye in Orthodox teaching is of great importance, because through the eyes a person perceives the light of God. In Orthodox architecture, the window is the entrance to the Uncreated Light, so all the decoration that is attached to the window opening has a protective function. home for Orthodox person from time immemorial it was considered a small church, and all life was connected with worship, church and home. The general spiritual mood was prayerful - glorifying God. And the master, depicting birds, flowers in the carving,

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geometric ornament remembered the Creator of everything living and beautiful, transferring his spiritual mood to the drawing. Artistic language wooden carving developed in an original and independent way, quite independently of the change in styles that appeared in art centers. It existed in parallel with classicism, modernity and other "great" styles, naturally and sensitively responding to the changing forms of urban decor. The ornamentation of the carving is conservative and very traditional, which makes it possible to see the persistence of cultural traditions in the use of ancient symbols, elements that adorned the dwellings of our ancestors. Today, with its typified, stamped construction of residential buildings, takes us further and further away from the man-made culture of Russian masters, dooming it to oblivion. Architecture loses not only harmony and beauty, torn thin connecting thread of generations. Worldview knowledge is leaving, living space remains. Helena Ivanovna Roerich perspicaciously wrote to one of her addressees, “The forces of darkness are well aware of how many powerful emanations radiate objects of art. Among the onslaughts of darkness, such emanations can be the best weapon. The forces of darkness seek to either destroy the objects of art, or at least divert the attention of mankind from them. It must be remembered that a rejected, neglected work cannot radiate its beneficent energy. There will be no living connection between a cold viewer or listener and a closed creation. The meaning of the transformation of thought into a work is very deep, in other words, it is an attractive magnet and collects energy. Thus, each work lives and promotes the exchange and accumulation of energy. In the following notes, we will talk about the decor of Tomsk houses and the symbols that can be seen if you look closely at the ornament. List of used sources. 1. Ashchepkov E. Russian folk architecture in Western Siberia. M .: Publishing house of the Academy of Architecture, 1950 2. Bagdasarov R. Mysticism of the fiery cross. M .: Veche, 2005. 3. Butkevich L.M. History of the ornament. M .: Vlados, 2008. 4. Martigny M. Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. 1865 5. Rybakov B.A. Paganism of Ancient Rus'. M., 1987 6. Roerich E.I. Letters. M.: MCR, 2003. T.5. C,344 Borovinskikh N.P. Utkina E.L.

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