Cowardice is the worst vice (USE in Russian). Cowardice is the main human vice


However, neither Athelstan, nor his son, nor the Freemasons from Lake Como can answer one of the most important questions: where did the element of Jewish tradition come from in late Freemasonry, passed through the filter of Islam? The collection of major Masonic legends - including, of course, the construction of the Temple of Solomon - is based solely on the material of the Old Testament, canonical and apocryphal, as well as on Jewish and Islamic commentaries on it.

In short, for Masons higher hierarchy Universe - Great Architect - which, by default, leads the Masons away from the True God to the top of the crowd-“elitist” pyramid, where this place is occupied by the “world behind the scenes”. This is the "God" for the Masons - their master and manager. It's the same with the Jews, only their "God" is more religiously designed " holy scripture"(than the Chief Architect of the Masons) and the religion of the Jews is closer to idealistic atheism, and modern Masons - to materialistic.

A good example of this was the United States in the 20th century. The United States was created by the forerunners of the Freemasons and Masons on the Masonic principle, and all US Presidents have been members Masonic lodges. In the book "Temple and Lodge" a whole large section "Freemasonry and American Independence" is devoted to the issue of the creation of the United States.

We will take a brief look at the creation of the United States in the next chapter.

Masons and Jews themselves have long received their religion: Judaism and other cabalism, mixed with ancient Greek myths.

Recall that these views are the basis of the crowd-“elitist” structure of society, where there is no place for humanity. See the second book of the course for details.

This principle is a “philosophical” substantiation, as it were, of the objectivity of the human hierarchy by initiation, justified by the fact that all people are different from birth and everyone must take “his place” in the social hierarchy and not “rock the boat” until the higher “Architect” wants to move someone either himself.

Transferring the title of God, who really created the Universe, to the top of the human crowd-“elitist” hierarchy is the blasphemy of the masters of Freemasonry, who attributed the divine function to themselves (they are not accustomed to taking the place of God in the eyes of the crowd), standing between God and the Masons.

And, of course, they became the property of a narrow circle of literate people, many of whom became Masons, and not the common illiterate crowd.

Jewish origin.

More about ethics managerial professionalism, about the full function of management in Russia and the USA, about the general crisis of capitalism and Marxism, about the theory, practice, problems and prospects of "convergence" and about some other particulars during the global historical and political process, see the work of the VP of the USSR "The Garden" grows on its own?..”. The material of this chapter is based on the materials of chapters 3 and 4 of this work.

The division of historically real Christianity into Catholicism and Orthodoxy took place in 1054-1204.

It is also characteristic that the creator of the Mongol Empire, from which he later separated Golden Horde, - Genghis Khan - received from European contemporaries the nickname "Scourge of God", which expressed their feeling that Europe lives unrighteously and is worthy of God's punishment, because it opposes Providence.

Secret survived and continued to operate.

It began in 1517 with the preaching of Martin Luther (1483 - 1546).

This formula does not involve the question: Where do laws come from and what concept of governance, arbitrarily shaped by someone and somehow, do the laws express? Accordingly, this formula does not imply an answer to this question.

The advancement of the biblical project to the east - to India, China, Japan, Indonesia was also blocked by the Genghisides, who reached the shores of the Adriatic Sea, not to mention the insufficient development of navigation skills in Europe before the 17th century. and the absence of staging posts.

The appearance of the Spanish "invincible armada" in 1588, partly defeated by the British fleet, and partly destroyed by storms, is the only real threat to the occupation of Great Britain that has come true for all this time.

It has existed since 1532, when the synod of bishops of England, under pressure from King Henry VIII, who wanted to marry the third marriage to the three-breasted maid of honor Anne Boleyn (whom he later executed), decided to recognize the English Church as independent of the pope. In 1534, the British Parliament confirmed this decision by proclaiming Henry VIII and the head of the church, after which Henry VIII by a special act, he subjugated the hierarchy, confiscated the monastic lands (by distributing which he secured the support of part of the aristocracy) and severed relations with Rome.

In 1533 the so-called 42 articles of the creed were published. They contain the doctrine of the church and the salvation of the soul in the spirit of Protestantism in its Calvinist version Features of Calvinism (this branch of Protestantism was named after John Calvin (1509 - 1564) - a Frenchman by birth, a lawyer by profession, who became the dictator of Geneva in 1541) is easy to find in open sources information.

This name has the right to exist only as an identifier for the localization version of the all-Masonic - global - program in an attempt to adapt it to the conditions of Russia.

With the exception of one more historically unnatural phenomenon - the emergence of Jewry in its historically known form.

Nevertheless, it should be noted somehow that Great Britain is a Masonic metropolis, the "capital" of one of the branches of the biblical project, which reached by the beginning of the twentieth century greatest success in its expansion.

However, the field bodies of the egregors of the indigenous population continue to exist at the present time, although they have lost for the most part its human component. This is manifested in the fact that a certain number of descendants of newcomers from other parts of the world, being included in these egregors, suddenly begin to feel like Indians or become aware of their way of life in addition to the information recorded in historical literature. Such cases are known, although they are not widespread.

The uninitiated dissatisfied continued to live in their homeland. Those who left for America did not leave under the guidance of the instincts of herd behavior (at least until mid-nineteenth century), but on a personal meaningful initiative.

Those incapable of corporateness did not survive - especially in the early stages of US prehistory and history, when they had to take root in a new habitat and build their lives in it in the fight against natural elements and in conflicts with the indigenous population.

Non-zero-sum games are "soccer on a field with one goal": this is a loan with a loan interest; unequal educational opportunities; the heterogeneous quality of education in terms of its adequacy of life - for the crowd it is one thing, for the “elite” - another, for brothers-Masons at each stage of initiation - their own, etc. - systemic means of suppressing and eliminating equality of opportunity, purposefully generated in the cultures of crowd-“elitist” societies in order to maintain and reproduce crowd-“elitism” in the continuity of generations; as well as - and for expansion each of its modifications to other regions of the planet.

In their terminology, the whole world is divided into "provinces", each of which has its own "Masonic regional committee", subordinate, however, to the global "Central Committee" of Freemasonry of a certain style. In the case of building in Russia a liberal-bourgeois social system, Russia after 1991 was transferred under the supervision of the "Washington Regional Committee", which in turn is subordinate to the "London Central Committee of Bourgeois Liberalism".

Other ideological systems, on which other branches of the biblical project rely, have their own “regional committees” and their own “Central Committees”. Apparently, the Masonic-socialist "Central Committee" has been operating for several centuries from the territory of France.

The bosses of the project coordinate the activities of all its branches, and also interact with the national “esoteric organizations” that have survived in many regions of the planet, since the principle “we are initiates, and therefore we are better than others” is common to both.

Islam, however, is not analogous to this system, as it seems to many, and what opinion do the pro-biblical media and history books cultivate, contrary to what, according to the Qur'an:

• murder of those who do not know the truth is the gravest sin;

impact on the opponent within the allowance, especially by military force, is an extreme means of self-defense against those to whom the truth was brought to their attention, but they rejected it and are aggressive towards it and its bearers (the leaders of the biblical project have an assessment allowances and its exploitation - the original systemic principle);

· The Qur'an suggests to gain patience and eliminate evil and enmity in life by improving the quality of life.

From a certain understanding of all the problems of personal-egregorial interaction described above, the US constitutional norm also follows: “No person other than a citizen of the United States by birth and a citizen of the United States at the time of the enactment of this Constitution shall be eligible for election to the office of President; nor is a person who has not reached the age of thirty-five years old and has not resided for fourteen years in the United States, not eligible for election to this office.. Although this rule is not complete: the same requirements should have been extended to the spouse of a presidential candidate.

It is important to understand here that individuals and families can only carry some elements ethnic cultures and culture as a whole is carried only by society as a whole.

At the same time, the most “domesticated” (“Home”) is Germanic. Its greatest "domestication" in the past created the preconditions for the fact that it was it that turned out to be the most suitable soil for the cultivation of Nazism - a provocation on a global scale and a kind of preventive“inoculations” against future attempts to oppose the implementation of the Bible project: after this preventive “inoculation”, any appeal to the issue on the real role of Jewry and Freemasonry in politics The bosses of the biblical project and their periphery, without going into consideration of the essence of the opinions of their political opponents, can be qualified as manifestations of relapses of Nazism, especially if Nazis have been introduced into the environment of opponents.

In fact, the aggressor in relation to the best is the property of the past, imperfect in comparison with it.

For example, even having introduced the “euro” into cash circulation on January 1, 2002 (in non-cash circulation since January 1, 1999), Europe, nevertheless, also found itself drawn into the global financial and economic crisis, which hit other countries more, and not on the US, whose financial policy led to it, and in which the US is trying to solve some foreign policy problems, including the weakening of the European Union.

Soviet anecdote:

The plumber sits in the camp along with political dissidents. They ask him: Why were you imprisoned?

Plumber: They called to the hairdresser - the battery in the hall flowed. I looked, well, and I say: “Here it is necessary to change the whole system ...” - and they immediately twisted my hands, and here I am ...

This is an erroneous formulation: in fact, there has been a development of the specialization of individual labor and the cooperation of the labor of many people in technological processes. (Our citation note).

By the end of the twentieth century, the speed scientific and technological progress came close to the limit, due to the productivity of the psyche of people in the processing of information.

One of the first manifestations of this. The inventor of the first multi-spinning spinning machine was a poor spinner, and after its mass introduction he was forced to flee from England from the wrath of many spinners, whom his invention deprived of work and a piece of bread, although he sought to make life easier for his colleagues and make people richer with his invention. . He himself did not get rich either, because he could not organize the monopoly exploitation of his invention.

The mechanism of the employment catastrophe that occurred in the industry against the good intentions of the inventor is simple:

On the one hand, the limited solvency capacity of the market for which the industry operates ( next level restrictions - the volume of the needs of society as such);

On the other hand, a multiple increase in labor productivity in the industry;

· if it is impossible to increase sales, the professionalism of the majority of former spinners is not in demand;

Supra-sectoral means of managing the purchasing power of the population, sales of products, retraining and employment of the released labor resources - the ideas of bourgeois liberalism are not provided for and therefore the corresponding public institutions no.

To the question: Should they be in society?

· Smart people answer: Must.

Bourgeois liberals answer: No - everyone should take their own initiative.

In "Great Brotherhood" it came to a policy of genocide against its own population. Hanging was supposed for vagrancy, although vagrants were people who were simply left without a livelihood by a change in the spectrum of production and the structure of demanded professionalism, for which none of them was personally guilty. There was even a saying “the sheep ate the people”, which implied that the growth of the sheep population (wool is a raw material for the spinning and weaving industry) led to the transfer of arable land by landowners to pastures, as a result of which many people lost their livelihoods and, one way or another, , died.

Shoot down the workers' demonstration in the majority developed countries until 1917 - "a trifling matter", in particular, the first of May as a day of worldwide solidarity of workers arose in memory of the dispersal of a labor demonstration in Chicago, which killed 6 people.

In the 1960s in the press, as a curiosity, a message flashed that a certain journalist from Germany managed to develop photographic film with “water” from the Rhine. Even if this fact was fictional or falsified, it is a strong metaphor that many believed to be true when they saw the water of the Rhine.

Also in Soviet times a school textbook of general biology, with references to Charles Darwin, mentioned that in England some populations of butterflies changed color to become invisible again against the background of tree bark, which, under the influence of pollution from industrial emissions, had lost its natural color. The fact of perceptibly severe pollution of the environment, dating back to the middle of the 19th century.

Initially, most industrial enterprises were built on rivers, which were blocked by dams, and water wheels (similar to mills) powered industrial equipment. And to this day, in many cities and towns that arose in the era of the creation of industry, dams have been preserved that provided energy for factories in the past. So until now, the main landscape factor in the suburb of St. Petersburg Kolpino is the reservoir behind the dam on the Izhora River, which gave the Izhora Plant its name. In the Linen factory - the estate of the Goncharovs - the dam of their factory on the Sukhodrev River and the reservoir behind it have also been preserved. And such monuments of the era of the first industrialization in different regions Russia is quite a lot.

Power plants based on the combustion of coal and hydrocarbons began to be massively introduced from the middle of the 19th century, as a result, the volume of emissions into the atmosphere of various chemical and physical composition smoke increased sharply and continues to grow to the present day.

As the experience of Great Britain with the fencing of pastures and the destruction of vagrants has shown, the elimination of "extra" slaves for the bosses of the project is a technical issue, and not a problem of a moral and ethical nature.

It would be more correct to say: the global masters have formed modern freemasonry on the basis of all past experience of the existence of secret societies.

The Biblical-“Christian” worldview was disintegrating under the influence of the Law of Time. But in this case, it is correct to talk about the worldview of the crowd-“elitist” society which is much broader than the biblical worldview.

under the expression "estate-caste" discipline here we mean the stable subordination of the tribal aristocracy and the nobility in the states Western Europe goals of the "world behind the scenes".

So, for example, in France in the XVIII century. a fifth of all land belonged to churches and monasteries.

And this is objective: the latent (idealistic) atheism of all religious systems had to be exposed by the end of the degradation of the period of feudalism by open, undisguised atheism.

In England serfdom was destroyed by the 15th century.

This expediency has not been exhausted to the end even in our time, but the end of its positive impact on society is very, very close ...

In addition, the collapse of the scenario of the Catholic unity of Europe forced the “world behind the scenes” to lift the official church ban on usury in favor of the “reset” of the project, thereby it plunged into capitalism, which gave rise to the “general crisis of capitalism”.

In 1629, Charles I dissolved the English Parliament and did not convene it for 11 years. The actions of Charles I caused a storm of indignation among the bourgeoisie and the new nobility - landowners-entrepreneurs. The latter fueled hatred against the king in the English crowd of the common people. Finally convened at the end of 1640, the parliament consisted of landowners-entrepreneurs who used hired labor and sold products to the cities. Parliament made demands to the king: firstly, that the dominant church in the state should not be subordinate to the king, but to parliament, and, secondly, that the ministers be accountable to parliament, i.e. that they resign in cases where Parliament does not agree with their actions. Charles I, who adhered to the theory of the divine right to the throne, refused to comply with the requirements of Parliament, deciding to deal with him; but the king could no longer stop the outbreak of the English Revolution.

Before England the bourgeois revolution took place only in the Netherlands (Holland) in 1566-1609. The Dutch Revolution took place under the banner of Calvinism and was aimed at the complete elimination of the Spanish "domination" and feudal arbitrariness. The revolution ended with the liberation from the Spanish "domination" of the northern provinces in the territory modern state Netherlands and the formation of the Republic of the United Provinces. The southern provinces by 1585 were conquered by Spain.

John's Freemasonry Day.

The decision through the Masonic structures does not take place in direct form, but in all sorts of symbolism, hints and hints, which, in conjunction with the imposition of a signal on the type of structure of the psyche of people involved in the entire signal chain, will certainly give distortion at the output.

In a crowd-“elitist” society, stable types of mental structure in relation to the time of a lifetime are a thing of the past, since after the middle of the 20th century everyone is under pressure from the social environment and very few can remain in a stable type of mental structure. In the future, there will be only one stable type of mental structure - the human one. But if those who make up Freemasonry pass into a human type of mental structure, it will no longer be necessary to talk about Freemasonry.

The same applies to the Jews, who had to work out their own and “disappear” (perhaps assimilate) until the moment when the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time changes (mid-20th century).

All non-humans, according to the type of mental structure, are characterized by stress, and Freemasons too.

K. Marx is the grandson of two rabbis.

“Freemasonry,” says the constitution of the Grand Lodge of France, “is a worldwide union based on solidarity. The goal of Freemasonry is the moral perfection of mankind. Its motto is Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. In the eyes of the Freemasons, all followers are equal, regardless of differences in national, racial, religious, differences in status, rank and position ... The ultimate desire of Freemasons is to unite on the basis of freedom, equality and brotherhood of all people, without distinction of races, tribes, nations, religions and cultures into one world union to achieve the kingdom of universal justice and earthly Eden (paradise)" - from the book of Victor Brachev "Masons in Russia: from Peter I to the present day."

That is, methods of concealing the truth and presenting deliberate nonsense as such.

In fact, in the USSR on the basis of Marxism-Leninism a society was built in which all relations were determined by the mafia internationalized top of the Central Committee of the party, closed to the international Judeo-Masonic international.

It is this international from the time Decembrists(1825 - the year of the uprising Decembrists: more than half of the Decembrists were Freemasons) fought in Russia against the tsarist autocracy, which prevented Russia from being included in the system of international international Masonic control. The tsarist autocracy did its best to preserve the sovereignty of Russia, but failed to do so. The court environment of the last Russian emperors was permeated with Freemasonry. And the last Russian emperor he did not understand the aspirations of the people, he relied on the snickering “elite” of the court, therefore his regime was swept away by a revolution led by Masons and Jews.

Darwinism - evolution theory ( historical development) of the organic world of the Earth, based on the views of Ch. Darwin. driving forces evolution, according to Darwin, are hereditary variability and natural selection. Variability serves as the basis for the formation of new features in the structure and functions of organisms, and heredity reinforces these features. As a result of the struggle for existence, the most adapted individuals predominantly survive and participate in reproduction, i.e., natural selection, the consequence of which is the emergence of new species.

However, even during the lifetime of Darwin, along with the wide recognition of his theory, various currents of anti-Darwinism arose in biology, denying or sharply limiting the role natural selection in evolution and put forward other factors as the main forces leading to speciation.

Denying God's creation, Marxism brought people into conflict with God, the Creator of all things:

Koran 10

3 Verily, your Lord is the God who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established himself on the throne, directing his work. There is no intercessor except after His permission. This is for you - God, your Lord, worship Him! Don't you come to your senses?

Koran 10

5 He is the one who made the sun a radiance, and the moon a light, and distributed it among the stations, so that you know the number of years and the reckoning. God created it only in truth, distributing signs for people who know.

Koran 16

3 He created the heavens and the earth with truth. He is above what they associate with Him!

4 He created man from a drop. And now, he is openly hostile.

Koran 24

45 God created every animal out of water. Some of them walk on their stomachs, and some of them walk on two legs, and some of them walk on four. God does what He wills. After all, God is powerful over every thing!

We already know that any religious system affirms in society its system of "realized necessity", zombifying it with the principles of good and evil of all those who believed the hierarchs of the system. Marxism is no exception.

Spinoza (or someone else), saying that “freedom is a conscious necessity”, limited people to the “degree” of only a conscious necessity, while God, who gives real Freedom, non-violently offers each of the people something that may not be completely understood, but given in sensations as an unconscious necessity… and only humanity allows us to correctly determine this necessity, which comes from God, and not from any religion or ideology.

While Marxism itself in relation to the crowd is a means of control of the third (ideological) priority.

In other words, is there a God - the Creator of Nature, the Universe? or He does not exist, but there are only fictions about Him?

If we believe what we quoted a little higher from the Koran in a footnote, the need for all sorts of disputes on this issue will disappear by itself. But for this you need to believe God.

The completeness of knowledge about the World can be obtained only from God - therefore, any atheism distorts the correct vision of the World by a person.

See his book “ primitive culture” (Moscow, 1989 - Reprint of the Russian edition of 1897 with the removal of one chapter on mathematical beliefs in primitive societies).

Taken from the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary» M., 1986.

All philosophical systems and philosophical cultures can be attributed to one of two classes that have nothing in common with the division into “idealism” and “materialism” cultivated by “dialectic” materialists:

· quotation-dogmatic(in Marxist terminology - metaphysical, anti-dialectical), acting in society according to the principle: “Are there a question? - look for quotes suitable for the occasion from the founders and legitimate successor classics. Such are all the philosophies of the churches. And the most advanced and efficient in relation to certain goals of all citation-dogmatic philosophies, covering a certain public group in general, - the Old Testament-Talmudic system of Judaism, under the authority of which the rabbinate and its flock drag out existence. Marxism as a whole became the same citation-dogmatic philosophy by the end of its existence in the USSR.;

· methodological operating on a different principle: got a question? - master and improve the method that will allow you to answer this and other questions yourself as the need for answers arises during Life ».

But this did not happen with respect to the dialectics of Marxism.

It is useful to note (and this will be useful in the future) that the same quantity can be ordered in different ways, and the quality will be determined not only by the quantity, but also by the order.

Price list invariant was originally characterized by the fact that in the system of barter, when products are exchanged for each other according to the two-way scheme "T 1 YUDYUT 2" among the goods of the monetary group one item stands out :

- firstly, - a full participant in the natural product exchange of barter trade due to the fact that it has some other types of utility besides the fact that it constantly performs the function of an intermediary product in the two-way scheme "T 1 YUDYUT 2";

- Secondly, its quantity generally expresses the prices of all other products on the market in all barter trade product exchange operations (as a result of this circumstance, the unit price of the invariant product itself, expressed in the quantity of the invariant, is always one, which gives the name to the term “price list invariant”; in other words , invariant for invariant is always exchanged in the ratio 1:1).

In addition, they have another claim to I.V. Stalin due to the fact that back in 1913 he gave a definition of the term “nation”:

« A nation is a historically established, stable community of people that has arisen on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and mental make-up, manifested in a common culture. (...) Only the presence of all the signs taken together gives us a nation ”(JV Stalin,“ Marxism and the National Question ”).

The Jews of the Diaspora - the main carriers of the biblical project of the enslavement of all - do not satisfy this definition of a nation. And although they are certainly a historically established stable community of people, however, this community, in its own way, characteristics is a mafia masquerading as a nation. Stalin's definition of a nation Jewish question from the region interethnic relations, which many cannot forgive I.V. Stalin: i.e. these are “national-diasporic” relations.

Bolshevism, as the history of the CPSU teaches, arose in 1903 at the II Congress of the RSDLP as one of the party factions. As his opponents argued, the Bolsheviks before 1917 never represented a real majority of the members of the Marxist party, and therefore the opponents of the Bolsheviks in those years always objected to their self-name. But such an opinion stemmed from a misunderstanding among the heterogeneous Mensheviks of the essence of Bolshevism.

Unlike other heroes, this is a reliable historical figure. The place of action of the "New Testament" chapters is Judea of ​​the 1st century AD. Behind Yershalaim, one can easily guess the outlines of historical Jerusalem - the center of Judea in the era of the Roman emperor Tiberius (14 - 37 AD). The Sanhedrin exercised local power, while the supreme power belonged to the governor of the emperor - the procurator. Pilate - exact historical name Roman procurator, Pilate of Pontus, who ruled Judea (Palestine) as part of the Roman province of Syria. This was the fifth ruler of Judah. According to Christian tradition, the main gospel events belong to the time of his reign.

The two Pilates, "literary" and "historical", do not differ in any way; they constitute a single image, objectified in the narrative. The "literary" Procurator, created by the Master, is not a product of artistic fantasy; he was “guessed” as he really was, and therefore completely coincides with the “historical” that Baland talks about in a conversation with Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny on Patriarch's Ponds. The identity of both Pilates is confirmed by Woland himself, the only living witness who was present incognito in the palace of Herod the Great during the conversation between Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri

Pontius Pilate, whose moral judgment seems to be predetermined, is considered by Bulgakov from the inside as a complex and, in his own way, dramatic figure. He is no stranger to thought human feelings, living compassion. He clearly does not want to waste the life of Yeshua. He likes the wandering philosopher, he is ready to save him from the fanaticism of his compatriots. But Pontius Pilate's decision changes dramatically as soon as Yeshua's speech concerns power, supreme power, which the all-powerful procurator is afraid of. Cowardice is the main trouble of Pontius Pilate. She led the procurator to cruelty and betrayal.

The crowd of curious people has long dispersed, the soldiers were exhausted from the heat and boredom, the sun was descending over Bald Mountain, and on a pillar, crucified and burned by the sun, Yeshua Ha-Notsri, who so recklessly believed in goodness, lives out his last minutes. Powerlessly hanging his head to one side in an unwound turban, tormented by horseflies, it is not the all-powerful and resurrected God who dies in the morning, but a mortal, weak person who followed his convictions, accepted the torment of the cross for them and thereby gave them invincible strength.

The content of this image is growing, rising in its meaning, and behind that shameful execution in Yershalaim we distinguish in the fog of two millennia Giordano Bruno ascended the fire, and the executed Joan of Arc, and five shadows of the hanged Decembrists, and a long series of victims made by mankind on his way to justice and truth. These people wanted to remain true to themselves and their idea, which seemed too new, bold or dangerous to their contemporaries, and they had to pay for it with their lives and thereby ensure posthumous glory for their cause. At the end of the novel, releasing his hero, the Master simultaneously frees the "biblical" Pilate, who has been tormented by pangs of conscience for two thousand years.

In the process of creating the image of the procurator, Bulgakov used several sources. The first in importance were the canonical gospels, in which the writer drew the main plot circumstances: Pontius Pilate finds no fault in the actions and words of Jesus, tries to save him, but Pilate is pressured by the high priests and the people excited by them, screaming “Crucify him!”, And, finally, the procurator takes the final decision on execution out of fear of Caesar: “The Jews shouted:“ If you let Him go, you are not a friend of Caesar. ” The probable source of the image was the book of the German historian G.A. Muller “Pontius Pilate, the fifth procurator of Judea, and the judge of Jesus of Nazareth” (1888).

There was as much free time as needed, and the thunderstorm would not come until evening, and cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices. This is what Yeshua Ha-Nozri said. No, philosopher, I object to you: this is the most terrible vice.

For example, the current procurator of Judea did not chicken out, but the former tribune in the legion, then, in the valley of the maidens, when the furious Germans almost killed the Rat-boy giant. But, have mercy on me, philosopher! Do you, with your mind, allow the idea that because of a man who has committed a crime against Caesar, the procurator of Judea will ruin his career?

“Yes, yes,” Pilate groaned and sobbed in his sleep.

Of course it will. In the morning I would not have ruined it, but now, at night, having weighed everything, I agree to ruin it. He will go to any lengths to save a resolutely innocent mad dreamer and doctor from execution!

“Now we will always be together,” a tattered vagabond philosopher told him in a dream, who, for some unknown reason, stood on the road of a rider with a golden spear. - Once one - then, then, right there and the other! If they remember me, they will immediately remember you too! Me - a foundling, the son of unknown parents, and you - the son of the astrologer king and the miller's daughter, the beautiful Pila.

“Yes, don’t forget, remember me, the son of an astrologer,” Pilate asked in a dream. And, enlisting in his sleep the nod of the beggar from En-Sarid walking beside him, the cruel Procurator of Judea wept and laughed in his sleep with joy.

All this was good, but the awakening of the hegemon was all the more terrible. Banga growled at the moon, and the slippery, as if packed with oil, blue road in front of the procurator failed. He opened his eyes, and the first thing he remembered was that there had been an execution. The first thing the procurator did was, with a habitual gesture, clutched at Bunga's collar, then with sick eyes he began to look for the moon and saw that she had moved a little to the side and turned silver. Her light interrupted the unpleasant, restless light that played on the balcony in front of my eyes. In the hands of the centurion the Ratslayer burned and smoked a torch. The one holding it with fear and anger looked sideways at the dangerous beast, which was preparing to jump.

"Don't touch it, Bunga," the procurator said in a sick voice and coughed. Shielding himself from the flames with his hand, he continued: - Both at night and in the moonlight, I have no rest. Oh Gods! You're in a bad position too, Mark. Soldier you cripple...

In the greatest amazement, Mark looked at the procurator, and he came to his senses. To make amends for the vain words uttered from sleep, the procurator said:

- Do not be offended, centurion, my situation, I repeat, is even worse. What do you need?

- The head of the secret guards is here for you, - Mark said calmly.

“Call, call,” the procurator ordered, clearing his throat with a cough, and began bare feet fumble for sandals. The flames played on the columns, the centurion's boots clattered on the mosaic. The centurion went out into the garden.

“I have no rest even in the moonlight,” the procurator said to himself, grinding his teeth.

A man in a hood appeared on the balcony instead of a centurion.

"Don't touch Banga," the procurator said quietly and squeezed the back of the dog's head.

Before starting to speak, Aphranius, as usual, looked around and went into the shadows, and, making sure that, apart from Bunga, there were no extras on the balcony, he said quietly:

- I ask you to put me on trial, procurator. You were right. I failed to save Judas from Kiriath, he was slaughtered. I ask for judgment and resignation.

It seemed to Aphranius that four eyes were looking at him - a dog's and a wolf's.

Aphranius took out from under the mantle a purse, hardened with blood, sealed with two seals.

- This bag of money was thrown by the murderers into the high priest's house. The blood on this bag is the blood of Judas of Kiriath.

- How many there, I wonder? Pilate asked, leaning over the bag.

- Thirty tetradrachms.

The procurator smiled and said:

- Few.

Aphranius was silent.

- Where is the dead man?

“That I don’t know,” the man who never parted with his hood answered with calm dignity, “we will start the search this morning.

The procurator shuddered and left the strap of his sandal, which could not be fastened in any way.

- But you probably know that he was killed?

To this the procurator received a dry reply:

- I, the procurator, have been working in Judea for fifteen years. I began my service under Valeria Grata. I do not need to see a corpse in order to say that a person has been killed, and now I report to you that the one who was called Judas from the city of Kiriath was stabbed to death a few hours ago.

“Forgive me, Aphranius,” Pilate replied, “I haven’t woken up properly yet, which is why I said this. I sleep badly,” the procurator chuckled, “and I see a moonbeam all the time in my dreams. So funny, mind you. It's like I'm walking on this beam. So, I would like to know your assumptions on this case. Where are you going to look for it? Sit down, head of the secret service.

Aphranius bowed, pulled a chair closer to the bed, and sat down, brandishing his sword.

- I'm going to look for him near the oilseed pulp in the Garden of Gethsemane.

- Well well. Why exactly there?

- Hegemon, in my opinion, Judas was killed not in Yershalaim itself and not somewhere far from it. He was killed near Yershalaim.

- I consider you one of the outstanding experts in your field. I do not know, however, how things stand in Rome, but in the colonies there is no equal to you. Explain why?

“In no case do I allow the thought,” Aphranius said in a low voice, “that Judas would be given into the hands of some suspicious people in the city. On the street you will not slaughter secretly. So he must have been lured somewhere in the basement. But the service was already looking for him in the Lower City, and no doubt they would have found him. But he is not in the city, I vouch for that, if he had been killed far from the city, this bag of money could not have been planted so soon. He was killed near the city. They managed to lure him out of the city.

- I don't understand how it could be done.

- Yes, Procurator, this is the most difficult question in the whole case, and I don't even know if I can solve it.

- Indeed, mysterious! On a festive evening, the believer leaves the city for no reason, leaving the Easter meal, and dies there. Who and how could lure him out? Did a woman do it? the procurator suddenly asked with inspiration.

Aphranius answered calmly and weightily:

- Not at all, Procurator. This possibility is completely excluded. You have to think logically. Who was interested in the death of Judas? Some wandering dreamers, some kind of circle in which, first of all, there were no women. To get married, procurator, money is required, to produce a man, they are needed, but to kill a man with the help of a woman, you need a lot of money, and no vagabond has it. There was no woman in this case, procurator. Moreover, I will say that such an interpretation of the murder can only throw me off the trail, interfere with the investigation and confuse me.

- I see that you are absolutely right, Aphranius, - said Pilate, - and I only allowed myself to express my assumption.

- It is, alas, erroneous, procurator.

- But what, what then? exclaimed the procurator, peering into Aphranius's face with greedy curiosity.

- I believe it's all the same money.

- Great idea! But who and for what could offer him money at night outside the city?

- Oh no, Procurator, not like that. I have the only assumption, and if it is wrong, then I, perhaps, will not find other explanations, - Aphranius leaned closer to the procurator and finished in a whisper: - Judas wanted to hide his money in a secluded place known only to him.

… and cowardice is undoubtedly one of the worst vices. This is what Yeshua Ha-Nozri said. No, philosopher, I object to you: this is the most terrible vice.

(c) M.A. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

But why? Why is fear, or, scientifically, the instinct of self-preservation, according to Bulgakov (and not only), the most terrible vice? After all, at first glance, it performs the function of protecting the sustainable existence of an individual of the species from all sorts of dangers emanating from both external environment, and from inner peace.

All this is true as long as the living individual does not take the path to Humanity. Those. if the individual's psyche is subject to the dictates of instincts (animal), culture (zombie), or the individual exalts himself in his intellect (demon), fear is an integral, "untwisted" property.

But if an individual has embarked on the path to Humanity (which should happen to humanity according to the Creator's plan), fear for him is the first thing that should be eliminated from the algorithmic functioning of the psyche. Why? Because a person can be called only one who realizes his cognitive and creative potential, shows free will (not to be confused with willpower), and, in turn, his will and cognitive and creative potential are subject to the dictatorship of conscience. Fear completely blocks/paralyzes all these 3 components. There is every reason to believe that, in the original (before the censorship of Revelation), the first commandment given to Moses was "Do not be afraid."

But in order to eliminate fear, you first need to understand what causes it. To sum up, there are only 2 reasons for fear:

  • ignorance of the "field of activity",
  • attachment to something.

That is why a Man remains a Man only as long as he comprehends new knowledge. Ideally, he should do this throughout his conscious life.

Attachments are a little more difficult. We are all “products of the system”, the culture of which is expediently formed, incl. and in order to form in us a lot of different kinds of dependencies. Thus, our self-esteem depends largely, if not entirely, on something outside of us (for example, on what other people say and think about us). The first step of liberation here will be the transfer of dependence on other people to, for example, your own business, i.e. it is necessary to increasingly associate our self-esteem with what we can really control and what depends on us. Ideally, in the end, the Human should completely get rid of any kind of addiction and associate yourself and your self-esteem with your soul, as a piece of God. Then there will be no place for fear.

As a result, if a Person goes through life, acting according to conscience, constantly and consciously conducts a sincere and intimate dialogue with God, comprehends new knowledge, observing the Human ethics of their application, then fear is unknown to him, because:

“The Almighty is infallible: everything that is done is done for the better; everything that has happened and is being done, has happened and is happening in the best possible way with that real morality and the intentions and ethics derived from it, the bearers of which are individuals who collectively make up society; The Almighty is great and omnipotent, and His mercy is boundless.

"bad mood, emotional depression, irritation or frank anger and gloating - signs that it is necessary to reveal something in one's activity, in intentions for the future, in one's attitude to what is happening - such that it is necessary to rethink; but it is possible to reveal and rethink anything concrete only after the unity of the emotional and semantic structure of mental activity, which is harmonious with Life, is restored.

For the first time, this phrase was heard in the report of the head of the secret service, Pontius Pilate, on the execution of Yeshua Ganotsri:

Did he try to preach anything in front of the soldiers?

No, Hegemon, he was not verbose this time. The only thing he said was that among the human vices, he considers cowardice to be one of the most important.

Why was it said? - the guest heard a suddenly cracked voice.

It couldn't be understood. He acted strangely, as he always does.

Then the procurator sees a dream and reasons in his sleep:

“There was as much free time as needed, and the thunderstorm would only come in the evening, and cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices. Yeshua Ha-Nozri said so. No, philosopher, I object to you: this is the most terrible vice.

For example, the current procurator of Judea did not chicken out, but the former tribune in the legion, then, in the valley of virgins, when the furious Germans almost killed the giant Ratslayer. But, have mercy on me, philosopher! Do you, with your mind, allow the idea that because of a man who has committed a crime against Caesar, the procurator of Judea will ruin his career?

“Yes, yes,” Pilate groaned and sobbed in his sleep.

Of course it will. In the morning I would not have ruined it, but now, at night, having weighed everything, I agree to ruin it. He will go to any lengths to save a resolutely innocent mad dreamer and doctor from execution!"

In my opinion, it is cowardice that is the main vice, since it is the first and decisive victory of Fear.

The soul is born without fear. However, the Body is immediately put to the test. And the first one is Fear. The instincts of the Body are strong, but the Soul in the new Body has not yet learned to control the divine Energy. Reality is oppressive and scary. It is very difficult and scary to resist.

Cowardice means that Fear has won, and the Instincts have suppressed the resistance of the Will, subjugated the power of Reason.

Captain Zheglov: "If there is a devil in the world, then he is not a goat-legged stag, but he is a dragon with three heads, and these heads are cowardice, greed, betrayal. And if one bites a person, then the other two will eat him to the ground."

False penetrates into the breach of the protective barrier of the Soul behind Fear. It allows you to hide cowardice, first forcing out, and then rejecting the Truth. And after that other vices enter the Soul.

It is known that cowards and scoundrels are strong in mutual responsibility. The fear of retribution gives them strength. But fear controls only the limited energy of people. Cowardly people die not from diseases, but from exhaustion of vital energy.

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