Composition on the topic: Christian motives in the prose of M. Bulgakov (based on the novel "The Master and Margarita")


Dostoevsky introduces readers to the Karamazov family. Its head, Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, is a small landowner. The author characterizes him as a "stupid", "cheesy and depraved", but cunning person.

Fyodor Pavlovich was married twice. The first wife belonged to the wealthy and influential family of the Miusovs. Immediately after the wedding, Karamazov took away her dowry and began to behave boorishly with his young wife. From constant beatings and scandals, the woman fled to St. Petersburg, where she soon died, leaving three year old son Mitya. Fedor Pavlovich was not involved in raising a child. Custody of Mitya was taken by his wife's cousin Pyotr Alexandrovich Miusov, but soon left for Paris, entrusting the boy to his relatives.

Dmitry grew up and was brought up almost on his own. Without graduating from the gymnasium, he ended up in a military school, from there - to the Caucasus, where he drank a lot. In the same place, Dmitry was demoted for participating in a duel. To a young man failed to receive from Fyodor Pavlovich mother's money by inheritance. The father paid off his son with a small sum and sent money transfers until the inheritance ended. But Dmitry did not want to admit it.

The second wife of Fyodor Pavlovich was a timid and quiet woman who bore him two sons, but never knew family happiness. The despot humiliated his wife in every possible way, arranged disgusting orgies right in front of her. The unfortunate woman died four years after the birth of her second child. The father also did not want to deal with the upbringing of Ivan and Alexei. They were taken, in fact, by a stranger. The noble and kind heir of their mother's tutor raised and educated the children.

Ivan is already early age He studied well, for which he was assigned to a gymnasium to a well-known teacher. Then the boy entered the university, where he learned to earn a living by newspaper publications. After graduation, he returned to his father and got along with him quite easily.

Alexei was everyone's favorite. He was adored both in the foster family and in the gymnasium. Better than other children, Fyodor Pavlovich also treated the younger one. Even when Alyosha decided to go as a novice to a monastery, his father did not object. The young man made his choice under the influence of the elder Zosima.

Wanting to end the dispute between his father and Dmitry about the inheritance, Alexei suggested that the whole family get together and discuss the problem in the monastery with the elder.

Book two. Inappropriate meeting

All the Karamazovs, as well as Pyotr Miusov, gathered in the cell of the elder Zosima. Fyodor Pavlovich, not embarrassed by the old man, started a buffoonish conversation, trying to offend Miusov. This trick provoked a scandal, than the meeting ended. Fyodor Pavlovich also accused Dmitry of bringing his bride Katerina Ivanovna to the city, and he himself was seducing Grushenka, the kept woman of a local wealthy merchant. In response, Mitya blames his father, saying that he himself wants to get Grushenka.

Zosima behaves surprisingly at this meeting. He bows at Dmitry's feet, anticipating his future tragedy, and blesses Ivan for the search for truth. Alexei is punished after his death to leave the monastery and be with his brothers.

Book three. Voluptuous

Dmitry tells Alyosha about Katerina Ivanovna's problem. Her father lost government money and in desperation decided to shoot himself. Dmitry just had the right amount, and he is ready to give money to Katerina if she comes to him. And the girl decided to sacrifice herself in order to save the honest name of her father. Dmitry, however, did not take advantage of the moment, but gave Katerina money just like that. After this incident, the girl's father fell ill and soon died. And Katya suddenly became a rich heiress of a Moscow aunt. She wrote a letter to Dmitry, declaring her love and proposing that he marry her, now a rich bride. Mitya agreed and wooed Katerina. However, in the person of the middle brother, he had a rival. When Katerina met Ivan, it became clear that love was born between young people.

Dmitry does not regret it. He invites Alyosha to visit Katya and explain to her that she will no longer come to the bride, she can marry Ivan. Dmitry himself lost his head from Grushenka and is ready to marry her. for the sake of new sweetheart he squandered three thousand rubles, which Katerina gave him for one business. Dmitry hopes to return the money to the bride with the help of his father. He knows that Fyodor Pavlovich prepared such a sum for Grushenka. Dmitry is determined to prevent the girl from meeting her parent. Out of jealousy, he is even ready to kill his father.

Smerdyakov, a servant in the house of Fyodor Pavlovich, must warn Mitya about the arrival of Grushenka. This is the son of the holy fool Lizaveta and Fyodor Pavlovich himself, as people used to say. Lizaveta died in childbirth, and the boy was brought up by a footman Grigory and his wife. Smerdyakov, like his mother, suffered from seizures, was cruel to animals, and was a very mean man.

Alexei finds Grushenka at Katerina Ivanovna's. Women speak in raised tones. The maid gives Alexei a letter with a declaration of love from Liza, the sick daughter of the landowner Khokhlakov.

Dmitry breaks into his father's house, suspecting that Grushenka has come, and in a fit of anger beats Fyodor Pavlovich.

Book four. Tears

Alexei goes to the Khokhlakovs. On the way, he gets into a fight with schoolchildren, one of whom bites his finger. As it turns out, this is Ilyushenka, the son of a retired staff captain Snegirev, whom Dmitry severely insulted. At the Khokhlakovs', Alex meets his middle brother and Katerina. Ivan confesses his love to Dmitri's fiancée and is about to leave, as Katerina intends to remain faithful to Mitya, despite his desire to marry Grushenka.

Katerina Ivanovna sends Alyosha to Snegirev to give the staff captain 200 rubles. Snegirev, despite the difficult situation in the family (a sick daughter, an imbecile wife, a young son), refuses money.

Book five. Pro and contra

Ivan and Alexei meet in a tavern, where one of the main scenes of the novel takes place. The middle brother talks about his beliefs. He does not deny God, but he does not recognize that the world is arranged by the Almighty. Ivan retells his poem about the Grand Inquisitor, in which he describes how Christ descended to earth again and was imprisoned. The Grand Inquisitor comes to the Son of God to explain his theory: humanity cannot be free between good and evil, people suffer from uncertainty. The Inquisitor and his followers wish to save humanity from the agony of choice. If you arrange the world according to strict rules, then people will be grateful for such slavery. The inquisitor waits for objections from Christ, but he only silently kisses him. Alyosha explains his impression of what he heard: "Your poem is a praise to Jesus, not a blasphemy ... as you wanted it to be."

Ivan returns home and meets Smerdyakov, who advises him to go somewhere, as something bad may happen to his father in the near future. Ivan is outraged by such hints, but agrees that he needs to leave. In the morning he leaves for Moscow, and at this time Smerdyakov has an epileptic seizure.

Book six. Russian monk

This chapter tells about the youth of Father Zosima and his death.

The future holy ascetic was born in a poor noble family. His older brother died of consumption, which affected the boy strong impression. Then he entered the cadet corps, became an officer. Once Zosima had to fight a duel. The night before this event, he had an epiphany. Zosima withstood the shot, and threw away his pistol and asked the enemy for forgiveness. After such courageous act the man went to the monastery.

The elder died quietly, prostrating himself on the ground in prayer.

Book seven. Alyosha

After the death of Zosima, everyone expected an incorruptible body and all kinds of miracles. But very soon a corrupting spirit spread from the tomb, which caused a great ferment of minds in the monastery and in the city.

Aleksey, upset by everything that is happening, agrees to go with his friend Rakitin to Grushenka. They catch the girl in strong excitement, she is waiting for news from one officer who once deceived her and abandoned her. Grushenka sits on Alyosha's knee and tries to flirt. Having learned about the death of the elder, he leaves this intention. Soon they sent for her, and the girl hastily goes to the officer in Wet.

Alyosha returns to the skete, where he falls asleep at the coffin of the elder. He dreams of Cana of Galilee. The elder is next to Jesus, he rejoices and calls his disciple. After that night, Alexey changed a lot and matured. Three days later he leaves the monastery.

Book Eight. Mitya

Trying to find three thousand, which Dmitry must return to Katerina, he goes to Grushenka's patron for advice. The merchant decides to play a trick on Mitya and advises him to sell the grove to a timber buyer. After a long ordeal, Dmitry finds the buyer drunk and stays overnight with him to settle matters in the morning. At night, he saves a fence who nearly died. Realizing that this plan failed, Mitya returns to the city. He did not have a penny of money left, so he had to pawn his watch and dueling pistols. last hope- to borrow three thousand from Khokhlakov, but even there Karamazov was refused.

In desperation, Dmitry runs away and stumbles upon a maid, from whom he learns that Grushenka is not at home. Consumed by jealousy, he breaks into her house and tries to find out from the owners where the girl has gone. Having achieved nothing, Dmitry grabs a copper pestle from the table and rushes to his father, suspecting that Grushenka is there. To find out for sure, he gives a prearranged signal, which Smerdyakov told him about.

Delighted, Fyodor Pavlovich leans out of the window. Dmitry is overcome with anger, he wants to kill his father, but then the footman Grigory comes out onto the porch. Mitya rushes away, Grigory runs after him and catches up with him when the young man climbs over the fence. The old servant hangs on Dmitry, who in response hits Grigory on the head with a pestle. The servant falls, covered in blood. Dimitri leans over and wipes the old man's face with a handkerchief. Then, having come to his senses, he runs away again.

He returns to Grushenka's house and finds out where the girl has gone. In complete confusion and all stained with blood, Dmitry appears at the official, where he pawned pistols with a wad of money. He ransoms weapons, washes himself of blood and rushes to Mokroya for Grushenka. There Dmitry finds a girl with Poles and acquaintances from the city. In order to somehow distract himself from the turbulent events, Dmitry sits down to play cards with men, then begins to revel. So the night flew by, and in the early morning Dmitry was arrested, accused of killing his father.

Book nine. Preliminary investigation

The wife of the lackey Grigory woke up in the middle of the night from the screams that Smerdyakov made in a fit. Out of fear, she began to call for her husband until she found him in the garden. In horror, the old woman rushed to the house and saw through the open window the murdered Fyodor Pavlovich. She raised a cry and called the neighbors for help. Then all together they called the police officer.

An investigation began immediately. A pestle was found in the garden, and in the bedroom of the deceased they found an empty, torn package from under those same three thousand rubles. During interrogation, Dmitry initially refused to explain where he got the money from. But then he admitted: these are the remains of the three thousand that Katerina gave him. Nobody believes Mitya. All eyewitness testimony in Mokry is against him.

Book ten. boys

This chapter tells about Kolya Krasotkin, who patronized Ilyusha at the gymnasium. Kolya was a very brave boy. Once, on a dare, he lay down between the rails under a passing train. After this incident, he was respected by all the boys in the gymnasium. Previously, Kolya was in a quarrel with Ilyusha, but now he has reconciled and met Alexei.

When Ilyusha became very ill, Alexey began to visit the sick man, and also organized the boys from the class to visit their friend every day.

Book eleven. Brother Ivan Fedorovich

Ivan visits the sick Smerdyakov, who confesses to him the murder. Smerdyakov gives three thousand rubles and accuses Ivan of committing murder under the influence of his theories and reasoning: God does not exist, and therefore everything is permitted. At night Smerdyakov hanged himself.

Ivan is tormented by conscience, he has delirium and hallucinations. The man has a long conversation with the devil.

Book twelve. Judgement mistake

At the trial, Ivan presents three thousand rubles and talks about Smerdyakov's confession. Some facts also point to Dmitry's innocence, although most of the evidence is not in his favor. Ivan has a seizure right in the courtroom. Frightened by his condition, Katerina Ivanovna presents Dmitry's letter to the court, in which he wrote about his desire to kill his father. This piece of evidence turns out to be fatal. Dmitry is condemned to hard labor.

The novel The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky, written in 1880, was conceived by the writer as the first part of the epic work The History of the Great Sinner. However creative plans Fyodor Mikhailovich was not destined to come true - two months after the publication of the book, he died.

For reader's diary and preparing for a literature lesson, we recommend reading the online summary of The Brothers Karamazov in chapters and parts. You can also take a special test to test your knowledge on our website.

Main characters

Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov- the head of the Karamazov family, a small landowner, a depraved, greedy, selfish old man.

Dmitry Fedorovich (Mitya)- the eldest son of Karamazov, a drunkard, a reveler, a brawler, a man with unbridled passions.

Ivan Fedorovich- the middle son, restrained, rational, in whose soul there is a struggle between faith in God and his denial.

Alexey Fedorovichyounger son, a sincere, honest, deeply believing young man.

Other characters

Katerina Ivanovna- Mitya's bride, a proud, determined, sacrificial girl.

Grushenka- a cohabitant of a wealthy merchant, a vile, prudent young woman, the subject of enmity between the old man Karamazov and Mitya.

Zosima- an old man, Alyosha's mentor, who foresaw the plight of Mitya.

Smerdyakov- a young lackey in the house of Karamazov Sr., his illegitimate son, cruel, vicious person.

Mrs. Khokhlakov- widow, landowner, neighbor of the Karamazovs, whose daughter Liza is in love with Alyosha.

Petr Alexandrovich Miusov- Mitya's cousin, a nobleman, an enlightened intellectual.

Part one

Book one. The history of one family

I. Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov

The first wife of Fyodor Pavlovich was a girl from a noble noble family Miusovs. From a despotic husband, a young woman fled to St. Petersburg, "leaving Fyodor Pavlovich in the arms of a three-year-old Mitya", and after a while she died of typhus.

II. He sent away his first son

The boy was brought up by his cousin, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Miusov. Having matured, Mitya tried to extort the maternal inheritance from his father. Fyodor Pavlovich began to "get off with small handouts, temporary deportations", and four years later announced that all the money had run out.

III. Second marriage and second children

Having given Mitya upbringing, Fyodor Pavlovich “married a second time very soon after.” This time he chose an unrequited orphan who gave him two sons, Ivan and Alexei. After a while, the second wife also died, unable to bear the difficult married life with Karamazov.

IV. Third son Alyosha

Everyone "loved Alyosha wherever he appeared, and this from his very childhood, even from his childhood." Having matured, "chaste and pure" the young man decided to leave as a novice in a monastery. This choice was made by Alyosha under the influence of the elder Zosima.

V. Elders

The conflict between Dmitry and Fyodor Pavlovich over the inheritance heats up to the limit. Then Alexei offers the whole family to gather at the elder Zosima and discuss the problem together.

Book two. Inappropriate meeting

I. Arrived at the monastery

The entire Karamazov family gathers at the monastery, as well as Pyotr Miusov, Dmitry's guardian. The whole company agrees to "behave decently here."

II. stern jester

In Zosima's cell, a verbal skirmish takes place between Peter Miusov and the elder Karamazov. Pyotr Alexandrovich asks forgiveness from the elder for the unworthy behavior of Fyodor Pavlovich.

III. believing women

The elder asks those present for permission to go out for a while, "to bless those who were waiting for him."

In a small outhouse crowded with women who came to the old man with their troubles. Zosima listens to everyone, consoles and blesses.

IV. lady of little faith

The landowner Khokhlakov comes to the elder, who confesses her absence true faith. The elder replies that faith is achieved by "the experience of active love".

V. Wake up! Wake up!

During the absence of the elder in the cell, a heated argument breaks out between Ivan Fedorovich, Peter Miusov and two hieromonks on religious topics.

VI. Why does such a person live?

Fyodor Pavlovich scandals, accusing the eldest son of embezzling maternity capital and his love affairs- bringing with him a bride, Katerina Ivanovna, he, according to his father, "goes to one local seductress."

"A scene that has come down to disgrace" ends with Zosima swearing at Dmitri's feet.

VII. Seminarian careerist

Left alone with Alyosha, Zosima punishes him to leave the monastery after his death. He blesses him "for great obedience in the world" and predicts great happiness in great sorrow.

VIII. Scandal

Miusov and several hieromonks and a local landowner receive an invitation to dine with the abbot. Fyodor Pavlovich decides to finally play a dirty trick. He bursts into the abbot and offends everyone present, including the clergy.

Book three. Voluptuous

I. In the lackey

Only three people serve Fyodor Pavlovich: “old man Grigory, old woman Marfa, his wife, and servant Smerdyakov, still a young man.” Gregory is an honest and incorruptible servant who, despite his wife's persistent persuasion, does not leave his master.

II. Lizaveta stinking

25 years ago, Grigory stumbled upon a local holy fool in a bathhouse - Lizaveta stinking, who had just given birth to a baby. Everything pointed to the fact that the baby was the illegitimate son of Fyodor Pavlovich. Karamazov allowed to keep the child, and christened him Pavel Fedorovich Smerdyakov. Growing up, the boy became a lackey in the Karamazov household.

III. Confession of a warm heart. In verse

Alyosha meets his older brother, who confesses that he "happened to plunge into the deepest, deepest shame of debauchery", and in his hearts reads a hymn to him to Schiller's joy.

IV. Confession of a warm heart. In jokes

Dmitry talks about his acquaintance with Katerina Ivanovna. Upon learning that her father, the lieutenant colonel, squandered government money, Dmitry offered the required amount in exchange for her maiden honor. For the sake of saving her father, Katerina Ivanovna was ready to sacrifice herself, but Dmitry gave the girl money free of charge.

V. Confession of a warm heart. "Upside Down"

Having become a rich heiress, Katerina returns the money to Dmitry. In addition, in a letter, she confesses her love to him and offers to marry her.

Dmitry agrees, but soon falls passionately in love with Grushenka, the greedy cohabitant of the old merchant. For her sake, Mitya is ready to leave his bride without hesitation, and even kill his father - his main rival for the attention of a charmer.

He asks Alyosha to visit Katerina and report that everything is over between them, since Mitya is “a low voluptuary and a vile creature with uncontrollable feelings”, who spent three thousand rubles of his bride on a spree with Grushenka.

VI. Smerdyakov

Dmitri finds out that his father has a package of money for Grushenka if she decides to come to him. He asks Smerdyakov to warn him immediately if Grushenka shows up at his father's house.

Smerdyakov is a vile, cruel young man of his own mind, suffering from seizures, who does not feel affection for anyone.

VII. controversy

Alyosha comes to his father, where he finds his brother Ivan, Grigory and Smerdyakov, boldly discussing questions of faith.

VIII. For cognac

Under the influence of cognac, Fyodor Pavlovich forgets that he is in the company of Ivan and Alyosha, and tells how cruelly he humiliated their mother. From these words, Alyosha begins to have a fit.

IX. Voluptuous

At that moment, Dmitry bursts into the house, fully convinced that his father is hiding Grushenka from him. In anger, he beats the old man.

X. Both together

Alexei comes to Katerina and conveys Dmitry's words about their breakup. However, Katerina Ivanovna already knows about everything from an unexpected guest - Grushenka.

A scene takes place between the women, during which Grushenka shows all the meanness of her nature.

XI. Another dead reputation

Alyosha receives a letter with a declaration of love from Liza, the sick daughter of the landowner Khokhlakov. He re-reads it and thrice and, happy, falls into a "serene sleep".

Part two

Book four. Tears

I. Father Ferapont

Father Ferapont, the main rival of the elder Zosima, lives in the monastery. This is a "great fasting and silencer", stubbornly ignoring the elder.

II. father

Fyodor Pavlovich shares his plans with Alyosha: he does not intend to give money to any of his sons, since he is going to live for a long time and indulge in "sweet filth".

III. Contacted students

On the way, Alyosha stumbles upon "a bunch of schoolchildren". Six boys throw stones at one boy who desperately tries to fight them off. Alyosha wants to protect him, but the embittered boy bites his finger.

IV. At the Khokhlakovs

In the house of the Khokhlakovs, Alyosha finds Ivan and Katerina - an explanation takes place between them.

Liza is happy to learn that Alyosha took her love letter seriously and is ready to marry her "as soon as the legal time comes."

V. Tearing in the living room

At the Khokhlakovs, Alyosha is convinced that "brother Ivan loves Katerina Ivanovna and, most importantly, really intends to" beat off "Mitya". Ivan confesses his feelings to her, but in response he is refused.

Although Katerina now despises Dmitry, she intends to remain faithful to him to the end, even if he marries Grushenka.

Alyosha learns from Katerina that the other day Dmitry Fedorovich publicly insulted the retired staff captain Snegirev. She asks to bring him 200 rubles.

VI. Tearing in the hut

Having found “a dilapidated house, warped, only three windows to the street”, Alyosha discovers the Snegirev family, mired in terrible poverty: the drunken head of the family, his feeble-minded wife, a cripple daughter and a son - a boy who bit his finger.

VII. And in the open air

Alyosha asks to accept 200 rubles from Katerina Ivanovna, but Snegirev fiercely tramples on the bills - he does not intend to take payment for his shame.

Book five. Pro and contra

I. Collusion

Alyosha returns to the Khokhlakovs. He talks to Lisa about love, about their common future. This conversation is overheard by Mrs. Khokhlakov.

II. Smerdyakov with a guitar

In search of Dmitri, Alyosha stumbles upon Smerdyakov. He informs him that both brothers, Ivan and Mitya, went to the tavern to talk about something.

III. The brothers get to know each other

Ivan talks with Alyosha, and for the first time communicates with him on an equal footing. He shares his plans - to go to Europe, start a new life.

IV. Riot

The brothers begin to talk about the Almighty, and Ivan is sure that "if the devil does not exist and, therefore, a man created him, then he created him in his own image and likeness." Deeply believing Alyosha only helplessly whispers: "This is a riot."

V. Grand Inquisitor

Ivan tells Alyosha a poem about the Grand Inquisitor who imprisoned Christ. He asks the son of God to save mankind from the agony of choosing between good and evil. The Grand Inquisitor is waiting for objections from Christ, but he only silently kisses him.

VI. So far very unclear

Ivan finds Smerdyakov with his father, who advises the master to leave this house as soon as possible, in which, apparently, trouble will soon happen. He hints that he is going to have a "long fit" tomorrow.

VII. "WITH smart person and talk curiously

Ivan spends the whole night in painful thoughts, and in the morning he informs his father that he is leaving for Moscow in an hour. On the same day, the footman has a seizure.

Book six. Russian monk

I. Elder Zosima and his guests

Alyosha comes to the dying Zosima. The elder tells the young man to urgently find his older brother Dmitry in order to "warn something terrible."

II. From the Life of the Reposed Hieroschemamonk Elder Zosima in Bose, compiled with own words his Alexei Fyodorovich Karamazov

The holy ascetic in the world belonged to a poor noble family. As an officer, he went to a duel, during which he was enlightened, after which he went to the monastery.

III. From the conversations and teachings of the elder Zosima

Zosima talks about life and shares advice: do not forget about prayers, love your neighbor, ask God for fun, never judge anyone, work tirelessly.

Book seven. Alyosha

I. Corrupting Spirit

After the death of the elder, people gather near his cell, accustomed to "consider the deceased elder even during his lifetime as an undoubted and great saint." A great disappointment for believers is the fact of the rotting of the elder.

Ferapont hurries to take advantage of this circumstance, whose righteousness and holiness no one doubts anymore.

II. Such a minute

For Alyosha, the day of Zosima's death becomes "one of the most painful and fatal days" in his life.

In a depressed state, Alyosha is found by his friend Rakitin, who persuades him to go to Grushenka.

III. Lukovka

Grushenka greets young people affectionately. She is especially glad to Alyosha, and shamelessly jumps "on her knees, like a caressing cat." However, Alyosha does not react in any way to Grushenka's flirting - "the great grief of his soul absorbed all sensations."

IV. Cana of Galilee

Meanwhile, Alyosha returns to the skete, where he falls asleep at the coffin of Zosima. He dreams of an old man - he is happy and cheerful, and asks not to be afraid of death, not to be afraid of the Lord.

Book Eight. Mitya

I. Kuzma Samsonov

In an attempt to find the right amount, Dmitry Fedorovich turns to the merchant Samsonov, Grushenka's patron, for advice. He, in turn, wants to play a trick on the unfortunate suitor and advises him to sell the grove to a forest buyer nicknamed Frog.

II. Frog

After a long tedious search, Mitya still finds Lyagavy. After the conversation, Mitya realizes that he was cruelly played a joke on. Incessant thoughts about Grushenka drive him back to the city.

III. gold mines

Dmitry Fedorovich goes to Mrs. Khokhlakov in the hope of borrowing three thousand rubles from her. The landowner promises him "more, infinitely more than three thousand" - advice to go into gold mines.

IV. In the dark

Tormented by fierce jealousy, Mitya goes to his father.

Grigory notices Mitya running away, and pursues him to the very fence. Without thinking twice, Mitya gives the old man a strong blow with a copper pestle, which he took from Grushenka.

V. Sudden decision

Dmitry, covered in blood, rushes to the official Perkhotin, to whom he had previously pawned his pistols. He buys weapons and goes in search of Grushenka to the neighboring village of Mokroe.

VI. I'm going myself!

At the inn, Dmitry finds Grushenka in the company of Poles. He shows the owner the money and orders to call the gypsies, music, champagne - Mitya is ready to party!

VII. Former and undisputed

Mitya makes it clear that he has only one night at his disposal, and he wants "music, thunder, din, everything before." He joins the Poles and plays cards with them until morning.

VIII. Rave

The night passes in a drunken stupor, insane revelry, it resembles "something disorderly and absurd." Early in the morning, a police officer and an investigator appear at the inn, and Mitya is arrested on suspicion of killing his father.

Book nine. Preliminary investigation

I. The beginning of the career of an official Perkhotin

The young official Perkhotin, impressed by the spectacle of the distraught and bloody Dmitry Fedorovich, decides that "now he will go straight to the police officer and tell him everything."

II. Anxiety

Perkhotin reports the incident to the police officer, and insists that "to cover the criminal before he, perhaps, would actually take it into his head to shoot himself."

III. The journey of the soul through ordeals. Ordeal first

Mitya refuses to confess to the murder of his father. He rejoices when he learns that the old man Gregory survived after the injury.

During interrogation, Mitya frankly confesses his hatred and jealousy for his father, and this only aggravates his plight.

IV. Ordeal second

Soon Mitya gets bored with the interrogation. He gets excited, screams, withdraws into himself, insults those being interrogated. However, it is explained to him how much harm he is doing to himself by "refusing to give this or that testimony", and the interrogation continues.

V. The third ordeal

Mitya tries to remember all the details of the terrible evening. He confesses that conventional signs, which Grushenka was supposed to give to his father, he learned from Smerdyakov.

VI. The prosecutor caught Mitya

It becomes humiliating for Mitya to search his personal belongings, but it is even harder for him to strip naked in front of strangers.

Irrefutable evidence of Dmitry's crime is a torn envelope from under three thousand, found in the bedroom of the old man Karamazov.

VII. Great Mystery Mitya. booed

Mitya is forced to admit that the money he spent all night on was received from Katerina Ivanovna.

He is already fully aware that he has "disappeared", and now he is only worried about the fate of Grushenka.

VIII. Testimony of witnesses. baby

The interrogation of witnesses begins. Grushenka manages to convince Mitya that she is sure of his innocence. Thanks to this support, Mitya “wants to live and live, to go and go on some path, to a new calling light.”

IX. Mitya was taken away

After signing the protocol, Mitya learns that “he is a prisoner from now on and that they will take him to the city now, where they will imprison him in one very unpleasant place.” The investigation will continue in the city.

Book ten. boys

I. Kolya Krasotkin

Kolya Krasotkin "was dexterous, stubborn character, bold and enterprising spirit." He was an excellent friend, and deservedly enjoyed the respect of his classmates.

II. kids

Kolya is forced to look after two babies in the absence of their mother. This time, this occupation does not bring him joy - he is in a hurry on some important matter.

III. Schoolboy

Kolya meets with his friend. They are discussing Ilyusha, who was stoned two months ago - the boy is seriously ill, and will not even live a week.

Friends go to Alyosha Karamazov, with whom they want to talk.

IV. bug

Kolya tells Alyosha how Smerdyakov taught Ilyusha a "brutal joke, a vile joke" - to stick a pin into a crumb of bread and feed it to a hungry yard dog. He fed such bread to Zhuchka, and for a long time could not come to his senses, remembering the torment of the unfortunate animal.

Even when Ilyusha fell ill, he remembered everything and called Zhuchka. They tried to find her, but they never found her.

V. At Ilyushin's bed

Kolya visits Ilyusha and is amazed at how weak he is. The sick boy is very happy to see his friend, but his happiness knows no bounds when Ilyusha brings Zhuchka to him - healthy and unharmed.

VI. Early development

In the midst of the fun, the capital's doctor comes to the Snegirevs, who was specially called by Katerina Ivanovna. Kolya and Alyosha begin to talk about the meaning of life.

VII. Ilyusha

The doctor's verdict is disappointing. Before his death, Ilyusha asks his father to take care of " good boy, another "and never forget it.

Book eleven. Brother Ivan Fedorovich

I. At Grushenka

Alyosha visits Grushenka, and she asks him to find out what secret has appeared between Ivan and Dmitry, because of which the prisoner's mood has noticeably improved.

II. Sore leg

Alyosha learns from Mrs. Khokhlakov that Katerina called a doctor from Moscow so that he could confirm Mitya's insane state at the time of the crime.

III. Imp

Lisa informs Alyosha that she takes back her promise to become his wife. She confesses to the young man that she still loves him, but does not respect him for his kindness and tolerance for human vices.

IV. Hymn and secret

Mitya understands that he will have to work hard in the mines until the end of his life, and he comes to God - "it is impossible to be hard labor without God."

Mitya gives his brother his secret - Ivan offers him to run away, but everything will be decided after tomorrow's court session.

VI. First meeting with Smerdyakov

Upon arrival from Moscow, Ivan Fedorovich visits Smerdyakov in the hospital, and finds out from him all the details of the mysterious attack and the crime committed.

VII. Second visit to Smerdyakov

At the second meeting, the lackey accuses Ivan of wanting the "death of a parent" himself and deliberately went to Moscow so as not to be present at the terrible tragedy. Ivan begins to suspect Smerdyakov of the murder of his father.

VIII. Third and last meeting with Smerdyakov

Smerdyakov confesses to the murder, which he decided on under the influence of Ivan's atheistic reasoning. Having twisted Karamazov's words in his own way, Smerdyakov realized that "everything, they say, is allowed" to everyone.

The footman gives Ivan a pack of stolen banknotes and tells in detail how he committed the crime. At the same time, he constantly repeats that it is Ivan who is the “most legitimate killer”, and he only became a tool in his hands.

IX. Crap. Nightmare of Ivan Fedorovich

Smerdyakov's confession deeply affects Ivan, and delirium tremens takes possession of "his organism, which has long been upset, but stubbornly resisted the disease."

H. "That's what he said!"

Alyosha runs to Ivan and reports that “Smerdyakov took his own life” - he hanged himself. Ivan is not surprised - in delirium, he talked with the devil, and he told him about it.

Book twelve. Judgement mistake

I. Fatal day

On Judgment Day, Mitya repeats that he is guilty of debauchery, drunkenness and laziness, “but he is not guilty of the death of an old man, my enemy and father,” as well as of stealing three thousand rubles.

II. Dangerous witnesses

The court session continues, the defense counsel for the defendant and the prosecutor alternately speak. An exact calculation is being made of the money spent by Mitya at the inn on the fateful night.

III. Medical examination and one pound of nuts

The medical examination, which Katerina Ivanovna insisted on, "also did not help the defendant very much." The invited doctors testify that Dmitry Fedorovich "is in a completely normal condition."

IV. Happiness smiles at Mitya

During the interrogation, Alyosha confidently says that it was not his brother who killed his father, but Smerdyakov, but he has "no evidence, except for some moral convictions."

Katerina tells everything without concealment, starting from meeting Mitya and ending with the last humiliating date with him. After her story in the courtroom, "something pretty swept in Mitya's favor."

V. Sudden disaster

Ivan Fedorovich gives the bailiff his father's money, which he "received from Smerdyakov, from the murderer." But after this statement, Ivan has a severe seizure, and he is taken out of the courtroom.

VI. Prosecutor's speech. Characteristic

Prosecutor leads indictment. He dissects the entire Karamazov family with special care, in which he sees elements of a "modern intelligent society."

VII. Historical image

The prosecutor describes in detail the events of the fateful evening, explaining the motives for the actions committed by Mitya.

VIII. Treatise on Smerdyakov

The prosecutor talks about Smerdyakov and his possible involvement in the murder of Karamazov. In the course of his reasoning, he comes to the conclusion that he is not guilty of anything.

IX. Psychology in full swing. Jumping trio. The end of the prosecutor's speech

The prosecutor's speech, in which he paid special attention to the psychology of the crime, is very popular with the public. Many do not doubt that what he said is "everything is true, irresistible truth."

X. Speech of the defender. Double edged stick

It's the defender's turn to speak. He presents facts that speak of Mitya's innocence, and at the same time hints at "some abuse" of psychology in the accusatory speech of the prosecutor.

XI. There was no money. There was no robbery

In his speech, the defender makes the main emphasis on the fact that, in fact, there was no robbery - “you cannot be accused of robbery if you cannot specify exactly what was robbed, this is an axiom.”

XII. And there was no murder

The defender is outraged that Mitya is acting as the main suspect only because the accusers follow their own logic: “Who killed if not him?”.

XIII. Adulterer of thought

The defender is sure that if the victim was not the father of the accused, but some other person, the accusers would not be in a hurry "to destroy the fate of a person by mere prejudice against him."

XIV. The men stood up for themselves

The word is given to Mitya, and he once again swears his innocence and asks for mercy. After a lengthy deliberation, the jury delivers a verdict - "Yes, guilty!" .


I. Projects to save Mitya

Ivan Fedorovich suffers from a severe nervous breakdown, and Katerina Ivanovna takes care of him. Together with Lesha, they discuss the project of Mitya and Grushenka's escape to America, which Ivan had planned even earlier.

II. For a moment the lie became the truth

Mitya is in the hospital - after the announcement of the verdict, he "sick with a nervous fever." Alyosha invites his brother to run away, and he agrees.

Katerina Ivanovna comes to Mitya, and in tears they ask each other for forgiveness.

III. Ilyushechka's funeral. Speech at the stone

Ilyushechka's funeral is attended by his school friends and Alyosha. Near the stone, where the boy so loved to sit, they take an oath never to forget Ilyusha and each other. Alyosha encourages them to love life with all their hearts and do good deeds, because life is unimaginably beautiful, especially when "you do something good and true."


Dostoevsky's work has a complex multifaceted structure. It is impossible to accurately define its genre, since it contains signs of a social, philosophical, love and even a detective novel.

After reading a brief retelling of The Brothers Karamazov, we recommend that you read the novel in its entirety.

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"The Brothers Karamazov" - last novel Dostoevsky. The writer died two months after the publication of the book. The novel contains elements detective genre, but the work touches primarily on issues of morality and morality. Detailed analysis"The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoevsky is presented in the article.

History of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov

The characters in this book are not divided into negative and positive. Even the "great sinner" - Fyodor Pavlovich - has moments of enlightenment, albeit short-lived ones. Analysis of the work "The Brothers Karamazov" by F. M. Dostoevsky is impossible without a characterization of this hero.

Fyodor Pavlovich in his youth was a poor landowner. However, he managed to conclude an advantageous marriage. After the wedding, he took money from his wife, left her with nothing. She ran away from him, leaving little son, which the unreliable father immediately forgot. A little later, Fyodor Pavlovich married again an unrequited, quiet girl who bore him two sons. Both the first and second wife died young.

family conflict

By the time Dmitry, the eldest son, turned twenty-eight, Fyodor Pavlovich had already become a wealthy landowner. However, he did not want to give money - he was a voluptuous, drinking and extremely stingy man. A conflict arose between father and son, on which the plot of The Brothers Karamazov is tied. An analysis of Dostoevsky's work also suggests a characterization of Grushenka. This is a controversial heroine, her attitude towards the eldest son of Karamazov changes in the course of the story.

Fyodor Pavlovich and his eldest son are both in love with Grushenka, which aggravates their conflict. One day Karamazov is found with a broken head. Dmitry is accused of murder.

When making an analysis of Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov", one should quote the words of one of the characters: "You are not an evil person - a mangled one." This phrase belongs to Alexei, who will be discussed later. Visible evil is not always an indicator of the absolute death of a person - this is probably the main idea of ​​the author of The Brothers Karamazov.

Analysis of individual scenes of the novel allows us to detect glimpses of morality even in Fyodor Pavlovich. For example, when meeting with the elder Zosima, when Karamazov Sr. tries to look more disgusting, uglier than he really is, and it seems that he does this, because he has long been labeled a drunkard and a sinner, which he should correspond to. Then Fyodor Pavlovich repents, and after a few minutes he again takes up his own, which infuriates even humble monks.

Characteristics of Fedor Pavlovich

IN artistic analysis novel The Brothers Karamazov, several quotations from critics should be cited. Literary critic K. Nakamura, who studied the work of the Russian writer for many years, described Karamazov Sr. as "a cunning, voluptuous and spoiled man." The image of Fyodor Pavlovich is devoid of purposeful behavior. He doesn't care about the opinions of others. Karamazov does not recognize authorities. He is only interested in money and carnal pleasures.

According to critics, this literary image comprises " outside”, behind which there is no internal. However, he has enough cunning to provide himself with money and women. He is not devoid of insight, which allows him to correctly evaluate people.

The fate of Dmitry

This is perhaps the most controversial character in The Brothers Karamazov. Analysis of the work includes brief retelling. Recall that the author told about the life of Dmitry. What events shaped his character?

As a child, Mitya, abandoned by his mother, lived without any supervision. The father, who had fallen into fornication, seemed to have forgotten about his young son. Servant Gregory temporarily replaced the boy's parents.

Growing up, Dmitry received a small amount from his father - part of his mother's inheritance. During the years of service, Dmitry quickly spent this money, because he led free life. He could not give up his habits even after his resignation. The eldest son of Karamazov was sure that his father still owed him a significant amount, in which he was partly right. However, he said that he paid everything to the penny.

Prototypes by Dmitry Karamazov

The prototype of the convicted Mitya is a real-life person, a retired lieutenant Dmitry Ilyinsky, an inhabitant of the prison. In 1848 he was arrested on charges of murdering his father. But this is not the only prototype of the bright hero novel The Brothers Karamazov.

In the analysis of a work, critics usually cite many facts from the history of its creation. Many articles have been written about Dostoevsky's last novel. Each literary critic puts forward his own versions about the prototypes of the characters. Another alleged prototype of Dmitry is Apollon Grigoriev, one of the admirers of the writer's works.

Innocently convicted

The eldest son of Karamazov has an impulsive and explosive character. This is an extremely emotional, sometimes irrational person. Dmitry does not know how to wait and endure. His desires are chaotic. The analysis of The Brothers Karamazov can be supplemented with the words of the aforementioned Nakamura: "Dmitry is a stupid, pompous, narrow-minded and scandalous person." But this is just the opinion of one of the critics.

Dostoevsky's novel is a multi-valued work. Dmitry Karamazov evokes sympathy among many readers, in which the unfair verdict of the court plays a significant role. He did not kill his father, but it is impossible to prove his innocence: a conflict over money, over Grushenka, frequent public threats... But, as you know, there is no punishment without guilt. Dmitry realizes his mistakes too late - being in the dock. When analyzing The Brothers Karamazov, attention should be paid to the changes that take place in the soul of this hero.

Dmitry does not seem to care what will happen to him when he is recognized as a murderer. He strives to prove his innocence, but does not get angry at those who do not believe him. Dmitry sees this as a punishment for a past dissolute life.


The author called this hero "doer". Dostoevsky planned to dedicate to Alexei Karamazov individual work in which he would no longer be a novice of the monastery, but a revolutionary. "The Third Son of Alyosha" - this is the name of the fourth chapter of "The Brothers Karamazov", the analysis of which will make it possible to characterize this hero. It is noteworthy that in draft version the author calls him an idiot, which indicates the similarity of this character with Prince Myshkin.

When making an analysis of The Brothers Karamazov, it is worth quoting Dostoevsky himself. “He could not love passively, but having loved, he immediately began to help,” - this is how the author says about Alyosha.

The image of the "doer" is opposed to the previous images of "dreamers" found in other works of the writer. knows how to love people and respond to their trust. He is imbued with the suffering of others.

Ivan Karamazov

middle son Fyodor Pavlovich is a convinced rationalist. Ivan Karamazov is 23 years old. The author compares him with Goethe's Faust. Ivan is a rebel hero who professes atheistic beliefs and calls for a revision of established moral dogmas.

The image of the middle son of Karamazov is surrounded by mystery. Ivan grew up in a foster family, as a child he was a gloomy boy. But even then he showed rare abilities. Unlike his older brother, Ivan worked from an early age and did not depend on anyone. At first he gave lessons, then he wrote articles for magazines. Dmitry, hinting at his brother's reticence and his ability to keep other people's secrets, says: "Ivan is a grave." Alyosha calls him a mysterious man.

Everything is allowed

Shortly before the events shown in the novel, Ivan returns to his father, lives for some time in his house. The reader at first does not pay attention to such a nondescript character as Smerdyakov. An analysis of The Brothers Karamazov assumes a good knowledge of the contents of the book. It is worth recalling the scene in which Ivan makes a long speech. The uneducated, vicious, hypocritical Smerdyakov is imbued with his words. The footman concludes: everything is allowed.

Who is the killer?

Chapter VIII of the fourth part shows last meeting Ivan with Smerdyakov. Here the reader will learn about who the criminal is. The former footman says to Karamazov: "It was you who killed him, but Dmitri is innocent." During long conversation Ivan understands that his ideas, which are far from Christianity, gave rise to confidence in impunity in this miserable and disgusting person. Smerdyakov claims that Ivan killed Fyodor Pavlovich, but with his hands. After all, shortly before his death, he said that he was not against the murder, and then hastily left his parents' house.

The footman misunderstood Ivan's words, of course. The middle son of Karamazov is far from Rodion Raskolnikov, who committed the murder with his own hands. But common features in these heroes there is, and above all, a cold-blooded rationalism.

In the same chapter that talks about last conversation with Smerdyakov, you can see how different the brothers are from each other. Dmitry does evil as if it is meaningless, and then regrets it. Alex is ready to help everyone. Ivan is respected by others. But you can't call him good. Going to Smerdyakov, Ivan meets a drunken peasant. He annoys him greatly, and he is ready to hit him. A man bawls the song "Ah, Vanka went to St. Petersburg!" and comes close to Ivan. And he pushes him in a fit of anger. The man falls down. “It will freeze,” Ivan thinks and calmly leaves. And only at Smerdyakov’s does he remember the words “Ah, Vanka went to St. Petersburg!” and begins to analyze their actions.

After meeting with the murderous lackey, Ivan changes. He's going to go to the police and tell him who the real culprit is. On the way back, he saves that drunken peasant, for whom he did not feel pity the day before. Smerdyakov dies. It is impossible to prove Dmitry's innocence. And Ivan's words that he is to blame for the murder of his father are not taken seriously at the trial.


In the draft version of the novel, the killer is not a lackey, but Ivan. Dostoevsky introduced this character into the plot under the impression of one of the heroes of Victor Hugo and a visit to a shelter for illegitimate children.

Smerdyakov is the son of a holy fool. Once upon a time in the city lived a fool Lizaveta, whom no one dared to offend. But Karamazov struck everyone here with his cruelty and cynicism. Lizaveta gave birth to a son from him. The boy was taken in by the servant Gregory, who had recently lost his own child.

Smerdyakov grew up cruel, angry, envious. He hated people, hated Russia. Speaking about the events of 1812, he fantasizes: how good it would be if the French defeated the Russians. After all, these are smart, cultured people ...

Smerdyakov carefully monitors his appearance. He learned this in Moscow. However, he does not read books, he is not interested in art. Smerdyakov is imbued with Ivan's speeches, after which he kills his master and takes the money. Dostoevsky showed how dangerous the speeches of an educated atheist and rationalist can be if they are spoken in the presence of stupid, narrow-minded, embittered people.

But after Smerdyakov realized that Ivan did not even think about murder, the illusion of greatness and permissiveness that arose in him and prompted him to commit a crime collapsed. He committed suicide.

Other images in the novel

One of the chapters of the novel is dedicated to the elder Zosima, a former officer who spent forty years in a monastery. The meeting of this man with Dmitry is symbolic. Seeing the eldest son of Karamazov, he falls on his knees before him. The elder, not without the gift of foresight, already knows about the fate of this absurd and quick-tempered man.

Grushenka - bright female character, which critics often compare with She, too, was once a kept woman wealthy man. She is humiliated and offended, but not humble. Katerina is opposed to this heroine, who, unlike Grushenka, is well-behaved and enjoys the respect of others.

Worked for three years. Three years lasted the final stage of labor - artistic expression. But spiritually he worked on it all his life. The Brothers Karamazov is the pinnacle from which the organic unity of the entire work of the writer opens up to us. Everything experienced, rethought and created by him finds its place in this huge synthesis. The complex human world of the "Karamazovs" grows naturally, over decades, absorbing the philosophical and artistic elements of previous works: " Writer's Diary"- a laboratory in which the ideology of the last novel is finally formed; in The Teenager, the construction of a family chronicle is being prepared and the tragedy of "fathers and children" is outlined; in "Demons" - the clash between the atheist Stavrogin and St. Tikhon anticipates the tragic struggle of faith and unbelief (Elder Zosima - Ivan Karamazov); in "The Idiot" is developed plot diagram, close to the "Karamazovs": a criminal offense is at the center of the action; the offended beauty Nastasya Filippovna resembles Grushenka, the proud Aglaya resembles Katerina Ivanovna: the motif of the rivals' dramatic rendezvous is repeated in both novels.

Brothers Karamazov. Series. 1st series

Brothers Karamazov. Series. 2nd series

"The Brothers Karamazov" is not only a synthesis of Dostoevsky's work, but also the completion of his life. In the very topography of the novel, childhood memories are combined with impressions. recent years: the city in which the action of the novel is located reflects the appearance of Staraya Russa, and the villages surrounding it (Darovoe, Chermashnya, Mokroe) are associated with the father's estate in the Tula province. Fyodor Pavlovich inherits some traits of the writer's father and his violent death corresponds to tragic end Mikhail Andreevich. Dmitry, Ivan and Alyosha - three aspects of Dostoevsky's personality, three stages of his spiritual path. Ardent and noble Dmitry, reciting "Hymn to Joy", embodies romantic period the life of the author; his tragic fate, the accusation of parricide and exile to Siberia, is determined by the history of the innocent criminal Ilyinsky and this is associated with memories of the years of hard labor. Ivan, an atheist and creator of a social utopia, reflects era of friendship with Belinsky and fascination with atheistic socialism; Alyosha - symbolic image the writer after a period of hard labor, when a “rebirth of convictions” took place in him, when he found the Russian people and the Russian Christ.

The novel "The Brothers Karamazov" is revealed to us as a spiritual biography of the author and his artistic confession . But, turned into a work of art, the history of Dostoevsky's personality becomes the history of the human personality in general. The accidental and the individual disappear, the universal and all-human grows. In the fate of the brothers Karamazov, each of us recognizes his fate. The writer portrays the three brothers as spiritual unity . This is a conciliar personality in its triple structure: the beginning of reason is embodied in Ivan: he is a logician and rationalist, a born skeptic and a denier; the beginning of feeling is represented by Dmitri: in it is the "voluptuousness of insects" and the inspiration of eros; the beginning of the will, which realizes itself in active love, as an ideal, is outlined in Alyosha. The brothers are linked by ties of blood, they grow from one ancestral root: the biological reality - the Karamazov element - is shown in Father Fyodor Pavlovich. Any human personality carries a fatal split: the legitimate brothers Karamazov have an illegitimate brother Smerdyakov: he is their temptation incarnate and sin personified.

The concept of the conciliar personality determines the structure of the novel. All Dostoevsky's works are personalistic: their action is always concentrated around the personality of the protagonist (Raskolnikov, Prince Myshkin, Stavrogin, Versilov). Main character The Karamazovs are three brothers in their spiritual unity. Three personal themes develop in parallel, but spiritually parallel lines converge: the brothers, each in his own way, are experiencing a single tragedy, they have a common guilt and a common redemption. Not only Ivan with his idea “everything is allowed”, not only Dmitry in his unbridled passions, but also the “quiet boy” Alyosha are responsible for the murder of his father. They all consciously or semiconsciously wished for his death; and their desire pushed Smerdyakov to the atrocity: he was their obedient instrument. Killer Thought Ivana has become destructive passion Dmitry and in criminal act Smerdyakov. They are to blame actively, Alyosha - passively. He knew and admitted could save his father and did not save. The common crime of the brothers entails general punishment: Dmitry atones for his guilt by referring to hard labor, Ivan - by the disintegration of his personality and the appearance of the devil, Alyosha by a terrible, spiritual crisis. All of them are purified in suffering and gain new life.


The architectonics of the Karamazovs is unusually rigorous: the law of balance, symmetry, and proportionality is carried out systematically by the author. It can be assumed that the harmonious philosophical schemes of Vladimir Solovyov influenced the technique of constructing the novel. This is the most "constructed" and ideologically complete of all Dostoevsky's works. human world The novel is arranged in a symbolic order: Dmitry is placed in the center of the plot - he is the carrier, action and source of dramatic energy. His passion for Grushenka, rivalry with his father, an affair with Katerina Ivanovna, an imaginary crime, trial and exile constitute the external content of the novel. Ivan and Alyosha stand on both sides of it; the former, with his ideas, prepares for parricide and thereby influences Dmitry's fate: he is his ideological opponent and spiritual antipode, but is connected with him by blood, common hatred for his father and common guilt. Alyosha opposes his "quietness" to Dmitri's riot, his purity to his sensuality; but even in his bashful chastity lives the "Karamazov element", he also knows the bites of voluptuousness. They are different and similar: they are mysteriously connected by an ecstatic feeling of life. Therefore, Dmitry's sin is Alyosha's sin.

Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov. Audiobook. Part 1

Behind the group of legitimate sons, located in the foreground, in the distance and half-light, stands the sinister figure of the illegitimate brother, lackey Smerdyakov. He is separated from them by origin, social position, character; the spiritual unity of the family is broken by his evil separation. And yet, how mysteriously deep is his connection with the brothers: he mediumistically fulfills their subconscious suggestion; Ivan determines his fate with his ideas, Dmitri with his passions, Alyosha with his squeamish indifference. The theme of "children" in four ideological aspects is developed by four brothers; the theme of "fathers" is represented by one Fyodor Pavlovich. It is one and simple: the impersonal natural element of life, horrible power earth and gender.

There is a tragic struggle between father and children. Only men fight, men's ideas collide. Dostoevsky's women do not have their own personal history - they are included in the biography of the heroes, they are part of their fate. Each of the Karamazov brothers has his own addition to female image: Katerina Ivanovna is standing next to Ivan, Grushenka is standing next to Dmitry, Liza Khokhlakov is standing next to Alyosha; even Smerdyakov has his own "lady of the heart" - the maid Marya Kondratyevna. In the "love" plane, the inseparable unity of the brothers appears with particular clarity. The threads that connect them to their lovers cross and intertwine. Ivan loves Katerina Ivanovna, Dmitri's fiancee, Alyosha becomes his rival for a moment, feeling stung by his passion for Grushenka; Katerina Ivanovna is a fatal woman for both Ivan and Dmitry; Grushenka unites Dmitry and Alyosha in her love. Finally, the unity of the Karamazov family is symbolically shown in the passion of Fyodor Pavlovich and Dmitry for one woman, Grushenka. Rest characters located around this central group. Fyodor Pavlovich is surrounded by his "world" of drinking buddies and dissolute women; Grushenka brings with her her admirers and a company of Poles; Mitya breaks in with gypsies, random friends and creditors. Alyosha's world is the richest: the "young philanthropist" introduces two types of human communication into the novel: the monastic hostel and the "brotherhood of children." He connects the dark kingdom of Karamazov with the world of the elder Zosima and Ilyusha Snegirev. Ivan alone does not have his own world: he does not accept God's creation, the human is alien to him, he disincarnates. His only companion is a ghost, the spirit of nothingness, hell.

The history of the cathedral personality of the Karamazov brothers is depicted in novel-tragedy . Everything is tragic in this artistic myth about man: the enmity of children to their father, and the struggle of brothers among themselves, and the internal struggles of each brother individually. Discovery of metaphysical meaning human destiny belongs to Dmitry. In the experience of passions, he realized that "the devil is fighting with God, and the battlefield is the hearts of people." Two abysses opened before him - above and below. But he is powerless to make a choice, and this is his personal tragedy. In the group of brothers, he occupies a middle, neutral place. Ivan and Alyosha, standing on his left and on his right, have already made this choice. Ivan is irresistibly attracted by the lower abyss, Alyosha rushes to the upper one. One says no, the other says yes. Fyodor Pavlovich, sitting at the “cognac”, asks Ivan: “Is there a God or not?” He replies: "No, there is no God." He turns to Alyosha: "Alyosha, is there a God?" Alyosha replies: "There is a God." Ivan's personal tragedy is that his "mind and heart are not in harmony": with feeling he loves God's world, although he does not accept it with his mind.

Of the three brothers, Alyosha is the most harmonious, but there is a crack in his whole nature: he knows the temptations of Karamazov's voluptuousness, and his faith passes through the "crucible of doubt." The religious idea of ​​the novel - the struggle of faith with unbelief - goes beyond the Karamazov family. Ivan's denial gives rise to the sinister figure of the Inquisitor; Alyosha's statement is mystically deepened in the image of the elder Zosima. The hearts of people are only a battlefield, but God and the devil are fighting. Beneath the psychological surface of personality, Dostoevsky discovers its ontology and metaphysics. The history of the Karamazov family is an artistic myth, in the shell of which religious mystery : that's why in the center of it stands "


The main action takes place in the town of Skotoprigonyevsk (Staraya Russa).

The story is told from the point of view of an eyewitness telling the story of the Karamazov family. Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, an unremarkable tradesman, nothing particularly remarkable, married a rich woman and began to manage her fortune. Among other things, he arranged sprees and suffered beatings from his wife. Ultimately, his wife left him for St. Petersburg with an officer, leaving his father with a very young son, Dmitry. Not having time to dispose of her fortune, she died in St. Petersburg, and Fyodor Pavlovich got the opportunity to dispose of all the capital of the deceased. He safely forgot about his son, indulging in speculation and orgies of various kinds. After a short time, he married a second time - to a beautiful orphan, completely without a dowry, and had two children with her - the elder Ivan and the younger Alexei. By mocking his wife and not stopping a dissolute life during marriage, he ultimately drove her to insanity and brought her to the grave. Fedor Pavlovich left three young children - Dmitry from his first marriage, Ivan and Alexei from his second.

The children were brought up first by Grigory, a servant of Karamazov, then they were given to the guardian of the second wife, and after the death of the guardian, to her executor. Dmitry, when he grew up, went to military service, Ivan and Alexei were sent as executors to study at the university. During all this time, Fyodor Pavlovich did not remember his children. Dmitry, as heir to his mother of part of her fortune, periodically received money from his father, however, not having an accurate idea of ​​​​the size of his inheritance, he lived everything quickly and, according to Fyodor Pavlovich, still owed him. Ivan did not take money from his father during his studies and even managed to achieve financial independence. Alexei abandoned the course and went as a novice to a monastery.
His spiritual mentor, the elder Zosima, agreed to be a judge in the lawsuit between Dmitry and Fyodor Pavlovich.

Their meeting in the monastery ended in a uniform scandal, which Fyodor Pavlovich made. The strife between father and son was also due to the fact that both looked after Agrafena Svetlova, a bourgeois with certain means, with the only difference being that Dmitry intended to marry, while Fyodor Pavlovich thought to buy the arrangement with money. Almost immediately after the scandal, the elder Zosima dies, sending Alexei "to serve the world."

Dmitry reveals to Alyosha that he is burdened not only by hostile relations with his father and uncertain relations with Grusha (Svetlova), but also by the fact that he has a debt to Ekaterina Ivanovna Verkhovtseva - who gave him three thousand to send by mail, and he squandered them on a spree. Now Dmitry hopes to receive three thousand from his father on account of what was not given to him, and Fyodor Pavlovich, out of anger, decided to use just such an amount to seduce Grusha.

Fyodor Pavlovich's dislike for his eldest son was so strong that he tried to send Dmitry to prison for debts by proxy: he bought Mitya's bills and tried to blackmail him. One henchman of Fyodor Pavlovich in this case - the retired staff captain Snegiryov - Dmitry publicly beat and tore off his beard.

Being in a severe mental disorder, and thinking that Agrafena would agree to come to Fyodor Pavlovich, Dmitry runs up to his father's window, however, seeing that Grushenka is not there, he leaves. He is overtaken by the servant Grigory, whom Dmitry accidentally wounds. After some time, Fyodor Pavlovich is found dead.

History of creation

Dostoevsky spent about two years writing the book. The novel was mainly written in Staraya Russa, which is taken as the topographical basis of the book. It was published in parts in the journal "Russian Messenger" in -1880.

Dostoevsky intended to make the novel the first part of an epic story called The life of a great sinner, but died less than 4 months after the completion of the publication of The Karamazovs. It is worth noting that Dostoevsky publicly expressed some ideas for the continuation of the novel. So, for example, Alexei Karamazov (one of the brothers) was supposed to become a revolutionary.


  • Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov
  • Dmitry Karamazov
  • Elder Zosima
  • Grushenka Svetlova
  • Katerina Ivanovna
  • Pavel Smerdyakov
  • Mikhail Rakitin

Screen adaptation

Film adaptations of the novel have been produced since 1915.
Among them:

  • The Brothers Karamazov (film, 1915) (Russia, director Viktor Turyansky)
  • The Brothers Karamazov (film, 1958) (USA, director Richard Brooks)
  • The Brothers Karamazov (1969 TV movie) (France, directed by Marcel Bluwal)
  • The Brothers Karamazov (film, 1969) (USSR, directors Ivan Pyryev, Mikhail Ulyanov, Kirill Lavrov)
  • Boys (film, 1990) (USSR, director Renita Grigoryeva) - based on the tenth chapter of the novel of the same name
  • The Brothers Karamazov (TV series 2008) (Russia, director Yuri Moroz)
  • The Karamazovs (film, 2008) (Czech Republic, director Pyotr Zelenka)



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