Interesting facts about the dances of the world. In the Middle Ages, the "dance plague" raged


barefoot dance

We are all used to seeing dancers in Czechs or shoes. But at the end of the 19th century, the legendary Isadora Duncan broke all the canons classical ballet when she went on stage without shoes. She wanted to revive the traditions of ancient Greek dancers, who also performed the most complex movements barefoot. Thus Duncan became the founder of " free dance". This was one of the components of the formation modern direction contemporary and modern.

How do ballerinas dress?

Surely for every ballerina is presented in a pack. Today it has become an integral part of classical ballet. But not everyone knows that before finally forming, such an image passed long haul and has undergone many changes.

Yes, back in early XIX For centuries, ballerinas performed on stage in outfits that were no different from those in which the spectators were. Basically, they were bulky long dresses with corsets and, of course, high heeled shoes. But over time, the technique of ballerinas became more complicated and lighter clothes were required for the stage. First, the dancers abandoned corsets, and then shortened their skirts.

Who Invented the Ballet Tutu?

It was first sewn in 1839 for the famous Italian ballerina Maria Taglioni (it was she who was the first in the world to stand on her toes in a dance). The dancer performed main party fairy tale in the ballet "La Sylphide", for which she needed an appropriate outfit. It was invented by her father. It was a dress that gave the image of the heroine airiness and grace. The skirt for him was sewn from several layers of tulle, although it was longer than a modern tutu. This outfit caused great delight among the audience. Further, the fashion for the image of a ballerina was constantly changing and in the 20th century short, puffy and wide tutus became popular.

Dance as a "sport"

Numerous studies have shown that a ballet performance that lasts for three hours is equivalent to a 30-kilometer run or two football matches 90 minutes each. And one lesson, popular today, social dancing is equal to a 6-7-kilometer walk at a fast pace. Therefore, dancing is undoubtedly beneficial for the figure and health. In addition, they bring much more pleasure than grueling workouts in gym.

Pop style icon

Did you know exactly what american singer, dancer and choreographer Michael Jackson made dancing an important element modern pop music. His movements have become standard vocabulary in pop and hip hop dance, and can be seen in many music videos and concerts of the most contemporary artists worldwide.

We hope our article has been useful to you. IN dance world there are many more interesting things that you can learn about on our website.

This article provides interesting facts about dancing. I'm sure some you haven't even heard of!

Interesting Facts about dancing:

Capoeira - a dance form or a martial art?

Capoeira is martial arts which is combined with dance, music, singing and acrobatics.

There are 2 versions of the origin of Capoeira:

  1. Capoeira originated in Africa;
  2. Capoeira was developed 3-4 hundred years ago in Brazil. Since the slaves were not allowed to practice any form of wrestling or self-defense, they eliminated direct contact between opponents and made the movements more like a dance.

Why does an Indian classical dancer wear jingle bells on her ankles?

In Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Odissi, the dancer wears heavy bracelets, which consist of a huge number of bells - gungru or ghungroo. Ghungroo bells highlight and emphasize the movements of the dancer's legs.

Interesting Facts: the number of bells on one ankle can reach 100 pieces. Total 200 bells in total.

Can people with disabilities dance?

Currently, people with disabilities around the world are actively participating in amateur and professional dances. For example, in professional modern dance groups(Axis Dance Company in California and CandoCo in the UK) mixed choreography (disabled person and dancer).

What were the first pointe shoes?

The first pointe shoes were soft slippers heavily darned on the toes. To date, pointe shoes are made from several layers of burlap, paper and glue.

How many calories are burned while dancing?

After a series of studies, it was found that in 1 hour of energetic dancing a person can burn from 500 to 700 calories.

Interesting Facts: a ballet performance that lasts for 3 hours is equal to a 30-kilometer run or two football matches of 90 minutes each.

Is dancing a traumatic art form?

Dancing is not without injury. Fractures are one of the most common problems for dancers.

Interesting Facts: approximately 31% of all ballerinas have broken something.

Is dancing an expensive art form?

Yes. Clothing, shoes, dance attributes - all this costs a lot of money, despite the fact that the dancer's uniform is not worn forever! For example, almost every ballerina wears 2-3 pairs of pointe shoes every week.

Interesting to know!

Did you know that on average a dancer lifts 1 ton of ballerinas for 1 ballet performance?!

Dancers also have better peripheral vision. Even if ballerinas don't turn their heads, they can clearly see what's around them.

See you soon!

Best regards Katya Breeze

1. Officially presented in the Guinness Book of Records, such a world record as the 37-year-old Kalamandalam Hemalente dancer from India danced folk dance 123 hours and 15 minutes. As the dancer Hemalente herself said, she went for such a record because national dance her country was in a worthy place and that he would always be remembered.

2. Such a dance as appeared in the Middle East thanks to the same India, approximately in the 10th century, the Ghazi gypsies brought it there. Today there are more than 50 different styles oriental styles.

3. Dance "Tango" spread from African communities in Buenos Aires. The very word of the name of the dance came from the Nigerian people Ibibo, which meant "dance to the sound of a drum." And initially this dance was danced only by men who sought the location of women.

4. Dancing in the barn "Barn dancing"- have always been in fashion in the USA. You can get your idea of ​​what barn dancing "Barn dancing" is by watching the video of Rednex Cotton Eye Joe.

5. Impromptu dance by all famous name, - this is when the partner improvises the weight of the dance, and his partner obediently obeys his movements and enjoys it. If you believe the legend about this dance, then they began to dance Salsa after the revolution in Cuba, while dancing it in gaming establishments that were closed by the authorities.

6. In order to get to everyone at the Viennese Christmas ball, or a charity ball, you must be able to dance. Such skills are determined at special rehearsals.

7. Basic dance moves merengue there is a reminder of a limping gait. And the main highlight of this dance is the slight presence of erotic movements. You can learn how to dance merengue right on the dance floor. If you just want to open a dance club, then a profitable dance hall rental will come in handy, because a specially equipped room will significantly increase the efficiency in learning to dance.

, the training of which was mandatory in many Soviet schools, is called the "coquette dance" because it is characterized, above all, by the expressive movements of the hips.

has its origin in Panama and Puerto Rico. This dance requires a good physical form. The movements of the reggaeton dance may resemble the mating courtship of certain animal species.

originated in the South Bronx, New York in the 1980s. TO musical direction Rap, funk and beatbox belong to hip-hop, graffiti belongs to visual, and break-dance, crunch, C-Walk and waving belong to dance.

11. They say that if you never danced bachata then you didn't dance at all. the main objective in this dance - the closest contact of partners. There are few turns in the dance, but there are many side passages and “throws” of the lady from side to side.

Briton H. Ellis, who specializes in gender relations, believes that dance is just a way to transmit a powerful physiological impulse to each other. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that the true movement of the soul is hidden behind the movements of the body.

It is much easier for a woman to dance salsa than for a man. After all, the initiative comes exclusively from the partner, and the lady can only be led and repeat. This one was born incendiary dance, for a long time considered forbidden, in no less forbidden establishments: underground gambling houses of Cuba.

If you at least once heard the name of the Italian dance tarantella, then you probably noticed the similarity of this word with the word "tarantula". They are truly family and friends. In the 15th century, Italian doctors "invented" such a disease as tarantism - the insanity of a person bitten by a tarantula. It was believed that it was possible to cure the disease with the help of special body movements accompanied by music. Later they became a dance.

Our contemporaries, being heavily drunk, like to climb holiday tables and perform on them, as it seems to them, very seductive dances. This tradition originated in 1894 in France. On March 13, two young Parisian artists feasted in their apartment with two models. The wine flowed like a river, and the girls, “who had reached the standard”, suddenly climbed onto the table and began to make indecent steps on it, throwing off their clothes. According to legend, the same date is considered the official birthday of strip dancers.

One of the most beautiful and emotional dances - tango - was born in the brothels of the Argentine capital. There was a time when it was danced mainly by men: singly and even in pairs. Moreover, the machos dancing side by side did not cause any chuckles or obscene jokes. After all, they were just partners in the dance, nothing more. And they united because partners - as a rule, women of easy behavior - were in great short supply. While the dancers honed their skills, the lady watching them chose the best and then danced with him. Quarrels and fights often broke out on the dance floors, it even came to the point of murder.

Movements for many graceful aristocratic dances were borrowed by choreographers from folk dances. And the first dance teachers appeared only in the 15th century.

The legendary Isadora Duncan broke all the canons of classical ballet when she went on stage barefoot. She wanted to revive the traditions of ancient Greek dancers, who also performed the most complex movements barefoot.

The sirtaki dance, which we strongly associate with Greece, was actually invented American actor Anthony Quinn. In 1964, he was filming Zorba the Greek and decided not to stop working even when he broke his leg outside. film set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to dance. Resourceful Anthony came up with steps that allow him to move naturally, and asked the composer M. Theodorakis to write music to them more slowly. So if sirtaki can be called Greek dance, then only half.

As everyone knows, dancing can burn a huge amount of calories. Studies have shown that one hour of vigorous dancing can burn 500 to 700 calories. In fact, a ballet performance that lasts for three hours is the equivalent of a 30-kilometer run or two football matches of 90 minutes each. On the other hand, if a person likes Saturday parties, then he should choose social dancing. One such dance is equivalent to a 6-7 km walk. It is worth thinking about how effective dancing is. In addition, they bring much more pleasure than exhausting workouts in the gym or daily runs on schedule.

Dancing is not just work, but also great pleasure.

Fractures are one of the most common problems in ballet dancers. About 31% of all ballerinas broke something for themselves. Ballet dancers spend a lot of money on their costumes and shoes. Almost every ballerina wears two or three pairs of pointe shoes every week. And just one pack can cost up to $2,000, which is the equivalent of several months' salary.

Dancing is not just work, but also great pleasure.

Clicking of the hip joint is common among ballet dancers. Ninety percent of ballerinas suffer from it. Male dancers lift an average of 1 ton of female dancers during a ballet performance.

Dancing is not just work, but also great pleasure.

Dancers have better peripheral vision than ordinary people. Even if ballerinas don't turn their heads, they can clearly see what's around them. Dancers are first and foremost athletes. They, just like basketball players and swimmers, need hard training. They exercise almost every day to improve the flexibility, strength and endurance that other people do in sports.

Dancing is not just work, but also great pleasure.

Most dancers stop dancing at the age of 30-35, because their health no longer allows them to maintain the same exhausting rhythm. These people often start working as coaches, choreographers or dance teachers in dance groups. Others completely end their careers and start doing something else. There are, however, some dancers who continue to perform until the age of 50-55. Break originated in the 1970s in the Bronx, New York. Then he suddenly disappeared and became popular again in the 1990s, conquering the whole world.

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