The name of the nostril from dead souls. Characteristic of Nozdryov "Dead Souls" according to the plan? General moods of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century


poem " Dead Souls embodies the image of Russia of the past and future. Satirical grotesque reality with a hint of patriotism allows you to create a plot, the relevance of which is not lost over the years.

Nozdryov is an empty and absurd person, prone to deception and often lies, while considering his nature broad. Thanks to such a temperament, the hero quite often becomes a participant in ridiculous situations, and his behavior suggests that he is shameless and combines arrogance with weak will.

Characteristics of the hero

("Nozdrev", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

Nozdryov becomes the third to be offered to sell dead souls, he is a valiant landowner of 35 years old. A scorcher, a reveler, a talker - all this is about Nozdryov, he is ready to bully everyone and everyone indiscriminately, constantly lies, and is also prone to excitement. This person can make a trick, even to his close friends, and at the same time no personal goals are pursued.

All the features of such a strategy of behavior are explained by the personality of the character: he combines briskness, briskness, one can say that his unrestraint is adjacent to unconsciousness. Nozdryov is not worth plans and strategies, therefore all his actions are improvisation, and Nozdryov has no sense of proportion at all.

The author portrayed Nozdrev as a broken guy, and this is precisely what his behavior indicates. Life for Nozdryov goes on today, but he does not think about the next days. This is clearly seen in the example of his game: he often exchanged everything he won for things that did not matter, and he could immediately lose what he had acquired. It was his energy that made him what he was and drove his behavior. You can learn a little about Nozdryov in the work, he was a card sharper, and first appeared to the reader in paragraph NN. In general, the hero can be called ridiculous, he is simply ridiculous, not attentive to statements and does not give a damn about their consequences.

Nozdryov is a bad owner, we do not learn about the life of his peasants, since the main interests of the hero are dogs and smoking pipes. It can be played one hundred percent, and in case of a win, it lowers everything to entertainment and revelry. Ego energy pushes to exploits, and leads to illogical purchases, in contrast to this behavior is the consistency during the agreements with Chichikov, who was able to see the trickery. The image of Nozdryov is formed and constant, he has an emotional speech, speaks loudly. The author did not tell the background of the character and left it unchanged for the entire duration of the poem.

The image of the hero in the work

Nozdryov intercepts Chichikov in a tavern and quarrels with him on the estate: Chichikov does not agree to play on dead souls and buying a stallion with souls as a bonus. By morning, Nozdryov already forgets about the disagreements, and offers a game for souls, this time in checkers, but gets caught cheating. The heated N. can only be appeased thanks to the appearance of the police captain, since Nozdryov gave the order to beat Chichikov.

The role of Nozdryov is important for the plot, since he almost killed Chichikov when he loudly shouted “he trades dead souls". This caused a lot of incredible rumors, and after calling the authorities, Nozdrev confirmed all the rumors. The hero himself goes to Chichikov, talks about rumors, and makes an offer about transporting the governor's daughter.

The confusion of the character also reflects his home furnishings, there are no books and papers in his office, and goats are located in the middle part of the dining room. The author showed his boundless lies as the other side of the young man's prowess. This is not to say that the hero is completely empty, his enormous energy is simply not directed in the right direction.

What should the image of Nozdryov show?

Nozdryov always participates in wild fun, drunken revelry and playing cards. He brings entertainment to society and creates scandals. The author called it historical man, since boasting, fiction and idle chatter are his favorite things and an integral part of his personality. Chichikov considers Nozdryov to be a mean person, because he is arrogant, cheeky and does nasty things to his neighbors. The character shows that a person with a noble appearance and a "star in the chest" can do nasty things as a "simple collegiate registrar".

In the first half of the 19th century, many writers assigned a huge role to the theme of Russia in their work. At that time, the ruthless tyranny of the landlords and officials reigned, and the life of the peasants was unbearably hard. The life of serf Russia is reflected in many works. One of them was a novel-poem written by N.V. Gogol, "Dead Souls". The image of Nozdrev, as well as Chichikov, Manilov and other heroes, is very bright and describes the attitude of all representatives of the aristocracy of that time to reality. The author in his work tried to convey to the readers the immorality that reigned at that time in all its manifestations.

General moods of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century

Patriotic state system of that time developed with an emphasis on serfdom. Important moral values were relegated to the background, and the priority was considered the position in society and money. People did not strive for the best, they were not interested in either science or art. They did not try to leave to posterity absolutely no cultural heritage. In achieving his goal - wealth - a person does not stop at nothing. He will deceive, steal, betray, sell. The current situation could not but excite thinking people, those who were far from indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland.

Representatives of the aristocracy in the work

The name "Dead Souls" was not chosen by the author by chance. It is very symbolic and perfectly reflects the mood of serf Russia. The author did not spare the colors, depicting a whole gallery of faces, showing the spiritual decline that threatens the fatherland. At the beginning of the story, the reader is presented with Manilov - an idle dreamer, a dreamer. The series of portraits ends with the image of Plyushkin. This representative of the nobility appeared as a "hole in humanity." In the work "Dead Souls" the image of Nozdryov appears approximately in the middle. In it you can see something from Plyushkin, something from Manilov.

Characteristics of the image of Nozdrev

For the first time in the work, he appears in the city of NN. The reader will learn nothing special about him except that he was a card cheat. His whole being was somehow absurd: he is ridiculous, talking nonsense, not thinking about the consequences of his statements. The author himself, depicting the image of Nozdrev, speaks of him as a "broken guy." Actually, this is true, and all the actions of the hero emphasize this. Nozdryov was accustomed to thinking little about the future. So, for example, he exchanged winnings at cards for absolutely unnecessary items and things that he lost to others the next day, more lucky players. All this, according to Gogol himself, was due to some kind of briskness, briskness and restlessness of the hero's character. This "energy" forced Nozdryov to perform other actions, mostly thoughtless and spontaneous.

Hero's vices

Everything that Nozdryov has - thoroughbred dogs, horses - all the best. But the boasting of the hero often has no basis. Despite the fact that his possessions border on someone else's forest, he speaks of it as his own. Illustrating the image of the landowner Nozdrev, it is impossible not to mention all in which he found himself. Either he is taken out of the noble assembly, then he takes part in a fight. One of distinguishing features character is his tendency to do mischief to people. Moreover, the more he approached the person, the stronger was the desire to annoy. So, Nozdryov upsets weddings and trade deals. However, he himself perceived his actions as pranks, not considering them offensive. Moreover, Nozdryov was even sincerely surprised if he heard that one of his acquaintances was offended by him.

The main features of the hero

Revealing the image of Nozdryov, the author depicts vulgarity in a certain falsely impudent form. Its origins can be traced in the comedies of Aristophanes and Plautus. However, there is a lot in the character and primordially Russian, national. The main Nozdrev are boasting, arrogance, a tendency to debauchery, unpredictability, energy. As the author himself notes, people of such a warehouse, as a rule, are "reckless, revelers, talkers", and in their faces one can always see something direct, daring, open. Among other things, they like to take a walk and are avid gamers. They are distinguished by sociability, combined with arrogance. Sometimes it seems that friendship with them can last a very long time, but with a "new acquaintance" such people can fight at a feast that same evening.

The contrast of internal and external in the character

The description of the image of Nozdrev in the work is quite clear. Depicting a hero, the author does not regret artistic means. Expressive portrait of the character. Outwardly, this is a man of medium height, not badly built, with ruddy, full cheeks, snow-white teeth and resin sideburns. It was a fresh, healthy fellow, possessing physical force. In an episode of the poem, the reader can trace the tradition of Russian heroism. However, the image of Nozdrev is a comic reflection of epic motifs. The contrast of its internal and external features is very noticeable. Nozdrev's lifestyle is the direct opposite of actions epic heroes. Everything that the character of the poem does makes no sense, and his "exploits" do not extend beyond a fight at a fair or card cheating. The image of Nozdrev comically reflects the motif " broad soul", "reckless revelry" - primordially Russian features. The whole appearance of the character is only the appearance of that national "breadth" in good sense. The hero not only cannot claim "spiritual breadth", but also shows absolutely opposite qualities. Nozdrev is a drunkard, impudent and a liar. At the same time, he is cowardly and completely insignificant.

Household character

Depicting the landscape present in the episode of Chichikov's visit to Nozdrev, the author points to the carelessness of the owner. His economy was in a very disordered form and completely fell into decay. This, again, speaks of the lack of orderliness and thoughtfulness of Nozdryov's lifestyle. In his stable the stalls were empty, the house was neglected, it was a mess. The only place, kept in proper form, was a kennel. On it, the landowner felt like a "father of the family." According to some critics, the hero himself is somewhat like a dog: he can bark and caress at the same time. Nozdryov's character traits are also reflected in the interior of the house. There are no papers or books in his office. However, the walls are hung with sabers, guns, Turkish daggers and various pipes. The barrel organ is symbolic in this interior. In this subject there is one pipe that did not want to calm down. This detail was a kind of symbol of the character's character. It shows the irrepressible energy, restlessness and briskness of the hero.

Nozdryov's behavior

The energy of the hero pushes him to various feats. So, for example, having a propensity to exchange, everything that he has, at the moment changes to something else. The hero immediately spends the money that has appeared at the fair, buying all sorts of perfectly smoking candles, collars, pistols, pots, tobacco, raisins and so on. But all purchased items are rarely delivered to the house, since on the same day he can lose everything. Despite the disorder of his life as a whole, Nozdryov shows a surprising consistency for him when making a deal with Chichikov. The landowner is trying to sell everything he can: dogs, a stallion, a hurdy-gurdy. After that, Nozdryov starts a game of checkers, an exchange of carts. But Chichikov notices cheating and refuses to play. Nozdrev's manners are also peculiar. His speech is always emotional, varied in composition, he speaks loudly, often screaming. But the image of Nozdryov is static in terms of the fact that he appears to the reader already fully formed. The backstory of the hero is closed, and in the course of the story the character does not undergo any internal changes.


Gogol, portraying Nozdryov, created a colorful and easily recognizable character. The hero is a typical braggart, scorcher, talker, debater, brawler, reveler. He doesn't mind drinking at all and loves to play. However, despite all the "typicality", some details and individual trifles give the character individuality. The whole story is permeated with a fair amount of humor. However, the work depicts the heroes, their characters, manners, actions and behavior, reporting a rather serious problem of that time - the loss of morality and spirituality. Gogol's novel-poem is "laughter through tears". The author created the work, tormented by the question of if people do not come to their senses and begin to change.

Nozdryov is represented in the poem as a young landowner, a reckless talker, a gambling and dishonest person. He lives one day, absolutely not caring about anything except his desires. After the death of his wife, Nozdrev had children, but he does not raise them.

Gogol masterfully creates a picture of the home life of each landowner. The estate and all its furnishings testify as clearly as possible about the character and habits of the owner. So it is with Nozdrev. The house of this landowner is in a confused state, like the very essence of Nozdryov. This character is represented in the poem by a rather handsome, young, well-built man of short stature, with black sideburns. His face was open and inviting.

Nozdrev's acquaintance with Chichikov is also unusual. Having intercepted Pavel Ivanovich on the way to Sobakevich, Nozdryov tries to “cheat” him out of habit, persuading him to play cards for “dead” souls, then checkers. During Chichikov's stay in Nozdrev's house, they manage to quarrel and fight.

Nozdrev plays the role of Chichikov's whistleblower. It is this landowner who declares publicly that Pavel Ivanovich trades in "dead" souls. Then, when meeting with the landowners, Nozdryov gets confused and agrees with all the rumors at once. This once again confirms the inconsistency and thoughtlessness of the actions of this hero. He alternately plays the role of either an enemy or an assistant to Chichikov.

Nozdryov comes from a privileged class, accustomed to life on a grand scale, to a frivolous pastime. His boasting and scattering money speaks of a simple desire to appear more significant than he really is, otherwise why would he buy dogs and horses for immoderately high prices. He constantly lies and does not even remember himself that he was lying. Thus, Nozdryov is also trying to exalt his person in the eyes of others. Offending another for Nozdryov costs nothing, as well as quickly changing his mind. The favorite word of this landowner is "fetyuk", which he calls his son-in-law. Society treated Nozdryov either with descent or with indifference. He was also expelled from receptions when he loosened up above what was permitted, but they turned to him if necessary.

But Nozdryov in the poem is not the most notorious scoundrel. On the contrary, according to the writer, there are small rudiments of goodness in this character. Not all is lost for him yet, and under special circumstances he can make a worthwhile man.

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The landowner Nozdrev from the story of N.V. Gogol - another characteristic type landowners of that time. He is collectively, which denounces the characteristic shortcomings and peculiarities of the behavior of several people, united by similar personality and character traits.

Nozdrev family

Nozdrev is one of the landlords of the city N. At the time of the story, he is 35 years old. He was once married man but his married life did not last long. Soon his wife died, Nozdryov did not remarry, quite likely because he was not predisposed to family life. In a marriage with his wife, they had two children, but Nozdrev is not interested in their fate and upbringing - he is more interested in the personality of the nanny of his children, who had a pretty appearance, than in the children themselves.

Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the image of Plyushkin, described in the poem by N.V. Gogol's Dead Souls.

One gets the impression that Nozdryov is interested in everything, except for his children, he even treats his dogs much better than them.

Nozdryov was not only child in the family - he also has a sister. It is known that she married woman. Her husband is a certain Mr. Mizhuev. He is Nozdryov not only a relative, but also a best friend. In his company, Nozdryov often appears at fairs, with him they are busy reveling together. According to Nozdryov's son-in-law, his wife is not at all like her brother in character - she is sweet and good woman.

Mizhuev often denounces Nozdryov's lies, but still does not leave the category of friends - the common passion for drinking and carousing makes them related and does not allow them to quarrel.


The landowner Nozdryov favorably differed in appearance in comparison with all the other landowners of district N - he was prominent and attractive man. Nozdryov had a round, ruddy face, his cheeks were childishly plump. When Nozdryov burst into laughter, his cheeks quivered amusingly. He had white teeth like snow and dark hair. Nozdryov's face was favorably framed by jet-black whiskers. From time to time, his sideburns suffered severely in desperate fights with card "friends", but after a brawl they grew back just as thick.

The body of the landowner was also covered with hair - on his chest they were as thick as on his head and more like a beard.

Nozdryov's height was average, and his body could not be called athletic, but it was not flabby either.

Despite his unbalanced life schedule, Nozdryov seemed to be the epitome of health - and was a man of "blood and milk": "health seemed to be squirting from his face."

Gogol does not particularly cover the features of Nozdryov's wardrobe. It is known that the landowner preferred the caftan of the Caucasian cut, which was national clothes mountain peoples - arkhaluk. In addition, at home he walks in a dressing gown. He usually wore a robe naked body. He was dressed casually, therefore, one could see without effort his densely hairy chest.

Peasants and the village of Nozdreva

Nikolai Vasilievich says little about the living conditions of the peasants and the state of the village. Based on the lifestyle of Nozdryov himself, it can be assumed that he has a good income from his estate - so good that he can afford to live in a big way and not do business. Nozdryov has a clerk - it is he who deals with all the affairs of the landowner.

Since Nozdryov was very fond of boasting about everything he could, the fact that he did not do the same in relation to his village or peasants suggests that not everything was so good on his estate, but the fact that there are many "dead souls" once again confirms this idea.

On our website, we invite you to find out the characteristics of Plyushkin in the work of N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, follow his character and description of appearance.

When Chichikov comes to Nozdryov, he shows him his farm: first, the landowner shows his horses. It didn’t work out much to brag here - Nozdryov lost some horses in cards, so part of the cost was empty. Among the horses, Chichikov was shown two mares and a stallion of an unprepossessing appearance, but, according to the owner, very expensive. The next curiosity in the estate of Nozdryov was a wolf, which the owner kept on a leash and fed raw meat.

The wolf was followed by a pond filled with fish of incredible size. Chichikov, however, did not manage to look at this extraordinary fish, according to Nozdrev assured that it sometimes took two people not to pull the fish out of the pond - it was so big.

most great pride and Nozdryov's weakness was dogs - of different breeds and colors. Nozdryov had a huge number of them, the landowner loved and cherished them to such an extent that they could be equated with full-fledged relatives: “Nozdryov was among them just like a father among a family; all of them, immediately throwing up their tails, which the dogs call rules, flew straight towards the guests and began to greet them.

On his estate there is a water mill and a smithy. It is likely that the peasants of Nozdryov are skilled workers and craftsmen, since the landowner boasts that he always manages to sell his goods at the fair at the most high price.

Nozdrev’s economy did not end there, but the reasons for boasting ended - the roads on his estate were terribly neglected, the fields were located so low that the water “champed” from the ground:

“In many places, their feet squeezed water under them, to such an extent the place was low. At first they were careful and crossed carefully, but then, seeing that this was of no use, they wandered straight, not making out where the dirt was and where it was the smallest.

Of all his serfs, the reader can get acquainted with only a few representatives. Most of the attention in the narrative is given to the cook, who, apparently, did not differ in culinary skills - he mixed completely incompatible ingredients, it seemed that what first came to hand got into his dishes.

In the story, one can see a meager description of the servant Porfiry, who, to match his master, wears an arkhaluk, however, his caftan is in a deplorable state and already rather worn out.

In the dining room one could see his two serfs - they were busy whitewashing the room, but their detailed description appearance and features of the state of the suit Gogol does not give. It is known that they did their work while singing some kind of monotonous and seemingly endless song. It can be assumed that Nozdryov was not authoritarian in relation to his serfs - his house was not clean, and in the dining room, in addition to general desolation, one could see the remains of food and crumbs.

Manor Nozdrev

Nikolai Vasilievich does not give an external description of the Nozdrev estate. internal state also not exposed to the detailed image.

On the whole, Nozdryov was not a good owner, he treated his estate and household with disdain, he liked to enjoy the fruits, but he did not strive to ensure his future and the future of his children. In his house, the absence of a female hand was felt - the tasteless decoration of the house was complemented by general disorder and garbage.

For Nozdryov, this state of affairs did not cause inconvenience - for him it was a common thing.

Nozdryov's office had little resemblance to classic workrooms - there were no papers or books here. And for the landowner, this was superfluous - the manager was in charge of the affairs of his estate, and Nozdryov was used to spending his leisure time playing other sports, for example, playing a card game. Nozdryov's office was full of various weapons - two guns, sabers, daggers.

In addition to weapons, in the office one could also see a collection of pipes for smoking - different shapes and material, they finally turned the landlord's office into a mini-museum.

Also in the office there was a mahogany hurdy-gurdy, which Nozdryov began to demonstrate - however, the hurdy-gurdy was not in perfect condition - from time to time it malfunctioned, its game looked more like a potpourri - the songs did not pass one into one sequentially, after the end of the composition, and played fragmentary pieces mixed up. The hurdy-gurdy played on its own for some time after Nozdryov had left it alone: ​​“Nozdryov had long ago ceased to twirl, but there was only one very lively pipe in the hurdy-gurdy, which did not want to calm down.”

The dining room of Nozdryov, at the time of visiting Chichikov, was undergoing repair work - two peasants were whitewashing it, standing on the goats: "In the middle of the dining room there were wooden goats, and two men, standing on them, whitewashed the walls, pulling some endless song."

Despite repair work, you could notice the negligence regarding cleaning with the naked eye - in the dining room you could see crumbs and leftovers from yesterday's food: “There were traces of yesterday's lunch and dinner in the room; it seems that the broom was not touched at all. Bread crumbs lay on the floor, and tobacco ash was even visible on the tablecloth.

Judging by how Nozdryov himself reacted to this state of affairs, it can be assumed that neither the crumbs, nor the food, nor the general garbage in his house interfered with him, or rather, he did not notice them point-blank. He was extremely unpretentious in matters of home improvement.

Personality characteristic

First of all, in the image of Nozdryov, his desire to become “one’s own” for a person is striking. He quickly switches to “you” in communication with a person, which impressed Chichikov especially unpleasantly, since, according to Pavel Ivanovich, such a transition was undeserved and went beyond the scope of etiquette, but this does not bother Nozdryov. He often deviates from the norms of etiquette, and it is likely that he has never heard of some features and rules and does not even suspect not only that he violates these rules, but that such rules and norms even exist. So, for example, his habits include talking very loudly and laughing. When Chichikov makes a deal with Nozdryov, he is surprised to find how he loudly discusses the nuances of the sale, as if it were the most ordinary thing.

Perhaps such a cheeky tone is to some extent connected with his cheerful nature and addiction to drinking. Nozdryov does not miss the opportunity to boast about what an unusual wine he has tried, and champagne, which is usually served in the governor's house, is just kvass in comparison.

Nozdryov loves revelry and all kinds of entertainment (in his understanding, one is inseparable from the first), he cannot imagine how one can live, depriving himself of such good things and pleasant pastime. Nozdryov does not understand how some landowners can sit at home without getting out - he cannot stay at his estate for more than one day - he is bored and does not know what to do with himself.

Nozdryov does not value his money. He despises the miser who hesitates to spend an extra penny. It is likely that his attitude to money was formed because Nozdryov himself works extremely little - only in those cases when business cannot move forward without his intervention. He does not know the price that he has to pay for one or another of his entertainment - money comes to him easily and just as easily leaves.

Cards became Nozdryov's special passion - he is a regular at the card table. However, playing honestly is not in the rules of the landowner - during the game he constantly cheats and deceives. Those around him have long known this attitude towards him. card game, so always be careful while playing with him.

From time to time, Nozdryov was seen in fraud at the card table and was immediately subject to criticism and even beatings with the pulling out of his hair, in particular his thick sideburns. This state of affairs does not bother Nozdryov - his whiskers quickly grow back, and insults are forgotten before the fight ends. A day later, Nozdryov is already ready to sit down at the table to play cards with his recent debaters, as if nothing had happened.

In general, Nozdryov is a bad and dishonest person. He often causes trouble and problems in the lives of other people - Nozdryov can easily upset the wedding and cause the deal to be canceled. The landowner never sees something bad or bad in his actions. The reason for this is his addiction to fiction and gossip. Nozdryov often lies, even for the most harmless reasons. “Nozdryov is a rubbish man, Nozdryov can lie, add, dissolve the devil knows what, some more gossip will come out.”

Nozdryov has an explosive and unrestrained character - it doesn’t cost him anything to be rude to anyone or become a participant in a fight.

Thus, Nozdryov in Gogol's story is shown as an ill-mannered person who does not know how to appreciate what he has. He is a bad master, a bad father and a bad friend. Nozdryov gives preference not to his children, but to the dogs he cares for and cherishes. Nozdrev permanent member revelry, gossip and quarrels.

Characteristics of Nozdrev in the poem "Dead Souls": description of appearance and character in quotes

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Nozdrev the third landowner to whom Chichikov turned with a very delicate proposal was Nozdrev. The author describes him as a young and energetic man of thirty-five.

The words: “talker, reveler, reckless driver” are also addressed to him. He is always overwhelmed with emotions, he is always in search of something unusual, something interesting, in search of adventure. Nozdrev for no particular reason can annoy to the best friend. He is very passionate, loves to tickle his nerves.

Its dominant qualities, which bring clarity to all of the above things, are “brightness and glibness”. All his behavior is due to these two qualities. Nozdryov does not know the word "plan", he does not think of anything, he does not plan anything. He just goes and does. And he knows no bounds in his work.

One of the episodes vividly describes these qualities of him. On the way to his friend, Sobakevich, in a tavern, Nozdryov intercepts the dumbfounded Chichikov and almost forcibly takes him to his estate. But there he arranges big scandal. Nozdryov quarrels strongly with Chichikov because the latter does not want to play cards for dead souls, and acquire a stallion of "Arab blood" and get a few dead souls in addition.

Nozdrev is a broken, frivolous person. He loses cards easily.
This person can easily betray, he does not know such a thing as strong friendship.
He has two children whom he does not raise at all. This speaks of his irresponsibility.
Nozdrev is a master of "pouring bullets". He is a liar, but he is a liar under duress. He deliberately imposes one lie on another. Perhaps in this way he is trying to draw attention to his person.
Nozdryov loves to brag and exaggerate. He almost swore to Ch-woo that in his pond he caught huge fish.
Society provincial city treated Nozdryov and his antics with a certain indifference. But even without Nozdryov they couldn't either. After all, the inhabitants of the city call Nozdryova when they want to find out who Ch. really is.

Nozdryov is a man of "dark and modest origin", a rogue and a sly one.

"He was as fresh as blood with milk; health seemed to spurt from his face." Nozdryov had thick black hair, full ruddy cheeks, snow-white teeth, jet-black whiskers. He was of medium height, not badly built. Something open, direct, daring is visible in the face. Talker. He spoke quickly, without thinking, inventing on the go. He quickly changed his mind. Favorite word Nozdryova, by whom he called both his son-in-law and Ch. - fetyuk (a word offensive to a man). He was a "broken fellow", from childhood he was known for good friend, always quickly got acquainted, made friendship, it seemed, forever, but always, having made friends with someone, he fought with him that very evening. Always a hunter to take a walk, even marriage has not changed him. His wife died and he didn't need children. I could not sit at home for more than a day. "He had a passion for cards." He did not play quite sinlessly and cleanly, for this he was often beaten. He also had a passion to spoil his neighbor, sometimes for no reason. He was a man of all trades. In society, he was tolerated, but when he crossed the boundaries of what was permitted, he was kicked out (for example, at the governor's ball).Ch. understood perfectly well that Nozdryov was a "rubbish man."

Gogol ironically calls him a "historical man." And he says that the "Nozdryovs" will not disappear in Russia soon.

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