Dubstep learning to dance. How to dance dubstep: getting fit


Dubstep Digital Dance (3D)- new style dance, musical basis which is dubstep music, and technical music is largely based on the movements of electric boogie, popping, tatting and some others dance directions. Having studied the basic movements of this direction, having understood how to connect them together, you will discover a very dynamic, emotionally illusory world of dubstep 3D dance. So it's time to answer the question how to dance dubstep (how to dance to dubstep)!

How to learn to dance dubstep dance (dubstep dance).

If you live in Moscow and feel that it will be easier for you to master the dustep dance under the guidance of an experienced mentor, come to a trial lesson. It's free. Working out with experienced trainers You will be able to learn dubstep much faster. Even if you have never danced before and are afraid that it will not work out. In our dance school, even those who are very shy begin to dance well.

1. Dubstep Lesson for Beginners (Required View)

In this video lesson you will get acquainted with the structure of dubstep dance, with the basic musical and technical movements. Be sure to check out this tutorial. It is for beginners, but even those who have danced this or other styles before will be able to find valuable nuances of dance technique. Moreover, one should always remember that technique is a solid base, a foundation on which one can build the most perfect dance. It's time to develop!

2. How to vibrate in dubstep

This video tutorial is about how to vibrate when dancing dubstep or popping (which also uses this a lot). Dubstep music is replete with vibrations that are a sin not to dance, so vibration is an important thing :) Vibration is a rather complicated dance element, but it can be mastered if you know the nuances and subtleties. Therefore, watch this dance lesson to the end and clearly follow all 4 steps that are explained in detail in it.

3. Learning dubstep lessons: a bunch of dubstep dance 1

It's time to start mastering combinations from basic techniques. Main principle in dance, dubstep is a series of continuous transformations. The very principle of transformations is taken from the direction of tutting, but in dubstep dance we can transform not only corners and boxes, as in tutting, but also waves, include any other parts of the body.

4. How to Double the Entertainment of Dubstep Dance

It's time to pay attention to one important technical element that allows you to add a sea of ​​cosmic illusion to the dubstep dance style. So look online lesson to the end and try again. The fact is that learning to dance dubstep is an ongoing process. Each time your technique will get better and better. Therefore, even if the dance element does not immediately look the way you want, it means that it needs to be trained and over time you will achieve an excellent result.

5. Dubstep dance lessons: Dustep dance 2 bundle

It's time to learn another link. I want to draw your attention to this. Must be handled separately basic technique: hand wave, body wave, glide, fixation. You can easily find all these dance elements on our website in the "Online Lessons" section. And separately it is necessary to learn and invent bundles. This is necessary in order for you to understand how dubstep movements connect and then be able to improvise better and repeat less.

6 Dubstep Dance Lessons for Beginners: Dubstep Dance Combination

How to learn to dance dubstep fast? To do this, you need to do two things: the first is to master the technique of dancing dubstep. The second is to learn to dance to the music. This dance lesson has both of these elements. Enjoy watching and good luck.

7 Online school Dubstep: Dubstep Bundle 3

By learning chords and dance combinations, you find new ideas for your dance and make it more diverse, and therefore more spectacular!

8 What is the difference between dubstep dance and popping dance

Some people sometimes confuse and call the dubstep dance the popping dance. In fact, this is not so, although these directions have common elements street dance there is. In this video tutorial you will learn about the three main differences between dubstep and popping dance. By learning about this, you will better understand how to dance your favorite style, which means you will move better!

Our Dubstep School will help you learn how to dance this incredibly spectacular dance and allow you to dance dubstep the way you want!

If you are asking about how to dance dubstep, it means that you are serious, because this is not the easiest dance to perform. In the event that you need to learn it quickly, use videos and this manual. dubstep as musical genre appeared ten years ago, but it is gaining significant popularity only now. It is characterized by the presence low bass and at a fairly fast pace. The elements of the dance under it resemble the movements of robots, and in order for them to be successful, you must have excellent physical shape. Before you start, take a sober assessment of your current condition and get ready for regular workouts. So let's learn how to dance dubstep. To do this, you need enough free space and large mirror. So you can effectively hone your skills.

Let's start with the simplest, and we assure you that after a while, having successfully mastered the basics, you will be able to come up with your own elements. How to dance dubstep? Its main movement is a broken wave. It is not difficult to learn how to do it if you are plastic enough, but also technical. Otherwise, it will take a long time to study. They make a wave with two hands, sideways, apart, as well as with the whole body or only the body. There are enough options. As a rule, the development of all takes an average of 2 weeks to a month. Of course, you will have to stock up on patience, but this is one of the main and most striking elements. Based on it, in the future you will be able to make more complex ligaments. And now about the famous one. This is not the easiest element, but it's worth it. Without learning it, it's impossible to say that you know what dubstep is. Dance lessons, offered in a wide variety, will undoubtedly help you master all the movements faster. But we assure that if you have great ambition as well free time, then video tutorials may be quite enough.

Skill comes with experience

Undoubtedly, it takes time to figure out how to dance dubstep. Careful work on the bugs will help to make this faster. Film your lessons on camera and analyze the errors that you most often make. Communicate on special forums for beginner dancers. As a rule, there are also pros who can often give helpful tips. Watch online videos with performances - this way you will get inspiration and motivation. As soon as it seems that you have mastered a little, go to the club and demonstrate your skills. Do not be afraid of criticism, in this case it is the engine of progress. Participate in tournaments - nothing is more inspiring than a victory, however small so far. Exercise regularly, preferably every day for at least 15 minutes. This will be much more effective than twice a week, but for two to three hours. So the body will quickly get used to the loads, and the body will better remember the movements. The main thing is to believe in yourself, and soon everyone will be asking how to dance dubstep like you. Successful creativity!

In modern clubs, you can often hear rhythmic music dominated by bass. You should not be scared and run away from the dance floor, believing that only professionals can dance to such motives. You will easily master the basic dubstep moves that will make you a real star of the dance party.

You will need:

  • Sport suit;
  • Mirror;
  • A computer.
Show the rest
  • If you decide to set yourself the goal of dancing to dubstep, listen to dubstep music at home, it perfectly develops a sense of rhythm.
  • To be able to repeat intricate movements, you must have the appropriate physical training. Exercise regularly and run in the morning. This will help strengthen the muscles and make the body more obedient. You will understand how dubstep professionals dance after you learn how to control the limbs and body.
  • Do stretching exercises. Stretch the muscles of the arms and legs, lean to the sides. It is also useful to hang on the horizontal bar.

Let's move on to action

  • So, roll up the carpet in the room and install a large mirror.
  • You can easily learn how to dance dubstep with the help of special video lessons that show the technique of each individual movement.
  • Should start with simple movements: work out the “wave” with your hands, alternately and smoothly bending all the joints. At the same time, hone your moonwalk.
  • In order to learn how to dance dubstep, you have to master the handstand. To do this, develop muscles. At first, lean against the wall, then try to do it without support.
  • Feel free to try new moves. But before moving on to mastering a new step, work out the previous one.
  • Try to make a bridge; in this position, transfer the load alternately to one or the other brush.
  • It is very important to work on yourself regularly. This will help both dance dubstep and lose extra pounds.

Master the subtleties club dances quite easy. After a month regular workouts you will notice how the body becomes obedient, and the brain clearly beats out the rhythm of incendiary songs.

In conclusion, we invite you to enjoy a marvelous spectacle. This video will show you how real dubstep masters dance.

  1. Isolation Master. If you have ever visited dance class, you are probably familiar with insulation. This is when you move some part of your body and nothing else - hence you isolate it. It may sound too simple, but it is very difficult to move any part of the body without affecting, at least minimally, other parts. To master the dubstep style of the robot, this skill is necessary.

    • Stand in front of a mirror. Start at the head and neck and work your way down your body, trying to rotate each part of your body independently of the rest of your body. Rotate each body part counterclockwise and clockwise - shoulders, chest, abdominals, hips, to the ankles. Work on the smaller parts of the body - fingers, wrists, forearms - once you get the hang of it. Nothing else should move.
      • When you can twist your body parts in a circle, try moving up and down. Most of the time, when doing isolation, you will be moving in different planes. For example, when moving your arm up and down, you don't use your wrist or elbow. Hold them, but the movement of the hand should be guided by the shoulder, in fact, only it should work.
  2. Learn how to do "dad" with the abdominal muscles. There are many helpful tutorial videos on YouTube that will show you the whole process. Basically, you need to move your abs out and in at a fast pace or to the beat of the music. And for dubstep, you have to do it pretty quickly.

    • Imagine that your body is a clam shell that opens and closes. Your upper body and lower half should meet in the middle. Practice this movement until you succeed in it, as it is the foundation of many basic movements in dubstep.
  3. Equilibrium. You will be doing many movements in slow motion. It means that most time, your weight will not be evenly distributed on both legs. It's because of the smooth movements in slow-mo and the swell in glitch that dubstep has no hesitation.

    • There will be times when you need to lean on your toes or on the sides of your feet. Start practicing now! Yoga will really help you.
  4. Listen to the rhythm. Unlike something classical like a waltz (simple 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3), the rhythm of dubstep is very fast, often you will need to move in 1/8 note and the like. If you can't hear the rhythm, you can't dance dubstep.

    • Pick a song you'd like to dance to and start tapping the rhythm. Find the song you want to dance to and start drumming it. When you can hit all the notes (namely short notes other than 1, 2, 3, 4) by drumming with your hands, you can start doing it with your body too.


    1. Vibration. In many dubstep compositions, there are moments where the music seems to vibrate - it changes, from time signature 1, 2, 3, 4 to time signature 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 is clear enough. When you hear this, know that this is the vibration of time.

      • Bend your knees into a slightly squatting position. Then straighten up so that it looks like your body is moving up and down slightly. Basically it looks like you're just a little twitchy. Do it quickly and skillfully. You want to minimize movement, but increase your speed so it looks like your body is vibrating, not like you're fooling around.
      • Make it even smoother with your hands and brushes. If your limbs move too much, you will look like a carefree Tyrannosaurus rex running from a meteor. Or at least as an epileptic.
    2. Stop. Dubstep music is sometimes very fast and intermittent, sometimes slow and smooth. When you do a transition, for a split second do dead center. You will be doing your robot dance, bam, and in your slow motion. The stop should be barely noticeable - in fact, only you should know that you are doing it - but it will emphasize the transition.

      • This usually happens on strong beat tact. There will be very clearly marked points where your fast movements must stop and your slow ones will take over. Which brings us to...
    3. Be persuasive by moving in slow motion. Everyone can move slowly. Most of us. But in order to perform a slow movement and make it really look like a movement in slow motion, you must carefully monitor every part of your body. Your eyes should blink more slowly, your feet should touch the ground, gradually changing the angle, you should even swallow more slowly.

      • It's easy to get your spine down, but getting your feet moving is probably the hardest part. As soon as the tip of your toe touches the ground, there is an immediate urge to put all your weight on that foot. Ultimately, it's all a matter of balance, where you will improve over time.
    4. Twitch. The usual melody in dubstep sounds, frankly, like a glitch. It's like the sound of a broken record or a scratched CD when a certain section is repeated over and over again. When this happens, small twitches from ordinary, everyday movements turn into quite interesting movements from the outside.

      • Start with your head. Pull it back and forth to the music. There should be only 4 or so head movements - it won't last long.
      • Work in different areas. While bending your knees, tilt your body a little lower with each punch, being careful not to move your arms or neck/head. You move not only left and right, but also vertically.
      • Isolate your hands. For each "snatch" strike, move your arm/arms independently of your body. The rest of the body should not move. Check if you are moving on each such glitch!
    5. Glide (glide). You have seen this step - it looks almost unearthly. You will pivot on your toe and shift your entire body weight onto it. Remember what we said about balance? That is why you should do it this way. The knee above your swing leg should be bent.

      • Then slide your other foot to the other side. This foot should never leave the ground. It's literally a slide. If you can't slip, change your shoes. Always, always, always have one foot on the toe and the other fully on the ground.
      • Turn. Your foot that is fully on the ground should continue the mirror-turned, heal-up stance, and the other leg should come down fully onto the foot, turning around. With this foot slide towards your body. Repeat. That's all!
      • Remember: the knee is directed towards the forward heel. One heel always comes forward, so the knee does the same.
    6. Make a wave. I bet you didn't think it would become popular again, did you? There are two main types of waves: hand wave and body wave. Both types are heavy in terms of insulation. Let's start with a hand wave:

      • For a hand wave, hold one hand. Throw your hand down, then bend your elbow up. If it is appropriate to mention in this case, do not forget about insulation. Then shrug one shoulder. Then, do not pay attention to the nearest shoulder, while simultaneously accompanying this with an expansion of the chest. Repeat the same with the other arm, starting at the shoulder.
      • To make a wave with your body, imagine that a rail has been pulled through your chest. To start the wave, your shoulders must be tilted back and your chest puffed out. The farther the chest, the better. Then pull the imaginary rail down, move your chest back and your stomach forward. What's next? All the same - pull this imaginary rail down a little more, pulling in the stomach and pushing the hips forward.
        • To complete the wave, pop in a seated position. Without moving the center (isolation!) pop your knees (on tiptoe), bend them, and shift the center of gravity. Once you have mastered the downward movement of the wave, try doing it in reverse.
    • Practice rotating your shoulders and head in small pushing motions to add visual complexity to your dance.
    • Wear a sports bra if you are a girl; you don't want parts of your body to be unable to stay in place.
    • Don't be afraid to incorporate other people's movements into yours. own style. Just remember that you need to respect the one from whom you took this movement and help the community with new ideas.

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