Is it possible to curse a person with words. How to understand that you are cursed


The presence of damage or the evil eye on a person is always manifested by troubles and poor health. However, there are several seemingly insignificant signs that indicate the presence of a curse.

Often we can hear that someone was a victim of the evil eye or damage. Psychics and practitioners say that only a quarter of cases really turn out to be a directed negative impact: often people tend to exaggerate the danger that threatens them.

John, who repeatedly said that he loves his brothers as a sign of regeneration, is the same as distancing himself from false brothers and allowing them to awaken the spirits to see if they are from God and end the first letter with only a warning against idolatry.

Thus, interpersonal and institutional plans were not inconsistent. In matters of objective truth we are talking not only about a person, but about what he does or teaches, whoever he may be. When these two planes are confused, there is a lack of false spirituality, which seems to have little root in biblical knowledge, consists of ethical and doctrinal relativism, and is therefore confused. It's always open objective truth, biblical witness and gospel for what it's worth.

But, unfortunately, the possibility of a curse has been proven by bioenergetics, and there are several signs that unmistakably point to a directed destructive effect.

How can you curse a person

Destructive energy directed at the human biofield is popularly called the evil eye, damage or curse. All of them have the same origin and differ only in the strength of the impact. The curse is considered the strongest directed negative: in some cases, it can even lead to a fatal illness or provoke a sudden tragic death.

Five lead tablets that cursed taverns some 400 years ago have been found in the tomb of a young woman in Athens, Greece. Four tablets were engraved with curses, calling the names of the "vagina" gods, asking them to hit four different pairs of taverns, husband and wife, in Athens. The fifth tablet was white and was probably spelled orally with a magic formula or spell.

All five tablets were drilled with an iron nail, bent and placed in the tomb. The tomb would provide the planks with a path to those gods who, according to ancient beliefs, would make curses. The curse of the dog's ears. One of the curses struck the taverns, the wife and husband, who were called Dimitrios and Phanagoras.

The manifestation of negativity can occur in different ways, but the beginning is always the same: strong negative emotions, such as anger, hatred and envy. It is no coincidence that these emotions are considered the "main" of the 7 passions that destroy energy and lead to illnesses and ailments.

Throw away your hatred for Phanagora and Demetrios and their tavern, their property and possessions. "I will bind you as tightly as I can, Demetrios, and put on my tongue with a kintos." Burial details have not been released, but according to excavations, the cremated remains of a young woman. Lamont studied the tablets at the Piraeus Museum, where they are now protected.

The way the pills work with curses is by putting them underground, "like a tomb or a well," Lamont explains to Living Science. "These subterranean places are believed to provide a conduit for curses to reach the supermundane world," and then his own gods performed the curses.

If you cross the path of a person who has strong energy or an innate gift, but is not aware of his power, he or she may curse, not understanding the full horror of his actions. In this case, getting rid of the curse or corruption will be the easiest.

A woman buried in a grave may not have anything to do with taverns. Perhaps he died when someone wanted to cast curses on others in the same community. During a woman's death ceremonies, the tomb "would be an accessible, good access point for someone to set up these stumps underground and bury them," Lamont says.

Who started the curse? The writing of these tablets is clear, and his prose is eloquent; in other words, they were written by a professional. "It's very rare to get something that explicit, long and beautifully written, of course, horribly," says Lamont. The writer, who may have provided other supernatural spectacles, including amulets, spells, and magic formulas, probably worked in the tavern sector in Athens. It may have been a four-pair commercial competitor.

But, according to practicing psychics, often serious curses are made quite consciously: there are several ways to send a powerful wave of negative energy to another person.

Oral curse. This method seems to be the simplest, but requires the most magical power. The words of the curse are spoken to the wind or to the back of the ill-wisher. Signs of such an impact are a sudden onset of strong headache, insomnia and causeless tears.

"My life could be better." Many consider it often enough, but it does not lead them to action. And the path to a better future can begin right now. To begin with, you can, for example, analyze your lexicon. Remember which negative words you use the most. These words are not only deep meaning but also have the ability to attract negative energy. This limits your options and slows down the momentum. Because thoughts turn into words, words into actions, actions into habits, habits into character and character into destiny.

Curse with a volt. According to psychics, this method is the most time-consuming and requires not only certain knowledge in the field of esotericism, but also a clear intention. The negative is embedded in a doll molded from the wax and hair of the "victim".

This impact is the easiest to determine: a sharp exacerbation of chronic diseases, nightmares and forebodings pile on at once, and suicidal thoughts settle somewhere on the edge of consciousness, gradually taking up more and more space.

In addition, negative words affect your life badly - decreasing motivation, turning into a negative experience, gradually changing your thinking, and even affecting your physical condition, leading to weakened immunity, stress and depression. It turns out that some seemingly harmless words are the real "kings" of life's dramas.

There are many such words in his vocabulary. However, we will try to consider in detail only ten that are used most often. We also have another helpful advice for you - take a piece of paper and write down the negative words that you use most often that accompany you in life. Review them very carefully, think about their meaning and try to replace them with positive expressions.

Photo curse. This type of destructive effect may not be inferior in strength to a curse with the help of a volt, but it does not appear immediately. This method also requires preparation, and on the subtle plane it looks like a gray veil that envelops the human aura like a cobweb.

Psychics include apathy, a feeling of disorientation in time and space, refusal to eat, and a sudden fear or disgust of one's own reflection in the mirror to the "symptoms" of such an impact.

This characteristic for another person or for you has a huge destructive power - it hurts! Our ancestors tried not to pronounce this word, because they believed that they offended both their own and the foreign guardian angel. If, for some reason, someone missed her to say this, he immediately spat on his left shoulder to get rid of misfortunes and misfortunes. Therefore, you should not tell anyone that this is bad, especially children.

Get together with friends and try to do one experiment. Stand up straight and open your arms. Ask one of your friends to tell you what you bad person, and the other - try to raise your hands. You will see that even if you try to keep them high, they will easily remove them. Let this time tell you what you are good man. You will notice that it is now difficult to give up. The body responds to commands to protect or not. "Bad" - no protection, no power. "Good" - the energy of the information field is growing, the defense too.

These signs may increase or disappear: it all depends on the strength of the intention and the depth of the negative message. In addition, unlike a simple evil eye, casting a curse is not easy: for this, a person must have certain magical abilities.

There are no hopeless situations: if you are afraid of negative influences, you should strengthen your natural defenses with the help of special techniques. We wish you to be happy and never fall under the curse. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

This is one of the most restrictive expressions. As soon as you let it into your vocabulary, when you hear it from other people more than three times, you begin to accept a strange pattern of behavior, and with it, someone else's fate. By saying "I can't" you seem to be throwing a barrier in front of you and losing the chance to act.

Unconsciously, you start doing everything you can to hurt the failure. By expressing this expression, you change your idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou further development to success and therefore change the intended outcome of your actions. Never, under any circumstances, speak. The more you mention this expression, the less energy you will have. "I'm tired" acts like an energy stroke with an invisible whip. The command “end” sounds in your mind, I whisper to you that there is no point in hurrying, everything is doomed, useless, impossible.

20.04.2017 04:04

Damage, evil eye, love spell - magical effects that can destroy a person's life. Fortunately, you can identify them yourself. An effective method known...

Hello. Please tell me if I could not curse a person with the words "it will return to you." It was in a children's clinic, we stood in line for a long time, and they came and got in without a queue. The child was very tired, and I was very angry (I meant that such behavior would return to them sometime). And now I'm very worried, what if I did harm ??? but I didn't want to. Yes, and that woman told me a lot, Tell me what to do? Thank you.

Whatever happens, try to avoid this expression, as it has a key effect on human consciousness. Try to repeat this several times and you will see in your mind the image of a person with suppressed hands, you too will take a similar position. And this is natural - each of us once saw a tired person.

If you often say "I'm tired", you can get insomnia, as the subconscious mind is instructed to look for reserves in the body. Without feeling, you start to tense up and get angry for no reason. When you feel tired, try using a different expression - for example, "well done", "a lot of work", "sweet rest". Only then will fate give you pleasant surprises.

Hello Valentine. Firstly, there is nothing critical in the situation you describe, so try not to worry too much and do not wind yourself up.

Secondly, in order to curse a person, it is not at all necessary to say something to him, sometimes it is enough just to look at the other with malicious intent, and the negative program will begin to act.

It is dangerous to mention in vain and even more to refer to impure forces. Believe me, they make you pay dearly for it. Our ancestors were very careful in this regard. They carefully avoided the words "devil" and "demon". It was believed that if you mentioned them, then you name them. If this expression is constantly present in your speech, a signal will appear in your energy field that you belong to dark forces, which, in the meantime, can attract lessons.

Esotericism and representatives of the church noticed on own experience that people who mention the devil in Everyday life, immediately attracted dark forces and get into restless or helpless situations. Even a photo of a person's aura starts to look like a dark brown smudge when he mentions the devil several times.

You were just protecting your child, because, in fact, this woman grossly violated the boundaries and invaded space. Therefore, such a reaction on your part is quite appropriate and, moreover, it is natural for any mother who protects her child. After all, despite the fact that there were no physical actions in your direction, this situation indicates that a stranger tried to satisfy his interests at the expense of other people, in this case at the expense of your family.

We all know the saying "Never say never". Consider, however, how limited the potential of this word for the development of your life. "Never" means nowhere under any circumstances. No matter how positive you say it, for example, if you say: "I'm as good as ever," your destiny will still take your words as a challenge. The ancient Indians said: Do not say the word "never" either in anger, or in despair, or in joy. Fate stands at your doorstep and immediately gives you what you just denied.

By saying this word, you unconsciously include fear of something and exclude opposition against negativity. External circumstances accept your challenge, and various unpleasant and provocative events take place around you. So it's important to be careful with the word "never". By expressing this, you start an argument with the Creator. And everything is always possible for him.

Of course, you could have acted differently and simply kept silent, but then resentment against this woman and unspoken feelings would have resulted in other problems in the future, more global, ranging from your poor health to serious illness child or other family members. In addition, by such an act you showed the entire Universe that you can defend the boundaries and space of yours and your baby.

Although in our country and not only this word has been used for many centuries, you should avoid it. Its meaning hides not only the meaning as "stupid, insane", but also "simple, incomplete". If you often hear this word in your address, you will get used to it, and later you will gain confidence in your own inferiority. But the one who says it also destroys himself and develops this concept according to his individuality. The very word "fool" is perceived as insulting and degrading to the dignity of a person.

By referring to him, you begin to keep up with social and behavioral norms and justify your behavior as a "fool". This word is an obstacle to your path, because finding the fact that your destiny has turned its back and in your life is not happiness and luck reduces your efforts to disbelief that the realization of your plans and happiness in general is possible at all. People often say, "Hope dies last." Therefore, this word, filled with strong emotions, denies even the slightest hope and leaves a person without this faithful companion.

To completely get rid of feelings and reduce the negative impact of the words of this woman addressed to you, we recommend that you carry out the following.

Cleansing ritual

On the waning moon, take a shower for seven days after sunset, lightly rub your body with salt and, washing it off with water, say these words: “As the day goes by, so all the sorrows and hardships that arose as a result of slander go away forever. Salt cleanses the body, mind and soul, and the new day adds strength to me. Let it be so".

Scientists have proven that it affects vision and hearing. The man, who for some time referred to himself as "hopeless" or "cook", apparently voluntarily instructed his body not to see or hear those who utter these words. And as a result, he stops seeing and hearing the whole world with all its pleasant surprises.

The mood of discomfort and anxiety, sadness and poverty is your life in depression. And if you pronounce this word every time, thinking or talking about your life, you go deeper into this state and condemn your fate with a negative sign. As you know, depression is a harbinger of many diseases.

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