Why does the dark realm have such power. Composition on the theme of the Dark Kingdom in the play A


He is the first writer and playwright, on the pages of whose works the characters of the petty tyrants of Rus' were captured with all the depth, strength and realism. And the essence of the main conflict in The Thunderstorm, its one of the most famous plays, lies in the opposition of heroes representing the patriarchal way of life, and people of a new generation who want to be guided in their actions own feelings and my own mind. But it is not at all easy to overcome the "dark kingdom", since its power is based on despotism, fear, cunning and money.

Already at the very beginning of the play, we are talking about the merchant Diky - a cruel, capricious and wayward man. They say about him: “Look for such and such a scolder as Savel Prokofich among us, look for more! No way will a person be cut off. ” Wild scolds everyone, especially goes to his family. For example, his wife constantly asks relatives: “Fathers, do not make me angry! My dear, don't be angry!" And his biggest pain point is money. He himself admits that it’s even a pity for him to pay his debts: “After all, I already know what I need to pay, but I can’t do everything with good. You are my friend, and I must give it back to you, but if you come to ask me, I will scold you.

Despite all your violent temper, with people who can fight back, Dikoy behaves like an ordinary coward. An example is the situation with a hussar in transit.

The ignorance that characterizes the Wild are also typical feature representative of the "dark kingdom". The episode when the local inventor Kuligin asks for money for the construction of lightning rods, and Dikoy refuses him, citing the fact that the thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment, speaks of him as a close-minded, superstitious and uneducated person. ­

The female half of the "dark kingdom" is represented in "Thunderstorm" by the merchant Kabanikha. Wild, of course, a big scolder, but quick-witted. But Kabanikha is cunning and vindictive. In addition, she is a real hypocrite who does evil "under the guise of piety." Merchant Kabanova vigilantly stands guard over the patriarchal laws of morality and demands from her loved ones that they strictly follow these rules. The boar knows how to build out of himself and loving mother who wants only good, and when necessary, she comes down or, on the contrary, shows her power.

Instead of a man, Kabanikha raised only her pale shadow from her son, full of fear and humility. Representatives of the "dark kingdom" would be happy to make all the inhabitants of Kalinov so downtrodden and weak-willed. But now the end of the old world is coming, and she becomes afraid. She is opposed by no less strong personality- Katerina. The merchant's wife fights, and even, as it seems to her, wins. But at the end of the play, she realizes that she was left alone. Even her son rebels against her. To lose its former influence and power - what could be worse for Kabanikha?

Another representative of the "dark kingdom" is the wanderer Feklusha, who acts as the protector of the "dark kingdom". She praises the city of Kalinov, its merchant way of life, while criticizing foreign countries: "We have a righteous law, and they ... unrighteous." But, as a person who has been to many places, she sees signs of approaching change: “ end times, mother Marfa Ignatievna, according to all signs, the last. She turned out to be right - before the famous Peasant Reform, which, according to the plan, was supposed to put an end to the "dark kingdom", only a year and a half remained from the release of the play.

The drama "Thunderstorm" is considered to be one of the main works of A. N. Ostrovsky. And this cannot be denied. love conflict in the play, he fades almost to the last plan, instead, the bitter social truth is exposed, the “dark kingdom” of vices and sins is shown. Dobrolyubov called the playwright a fine connoisseur of the Russian soul. It is difficult to disagree with this opinion. Ostrovsky very subtly describes the experiences of one person, but at the same time is accurate in depicting universal human vices and flaws. human soul, which are inherent in all representatives of " dark kingdom" in "Thunderstorm". Dobrolyubov called such people tyrants. The main tyrants of Kalinov are Kabanikha and Dikoy.

Wild is a bright representative of the "dark kingdom", initially shown as an unpleasant and slippery person. He appears in the first act along with his nephew Boris. Savl Prokofievich is very dissatisfied with the appearance of Boris in the city: “A parasite! Get lost!” The merchant swears and spits on the street, which shows his bad manners. It should be noted that in the life of the Wild Place for cultural enrichment or spiritual growth absolutely not. He knows only what is necessary to know in order to lead the "dark kingdom". Savl Prokofievich does not know either history or its representatives. So, when Kuligin quotes lines from Derzhavin Dikoy, he orders not to be rude to him. Usually, speech allows you to say a lot about a person: about his upbringing, manners, outlook, and so on. Diky's remarks are full of curses and threats: "not a single calculation can do without abuse." In almost every appearance on stage, Savl Prokofievich is either rude to others or expresses himself incorrectly. The merchant is especially annoyed by those who ask him for money. At the same time, Wild himself very often deceives when calculating in his favor. Wild is not afraid of either representatives of the authorities, or a rebellion "senseless and merciless." He is confident in the inviolability of his person and the position that he occupies. It is known that when talking with the mayor that Dikoy allegedly robs ordinary peasants, the merchant openly admits his guilt, but as if he himself is proud of such an act: “Is it worth it, your honor, to talk about such trifles with you! I have a lot of people a year - sometimes people stay: you - then understand: I won’t pay them extra for a penny per person, but I have thousands of this, so it’s good for me! ”Kuligin says that in trade everyone is a friend they steal a friend, and they choose as assistants those who, from prolonged drunkenness, have lost both their human appearance and all humanity.

Wild does not understand what it means to work for the common good. Kuligin proposed to install a lightning rod, with the help of which it would be easier to get electricity. But Savl Prokofievich drove the inventor away with the words: “So you know that you are a worm. I want to - I'm sorry. If I want to, I'll crush it." In this phrase, the position of Wild is most clearly visible. The merchant is confident in his rightness, impunity and power. Savl Prokofievich considers his power to be absolute, because the guarantee of his authority is money, which the merchant has more than enough. The meaning of the life of the Wild is the accumulation and increase of his capital by any legal and illegal methods. Wild believes that wealth gives him the right to scold, humiliate and insult everyone. However, his influence and rudeness scare many, but not Curly. Curly says that he is not afraid of the Wild, so he only acts as he wants. By this, the author wanted to show that sooner or later the tyrants of the dark kingdom will lose their influence, because the prerequisites for this already exist.

The only person with whom the merchant speaks normally is another characteristic representative"dark kingdom" - Kabanikh. Marfa Ignatievna is known for her heavy and grumpy disposition. Marfa Ignatievna is a widow. She herself raised her son Tikhon and daughter Varvara. Total control and tyranny led to horrific consequences. Tikhon cannot act against the will of his mother, he also does not want to say something wrong from the point of view of Kabanikha. Tikhon coexists with her, complaining about life, but not trying to change anything. He is weak and spineless. Daughter Varvara lies to her mother, secretly meeting with Kudryash. At the end of the play, she escapes with him from home. Varvara changed the lock on the gate in the garden so that she could freely go out for a walk at night while the Boar was sleeping. However, she also does not openly confront her mother. Katherine got it the most. The boar humiliated the girl, tried in every possible way to offend and expose her husband (Tikhon) in a bad light. She chose an interesting manipulation tactic. Very measuredly, without haste, Kabanikha gradually “ate” her family, pretending that nothing was happening. Marfa Ignatievna covered herself by taking care of the children. She believed that only the old generation retained an understanding of the norms of life, so this knowledge must be passed on to the next generation, otherwise the world will collapse. But with Kabanikh, all wisdom becomes mutilated, perverted, false. However, it cannot be said that she is doing a good deed. The reader understands that the words "care for children" become an excuse in front of other people. In front of her, the Kabanikha is honest and perfectly understands what she is doing. She embodies the view that the weak should be afraid of the strong. Kabanikha herself speaks of this in the scene of Tikhon's departure. “Why are you standing there, don’t you know the order? Order your wife - how to live without you! To Tikhon’s quite reasonable remark that Katerina has no need to be afraid of him, because he is her husband, Kabanikha replies very sharply: “Why be afraid! Yes, you're crazy, right? You will not be afraid, and even more so me. The boar has long ceased to be a mother, a widow, a woman. Now this is a real tyrant and dictator who seeks to assert his power by any means.

Ostrovsky in "Thunderstorm" endowed the representatives of the "dark kingdom" with the most unpleasant features. The author shows that they are still in power, but times are changing, and soon everything will change. This information will help students in grade 10 when preparing an essay on the topic “ Outstanding Representatives the dark kingdom in the play "Thunderstorm"

Artwork test

dark kingdom

The most important feature of the Ostrovsky theater to this day remains the topicality of the plays. Ostrovsky's works are still successfully staged on the stage of theaters, because the characters and images created by the artist have not lost their freshness. And to this day, viewers reflect on who is right in the dispute between the patriarchal ideas about marriage and the freedom to express feelings, plunge into an atmosphere of dark ignorance, rudeness, and are amazed at the purity and sincerity of Katerina's love.

The city of Kalinov, in which the action of the drama "Thunderstorm" unfolds, - art space, within which the writer sought to maximally generalize the vices characteristic of merchant environment mid-nineteenth century. Critic Dobrolyubov not in vain calls Kalinov "dark kingdom". This definition accurately characterizes the atmosphere described in the city.

Ostrovsky depicts Kalinov as a closed space: the gates are locked, what happens behind the fence does not bother anyone. In the exposition of the play, the audience is presented with the Volga landscape, which evokes poetic lines in Kuligin's memory.

But the description of the expanses of the Volga only reinforces the feeling of the closedness of the city, in which no one even walks along the boulevard. The city lives its boring and monotonous life. The poorly educated inhabitants of Kalinov learn news about the world not from newspapers, but from wanderers, for example, such as Feklusha. A favorite guest in the Kabanov family says that “there is still a land where all people have dog heads”, and in Moscow there are only “amusements and games, and there is a roar in the streets of the Indo, a groan stands”. The ignorant inhabitants of the city of Kalinov willingly believe in such stories, which is why Kalinov seems to the townspeople a paradise. So, separated from the whole world, as a distant state, in which the inhabitants see almost the only promised land, Kalinov himself begins to acquire fabulous features, becoming symbolically sleepy kingdom.

The spiritual life of the inhabitants of Kalinovo is limited by the rules of Domostroy, the observance of which is required by each generation of parents from each generation of children, tyranny reigns all around and money rules.

The main guardians of the secular order in the city are Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova and Savel Prokofievich Dikoi, who have distorted moral standards. A prime example tyranny is an episode in which Ostrovsky ironically portrays Diky, speaking of his “kindness”: having scolded the peasant who asked him for a salary, Savel Prokofievich repents of his behavior and even asks for forgiveness from the worker. Thus, the writer depicts the absurdity of the fury of the Wild, which was replaced by self-flagellation. Being a wealthy merchant and having a lot of money, Wild considers people below him to be "worms" whom he can pardon or crush at will, the hero feels impunity for his actions. Even the mayor is unable to influence him. Wild, feeling herself not only the master of the city, but also the master of life, is not afraid of the official either. A wealthy merchant is also afraid of the household. Every morning his wife begs those around her with tears: “Fathers, don’t make me angry!” But Savel Prokofievich swears only with those who cannot fight back. As soon as he meets resistance, his mood and tone of communication change dramatically. He is afraid of his clerk Curly, who knows how to resist him. Dikoi does not swear even with the merchant's wife Marfa Ignatievna, the only one who understands him. Only Kabanikh is able to pacify the violent temper of Savel Prokofievich. She alone sees that Dikoy himself is not happy with his tyranny, but she cannot help herself, so Kabanikha considers herself stronger than him.

And indeed, Marfa Ignatievna is not inferior to Wild in despotism and tyranny. Being a hypocrite, she tyrannizes her family. Kabanikha is depicted by Ostrovsky as a heroine who considers herself the guardian of the foundations of Domostroy. The patriarchal system of values, from which only the external ostentatious side remains, is the most important thing for her. Marfa Ignatievna's desire to follow the old traditions in everything, Ostrovsky demonstrates in the scene of Tikhon's farewell to Katerina. A conflict arises between Katerina and Kabanikha, reflecting internal contradictions between heroines. The boar blames Katerina for not “howling” and not “lying on the porch” after her husband’s departure, to which Katerina remarks that it’s “to make people laugh” like this.

The boar, doing everything “under the guise of piety,” demands complete obedience from her household. In the Kabanov family, everyone should live as Marfa Ignatievna requires. Kuligin accurately characterizes Kabanikha in a dialogue with Boris: “The hypocrite, sir! The beggars are clothed, but the household is completely stuck! The main object of her tyranny is her own children. The power-hungry Kabanikha does not notice that under her oppression she has raised a miserable, cowardly person who does not have own opinion- the son of Tikhon and the cunning, giving the impression of a decent and obedient daughter Varvara. In the end, unjustified cruelty and a desire to control everything lead Kabanikha to tragedy: his own son blames his mother for the death of his wife Katerina (“Mother, you ruined her”), and her beloved daughter, who does not agree to live within the framework of tyranny, runs away from home.

Giving an assessment of the images of the “dark kingdom”, one cannot but agree with Ostrovsky that cruel tyranny and despotism are a real evil, under the yoke of which they fade, wither human feelings, the will weakens, the mind fades. "Thunderstorm" is an open protest against the "dark kingdom", a challenge to ignorance and rudeness, hypocrisy and cruelty.

Each person is the one and only world, with his actions, character, habits, honor, morality, feeling dignity.

It is the problem of honor and dignity that Ostrovsky raises in his play The Thunderstorm.

In order to show the contradictions between rudeness and honor, between ignorance and dignity, two generations are shown in the play: people of the older generation, the so-called "dark kingdom", and people of the new trend, more progressive, not

Those who want to live according to the old laws and customs.

Wild and Kabanov - typical representatives"dark kingdom" It was in these images that Ostrovsky wanted to show the ruling class in Russia at that time.

So who are Dikoy and Kabanova? First of all, these are the richest people in the city, in their hands is the “supreme” power, with the help of which they oppress not only their serfs, but also their relatives. Kuligin said well about the life of the townspeople: more money to make money ... ", and again:" In the bourgeoisie, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness ... "And so they live, knowing nothing but money, ruthless exploitation, immense profit

At someone else's expense. It was not without intent that Ostrovsky created these two types. Wild is a typical merchant, and his social circle is Kabanikha.

The images of Dikoy and Kabanova are very similar: they are rude, ignorant people. They only do selfishness. Wild is annoyed by his relatives, who accidentally caught his eye: “... Once I told you, I told you twice: “Don’t you dare to meet me”; you get it all! Is there enough space for you? Wherever you go, here you are! .. "And if someone comes to ask for money from Dikiy, then there's no way to do without swearing:" I understand this; what are you going to tell me to do with myself when my heart is like that! After all, I already know what I need to give, but I can’t do everything with good. You are my friend, and I must give it back to you, but if you come and ask me, I will scold you. I will give, I will give, but I will scold. Therefore, just give me a hint about money, my whole interior will be kindled; it kindles the whole interior, and that's all ... "

Kabanova doesn't like it when Katerina defends her human dignity and tries to protect her husband from excessive scolding. The boar is disgusted that someone dares to argue with her, to do something against her command. But between Wild and Kabanova there is a slight difference in relation to relatives and the people around them. Dikoy swears openly, “as if he had broken the chain”, Kabanikha - “under the guise of piety”: “I know, I know that my words are not to your liking, but what can you do, I am not a stranger to you, I have a heart about you it hurts ... After all, from love, parents are strict with you, from love they scold you, everything

They think it's good to teach. Well, now I don't like it. And the children will go to people to praise that the mother is grumbling, that the mother does not give a pass, she shrinks from the light. And God forbid, you won’t please your daughter-in-law with any word, so the conversation began that the mother-in-law ate completely.

Greed, rudeness, ignorance, tyranny will always be in these. These qualities have not been eradicated, because they were brought up in such a way, they grew up in the same environment. Such as Kabanova and Dikoy will always be together, they cannot be separated. Where one ignorant and petty tyrant has appeared, another will appear there. Whatever the society, there will always be people who, under the guise of progressive ideas and education, hide, or rather, try to hide their stupidity, rudeness and ignorance. They tyrannize others, while not at all embarrassed and not afraid to bear any responsibility for this. Wild and Kabanova - this is the very "dark kingdom", remnants, supporters of the foundations of this "dark kingdom". That's who they are, these Wild and Kabanovs, stupid, ignorant, hypocritical, rude. They preach the same peace and order. This is the world of money, anger, envy and enmity. They hate everything new and progressive. The idea of ​​A. Ostrovsky was to expose the "dark kingdom", using the images of Wild and Kabanova. He denounced all rich people in lack of spirituality and meanness. Mainly in secular societies Russia XIX century there were such Wild and Kabanovs, which the author showed us in his drama "Thunderstorm".

The curtain opens. And the viewer's eye sees the high bank of the Volga, the city garden, the inhabitants of the charming town of Kalinov walking and talking. The beauty of the landscape causes Kuligin's poetic delight and surprisingly harmonizes with the free Russian folk song. The conversation of the city dwellers slowly flows, in which the life of Kalinov, hidden from prying eyes, is already slightly revealed.

A talented self-taught mechanic Kuligin calls his manners "cruel". What does he see as a manifestation of this? First of all, in the poverty and rudeness that reigns in the philistine environment. The reason is extremely clear dependence of the working population on the power of money, concentrated in the hands of the wealthy merchants of the city. But, continuing the story of Kalinov's morals, Kuligin by no means idealizes the relationship of the merchant class, which, according to him, undermines trade from each other, writes "malicious slander". The only one educated person Kali-nova draws attention to one important detail, clearly visible in the amusing story about how Dikoy explained to the mayor about the peasants' complaint against him.

Let us recall Gogol's "Inspector General", in which the merchants did not dare to utter a word under the mayor, but dutifully put up with his tyranny and endless requisitions. And in "Thunderstorm", in response to the remark of the main person of the city about his dishonest act, Wild

He only condescendingly pats the representative of authority on the shoulder, not even considering it necessary to make excuses. So, money and power have become synonymous here. Therefore, there is no uprava on the Wild, who offends the whole city. No one can please him, no one is immune from his violent abuse. Wild is self-willed and tyrannical, because he does not meet with resistance and is confident in his own impunity. This hero, with his rudeness, greed and ignorance, personifies the main features of Kalinov's "dark kingdom". Moreover, his anger and irritation especially increase in those cases when we are talking or about money that needs to be returned, or about something inaccessible to his understanding. That is why he scolds Boris's nephew so much, for his mere appearance

Reminds of the inheritance, which, according to the will, must be shared with him. That is why he lashes out at Kuligin, who is trying to explain to him the principle of the lightning rod. Diky is outraged by the idea of ​​a thunderstorm as electrical discharges. He, like all Kalinovtsy, is convinced that a thunderstorm is coming! people as a reminder of the responsibility for their actions. This is not just ignorance and superstition, it is passed down from generation to generation. folk mythology before which the language of the logical mind falls silent. This means that even in the violent, uncontrollable tyrant Dick lives this moral truth, forcing him to publicly bow at the feet of the peasant, whom he scolded during fasting. Even if Diky has fits of remorse, the wealthy merchant widow Marfa Ignatyevna Kabanova seems at first even more religious and pious. Unlike Wild, she will never raise her voice, will not rush at people like a chain dog. But the despotism of her nature is not at all a secret for the Kalinovs. Even before the appearance of this heroine on the stage, we hear biting and well-aimed remarks of the townspeople addressed to her. "Prude, sir. She gives clothes to the poor, but she eats the household completely, ”Kuligin says to Boris about her. And the very first meeting with Kabanikha convinces us of the correctness of this

Characteristics. Her tyranny is limited to the sphere of the family, which she ruthlessly tyrannizes. The boar crippled her own son, turning him into a miserable, weak-willed person who only does what is justified before her for non-existent sins. The cruel, despotic Kabanikha turned the life of her children and daughter-in-law into hell, constantly torturing them, harassing them with reproaches, complaints and suspicions. Therefore, her daughter Barbara! , a brave, strong-willed girl, is forced to live by the principle: "... do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered." Therefore, Tikhon and Katerina cannot be happy.

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"The Dark Kingdom" in A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm": Wild and Boar

A. N. Ostrovsky had a high understanding of Russian life and a great ability to depict sharply and vividly the most significant
her sides. Dobrolyubov called the world depicted by the playwright a "dark kingdom".
So what is this "dark kingdom"?
Getting acquainted with the situation and the way of life of the inhabitants of Kalinovo, already from the first scenes of the drama, we can judge the philistinism
"Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel!"
Tears flow behind high fences, behind heavy locks. “Whoever has money, sir, he tries to enslave the poor ... And
among themselves - then, sir, how they live! ... They are at enmity with each other. Who are they? Rude people, slanderers, envious people, oppressors.
Dobrolyubov calls this type of people "tyrants of Russian life." In the role of "tyrants" in the play, Dikoy and
The meaning of Dikov's life is to acquire, increase his wealth. To do this, he does not disdain any
means. To the mayor, to whom the peasants complained that Dikoi was robbing them, he replies: “Is it worth it, your
Your high nobility, you and I are talking about such trifles! I have a lot in a year - then people stay: you - then understand:
I won’t pay them extra for a penny per person, but I make thousands of this, so it’s good for me!
The main features of the Wild are greed and rudeness. Having thousands, he feels his strength and brazenly demands universal respect and
obedience. He considers himself entitled to scold all people in a row.
His whole life is based on cursing. “Most of all, because of money, not a single calculation can do without scolding.” Nobody and
he does not dare to utter a word about his salary, he scolds him for what the world is worth. Everyone in the house is afraid of him, they try not to anger him in the morning,
Otherwise, all day long he will find fault with everyone. And the trouble is, if his man, whom he does not dare to scold; right here at home
hold on. “How he got off the chain,” Kudryash characterizes him.
Showing his power, Dikoi says to Kulizhin: “I say that you are a robber, and the end! What are you, sue, or something with me
you will! So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush.
But Dikoy doesn’t scold everyone, he doesn’t talk like that to everyone. It is necessary to stumble upon resistance, so the tone immediately changes.
He is afraid of his clerk Curly. “He is the word, and I am ten; spit and go. No, I won't be a slave to him
I will,” says Kudryash. He does not dare to scold Kabanikha either.
It turns out that it is not so difficult to humble the Wild, it is enough to show him at least some resistance. But the trouble is
that he encounters almost no resistance to this.
The speech of the wild one characterizes him as an extremely rude, ignorant, uneducated person. He doesn't want to know anything
about science, culture, inventions. When Kuligin asks him for money for sundial The wild one won't even understand, oh
what is being said.
To quotes from Derzhavin’s poems, Dikoy says to Kuligin: “Don’t you dare be rude to me!”
The limit of the power of petty tyrants depends on the degree of obedience of others. This was well understood by another mistress of the "dark kingdom"
Boar. She is outwardly calm, well in control of herself. “A hypocrite, she clothes the poor, but she completely ate at home,” - this is what she says about
her Kuligin. Measured, monotonous, without raising her voice, she exhausts her family with her endless moralizing,
reproaches, reproaches, complaints: “If a parent says something when and insulting, in your pride, so, I think you could
She does not get tired of repeating that she does not take care of herself, but of the children: “After all, parents are strict out of love - then they come to you, from
love you and scold - then everyone thinks to teach good.
But from her love and care it comes to stupefaction Tikhon, he runs away from Varvara's house. Her constant tyranny tormented Katerina,
led her to her death. The boar constantly pretends to be offended, unhappy: “Mother is old, stupid; Well, what about you young people?
smart people should not exact from us fools. She sees her main concern in cutting off any possibility
rebelliousness. The boar eats domestic animals in order to kill their will, any ability to resist. She supports
superstitions and prejudices, strictly observes the old customs and practices: “Why are you standing there, don’t you know the order? order
wife - how to live without you!
A boar is a domineering, proud, wayward woman, accustomed only to unquestioning obedience and humiliation
others: “Well, well, order! So that I can hear what you order her!”
“In the night, in the night,” he orders Tikhon. This is not a woman, but a heartless, cruel executioner. Even at the sight of pulled out of
Volga of Katerina's body, she keeps an icy calmness. The boar understands that only fear can keep people in
subjugation, to prolong the domination of petty tyrants. To the words of Tikhon, why should his wife be afraid of him, Kabanikha exclaims in horror: “How
why be afraid! Yes, you're crazy, right? You will not be afraid, and even more so me.
She defends the law, according to which the weak must be afraid of the strong, according to which a person should not have his own will. After
Katerina’s confession, she loudly, triumphantly says to Tikhon: “What, son! Where will the will lead? I told you, so you
did not want to listen. That's what I've been waiting for!"
Indeed, according to Dobrolyubov, “There is nothing sacred, nothing pure, nothing right in this dark world". The critic exclaimed:
“The tyranny, wild, insane, banished from him any sense of honor and right ... brazenly trampled on human tyrants
dignity, individual freedom, faith in love and happiness.
The power of Kabanikh and Dikiy is still great “But - a wonderful thing! ... tyrants begin to feel some kind of discontent and fear,
without knowing what or why. In addition to them, without asking them, another life grew up, with other beginnings. She is far away, but
already gives itself a presentiment and sends not good visions to the dark arbitrariness of petty tyrants.

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