Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo. Children's fairy tales online


Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale "Ivan - peasant son and miracle-yudo", it feels the love and wisdom of our people. Thanks to the developed children's imagination, they quickly revive the colorful pictures of the world around them in their imagination and fill in the gaps with their visual images. It is amazing that with sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages rethinking oneself, is crowned with success. Folk tradition cannot lose its relevance, due to the inviolability of such concepts as: friendship, compassion, courage, courage, love and sacrifice. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels incredible love with which images are described environment. The fairy tale "Ivan - the peasant son and the miracle Yudo" is certainly useful to read online for free, it will bring up in your child only good and useful qualities and concepts.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked all day, they plowed arable land and sowed bread.
The news suddenly spread in that kingdom-state: the filthy miracle Yudo was going to attack their land, exterminate all the people, burn the towns and villages with fire. The old man and the old woman were tormented, they were grieving. And their sons console them:
- Do not grieve, father and mother, we will go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight him to the death. And in order not to yearn for you alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go to battle.
“No,” says Ivan, “it doesn’t suit me to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight with a miracle!”
The old man and the old woman did not stop and dissuade Ivanushka, and they equipped all three sons on their way. The brothers took damask swords, took knapsacks with bread and salt, sat on good horses and rode off.
They drove and drove and came to a village. They look - there is not a single living soul around, everything is burnt, broken, there is one small hut, barely holding on. The brothers entered the hut. An old woman lies on the stove and groans.
“Hello, grandmother,” the brothers say.
— Hello, good fellows! Where are you on your way?
- We are going, grandmother, to the Smorodina River, to the Kalinov Bridge. We want to fight with a miracle Yud, not to allow it to our land.
- Oh, well done, they got down to business! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, plundered, betrayed a fierce death. Nearby kingdoms - even a rolling ball. And started coming here. In this direction, only I remained alone: ​​it is clear that I am a miracle, and I am not fit for food.
The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off again on the road.
They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the Kalinov Bridge. Human bones lie all over the shore.
The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.
“Well, brothers,” says Ivan, “we drove into a foreign country, we need to listen to everything and look closely. Let's go on patrol one by one, so that the miracle Yudo does not pass through the Kalinov bridge.
On the first night, the older brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked at the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, no one could be seen, nothing could be heard. He lay down under a willow bush and fell sound asleep, snoring loudly.
And Ivan lies in a hut, he can’t fall asleep in any way. He does not sleep, he does not doze off. As the time went past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River. He looks - under the bush, the elder brother is sleeping, snoring with all his might. Ivan did not wake him up, hid under the Kalinov bridge, stands, guards the crossing.
Suddenly, the waters on the river were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle Yudo with six heads leaves. He rode out into the middle of the Kalinov Bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, and behind him the black dog bristled.
Says the six-headed miracle Yudo:
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle. I'll put him on one hand, slap him with the other - it will only get wet!
Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:
"Don't brag, you filthy miracle Yudo!" Without shooting a clear falcon, it's too early to pluck feathers. Not recognizing good fellow, nothing to blaspheme it. Come on better strength sample; whoever overcomes, he will boast.
So they came together, drew level, and hit so hard that the earth groaned all around.
Miracle Yudu was not lucky: Ivan is a peasant son, knocked down three of his heads with one swing.
- Stop, Ivan - a peasant's son! - shouts miracle Yudo. - Give me a break!
— What a rest! You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one! This is how you will have one head, then we will rest.
Again they converged, again hit.
Ivan, the peasant's son, cut off the last three heads of the Miracle Yuda. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded the bridge under the viburnum six heads. He himself returned to the hut.
In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:
"Well, didn't you see anything?"
“No, brothers, not even a fly flew past me.
Ivan didn't say a word to him.
The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He looked like, looked around, looked around and calmed down. I climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.
Ivan did not rely on him either. As the time went past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the Kalinov bridge and began to guard.
Suddenly, on the river, the waters were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - the nine-headed miracle Yudo leaves. As soon as he entered the Kalinov bridge, the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him ... The miracle of the horse is on the sides, the crow is on the feathers, the dog is on the ears!
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!
Ivan jumped out - a peasant son from under the Kalinov bridge:
“Wait, miracle Yudo, don’t brag, get down to business first!” It is not yet known who will take it.
As soon as Ivan waved his damask sword once or twice, he knocked off six heads from the miracle-yud. And the miracle Yudo hit, drove the earth into the cheese on Ivan’s knee. Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed a handful of earth and threw it into his opponent's eyes. While the miracle Yudo was rubbing and cleaning his eyes, Ivan cut off the rest of his heads as well. Then he took the torso, cut it into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded the nine heads under the viburnum. He himself returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.
In the morning the middle brother comes.
“Well, then,” Ivan asks, “didn’t you see anything during the night?”
- No, not a single fly flew near me, not a single mosquito squeaked nearby.
- Well, if so, come with me, dear brothers, I will show you both a mosquito and a fly!
Ivan brought the brothers under the Kalinov bridge, showed them the miracle Yudov's heads.
“Here,” he says, “what flies and mosquitoes fly here at night!” You do not fight, but lie at home on the stove.
The brothers were ashamed.
- Sleep, - they say, - knocked down ...
On the third night, Ivan himself was about to go on patrol.
“I,” he says, “I’m going to a terrible battle, but you, brothers, don’t sleep all night, listen: when you hear my whistle, release my horse and hurry to help me yourself.
Ivan came - a peasant son to the Smorodina River, stands under the viburnum bridge, waiting.
It was only past midnight, the damp earth began to sway, the waters in the river stirred, the violent winds howled, the eagles screamed on the oaks ... The twelve-headed miracle Yudo leaves. All twelve heads are whistling, all twelve are bursting with fire and flames. The horse of a miracle-yuda with twelve wings, the horse's hair is copper, the tail and mane are iron. As soon as the miracle Yudo drove onto the Kalinov Bridge, the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him. Miracle Yudo of a horse with a whip on the sides, a crow - on feathers, a dog - on the ears!
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he didn’t fit into the battle: I’ll just blow - he won’t be left as dust!
Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the Kalinov Bridge:
- Wait to boast: how not to be disgraced!
- It's you, Ivan - a peasant's son! Why did you come?
- On you, the enemy force, to look, to try your fortress.
“Where would you like to try my fortress!” You are a fly in front of me.
Ivan, the peasant son of a miracle, answers:
“I came neither to tell you fairy tales, nor to listen to yours. I came to fight to the death, from you, damned, good people deliver!
Ivan swung his sharp sword and cut off three heads of the miracle-yuda. Chudo-Yudo picked up these heads, scribbled at them with his fiery finger - and immediately all the heads grew back, as if they had not fallen from their shoulders.
Ivan, the peasant son, had a bad time: the miracle Yudo stuns him with a whistle, burns and burns him with fire, showers him with sparks, drives the earth knee-deep into cheese. And he laughs:
“Don’t you want to rest, get better, Ivan is a peasant’s son?”
— What a rest! In our opinion - beat, cut, do not take care of yourself! Ivan says.
He whistled, barked, threw his right mitten into the hut where the brothers remained. The mitten has broken all the glass in the windows, but the brothers are asleep, they hear nothing.
Ivan gathered his strength, swung again, stronger than before, and cut down six heads of the miracle-yud.
Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, drew a fiery finger - and again all the heads were in place. He rushed here at Ivan, beat him to the waist in the damp earth.
Ivan sees - things are bad. He took off his left mitten, launched into the hut. The mitten broke through the roof, but the brothers are still sleeping, they don’t hear anything.
For the third time, Ivan, the peasant's son, swung even stronger and cut down nine heads of the miracle-yuda. Miracle Yudo picked them up, drew them with a fiery finger - the heads grew back again. He rushed at Ivan and drove him into the ground up to his shoulders.
Ivan took off his hat and threw it into the hut. From that blow, the hut staggered, almost rolled over the logs.
Just then the brothers woke up, they heard - Ivanov's horse neighs loudly and breaks from the chains.
They rushed to the stable, lowered the horse, and after him they themselves ran to help Ivan.
Ivanov's horse came running, began to beat the miracle Yudo with his hooves. The wonder-yudo whistled, hissed, began to shower the horse with sparks ... And Ivan, the peasant son, meanwhile got out of the ground, got used to it and cut off the fiery finger of the miracle-yudu. After that, let's chop off his heads, knocked down every single one, cut his body into small parts and threw everything into the Smorodina River.
The brothers are here.
- Oh, you sleepyheads! Ivan says. “Your sleep made me lose my head a little.
His brothers brought him to the hut, washed him, fed him, gave him drink and put him to bed.
Early in the morning, Ivan got up, began to dress and put on shoes.
"Where are you up so early?" the brothers say. “I would like to rest after such a battle.
- No, - Ivan answers, - I don’t have time to rest: I’ll go to the Smorodina River to look for my scarf - I dropped it.
- Hunt for you! the brothers say. - We'll go to the city - you can buy a new one.
No, I need one!
Ivan went to the Smorodina River, crossed to the other side across the Kalinov bridge and crept to the miraculous Yudov stone chambers. He went to the open window and began to listen to see if they were plotting something else. He looks - three miraculous wives and a mother, an old snake, are sitting in the wards. They sit and talk.
Elder says:

- I will avenge Ivan - the peasant son for my husband! I’ll get ahead of myself when he and his brothers return home, I’ll turn on the heat, and I myself will turn into a well. They want to drink water and burst from the first sip!
- You have a good idea! says the old snake.
The second said:
- And I will run ahead and turn into an apple tree. If they want to eat an apple, then they will be torn into small pieces!
- And you thought well! says the old snake.
- And I, - says the third, - will let them sleep and slumber, and I myself will run ahead and turn myself into a soft carpet with silk pillows. If the brothers want to lie down, rest, then they will be burned by fire!
The snake answers her:
- And you have a good idea! Well, my dear daughters-in-law, if you do not destroy them, then tomorrow I myself will catch up with them and swallow all three.
Ivan, the peasant son, listened to all this and returned to his brothers.
Well, did you find your handkerchief? the brothers ask.
- Found.
And it was worth the time!
— It was worth it, brothers!
After that, the brothers gathered and went home.
They go through the steppes, they go through the meadows. And the day is so hot that there is no patience, the thirst is exhausted. The brothers are watching - there is a well, a silver ladle floats in the well. They say to Ivan:
- Come on, brother, let's stop, drink some cold water and water the horses.
- It is not known what kind of water is in that well, - Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten and dirty.
He jumped off his good horse, began to chop and chop this well with a sword. The well howled, roared in a bad voice. Suddenly a fog came down, the heat subsided, and I didn’t want to drink.
- You see, brothers, what water was in the well! Ivan says.
They went further.
How long, how short - they saw an apple tree. Ripe and ruddy apples hang on it.
The brothers jumped off their horses, they wanted to tear the apples, and Ivan, the peasant's son, ran ahead and let's chop and chop the apple tree with a sword. The apple tree howled, screamed ...
- See, brothers, what kind of apple tree is this? Tasteless apples!
The brothers got on their horses and rode on.
They rode and rode and got very tired. They look - there is a soft carpet on the field, and down pillows on it.
“Let’s lie down on this carpet, let’s rest a bit!” the brothers say.
- No, brothers, it will not be soft to lie on this carpet! Ivan answers.
The brothers were angry with him:
- What kind of pointer are you to us: that is impossible, the other is impossible!
Ivan did not say a word in response, took off his sash and threw it on the carpet. The sash burst into flames - nothing remained in place.
“That would be the same with you!” Ivan says to his brothers.
He went up to the carpet and let's cut the carpet and pillows into small shreds with a sword. Chopped up, scattered to the sides and says:
- In vain you, brothers, grumbled at me! After all, the well, and the apple tree, and this carpet - all the miraculous wives were. They wanted to destroy us, but they did not succeed: they all died themselves!
The brothers went on.
How much, how little, they drove - suddenly the sky darkened, the wind howled, buzzed: the old snake itself flies after them. She opened her mouth from heaven to earth - she wants to swallow Ivan and his brothers. Then the good fellows, don't be bad, pulled out of their knapsacks a pood of salt from their travel bags and threw it into the snake's mouth.
The snake was delighted - she thought that Ivan, the peasant son with his brothers, was captured. She stopped and began to chew salt. And as I tried it, I realized that these were not good fellows, and again rushed off in pursuit.
Ivan sees that the trouble is imminent - he let his horse run at full speed, and the brothers followed him. Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping ...
They look - there is a forge, and twelve blacksmiths work in that forge.
“Blacksmiths, blacksmiths,” Ivan says, “let us into your forge!”
The blacksmiths let the brothers in, behind them they closed the forge with twelve iron doors, with twelve forged locks.
A snake flew up to the forge and shouted:
- Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, give me Ivan - a peasant son with brothers! And the blacksmiths answered her:
“Click twelve iron doors with your tongue, and then you will take it!”
The snake began to lick iron doors. Licked, licked, licked, licked - licked eleven doors. There is only one door left...
Tired snake, sat down to rest.
Then Ivan, the peasant's son, jumped out of the forge, picked up the snake and hit it with all his might on the damp earth. It crumbled into small dust, and the wind scattered that dust in all directions. Since then, all miracles and snakes in that region have hatched, people began to live without fear.
And Ivan, a peasant son with his brothers, returned home, to his father, to his mother, and they began to live and live, to plow the field and collect bread.
And now they live.


Russian folk tale

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked from morning till night: they plowed arable land and sowed bread.

Suddenly, bad news spread in that kingdom-state: a filthy miracle Yudo was going to attack their land, exterminate all people, burn all the towns and villages with fire. The old man and the old woman were tormented, they were grieving. And the older sons console them:

Do not grieve, father and mother! Let's go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight him to the death! And in order not to yearn for you alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go to battle.

No, - says Ivanushka, - I don’t want to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight with a miracle!

The old man and the old woman did not stop him and dissuade him. they equipped all three sons on the road. The brothers took heavy clubs, took knapsacks with bread and salt, sat on good horses and rode off. How long, how short they drove - meets them an old man.

Hello, good fellows!

Hello grandfather!

Where are you heading to?

We are going with a filthy miracle-yud to fight, fight, native land protect!

This is a good thing! Only for the battle you need not batons, but damask swords.

And where can I get them, grandfather?

And I will teach you. Come on, you good fellows, everything is straight. Will you reach high mountain. And in that mountain there is a deep cave. The entrance to it is littered with a large stone. Roll away the stone, enter the cave and find damask swords there.

The brothers thanked the passer-by and drove straight, as he taught. They see - there is a high mountain, on one side a large gray stone is rolled up. The brothers rolled away the stone and entered the cave. And there are all sorts of weapons - and you can’t count them! They chose a sword for themselves and drove on.

Thank you, - they say, - to a passer-by. With swords, it will be much more convenient for us to fight!

They drove and drove and came to a village. They look - there is not a single living soul around. Everything is burnt, broken. There is one small hut. The brothers entered the hut. An old woman lies on the stove and groans.

Hello grandma! the brothers say.

Hello fellows! Where are you on your way?

We are going, grandmother, to the Smorodina River, to viburnum bridge, we want to fight with a miracle Yud, to prevent it from entering our land.

Oh, well done, for a good deed undertook! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, plundered! And he got to us. I'm the only one left here...

The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off again on the road.

They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the viburnum bridge. Swords and broken bows lie all over the shore, human bones lie.

The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.

Well, brothers, - says Ivan, - we drove into an alien side, we need to listen to everything and look closely. Let's go on patrol one by one so that the miracle Yudo does not pass through the viburnum bridge.

On the first night, the older brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked across the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, no one could be seen, nothing could be heard. The elder brother lay down under the willow bush and fell asleep soundly, snoring loudly.

And Ivan lies in a hut - he can’t sleep, he doesn’t doze off. As the time went past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River.

Looks - under a bush the elder brother is sleeping, snoring with all his might. Ivan did not wake him up. He hid under the Kalinov bridge, stands, guards the crossing.

Suddenly, the waters on the river were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle Yudo with six heads drove up. He rode out to the middle of the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, behind the black dog bristled.

Says the six-headed miracle Yudo:

What are you, my horse, stumbled? What are you, black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he did not fit into battle! I'll put him on one hand, slam the other!

Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:

Don't brag, you filthy miracle! Didn't shoot a clear falcon - it's too early to pinch feathers! I did not recognize the good fellow - there is nothing to shame him! Come on, it’s better to try your strength: whoever overcomes, he will boast.

Here they converged, caught up and hit so hard that the earth hummed all around.

Miracle Yudu was not lucky: Ivan, a peasant son, knocked down his three heads with one stroke.

Stop, Ivan is a peasant's son! - shouts miracle Yudo. - Give me a break!

What a vacation! You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one. This is how you will have one head, then we will rest.

Again they converged, again hit.

Ivan, the peasant's son, cut off the last three heads of the Miracle Yuda. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded the bridge under the viburnum six heads. He himself returned to the hut and lay down to sleep.

In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:

Well, didn't you see something?

No, brothers, not even a fly flew past me!

Ivan didn't say a word to him.

The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He looked like, looked around, looked around and calmed down. I climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan did not rely on him either. As the time went past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the viburnum bridge and began to guard.

Suddenly, the waters were agitated on the river, the eagles screamed on the oaks - the nine-headed miracle Yudo drove up, As soon as he drove onto the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, behind the black dog bristled ... Miracle Yudo horse with a whip on the sides, a crow - on feathers, dog - on the ears!

What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why are you, black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant, the son is here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!

Ivan jumped out - a peasant son from under the viburnum bridge:

Wait, miracle Yudo, do not boast, first get down to business! Let's see who gets it!

As Ivan swung his damask sword once or twice, he demolished six heads from the miracle. And he hit the miracle Yudo - he drove Ivan to the knees into the damp earth. Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into his enemy's eyes. While the miracle Yudo was rubbing and cleaning his eyes, Ivan cut off the rest of his heads as well. Then he cut the body into small pieces, threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded nine heads under the viburnum bridge. He himself returned to the hut. I lay down and fell asleep as if nothing had happened.

In the morning the middle brother comes.

Well, - Ivan asks, - didn't you see anything during the night?

No, not a single fly flew near me, not a single mosquito squeaked.

Well, if so, come with me, dear brothers, I will show you a mosquito and a fly.

Ivan brought the brothers under the viburnum bridge, showed them the miracle Yudov's heads.

Here, - he says, - what kind of flies and mosquitoes fly here at night. And you, brothers, do not fight, but lie at home on the stove!

The brothers were ashamed.

Sleep, - they say, - knocked down ...

On the third night, Ivan himself was about to go on patrol.

I, - he says, - go to a terrible battle! And you, brothers, do not sleep all night, listen: when you hear my whistle, let my horse out and rush to my aid yourself.

Ivan came - a peasant son to the Smorodina River, stands under the viburnum bridge, waiting.

As soon as the time passed after midnight, the damp earth shook, the waters in the river stirred, the violent winds howled, the eagles screamed on the oaks. A twelve-headed miracle Yudo leaves. All twelve heads are whistling, all twelve are bursting with fire and flames. The miracle horse has twelve wings, the horse's hair is copper, the tail and mane are iron.

As soon as the miracle Yudo drove onto the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him. Miracle Yudo of a horse with a whip on the sides, a crow - on feathers, a dog - on the ears!

What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he did not fit into battle: just a dun - and his ashes will not remain! Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the viburnum bridge:

Wait, miracle Yudo, boast: how would you not be disgraced!

Ah, so it's you, Ivan - a peasant's son? Why did you come here?

Look at you, enemy force, try your courage!

Where do you try my courage! You are a fly in front of me.

Ivan, the peasant son of a miracle, answers:

I did not come to tell you fairy tales and not to listen to yours. I came to fight to the death, to save good people from you, damned!

Here Ivan swung his sharp sword and cut off three heads of the miracle-yuda. Chudo-Yudo picked up these heads, stroked them with his fiery finger, put them to their necks, and immediately all the heads grew back, as if they had not fallen from their shoulders.

Ivan had a bad time: the miracle Yudo deafens him with a whistle, burns him with fire, showers him with sparks, drives him up to his knees into the damp earth ... And he chuckles:

Do you want to rest, Ivan - a peasant's son?

What kind of rest? In our opinion - beat, cut, do not take care of yourself! Ivan says.

He whistled, threw his right mitten into the hut, where his brothers were waiting for him. The mitten has broken all the glass in the windows, but the brothers are asleep, they hear nothing. Ivan gathered his strength, swung again, stronger than before, and cut down six heads of the miracle-yud. Chudo-Yudo picked up his heads, struck a fiery finger, put it to his necks - and again all the heads were in place. He rushed at Ivan, hammered him to the waist into the damp earth.

Ivan sees...

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They lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state - there was an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked from morning till night: they plowed arable land and sowed bread.
Suddenly, bad news spread in that kingdom - the state: a miracle was about to attack their land, to destroy all the people, all the cities - to burn the villages with fire. The old man and the old woman were tormented, they were grieving. And the older sons console them:
- Do not grieve, father and mother! Let's go to a miracle - Yudo, we will fight him to the death! And so that you do not yearn alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go to battle.
- No, - says Ivanushka, - I don’t want to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight with a miracle!
The old man and the old woman did not stop him and dissuade him. They equipped all three sons on the road. The brothers took heavy clubs, took knapsacks with bread and salt, sat on good horses and rode off. How long, how short they drove - they meet an old man.
- Hello, good fellows!
- Hello, grandfather!
- Where are you heading to?
- We are going with a filthy miracle - to fight, to fight, to defend our native land!
- This is a good thing! Only for the battle you need not batons, but damask swords.
- And where can I get them, grandfather!
- I'll teach you. Go - you, good fellows, everything is straight. You will reach a high mountain. And in that mountain there is a deep cave. The entrance to it is littered with a large stone. Roll away the stone, enter the cave and find damask swords there.
The brothers thanked the passer-by and drove straight, as he taught. They see - there is a high mountain, on one side a large gray stone is rolled up. The brothers rolled away that stone and entered the cave. And there are all sorts of weapons - and you can’t count them! They chose a sword for themselves and drove on.
- Thank you, - they say, - to a passer-by. With swords - it will be much more convenient for us to fight!
They drove and drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is not a single living soul around. Everything is burnt, broken. There is one small hut. The brothers entered the hut. An old woman lies on the stove and groans.
- Hello, grandma! the brothers say.
- Hello, well done! Where are you on your way?
- We are going, grandmother, to the Smorodina River, to the viburnum bridge. We want to fight with a miracle - Yud, to prevent our land.
- Oh, well done, they took up a good deed! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, plundered! And he got to us. Only I alone survived here ... The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off again on the road - the road.
They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the viburnum bridge. Swords and broken bows lie all over the shore, human bones lie.
The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.
- Well, brothers, - says Ivan, - we drove into an alien side, we need to listen to everything and look closely. Let's go on patrol one by one, so that the miracle - Yudo does not pass through the viburnum bridge.
On the first night, the older brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked across the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, no one could be seen, nothing could be heard. The elder brother lay down under the willow bush and fell asleep soundly, snoring loudly.
And Ivan lies in a hut - he can’t sleep, he doesn’t doze off. As the time went past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River.
Looks - under a bush the elder brother is sleeping, snoring with all his might. Ivan did not wake him up. He hid under the viburnum bridge, stands, guards the crossing. Suddenly, the waters on the river were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle was driving up - a Yudo with six heads. He rode out to the middle of the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, behind the black dog bristled.
Says a miracle - Yudo six-headed:
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why are you a black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he did not fit into battle! I'll put him on one hand, slam the other!
Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:
- Do not boast, a miracle - Yudo filthy! Didn't shoot a clear falcon - it's too early to pinch feathers! I did not recognize the good fellow - there is nothing to shame him! Come on, it’s better to try your strength: whoever overcomes, he will boast. Here they converged, drew level, and hit so hard that the earth hummed all around.
Miracle - Jude was not lucky: Ivan - a peasant son with one stroke knocked down his three heads.
- Stop, Ivan - a peasant's son! - shouts the miracle. - Give me a break!
- What a vacation! You, a miracle - Yudo, have three heads, and I have one. This is how you will have one head, then we will rest.
Again they converged, again hit. Ivan, the peasant's son, chopped off the miracle - Yuda and the last three heads. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded six heads under the viburnum bridge. He himself returned to the hut and lay down to sleep.
In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:
- Well, didn't you see something?
- No, brothers, a fly did not fly past me!
Ivan didn't say a word to him. The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He looked like, looked around, looked around and calmed down. I climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.
Ivan did not rely on him either. As the time went past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the viburnum bridge and began to guard.
Suddenly, on the river, the waters were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle drives up - a nine-headed yudo. As soon as he drove onto the viburnum bridge, the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him ... A miracle - the horse's yud with a whip on the sides, the crow - on the feathers, the dog - on the ears!
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why are you, black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!
Ivan jumped out - a peasant son from under the viburnum bridge:
- Wait, a miracle - Yudo, do not boast, first get down to business! Let's see who gets it!
As Ivan waved his damask sword at one another, he blew off the miracle - there were six heads. And a miracle - Yudo hit - drove Ivan to the knees into the damp earth. Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into his enemy's eyes. While the miracle - Yudo's eyes were rubbing and cleaning, Ivan cut off his other heads as well. Then he cut the body into small pieces, threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded nine heads under the viburnum bridge.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked from morning till night: they plowed arable land and sowed bread.

Suddenly, bad news spread in that kingdom-state: a filthy miracle Yudo was going to attack their land, exterminate all people, burn all the towns and villages with fire. The old man and the old woman were tormented, they were grieving. And the older sons console them:

Do not grieve, father and mother! Let's go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight him to the death! And so that you do not yearn alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go to battle.

No, - says Ivanushka, - I don’t want to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight with a miracle!

The old man and the old woman did not stop him and dissuade him. They equipped all three sons on the road. The brothers took heavy clubs, took knapsacks with bread and salt, sat on good horses and rode off. How long, how short they drove - they meet an old man.

Hello, good fellows!

Hello grandfather!

Where are you heading to?

We are going with a filthy miracle to fight, to fight, to defend our native land!

This is a good thing! Only for the battle you need not batons, but damask swords.

And where can I get them, grandfather!

And I will teach you. Come on, you good fellows, everything is straight. You will reach a high mountain. And in that mountain there is a deep cave. The entrance to it is littered with a large stone. Roll away the stone, enter the cave and find damask swords there.

The brothers thanked the passer-by and drove straight, as he taught. They see - there is a high mountain, on one side a large gray stone is rolled up. The brothers rolled away that stone and entered the cave. And there are all sorts of weapons - and you can’t count them! They chose a sword for themselves and drove on.

Thank you, - they say, - to a passer-by. With swords, it will be much more convenient for us to fight!

They drove and drove and came to a village. They look - there is not a single living soul around. Everything is burnt, broken. There is one small hut. The brothers entered the hut. An old woman lies on the stove and groans.

Hello grandma! the brothers say.

Hello fellows! Where are you on your way?

We are going, grandmother, to the Smorodina River, to the viburnum bridge. We want to fight with a miracle Yud, not to allow it to our land.

Oh, well done, for a good deed undertook! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, plundered! And he got to us. I'm the only one left here...

The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off again on the road.

They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the viburnum bridge. Swords and broken bows lie all over the shore, human bones lie.

The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.

Well, brothers, - says Ivan, - we drove into an alien side, we need to listen to everything and look closely. Let's go on patrol one by one so that the miracle Yudo does not pass through the viburnum bridge.

On the first night, the older brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked across the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, no one could be seen, nothing could be heard. The elder brother lay down under the willow bush and fell asleep soundly, snoring loudly.

And Ivan lies in a hut - he can’t sleep, he doesn’t doze off. As the time went past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River.

Looks - under a bush the elder brother is sleeping, snoring with all his might. Ivan did not wake him up. He hid under the viburnum bridge, stands, guards the crossing. Suddenly, the waters on the river were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle Yudo with six heads drove up. He rode out to the middle of the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, behind the black dog bristled.

Says the six-headed miracle Yudo:

What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why are you a black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he did not fit into battle! I'll put him on one hand, slam the other!

Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:

Don't brag, you filthy miracle! Didn't shoot a clear falcon - it's too early to pinch feathers! I did not recognize the good fellow - there is nothing to shame him! Come on, it’s better to try your strength: whoever overcomes, he will boast.

Here they converged, drew level, and hit so hard that the earth hummed all around.

Miracle Yudu was not lucky: Ivan, a peasant son, knocked down his three heads with one stroke.

Stop, Ivan is a peasant's son! - shouts miracle Yudo. - Give me a break!

What a vacation! You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one. This is how you will have one head, then we will rest.

Again they converged, again hit. Ivan, the peasant's son, cut off the last three heads of the Miracle Yuda. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded six heads under the viburnum bridge. He himself returned to the hut and lay down to sleep.

In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:

Well, didn't you see something?

No, brothers, not even a fly flew past me!

Ivan didn't say a word to him. The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He looked like, looked around, looked around and calmed down. I climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan did not rely on him either. As the time went past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the viburnum bridge and began to guard.

Suddenly, on the river, the waters were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a nine-headed miracle Yudo drove up. As soon as he drove onto the viburnum bridge, the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him ... The miracle of the horse with a whip on the sides, the crow on the feathers, the dog on the ears!

What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why are you, black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!

Ivan jumped out - a peasant son from under the viburnum bridge:

Wait, miracle Yudo, do not boast, first get down to business! Let's see who gets it!

As Ivan waved his damask sword at one another, he blew off six heads from the miracle-yuda. And he hit the miracle Yudo - he drove Ivan to the knees into the damp earth. Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into his enemy's eyes. While the miracle Yudo was rubbing and cleaning his eyes, Ivan cut off the rest of his heads as well. Then he cut the body into small pieces, threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded nine heads under the viburnum bridge. He himself returned to the hut. I lay down and fell asleep as if nothing had happened.

In the morning the middle brother comes.

Well, - Ivan asks, - didn't you see anything during the night?

No, not a single fly flew near me, not a single mosquito squeaked.

Well, if so, come with me, dear brothers, I will show you both a mosquito and a fly.

Ivan brought the brothers under the viburnum bridge, showed them the miracle Yudov's heads.

Here, - he says, - what kind of flies and mosquitoes fly here at night. And you, brothers, do not fight, but lie at home on the stove!

The brothers were ashamed.

Sleep, - they say, - knocked down ...

On the third night, Ivan himself was about to go on patrol.

I, - he says, - go to a terrible battle! And you, brothers, do not sleep all night, listen: when you hear my whistle, let my horse out and rush to my aid yourself.

Ivan came - a peasant son to the Smorodina River, stands under the viburnum bridge, waiting. As soon as the time passed after midnight, the damp earth shook, the waters in the river stirred, the violent winds howled, the eagles screamed on the oaks. A twelve-headed miracle Yudo leaves. All twelve heads are whistling, all twelve are bursting with fire and flames. The miracle horse has twelve wings, the horse's hair is copper, the tail and mane are iron. As soon as the miracle Yudo drove onto the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him. Miracle Yudo of a horse with a whip on the sides, a crow - on feathers, a dog - on the ears!

What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he did not fit into battle: just a dun - and his ashes will not remain!

Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the viburnum bridge:

Wait, miracle Yudo, boast, no matter how you disgrace yourself!

Ah, so it's you, Ivan - a peasant's son? Why did you come here?

Look at you, enemy force, try your courage!

Where do you try my courage! You are a fly in front of me!

Ivan, the peasant son of a miracle, answers:

I did not come to tell you fairy tales and not to listen to yours. I came to fight to the death, to save good people from you, damned!

Here Ivan swung his sharp sword and cut off three heads of the miracle-yuda.

Chudo-Yudo picked up these heads, stroked them with his fiery finger, put them to their necks, and immediately all the heads grew back, as if they had not fallen from their shoulders.

Ivan had a bad time: the miracle Yudo stuns him with a whistle, burns and burns him with fire, showers him with sparks, drives him up to his knees into the damp earth ... And he chuckles:

Do you want to rest, Ivan - a peasant's son?

What kind of rest? In our opinion - beat, cut, do not take care of yourself! Ivan says.

He whistled, threw his right mitten into the hut, where his brothers were waiting for him. The mitten shattered all the glass in the windows, but the brothers were sleeping, not hearing anything.

Ivan gathered his strength, swung again, stronger than before, and cut down six heads of the miracle-yud. Chudo-Yudo picked up his heads, struck a fiery finger, put it to his necks - and again all the heads were in place. He rushed at Ivan, hammered him to the waist into the damp earth.

Ivan sees - things are bad. He took off his left mitten, launched into the hut. The mitten broke through the roof, but the brothers are all asleep, they hear nothing.

For the third time, Ivan, the peasant's son, swung his arm and cut down nine heads of the miracle. Miracle Yudo picked them up, struck them with a fiery finger, put them on their necks - their heads grew back again. He rushed at Ivan and drove him into the damp earth up to his shoulders ... Ivan took off his hat and threw it into the hut. From that blow, the hut staggered, almost rolled over the logs. Just then the brothers woke up, they heard Ivanov's horse neighing loudly and tearing from the chains. They rushed to the stable, lowered the horse, and after him they themselves ran.

Ivanov's horse rode up, began to beat the miracle Yudo with his hooves. The miracle Yudo whistled, hissed, and began to shower the horse with sparks.

And Ivan, the peasant's son, meanwhile got out of the ground, contrived and cut off a fiery finger for a miracle. Then let's chop off his head. Knocked it all down! The body was cut into small parts and thrown into the Smorodina River.

The brothers are here.

Eh, you! Ivan says. - Because of your drowsiness, I almost paid with my head!

His brothers brought him to the hut, washed him, fed him, gave him drink and put him to bed.

In the morning, Ivan got up early, began to dress and put on shoes.

Where are you up so early? the brothers say. - I would have rested after such a massacre!

No, - Ivan answers, - I don’t have time to rest: I’ll go to the Smorodina River to look for my sash - I dropped it there.

Hunt for you! the brothers say. - Let's go to the city - buy a new one.

No, I need mine!

Ivan went to the Smorodina River, but he didn’t look for a sash, but crossed to the other side across the viburnum bridge and crept unnoticed to the miraculous stone chambers. He went to the open window and began to listen - are they planning something else here?

He looks - three miraculous wives are sitting in the wards, and his mother, an old snake. They sit and talk. The first one says:

I will take revenge on Ivan - the peasant son for my husband! I’ll get ahead of myself when he and his brothers return home, I’ll turn on the heat, and I myself will turn into a well. They want to drink water - and from the first sip they fall dead!

This is a good one you came up with! says the old snake.

The second one says:

And I will run ahead and turn into an apple tree. They want to eat an apple - then they will be torn into small pieces!

And you have a good idea! says the old snake.

And I, - says the third, - will let them sleep and slumber, and I myself will run ahead and turn into a soft carpet with silk pillows. If the brothers want to lie down and rest, then they will be burned by fire!

And you have a good idea! - said the snake. “Well, if you don’t kill them, I myself will turn into a huge pig, catch up with them and swallow all three!”

Ivan, the peasant son, overheard these speeches and returned to his brothers.

Well, did you find your sash? the brothers ask.

And it was worth the time!

It's worth it, brothers!

After that, the brothers gathered and went home. They go through the steppes, they go through the meadows. And the day is so hot, so sultry. I want to drink - I have no patience! The brothers are watching - there is a well, a silver ladle floats in the well.

They say to Ivan:

Come on, brother, let's stop, drink cold water and water the horses!

It is not known what kind of water is in that well, - Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten and dirty.

He jumped off his horse and began to cut and chop this well with his sword. The well howled, roared in a bad voice. Then fog descended, the heat subsided - I don’t want to drink.

You see, brothers, what kind of water was in the well, - says Ivan.

The brothers jumped off their horses, they wanted to pick apples. And Ivan ran ahead and let's chop the apple tree with a sword to the very root. The apple tree howled, screamed ...

Do you see, brothers, what kind of apple tree is this? Tasty apples on it!

Let's lie down on this carpet, rest, take a nap for an hour! the brothers say.

No, brothers, it will not be soft to lie on this carpet! - Ivan answers them.

The brothers were angry with him:

What kind of pointer are you to us: that is impossible, the other is impossible!

Ivan did not say a word in response. He took off his sash and threw it on the carpet. The sash burst into flame and burned.

That would be the same with you! Ivan says to his brothers.

He went up to the carpet and let's cut the carpet and pillows into small pieces with a sword. Chopped up, scattered to the sides and says:

In vain you, brothers, grumbled at me! After all, the well, and the apple tree, and the carpet - all these were miraculous wives of Judah. They wanted to destroy us, but they did not succeed: they all died themselves!

How much, how little, they drove - suddenly the sky darkened, the wind howled, the earth hummed: a huge pig was running after them. She opened her mouth to her ears - she wants to swallow Ivan and his brothers. Then the good fellows, don't be bad, pulled out of their knapsacks a pood of salt from their travel bags and threw it into the pig's mouth.

The pig was delighted - she thought that Ivan, the peasant son with his brothers, was seized. She stopped and began to chew salt. And as I tasted it, I again rushed off in pursuit.

She runs, raised her bristles, clicks her teeth. It's about to catch up...

Then Ivan ordered the brothers to different sides jump: one galloped to the right, the other to the left, and Ivan himself - forward.

A pig ran up, stopped - does not know who to catch up with first.

While she was thinking and turning her muzzle in different directions, Ivan jumped up to her, picked her up and hit the ground with all his might. The pig crumbled to dust, and the wind scattered that dust in all directions. Since then, all miracles and snakes have hatched in that region - people began to live without fear.

And Ivan - a peasant son with his brothers returned home, to his father, to his mother. And they began to live and live, plow the field and sow wheat.

A sash is a belt made of a wide long piece of matter.

Russian folktale

They lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state - there was an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked from morning till night: they plowed arable land and sowed bread.
Suddenly, bad news spread in that kingdom - the state: a miracle was about to attack their land, to destroy all the people, all the cities - to burn the villages with fire. The old man and the old woman were tormented, they were grieving. And the older sons console them:
- Do not grieve, father and mother! Let's go to a miracle - Yudo, we will fight him to the death! And so that you do not yearn alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go to battle.
- No, - says Ivanushka, - I don’t want to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight with a miracle!
The old man and the old woman did not stop him and dissuade him. They equipped all three sons on the road. The brothers took heavy clubs, took knapsacks with bread and salt, sat on good horses and rode off. How long, how short they drove - they meet an old man.
- Hello, good fellows!
- Hello, grandfather!
- Where are you heading to?
- We are going with a filthy miracle - to fight, to fight, to defend our native land!
- This is a good thing! Only for the battle you need not batons, but damask swords.
- And where can I get them, grandfather!
- I'll teach you. Go - you, good fellows, everything is straight. You will reach a high mountain. And in that mountain there is a deep cave. The entrance to it is littered with a large stone. Roll away the stone, enter the cave and find damask swords there.
The brothers thanked the passer-by and drove straight, as he taught. They see - there is a high mountain, on one side a large gray stone is rolled up. The brothers rolled away that stone and entered the cave. And there are all sorts of weapons - and you can’t count them! They chose a sword for themselves and drove on.
- Thank you, - they say, - to a passer-by. With swords - it will be much more convenient for us to fight!
They drove and drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is not a single living soul around. Everything is burnt, broken. There is one small hut. The brothers entered the hut. An old woman lies on the stove and groans.
- Hello, grandma! the brothers say.
- Hello, well done! Where are you on your way?
- We are going, grandmother, to the Smorodina River, to the viburnum bridge. We want to fight with a miracle - Yud, to prevent our land.
- Oh, well done, they took up a good deed! After all, he, the villain, ruined everyone, plundered! And he got to us. Only I alone survived here ... The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off again on the road - the road.
They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the viburnum bridge. Swords and broken bows lie all over the shore, human bones lie.
The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.
- Well, brothers, - says Ivan, - we drove into an alien side, we need to listen to everything and look closely. Let's go on patrol one by one, so that the miracle - Yudo does not pass through the viburnum bridge.
On the first night, the older brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked across the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, no one could be seen, nothing could be heard. The elder brother lay down under the willow bush and fell asleep soundly, snoring loudly.
And Ivan lies in a hut - he can’t sleep, he doesn’t doze off. As the time went past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River.
Looks - under a bush the elder brother is sleeping, snoring with all his might. Ivan did not wake him up. He hid under the viburnum bridge, stands, guards the crossing. Suddenly, the waters on the river were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle was driving up - a Yudo with six heads. He rode out to the middle of the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, behind the black dog bristled.
Says a miracle - Yudo six-headed:
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why are you a black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he did not fit into battle! I'll put him on one hand, slam the other!
Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:
- Do not boast, a miracle - Yudo filthy! Didn't shoot a clear falcon - it's too early to pinch feathers! I did not recognize the good fellow - there is nothing to shame him! Come on, it’s better to try your strength: whoever overcomes, he will boast. Here they converged, drew level, and hit so hard that the earth hummed all around.
Miracle - Jude was not lucky: Ivan - a peasant son with one stroke knocked down his three heads.
- Stop, Ivan - a peasant's son! - shouts the miracle. - Give me a break!
- What a vacation! You, a miracle - Yudo, have three heads, and I have one. This is how you will have one head, then we will rest.
Again they converged, again hit. Ivan, the peasant's son, chopped off the miracle - Yuda and the last three heads. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded six heads under the viburnum bridge. He himself returned to the hut and lay down to sleep.
In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:
- Well, didn't you see something?
- No, brothers, a fly did not fly past me!
Ivan didn't say a word to him. The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He looked like, looked around, looked around and calmed down. I climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.
Ivan did not rely on him either. As the time went past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the viburnum bridge and began to guard.
Suddenly, on the river, the waters were agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - a miracle drives up - a nine-headed yudo. As soon as he drove onto the viburnum bridge, the horse stumbled under it, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him ... A miracle - the horse's yud with a whip on the sides, the crow - on the feathers, the dog - on the ears!
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why are you, black crow, startled? Why are you bristling black dog? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!
Ivan jumped out - a peasant son from under the viburnum bridge:
- Wait, a miracle - Yudo, do not boast, first get down to business! Let's see who gets it!
As Ivan waved his damask sword at one another, he blew off the miracle - there were six heads. And a miracle - Yudo hit - drove Ivan to the knees into the damp earth. Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into his enemy's eyes. While the miracle - Yudo's eyes were rubbing and cleaning, Ivan cut off his other heads as well. Then he cut the body into small pieces, threw it into the Smorodina River, and folded nine heads under the viburnum bridge. He himself returned to the hut. I lay down and fell asleep as if nothing had happened.
In the morning the middle brother comes.
- Well, - Ivan asks, - didn't you see anything during the night?
- No, not a single fly flew near me, not a single mosquito squeaked.
- Well, if so, come with me, dear brothers, I will show you both a mosquito and a fly.
Ivan brought the brothers under the viburnum bridge, showed them a miracle - Yudov's heads.
- Here, - he says, - what kind of flies and mosquitoes fly here at night. And you, brothers, do not fight, but lie at home on the stove!
The brothers were ashamed.
- Sleep, - they say, - knocked down ...
On the third night, Ivan himself was about to go on patrol.
“I,” he says, “I’m going to a terrible battle!” And you, brothers, do not sleep all night, listen: when you hear my whistle, let my horse out and rush to my aid yourself.
Ivan came - a peasant son to the Smorodina River, stands under the viburnum bridge, waiting. As soon as the time passed after midnight, the damp earth shook, the waters in the river stirred, the violent winds howled, the eagles screamed on the oaks. A miracle leaves - Yudo twelve-headed. All twelve heads are whistling, all twelve are burning with fire. The miracle's horse is a yud about twelve wings, the horse's hair is copper, the tail and mane are iron. As soon as a miracle drove - Yudo onto the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started up, the black dog bristled behind him. A miracle horse with a whip on the sides, a crow - on feathers, a dog - on the ears!
- What are you, my horse, stumbled? Why, black raven, startled? Why, black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant's son here? So he was not yet born, and if he was born, he did not fit into battle: just a dun - and his ashes will not remain! Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the viburnum bridge:
- Wait, a miracle - Yudo, boast, no matter how you disgrace yourself!
- Oh, so it's you, Ivan - a peasant's son? Why did you come here?
- Look at you, enemy force, try your courage!
- Where do you try my courage! You are a fly in front of me!
Ivan, the peasant son of a miracle, answers:
- I came not to tell you fairy tales and not to listen to yours. I came to fight to the death, to save good people from you, damned!
Here Ivan swung his sharp sword and cut down the miracle - Yuda three heads. Chudo - Yudo picked up these heads, stroked them with his fiery finger, put them to their necks, and immediately all the heads grew, as if they had not fallen from their shoulders.
Ivan had a bad time: a miracle - Yudo stuns him with a whistle, burns him with fire - burns, showers him with sparks, drives him up to his knees into the damp earth ... And he chuckles:
- Would you like to rest, Ivan - a peasant son.
- What kind of rest? In our opinion - beat, cut, do not take care of yourself! Ivan says.
He whistled, threw his right mitten into the hut, where his brothers were waiting for him. The mitten shattered all the glass in the windows, but the brothers were sleeping, not hearing anything.
Ivan gathered his strength, swung again, stronger than before, and cut down the miracle - Yuda six heads. Miracle - Yudo picked up his heads, struck a fiery finger, put it to his necks - and again all the heads were in place. He rushed at Ivan, hammered him to the waist into the damp earth.
Ivan sees - things are bad. He took off his left mitten, launched into the hut. The mitten broke through the roof, but the brothers are all asleep, they hear nothing.
For the third time, Ivan, the peasant son, swung his hand, cut down nine heads for a miracle. A miracle - Yudo picked them up, struck a fiery finger, put them on their necks - their heads grew back again. He rushed at Ivan and drove him into the damp earth up to his shoulders ... Ivan took off his hat and threw it into the hut. From that blow, the hut staggered, almost rolled over the logs. Just then the brothers woke up, they heard Ivanov's horse neighing loudly and tearing from the chains. They rushed to the stable, lowered the horse, "and after him they themselves ran.
Ivanov's horse rode up, began to beat the miracle - Yudo with his hooves. A miracle whistled - Yudo, hissed, began to shower sparks on the horse.
And Ivan, the peasant's son, meanwhile got out of the ground, contrived and cut off the miracle - Yuda's fiery finger. Then let's chop off his head. Knocked it all down! The body was cut into small parts and thrown into the Smorodina River.
The brothers are here.
- Oh, you! Ivan says. - Because of your drowsiness, I almost paid with my head!
His brothers brought him to the hut, washed him, fed him, gave him drink and put him to bed.
In the morning, Ivan got up early, began to dress - to put on shoes.
"Where are you up so early?" the brothers say. - I would have rested after such a massacre!
- No, - Ivan answers, - I don’t have time to rest: I’ll go to the Smorodina River to look for my sash - I dropped it there.
- Hunt for you! the brothers say. - Let's go to the city - buy a new one.
- No, I need mine!
Ivan went to the Smorodina River, but he didn’t look for a sash, but crossed to the other side through the viburnum bridge and crept unnoticed to the miracle - Yudov stone chambers. He went to the open window and began to listen - are they planning something else here?
He looks - three miracle - Yudov's wives are sitting in the wards, and his mother, an old snake. They sit and talk. The first one says:
- I will take revenge on Ivan - the peasant son for my husband! I’ll get ahead of myself when he and his brothers return home, I’ll turn on the heat, and I myself will turn into a well. They want to drink water - and from the first sip they fall dead!
This is a good one you came up with! says the old snake.
The second one says:
- And I will run ahead and turn into an apple tree. They want to eat an apple - then they will be torn into small pieces!
- And you have a good idea! says the old snake.
- And I, - says the third, - will let them sleep and slumber, and I myself will run ahead and turn into a soft carpet with silk pillows. If the brothers want to lie down - to rest - then they will be burned by fire! - And you have a good idea!
- said the snake. “Well, if you don’t kill them, I myself will turn into a huge pig, catch up with them and swallow all three!”
Ivan, the peasant son, overheard these speeches and returned to his brothers.
- Well, did you find your sash? the brothers ask.
- Found.
And it was worth the time!
- It was worth it, brothers!
After that, the brothers gathered and went home. They go through the steppes, they go through the meadows. And the day is so hot, so sultry. I want to drink - I have no patience! The brothers are watching - there is a well, a silver ladle floats in the well.
They say to Ivan:
- Come on, brother, let's stop, drink cold water and water the horses!
- It is not known what kind of water is in that well, - Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten and dirty.
He jumped off his horse and began to cut and chop this well with his sword. The well howled, roared in a bad voice. Then fog descended, the heat subsided - I don’t want to drink.
- You see, brothers, what kind of water was in the well, - says Ivan. They went further. How long, how short they drove - they saw an apple tree.
Apples hang on it, large and ruddy.
The brothers jumped off their horses, they wanted to pick apples. And Ivan ran ahead and let's chop the apple tree with a sword to the very root. The apple tree howled, screamed ...
- See, brothers, what kind of apple tree is this? Tasty apples on it!
The brothers got on their horses and rode on. They rode and rode and got very tired. They look - a patterned, soft carpet is spread out on the field, and down pillows are on it. - Let's lie down on this carpet, rest, take a nap for an hour! the brothers say.
- No, brothers, it will not be soft on this carpet! - Ivan answers them.
The brothers were angry with him:
- What kind of pointer are you to us: that is impossible, the other is impossible!
Ivan did not say a word in response. He took off his sash and threw it on the carpet. The sash burst into flame and burned.
- That would be the same with you! Ivan says to his brothers.
He went up to the carpet and let's cut the carpet and pillows into small pieces with a sword. Chopped up, scattered to the sides and says:
- In vain you, brothers, grumbled at me! After all, the well, and the apple tree, and the carpet - all this is a miracle - there were Judov's wives. They wanted to destroy us, but they did not succeed: they all died themselves!
The brothers went on.
How much, how little, they drove - suddenly the sky darkened, the wind howled, the earth hummed: a huge pig was running after them. She opened her mouth to her ears - she wants to swallow Ivan and his brothers. Then the good fellows, don't be bad, pulled out of their knapsacks a pood of salt from their travel bags and threw it into the pig's mouth. The pig was delighted - she thought that Ivan, the peasant son with his brothers, was seized. She stopped and began to chew salt. And as I tasted it, I again rushed off in pursuit.
She runs, raised her bristles, clicks her teeth. Here it will catch up...
A pig ran up, stopped - does not know who to catch up with first.
While she was thinking and turning her muzzle in different directions, Ivan jumped up to her, picked her up and hit the ground with all his might. The pig crumbled to dust, and the wind scattered that dust in all directions. Since then, all miracles - yes, snakes have hatched in that land - people began to live without fear.
And Ivan - a peasant son with his brothers returned home, to his father, to his mother. And they began to live and live, plow the field and sow wheat.

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