How to draw a Rolls Royce with a pencil step by step. Rolls-Royce Phantom coloring page


New lesson car drawing is already waiting for you, dear readers! Today we will draw Rolls Royce, the famous English luxury car.

Step 1

First of all, as always, we outline the body. hallmark It is this drawing lesson from the drawing lessons of other cars that, as you can see, is the predominance of strict straight lines and angles over smoothed figures.

Step 2

On the front end of the lower figure we draw headlights and a radiator grille. Except for the slightly curved lower horizontal line, all lines should be straight.

Step 3

On top of the front bumper we outline a very smooth, long horizontal line hood covers. In the same step, we outline the contours of the front pair of wheels.

Step 4

Mark the side of the car body vertical lines to restrict windows and doors. Slightly round the back of the case. Let's outline the rear wheel, which should differ from the front in shape and size.

Step 5

The case is almost ready, let's work with the details. In this step, we will cover the space inside the grille with even vertical lines. The lines should be tight.

Step 6

Okay, now round off the entire lower part of the front bumper. A little to the right of it, draw the rim of the front wheel.

Step 7

We draw rear-view mirrors. Here we add a border to the lowest horizontal line. We complete the step by drawing the handle on the door.

Natalya Afanasyeva, photo by Rolls-Royce

Somewhere, epochs are changing with wild speed, taking away their meanings, legends and symbols, or transforming them beyond recognition. And somewhere at this time, in spite of everything, traditions reign. And there is nothing more permanent than a simple line on the body of a car.

Artist Mark Kurt, who works at the production of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood, in the English county of West Sussex, went to the capital of Poland. Where I drew lines with a brush along the body of two cars of the Ghost model. While both cars were getting ready to be handed over from the previous owners to the new ones under the Provenance program, new customers expressed a desire to decorate them with a special line drawn along the body. As they write in the releases, the work on each line took the artist more time than the flight from London to Warsaw, which, in principle, is not so much - only two hours. But still, this event in the world of Rolls-Royce is significant. For a branded decorative line is not only an important element of decor, but also one of the options in the car personalization program, giving it the features of its owner.

The decorative line expert uses a special squirrel brush in his work. The signature Rolls-Royce line is always applied by hand.

Such a line is applied by hand over paint and varnish, and every time it carries some kind of deep meaning, often inaccessible to outsiders. For example, at this year's Geneva International Motor Show, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars unveiled the Serenity, which means "serenity", the interior of which is trimmed with silk with a Japanese pattern. The two-tone stripe on the body, which was also painted by Mark Kurt, repeated the floral motif of the interior, and the asymmetric character of the line was supposed to emphasize the difference between the positions of the owner and the driver. Or, say, the red line on the Pinnacle Travel Phantom model, inspired by the romance of travel, should, according to the designers, evoke the image of a high-speed train.

Keeping in mind the performance arranged at ZIL, one could imagine how beautiful, for example, Khokhloma painting would look on the body of the Ghost. ...or, for example, Gzhel. A blue floral pattern could add extra splendor to a white body ... or Zhostovo painting. Traditional for metal trays, it would certainly look harmonious on the metal of the Rolls-Royce body.

In 2011, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrated the anniversary of the emblem - the legendary figurine of the flying lady Spirit of Ecstasy, and in honor of this event, the company prepared an exclusive collection of Phantom models - the Rolls-Royce branded double decorative stripe on the cars of the anniversary collection was complemented by the author's drawing by Charles Sykes, statue maker.

However, at the request of the Rolls-Royce owner, this line can express anything, any of his fantasies, memories or ideas of beauty. The task of the artist is not only to understand and feel all these experiences, but also to fit this complex scale into a laconic stripe. Yes, so that it fits perfectly with the interior.

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Rolls-Royce Phantom coloring page

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Many in our time dream of Rolls-Royces and Maserati, but someone just takes it and does it. From what is. Photojournalists went to the Karaganda region to see with their own eyes what craftsmen are capable of.

In the city of Shakhtinsk, Karaganda region, lives a Kazakhstani Kulibin, an auto mechanic Ruslan Mukanov, who assembled a copy of the famous Rolls-Royce from an old car with his own hands.

The city is located 30 kilometers from the regional center.

Ruslan Mukanov says:

“Nine years ago, in a motoring magazine, I saw a home page photo of the Rolls-Royce "Phantom" and looked at it for a long time. I immediately liked the car, it was, one might say, love at first sight.

- At that time I had nothing to do with cars, I was in the eleventh grade and I could only dream of my own car. After a while I began to study as an auto mechanic, and in parallel my brother and I bought used cars, repaired, put in order and put up for sale. Then I had an idea to remake some old car under the car of my dreams. If a person does not have opportunities, he begins to invent, to remake the old into the new. If a person has money, he buys the original, and there is no need to invent anything. But I decided to take the job seriously.

- At the beginning, I chose which car could be as close as possible to the Rolls-Royce. After searching, I realized that more or less classic look has a Mercedes. I took a printout of a photo of a Mercedes and put the dimensions of a Rolls-Royce on it. It seems that all the lines fit (both the back and the front), only the glazing is a little different, but this is only true connoisseurs understand.

– The main technical difficulty was that not all the curves and lines could be seen in the photo. It is only at first glance that one gets the feeling that the car is square. But this is not the case, because a lot of supporting, secondary details create such an image.

– Since childhood, I had an inclination to drawing, and later to drawing. The pencil was put into my hands by my grandmother, and I began to draw mostly cars. That's probably why I was able to draw a copy so well.

- A lot of time was spent on the drawings. After collecting many different photos of the car, I realized how I need to redo it. The lines in one photo seem to be even, but in fact, from other angles, you notice that there are invisible bends, degrees, slopes. I assembled this mosaic first in my head and then I drew it. When the drawings were ready, I saw where to avoid rework, where not to cut off the excess, in order to keep all the factory parts in place, and at the same time bring the car as close as possible to the appearance of a Rolls-Royce. After all, you can remake and remake the car for years, eliminating the shortcomings, but from the very beginning I thoroughly approached the work.

- They brought me a Mercedes, and I got to work. In the garage, he cut, sawed, cooked. When I didn’t have enough details, I made them myself from the pictures.

- I did not set myself the goal of achieving a complete resemblance to the original, it was enough for me appearance. Otherwise it would be so difficult, even fantastic work, which would require much more money and time...

- I did not remake the salon, because I understood that I would not be able to make a full-fledged copy anyway. It took me three thousand dollars and about a year of work. Of course, it was possible to meet within a couple of months, but there were difficulties with money. As soon as I earn money, I immediately invest in the material itself and spare parts. For example, you only work on a car for two days, and work for a week or two.

- My brother and friends did not support my idea, they said: “Why redo completely good car? This is absurd!” But when the work went to completion, it became clear that it was turning out very well.

- I finished it six years ago, my friends and I shot a video and uploaded it to YouTube. After that, a boom began, people became interested and came to visit. Showered orders for restoration and tuning. Rolls-Royce brings me income, although it is small, but it is often ordered for weddings and other events.

- What are your plans for the future? I would like to keep them a secret for now, but I'm definitely not going to stop at one Rolls-Royce!

By the way, Ruslan, thanks to his car, is known to this day. Not so long ago, he was seen in television and outdoor advertisements for a beer company. Billboards with his image could be seen in Karaganda and the Karaganda region.

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