What conflict determines the clash of Chatsky. What conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society? How was the historical conflict of the era reflected in the comedy? Which of the heroes belongs to the "past century"


Chatsky's clash with society initially determines love conflict between Chatsky and Sophia, which attracts Chatsky's wandering and condescending gaze to the surroundings. Trying to solve a love problem, he turns close attention, even simply recalls the existence of a number of persons whom he had previously ignored in his thoughts.

Chatsky is unpleasantly surprised and intrigued, the “famus society” has already hooked him with its hooks, attracted his attention, and he, trying to understand the people around him, as a person of high mental analytical culture, gives them precise, concise characteristics. As typical characters, such people, even in their small and private manifestations, will reflect some historical patterns.

The historical conflict of the era between the disinterested emerging intelligentsia and the emerging extremely self-centered mediocrity (Chatsky, Molchalin and Repetilov) is reflected in their dialogues. Chatsky does not take them seriously, and in vain, because they take him seriously. The clash between the old straightforward sycophants of the mother's show and the new sycophants-rogues ends with the temporary retreat of Molchalin, but not Famusov is the reason for this. Famusov, just after what happened, can consider himself a cheated "young and early" assistant. The struggle between Chatsky and the old society will divert all of Chatsky's attention, and when he is ready to celebrate victory, it will turn out that the Molchalins have come to power under the guise. Therefore, although the confrontation between Chatsky and Famusov is the most energetic and loud, it is in fact a false path for Chatsky, which he does not notice, but what was noticed by A. S. Pushkin, who, as you know, denied Chatsky's mind.

Speaking about which of the heroes belongs to the “past century”, and who belongs to the “current century”, it is necessary to clearly state the following: A. S. Griboedov created immortal characters, a kind of archetypes, that is, the original types of human breed. In any society, including modern, we can find all the representatives of this comedy. Another thing is that over time, naturally, these characters change, and the current Famusov is unlikely to be so openly preaching servility to his superiors as an undoubted merit and indicator of intelligence. In the same way, the frank vile hypocrisy of Molchalin is now, as a rule, hidden and lurking in the depths of the soul, coming out only occasionally.

People like Chatsky are the eternal tomorrow of society, its energy, indomitable will, pushing everyone to the manifestation of their true face. He undoubtedly belongs to the "current century", as, perhaps, the subtle cunning Molchalin, who, despite the lack of a high birth, knows how to ingratiate himself with strong of the world and use them for your petty little interests.

Famusov himself, or Skalozub, or any other of the distinguished guests, of course, belong to the "past century." They do not have the minimum flexibility of behavior necessary for existence in changing conditions. The same talker Repetilov, ready to join any company in order to praise it later, is much more tenacious than the stupid Skalozub. The monolithic slow-witted and outright fools are being replaced by cunning, courteous rogues and verbose fools who are trying to pass themselves off as something attractive, that is, there is a gradual involuntary correlation of oneself with some emerging ideal, and the first, still inept attempts to play plausible roles begin.

What conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society? How was it reflected in a coma?? historical conflict era? Which of the heroes belongs to the “past century”, and who belongs to the “present century”?


The conflict of Chatsky's collision with society is initially in disappointment in love. The fact is that after a long absence (separation), returning to Moscow, he understands that his beloved is seriously passionate about someone else. Chatsky simply loses his head, because Sophia does not immediately indicate her chosen one to him. She avoids answering for a very long time, does not want to explain herself to a former admirer. Moreover, Chatsky is tormented by thoughts about who she exchanged him for, because in her environment, in his opinion, there are no worthy options. In his actions in relation to Sophia, Chatsky comes almost to madness, which Sophia successfully took advantage of, pursuing the goal of revenge. In addition to emotional experiences, Chatsky disappoints and that's it. Moscow society. Having seen the world and returning to his native land, he finds that during this time a lot of foreign things have been introduced (fashion, languages, etc.), but the foundations have remained the same. The ranks are still obtained by acquaintance, by relative. Girls are looking for profitable marriages. Bribery and arbitrariness flourishes. In his monologues, Chatsky "denounces" secular society. Naturally, no one likes it. The historical conflict of the era, in my opinion, in the comedy Woe from Wit is that, having read French novels, Sophia dared to invite a young man to her room for the night. This is, indeed, nonsense. This is the historical conflict. Because this, in principle, should not have been, the girls were brought up in a different spirit and could not afford it. And Sophia, for the sake of an insignificant creature, was ready to defend her opinion, to sacrifice herself. She can be justified by the fact that she was on the verge of "love insanity", "love blindness". The entire “famus society” belongs to the “past century”, because despite the introduction of a lot of foreign things into it, the foundations remain the same, there is no desire to change anything, Moscow society wants to conserve, freeze the old way of life. Chatsky himself can be attributed to the “current century”, because he is a smart, modern young man, with ambitions and striving for the best. But he challenges society, and one, as you know, is not a warrior in the field. The more sublime and tragic the image of Chatsky is depicted, the more ridiculous. The circumstances in which he finds himself seem vulgar and stupid.

Arts and Entertainment

"Woe from Wit": what conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society?

June 10, 2015

The Russian diplomat, State Councilor and Russian classic A. S. Griboyedov served in the East and was nicknamed Vazir-Mukhtar by the Persians. He was killed in the winter of 1826 in Tehran by Muslim conspirators. However, his murder was being prepared in Russia, which was frightened by the Decembrist uprising. Griboyedov was not among them, but he was feared no less than those nobles. His great work "Woe from Wit" was banned and secretly passed from hand to hand. The death warrant was signed when the opposition diplomat was sent on a mission to Persia. So society got rid of a brilliant personality. However, his play survived.

The play "Woe from Wit" was based on the conflict between the young and progressive nobleman Chatsky and high society. The plot describes the events of one day in the house of the old aristocrat Famusov. Despite such a narrow time frame, the author drew detailed picture occurring events. He showed everything new and young that was born in the deep bowels of the noble society.

Chatsky became a representative of the modern youth of the "current century" with freedom-loving views. His opponent in the definition as "the past century" was a man of the old formation Famusov and his invited guests.

And now let's try to speculate a little about what kind of conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society.

The atmosphere of Famusov's house

It may immediately seem that Chatsky is biased in his judgments about past and present times, he believes that the world is no longer the same, and his morals are too outdated. All this is due to his youth and to some extent naivety. Of course, Chatsky had already lived abroad for three years, and now it is difficult for him to understand the atmosphere that reigned in Famusov's house. He was waiting for some change. However, when he returned, he realized that secular customs, alas, remained the same, and people are still revered for their ranks, the number of serf souls and money, and not for their personal qualities, intelligence and nobility. Now, in some aspect, it becomes clear what kind of conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society.

The dispute of generations

From the very first pages of the work, it already becomes clear that people are constantly lying in this house. That's just the lie of the maid Lisa wears a certain noble character, since in this way she saves her mistress, Famusov's daughter - Sofya, in love with Molchalin - her father's secretary. But, according to her father, he is not a match for her, as he is very poor.

Sophia's lies are also justified because of her love for Molchalin. But after a while, we also see the lies of Molchalin, who begins to flirt with the servant Lisa. It is clear that he is having an affair with Sophia because of the benefits.

But Famusov is no better in this regard, he also secretly drags himself behind the maid Lisa. And then, in his dialogue with the guests, he will utter the following words about himself: “He is known for his monastic behavior.” Griboyedov deliberately devotes so much time to describing all this situation in order to more accurately reflect the moral atmosphere of the life of that society.

And now Chatsky became the most serious opponent of the old man Famusov, the conflict of their opposing views on simple things is gradually developing into a socio-political one. And the further, the more difficult it is for them to find common ground.

Chatsky and the Famus Society. The writing

Famusov is a wealthy landowner, accustomed to doing whatever he pleases, and therefore more deprived of moral goals. All that interests him in a person is his position and condition. Read smart books he does not want to, because he considers this occupation to be very boring, therefore some statements characterize him as a close-minded and superficial person. He is conservative in his views.

Chatsky, on the other hand, is a revolutionary man. He does not accept all those ideals that Famusov speaks of. In the question of what conflict defines Chatsky's collision with society, this is precisely what can serve as an answer. After all main character exposes the most unpleasant features of all Famus Society which includes many people. One of them is Colonel Skalozub, a careerist and self-satisfied martinet, before whom Famusov fawns, considering him a "gold bag".

The next character is Molchalin, who caters to meek and obedient behavior and enjoys the connections of people with position. Sophia fell in love with him for his imaginary modesty. Chatsky, on the other hand, considers him a complete fool and empty man, in principle, like all the other guests present.


Chatsky denounces everyone left and right, his main criterion by which he evaluates everyone is intelligence and spirituality. Therefore, one can imagine what kind of conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society.

Revenge of the cold-blooded fool secular society did not keep you waiting. Chatsky opposed serfdom and was the bearer of advanced ideas - education and individual freedom. He wanted to update and improve society, but this did not happen. And now comes the premonition of Chatsky's break with society, and he is declared crazy. Humiliated and insulted, he leaves this accursed house and Moscow in horror.

1. Introduction.
"Woe from Wit" is one of the most topical works in Russian literature.
2. The main part.
2.1 Collision of "the present century" AND "the past century".
2.2. Famusov is a representative of the old Moscow nobility.
2.3 Colonel Skalozub - a representative of the Arakcheev army environment.
2.4 Chatsky is a representative of the "current century".
3. Conclusion.

The clash of two eras creates change. Chatsky is broken by quantity old force, inflicting on her, in turn, death blow fresh power quality.

I. Goncharov

The comedy of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" can be called one of the most topical works in Russian literature. Here the author touches upon the acute problems of that time, many of which continue to occupy the minds of the public even many years after the creation of the play. The content of the comedy is revealed through the collision and change of two epochs - "the present century" and "the past century".

After Patriotic War 1812 in Russian noble society a split occurred: two public camps. The camp of feudal reaction in the person of Famusov, Skalozub, and other people of their circle embodies the "past century." The new time, new beliefs and positions of the advanced noble youth are presented in the person of Chatsky. Griboyedov expressed the clash of the "ages" in the struggle of these two groups of heroes.

"The past century" is presented by the author people different positions and age. These are Famusov, Molchalin, Skalozub, Countess Khlestova, guests at the ball. The worldview of all these characters was formed in the "golden" age of Catherine and has not changed since then. It is this conservatism, the desire to preserve everything “as the fathers did,” that unites them.

Representatives of the "past century" do not accept novelty, and in education they see the cause of all the problems of the present:

Learning is the plague, learning is the cause
What is now, more than ever,
Crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.

Famusov is usually called a typical representative old Moscow nobility. He is a convinced feudal lord, he sees nothing reprehensible in the fact that in order to achieve success in the service, young people learn to “bend over backwards”, to serve. Pavel Afanasyevich categorically does not accept new trends. He bows before his uncle, who "ate on gold", and the reader understands perfectly how his numerous ranks and awards were received - of course, not thanks to the faithful service to the Motherland.

Next to Famusov, Colonel Skalozub is "a bag of gold and aims for generals." At first glance, his image is caricatured. But Griboyedov created a completely truthful historical portrait representative of the Arakcheev army environment. Skalozub, like Famusov, is guided in life by the ideals of the "past century", but only in a cruder form. The purpose of his life is not to serve the Fatherland, but to achieve ranks and awards.

All representatives of the Famus society are egoists, hypocrites and self-interested people. They are only interested in their own well-being, secular entertainment, intrigue and gossip, and their ideals are wealth and power. Griboedov exposes these people in Chatsky's passionate monologues. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - humanist; it protects the freedom and independence of the individual. In an angry monologue “And who are the judges?” the hero denounces the hated feudal system, highly appreciates the Russian people, his mind, love of freedom. Kowtow before everything foreign causes a sharp protest in Chatsky.

Chatsky - a representative of the advanced noble youth and the only hero in comedy, embodying the "current age". Everything says that Chatsky is the bearer of new views: his behavior, lifestyle, speech. He is sure that the "age of humility and fear" should become a thing of the past along with his morals, ideals and values.

However, traditions past days are still strong - Chatsky is convinced of this very quickly. Society sharply puts the hero in his place for his directness and audacity. The conflict between Chatsky and Famusov only at first glance seems to be an ordinary conflict between fathers and children. In fact, this is a struggle of minds, views, ideas.

So, along with Famusov, Chatsky's peers, Molchalin and Sofya, also belong to the "past century". Sophia is not stupid and, perhaps, in the future her views could still change, but she was brought up in the company of her father, on his philosophy and morality. Both Sophia and Famusov favor Molchalin, and let "there is no such mind in him, / What a genius for others, but for others a plague" ..

He, as expected, is modest, helpful, silent and will not offend anyone. They do not notice that behind the mask of the ideal groom lies deceit and pretense aimed at achieving the goal. Molchalin, continuing the traditions of the "past century", is resignedly ready to "please all people without exception" in order to achieve benefits. But it is him, and not Chatsky, that Sophia chooses. The smoke of the Fatherland is "sweet and pleasant" to Chatsky.

After the lapse of three years he returns to native home and initially very friendly. But his hopes and joys are not justified - at every step he runs into a wall of misunderstanding. Chatsky is alone in his opposition to the Famus society; even his girlfriend rejects him. Moreover, the conflict with society is closely intertwined with Chatsky's personal tragedy: after all, it is with the filing of Sophia in society that conversations about his madness begin.

The Russian diplomat, State Councilor and Russian classic A. S. Griboyedov served in the East and was nicknamed Vazir-Mukhtar by the Persians. He was killed in the winter of 1826 in Tehran by Muslim conspirators. However, his murder was being prepared in Russia, which was frightened Griboyedov was not among them, but he was feared no less than those nobles. His great work "Woe from Wit" was banned and secretly passed from hand to hand. The death warrant was signed when the opposition diplomat was sent on a mission to Persia. So society got rid of a brilliant personality. However, his play survived.

The play "Woe from Wit" was based on the conflict between the young and progressive nobleman Chatsky and high society. The plot describes the events of one day in the house of the old aristocrat Famusov. Despite such a narrow time frame, the author painted a detailed picture of the events taking place. He showed everything new and young that was born in the deep bowels of the noble society.

Chatsky became a representative of the modern youth of the "current century" with freedom-loving views. His opponent in the definition as "the past century" was a man of the old formation Famusov and his invited guests.

And now let's try to speculate a little about what kind of conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society.

The atmosphere of Famusov's house

It may immediately seem that Chatsky is biased in his judgments about the real ones, he believes that the world is no longer the same, and his morals are too outdated. All this is due to his youth and to some extent naivety. Of course, Chatsky had already lived abroad for three years, and now it is difficult for him to understand the atmosphere that reigned in Famusov's house. He was waiting for some change. However, when he returned, he realized that secular customs, alas, remained the same, and people are still revered for their ranks, the number of serf souls and money, and not for their intelligence and nobility. Now, in some aspect, it becomes clear what kind of conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society.

The dispute of generations

From the very first pages of the work, it already becomes clear that people are constantly lying in this house. That's just the lie of the maid Lisa is of a noble nature, since in this way she saves her mistress, Famusov's daughter Sophia, who is in love with Molchalin, her father's secretary. But, according to her father, he is not a match for her, as he is very poor.

Sophia's lies are also justified because of her love for Molchalin. But after a while, we also see the lies of Molchalin, who begins to flirt with the servant Lisa. It is clear that he is having an affair with Sophia because of the benefits.

But Famusov is no better in this regard, he also secretly drags himself behind the maid Lisa. And then, in his dialogue with the guests, he will utter the following words about himself: “He is known for his monastic behavior.” Griboyedov deliberately devotes so much time to describing all this situation in order to more accurately reflect the moral atmosphere of the life of that society.

And now Chatsky became the most serious opponent of the old man Famusov, the conflict of their opposing views on simple things is gradually developing into a socio-political one. And the further, the more difficult it is for them to find common ground.

Chatsky and the Famus Society. The writing

Famusov is a wealthy landowner, accustomed to doing whatever he pleases, and therefore more deprived of moral goals. All that interests him in a person is his position and condition. He does not want to read, because he considers this occupation to be very boring, therefore some statements characterize him as a close-minded and superficial person. He is conservative in his views.

Chatsky, on the other hand, is a revolutionary man. He does not accept all those ideals that Famusov speaks of. In the question of what conflict defines Chatsky's collision with society, this is precisely what can serve as an answer. After all, the main character denounces the most impartial features of the entire Famus society, which includes many people. One of them is Colonel Skalozub, a careerist and self-satisfied martinet, before whom Famusov fawns, considering him a "gold bag".

The next character is Molchalin, who caters to meek and obedient behavior and enjoys the connections of people with position. Sophia fell in love with him for his imaginary modesty. Chatsky, on the other hand, considers him a complete fool and an empty person, in principle, like all the other guests present.


Chatsky denounces everyone left and right, his main criterion by which he evaluates everyone is intelligence and spirituality. Therefore, one can imagine what kind of conflict determines Chatsky's collision with society.

The revenge of the cold-blooded fool was not long in coming. Chatsky opposed serfdom and was the bearer of advanced ideas - education, and He wanted to update and improve society, but this did not happen. And now comes the premonition of Chatsky's break with society, and he is declared crazy. Humiliated and insulted, he leaves this accursed house and Moscow in horror.

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