Woe from Wit Composition on the topic: Chatsky and Famusovsky society. Essay on a work on the topic: Chatsky and the Famus society


This question is as ambiguous as the word "comedy" itself. The word "comedy" can be interpreted in different ways, it has two lexical meanings. Comedy usually means dramatic action with a frivolous plot and jokes. But there is a second meaning - "hypocrisy, pretense."

Since the main and most frequently used is still the first meaning of the word, the reader or viewer may initially be perplexed. What's so comical about that? After all, everything that happens to Chatsky is rather sad and tragic. However, do not rush to conclusions. After all, the author does not accidentally choose this genre and names his work that way. If you look closely, the image high society Moscow is comical, and this comicality is made up of details that are invisible to the eye.

The second meaning of the word is no longer surprising. After all, the people surrounding Chatsky are deceitful, hypocritical, not real. What to expect from people whose principle of life is “sin is not a problem - rumor is not good”?

Tragic and comedic are merged together. The fate of Chatsky is tragic. He will have unhappy love, the betrayal of his own chosen one. By the end of the work, he learns that Sophia preferred Molchalin to him. But before that, he will face other tests - clashes with representatives of Famusov's Moscow.

Eventually tragic hero Chatsky will be surrounded by comic characters. They are representatives of the Famus society - a kind of caricature of Griboyedov's contemporaries.

Let us recall, for example, the dialogue between Chatsky and Famusov (when Famusov talks about Maxim Petrovich, who fell before the Empress). Everyone in this scene is funny. And Maxim Petrovich himself, and Chatsky and Famusov, who do not hear each other. But through the comic, the tragic is clearly visible here.

Molchalin is a man who continues the traditions of Catherine's time, the time in which Maxim Petrovich lived. Is Molchalin funny? To some extent, yes. He is absurd, timid (in appearance), overly openly admits his insignificance, cherishes ranks too much and serves those who are above him.

Each person invited to the ball is ridiculous in his own way. Recall, for example, Gorich, wrapped in a warm scarf. Or his wife, who doesn't take care of him like he's a small child.

Khryumins, having arrived at the ball, exclaim “We are the first!”, not noticing that about eleven people have already gathered. Khlestova is directly on fire with the desire to show everyone her arapka.

In every occurrence in the play, something happens that causes laughter. Here Repetilov comes running and shouts “The most secret union!”. Here Molchalin praises Khlestova's dog (remembering that she can provide patronage).

Thus, Chatsky turned out to be the heroes of two comedies. First, it's comical. famous society. Secondly, the society in which Chatsky found himself "plays a comedy", it is hypocritical and false.

Composition on the topic: “Woe from Wit”: Comedy or Drama? Why? 4.30 /5 (86.00%) 10 votes

"Woe from Wit": comedy or drama? Why?

A play by A.S. and "Woe from Wit" is one of greatest works in Russian literature half of XIX century. And to this day, there are discussions about why the author called his creation a comedy. After all, the play reveals many serious problems: the personal drama of the protagonist - Chatsky, who does not find his place in the Moscow noble society, and in the finale loses his beloved, the problems of serfdom, true and false patriotism, military service, culture and education, the relationship between the landowners and the serfs, which gives the work a socio-political character.
To understand this, one must carefully analyze main idea author. The comedy genre of the work includes a sitcom, a comedy of characters and a comedy of manners. All this is present in abundance in the play "Woe from Wit".

One of the main characters is Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, who boasts of his noble origin, declares that it is a support for the state. But this "support" is terribly afraid of female gossip. Even last phrase Famusov in the play become the words:
Oh! My God! What will he say
Princess Marya Alexevna!
Truly a real gentleman!
In general, the theme of the huge influence of Moscow young ladies in the work is very comical. This is especially noticeable in the third act, at Famusov's ball. Well, isn't Platon Mikhailovich Gorich, who fell under the heel of his wife, funny? Or Princess Tugoukhovskaya with her daughters, who think only about a successful marriage? “Angel”, “darling”, “priceless,” Natalya Dmitrievna calls her husband, and the author’s wonderful remark immediately follows: “Kisses her husband on the forehead.”

The verbose Repetilov is comical when he visits the English Club, where “secret meetings”, “the most secret union” are held. Thinking you are smart and an educated person, sometimes outstanding philosophical thoughts, is actually empty man hearing only themselves. The obsequious Molchalin, the careerist colonel Skalozub, and the "master of service" are comical - the original Zagoretsky.

Uses the technique of comic inconsistency in the play, which is distinctive feature comedy genre. For example, in the scene when Famusov talks about the dangers of gluttony, he immediately lists Petrushka all the dinners to which he is invited next week.

Closer to the end, the play's comedy develops into bitter irony and sarcasm, which also indicates the comic genre of the work. Satire plays a major role in comedy. But through the mouth of Chatsky, the author ridicules not so much human failings, how many representatives of various social movements of the Moscow nobility. The play that began with household paintings, develops into a social satirical pathos.

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Rereading the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

After reading the comedy "Woe from Wit", I was delighted with the main character, his freedom of speech and behavior. This work tells about a noble society. The characters and actions of these people are visible on the face, and no one can refute this. The main character is Chatsky. A smart and honest person finds himself in society stupid people. And what led to the fact that he ended up in Famusov's company? - this is an excessive love for Sophia. Sophia, in turn, completely underestimated him, did not understand and did not respect him. Chatsky was aware of this, but tried not to take it to heart. But if you remember how Sophia met her childhood friend, whom she had not seen for a long time, then one can understand the state of Chatsky:

“Well, kiss, didn’t you wait? speak!

Well, for? No? Look at my face.

Surprised? but only? here's the welcome!"

Lies and hypocrisy reign in Famusov's house. The main occupations are “lunches, dinners and dances”. Chatsky, not afraid of anyone, says what he thinks. He contradicts higher ranks who value only wealth and power, fearing truth and enlightenment. Not everyone could do that in those days. The main views on Chatsky's life are manifested through his monologues and dialogues. He wants to serve the cause, not be served by some noble people:

“I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.”

Chatsky does not tolerate humiliation. In those days, there were very few people like Chatsky. People at that time kept silent a lot, they had to humiliate themselves and serve the highest ranks. Griboyedov expressed his thoughts and views through the image of Chatsky. The comedy "Woe from Wit" will be relevant to the present and future generations for many years to come. The image of Chatsky will never grow old, because he is a man of the “Current Century”. These are the people we should take as an example from. I hope that this comedy will remain in my memory for a long time, not only with me, but I also want everyone to remember it for a long time.

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The history of the creation of comedy

The comedy "Woe from Wit" is the main and most valuable result of A.S. Griboyedov. When studying the comedy Woe from Wit, one should analyze, first of all, the conditions in which the play was written. It touches upon the issue of the brewing confrontation between the progressive and conservative nobility. Griboedov makes fun of morals secular society early 19th century. In this regard, the creation of such a work was quite bold step during that period of development of Russian history.

There is a known case when Griboyedov, returning from abroad, found himself at one of the aristocratic receptions in St. Petersburg. There he was outraged by the obsequious attitude of society towards one foreign guest. Griboyedov's progressive views prompted him to express his sharply negative opinion on this matter. The guests considered young man crazy, and the news of this quickly spread through the community. It was this incident that prompted the writer to create a comedy.

Theme and problems of the play

It is advisable to start the analysis of the comedy "Woe from Wit" by referring to its title. It reflects the idea of ​​the play. Woe from his sanity is experiencing main character comedies - Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, who is rejected by society only because he is smarter than the people around him. Another problem follows from this: if a society rejects a person of an extraordinary mind, then how does this characterize society itself? Chatsky feels uncomfortable among people who consider him insane. This gives rise to numerous speech clashes between the protagonist and representatives of the society he hates. In these conversations, each side considers itself smarter than the interlocutor. Only the mind of the conservative nobility lies in the ability to adapt to existing circumstances in order to obtain maximum material benefits. Anyone who does not pursue ranks and money for them is a madman.

Accepting the views of Chatsky for the conservative nobility means starting to change their lives in accordance with the requirements of the time. Nobody finds this convenient. It's easier to declare Chatsky crazy, because then you can simply ignore his diatribes.

In the clash between Chatsky and representatives of aristocratic society, the author raises a number of philosophical, moral, national, cultural and everyday issues. Within the framework of these topics, the problems of serfdom, service to the state, education, family life. All these problems are revealed in comedy through the prism of understanding the mind.

The conflict of a dramatic work and its originality

The peculiarity of the conflict in the play "Woe from Wit" lies in the fact that there are two of them: love and social. social controversy lies in the clash of interests and views of the representatives of the "current century" in the person of Chatsky and the "past century" in the person of Famusov and his supporters. Both conflicts are closely related to each other.

Love experiences force Chatsky to come to Famusov's house, where he has not been for three years. He finds his beloved Sophia in a confused state, she accepts him very coldly. Chatsky does not realize that he arrived at the wrong time. Sophia is busy with experiences love story with Molchalin, his father's secretary, who lives in their house. Endless thoughts about the reasons for the cooling of Sophia's feelings make Chatsky ask questions of his beloved, her father, Molchalin. During the dialogues, it turns out that Chatsky's views differ from each of the interlocutors. They argue about service, about ideals, about the mores of secular society, about education, about the family. The views of Chatsky frighten the representatives of the "past century", because they threaten the usual way of life of the Famus society. Conservative nobles are not ready for change, so a rumor about Chatsky's madness, accidentally launched by Sophia, instantly spreads in society. The protagonist's lover is the source of unpleasant gossip because it interferes with her personal happiness. And this again sees the interweaving of love and social conflicts.

Comedy character system

In the depiction of characters, Griboedov does not adhere to a clear division into positive and negative, which was mandatory for classicism. All heroes have both positive and negative traits. For example, Chatsky is smart, honest, brave, independent, but he is also quick-tempered, unceremonious. Famusov is the son of his age, but at the same time he is a wonderful father. Sophia, ruthless towards Chatsky, is smart, brave and determined.

But the use of "speaking" surnames in the play is a direct legacy of classicism. In the surname of the hero, Griboedov tries to put the leading feature of his personality. For example, the surname Famusov is derived from the Latin fama, which means "rumour". Consequently, Famusov is the person who is most concerned about public opinion. It is enough to recall his final remark to be convinced of this: “... What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say!”. Chatsky was originally Chadsky. This surname hints that the hero is in the midst of his struggle with the mores of an aristocratic society. The hero Repetilov is also interesting in this respect. His surname is connected with the French word repeto - I repeat. This character is a caricatured double of Chatsky. He does not have own opinion, but only repeats other people's words, including the words of Chatsky.

It is important to pay attention to the placement of characters. social conflict occurs mainly between Chatsky and Famusov. A love confrontation is built between Chatsky, Sofia and Molchalin. These are the main characters. Unites love and public conflict the figure of Chatsky.

The most difficult in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is the image of Sophia. It is difficult to attribute it to people who adhere to the views of the "gone century". In relations with Molchalin, she despises the opinion of society. Sophia reads a lot, loves art. She is disgusted by the stupid Puffer. But you can’t call her a supporter of Chatsky either, because in conversations with him she reproaches him for his causticity, ruthlessness in words. It was her word about Chatsky's madness that became decisive in the fate of the protagonist.

Both secondary and episodic characters are important in the play. For example, Lisa, Skalozub are directly involved in the development of a love conflict, complicating and deepening it. episodic characters, appearing on a visit to Famusov (Tugoukhovskaya, Khryumin, Zagoretsky), more fully reveal the mores of Famusov society.

Development of dramatic action

Analysis of the actions of "Woe from Wit" will reveal compositional features works and features of the development of dramatic action.

All the phenomena of the first act before the arrival of Chatsky can be considered an exposition of the comedy. Here the reader gets acquainted with the scene of action and learns not only about love affair Sophia and Molchalin, but also about the fact that Sophia used to have tender feelings for Chatsky, who left to wander around the world. The appearance of Chatsky in the seventh appearance of the first act is the plot. This is followed by the parallel development of social and love conflicts. Chatsky's conflict with the Famus society reaches its peak at the ball - this is the culmination of the action. The fourth act, 14th comedy phenomenon (Chatsky's final monologue) is the denouement of both the social and love lines.

In the denouement, Chatsky is forced to retreat before the Famus society, because he is in the minority. But he can hardly be considered defeated. It's just that Chatsky's time has not yet come, a split in the noble environment has only just begun.

The originality of the play

Research and analysis of the work "Woe from Wit" will reveal its bright originality. Traditionally, "Woe from Wit" is considered to be the first Russian realistic play. Despite this, the features inherent in classicism have been preserved in it: “speaking” surnames, the unity of time (the events of the comedy take place within one day), the unity of place (the play takes place in Famusov’s house). However, Griboyedov refuses the unity of action: two conflicts develop in parallel in comedy, which contradicts the traditions of classicism. In the image of the protagonist, the formula of romanticism is also clearly visible: an exceptional hero (Chatsky) in unusual circumstances.

Thus, the relevance of the play's problems, its unconditional innovation, the aphoristic language of comedy are not only of great importance in the history of Russian literature and dramaturgy, but also contribute to the popularity of comedy among modern readers.

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"Woe from Wit" Quotes.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov - a famous Russian writer, poet, playwright, brilliant diplomat, state councilor, author of the legendary play in verse "Woe from Wit", was a descendant of the old noble family. Born in Moscow on January 15) 1795

Comedy "Woe from Wit", written by A. S. Griboedov in early XIX century, is relevant for today's Russia. R his epics famous characters scattered around the world, becoming "winged" expressions. In this work, the author reveals with all depth the vices that struck Russian society the beginning of the last century. However, reading this work, we find in it the heroes of the present day. The names of the comedy characters collected by Griboyedov in the house of the Moscow gentleman Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov did not accidentally become household names. Let's look at the owner of the house. Each Famusov's remark, each of his monologues is a zealous defense of the "age of humility and fear." This person is dependent primarily on traditions and public opinion. He teaches the youth that, they say, you need to take an example from the fathers:

-“Would study, looking at the elders”.

And what is, in Famusov's understanding, the experience of the older generations? This can be seen from his review of the late uncle Maxim Petrovich, who "ate not on silver - on gold." Maxim Petrovich, a nobleman from the time of “mother Catherine”, is a role model for Famusov:

-“when it is necessary to serve, he bent over backwards.”

Flattery and servility in the price of this comedy character. Occupying a high post, Famusov admits that he serves in order to obtain ranks and other benefits.

-"And with me, what’s the matter, what’s not the case, My custom is this: Signed, so off my shoulders".

A. S. Griboyedov brilliantly reflected in the image of Famusov the feature of bureaucracy, which we call today “protectionism”. Comedy hero admits:

-"With me, strangers who serve are very rare, more and more sisters, sister-in-laws, children ... How can you introduce yourself to a baptismal, to a place, well, how not to please your own little man ".

The measure of a person's value for Famusov is rank and money. He says to his daughter Sophia:

-“Whoever is poor is not a match for you.” Colonel Skalozub, according to Famusov, would suit Sophia as a husband, because he“not today - tomorrow general”.

And the bureaucracy, which has already become a social phenomenon, rests on these same Famusovs. They are accustomed to “light” bread, which they achieve by currying favor with their superiors. They like beautiful life, which is rewarded for servility and sycophancy. So, Molchalin lives by the principle:

-"Firstly, to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss, with whom I will serve, his servant who cleans dresses, the doorman, the janitor, to avoid evil, the janitor's dog, so that he is affectionate".

It's scary when there are famusovs, silencers, pufferfish in society. Due to the fact that the silenced are silent, innocent people suffer, although they are right. Relevant for today and Chatsky. In it, the writer embodied many qualities advanced man of his era. He does not accept careerism, servility, ignorance as the ideals of the “past century”. Chatsky - for respect for common man, service to the cause, and not to individuals, freedom of thought, affirms the progressive ideas of modernity, the prosperity of science and art, respect for national language and culture, to enlightenment. After listening to Famusov’s enthusiastic story about Maxim Petrovich, Chatsky speaks with contempt about people who “not in war, but in peace, took their foreheads, knocked on the floor, did not regret”, about those “whose neck often bent”. He despises people who are ready at the patrons to yawn at the ceiling, to appear silent, to shuffle, to dine. He does not accept the "past age": "The age of humility and fear was straight." Critical of the dominance of foreigners:

-"Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion? So that our smart, peppy people, although in language we are not considered Germans".

After reading the comedy, Pushkin said: "I'm not talking about poetry - half should go into proverbs." Pushkin's words came true quickly. Already in May 1825, the writer V.F. Odoevsky stated: “Almost all the verses of Griboedov’s comedy became proverbs, and I often happened to hear whole conversations in society, which most composed poems from "Woe from Wit".

Text from various sources.

- She has no sleep French books, and it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.
- Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's wrath, and lordly love.
- happy hours are not watching.
- Carriage to me! Carriage!
- Who is poor, he is not a couple for you.
- Signed, so off your shoulders.
- Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
- I don't care what for him, what's in the water.
- Blessed is he who believes - he is warm in the world!
- And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant for us!
- Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go as for dinner.
- What kind of commission, Creator, be adult daughter father!
- I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve.
- Fresh legend, but hard to believe.
- Houses are new, but prejudices are old.
- Who are the judges?
- Ah, gossips scarier than guns.
- I'm strange; but who is not strange?
- Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived.
- Commendation sheet to you: you behave properly.
- Ba! familiar faces!
- Shouted women "Hurrah!" and threw caps into the air.
- Do not read like a panomar, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement
- Where is it better? Where we are not.
- More in number, cheaper price.
- What says! And he speaks as he writes!
- If evil is to be stopped: to collect all the books and burn them.
- I don't go here anymore.

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