Which means the promised three years are waiting. Promised three years waiting for what it means


Minister economic development Maxim Oreshkin cancels election program President Putin

This week began, in fact, with a sensation: the Ministry of Economic Development submitted to the government new forecast for six years, which sharply worsened expectations for all macroeconomic indicators. GDP growth in the country for the current year is projected at 1.9% (instead of 2.1%), next year— decrease to 1.4% instead of 2.2%. And the growth of real wages of the population, the ministry threatens to reduce from 6.3% this year to 1% in 2019, that is, six times!

Thus, Minister Oreshkin actually cancels Putin's program, announced by the president on May 7 in the Kremlin upon taking office. I will quote: “We need breakthroughs in all spheres of life: The tasks that lie ahead, the overdue decisions that we need to take, without any exaggeration, are historical. They will determine the fate of the Fatherland for decades to come ... "

Back in his message to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin announced that he intended to increase GDP per capita by 1.5 times over the next presidential term. At least halve the poverty rate. Support in every possible way older generation- to achieve an increase in the size of pensions, to ensure their regular indexation, and above the inflation rate. Build 120 million sq. meters of housing per year. Dedicate more than 4% of GDP to healthcare every year: For all this, the president emphasized, “we need an economy with growth rates above the world!”.

Then there was clapping in the hall, including the ministers. And now the head of the Ministry of Economic Development says: no, it won't work. And, actually, why? World oil prices, our lifesaver, have gone up again: this year they will average $69.3 per barrel, although the government was counting on only $61.4. Due to the OPEC + deal, the Russian budget has already received an additional 4 trillion rubles, as stated by the head Russian fund direct investment Kirill Dmitriev. However, in the new forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, the next two years (out of six) can be considered lost: the growth of investment in the economy is now 3.5% instead of 4.8%, and next year, instead of 5.6%, there will be 3.1% - almost twice less. industrial production will grow only by 1.7% instead of 2.5%, and inflation from the current 2.2% will accelerate to 4.5% in a year ...

And note: neither in the Kremlin, nor in the government, no one is in a hurry to refute Minister Oreshkin's forecasts. Only German economists commented with restraint: “In Russia, it was recognized that the economic situation has become worse than it was before. And while millions of Russians rejoice at the victories of Russian football players, the authorities have developed more realistic picture development of the economy” (quote from the newspaper Welt).

It seems that the new forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development is a correction of inflated, unsustainable plans. Although many experts and prominent figures (including, for example, Alexei Kudrin) admit that there is money for reforms, even with a margin. But there are no reforms themselves! The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, speaks pointedly about this: “If we all see that reforms are being carried out:” But instead of reforms, the government is doing what it loves: rummaging through the pockets of the population in the hope of holding out for another year or two without major changes. Over the current (election!) six months, we have learned that housing and communal services tariffs will increase by 4% in the country, although the actual inflation was 2.5%. The property tax will rise. Rise in price, despite all exhortations, gasoline and diesel fuel. The collection of "Platon" will increase, which means that the prices for everything that is transported by heavy trucks will increase.

New prices for Russian Railways tickets are already being agreed with the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Expensive cigarettes and travel in public transport. Prices for medicines from Europe and the USA will rise. It is planned to raise the recycling fee for cars - that is, foreign cars will rise in price. They do not disdain trifles: they raised tariffs for issuing passports and driver's licenses. Goods in foreign online stores will become more expensive. And in Kungur Perm Territory they have already introduced a fee for rain - a small one, 7-10 rubles per family, but the worst of it is the beginning!

And nothing (!) has been done to facilitate business, to increase the income of the population. We emphasize: not benefits and handouts, but labor income! And that's exactly where you need to start in difficult times.

The economy will have to wait another three years for the economy to emerge from stagnation, warns the Ministry of Economic Development: GDP growth rates will reach 3% in 2021, at the same time investment growth will accelerate to 6%. But it is not clear what will change by this date in comparison with today. Who wants to raise the GDP and accelerate the growth of investment is unknown.

The President intended to ensure the contribution of small business to country's GDP up to 40%, that is, twice as much as today, and raise the number of people employed here from 19 to 25 million. But where can we get these entrepreneurs, if all active Russians are beaten off by officials in conjunction with the security forces from year to year with all their might and lies?

At a meeting of the Council of NATO Ministers of Defense, they again talked about the expansion of the alliance, and on this occasion disputes about the legitimacy of the process again boiled

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, firstly, that Macedonia, which has been in line since 2009, after its renaming (and, accordingly, the removal of Greece's veto), can be admitted to the Alliance as early as next year. Secondly, I noticed that in the two years since Montenegro joined NATO, direct Western investment in its economy has doubled. Finally, for the first time, he made it clear that the problem of Abkhazia and South Ossetia would not in principle interfere with Georgia's admission to the Western bloc: “Georgia does not have to choose between territorial integrity and NATO membership; she will become a member of the Alliance as soon as she meets its standards."

In Moscow, they started talking about history again. That the West treacherously broke a promise, given to the president USSR to Mikhail Gorbachev, not to expand NATO to the east. They expressed “fe” due to the fact that Montenegro and Macedonia chose NATO, and at the same time once again kicked Gorbachev with his perestroika and new thinking. The main document cited as evidence is a declassified recording of Gorbachev's conversation with US Secretary of State James Baker on February 9, 1990. And not only convinced jingoistic patriots, but also such commentators as Vladimir Pozner, whom I respect.

“Mr. Stoltenberg is lying,” he confidently writes on his website. "Baker made a very clear promise to Gorbachev that if Germany was allowed to unite, NATO would not move beyond Germany."

Gorbachev ended his presidency in 1991. At the beginning of 1990, when a conversation with Baker took place in Moscow, there could hardly have been any talk of a real expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe. The current debate about whether the West promised the Soviet president not to accept new members into the alliance or not is brightly colored by today's consciousness and the perception of earlier events passed through its prism.

At that time, tectonic changes were taking place in Europe. But no one in Washington or Moscow even thought about NATO expansion, and this issue was not raised by the countries of Central and of Eastern Europe. It could then be discussed only in the context of the hot topic of German unification. What should it become if this moment divided between blocks? Shortly before Baker's meeting with Gorbachev, Genscher's (then head of the German Foreign Ministry) formula appeared: not to deploy NATO military structures and troops on the territory of East Germany, even if a united Germany would be wholly a member of NATO.

Both the West and Moscow recognized the indisputable: the process of internal German integration had gained momentum and could not be stopped. It was important that reunification take place not simply as a result of the will of the Germans, but with the blessing and under the control of the victorious powers in World War II. The concern of the great powers was to prevent the revival of German nationalism and militarism, to restrain the transformation of Germany into a powerful military force In the centre of Europe. Obliged memory of two world wars.

On the morning of February 9, before walking together into Gorbachev's office, Baker told Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze: “Neutral Germany will undoubtedly acquire its own independent nuclear capability. While Germany, firmly tied in a reformed NATO - an organization much less military and much more political - will not need its own nuclear capability. Of course, there must be ironclad guarantees that NATO jurisdiction and armed forces will not move east. And we need to do it in such a way that Germany's neighbors in the east are satisfied.

It follows from the context that what is meant is the undesirability of the advance of NATO structures to the eastern border of Germany, which would disturb its eastern neighbors, primarily Poland.

Gorbachev told Baker about his morning conversation with Polish President Jaruzelski. He expressed the opinion that the presence of American and Soviet troops in Europe would be a stabilizing factor. Gorbachev said that Soviet Union does not want a repeat of the Versailles scenario that allowed Germany to arm itself.

“If Germany is neutral,” Baker reasoned, “it will not rule out her militarization. On the contrary, she can create her own nuclear forces instead of relying on US deterrence forces. All of our Western allies and many Eastern European countries have let us know that it is in their interests to maintain a United States military presence in Europe."

When Shevardnadze admitted that the leadership of a reunified Germany might want the Americans to leave, Baker said firmly: “If that happens, our troops will go home; we will not leave them in countries that do not want our presence.”

Baker summed up the conversation on this topic with a question to Gorbachev: what is preferable for Moscow - “a united Germany outside NATO, completely independent and without American troops; or a unified Germany retaining NATO membership, but with the guarantee that the zone of jurisdiction and NATO troops will not move an inch east of their current border?

Gorbachev said that the expansion of the NATO zone "would not be acceptable." "We agree," Baker replied.

Whether they meant the same thing is anyone's guess. Some commentators, including American ones, doubt that Baker meant only East Germany, and not in general any eastward expansion of NATO. For an experienced negotiator and cautious lawyer, it seems very unlikely that he did not use certain terminology, they say. But this is only an interpretation.

They also cite a recording of a conversation dated February 6, 1990 between German Foreign Minister Genscher and his British counterpart Douglas Hurd. The German minister said that the Russians should be sure that if, for example, Poland once withdraws from the Warsaw Pact, then in the morning it will not join NATO. Gensher and Hurd spoke about this to Shevardnadze. But no concrete agreements were reached. Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary joined NATO 9 years after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact.

In subsequent contacts on high level between the United States and the Soviet Union, which were many before the collapse of the USSR, the issue of NATO expansion was never raised again and, judging by the available sources, there were no clarifying words on the agreements between Baker and Gorbachev. Apparently, the problem was not really relevant.

Now it seems an illusion that Russia is included in the world system built on Western principles, like other post-communist countries in Europe. It didn't seem so then.

Historian Ron Asmus, who served as Deputy Assistant from 1997–2000 secretary of state The United States was in fact the main "Sherpa" of the NATO expansion process, told me that the movement to admit new members from Central and Eastern Europe into the Alliance began only under the Clinton administration. Under Bush Sr. in the American establishment, against the backdrop of a general indifference to foreign policy after graduation cold war this idea would have been more than cool. Even when Clinton personally set a positive tone for her in the spring of 1993 and, responding to the request of Vaclav Havel, Lech Walesa and Arpad Göncz, invited them to talk on this topic, there were many skeptics in Washington. But these countries themselves - Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary - were already persistently knocking on the door of the Western Alliance.

If we talk about the legal side, then in 1990 the US and the USSR discussed the future of Germany from the position of the victorious powers in World War II. They exercised legal rights and obligations in determining the orientation of the new Germany in the field of security. But they had no such rights with respect to the sovereign states of Central and Eastern Europe.

In the same 1990, having adopted the Charter of Paris along with 32 European states, the USA and Canada, the Soviet Union recognized the right of all European countries to participate in defense alliances. Their expansion, including into NATO, is not the seizure of territories, but the voluntary entry of states into the organization. Russia could offer Montenegro and Macedonia to join the CSTO or, say, the SCO. But they chose NATO.

Promised three years waiting

Promised three years waiting

No, well, to be extremely honest, no one promised us a happy and well-fed childhood, joys, gifts, kind and rich parents, millionaire grandparents and billionaire grandparents. We, at the creation of the universe, were not promised that we would win the lottery, be born in desired country, V right time, we will guess with marriage or marriage, we will be able to invest correctly, deftly evade taxes, find a profitable and light work, maintain health, pump up muscles wherever you need. We were not promised holidays, a sea of ​​good clothes, kind sympathetic friends, unusually cheerful and unassuming relatives. Who said that they would give us good teachers at school and institute, that the policeman who stopped us for speeding would be kind on that day and let him go in peace, without trial and fine? Why should we suddenly be given a loan from the bank so that we can buy a house, since the apartment has become crowded? And to overpower the car without collecting thirty years for it, who said that it would be possible? And why should the ambulance arrive in five to ten minutes, and not get there in an hour, when the patient has already cooled down and is ready to go straight to the morgue? And why should not everyone be taken into the army, by force, without delay, and there already ... where will they be sent, where will they be sent?

Who predicted good weather for us without hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, whirlwinds and storms? Who promised that airplanes and cars would be invented, and it would be possible to get to a neighboring city in an hour, to the other end of the country by car in a week, and to the other end of the world by plane in a day or two? And where are slow camels, ships of the desert, and elegant horses, eight hours to go to a neighbor, shaking in the ass, but with a breeze and a drunken driver? Who said that the meat in the store, as well as cheese, fish and fruits and vegetables, should always be the first freshness? And that there is no second freshness at all, only the first, and everything that is not the first is rotten. I do not remember that somewhere in the Book of Genesis were written toys for children and Christmas trees on New Year, vacation trips with the whole family and there are fully paid meals, accommodation and entertainment. And if you can come to the operation, and there are already all the instruments and doctors, and you don’t need to bring everything with you, including gauze and an enema, was this promised or did it happen on its own along the way? What about tap water, if you haven't drunk it yet? Just a thousand years ago, this was not even a dream. And a toilet at almost every step (thanks to the Romans), and electricity, and gas, and refrigerators and freezers, where food can lie for months? And what about the TVs, which only appeared about seventy years ago, huge heavy boxes, one for the whole yard? And now not only everyone has it, but even three, five each, both color and flat-screen, and with pixels everywhere ... Everyone has mobile phones. Where was it written, in which Bible or Torah? In the Quran maybe? I don't remember there being. Although, perhaps I read inattentively and missed something.

Medicines for all occasions - and from her too - where did they come from, who promised, who invented, who delivered? Cream, not to tan too much, for women all sorts of pads, linings, for relief and improvement. For men, rectifiers, extension cords, coolers, calmers and vice versa, exciters. It was not conceived in the beginning, I know for sure that it was not. Boots for high snow and high heels for beauty in the legs. Jeans-don't-take-off-forever, new, frayed and full of holes, from where?

You look at all this inhuman abundance in the store of butter, cheese and cakes for any size of a person, not to mention twenty-five varieties of ice cream all year round, and you think: after all, no one promised us this, and many still don’t have all this. They have no water, intermittent electricity, war from time to time. Food is not always, medicines are not all, clothes are worn-out. It is not clear how they live and suffer. Although, perhaps, it is they who, remembering that no one promised an easy way, and that they will be fed on the way, is also not a fact, they rejoice at every serving of rice and a bowl of tea, which is rare and therefore a holiday ...

We ourselves invented disorders for any reason - or did they come up with themselves? Are we snickering, fed up, tired of abundance and chasing after it? Or are we just tired? Maybe it's time for us to go back to the desert for forty years, and cook matzah on each other's backs under the scorching sun until we squeeze out a slave. Every. From myself. And from each other too. Maybe stop waiting for favors from nature and alms from fate? Take what was given - and say thank you? Could not give, or give less. Or give, and then take everything that was given and give to another? Could? Could. And what if we say thank you for everything that is, and especially for what is not?

So we will live with pies and gifts to each other, which is why one continuous joy regularly happens. After all, everything that is greater than zero is already a gift, especially since no one promised us anything at all during the creation of the world.

So soon!

They have been waiting for the promised three years - believe only in yourself, only in your own strength, do everything yourself, but do not believe promises, promises, other people's words, sentences, arguments, promise others - what to spit
“They will tell him: “Don’t worry, we will solve this issue in a week.” He believes! He remembers, he comes in a week! And he asks: “Well, how? Zhvanetsky "He is our pride")

English analogues of the phraseological unit "the promised three years are waiting" promises, like pie-crust, are made to be broken - promises, like pie crust, are made to be broken;vetween promising and performing a man may marry his daughter - between a promise and fulfilling a promise, you can also marry your daughter

The origin of the saying is unclear. References to the Bible, some prophet Daniel, whom no one remembers; on the history of serfdom, when the peasant was still sometimes allowed to change owners, are doubtful. Most likely, it is an expression of the centuries-old experience of deceiving a person by a person, and the number "Three" in the Russian language, folklore, consciousness is sacramental and convincing: three years, three sons, three brothers, three desires, Far Far Away kingdom, "Three Fat Men", trilogy, "Thirty-three square meters”, triple “cheers”, “Three nuts for Cinderella”, “Thirty-three heroes”, “Three poplars on Plyushchikha”, . And not only in Russian - “Three hundred Spartans”, “Three Musketeers”, “Three in one boat”, “Hearts of three”

Synonyms of the proverb "wait for the promised three years"

  • When cancer on the mountain whistles
  • The promised hat does not fit on the ears
  • Promise not to marry
  • On the promise that on a chair: you sit and get up
  • When east meets west

Use of the expression in literature

    « And even though they have been waiting for the promise for three years, but I didn’t wait at all, because I didn’t believe in any of them, of those around"(Anatoly Pristavkin" Cuckoo ... ")
    « Even the most close friend- Lefort, - as soon as Anna Ivanovna started a conversation around the outskirts - how long will Peter live in sloppiness, like a bachelor, - he grinned vaguely ...: “They have been waiting for the promised three years!"(A. Tolstoy" Peter the Great ")
    « They have been waiting for the promised three years, look what a quick, year, you will wait for another, otherwise I will give you, baby, to St. Petersburg to strangers and give"(N. E. Heinze "Arakcheev")
    « If two former builders of a bright future want to empty the vessel of our “national” drink, the third one will definitely “manifest”! Or - “they are waiting for the promised three years” ...(Evgeny Vesnik “I give what I remember”)
    « They’ve been waiting for the promised one for three years, ”Kryachko said instructively, but, noticing Vaga’s twisted face, he grinned"(N. Leonov, A. Makeev" Cop Roof ")

Surely all of you are familiar with this painfully simple but true proverb, because a promise is one of those regular actions and words that we give to other people and ourselves, in particular, but are not in a hurry to fulfill them too soon. In other words, there is nothing easier than making a promise, but the more difficult it is to make it an action if it was given in the heat of the moment or thoughtlessly.

For example, I constantly promise someone that I will write a letter or answer some question. Not because I don't care about this someone, but just at the time of receiving the request, I am excessively busy. It seems that everything is logical, because I am a young mother and I always have little free time. But! There is another side to this medal.

Just think, why should I hide behind this “circumstance” from another person, if, for example, I don’t want to talk to him now or at all? For example, from my husband's uncle, who loves freebies and coming to visit so much that I'm always "busy" for him. It’s easier for me to write that I can’t talk, I’m taking care of my son, and I’ll answer or call back later. As it were, a small deception for the good of the fatherland, and although I very rarely hide behind them, this fact still jars me. By the way, dear Anya, this is not about you.

And on the other hand: do I always keep these promises: call back, write, look, remember, congratulate, even if I really want to do it? Most often, I just forget about it as a small, insignificant detail, which, by the way, is sometimes very important. At first I was distracted by everyday life, then by sleep, then by TV, and now two days have passed, and the person is still waiting for you. And it’s already as if it’s even inconvenient to unsubscribe on the issue, maybe he has already decided everything himself? And if not, he will suddenly say: “Waiting for you is easier to do yourself, you did not fulfill your promise, but you promised ...”. And this is the worst thing: to assume what a person thinks about your forgetfulness, but especially to hear these words: you set me up, let me down. you are bad, frivolous, lazy.

Etymology, meaning and types of promises

We look in the dictionary. Here a promise is a voluntary commitment to do something. It can be perform, violate, give a solemn, take from someone. To do once a year according to a promise means to do something very rarely; and to feed promises - to give irresponsible. There is a quite logical continuation of famous saying: "The promised three years are waiting." It sounds like this: “And they refuse on the fourth!”.

The history of this popular proverb is as follows: in Rus', serfs could leave one master for another only once every three years, and precisely on St. George's Day. At first, of course, it was possible to change the master every year, but then the tsar issued a strict decree in which the “going through the torments” could take place only once every three years. Then, after a couple of years, the serfs were in principle forbidden to leave the owner, which gave rise to another, no less popular saying: "Here you are, grandmother, and St. George's day."

The same dictionary also speaks of Obeshchalkin, or a person who easily makes promises and forgets to do them. Well, one that is similar to each of us when we speak and make vows and promises, but we are not in a hurry to fulfill them. Not only do we try to fool other people in this way, we also constantly deceive ourselves.

For example, for the second week I have been trying to quit smoking, I even reduced the number of cigarettes from a pack a day to 8-10. But things don’t go any further, it’s stopped, as if rooted to the spot, and it’s me who slows it down. What should I quit completely? Instead, I make a promise to myself every day that with tomorrow I won't smoke at all. At least I'll try. But it turns out that the next day I stop trying, postponing the fulfillment of the promise for another day. And this is the worst thing, that you cannot be honest not only to others, but also to yourself in the first place.

It is shameful to fall into the dirt in front of others, but not as bad as reproaching yourself for several days for laziness, forgetfulness, inattention to your neighbor. Sometimes, people just stop expecting something from you at all, making a request, asking. They put you on the black list of promises and draw conclusions.

But it happens otherwise: some of our acquaintances believe that if a person made a promise to them, then it will always be possible to demand that he fulfill it. And it doesn’t matter what circumstances he had: “You promised? Please do it!" This is even more dangerous, it seems to me: they seem to deliberately beat confessions out of us so that later they have something to grab onto. More often this happens with children: parents, in order to sleep peacefully, require them to promise not to do something or to correct something in themselves. They got it, signed it, calmed down, but the child didn’t change. This promise crushes him. presses to the ground. makes him feel duty and guilt, which is why he breaks down. and does something out of spite or out of forgetfulness.

Most Popular Promises

But back to our sheep, that is to say, promises. I've been scouring the statistics and the Internet, and here's what I found interesting: what promises to themselves do people most often fail to fulfill? Especially the most important, New Year's ones, because we really like to start life from a new leaf, and when is the best time to do this? That's right, from January 1, from the real holiday - the New Year.

Goalsguy.com, which has been polling its visitors for years to identify the most popular New Year's resolutions, compiled a list based on a survey of more than 300,000 people, mostly Americans. But something tells me that in our country these promises are taking root.

1. Lose weight. Elementary Watson!

How many people are suffering overweight, every day, approaching the refrigerator at night, makes an oath promise to himself: do not eat after six from tomorrow? Go even "stop eating so much" is almost a quote. Don't eat fried food because it's unhealthy? Don't buy cakes because they make you fat the most? Do not overeat to fit into new jeans by spring?

And how many people still go to the refrigerator, even with eyes closed, tearfully eating ice cream and sausages and looking at a visualized dream: a photograph of Naomi Campbell in a bathing suit?

2. Learn to save

For many people, it is incredibly difficult to stick to a budget when spending money, daily, moreover. Moreover, when there are so many beautiful and interesting things around, and you want to have all this? This requires self-discipline, at least at the very beginning of the attempt to make this promise. But how many people are really trying to fix their budget without breaking into a new sharpener (hello, Nelya) and a beautiful bag with new shoes?

3. Distribute debts and not get into new ones

This promise goes hand in hand with the desire to start saving. Borrowing is, of course, helps, but paying it back ... As our grandmothers used to say: "you take someone else's - you give back your own." Moreover, we constantly take loans and use various consumer cards, which now and then drive us into a new bondage. And how not to promise yourself to stop borrowing? But how to live if the money from the salary is not enough even for half a month?

They say you shouldn't spend more than you earn, and if you can't pay with your own money for something, then you don't need it. It turns out that my husband and I do not need an apartment, because we will not be able to buy it without a mortgage until retirement.

4. Become an exemplary family man and friend

How little time do we spend with the people who truly deserve it? We disappear at work, lie on the couch, and you can’t drag us out with shopping or barbecues even with a filthy broom. After all, relationships are everyday work! So people promise to spend more time with family and friends than they do now, but then they work again in dusty offices, earn money to pay the mortgage, and then cry at night at the refrigerator. Breaking three promises at once. Data to yourself. Happens.

5. Find a loved one

Loneliness is not such a rare thing in our seemingly not lonely time, full of social networks and a wide range of contacts. Look at it from the other side: you are sitting at the computer, chatting with virtual friends for hours and days on end, and in your apartment, besides the cat, you have only dried ficus.

6. Quit smoking!

A. This problem is close to me firsthand, as I wrote above. And if earlier I did what I promised with regards to nicotine and cigarettes, I did it with ease, but now it is much more difficult to do it, if not to say that it is unbearably difficult. As Mark Twain said: “There is nothing easier to quit smoking, I quit a hundred times myself.” Therefore, if you smoke, you will understand me: the decision to stop smoking is one of the best, but also the most difficult promises. which you can give yourself.

7. Change jobs to more interesting ones

Routine work, office plankton, boredom and dullness, beyond which a new day is not visible? As is familiar to most people. Unloved work is the place where you have to go, but you really don’t want to. Here are just a small number of people who really try to change something in this life, to make an effort. Most often, people are afraid of change, afraid of being out of the door, restless and unemployed, losing their position and confidence in the future. Therefore, it is better to promise, but continue to sit on your warm chair.

8. Learn something new

A new hobby, passion, occupation? How many new things have you learned this year? None? Or one or two? After all, they say that in order to be more successful, you need to learn something new all your life: change your career, learn new language or learn how to play musical instrument. But how to do it, when there is less and less free time, and more and more promises?

9. Start helping others

It happens that you open a wardrobe, and things fall out of it that do not go anywhere, but have not been worn for more than a year. I always want to collect them in bags and take them to someone who really needs them. Only something interferes all the time: either there is no bag, or time, or “these jeans still fit me well.”

And it also happens that you want to send someone money to help, be a volunteer, take an old woman across the road or put a stray cat in good hands. But this is not today, but from the new year - I promise myself so!

10. Learn to be organized

Surely this promise combines all nine of the previous ones, because in order to change something in your life, you need to learn that very self-organization. You can start by planning your time, stop being distracted by unnecessary things, maintain order in the environment. Learn to be better, because you will like it!

Are the conclusions disappointing?

Studies say that from 40 to 45% of adults constantly set themselves any specific goals: for tomorrow, next year. But more often than not, these people simply fail to stick to these goals for a year, not just one day. Beginning to keep promises every day and week forget about it, and here's what it looks like in numbers: one week: 75%; two weeks: 71%; more than one month: 64%; more than six months: 46%.

Of course, life is bad without promises, and those people who at least try to fix something in their lives are much more likely to achieve them. And if you are used to promising something, but not doing it, then start right now to stop making such promises. Or like this:

    To be together forever;

    Return in a week;

    Call back, write;

    Improve/become different;

    Don't do it again;

    No more drinking;

    Never change;

    Buy a fur coat for your wife for the new year;

    Start a new life on Monday.

And I'll add on my own: I promise to quit smoking by the end of the month. So somehow calmer when the time does not shake.

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