Castes in India are ours. Indian castes


Eastern martial arts

Sports discipline



1. Principles of certification;

2. Basic technique(Kihon);

3. Regulations;

4. Schemes of fights.


Certification is carried out 2 times a year (autumn, spring), as well as at the end of summer sports camps or training camps. Attestation for master's degrees (black belts) takes place once a year - at the summer training camp. The certification schedule is compiled according to preliminary applications and approved by the President of the KUDO Federation of Russia.

Responsible for carrying out certification Vice-President Zorin V.I.

1. Principles of certification.

1. The number of workouts.

2. The quality of training (assessed by the correct implementation of the standards).

3. The level of physical perfection (standards of physical fitness, submitted for the exam).

4. The ability to technically correctly and tactically competently fight fights to a victorious end.

5. For athletes of a sport class (collections), competitive practice is taken into account (especially when passing to master degrees).

6. Devotion to the school (participation in gatherings, seminars, assistance in organizing sports events etc.).

Competitive practice in children begins at the age of 10, but be attested they can from 7 years old.

Children's certification.

7 years - 10-kyu, 8 years - 9 - 8-kyu, 9 years - 7 - 6-kyu, 10 years - 5-kyu.

Sports certification

Boys - 10-17 years old.

adults- 17-30 years old.

Business Class - 30 years and older or athletes who, for health reasons, are not able to take part in competitions.

2. Technical regulations

The exam has the following standards:

1. Punches (Te-waza -<<Панч>>)

2. Kicks (Ashi-waza)

3. Punches in motion (Ido Te-waza)

4. Kicks while moving (Ido Ashi-waza)

5. Test for throwing technique.

6. Offset on the elements of the fight in the stalls (painful and suffocating techniques).

7. OFP (push-ups, jumping out, abdominal exercises).

8. Fights (sparring)

9. Test according to the knowledge of the rules of the competition.

Technique of punches (Te-waza -<<Панч>>)

1. Left straight - 10 times (Jeb-zedan)

2. Left straight to the body - 10 times (Jeb-tudan)

3. Right straight - 10 times (Sutoreto-jodan)

4. Right straight to the body - 10 times (Sutoret O- tudan)

5. Left side - 10 times ( Fuku-jodan)

6. Left side to the body - 10 times ( Fuku-chudan)

7. Right side - 10 times ( Fuku-jodan)

8. Right side to the body - 10 times ( Fuku-chudan)

9. Left bottom - 10 times (Appa-jodan)

10. Left bottom to the body - 10 times ( Appa-tudan)

11. Right bottom - 10 times (Appa-jodan)

12. Right bottom to the body - 10 times ( Appa-tudan)

13. Elbow strikes - 10 times ( Hiji)

Kicking technique (Ashi-waza)

1. Direct blow from behind with a standing leg (balls of the toes) (Mae-geri)

10 - kick with the right foot with a belt, 10 - with the left, 20 - alternately (with a go-ahead).

2. Knee strikes 10 belt grabs (Hidza-geri),

10 - in the capture, 10 - with a change of legs.

3. Side kick with the edge or heel of the foot ( Yoko-geri ) ,

10 - swings with a belt, 20 - blows with a go-ahead.

4. Side kick (shin or instep) (Mawashi-geri)

10 grabs for the belt, 20 - blows with a go-ahead.

5. Direct back kick with the heel of the foot 30 with a grip on the belt, (Ushiro-geri)

10 - breaking to the side, 20 - breaking blows forward.

6. Hit with the sole of the foot under the supporting leg from the side of the opponent (Asi-barai),

30 - sweeps, 30 - side kicks by raising the foot to the groin area with a grab for

belt ( kinteki ) , (Side cutting).

Hand strikes in motion (Ido te-waza)

(technique of punches in forward and backward movement)

1. Moving forward and backward in a fighting stance (Step)

2. Movement with a direct blow of the left hand in the combat stance forward and backward (Step jab)

3. Movement with a direct blow of the opposite hand (Step-sutorit) in a combat stance forward and backward.

4. Movement with direct strikes of the left and right hand (Step-jab-sutorit ) in combat stance forward and backward.

5. 3-strike series (upper level) with forward-backward movement with direct blows from the left and right hand, with a side blow from the left hand ( Step-jab-sutor it-fukku-mae - ni-ushiro-ni).

6. 3-strike series: forward-backward (Sutoreto-appa-fuku-mae-ni-ushiro-ni) with a direct blow of the right hand - a blow of the left hand from below - with a side blow of the right hand (three steps forward, strikes are delivered in a different stance, and the same blows are delivered three steps back).

7. 4-strike series:

a) with movement, a blow with a straight left hand to the head - a straight blow to the body with a right hand - a side blow to the head with a left hand - a right hand from below to the head ();

b) in motion with a left punch to the body - a right straight punch to the head - a left side punch to the head - a right punch from below to the head ( step-jab-sutorit-fukku-appa );

c) in motion, a blow with a left straight hand to the head - a right side blow with a hand to the head - with a left hand a blow from below to the body - a right side blow with a hand to the head;

d) in motion, a blow with a left straight hand to the head - a right blow with a hand from below to the body - a left side blow with a hand to the head - a right straight blow with a hand to the head (step jab fukku migi appa-appa hidari chudan-fukku migi).

Before performing 4-hit combinations in motion, it is necessary to repeat the entire bunch in place for a count of up to 10, and then for 4 counts in motion.

Kicks in motion (Ido ashi-waza).

Pay attention to the turn - on command ( Mavate) 180 degrees at the end of the track.

1. Leg swing forward in motion (Mae-keage).

2. Kick from behind with standing foot forward (Mae-geri).

3. Kick from behind with standing foot forward (Mae-geri)+ 2 (direct punches to the head).

4. 2 + Kick from behind with standing foot forward (Mae-geri).

5. Kick with front foot (Mae-ashi).

6. Kick with front foot (Mae-ashi) + 2.

7. 2 + front kick (Mae-ashi).

8. Knee (single) (Hidza-geri).

9. Knee Kick (2 hits per count) (Hidza-geri).

10. Knee Kick (Hidza-geri)+ elbow (of the same name).

11. Knee Kick (Hidza-geri)+ elbow (oppositely).

12. Knee kick (straight + side) (Hidza-geri).

13. Kick with the edge of the foot (Yoko-geri).

14. Kick with the edge of the foot (Yoko-geri) + 2.

15. 2 + kick with the edge of the foot (Yoko-geri).

16. Side kick (shin or instep) to the lower level (Mawashi-gedan).

17. Side kick (shin or instep) on the move ( Mawashi-step-gedan ) + 2.

18. Side kick (shin or instep) to the body (Mawashi-chudan).

19. Side kick (shin or instep) to the body (Mawashi-chudan) + 2.

20. Side kick (shin or foot lift) to the head ( Mawashi-jodan ).

21. Side kick (shin or foot lift) to the head ( Mawashi-jodan ) + 2.

22. 2 + Side kick (shin or instep) to the head ( Mawashi-jodan ).

23. Back heel strike (Ushiro-geri).

24. Back heel strike (Ushiro-geri) + 2.

25. 360-degree spin kick (Ushiro-mawashi-geri).

26. 360-degree spin kick (Ushiro-mawashi-geri) + 2.

Double kick combinations:

1. Kick from behind with the standing leg forward - side kick with the leg (shin or instep) to the body with the left leg ( mae-geri migi - mawashi-gedan hidari).

2. Kick with the front foot - side kick with the leg (shin or instep) to the body with the right foot (Mae-geri hidari - mawashi gedan migi).

3. Side kick (shin or instep) to the body with the left foot - Side kick with the right leg (shin or instep) to the head (Mawashi-gedan hidari - mawashi jodan migi).

4. Side kick with the right foot (shin or instep) to the lower level - side kick with the left leg (shin or instep) to the head (Mawashi-gedan migi - mawashi jodan hidari).

5. Side kick with the right foot (shin or instep) to the head - a kick with a 360-degree turn with the foot of the left foot (Mawashi-jodan migi - usiro-mawashi hidari).

6. Side kick with the left leg (shin or instep) to the head - kick with a 360-degree turn with the foot right foot (Mawashi-jodan hidari - usiro-mawashi migi).

Techniques with a partner (Kihon-kumite)

Technical Action Commands

Explanation for implementation

Defense against a side kick from behind with a standing foot to the head ( Mawashi-jodan-geri)

Forearm support; stop kick;

foot counterattack

Protection against a side impact with a standing leg in the body from behind.


Shoulder stand; stopping blow with the knee;

shin grip; counterattack

Side impact protection with a standing leg behind ( Mawashi-gedan-geri)

Calf support; stopping kick to the torso; stopping blow to the thigh; counterattack

Protection against a side impact to the head with the front foot


Forearm support; stop kick; counterattack with the foot;

Protection against a side impact in the torso with the forward leg ( Mawashi-chudan-geri)

Forearm support; stopping blow with the knee; leg support (right or left); stopping blow with a foot in the hip joint, thigh;

Protection against side impact with the front foot to the lower level ( Mawashi-gedan-geri)

Calf support (right or left); stopping blow with the left knee; stopping blow of the left foot to the thigh; break distance step back;

Protection against direct blows from behind standing foot(Mae-geri)

Beating off with a grip with the right or left hand; support of the left knee;

Protection from direct blows in front of the standing leg (Mae-ashi)

Beating off with a grip with the left hand; elbow support; knee support; rebounding with a right hand grip;

Defense against a direct left hand strike to the torso or head (Jab)

Protection from a direct blow of the right hand to the torso or head (Sutoreto)

Forearm support, evasion, leaving the line of attack, followed by a counterattack

Protection from a side impact with the left hand in the torso or head (Fukku)

Forearm support, evasion, leaving the line of attack, followed by a counterattack

Protection from a side impact with the right hand in the torso or head (Fukku)

Forearm support, evasion, leaving the line of attack, with a counterattack.

Protection from a blow from below with the left hand to the torso or head (Appa)

Forearm support, evasion, leaving the line of attack, followed by a counterattack

Protection from a blow from below with the right hand to the torso or head (Appa)

Forearm support, evasion, leaving the line of attack, followed by a counterattack


(This program is shown by an instructor from the certification committee)

The program must consist of:

Percussion technique arms, elbows and legs with knees;

Defensive technique (block, dodge, leaving the line of attack).

The work of both the attacking athlete and the athlete who holds the paws is evaluated.

Throwing technique test (Nage-waza)

(this exam is for those taking 6-kyu and above)

The list of throws that athletes must know and be able to perform clearly, quickly and with amplitude:

1. Throw through the hip (with a grab for the belt)

2. Throw through the hip (with a grip on the neck)

3. Front footrest

4. Rear footrest

5. Rear footrest from the knee

6. Counter-rear footboard

7. Footboard in a fall with an emphasis on the opponent's foot with sudden movement to the side.

8. 3 step hook

9. Undercut lateral (foot to the side), inside and behind the opponent

10. Undercut after a series of knees

11. Sweep with a leg grab after a hit

12. Twisting (deflection throw)

13. Pickup (under two legs)

14. Mill

15. Wrapping legs outside

16. Wrapping the legs from the inside

17. Throw over the back

18. Throw with grip on the outside of the thigh

Attention! Athletes who pass 4-kyu and above must be able to perform the transition from a throw to a submission on the arm.

Offset on the elements of the fight on the ground (Ne-waza)

(pain (kansetsu-waza) and suffocating (jime-waza) techniques)

This test is taken by all athletes with 4-kyu and above.

1. Adoption of the position of the rider.

2. Flexion of the elbow joint when grasping with both hands from the position of the leg behind the back.

3. Flexion of the elbow joint with two hands gripping with the help of the thigh from above.

4. Bending the elbow joint with the grip of the hand on the shoulder while sitting on the opponent.

5. Painful 3 B (lever) from the position of holding the chest to the chest.

6. Pain on the arm with a lever from the holding position from the side (with the help of the arm and leg).

7. Painball on the arm wrapping legs around the head from below.

8. Lapel choke sitting on top.

9. Choking (lapel) strangulation with a cross grip.

10. Forearm choke (facing the opponent and behind the back).

11. Lapel choke from behind.

12. Strangling crossing of arms turning the palms towards you with the help of the legs.

13. Rear choke with shoulder and forearm.

14. Obtaining an assessment of "Koka" from the position of the rider (4-5 finishing moves).

15. Pain on the leg after grabbing the leg from the rack and throwing ( achilles).

16. Pain on the knee joint after grabbing the leg and throwing.

Adult athletes pass the standard with a barbell to their instructor before the exam.

This program only for athletes (not mandatory).

Bar standards:

Athlete weight

50 kg . bench press / squat

60 kg . bench press / squat

70 kg . bench press / squat

80 kg . bench press / squat

90 kg . and bol. bench press / squat

Black belt 1-dan

Brown 1-2-kyu

Green 3-4-kyu

Push-ups, jumping and press standards:












1-2-dan o-v-p


Standards for performing exercises on the abdominal muscles.

The exercise is performed from a supine position. Lifting both the legs and the body up (riveting). The exercise is performed under the account.

Push-ups on the fists in the lying position are performed:

Fists shoulder-width apart parallel to each other;

Flexion and extension of the arms occurs in full amplitude (elbows work along the body), the position of the legs is cross-legged.

Jump squats are performed from the position:

- n legs shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head, back straight when squatting

Squat down to a 90 degree angle. in the legs, jump out when lifting.

Exercises are performed under the account. It is not allowed: to go astray or skip the count!


Stretching is evaluated on a five-point scale:

Full longitudinal and cross twine- 5 points.

Incomplete (legs slightly bent at the knees, 10-15 cm to the floor) - 4 points.

Incomplete (to the floor 15-20 cm) - 3 points.

Incomplete (to the floor 20-30 cm) - 2 points.

Incomplete (to the floor 30 cm or more) - 1 point.


Certification fights are held according to the rules of KUDO, but with a time limit in the stalls, i.e. if both athletes do not show activity in the stalls, they are raised to the rack without waiting for the end of the time limit.

The number of fights is determined by the level and age of the athlete.


No helmet


No helmet




no helmet

no helmet

No helmet

no helmet




3 4 -38

3 8 -42

54 -5 8

5 8 - 62

62 and Art.

1 dan


D - a duel in a helmet.

K - duel without a helmet.

P - fight on the ground.

All fights are held for 1 minute and without a break. Wrestling score in the stalls 2 minutes - 1 round (first minute. Start - one athlete from above, the other from below, the second minute - vice versa).

Each athlete in fights must demonstrate not only the technique, tactics, spirit, but also the knowledge of the etiquette of an athlete from the KUDO school, correctly enter the site (tatami) and leave it.

Test according to the knowledge of the rules of the competition KUDO.

This test is taken by athletes who qualify for 2-kyu, 1-kyu, 1-dan, etc. It includes a number of questions to which the athlete must give a clear and correct answer.

List of questions on the rules of the competition:

1. Site parameters (tatami).

2. The number of judges, seconds and their layout.

3. Time for fights, stalls, tsukami.

4. Permitted actions.

6. Classification of violations (hansoku).

7. What are the estimates.

8. What is the rating for Coca.

9. Why is Coca-ni rated.

10. Why is Yuko rated.

11. What are the scores for "Vazaari" and "Ippon".

12. Athlete's equipment.

13. Equipment of the referee.

14. Athlete's etiquette.

15. Priorities of techniques in KUDO (drumming, throwing, parterre).

3. Attestation procedure (for ranks and master's degrees).

Taking into account the principles of attestation, which are described above, the instructor draws up an application for categories and master's degrees, tests. Adult athletes pass the barbell test before the exam to their instructor, who puts - pass or fail in the application.

At the appointed time, athletes, under the guidance of a senior instructor, line up in the hall, as a rule - 6 people in a line. After standard warm-up the exam starts. Athletes submit:

The technique of working with hands in place is left-handed and right-handed.

Footwork technique in place.

Work with hands in motion.

Footwork in motion.

OFP (push-ups, squats, press, stretching).

Then the athletes, who are supposed to pass the knowledge of throwing techniques and painful, suffocating techniques, are divided into pairs and demonstrate their knowledge and skills under the guidance of the chairman of the commission. The athlete is called the type of demonstration of kime (finishing).

After the wrestling standings, a draw takes place, according to the standards (number of sparring), and sparring begins.

At the end of the fights, athletes who pass 2-1-kyu, 1-dan and above are examined according to the rules of the competition, answering questions (according to the list). The athlete who receives all the positive marks successfully passes the exams. If an athlete receives more than 1 unsatisfactory mark, he is removed from certification. It must be remembered that the darker the color of your belt, the higher the requirements for technique, sparring and knowledge.

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