Culture in the system of society is the systemic nature of culture. Culture as a system


Ultrasound Velocity Measurement and Ultrasonic Equipment

The speed of propagation of ultrasound in concrete ranges from 2800 to 4800 m/s, depending on its structure and strength (Table 2.2.2).

Table 2.2.2

Material ρ, g/cm3 v p p , m/s
Steel 7.8
Duralumin 2.7
Copper 8.9
plexiglass 1.18
Glass 3.2
Air 1.29x10-3
Water 1.00
Transfer oil 0.895
Paraffin 0.9
Rubber 0.9
Granite 2.7
Marble 2.6
Concrete (more than 30 days) 2.3-2.45 2800-4800
silicate 1.6-2.5 1480-3000
clay 1.2-2.4 1320-2800
cement 1.8-2.2 1930-3000
lime 1.5-2.1 1870-2300

Measuring such a speed in relatively small areas (on average 0.1-1 m) is a relatively complex technical problem that can be solved only with high level development of radio electronics. Of all the existing methods for measuring the speed of propagation of ultrasound, in terms of the possibility of their application for testing building materials, the following can be distinguished:

Acoustic interferometer method;

Resonance method;

Traveling wave method;

impulse method.

To measure the speed of ultrasound in concrete, the pulse method is most widely used. It is based on repeated sending of short ultrasonic pulses with a repetition rate of 30-60 Hz into concrete and measuring the propagation time of these pulses at a certain distance, called the sounding base, i.e.

Therefore, in order to determine the speed of ultrasound, it is necessary to measure the distance traveled by the pulse (the sounding base), and the time it takes for the ultrasound to propagate from the place of emission to reception. The sound base can be measured with any device with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. The propagation time of ultrasound in most modern devices is measured by filling electronic gates with high-frequency (up to 10 MHz) counting pulses, the beginning of which corresponds to the moment the pulse is emitted, and the end corresponds to the moment it arrives at the receiver. A simplified functional diagram of such a device is shown in fig. 2.2.49.

The scheme works as follows. The master oscillator 1 generates electrical pulses with a frequency of 30 to 50 Hz, depending on the design of the device, and starts a high-voltage generator 2, which generates short electrical pulses with an amplitude of 100 V. These pulses enter the emitter, in which, using the piezoelectric effect, they are converted into a pack ( from 5 to 15 pieces) of mechanical vibrations with a frequency of 60-100 kHz and are introduced through acoustic lubrication into the controlled product. At the same time, the electronic gate opens, which are filled with counting pulses, and the scanner is triggered, the movement of the electron beam along the screen of the cathode ray tube (CRT) begins.

Rice. 2.2.49. Simplified functional diagram of an ultrasonic device:

1 - master generator; 2 - generator of high-voltage electrical impulses; 3 - emitter of ultrasonic pulses; 4 - controlled product; 5 - receiver; 6 - amplifier; 7 - gate formation generator; 8 - generator of counting pulses; 9 - scanner; 10 - indicator; 11 - processor; 12 - coefficient input block; 13 - digital indicator of values t,V,R

The head wave of a pack of ultrasonic mechanical oscillations, having passed through the controlled product of length L, while spending time t, enters the receiver 5, in which it is converted into a pack of electrical impulses.

The incoming burst of pulses is amplified in amplifier 6 and enters the vertical scanner for visual control on the CRT screen, and the first pulse of this burst closes the gate, stopping the access of counting pulses. Thus, the electronic gates were open for counting pulses from the moment the ultrasonic vibrations were emitted to the moment they arrived at the receiver, i.e. time t. Next, the counter counts the number of counting pulses that filled the gate, and the result is displayed on indicator 13.

In some modern appliances, such as "Pulsar-1.1", there is a processor and a coefficient input unit, with the help of which the analytical equation of the "velocity-strength" dependence is solved, and the time t, speed V and concrete strength R are displayed on the digital display.

To measure the propagation velocity of ultrasound in concrete and other building materials in the 80s, ultrasonic devices UKB-1M, UK-10P, UK-10PM, UK-10PMS, UK-12P, UF-90PTs, Beton-5 were mass-produced, which themselves well recommended.

On fig. 2.2.50 shows a general view of the device UK-10PMS.

Rice. 2.2.50. Ultrasonic device UK-10PMS

Factors affecting the speed of propagation of ultrasound in concrete

All materials in nature can be divided into two large groups, relatively homogeneous and with a large degree of heterogeneity or heterogeneity. Relatively homogeneous materials include materials such as glass, distilled water and other materials with a constant density under normal conditions and the absence of air inclusions. For them, the speed of propagation of ultrasound under normal conditions is almost constant. In heterogeneous materials, which include most of the building materials, including concrete, the internal structure, the interaction of microparticles and large constituent elements is not constant both in volume and in time. Their structure includes micro- and macropores, cracks, which can be dry or filled with water.

The mutual arrangement of large and small particles is also unstable. All this leads to the fact that the density and speed of propagation of ultrasound in them are not constant and fluctuate over a wide range. In table. 2.2.2 shows the values ​​of the density ρ and the propagation velocity of ultrasound V for some materials.

Next, we will consider how changes in concrete parameters such as strength, composition and type of coarse aggregate, amount of cement, humidity, temperature and the presence of reinforcement affect the speed of propagation of ultrasound in concrete. This knowledge is necessary for an objective assessment of the possibility of testing the strength of concrete by the ultrasonic method, as well as for eliminating a number of errors in the control associated with a change in these factors.

Influence of concrete strength

Experimental studies show that with an increase in the strength of concrete, the speed of ultrasound increases.

This is explained by the fact that the value of speed, as well as the value of strength, depends on the condition of intrastructural bonds.

As can be seen from the graph (Fig. 2.2.51), the "speed-strength" dependence for concrete of various compositions is not constant, from which it follows that other factors, in addition to strength, also influence this dependence.

Rice. 2.2.51. Relationship between ultrasonic velocity V and strength R c for concretes of various compositions

Unfortunately, some factors affect the speed of ultrasound more than strength, which is one of the serious disadvantages of the ultrasonic method.

If we take concrete of constant composition, and change the strength by adopting different W / C, then the influence of other factors will be constant, and the speed of ultrasound will change only from the strength of the concrete. In this case, the "speed-strength" dependence will become more definite (Fig. 2.2.52).

Rice. 2.2.52. Dependence "speed-strength" for a constant composition of concrete, obtained at the concrete goods plant No. 1 in Samara

Influence of the type and brand of cement

Comparing the results of testing concretes on ordinary Portland cement and on other cements, it can be concluded that the mineralogical composition has little effect on the "speed-strength" dependence. The main influence is exerted by the content of tricalcium silicate and the fineness of cement grinding. A more important factor influencing the "speed-strength" relationship is the consumption of cement per 1 m 3 of concrete, i.e. his dosage. With an increase in the amount of cement in concrete, the speed of ultrasound increases more slowly than the mechanical strength of concrete.

This is explained by the fact that when passing through the concrete, ultrasound propagates both in the coarse aggregate and in the mortar part connecting the aggregate granules, and its speed to a greater extent depends on the propagation velocity in the coarse aggregate. However, the strength of concrete mainly depends on the strength of the mortar component. The influence of the amount of cement on the strength of concrete and the speed of ultrasound is shown in fig. 2.2.53.

Rice. 2.2.53. Effect of cement dosage on dependency


1 - 400 kg / m 3; 2 - 350 kg / m 3; 3 - 300 kg / m 3; 4 - 250 kg / m 3; 5 - 200 kg/m3

Influence of water-cement ratio

With a decrease in W / C, the density and strength of concrete increase, respectively, the speed of ultrasound increases. With an increase in W / C, an inverse relationship is observed. Consequently, the change in W / C does not introduce significant deviations in the established dependence "velocity-strength. Therefore, when constructing calibration curves for changing the strength of concrete, it is recommended to use different W / C.

View Influenceand amount of coarse aggregate

The type and amount of coarse filler have a significant impact on the change in the "speed-strength" dependence. The speed of ultrasound in the aggregate, especially in such as quartz, basalt, hard limestone, granite, is much higher than the speed of its propagation in concrete.

The type and amount of coarse aggregate also affect the strength of concrete. It is generally accepted that the stronger the aggregate, the higher the strength of the concrete. But sometimes you have to deal with such a phenomenon when the use of less durable crushed stone, but with a rough surface, allows you to get concrete with a higher Re value than when using durable gravel, but with a smooth surface.

At little change consumption of crushed stone, the strength of concrete changes slightly. At the same time, such a change in the amount of coarse filler has a great influence on the speed of ultrasound.

As the concrete is saturated with crushed stone, the value of the ultrasonic velocity increases. The type and amount of coarse aggregate affect the "speed - strength" bond more than other factors (Fig. 2.2.54 - 2.2.56)

Rice. 2.2.54. The influence of the presence of coarse aggregate on the dependence "speed-strength":

1 - cement stone; 2 - concrete with aggregate size up to 30 mm

Rice. 2.2.55. Dependence "speed-strength" for concretes with different fineness of aggregates: 1-1 mm; 2-3 mm; 3-7 mm; 4-30 mm

Rice. 2.2.56. "Speed-strength" dependence for concrete with filler from:

1-sandstone; 2-limestone; 3-granite; 4-basalt

It can be seen from the graphs that an increase in the amount of crushed stone per unit volume of concrete or an increase in the speed of ultrasound in it leads to an increase in the speed of ultrasound in concrete more intensively than strength.

Influence of humidity and temperature

The moisture content of concrete has an ambiguous effect on its strength and ultrasonic velocity. With an increase in the moisture content of concrete, the compressive strength decreases due to a change in intercrystalline bonds, but the speed of ultrasound increases, since air pores and microcracks are filled with water, a faster in water than in air.

The temperature of concrete in the range of 5-40 ° C has practically no effect on strength and speed, but an increase in the temperature of hardened concrete beyond the specified range leads to a decrease in its strength and speed due to an increase in internal microcracks.

At negative temperatures, the speed of ultrasound increases due to the transformation of unbound water into ice. Therefore, it is not recommended to determine the strength of concrete by the ultrasonic method at a negative temperature.

Propagation of ultrasound in concrete

Concrete in its structure is a heterogeneous material, which includes a mortar part and coarse aggregate. The mortar part, in turn, is a hardened cement stone with the inclusion of particles of quartz sand.

Depending on the purpose of concrete and its strength characteristics, the ratio between cement, sand, crushed stone and water varies. In addition to ensuring strength, the composition of concrete depends on the technology of manufacturing reinforced concrete products. For example, with a cassette production technology, a greater plasticity of the concrete mixture is required, which is achieved by an increased consumption of cement and water. In this case, the mortar part of the concrete increases.

In the case of bench technology, especially for immediate stripping, rigid mixtures with reduced cement consumption are used.

The relative volume of coarse aggregate in this case increases. Consequently, with the same strength characteristics of concrete, its composition can vary within wide limits. The structure formation of concrete is influenced by the manufacturing technology of products: the quality of mixing of the concrete mixture, its transportation, compaction, thermal and moisture treatment during hardening. It follows from this that the property of hardened concrete is influenced by a large number of factors, and the influence is ambiguous and is random. This explains the high degree of heterogeneity of concrete both in composition and in its properties. The heterogeneity and different properties of concrete are also reflected in its acoustic characteristics.

At present, despite numerous attempts, a unified scheme and theory of the propagation of ultrasound through concrete has not yet been developed, which is explained by ) First of all, the presence of the above numerous factors that affect the strength and acoustic properties of concrete in different ways. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that there is not yet developed general theory propagation of ultrasonic vibrations through a material with a high degree of inhomogeneity. This is the only reason why the speed of ultrasound in concrete is determined as for a homogeneous material by the formula

where L is the path traveled by ultrasound, m (base);

t is the time spent on the passage of this path, μs.

Let us consider in more detail the scheme of propagation of pulsed ultrasound through concrete as through an inhomogeneous material. But first, we will limit the area in which our reasoning will be valid by considering the composition of the concrete mix, which is most common in reinforced concrete plants and construction sites, consisting of cement, river sand, coarse aggregate and water. In this case, we will assume that the strength of coarse aggregate is higher than the strength of concrete. This is true when using limestone, marble, granite, dolomite and other rocks with a strength of about 40 MPa as a coarse aggregate. Let us conditionally assume that hardened concrete consists of two components: a relatively homogeneous mortar part with density ρ and velocity V and coarse aggregate with ρ and V .

Given the above assumptions and limitations, hardened concrete can be considered as a solid medium with an acoustic impedance:

Let us consider the scheme of propagation of the head ultrasonic wave from the emitter 1 to the receiver 2 through the hardened concrete with the thickness L (Fig. 2.2.57).

Rice. 2.2.57. Scheme of propagation of the head ultrasonic wave

in concrete:

1 - emitter; 2 - receiver; 3 - contact layer; 4 - wave propagation in granules; 5 - wave propagation in the solution part

The head ultrasonic wave from the emitter 1 first of all enters the contact layer 3 located between the radiating surface and concrete. To pass through the contact layer of an ultrasonic wave, it must be filled with a conductive liquid or lubricant, which is most often used as technical vaseline. After passing through the contact layer (in time t 0), the ultrasonic wave is partially reflected in the opposite direction, and the rest will enter the concrete. The thinner the contact layer compared to the wavelength, the smaller part of the wave will be reflected.

Having entered the thickness of the concrete, the head wave will begin to propagate in the mortar part of the concrete over an area corresponding to the diameter of the emitter. After passing a certain distance Δ l 1, after time Δ t 1 head wave per certain area encounters one or more granules of coarse aggregate, partly reflects from them, and most of it enters the granules and begins to spread in them. Between the granules, the wave will continue to propagate through the solution part.

Taking into account the accepted condition that the speed of ultrasound in the coarse filler material is greater than in the mortar part, the distance d, equal to the average value of the crushed stone diameter, the wave that propagated through the granules at a speed V 2 will be the first to pass, and the wave that has passed through the mortar part will be delayed .

After passing through the first coarse aggregate granules, the wave will approach the interface with the mortar part, be partially reflected, and partially enter it. In this case, the granules through which the head wave passed can be further considered as elementary spherical sources of ultrasonic wave radiation into the mortar part of concrete, to which the Huygens principle can be applied.

Having passed through the solution the minimum distance between neighboring granules, the head wave will enter them and begin to propagate through them, turning them into next elementary sources. Thus, after time t, having passed the entire thickness of concrete L and the second contact layer 3, the head wave will enter the receiver 2, where it will be converted into an electrical signal.

It follows from the considered scheme that the head wave from the emitter 1 to the receiver 2 propagates along the path passing through the coarse aggregate granules and the mortar part connecting these granules, and this path is determined from the condition of the minimum time spent t.

Hence the time t is

where is the time spent on the passage of the mortar part connecting the granules;

- the time taken to pass through the granules. The path L traveled by ultrasound is equal to

where: is the total path traveled by the head wave through the mortar part;

The total path traveled by the head wave through the granules.

The total distance L that the bow wave will travel may be greater than the geometric distance between the transmitter and receiver, since the wave propagates along the path of maximum velocity, and not along the minimum geometric distance.

The time taken by ultrasound to pass through the contact layers must be subtracted from the total measured time.

The waves that follow the head wave also propagate along the path of maximum speed, but during their movement they will encounter reflected waves from the interface between coarse aggregate granules and the mortar part. If the diameter of the granules is equal to the wavelength or half of it, then acoustic resonance may occur inside the granule. The effect of interference and resonance can be observed in the spectral analysis of a pack of ultrasonic waves transmitted through concrete with different aggregate sizes.

The scheme of propagation of the head wave of pulsed ultrasound considered above is valid only for concretes with the properties indicated at the beginning of the section, i.e. the mechanical strength and speed of propagation of ultrasound in the material from which coarse aggregate granules are obtained exceed the strength and speed in the mortar part of concrete. Such properties are possessed by the majority of concretes used in reinforced concrete plants and construction sites, which use crushed stone from limestone, marble, granite. For expanded clay concrete, foam concrete, concrete with tuff filler, the ultrasound propagation scheme may be different.

The validity of the considered scheme is confirmed by experiments. So, from Fig. 2.2.54 it can be seen that when added to the cement part a certain amount crushed stone, the speed of ultrasound increases with a slight increase (and sometimes decrease) in the strength of concrete.

On fig. 2.2.56 it is noticeable that with an increase in the speed of ultrasound in the material of coarse aggregate, its speed in concrete increases.

The increase in velocity in concrete with larger aggregates (Fig. 2.2.55) is also explained by this scheme, since with an increase in diameter, the path of ultrasound through the aggregate material lengthens.

The proposed scheme of ultrasound propagation will make it possible to objectively assess the capabilities of the ultrasonic method for flaw detection and concrete strength control.

A chapter from volume I of the manual on ultrasound diagnostics, written by employees of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (CD 2001), edited by Mitkov V.V.

(The article was found on the Internet)

  1. Physical properties of ultrasound
  2. Reflection and scattering
  3. Sensors and ultrasonic wave
  4. Slow scan devices
  5. Quick scan tools
  6. Doppler devices
  7. Artifacts
  8. Quality control of ultrasonic equipment
  9. Biological effect of ultrasound and safety
  10. New trends in ultrasound diagnostics
  11. Literature
  12. Test questions


The use of ultrasound in medical diagnostics is associated with the possibility of obtaining images of internal organs and structures. The basis of the method is the interaction of ultrasound with the tissues of the human body. The image acquisition itself can be divided into two parts. The first is the radiation of short ultrasonic pulses directed into the tissues under study, and the second is the formation of an image based on the reflected signals. Understanding the principle of operation of an ultrasonic diagnostic unit, knowledge of the basics of the physics of ultrasound and its interaction with human body tissues will help to avoid mechanical, thoughtless use of the device, and, therefore, to approach the diagnostic process more competently.

Sound is a mechanical longitudinal wave in which the vibrations of the particles are in the same plane as the direction of energy propagation (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Visual and graphical representation of changes in pressure and density in an ultrasonic wave.

The wave carries energy, but not matter. Unlike electromagnetic waves (light, radio waves, etc.), sound requires a medium to propagate - it cannot propagate in a vacuum. Like all waves, sound can be described by a number of parameters. These are frequency, wavelength, propagation velocity in the medium, period, amplitude and intensity. Frequency, period, amplitude and intensity are determined by the sound source, the propagation velocity is determined by the medium, and the wavelength is determined by both the sound source and the medium. Frequency is the number of complete oscillations (cycles) in a period of 1 second (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Ultrasonic wave frequency 2 cycles in 1 s = 2 Hz

The frequency units are hertz (Hz) and megahertz (MHz). One hertz is one oscillation per second. One megahertz = 1000000 hertz. What makes the sound "ultra"? This is the frequency. The upper limit of audible sound - 20,000 Hz (20 kilohertz (kHz)) - is the lower limit of the ultrasonic range. Ultrasonic locators of bats operate in the range of 25÷500 kHz. In modern ultrasonic devices, ultrasound with a frequency of 2 MHz and higher is used to obtain an image. The period is the time required to obtain one complete oscillation cycle (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The period of the ultrasonic wave.

The period units are seconds (s) and microseconds (µs). One microsecond is one millionth of a second. Period (µs) = 1/frequency (MHz). The wavelength is the length that one oscillation occupies in space (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Wavelength.

The units of measurement are meter (m) and millimeter (mm). The speed of propagation of ultrasound is the speed at which the wave travels through the medium. The units of ultrasonic propagation speed are meter per second (m/s) and millimeter per microsecond (mm/µs). The speed of propagation of ultrasound is determined by the density and elasticity of the medium. The speed of propagation of ultrasound increases with an increase in elasticity and a decrease in the density of the medium. Table 2.1 shows the speed of propagation of ultrasound in some tissues of the human body.

The average speed of propagation of ultrasound in the tissues of the human body is 1540 m/s - most ultrasonic diagnostic devices are programmed for this speed. Ultrasound propagation speed (C), frequency (f) and wavelength (λ) are related by the following equation: C = f × λ. Since in our case the speed is considered constant (1540 m/s), the remaining two variables f and λ are inversely related proportional dependence. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength and the smaller sizes objects that we can see. Another important parameter of the medium is the acoustic impedance (Z). Acoustic resistance is the product of the density value of the medium and the speed of propagation of ultrasound. Resistance (Z) = density (p) × speed of propagation (C).

To obtain an image in ultrasound diagnostics, ultrasound is not used, which is emitted continuously by the transducer (constant wave), but ultrasound emitted in the form of short pulses (pulsed). It is generated when short electrical impulses are applied to the piezoelectric element. Additional parameters are used to characterize pulsed ultrasound. The pulse repetition rate is the number of pulses emitted in a unit of time (second). The pulse repetition frequency is measured in hertz (Hz) and kilohertz (kHz). The pulse duration is the time span of one pulse (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. The duration of the ultrasonic pulse.

It is measured in seconds (s) and microseconds (µs). The occupancy factor is the fraction of time in which the emission (in the form of pulses) of ultrasound occurs. Spatial pulse length (STP) is the length of the space in which one ultrasonic pulse is placed (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Spatial extension of the pulse.

For soft tissues, the spatial length of the pulse (mm) is equal to the product of 1.54 (ultrasound propagation velocity in mm/µs) and the number of oscillations (cycles) per pulse (n) divided by the frequency in MHz. Or PPI = 1.54 × n/f. A decrease in the spatial length of the pulse can be achieved (and this is very important for improving the axial resolution) by reducing the number of oscillations in the pulse or increasing the frequency. The amplitude of an ultrasonic wave is the maximum deviation of the observed physical variable from the mean value (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Amplitude of ultrasonic wave

The intensity of ultrasound is the ratio of the power of the wave to the area over which the ultrasonic flow is distributed. It is measured in watts per square centimeter (W/cm2). With equal radiation power, the smaller the area of ​​the flux, the higher the intensity. The intensity is also proportional to the square of the amplitude. Thus, if the amplitude doubles, then the intensity quadruples. The intensity is non-uniform both over the area of ​​the flow and, in the case of pulsed ultrasound, over time.

When passing through any medium, there will be a decrease in the amplitude and intensity of the ultrasonic signal, which is called attenuation. The attenuation of an ultrasonic signal is caused by absorption, reflection and scattering. The unit of attenuation is the decibel (dB). Attenuation coefficient is the attenuation of an ultrasonic signal per unit length of the path of this signal (dB/cm). The damping factor increases with increasing frequency. The average attenuation coefficients in soft tissues and the decrease in the intensity of the echo signal depending on the frequency are presented in Table 2.2.


When ultrasound passes through tissues at the boundary of media with different acoustic resistance and the speed of ultrasound, the phenomena of reflection, refraction, scattering and absorption occur. Depending on the angle, one speaks of perpendicular and oblique (at an angle) incidence of the ultrasonic beam. With a perpendicular incidence of an ultrasonic beam, it can be completely reflected or partially reflected, partially passed through the boundary of two media; in this case, the direction of the ultrasound transferred from one medium to another does not change (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Perpendicular incidence of the ultrasonic beam.

The intensity of the reflected ultrasound and the ultrasound that has passed through the boundary of the media depends on the initial intensity and the difference in the acoustic impedances of the media. The ratio of the intensity of the reflected wave to the intensity of the incident wave is called the reflection coefficient. The ratio of the intensity of an ultrasonic wave that has passed through the boundary of the media to the intensity of the incident wave is called the coefficient of conduction of ultrasound. Thus, if tissues have different densities, but the same acoustic impedance, there will be no reflection of ultrasound. On the other hand, with a large difference in acoustic impedances, the reflection intensity tends to 100%. An example of this is the air/soft tissue interface. Almost complete reflection of ultrasound occurs at the boundary of these media. To improve the conduction of ultrasound in the tissues of the human body, connecting media (gel) are used. With an oblique incidence of an ultrasonic beam, the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and the angle of refraction are determined (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Reflection, refraction.

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Refraction is a change in the direction of propagation of an ultrasonic beam when it crosses the boundary of media with different velocities of ultrasound. The sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the product of the sine of the angle of incidence by the value obtained from dividing the speed of propagation of ultrasound in the second medium by the speed in the first. The sine of the angle of refraction, and, consequently, the angle of refraction itself, the greater, the greater the difference in the speeds of propagation of ultrasound in two media. Refraction is not observed if the speeds of propagation of ultrasound in two media are equal or the angle of incidence is 0. Speaking of reflection, it should be borne in mind that in the case when the wavelength is much larger than the dimensions of the irregularities of the reflecting surface, specular reflection takes place (described above) . If the wavelength is comparable to the irregularities of the reflecting surface or there is an inhomogeneity of the medium itself, the scattering of ultrasound occurs.

Rice. 10. Backscatter.

With backscattering (Fig. 10), ultrasound is reflected in the direction from which the original beam came. The intensity of the scattered signals increases with an increase in the inhomogeneity of the medium and an increase in the frequency (i.e., a decrease in the wavelength) of ultrasound. Scattering depends relatively little on the direction of the incident beam and, therefore, allows better visualization of reflective surfaces, not to mention the organ parenchyma. In order for the reflected signal to be correctly located on the screen, it is necessary to know not only the direction of the emitted signal, but also the distance to the reflector. This distance is equal to 1/2 of the product of the speed of ultrasound in the medium and the time between emission and reception of the reflected signal (Fig. 11). The product of velocity and time is divided in half, since ultrasound travels a double path (from the emitter to the reflector and back), and we are only interested in the distance from the emitter to the reflector.

Rice. 11. Distance measurement with ultrasound.


To obtain ultrasound, special transducers are used, which convert electrical energy into ultrasound energy. The production of ultrasound is based on the inverse piezoelectric effect. The essence of the effect is that if an electrical voltage is applied to certain materials (piezoelectrics), then their shape will change (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Reverse piezoelectric effect.

For this purpose, artificial piezoelectric materials, such as lead zirconate or lead titanate, are most often used in ultrasonic devices. In the absence of electric current, the piezoelectric element returns to its original shape, and when the polarity changes, the shape will change again, but in the opposite direction. If a fast-alternating current is applied to the piezoelectric element, then the element will begin to contract and expand (i.e., oscillate) at a high frequency, generating an ultrasonic field. The operating frequency of the transducer (resonant frequency) is determined by the ratio of the speed of propagation of ultrasound in the piezoelectric element to twice the thickness of this piezoelectric element. The detection of reflected signals is based on the direct piezoelectric effect (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Direct piezoelectric effect.

Returning signals cause oscillations of the piezoelectric element and the appearance of an alternating electric current on its faces. In this case, the piezo element functions as an ultrasonic sensor. Usually, the same elements are used in ultrasonic devices for emitting and receiving ultrasound. Therefore, the terms "transducer", "transducer", "sensor" are synonymous. Ultrasonic sensors are complex devices and, depending on the method of scanning the image, are divided into sensors for slow scanning devices (single element) and fast scanning (real-time scanning) - mechanical and electronic. Mechanical sensors can be single- and multi-element (anular). The sweep of the ultrasonic beam can be achieved by swinging the element, rotating the element, or swinging the acoustic mirror (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Mechanical sector sensors.

The image on the screen in this case has the form of a sector (sector sensors) or a circle (circular sensors). Electronic sensors are multi-element and, depending on the shape of the resulting image, they can be sector, linear, convex (convex) (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Electronic multi-element sensors.

The image sweep in the sector sensor is achieved by swinging the ultrasonic beam with its simultaneous focusing (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Electronic sector sensor with a phased antenna.

In linear and convex sensors, image sweep is achieved by excitation of a group of elements with their step-by-step movement along the antenna array with simultaneous focusing (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Electronic linear sensor.

Ultrasonic sensors differ in details from each other, but their schematic diagram is shown in Figure 18.

Rice. 18. Ultrasonic sensor device.

A single-element transducer in the form of a disc in the mode of continuous radiation forms an ultrasonic field, the shape of which changes depending on the distance (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Two fields of an unfocused transducer.

Sometimes additional ultrasonic "flows" can be observed, called side lobes. The distance from the disk to the length of the near field (zone) is called the near zone. The zone beyond the border of the near is called the far. The length of the near zone is equal to the ratio of the square of the transducer diameter to 4 wavelengths. In the far zone, the ultrasonic field diameter increases. The place of the greatest narrowing of the ultrasonic beam is called the focus area, and the distance between the transducer and the focus area is called the focal length. Exist various ways focusing of the ultrasonic beam. The simplest focusing method is an acoustic lens (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20. Focusing with an acoustic lens.

With it, you can focus the ultrasonic beam at a certain depth, which depends on the curvature of the lens. This focusing method does not allow you to quickly change the focal length, which is inconvenient in practical work. Another way to focus is to use an acoustic mirror (Fig. 21).

Rice. 21. Focusing with an acoustic mirror.

In this case, by changing the distance between the mirror and the transducer, we will change the focal length. In modern devices with multi-element electronic sensors, focusing is based on electronic focusing (Fig. 17). With an electronic focusing system, we can change the focal length from the instrument panel, however, for each image we will have only one focus zone. Since very short ultrasonic pulses emitted 1000 times per second (pulse repetition frequency 1 kHz) are used to acquire the image, the device works as an echo receiver 99.9% of the time. Having such a margin of time, it is possible to program the device in such a way that the near focus zone (Fig. 22) is selected during the first image acquisition and the information received from this zone is saved.

Rice. 22. Dynamic focus method.

Further - selection of the next focus area, obtaining information, saving. And so on. The result is a composite image that is focused across the entire depth. However, it should be noted that this method of focusing requires a significant amount of time to obtain one image (frame), which causes a decrease in the frame rate and flickering of the image. Why is it that so much effort is put into focusing the ultrasonic beam? The fact is that the narrower the beam, the better the lateral (lateral, in azimuth) resolution. Lateral resolution is the minimum distance between two objects located perpendicular to the direction of energy propagation, which are presented on the monitor screen as separate structures (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Dynamic focus method.

The lateral resolution is equal to the diameter of the ultrasonic beam. Axial resolution is the minimum distance between two objects located along the direction of energy propagation, which are presented on the monitor screen as separate structures (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24. Axial resolution: the shorter the ultrasonic pulse, the better it is.

Axial resolution depends on the spatial extent of the ultrasonic pulse - the shorter the pulse, the better the resolution. To shorten the pulse, both mechanical and electronic damping of ultrasonic vibrations is used. As a rule, axial resolution is better than lateral resolution.


Currently, slow (manual, complex) scanning devices are of historical interest only. Morally, they died with the advent of fast scanning devices (devices that work in real time). However, their main components are also preserved in modern devices (naturally, using a modern element base). The heart is the main pulse generator (in modern devices - a powerful processor), which controls all systems of the ultrasonic device (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Block diagram of a handheld scanner.

The pulse generator sends electrical impulses to the transducer, which generates an ultrasonic pulse and sends it to the tissue, receives the reflected signals, converting them into electrical vibrations. These electrical oscillations are then sent to a radio frequency amplifier, which is usually connected to a time-amplitude gain controller (TAGU) - a tissue absorption compensation regulator in depth. Due to the fact that the attenuation of the ultrasonic signal in tissues occurs according to an exponential law, the brightness of objects on the screen decreases progressively with increasing depth (Fig. 26).

Rice. 26. Compensation of tissue absorption.

Using a linear amplifier, i.e. an amplifier proportionally amplifying all signals would overamplify signals in the immediate vicinity of the sensor when trying to improve visualization of deep objects. The use of logarithmic amplifiers solves this problem. The ultrasonic signal is amplified in proportion to the delay time of its return - the later it returned, the stronger the amplification. Thus, the use of TVG allows you to get on the screen an image of the same brightness in depth. The radio frequency electrical signal amplified in this way is then fed to a demodulator, where it is rectified and filtered, and again amplified on a video amplifier is fed to the monitor screen.

To save the image on the monitor screen, video memory is required. It can be divided into analog and digital. The first monitors allowed information to be presented in analog bistable form. A device called a discriminator made it possible to change the discrimination threshold - signals whose intensity was below the discrimination threshold did not pass through it and the corresponding sections of the screen remained dark. Signals whose intensity exceeded the discrimination threshold were presented on the screen as white dots. In this case, the brightness of the dots did not depend on the absolute value of the intensity of the reflected signal - all white dots had the same brightness. With this method of image presentation - it was called "bistable" - the boundaries of organs and structures with high reflectivity (for example, the renal sinus) were clearly visible, however, it was not possible to assess the structure of parenchymal organs. The appearance in the 70s of devices that made it possible to transmit shades on the monitor screen gray color, marked the beginning of the era of gray-scale instruments. These devices made it possible to obtain information that was unattainable using devices with a bistable image. The development of computer technology and microelectronics soon made it possible to move from analog images to digital ones. Digital imaging in ultrasonic devices, they are formed on large matrices (usually 512 × 512 pixels) with the number of gray gradations 16-32-64-128-256 (4-5-6-7-8 bits). When rendering to a depth of 20 cm on a 512 × 512 pixel matrix, one pixel will correspond to a linear dimension of 0.4 mm. On modern instruments there is a tendency to increase the size of displays without loss of image quality, and on mid-range instruments, 12-inch (30 cm diagonal) screens are becoming commonplace.

The cathode ray tube of an ultrasonic device (display, monitor) uses a sharply focused electron beam to produce a bright spot on a screen coated with a special phosphor. With the help of deflecting plates, this spot can be moved around the screen.

At A-type sweep (Amplitude) on one axis the distance from the sensor is plotted, on the other - the intensity of the reflected signal (Fig. 27).

Rice. 27. A-type signal sweep.

In modern instruments, the A-type sweep is practically not used.

B-type scan (Brightness - brightness) allows you to get information along the scanning line about the intensity of the reflected signals in the form of a difference in the brightness of the individual points that make up this line.

Screen example: left sweep B, on right - M and cardiogram.

M-type (sometimes TM) sweep (Motion - movement) allows you to register the movement (movement) of reflecting structures in time. In this case, vertical displacements of reflecting structures are recorded in the form of points of different brightness, and horizontally - the displacement of the position of these points in time (Fig. 28).

Rice. 28. M-type sweep.

To obtain a two-dimensional tomographic image, it is necessary in one way or another to move the scanning line along the scanning plane. In slow scanning devices, this was achieved by manually moving the sensor along the surface of the patient's body.


Fast scanners, or, as they are more commonly called, real-time scanners, have now completely replaced slow, or manual, scanners. This is due to a number of advantages that these devices have: the ability to evaluate the movement of organs and structures in real time (i.e., almost at the same moment in time); a sharp decrease in the time spent on research; the ability to conduct research through small acoustic windows.

If slow scanning devices can be compared with a camera (obtaining still images), then real-time devices can be compared with cinema, where still images (frames) replace each other with great frequency, creating the impression of movement.

In fast scanning devices, as mentioned above, mechanical and electronic sector sensors, electronic linear sensors, electronic convex (convex) sensors, and mechanical radial sensors are used.

Some time ago, trapezoidal sensors appeared on a number of devices, the field of view of which had a trapezoidal shape, however, they did not show advantages over convex sensors, but they themselves had a number of disadvantages.

Currently, the best sensor for examining the organs of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space and small pelvis is the convex one. It has a relatively small contact surface and a very large field of view in the middle and far zones, which simplifies and speeds up the study.

When scanning with an ultrasonic beam, the result of each complete pass of the beam is called a frame. The frame is formed from a large number of vertical lines (Fig. 29).

Rice. 29. Image formation by separate lines.

Each line is at least one ultrasonic pulse. The pulse repetition rate for obtaining a grayscale image in modern instruments is 1 kHz (1000 pulses per second).

There is a relationship between the pulse repetition rate (PRF), the number of lines forming a frame, and the number of frames per unit of time: PRF = number of lines × frame rate.

On the monitor screen, the quality of the resulting image will be determined, in particular, by the line density. For a linear sensor, line density (lines/cm) is the ratio of the number of lines forming a frame to the width of the part of the monitor on which the image is formed.

For a sector-type sensor, line density (lines/degree) is the ratio of the number of lines forming a frame to the sector angle.

The higher the frame rate set in the device, the lower the number of lines forming a frame (at a given pulse repetition rate), the lower the density of lines on the monitor screen, and the lower the quality of the resulting image. But at a high frame rate, we have good temporal resolution, which is very important in echocardiographic studies.


The ultrasonic research method allows obtaining not only information about the structural state of organs and tissues, but also characterizing the flows in the vessels. This ability is based on the Doppler effect - a change in the frequency of the received sound when moving relative to the medium of the source or receiver of the sound or the body that scatters the sound. It is observed due to the fact that the speed of propagation of ultrasound in any homogeneous medium is constant. Therefore, if the sound source is moving at a constant speed, the sound waves emitted in the direction of movement seem to be compressed, increasing the frequency of the sound. Waves radiated in the opposite direction, as if stretched, causing a decrease in the frequency of sound (Fig. 30).

Rice. 30. Doppler effect.

By comparing the original ultrasound frequency with the modified one, it is possible to determine the Doller shift and calculate the velocity. It doesn't matter if the sound is emitted by a moving object or if the object reflects the sound waves. In the second case, the ultrasonic source can be stationary (ultrasonic sensor), and moving erythrocytes can act as a reflector of ultrasonic waves. The Doppler shift can be either positive (if the reflector is moving towards the sound source) or negative (if the reflector is moving away from the sound source). In the event that the direction of incidence of the ultrasonic beam is not parallel to the direction of movement of the reflector, it is necessary to correct the Doppler shift by the cosine of the angle q between the incident beam and the direction of movement of the reflector (Fig. 31).

Rice. 31. The angle between the incident beam and the direction of blood flow.

To obtain Doppler information, two types of devices are used - constant-wave and pulsed. In a continuous wave Doppler instrument, the transducer consists of two transducers: one of them constantly emits ultrasound, the other constantly receives reflected signals. The receiver determines the Doppler shift, which is typically -1/1000 of the frequency of the ultrasound source (audible range) and transmits the signal to the loudspeakers and, in parallel, to the monitor for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the waveform. Constant-wave devices detect blood flow along almost the entire path of the ultrasound beam, or, in other words, have a large control volume. This can cause inadequate information to be obtained when several vessels enter the control volume. However, a large control volume is useful in calculating the pressure drop in valvular stenosis.

In order to evaluate the blood flow in any specific area, it is necessary to place a control volume in the area under study (for example, inside a certain vessel) under visual control on the monitor screen. This can be achieved by using a pulse device. There is an upper limit to the Doppler shift that can be detected by pulsed instruments (sometimes called the Nyquist limit). It is approximately 1/2 of the pulse repetition rate. When it is exceeded, the Doppler spectrum is distorted (aliasing). The higher the pulse repetition rate, the greater the Doppler shift can be determined without distortion, but the lower the instrument's sensitivity to low-velocity flows.

Due to the fact that ultrasonic pulses directed into tissues contain a large number of frequencies in addition to the main one, and also due to the fact that the speeds of individual sections of the flow are not the same, the reflected pulse consists of a large number of different frequencies (Fig. 32).

Rice. 32. Graph of the spectrum of an ultrasonic pulse.

Using the fast Fourier transform, the frequency composition of the pulse can be represented as a spectrum, which can be displayed on the monitor screen as a curve, where the Doppler shift frequencies are plotted horizontally, and the amplitude of each component is plotted vertically. It is possible to determine a large number of velocity parameters of blood flow from the Doppler spectrum (maximum velocity, velocity at the end of diastole, average velocity, etc.), however, these indicators are angle-dependent and their accuracy highly depends on the accuracy of the angle correction. And if in large non-tortuous vessels the angle correction does not cause problems, then in small tortuous vessels (tumor vessels) it is rather difficult to determine the direction of the flow. To solve this problem, a number of almost carbon-independent indices have been proposed, the most common of which are the resistance index and the pulsation index. The resistance index is the ratio of the difference between the maximum and minimum speeds to the maximum flow rate (Fig. 33). The pulsation index is the ratio of the difference between the maximum and minimum velocities to the average flow velocity.

Rice. 33. Calculation of the resistance index and pulsator index.

Obtaining a Doppler spectrum from one control volume allows you to evaluate blood flow in a very small area. Color flow imaging (Color Doppler) provides real-time 2D flow information in addition to conventional 2D gray scale imaging. Color Doppler imaging expands the possibilities of the pulsed principle of image acquisition. Signals reflected from immovable structures are recognized and presented in greyscale form. If the reflected signal has a frequency different from the emitted one, then this means that it was reflected from a moving object. In this case, the Doppler shift is determined, its sign and the value of the average speed. These parameters are used to determine the color, its saturation and brightness. Typically, the direction of flow towards the sensor is coded in red and away from the sensor in blue. The brightness of the color is determined by the flow rate.

AT last years a variant of color Doppler mapping appeared, called "power Doppler" (Power Doppler). With power Doppler, it is not the value of the Doppler shift in the reflected signal that is determined, but its energy. This approach makes it possible to increase the sensitivity of the method to low velocities and make it almost angle-independent, although at the cost of losing the ability to determine the absolute value of the velocity and direction of the flow.


An artifact in ultrasound diagnostics is the appearance of non-existent structures on the image, the absence of existing structures, the wrong location of structures, the wrong brightness of structures, the wrong outlines of structures, the wrong sizes of structures. Reverberation, one of the most common artifacts, occurs when an ultrasonic pulse hits between two or more reflective surfaces. In this case, part of the energy of the ultrasonic pulse is repeatedly reflected from these surfaces, each time partially returning to the sensor at regular intervals (Fig. 34).

Rice. 34. Reverb.

The result of this will be the appearance on the monitor screen of non-existent reflective surfaces, which will be located behind the second reflector at a distance equal to the distance between the first and second reflectors. It is sometimes possible to reduce reverberations by changing the position of the sensor. A variant of the reverb is an artifact called the "comet tail". It is observed in the case when ultrasound causes natural oscillations of the object. This artifact is often observed behind small gas bubbles or small metal objects. Due to the fact that not always the entire reflected signal returns to the sensor (Fig. 35), an artifact of the effective reflective surface appears, which is smaller than the real reflective surface.

Rice. 35. Effective reflective surface.

Because of this artifact, the sizes of calculi determined using ultrasound are usually slightly smaller than the true ones. Refraction can cause an incorrect position of the object in the resulting image (Fig. 36).

Rice. 36. Effective reflective surface.

In the event that the path of ultrasound from the transducer to the reflective structure and back is not the same, an incorrect position of the object in the resulting image occurs. Mirror artifacts are the appearance of an object located on one side of a strong reflector on its other side (Fig. 37).

Rice. 37. Mirror artifact.

Specular artifacts often occur near the aperture.

The acoustic shadow artifact (Fig. 38) occurs behind structures that strongly reflect or strongly absorb ultrasound. The mechanism of formation of an acoustic shadow is similar to the formation of an optical one.

Rice. 38. Acoustic shadow.

The artifact of distal signal amplification (Fig. 39) occurs behind structures that weakly absorb ultrasound (liquid, liquid-containing formations).

Rice. 39. Distal echo amplification.

The artifact of side shadows is associated with refraction and, sometimes, interference of ultrasonic waves when an ultrasonic beam falls tangentially onto a convex surface (cyst, cervical gallbladder) of a structure, the speed of ultrasound in which differs significantly from the surrounding tissues (Fig. 40).

Rice. 40. Side shadows.

Artifacts associated with the incorrect determination of the speed of ultrasound arise due to the fact that the actual speed of propagation of ultrasound in a particular tissue is greater or less than the average (1.54 m/s) speed for which the device is programmed (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Distortions due to differences in the speed of ultrasound (V1 and V2) in different media.

Ultrasonic beam thickness artifacts are the appearance, mainly in liquid-containing organs, of near-wall reflections due to the fact that the ultrasonic beam has a specific thickness and part of this beam can simultaneously form an image of an organ and an image of adjacent structures (Fig. 42).

Rice. 42. An artifact of the thickness of the ultrasonic beam.


The quality control of ultrasonic equipment includes determining the relative sensitivity of the system, axial and lateral resolution, dead zone, correct operation of the distance meter, registration accuracy, correct operation of the TVG, determination of the dynamic range of the gray scale, etc. To control the quality of the operation of ultrasonic devices, special test objects or tissue-equivalent phantoms are used (Fig. 43). They are commercially available, but they are not widely used in our country, which makes it almost impossible to calibrate ultrasonic diagnostic equipment in the field.

Rice. 43. Test object of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.


The biological effect of ultrasound and its safety for the patient is constantly discussed in the literature. Knowledge of the biological effects of ultrasound is based on the study of the mechanisms of the effects of ultrasound, the study of the effect of ultrasound on cell cultures, experimental studies on plants, animals, and, finally, on epidemiological studies.

Ultrasound can cause a biological effect through mechanical and thermal influences. The attenuation of the ultrasonic signal is due to absorption, i.e. converting ultrasonic wave energy into heat. The heating of tissues increases with an increase in the intensity of the emitted ultrasound and its frequency. Cavitation is the formation of pulsating bubbles in a liquid filled with gas, steam or a mixture of them. One of the causes of cavitation may be an ultrasonic wave. So is ultrasound harmful or not?

Studies related to the effects of ultrasound on cells, experimental work in plants and animals, and epidemiological studies have led the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine to make the following statement, which in last time was confirmed in 1993:

"Confirmed biological effects have never been reported in patients or persons working on the device, caused by irradiation (ultrasound), the intensity of which is typical of modern ultrasound diagnostic facilities. Although it is possible that such biological effects may be detected in the future, current data indicate, that the benefit to the patient of prudent use of diagnostic ultrasound outweighs the potential risk, if any."


There is a rapid development of ultrasound diagnostics, continuous improvement of ultrasound diagnostic devices. We can assume several main directions for the future development of this diagnostic method.

Further improvement of Doppler techniques is possible, especially such as power Doppler, Doppler color imaging of tissues.

Three-dimensional echography in the future may become a very important area of ​​ultrasound diagnostics. Currently, there are several commercially available ultrasound diagnostic units that allow for three-dimensional image reconstruction, however, while the clinical significance of this direction remains unclear.

The concept of using ultrasound contrasts was first put forward by R.Gramiak and P.M.Shah in the late sixties during an echocardiographic study. Currently, there is a commercially available contrast "Ehovist" (Shering), used for imaging the right heart. It has recently been modified to reduce the size of the contrast particles and can be recycled in the human circulatory system (Levovist, Schering). This drug significantly improves the Doppler signal, both spectral and color, which may be essential for assessing tumor blood flow.

Intracavitary echography using ultrathin sensors opens up new possibilities for the study of hollow organs and structures. However, at present, the widespread use of this technique is limited by the high cost of specialized sensors, which, moreover, can be used for research a limited number of times (1÷40).

Computer image processing for the purpose of objectifying the information obtained is a promising direction that can improve the accuracy of diagnosing minor structural changes in parenchymal organs in the future. Unfortunately, the results obtained so far have no significant clinical significance.

Nevertheless, what seemed like a distant future in ultrasound diagnostics yesterday has become a common routine practice today and, probably, in the near future we will witness the introduction of new ultrasound diagnostic techniques into clinical practice.


  1. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. AIUM Bioeffects Committee. - J. Ultrasound Med. - 1983; 2: R14.
  2. AIUM Evaluation of Biological Effects Research Reports. Bethesda, MD, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 1984.
  3. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. AIUM Safety Statements. - J. Ultrasound Med. - 1983; 2: R69.
  4. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. Statement on Clinical Safety. - J. Ultrasound Med. - 1984; 3:R10.
  5. Banjavic RA. Design and maintenance of a quality assurance for diagnostic ultrasound equipment. - Semin. Ultrasound - 1983; 4:10-26.
  6. Bioeffects Committee. Safety Considerations for Diagnostic Ultrasound. Laurel, MD, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 1991.
  7. Bioeffects Conference Subcommittee. Bioeffects and Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound. Laurel, MD, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 1993.
  8. Eden A. The Search for Christian Doppler. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1992.
  9. Evans DH, McDicken WN, Skidmore R, et al. Doppler Ultrasound: Physics, Instrumentation, and Clinical Applications. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1989.
  10. Gil RW. Measurement of blood flow by ultrasound: accuracy and sources of errors. - Ultrasound Med. Biol. - 1985; 11:625-641.
  11. Guyton AC. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 7th edition. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1986, 206-229.
  12. Hunter TV, Haber K. A comparison of real-time scanning with conventional static B-mode scanning. - J. Ultrasound Med. - 1983; 2:363-368.
  13. Kisslo J, Adams DB, Belkin RN. Doppler Color Flow Imaging. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1988.
  14. Kremkau F.W. Biological effects and possible hazards. In: Campbell S, ed. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. London, WB Saunders, 1983, 395-405.
  15. Kremkau F.W. Doppler angle error due to refraction. - Ultrasound Med. Biol. - 1990; 16:523-524. - 1991; 17:97.
  16. Kremkau F.W. Doppler shift frequency data. - J. Ultrasound Med. - 1987; 6:167.
  17. Kremkau F.W. Safety and long-term effects of ultrasound: What to tell your patients. In: Platt LD, ed. Perinatal Ultrasound; Clin. obstet. Gynecol.- 1984; 27:269-275.
  18. Kremkau F.W. Technical topics (a column appearing bimonthly in the Reflections section). - J. Ultrasound Med. - 1983; 2.
  19. Laing F.C. Commonly encountered artifacts in clinical ultrasound. - Semin. Ultrasound-1983; 4:27-43.
  20. Merrit CRB, ed. Doppler Color Imaging. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1992.
  21. MilnorWR. hemodynamics. 2nd edition. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1989.
  22. Nachtigall PE, Moore PWB. Animal Sonar. New York, Plenum Press, 1988.
  23. Nichols WW, O "Rourke MF. McDonald's Blood Flow in Arterials. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1990.
  24. Powis RL, Schwartz RA. Practical Doppler Ultrasound for the Clinician. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1991.
  25. Safety Considerations for Diagnostic Ultrasound. Bethesda, MD, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 1984.
  26. Smith HJ, Zagzebski J. Basic Doppler Physics. Madison, Wl, Medical Physics Publishing, 1991.
  27. Zweibel WJ. Review of basic terms in diagnostic ultrasound. - Semin. Ultrasound - 1983; 4:60-62.
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  29. P. Golyamina, ch. ed. Ultrasound. Moscow, " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1979.


  1. The basis of the ultrasound research method is:
    A. visualization of organs and tissues on the device screen
    B. interaction of ultrasound with human body tissues
    B. receiving echoes
    G. ultrasound radiation
    D. grayscale representation of the image on the instrument screen
  2. Ultrasound is a sound whose frequency is not lower than:
    B. 20000 Hz
    B. 1 MHz D. 30 Hz E. 20 Hz
  3. The speed of propagation of ultrasound increases if:
    A. the density of the medium increases
    B. the density of the medium decreases
    B. elasticity increases
    D. density, elasticity increase
    D. density decreases, elasticity increases
  4. The average propagation velocity of ultrasound in soft tissues is:
    A. 1450 m/s
    B. 1620 m/s
    B. 1540 m/s
    D. 1300 m/s
    D. 1420 m/s
  5. The propagation speed of ultrasound is determined by:
    A. frequency
    B. Amplitude
    B. Wavelength
    G. period
    D. Wednesday
  6. Wavelength in soft tissues with increasing frequency:
    A. decreasing
    B. remains unchanged
    B. increases
  7. Having the values ​​of the speed of propagation of ultrasound and frequency, we can calculate:
    A. Amplitude
    B. period
    B. Wavelength
    D. amplitude and period E. period and wavelength
  8. With increasing frequency, the attenuation coefficient in soft tissues:
    A. decreasing
    B. remains unchanged
    B. increases
  9. Which of the following parameters determines the properties of the medium through which ultrasound passes:
    B. intensity
    B. Amplitude
    G frequency
    D. period
  10. Which of the following parameters cannot be determined from the rest available:
    A. frequency
    B. period
    B. Amplitude
    G. Wavelength
    D. propagation speed
  11. Ultrasound is reflected from the boundary of media that have differences in:
    A. Density
    B. Acoustic impedance
    B. ultrasonic velocity
    G. elasticity
    D. Ultrasonic velocity and elasticity
  12. In order to calculate the distance to the reflector, you need to know:
    A. attenuation, speed, density
    B. attenuation, resistance
    B. attenuation, absorption
    D. signal return time, speed
    D. density, speed
  13. Ultrasound can be focused:
    a. warped element
    B. curved reflector
    B. Lens
    G. phased antenna
    D. all of the above
  14. Axial resolution is determined by:
    A. focusing
    B. object distance
    B. sensor type
    D. Wednesday
  15. The transverse resolution is determined by:
    A. focusing
    B. object distance
    B. sensor type
    G. the number of oscillations in an impulse
    D Wednesday

Chapter from volume I of the guide to ultrasound diagnostics,

written by the staff of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Ultrasound- mechanical vibrations above the frequency range audible to the human ear (typically 20 kHz). Ultrasonic vibrations travel in a waveform, similar to the propagation of light. However, unlike light waves, which can travel in a vacuum, ultrasound requires an elastic medium such as a gas, liquid, or solid.

, (3)

For transverse waves, it is determined by the formula

Sound dispersion- dependence of the phase velocity of monochromatic sound waves on their frequency. The dispersion of the speed of sound can be determined as physical properties environment, and the presence of foreign inclusions in it and the presence of the boundaries of the body in which the sound wave propagates.

Varieties of ultrasonic waves

Most ultrasound methods use either longitudinal or transverse waves. Other forms of ultrasound propagation also exist, including surface waves and Lamb waves.

Longitudinal ultrasonic waves– waves, the direction of propagation of which coincides with the direction of displacements and velocities of the particles of the medium.

Transverse ultrasonic waves- waves propagating in a direction perpendicular to the plane in which the directions of displacements and velocities of body particles lie, the same as shear waves.

Surface (Rayleigh) ultrasonic waves have an elliptical motion of particles and spread over the surface of the material. Their speed is approximately 90% of the speed of propagation of a shear wave, and their penetration into the material is approximately one wavelength.

Lamb wave- an elastic wave propagating in a solid plate (layer) with free boundaries, in which the oscillatory displacement of particles occurs both in the direction of wave propagation and perpendicular to the plane of the plate. Lamb waves are one of the types of normal waves in an elastic waveguide - in a plate with free boundaries. Because these waves must satisfy not only the equations of elasticity theory, but also boundary conditions on the surface of the plate, the pattern of motion in them and their properties are more complex than those of waves in unbounded solids.

Visualization of ultrasonic waves

For a plane sinusoidal traveling wave, the intensity of ultrasound I is determined by the formula

, (5)

AT spherical traveling wave The intensity of ultrasound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. AT standing wave I = 0, i.e., there is no sound energy flow on average. Ultrasonic intensity in harmonic plane traveling wave is equal to the energy density of the sound wave multiplied by the speed of sound. The flow of sound energy is characterized by the so-called Umov vector- the sound wave energy flux density vector, which can be represented as the product of the ultrasound intensity and the wave normal vector, i.e., a unit vector perpendicular to the wave front. If the sound field is a superposition of harmonic waves of different frequencies, then for the vector of the average density of the sound energy flux there is an additivity of the components.

For emitters that create a plane wave, one speaks of radiation intensity, meaning by this specific power of the emitter, i.e., the radiated sound power per unit area of ​​the radiating surface.

Sound intensity is measured in SI units in W/m 2 . In ultrasonic technology, the interval of change in the intensity of ultrasound is very large - from threshold values ​​~ 10 -12 W/m 2 to hundreds of kW/m 2 at the focus of ultrasonic concentrators.

Table 1 - Properties of some common materials

Material Density, kg / m 3 Longitudinal wave speed, m/s Shear wave speed, m/s , 10 3 kg / (m 2 * s)
Acrylic 1180 2670 - 3,15
Air 0,1 330 - 0,00033
Aluminum 2700 6320 3130 17,064
Brass 8100 4430 2120 35,883
Copper 8900 4700 2260 41,830
Glass 3600 4260 2560 15,336
Nickel 8800 5630 2960 49,544
Polyamide (nylon) 1100 2620 1080 2,882
Steel (low alloy) 7850 5940 3250 46,629
Titanium 4540 6230 3180 26,284
Tungsten 19100 5460 2620 104,286
Water (293K) 1000 1480 - 1,480

Attenuation of ultrasound

One of the main characteristics of ultrasound is its attenuation. Attenuation of ultrasound is a decrease in amplitude and, therefore, a sound wave as it propagates. Attenuation of ultrasound occurs due to a number of reasons. The main ones are:

The first of these reasons is related to the fact that as a wave propagates from a point or spherical source, the energy emitted by the source is distributed over an ever-increasing surface of the wave front and, accordingly, the energy flux through a unit surface decreases, i.e. . For a spherical wave, the wave surface of which grows with distance r from the source as r 2 , the wave amplitude decreases in proportion to , and for a cylindrical wave - in proportion to .

The attenuation coefficient is expressed either in decibels per meter (dB/m) or in nepers per meter (Np/m).

For a plane wave, the attenuation coefficient in amplitude with distance is determined by the formula

, (6)

The damping factor versus time is determined

, (7)

To measure the coefficient, the unit dB / m is also used, in this case

, (8)

A decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit for measuring the ratio of energies or powers in acoustics.

, (9)

  • where A 1 is the amplitude of the first signal,
  • A 2 - amplitude of the second signal

Then the relationship between the units of measurement (dB/m) and (1/m) will be:

Reflection of ultrasound from the interface

When a sound wave falls on the interface between media, part of the energy will be reflected into the first medium, and the rest of the energy will pass into the second medium. The ratio between the reflected energy and the energy passing into the second medium is determined by the wave impedances of the first and second medium. In the absence of sound velocity dispersion wave resistance does not depend on the waveform and is expressed by the formula:

The reflection and transmission coefficients will be determined as follows

, (12)

, (13)

  • where D is the sound pressure transmission coefficient

It should also be noted that if the second medium is acoustically “softer”, i.e. Z 1 >Z 2, then the phase of the wave changes by 180˚ upon reflection.

The energy transmission coefficient from one medium to another is determined by the ratio of the intensity of the wave passing into the second medium to the intensity of the incident wave

, (14)

Interference and diffraction of ultrasonic waves

Sound interference- non-uniformity of the spatial distribution of the amplitude of the resulting sound wave, depending on the ratio between the phases of the waves that are formed at a particular point in space. When harmonic waves of the same frequency are added, the resulting spatial distribution of amplitudes forms a time-independent interference pattern, which corresponds to a change in the phase difference of the component waves when moving from point to point. For two interfering waves, this pattern on the plane has the form of alternating bands of amplification and attenuation of the amplitude of a quantity characterizing the sound field (for example, sound pressure). For two plane waves, the bands are rectilinear with amplitude changing across the bands according to the change in the phase difference. An important special case of interference is the addition of a plane wave with its reflection from a plane boundary; in this case, a standing wave is formed with planes of nodes and antinodes located parallel to the boundary.

sound diffraction- deviation of sound behavior from the laws of geometric acoustics, due to the wave nature of sound. The result of sound diffraction is the divergence of ultrasonic beams when moving away from the emitter or after passing through a hole in the screen, the bending of sound waves into the shadow region behind obstacles that are large compared to the wavelength, the absence of a shadow behind obstacles that are small compared to the wavelength, etc. n. Sound fields created by the diffraction of the original wave on obstacles placed in the medium, on the inhomogeneities of the medium itself, as well as on the irregularities and inhomogeneities of the boundaries of the medium, are called scattered fields. For objects on which sound diffraction occurs, large compared to the wavelength , the degree of deviation from geometric pattern depends on the value of the wave parameter

, (15)

  • where D is the diameter of the object (for example, the diameter of an ultrasonic emitter or an obstacle),
  • r - distance of the observation point from this object

Ultrasonic emitters

Ultrasonic emitters- devices used to excite ultrasonic vibrations and waves in gaseous, liquid and solid media. Ultrasonic emitters convert some other form of energy into energy.

The most widely used as emitters of ultrasound received electroacoustic transducers. In the vast majority of ultrasound emitters of this type, namely in piezoelectric transducers , magnetostrictive transducers, electrodynamic emitters, electromagnetic and electrostatic emitters, electrical energy is converted into the energy of vibrations of some solid body (radiating plate, rod, diaphragm, etc.), which radiates in environment acoustic waves. All the listed transducers are, as a rule, linear, and, consequently, the oscillations of the radiating system reproduce the excitatory electrical signal in form; only at very large oscillation amplitudes near the upper limit of the dynamic range of the ultrasound emitter, nonlinear distortions can occur.

In transducers designed to emit a monochromatic wave, the phenomenon is used resonance: they work on one of the natural oscillations of the mechanical oscillatory system, the frequency of which is tuned to the generator of electrical oscillations, which excites the converter. Electroacoustic transducers that do not have a solid-state radiating system are relatively rarely used as ultrasound emitters; these include, for example, ultrasonic emitters based on an electrical discharge in a liquid, or on the electrostriction of a liquid.

Characteristics of the ultrasound emitter

The main characteristics of ultrasonic emitters are their frequency spectrum, emitted sound power, radiation directivity. In the case of monofrequency radiation, the main characteristics are operating frequency ultrasonic emitter and its frequency band, the boundaries of which are determined by the drop in the radiated power by a factor of two compared to its value at the frequency of maximum radiation. For resonant electroacoustic transducers, the operating frequency is natural frequency f 0 converter, and The width of the lineΔf is determined by its quality factor Q.

Ultrasound emitters (electroacoustic transducers) are characterized by sensitivity, electroacoustic coefficient useful action and its own electrical impedance.

Ultrasonic transducer sensitivity- the ratio of sound pressure at the maximum of the directivity characteristic at a certain distance from the emitter (most often at a distance of 1 m) to the electrical voltage on it or to the current flowing in it. This specification applies to ultrasonic transducers used in horn systems, sonar and other similar devices. For emitters for technological purposes, used, for example, for ultrasonic cleaning, coagulation, impact on chemical processes, the main characteristic is power. Along with the total radiated power, estimated in W, ultrasound emitters characterize power density, i.e., the average power per unit area of ​​the radiating surface, or the average radiation intensity in the near field, estimated in W / m 2.

The efficiency of electroacoustic transducers that radiate acoustic energy into the sounded environment is characterized by their value electroacoustic efficiency, which is the ratio of the emitted acoustic power to the electrical power consumed. In acoustoelectronics, to evaluate the efficiency of ultrasound emitters, the so-called electrical loss coefficient is used, equal to the ratio(in dB) electrical power to acoustic power. The efficiency of ultrasonic tools used in ultrasonic welding, machining, and the like, is characterized by the so-called efficiency factor, which is the ratio of the square of the amplitude of the oscillatory displacement at the working end of the concentrator to the electrical power consumed by the transducer. Sometimes the effective electromechanical coupling coefficient is used to characterize the energy conversion in ultrasound emitters.

Sound field emitter

The sound field of the transducer is divided into two zones: the near zone and the far zone. near zone this is the area directly in front of the transducer where the echo amplitude goes through a series of highs and lows. The near zone ends at the last maximum, which is located at a distance N from the transducer. It is known that the location of the last maximum is the natural focus of the transducer. far zone this is the region beyond N where the sound field pressure gradually decreases to zero.

The position of the last maximum N on the acoustic axis, in turn, depends on the diameter and wavelength and for a disk round radiator is expressed by the formula

, (17)

However, since D is usually much larger, the equation can be simplified to the form

The characteristics of the sound field are determined by the design of the ultrasonic transducer. Consequently, sound propagation in the area under study and the sensitivity of the sensor depend on its shape.

Application of ultrasound

The diverse applications of ultrasound, in which its various features are used, can be conditionally divided into three areas. associated with the receipt of information by means of ultrasonic waves, - with an active effect on the substance and - with the processing and transmission of signals (directions are listed in the order of their historical formation). In each specific application, ultrasound of a certain frequency range is used.

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