Accounting for boundary conditions, the method of deletion. Subject: Strikeout method


17. Information coding system, classification of methods

The coding system is used to replace the name of an object with symbol(code) in order to provide convenient and more efficient processing of information.

Coding system - a set of rules for the code designation of objects.

The code is built on the basis of the alphabet, consisting of letters, numbers and other symbols. The code is characterized by: length - the number of positions in the code; structure - the order in the code of symbols used to designate a classification feature.

When coding can be set different goals and apply accordingly different methods. The most common coding goals are parsimony, i.e. reducing message redundancy; increasing the speed of transmission or processing; reliability, i.e. protection against accidental distortion; safety, i.e. protection against accidental access to information; convenience of physical implementation (for example, binary encoding of information in a computer); convenience of perception.

The procedure for assigning a code designation to an object is called coding.

It is possible to single out two groups of methods used in the coding system, which form: a classification coding system, focused on conducting a preliminary classification of objects either on the basis of a hierarchical system or on the basis of a facet system; a registration coding system that does not require a preliminary classification of objects.

Classification coding is applied after the classification of objects. Distinguish between serial and parallel coding.

Sequential coding is used for a hierarchical classification structure. The essence of the method is as follows: first, the code of the senior grouping of the 1st level is written, then the code of the grouping of the 2nd level, then the code of the grouping of the 3rd level, etc. As a result, a code combination is obtained, each bit of which contains information about the specifics of the selected group at each level of the hierarchical structure. A sequential coding system has the same advantages and disadvantages as a hierarchical classification system.

Parallel coding is used for the faceted classification system. The essence of the method is as follows: all facets are encoded independently of each other; for the values ​​of each facet is allocated a certain amount of code bits. The parallel coding system has the same advantages and disadvantages as the faceted classification system.

Registration coding is used for unambiguous identification of objects and does not require preliminary classification of objects. Distinguish between ordinal and serial-order system.

The ordinal coding system involves the sequential numbering of objects by numbers natural series. This order may be random or determined after the objects have been sorted in advance, such as alphabetically. This method is used when the number of objects is small, for example, coding the names of university departments, coding students in a study group.

The serial-order coding system provides for the preliminary selection of groups of objects that make up the series, and then in each series the objects are numbered sequentially. Each series will also have serial numbering. At its core, the serial-order system is mixed: classifying and identifying. It is used when the number of groups is small.

Classification of information by different features

Any classification is always relative. The same object can be classified according to different features or criteria. Often there are situations when, depending on the conditions external environment an object can be assigned to different classification groups. These considerations are especially relevant when classifying types of information without taking into account its subject orientation, since it can often be used in different conditions, different consumers, for different purposes.

The classification of information circulating in an organization (firm) can be based on the five most common features: place of occurrence, processing stage, display method, stability, control function.

Place of origin. On this basis, information can be divided into input output, internal, external.

Input information is information that enters the firm or its divisions.

Output information is information coming from a firm to another firm, organization (department).

One and the same information can be input for one firm, and for another, which produces it, output. In relation to the object of management (firm or its subdivision: workshop, department, laboratory), information can be defined as both internal and external.

Internal information occurs inside the object, external information - outside the object.

processing stage. According to the processing stage, information can be primary, secondary, intermediate, result.

Primary information is information that arises directly in the process of the object's activity and is recorded at the initial stage.

Secondary information is information that is obtained as a result of processing primary information and can be intermediate and result.

Intermediate information is used as input for subsequent calculations.

The resulting information is obtained in the process of processing primary and intermediate information and is used to make management decisions.

Display method. According to the method of displaying information is divided into textual and graphical.

Text information is a collection of alphabetic, numeric and special characters, with the help of which information is presented on a physical medium (paper, image on the display screen).

Graphic Information- these are various kinds of graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, etc.

Stability. In terms of stability, information can be variable (current) and constant (conditionally constant).

Variable information reflects the actual quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production economic activity firms. It can vary for each case, both in purpose and in quantity. For example, the number of products produced per shift, weekly costs for the delivery of raw materials, the number of serviceable machines, etc.

Permanent (conditionally permanent) information is information that is permanent and reusable over a long period of time. Permanent information can be reference, regulatory, planned: permanent reference Information includes a description of the permanent properties of the object in the form of stable long time signs; permanent regulatory information contains local, industry and national regulations; permanent planning information contains planned indicators that are reused in the company.

control function. Management functions usually classify economic information. At the same time, allocate following groups: planned, reference, accounting and operational (current).

Planned information - information about the parameters of the control object for the future period. This information is the focus of all activities of the company.

Regulatory and reference information contains various regulatory and reference data. It is rarely updated.

Accounting information is information that characterizes the activities of the company for a certain past period of time. Based on this information, the following actions can be taken: planning information is adjusted, an analysis of the company's economic activity is made, decisions are made on more good governance works, etc. In practice, information can be used as accounting information accounting, statistical information and operational accounting information.

Operational (current) information is information used in operational management and characterizing production processes in the current (given) period of time. Serious requirements are imposed on operational information in terms of the speed of receipt and processing, as well as the degree of its reliability. The success of the company in the market largely depends on how quickly and efficiently it is processed.

Motives are indicated by respondents quite often (more than 60% of respondents indicate this motive). A number of motives are mentioned in the questionnaires not very often (from 20% to 45%). There are motives that, when choosing additional education in the field of computer science, schoolchildren are rarely guided (up to 10%). In accordance with this conditionally all motives were divided into three groups. We were surprised by the fact that...

A pedagogical or scientific and technical problem, which is a new scientific contribution to the theory of a certain field of knowledge (pedagogy, technology, etc.). 4. PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FINAL QUALIFICATION WORK OF A BACHELOR IN PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION PROFILE INFORMATION SCIENCE 4.1. Regulations on the final qualifying work of a bachelor of physical and mathematical education: ...

Neurocybernetics and homeostatics are closely related to the development artificial intelligence. And of course, work in this area is unthinkable without the development of programming systems (Fig. 1). Rice. 1 - The structure of computer science The main goal of work in the field of artificial intelligence is the desire to penetrate the secrets creative activity people, their ability to acquire knowledge, skills and...

Computer science training. The experience of such developments is already available both in our country and abroad, their positive and negative sides. 1.3 Domestic and Foreign experience continuous training in computer science from grades 1 to 11 secondary school The age at which children begin learning computer science is steadily decreasing. This is evidenced by both foreign and ...

When developing codes, apply different systems and coding methods (their construction).

Under coding system is understood as a set of rules that determine the order of designation of objects of classification by signs, with the help of which the representation, transmission, processing and storage of information is provided.

ordinal- sequential numbering of all positions of the nomenclature, without skipping free numbers.

Serial- consolidation of a series of numbers for groups of positions that have a common feature, reserve numbers may be provided.

Decimal(positional) - each digit of the code (or several digits) is assigned to a certain sign. The entire nomenclature of codes is classified first by feature, and already within this senior feature, features of lower value are distinguished.

mixed- several systems are used here when coding. It is used when coding complex multi-valued nomenclatures (for example: balance sheet account, subaccount).

Combined- combining several features in one code.

To build a classifier, apply hierarchical And faceted methods. The hierarchical classification method is built on the basis of successive multilevel relationships between classification objects. In this case, each object can fall into only one classification group. This method is convenient for selecting functionally subordinate objects.

The faceted classification method provides for the division of coding objects simultaneously according to several classification features. Each object can be assigned to different independent classification groups. Within these groups, features may have a hierarchical structure.

Stages of transformation of economic information

    Collection and registration of information.

At the enterprise, the collection and registration of information occurs when performing various business operations (receiving finished products, receiving and dispensing materials, ...), in banks - when performing financial and credit operations with legal and individuals. In the process of collecting factual information, measurement, counting, weighing of material objects, counting banknotes, obtaining temporal and quantitative characteristics of the work of individual performers. The collection of information is recorded on a tangible medium (document, machine medium). Recording in primary documents is mainly carried out manually, so the collection and registration procedures remain the most time-consuming and require automation.

Technical means:

    personal computers for entering document information and recording on a machine medium;

    scanners for automatic reading of document information in the form of graphic symbols, recognition graphic images and conversion to text;

    plastic card readers;

    Transfer of information.

The transfer of information is carried out in various ways: by courier, by mail, delivery by vehicles, remote transmission via communication channels, etc. Remote data transmission reduces the time of their movement, but increases the cost of the process. But this species is constantly developing and improving and is the most promising.

Complex of means of information transmission:

    local computer networks;

    regional computer networks of extended scale;

    global computer networks (Internet);

Technical means: modems, fax modems, network communication equipment.

    Storage and accumulation of information.

The storage and accumulation of information is intended for its repeated use. Information is stored and accumulated in information bases, on magnetic media in the form of information arrays, where the data is arranged in a certain order.

Technical means:

Databases are stored on database servers, local computers.

As information carriers are used: magnetic disks, optical disks (laser), DVD disks (digital video disks), flash memory.

    Data processing.

Information processing is carried out on a computer, as a rule, decentralized, in the places where primary information arises, where automated workstations (AWPs) of specialists or other management services are organized. Processing can be carried out not only autonomously, but also in computer networks.

Technical means:

Information processing in IS is carried out using computers, which are divided into classes:

    microcomputers - are used autonomously in the form of a PC, or in a network as workstations, equipped with modern microprocessors (Intel? AMD, etc.), have a different architecture (a number of IBM PC? Macintosh, etc.). This group includes portable computers.

    Mini computers are mid-range machines in terms of performance and server capabilities.

    Formation of result information.

In the course of solving problems, results documents and summaries are generated on the computer, which are printed or presented in electronic form and provided to users.

Technical means:

video monitors are used to display information on the screen;

Printers and graph plotters are used to display information.

Database access methods. Database management systems. The concept of data and databases. The structure of the database file, its description.

Data, according to Webster, is “some fact; that on which the conclusion or any intellectual system is based. The primary data components (i.e., the smallest indivisible structural units of data) are numbers, letters, and natural language characters or their encoded representation as a string of binary tickets. The smallest semantically meaningful unit of data is the data element. A set of interrelated data elements (fields), considered in the application program as a whole, is called a logical record, and a set of records of the same type, but different in content, is called a file. Recording data is determined by the nature of the task being performed. For example, as a record, you can consider the data of a document that reflects information about the movement of fixed assets. The totality of such records forms a file (or array) of data. In the theory and practice of automated information systems, the concept of an array is identified with the concept of a file. An array (file) is a named collection of data united by some semantic feature or by several features that are of the same type in structure and access method. Storage of files can be organized in the disk memory of the computer.

Thus, the concept of a database can be formulated as follows: it is a collection of arrays (files) of data intended for processing on a computer, which serves to meet the needs of many users within one or more enterprises and organizations. The information is stored explicitly in the database and may include various types of logical records. The database is geared towards integrated requirements rather than a single program capable of handling multiple private files, each with its own format.

For example: Supercalc program processes data (tables) with .cal extension; EXEL program - с.xls; PPP Clipper - .dbf.

To query for the desired information, in this case, it is necessary to write an application program capable of processing several private files, each with its own format.

To create intramachine information support (DB), DBMS are used - systems for managing and manipulating data in a database (DB).

A database (DB) is a named collection of specially organized data sets stored on a disk.

Database management includes data entry, correction and data manipulation, i.e. adding, extracting, updating.

Developed DBMS ensure the independence of application programs working with them from the specific organization of information in databases. Depending on the method of organizing data, there are: network, hierarchical, distributed, relational DBMS.

Of the available DBMS, DBase III, dBase IV, DBMS "Rebus", FOXPRO, Microsoft ACCESS, Paradox, as well as DBMS from Oracle Informix, Sybase, Progress are most widely used.

Integration of various components in single system provides the user with undeniable advantages in the interface, but inevitably loses in terms of increased requirements for RAM.

Available packages include the following:

Frame work, Microsoft Office

Another concept of database organization is the concept of a database administrator (DBA). This concept refers to a person (or a group of persons, or an entire staff unit) who is entrusted with managing the enterprise database facilities. The DBA must be an energetic and capable person, an organizer by vocation, preferably with a technical background. He should be able to liaise with both senior management and database users, as well as supervise a staff of technical specialists.

This staff should include individuals with experience in areas such as DBMS software, operating systems, computer hardware, application programming, systems programming. It is important that this staff includes persons who have a complete understanding of the operation of the enterprise and its information needs.

DBA staff should be able to maintain good relations with other groups of specialists outside the data processing department. The place of the DBA was determined when business leaders realized the need for centralized management of database resources, data processing and other aspects related to the database. The DBA is responsible for analyzing user needs, designing the database, implementing it, updating, if necessary, reorganizing the database, as well as consulting and training users.

The structure of the database file, its description.

Each directory in the database has its own identifier (database file name). Suggested as a sample guide "Handbook of permanent deductions from wages", its id ZRP_ Uder. dbf, where ZRP_Uder is the name (symbol) of the reference array, .dbf is the extension of the database file (the .dbf extension corresponds to all source database files).

Report files (result files) have the extension . frm Table 1 shows the structure of the PRONAR system directory.

The structure of the directory of permanent deductions from wages ZRP _ Uder . dbf

_______________________________________________________________________Table 1____

Name Conditional convoy Type Length Point Destination


a directory of permanent deductions from an employee's salary can be

the following structure:

1. Rent KV_PLATA number 6 2 sum of quarters.

2. To Sberbank BANK_SUM number 6 2 amount deducted.

to Sberbank

3. Loan SSUDA_MAX number 6 2 amount issued

loan worker

4. Loan monthly. SSUDA_SUM number 6 2 amount monthly.

deductions for

loan from


Example: "Regular deductions from RFP" used when calculating deductions from the wages of employees of the enterprise.

The data is entered into the directory once for a certain long period. For example, a loan issued to an employee is entered in the field SSUDA, and the amount of monthly deductions on the loan in the field SSUDA_SUM- this amount

later reflected in "Settlement and payroll" And "Payment sheet" in the column "Loan", used to control deductions to the Savings Bank, for a loan and rent from the amount of ZRP accrued to an employee. As monthly loan deductions are made when deductions are calculated from the employee's RFP, the value of the field SSUDA is controlled by the program so that the amount of the loan issued to the employee is not exceeded. Similarly, give a description of the rest of the values ​​of the fields of this directory.

A sample of filling out a hold directory:

For each employee of the enterprise in the database "Personal accounts" accountant enters as needed data on permanent monthly deductions from the RFP to the corresponding directory, which looks like this:

table 2

_____________Permanent Hold Directory_____________

Worker Ivanov I.I. Tab. No. 153 Position - accountant

Monthly Amount max


Rent 120.00

to sberbank 300.00

Loan 250.00 5000.00


Ways of placing information in PD.

There are three main forms of placing details and indicators in a document: linear, questionnaire and tabular.

In the linear form of placement, the details are arranged line by line one after the other. For each attribute, a place is provided for recording its name (top) and value (bottom).

In the questionnaire form of placement, the details are arranged one after the other in a vertical sequence from top to bottom. Each line of the document is allocated for one attribute (indicator). On the left is the attribute name, on the right is its value.

In a tabular form, the details are arranged in the form of a table in the corresponding row-columns. Several values ​​can be entered for the same attribute.

When establishing the location of details and indicators in a document, one should take into account their purpose in the process of processing document data. Any document is conditionally divided into three zones: Common Features Zone, Content Zone, Signature Zone.

The zone of common features contains constant, reference and grouping details and indicators that are typical for the entire document as a whole (Name of the enterprise, Name and code of the structural unit, Name of the document, Date of issue of the document).

The signature zone provides lines for the signatures of managers and responsible persons who give the document legal force.

· 1.4. Coding system

Coding system is a set of rules for coding objects.

It is used to replace the name of an object with a symbol (code) in order to ensure convenient and more efficient processing of information.

Code- this is a conventional designation of an object or phenomenon in the form of a sign or a system of signs, built according to certain rules. (the second time the definition is given, see above)

The code is built on the basis of the alphabet, consisting of letters, numbers and other symbols.

The code is characterized by:

Length - the number of positions in the code;

Structure - the order in the code of symbols used to designate a classification feature.

The procedure for assigning a code designation to an object is called coding.

The main reasons for coding economic information:

1. Providing unambiguous identification of the object.

2. Reducing the amount of work in solving problems.

Basic requirements for codes:

Min value and ease of construction;

Availability of a reserve;

Codes must be developed for a long period of time;

The codes of each individual nomenclature must have the same value;

Codes should, if possible, duplicate the already established designations;

Codes should take into account the specifics of software and technical means;

The codes must be noise-proof.

The coding system uses 2 groups of methods :

IN classification system coding requires a preliminary classification of objects based on a hierarchical or faceted system;

- registration system does not require coding of preliminary classification of objects.

Coding system

Classification Registration

Serial Parallel 1.Ordinal Serial-Ordinal

(for hierarchical (for faceted 2. Serial

classification) classification) 3. Decimal

4.Chess (matrix)

5. Reps

Sequential encoding : first the code of the senior grouping of the 1st level is written, then the 2nd, 3rd, etc.

Example. 1310 - students of the commercial faculty over 30 years old, men; 2221 - students of the faculty information systems, 20 to 30 years old, women with children.

Parallel Encoding used for the faceted classification system. All facets are encoded independently of each other; for the value of each facet, a certain number of code bits is allocated.

Example. 1st category - gender, 2nd - the presence of children in women, 3 - age, 4 - faculty. 2135 - women over 30 years old with children, students of the Faculty of Mathematics; 1021 - 1021 - men aged 20-30 years, students of the radio engineering faculty.

Registration coding




coding system


coding system


coding system

I. Ferrous metals

1. Cast iron




3 (4-15 reserve)

103 (104-199 reserve)

II. Non-ferrous metals




4. Lead


19 (20-24 reserve)

24 (25-29 reserve)

1. Order system coding involves coding positions by natural numbers in ascending order without gaps.

Advantages: insignificance and simplicity of construction.


The impossibility of expanding the position of the nomenclature without violating the accepted system of classification;

Difficulties in summing up, you have to remember which number each group of positions begins and ends with;

When coding, the number of features is not taken into account.

2.Serial system is an extension of the ordinal system. For each group of items of the nomenclature, united by one common feature, a series is allocated serial numbers with reserve. The size of the series is arbitrary.

Advantages: the presence of a reserve, ease of construction.

Flaws: it is not always possible to correctly determine the size of the series, difficulties in deciphering, because You have to memorize what number each episode starts and ends with.

3.Decimal system - the most widely used in the practice of information processing. Here, for each encoded feature, one or more decimal places are allocated.

Code structure: X X X

group order

follow material

Advantages: possibility of coding multi-valued nomenclatures; automatic formation of reserves; ease of decryption.

Flaws: not always justified reserves; ambiguity of the code.

4.Chess (matrix) system . It is not an independent system, but represents the image form of a serial or decimal code for two-valued nomenclatures.

Type of deposit

Type of operation

Poste restante



1. Arrival

2. Consumption

3. Enrollment






Code structure: X X

deposit operations

5.Repeat system (repetition codes). This system involves the use of already established digital designations: month numbers, categories of work and workers, account numbers in accounting, etc.

For the complete formalization of economic information, a simple classification is not enough, therefore, the following procedure is carried out - coding. Coding it is the process of assigning symbols to objects and classification groups according to the appropriate coding system. Coding system this is a set of rules for designating objects and groupings using codes. Code - this is a conventional designation of objects or groupings in the form of a sign or a group of signs in accordance with the accepted system. The code is based on a specific alphabet(some set of signs). The number of characters in this set is called basis code. There are the following types of alphabets: digital, alphabetic And mixed .

The code is characterized by the following parameters:

length ( L);

coding base ( A);

The structure of the code, which is understood as the distribution of signs according to the characteristics and objects of classification;

The degree of information ( I) calculated as the quotient of the total number of features ( R) by the length of the code ( L):


redundancy factor ( To the hut), which is defined as the ratio maximum number objects ( Qmax) to the actual number of objects ( Q fact):

All coding systems can be grouped into two subsets (Figure 2.13): registration and classification coding systems.

feature registration coding systems is their independence from the applied classification systems. Registration codes are used to identify objects and transmit information about objects over a distance, so they must meet the following requirements: minimal code length, unambiguous correspondence between the name of the object and its code for a long period of time, and code protection from interference and errors.

Registration codes consist of two parts: informational and control, designed to protect the transmitted information from errors. The control part can be calculated according to various algorithms, in particular, the following formulas for their calculation are the most used:


where is the modulus (a prime number divisible by one and itself); information ranks, i– category number; is the weight of the information bit.

Registration systems include ordinal and serial coding systems.

ordinal system this is the simplest coding system in its construction, the essence of which is to sequentially assign to each object of the encoded set Mo the number of its order, i.e. in the assignment of natural numbers in the order of the objects. This order may be random or determined after preliminary grouping of objects, for example, alphabetically. As a rule, the ordinal system is used to encode unimportant, well-established and simple sets of objects that do not require prior classification.

Serial (serial-serial) the coding system differs from the ordinal one in that the nomenclature of encoded objects ( M) must first be divided into groupings according to one attribute, and each grouping must be assigned a series of code designations, within which each element is assigned its own code in order.

A series of designations for each grouping is determined in such a way that after assigning codes to the elements of this group, there would still be free numbers in it in case new objects appear.

Classification codes are used to reflect the classification relationships of objects and groupings and are mainly used for complex logical processing of economic information on a computer. This implies the following requirements: unambiguous display of classification relationships of objects and their groupings and ensuring maximum ease of programming. The group of classification coding systems can be divided into two subgroups, depending on which classification system is used to order objects.

Sequential systems encodings are characterized by the fact that they are based on a preliminary classification according to a hierarchical classification system, as a result of which the codes of lower groupings are formed by adding codes to the codes of higher groupings.

Parallel systems encodings are characterized by the fact that they are built on the basis of the use of a faceted classification system and the facet grouping codes are formed independently of each other.

Serial and parallel coding systems are built on the basis of a bit or combined coding system.

Discharge system used to encode objects defined by several subordinate features used to solve economic problems. Encoded objects are systematized according to classification features at each stage of classification, each feature is assigned a certain number of digits, within which the coding of groupings starts from one. With a bit coding system, the so-called "dependent" coding is used. This means that classification groupings according to junior features are coded depending on the code of the grouping formed according to the highest sign. The stock of free positions is determined by the structure of the code.

An object code built according to this system consists of such a number of positions (or the number of groups of digits) as many signs for objects were taken into account, therefore the digit coding system is sometimes called positional system . The specific value of the attribute that characterizes the object is determined by the position and value certain number in the code structure. The length of the code depends on the number of classification levels, on the number of classification groups at each level, and on the base of the coding.

Combined system coding, having all the advantages of a bit code, is used to encode large nomenclatures (lists) of objects that are characterized by many subordinate or independent features. This system is based on a combination of principles for constructing such coding systems as bit, serial, ordinal and repetition code.

Repetition code (mnemocode) these are alphabetic or alphanumeric codes, which are characterized by the fact that part of the symbolic designations of objects is transferred to the code structure in order to increase the mnemonicity of the code or to reduce its length.

The choice of a specific coding system depends on the volume of the encoded nomenclature, its stability, on the tasks facing the system, and on the indicators of information processing efficiency when using any system.


General information

An important concept when working with information is classification objects.

Classification- a system for distributing objects (objects, phenomena, processes, concepts) into classes in accordance with a certain attribute

Under object any object, process, phenomenon of a material or non-material property is understood. The classification system allows you to group objects and highlight certain classes that will be characterized side by side. common properties. Classification of objects is a grouping procedure at a qualitative level, aimed at highlighting homogeneous properties. With regard to information as an object of classification, the selected classes are called information objects.

Example 2.6. All information about the university can be classified according to numerous information objects, which will be characterized by common properties:

    information about students - in the form of an information object "Student";
    information about teachers - in the form of an information object "Teacher";
    information about faculties - in the form of an information object "Faculty", etc.

The properties of an information object are defined by information parameters called details. Details are either numerical data, such as weight, cost, year, or signs, such as color, car brand, last name.

Props- a logically indivisible information element that describes a certain property of an object, process, phenomenon, etc.

Example 2.7. Information about each student in the personnel department of the university is systematized and presented using the same details:

    Full Name;
    year of birth;
    Place of Birth;
    residential address;
    faculty where the student is studying, etc.

All the listed details characterize the properties of the "Student" information object.

In addition to identifying the general properties of an information object, classification is needed to develop rules (algorithms) and procedures for processing information represented by a set of details.

Example 2.8.

The algorithm for processing information objects of the library fund allows you to get information about all books on a specific topic, about authors, subscribers, etc.

The algorithm for processing information objects of the company allows you to obtain information about sales volumes, profits, customers, types of products, etc.

Processing algorithms in both cases pursue different goals, process different information are implemented in different ways.

In any classification, it is desirable that the following requirements are met:

    completeness of coverage of objects of the considered area;
    uniqueness of details;
    the ability to include new objects.

In any country, state, industry, regional classifiers have been developed and are being used. For example, classified: industries, equipment, professions, units of measurement, cost items, etc.

classifier- a systematized set of names and codes of classification groups.

When classifying, the concepts are widely used classification feature And the value of the classification feature, that allow you to establish the similarity or difference of objects. An approach to classification is possible with the combination of these two concepts into one, named as a sign of classification. The sign of classification also has a synonym for the division base.

Example 2.9. As a classification feature, age is selected, which consists of three values: up to 20 years, from 20 to 30 years, over 30 years.

You can use as signs of classification: age up to 20 years, age from 20 to 30 years, age over 30 years,

1021 - men between the ages of 20 and 30 who are students of the Faculty of Radio Engineering.

Registration coding

Registration coding is used for unambiguous identification of objects and does not require preliminary classification of objects. Distinguish between ordinal and serial-order system.

ordinal the coding system assumes the sequential numbering of objects by numbers of the natural series. This order may be random or determined after the objects have been sorted in advance, such as alphabetically. This method is used when the number of objects is small, for example, coding the names of university departments, coding students in a study group.

Serial ordinal the coding system provides for a preliminary selection of groups of objects that make up a series, and then in each series the objects are numbered sequentially. Each series will also have serial numbering. At its core, the serial-order system is mixed: classifying and identifying. It is used when the number of groups is small.

Example 2.17. All students of one faculty are divided into study groups (in this terminology - series), for which serial numbering is used. Within each group, the names of students are sorted alphabetically, and each student is assigned a number.


Any classification is always relative. The same object can be classified according to different features or criteria. Often there are situations when, depending on the environmental conditions, an object can be assigned to different classification groups. These considerations are especially relevant when classifying types of information without taking into account its subject orientation, since it can often be used in different conditions, by different consumers, for different purposes.

On fig. 2.8 shows one of the schemes for classifying information circulating in an organization (firm). The classification is based on the five most common features: place of origin, processing stage, display method, stability, control function.


Internal information originates within an object, external information is outside the object.

Example 2.18. The content of the government decree on changing the level of taxes levied for the company is, on the one hand, external information, on the other hand, it is input. The company's information to the tax inspectorate on the amount of deductions to the state budget is, on the one hand, output information, on the other hand, it is external in relation to the tax inspectorate.

processing stage. According to the processing stage, information can be primary, secondary, intermediate, result.

Primary information is information that arises directly in the process of the object's activity and is recorded at the initial stage.

Secondary information is information that is obtained as a result of processing primary information and can be intermediate and resultant.

Intermediate the information is used as input for subsequent calculations.

Result information is obtained in the process of processing primary and intermediate information and is used to make management decisions.

Example 2.19. In the art workshop where cups are painted, at the end of each shift, total manufactured products and the number of cups painted by each employee. This is primary information. At the end of each month, the master sums up the primary information. On the one hand, this will be secondary intermediate information, and on the other hand, it will be resultant. The final data is sent to the accounting department, where the salary of each employee is calculated depending on his output. The calculated data obtained is the result information.

Display method. According to the method of displaying information is divided into textual and graphical.

Text information is a set of alphabetic, numeric and special characters that represent information on a physical medium (paper, image on a display screen).

Graphic information is various kinds of graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, etc.

Stability. In terms of stability, information can be variable (current) and constant (conditionally constant).

Variable information reflects the actual quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the production and economic activities of the company. It can vary for each case, both in purpose and in quantity. For example, the number of products produced per shift, weekly costs for the delivery of raw materials, the number of serviceable machines, etc.

Constant(conditionally permanent) information is information that is permanent and reusable over a long period of time. Permanent information can be reference, regulatory, planned:

permanent reference information includes a description of the permanent properties of the object in the form of features that are stable for a long time. For example, the personnel number of an employee, the profession of an employee, the number of a workshop, etc.;

permanent regulatory information contains local, industry and national regulations. For example, the amount of income tax, the standard for the quality of products of a certain type, the size minimum wage labor, tariff scale pay to civil servants;

permanent planning information contains planned indicators that are reused in the company. For example, a plan for the production of televisions, a plan for training specialists of a certain qualification.

control function. Management functions are usually classified economic information. At the same time, the following groups are distinguished: planned, normative and reference, accounting and operational (current).

Planned information - information about the parameters of the control object for the future period. This information is the focus of all activities of the company.

Example 2.20. The company's planned information can be indicators such as a production plan, planned profit from sales, expected demand for products, etc.

Reference information contains various normative and reference data. It is rarely updated.

Example 2.21. Regulatory reference information at the enterprise are:

time intended for the manufacture of a typical part (labor rate);

the average daily wage of a worker by category;

employee's salary;

supplier or buyer address, etc.

accounting information is information that characterizes the activities of the company for a certain past period of time. Based on this information, the following actions can be taken: planned information is adjusted, an analysis of the company's economic activities is made, decisions are made on more efficient work management, etc. In practice, accounting information, statistical information and operational accounting information can act as accounting information.

Example 2.22. Accounting information is: the number of products sold for certain period time; average daily load or downtime of machines, etc.

Operational (current) information is information used in operational management and characterizing production processes in the current (given) period of time. Serious requirements are imposed on operational information in terms of the speed of receipt and processing, as well as the degree of its reliability. The success of the company in the market largely depends on how quickly and efficiently it is processed.

Example 2.23. Operational information is:

the number of manufactured parts per hour, shift, day;

the number of products sold per day or a certain hour;

the volume of raw materials from the supplier at the beginning of the working day, etc.

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