How to draw patterns on the window. We analyze various ways to decorate windows for the new year


Russian winter is often called an artist, and this is true - well, can anyone repeat the fantastic patterns drawn out by frost overnight? New Year's feeling is brought by these snow pictures that occupied all the panes. And yet, year after year we try to compete with the winter cold, painting the windows with watercolors, stained glass and acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste. Perhaps soon you will also want to depict drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018, dedicated to the Dog . How to do this and what to draw on glass at home, at school or kindergarten? We will help you decide on the choice of window decorations - here you will find the necessary templates and stencils, as well as master classes on their application with examples on video and photos.

Beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year: stencils for 2018 Dogs

Since the coming year passes under the auspices of an animal that proves its devotion and loyalty every minute, many will want to decorate their homes with images of dogs. It could be pictures on the walls Plush Toys, comfortably settled on beds and sofas, plates with the image of puppies, slippers in the form of funny dogs, etc. In case you wish to depict beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year, stencils for 2018 Dogs you will find on this page .

A selection of templates and stencils for the Year of the Dog

Let New Year dedicated to the Dog - does this exclude the possibility of painting traditional Frost patterns? Of course, professional artists and naturally talented painters will not need any means at hand to help decorate glass. Others can download templates for free that help you apply beautiful drawings on windows in preparation for the New Year. You will find a selection of stencils for 2018 Dogs here.

Patterned drawings with toothpaste on the windows for the New Year: examples in photos and videos

Drawing on glass is a real pleasure for many. Indeed, a window can become an ideal “canvas”: if something goes wrong, the image can always be washed off with water, and working surface will again be ready to accept another masterpiece created by their own hands. Of course, none of the artists will ever be able to repeat the paintings woven by the bitter frost, but you can try to do it. For example, what prevents you from making patterned drawings with toothpaste on the windows for the New Year, examples of which you will find in the photos and videos under this text?

Master class on drawing with toothpaste on glass

If you'd like to paint patterned toothpaste designs on your windows as you prepare for the New Year, check out this tutorial and examples. finished works glass painting on photo and video.

So, start drawing snowflakes.

Multi-colored children's drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with gouache: photos of finished works

Winter, of course, is associated with white for everyone. But how bright everything else seems on a snow-white background! For example, multi-colored children's drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with gouache, photos of the finished works of which you will find on this site, may even remind you of summer. Indeed, why not depict the July heat on the "January" glass? And yet, most of us, especially children, choose a winter theme, drawing red-breasted bullfinches, Snow Maidens in a blue outfit, green fluffy Christmas trees, orange tangerines, colorful candies ...

Examples of gouache drawings on windows

It's great when the child himself wants to help you prepare for the new year and decorate the house for the winter holidays. Encourage him to get creative fine arts. Multi-colored children's drawings on your windows, made for the New Year 2018 with gouache, will be the best room decor. Look at the photo of the finished work and invite your son or daughter to draw something from the proposed options or put your own pattern on the glass.

Frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints: examples of ready-made patterns

It is unlikely that anyone will object to you if you say that no one will make the patterns on the windows better than the frost itself. And yet, most of us, preparing for the winter holidays, make frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints. It is enough to look at examples of ready-made patterns to understand how beautiful it is. Would you like to try decorating your house in the same way?

How to draw a frosty picture on the window - Master class with step-by-step steps

In order to draw unusual frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints (you will find examples of finished patterns just below), you first need to prepare everything you need. Prepare the paint (you can take toothpaste), brush, sponge and start creating a small masterpiece.

  1. Dilute toothpaste or white gouache to the state of liquid sour cream. Dip a sponge into the solution, remove excess liquid from it and start covering the windows with “frost” by pressing the sponge against the glass and sharply removing it from the window.

  2. After the base of the drawing has dried, cover its surface with patterns drawn with a brush.
  3. Again, wait until the almost finished drawing dries out, and again blot it with a sponge dipped in white paint or toothpaste.

  4. Not yet dried paint you can scratch a clear pattern (do this reverse side brushes).

  5. On the top of the windows, you can depict a starfall by applying patterns of snowflakes to the glass and filling the space around them with paint applied with a dishwashing sponge.

  6. Isn't the drawing reminiscent of the New Year's efforts of frost?

What to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten - Master class with photo

In all kindergartens they are waiting with special impatience for December - the children know: Grandfather Frost himself and his granddaughter Snegurochka will definitely visit them, give gifts to the most obedient children, and fulfill someone's wishes. To meet such long-awaited guests, you need to properly prepare. Preschool children should find out from the teacher what they can draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten. A master class with a photo will help the children cope with the task (not without the help of adults, of course).

How to decorate a New Year's window - children's drawings

If the guys still don’t know what to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten, a master class with photos (you will find everything on this page) will help them cope with creative task from an educator.

  1. Before you start creating a New Year's window, prepare toothpaste, brushes, a toothpick, a foam or sponge brush (required!), image stencils.

  2. Dip a foam brush in toothpaste or white paint and draw spruce paws on the windows.

  3. In order to give the branches a snowy volume, “stick” the drawn branches with a foam brush.

  4. After waiting for the drawing to dry, draw needles on the branches with the reverse side.

  5. Now you can draw Christmas decorations hanging from a spruce paw.

  6. Once you've glued or painted the snowflakes, you're done!

What can be drawn on the window for the New Year 2018 at school: photo and video examples

New Year is celebrated in every home and, of course, in all institutions. By the arrival of January, the walls of the premises are decorated with "winter" decor - garlands, tinsel, airy and glass balls. And what can you draw on the window for the New Year 2018 at school? This question will be answered by photo and video examples of finished work performed by teachers and students.

Examples of New Year's drawings on school windows

What and how can you draw on the window for the upcoming New Year 2018 at school so that the drawing can be washed off later? The photo and video examples show that the images are applied with fairly intense, thick strokes. Will such beauty wash off after winter holidays? Of course, unless you use oil paints. Gouache, watercolor, toothpaste washed off hot water with detergent.

What to draw on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018: Video and photo examples

If you plan to clean the windows from the drawings immediately after finishing new year holidays, use for work on glass easily washed off, leaving no traces and streaks of paint - watercolor, toothpaste, gouache. In extreme cases, use acrylic paints - they can also be washed off. Well, what is it possible to draw on glass with stained glass, almost indelible paints for the New Year 2018? See our video and photo examples of work.

Examples of works for the New Year with stained glass paints

For the winter holidays, households and friends can prepare unique gifts - using the technique of painting on glass, create with your own hands originally decorated wine glasses, framed paintings, even simple jars painted with unusual patterns. If you haven't chosen what to paint on the glass yet stained glass paints for the New Year 2018, video and photo examples posted on this page will give you ideas.

How to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush at home

If you want to prepare for the meeting on December 31 and all subsequent winter holidays “correctly”, learn how to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush at home and decorate your home with amazing drawings. If the resulting images will be to the liking of all household members, the curtains from the windows can be removed - this way the apartment will acquire for real new year look.

We draw New Year's patterns with a brush - Description of the process with a photo

Having learned how to draw amazing various patterns on the window for the New Year, using an ordinary brush, you will be surprised: you have everything at home to get started right away.

Having carefully studied the photo and video materials of the master classes, telling about the drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018, Eastern calendar passing under the sign of the Dog, depict gouache, acrylic or watercolor paints and a brush of Santa Claus, frosty patterns, the Snow Maiden, funny puppies, etc. Use free stencils downloaded from our website and decorate your home, school or Kindergarten wonderful window painting. Give your loved ones souvenirs related to New Year theme painted with stained glass paints.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone strives to decorate their home as brightly and festively as possible. As for the windows, this is one of the most favorite places for decoration, as they will delight not only the inhabitants of the house, but also people passing by with their elegant appearance. One of the simplest and most effective decoration methods is New Year's drawings on the windows.

Before you start painting the window space, you need to stock up on some inventory. The following tools may come in handy (depending on the chosen decoration method):

  • jar for water;
  • Toothbrush;
  • brushes for drawing;
  • scraper or stick;
  • cloth for washing the window;
  • sponge.

In addition, pre-prepared paper stencils may come in handy. Although you can draw on your own if you have talent.

Before painting, clean the surface of the window with special glass cleaners. They contain degreasing components, so that the pattern will hold on tighter and look better on a clean one.

Drawing options

For creating New Year's drawing on glass can be used:

  • artificial snow;
  • PVA glue;
  • toothpaste;
  • gouache or finger paints;
  • stained glass paints.

Never use watercolor. Unlike gouache or children's finger paint, it is very difficult to wash it off.

The choice of stained glass paints should also be taken carefully. It will not be easy to clean the glass from the dried pattern. Therefore, it is best to use children's paints. However, it is worth considering that then you should not draw on the windows, but on a specially prepared surface. After the inks have thickened, the pattern can be easily removed and can be transferred directly to the glass.

Method 1

Using PVA glue, you can quickly and easily create simple drawings.

  1. Apply the picture to the glass with glue.
  2. Spread glitter or tinsel evenly on the glue base.

In this way, funny and fluffy holiday pictures are obtained.

Method 2

This method is suitable for painting on windows with gouache, artificial snow in aerosol cans or toothpaste.

  1. Roll a small piece of thin foam rubber into a tube. Secure it with tape so it doesn't unfold.
  2. Prepare toothpaste or paint by squeezing a little onto a saucer.
  3. Dip a foam brush into the paint and paint.
  4. When the drawing dries slightly, you can add strokes to it with a thin-ended stick.

In this way it is convenient to draw spruce branches or other contour drawings on the windows for the New Year. For some details, you can use ordinary paint brushes, creating fine strokes and details.

Method 3

For this method, you can also use artificial snow, paints or toothpaste.

  1. Prepare stencils for drawing.
  2. Pour some gouache into a bowl. If you use toothpaste, add some water to it.
  3. Now attach the paper stencil to the glass. To do this, the workpiece must be glued to the window, slightly dampened with water or using tape (preferably double-sided).
  4. Dip a sponge into the prepared paint and stamp it onto the prepared surface.
  5. After 10 minutes, when the drawing dries, you can remove the stencil. Under it there will be a beautiful New Year's drawing.

Using a sponge, you can whiten the entire background of the window with gouache or toothpaste with water. And in order to create overflows in the whiteness of the snow cover, you can spray it with a spray bottle with water on the glass surface before stamping. Then the background in these places will be more transparent.

Method 4

For the described method, it is best to use white toothpaste.

  1. Prepare paper stencils.
  2. Apply them to the glass, securing with tape or water.
  3. Dilute a small amount of toothpaste with water to a liquid consistency.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into the atomizer.
  5. Spray the resulting white mixture onto the glass.
  6. When the drawing dries, you can remove the stencils.

The first spray from the sprayer is large and can ruin the whole look, so shake it down the sink.

Method 5

This is another way to create an imitation of snow grains on the window. You can use this method to create a background with a stencil or simply to decorate the remaining unoccupied glass surface.

  1. Dilute some toothpaste with water.
  2. Dip the brush in the prepared mixture.
  3. Sprinkle a layer of toothpaste onto the glass with a spattering motion.

Method 6

This method is suitable for painting with stained glass paints, the advantage of which, compared with other painting materials, is the ability to use different colors, as well as detailed drawing small parts.

You can create decor elements using such paint using stencils as described above, or you can use pattern templates. Applying a sketch of a picture, you just need to redraw the plot you like on the window. But if you do not have experience in drawing, then you can simply stick the template on the glass on the back of the window in such a way as to draw along the existing contours.

As already mentioned above, children's stained glass paints should not be painted on glass, but on a prepared surface, for example, on a dense file.

Pattern options

Decorating a window for the New Year is always a pleasant pastime. Coming to it interesting activity, you need to decide on the plot that you want to portray. Here are some drawing ideas:

  • snowflakes;
  • angels;
  • Christmas trees or forest landscapes;
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;
  • sleigh with reindeer;
  • candles;
  • present;
  • biblical stories;
  • houses.

If you are not an expert in drawing, then it is best to use a paper stencil. You can take it from the Internet, or you can make it yourself by simply transferring the picture you like from a book or magazine onto drawing paper or cardboard. All that remains is to cut the drawing out of paper along the contour and apply the image to the glass. The main thing is that the process of decorating the window brings joy to you and your household.

Recently real snow patterns on the windows have become a curiosity. Plastic windows made our houses lighter and quieter, but now you can look at the whimsical frosty curls only if you painted them yourself. H drawing snowflakes on the window is easiest with the help of toothpaste: it is always at hand, and it is much easier to wash it than paint. Even toddlers can handle this task.

In addition to toothpaste, you will need a cup, some water, and a toothbrush.

How to draw snowflakes on glass using toothpaste

1. First things first, cut the snowflakes - it is possible according to the schemes, but it is more interesting at the behest of fantasy.

2. Moisten the snowflakes and stick them on window glass or a mirror.

3. Squeeze toothpaste into a cup, dilute it with a little water.

4. Dip a toothbrush into the solution and shake it gently (this is done so that the spray is more even, without large drops).

6. When the splashes of paste lie well along the contour of the snowflakes, remove the templates.

You can experiment with snowflakes. For example, if you attach them to glass and spray them in two or three steps, you will get patterns that overlap each other.

To make snowflakes drawn with toothpaste look beautiful and not give you trouble, try to follow the following guidelines:

  • cut out airy, openwork snowflakes - a “negative” will remain on the glass, which always looks more bulky than the template;
  • do not fill the entire window with snowflakes, a border or corner will look much more spectacular;
  • in order not to splatter other surfaces with paste, cover them with newspaper using masking tape;
  • when the holidays are over, remove the snowflakes with warm soapy water using a sponge.

Painting snowflakes with toothpaste isn't the only way to decorate your home. portray

    The easiest option is to dilute with water, then apply to the stencil, and make an imprint on the glass. There is not a large layer left, which you can easily wash off, and then wipe the window dry! They draw whatever they want, nowadays you can find and print various stencils!

    Happy New Year!

    You can use watercolors and toothpaste to make color paintings on the windows. You can apply the drawing with a thin brush. Or you can apply toothpaste on a stencil to get a clear pattern. You can, for example, use white or blue-tinted toothpaste to draw winter forest, usually draw Christmas trees, snowflakes. Can you draw beautiful snow maiden or Santa Claus.

    Drawing on the window with toothpaste will not be difficult, but it will be especially interesting for children - be sure to dilute a little paste in water to make the paste a little thinner, then with a toothbrush you can apply patterns around paper snowflakes, as if frost had painted windows.

    You can draw with toothpaste a symbol of the New Year - a Sheep or a Monkey, a Tiger and a Boar, a Rooster and a Dog. You can draw a snowflake and a fairy-tale castle on the window with toothpaste, you can draw winter and a winter landscape on the window, find patterns with a monkey or Santa Claus and you will get a wonderful pattern on the window for the New Year.

    In addition to the above method with a sponge, you can make the background with a toothbrush. Dip the brush in the solution, hold the edge and spray as shown in the photo.

    And also watch the video how to draw with toothpaste on the window. and you can experiment with multi-colored pastes, a pink or blue solution, and it will be complete beauty, and draw a Christmas tree with green coniferous paste.

    Draw anything! Where will fantasy take you? And snowmen and animals, and they write their names)))

    And let's, with you, turn an ordinary window, and if you want a mirror, into a winter one! And it will blow from him with a blizzard, cold and, of course, the New Year! Shall we start?

    From the most ordinary paper we cut out snowflakes of different sizes and patterns.

    We dilute white toothpaste (in our case, pearls); with water. To the state of a paste.

    Dip snowflakes in water (the most common)

    Glue wet snowflakes to glass. Very neat, the work can be said to be jewelry.

    Soak up the water that will drain with a napkin.

    Sprinkle the part of the glass or mirror that should remain transparent with water.

    Now we make frost. We take our diluted toothpaste and use a sponge to apply it to the glass, using a stencil method. The places where we splashed water will be more transparent. You can try to apply the paste with a wet and dry sponge, the effect will be different.

New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays, which is loved by both adults and children. Therefore, it is important to prepare for it in advance. People start decorating their own homes from the end of November.

Decorating window and doorways will not take you much time. To decorate the house you will need improvised materials. BUT the right tools available to any homeowner. We will gladly help you with original ideas How to decorate windows for the New Year.

Paper toys are wonderful decorations

“Holiday crafts” is one of the most popular queries. It is also worth remembering that you definitely need the appropriate templates. Cut them out and make up toys with your own hands.

Window openings have a significant impact on general impression from the interior. In the process of decorating the room, they should be given enough attention. Make sure that the design is done in the same style.

A practical option is to use paper snowflakes. The symbol of the year should also be paid tribute. The mistress of the coming year will be a dog. Be sure to display her image on the window. New Year's motives can be different: the figure of Santa Claus, garlands, Christmas tree.

Such homemade products were recently called stencils or simply stickers. Today they have a different name - “vytynanki”, and they are used for decoration when preparing for the following holidays:

  • Birthday;
  • Halloween
  • The 14th of February;
  • International Women's Day.

the day before New Year holidays decorate not only houses, but also shop windows, glass doors of institutions, stained-glass windows of cafes. People create a festive atmosphere in the workplace.

DIY Christmas crafts

How to make vytynanki yourself? You can connect all family members to this creative process: from small to large. For stencils, it is enough to prepare ordinary paper. However, if desired, home craftsmen can use other materials:

  • foil;
  • metallized paper;
  • tracing paper.

Snowflakes with snowmen have long become traditional compositions, therefore, we can say that they are a little boring. Dream up and create your own New Year's masterpiece! Let your composition contain gifts, Christmas trees, deer with garlands and the main characters - Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.

And don't forget the Dog. She, too, can become the heroine of your composition. Images or drawings will help to make a New Year's stencil.

Prepare the following tools:

  • Board for cutting stencils
  • Scissors with straight and rounded ends
  • simple pencil
  • Gum
  • ruler
  • patterns
  • Stationery knife

Cut out large elements with a clerical knife, and for smaller parts, use scissors.

Recommendation: For those who can draw, it is not at all necessary to spend their time looking for suitable images. Draw them yourself. If you do not have the talent of an artist, then it does not matter - print a picture from the Internet. If there is no printer, then enlarge the image you like, lean a sheet of paper against the monitor and circle the outlines.

How to work with stencils?

There are several methods:

Take a new sponge and make a small brush out of it. To prepare the paint, you will need to mix toothpaste with water. Apply the image to the window glass and wait until it is completely dry. The resulting composition resembles snow.

DIY new Year decoration and stick them on the windows with a bar of soap. You can prepare a special adhesive by mixing flour with water.


Perform the main composition on glass with gouache. Use paper protrusions to complete the image.

To get a stencil picture, press the wet stencil against the window surface and circle the desired contours with soapy water. Use a sponge or brush as a tool. Any irregularities can be easily corrected with a toothpick.

The main way to attach the stencil to the window is with transparent tape.

Have you decided to create a panoramic composition for the New Year? Then the following tips may help you:


Small elements are also important, they can be used to make beautiful compositions. Place spruce branches, stars, snowflakes with garlands on top.

Note! If for the first time you decorate the windows in the house before the New Year, do not choose complex stencils. When you gain experience, you can make a vytynanka of any complexity.

If you take materials that have different textures or textures, you can create modern masterpieces.

Snow landscapes with toothpaste

Making holiday vytynanok is an exciting activity for people different ages. Snow patterns are applied with a brush and paste. This technique allows you to achieve the maximum effect, while the costs will be minimal.

To create a picture, you need to use:


  • Ready-made vytynanka
  • Toothbrush with paste

To get started, take a stencil of a candle or an angel. sharp corners better cut with a clerical knife, then the products will turn out neat, like factory ones.

The vytynanka is lowered into water or a soapy solution and pressed against the window. excess water should be blotted with a dry sponge or paper towel.

Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste into a container, add water and mix well. Apply a homogeneous mass to the brush with which you will spray on the glass. A unique decoration can occupy the entire surface of the window, the lower or upper part.

The stencils are removed when the paste is completely dry and the snow landscape is ready.

Original decor options

If you are interested in interesting design ideas, then you should not be limited to using ready-made stencils. They are sold everywhere: in specialized stores and supermarkets.

Using ready-made stickers is not difficult: they are easy to stick to any surface. After the holiday, the stencils can be carefully removed and put away in a box until next year. There are no traces of handicrafts left on the glass.

You can make almost the same stickers with your own hands. Prepare the following:

  • Universal polymer adhesive
  • transparent file
  • Image

Glue is applied along the edges of the picture and the sheet is inserted into a transparent file. It is necessary to wait about 10 hours for the glue to dry. Remove the resulting polymer sketch. The relief decoration is a hardened substance. Such stencils can be attached to mirrors, kitchen fronts and other furniture.

homemade garland

Alternative window decorations for the New Year are christmas garlands You can either buy them or make your own.

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • Fishing line or strong thread

Roll up cotton balls. They need to be strung on a fishing line. Between the balls should be approximately the same distance.

The length of the "snow rain" may be equal to the height of the window opening or be slightly shorter. The garland looks prettier when it has a lot of threads. In order to fix the decorations, a fishing line is used, fixed on the cornice or between the slopes.

Beautiful snowflakes are great for decorating garlands. In addition to them, you can hang small Christmas tree balls with colored rain on threads. Passers-by, looking into your windows, it will seem that it is snowing.

If households are involved in the manufacture of garlands, things will go quickly. You will definitely have time to decorate all the premises, working only in the evenings, when the whole family is gathered.

Useful advice! Place your homemade garlands, stepping back one step from the window. In this case, a shadow falls on the glass, and the homemade product looks more impressive.

Electric garlands are a traditional classic, in modern interpretation models are presented in the form of a luminous grid. However, it is already difficult to surprise anyone with this.

Creative ideas - take note!

Impressive paper panoramas that glow - new way decorate window openings before the holidays. It takes time to create such compositions, but it's worth it. And the tools you need are the usual:

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors

Apply on thick paper christmas pattern which is repeated. Use figurines of forest animals, Christmas trees, houses and other suitable elements. You can take images from the Internet.

It looks beautiful when the length of the garland matches the length of the window sill. To make such a decoration, glue several sheets of paper together.

Bend each sheet at the bottom by 3 or 5 cm. This will be needed for the stability of the composition. Paper strips are placed parallel to the window panes. Garlands and LED strips are installed between different compositions.

At nightfall, the decorations glow beautifully when they are illuminated by electric garlands or from the headlights of passing cars. The effect of chiaroscuro creates a unique New Year's atmosphere.

When there is not much time for making homemade products, transform the window opening with improvised means that you can find. Let it be an artificial Christmas tree, a toy Santa Claus with a bag of gifts or a candle.

Windows, decorated with inspiration and love, will give vivid impressions to the owners of the dwelling, who are waiting for New Year's miracles.

Finally, a couple more useful tips for those who want to prepare for the holiday properly.

The window sill acts as a stage for you. Its decoration is creative process. Romantic mood is created by candles in stylish candlesticks. Put them on the windowsill, and Christmas decorations and fir branches look good between them.

Candles can be placed on a small tray. If you put branches coniferous trees, then the room will be filled with an incomparable aroma. The composition made up of candles of different heights looks original.

To turn a window sill into a staging area New Year's fairy tale, use souvenir toys. Let your fairy tale be the main acting heroes There will be cubs and dolls. Stars, garlands or tinsel will complement the composition well.

Choose any fairy story New Year's fairy tale and start creating. Make the figure of the Symbol of the Year - the Yellow Earth Dog. May she be on guard for well-being all year round. The symbol of the year can be soft toy or paper craft.

To add a New Year's wish, make a stencil. If you write beautifully, then make the inscription by hand. Use watercolors and a brush. Letters can be made with a tube of toothpaste. Create any snow patterns - you will not find such decoration anywhere else.

Photo of decorations on the windows for the new year

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