KVN in dow preparatory group. Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group of the kindergarten


autumn fun in preparatory group d.s. #10

music director: Levochko L.A.


To the music .............. enter the hall

Presenter: We can not live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

Throw leaves at our feet.

Such a beautiful time

Miracle Autumn has come to us again!


    Autumn quietly came to the garden, invisible,

And she brought a magic palette with her to people.

    Painted red rowanberries in the gardens,

Splashes of scarlet viburnum scattered on the bushes.

    Yellow will paint the autumn of poplars, alkha, birches.

The rain pours with gray paint, the sun laughs with gold.

    Maple orange stands, as if, says:

“Look around – everything has suddenly changed!”

    Autumn lowered her brushes and looks around;

bright, kind, colorful holiday gave us.

Use song .....

Two Buffoons run in

1 Buffoon : Attention, attention, attention!

Fun festivities open! Hurry, honest people,

The fair is calling you!

2 Buffoon : To the fair, to the fair! Hurry all here!

Here jokes, songs, sweets have been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

1 Sk : What your soul desires - you will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts, you won’t leave without a purchase.

2 Sk : People are gathering, our fair is opening!

1 Sk : And we have guests, guests - Arrived from all volosts.

Today is autumn's name day, now we are celebrating autumn!

2 Sk : We glorify our autumn, we congratulate everyone on the autumn!

Children use the song ......................................................

1 Sk: What do you bring to the fair, what goods do you sell?

2 Sk : Go to your places, show all the goods!

(children are placed in groups-nations)

Buffoons approach the Cossacks

Buffoons: 1. What kind of dear guests with gifts are standing here?

2 What do they want to tell us about their beloved land?

1. Oh, Kuban, mighty power,

I am proud that you are my country.

You are the best in the world

I am forever devoted to you.

2. There is no place in the world more comfortable,

No, people are kinder and sweeter,

Than in my majestic country

In the Kuban, my dear.

3. You are handsome and cheerful, you are generous in Kuban,

The land of bread and songs is our Krasnodar land.

Spanish children ...............................................................

Children: You will accept a basket of delicious vegetables from us,

Bring it to the common table.


Buffoons approach Caucasians

1 Sk : These outfits are strange to me, where are you from?

2 Sk: Where is your wonderful land? Open your beauties as soon as possible!

Children (Caucasians)

1. Our Caucasian region, native expanses,

Boundless sky, blue mountains,

The sun is hot, the wind is salty

And the vineyard on the green hills.

2. Oh, the Caucasus, my homeland, blessed land of the ancestors.

Here they live according to the laws of honor, honor the elderly and honor customs. (Protect)

3. I love you, my mountainous land, a huge country.

From your peaks you look into the distance - the whole Motherland is visible!

Children spanish dance ..............................................................


3. We brought you various spices and spicy herbs to the fair,

4. So that you bring piquancy to food, and the barbecue would be with our seasoning.

2 Sk: We will thank the Caucasians for coming to us.

At our fair, we ask horsemen and ladies to stay.

1 Sk: Thank you for the dance, we say thank you to all of you.

buffoons approach the gypsies

2 Sk: I don't believe my eyes! Really gypsies? Indeed?

1 Sk: Now they will begin to guess and pull by the sleeve ...

Child "Gypsy":

Ai-ai-ai, how not ashamed to scare the gypsies!

We do not live for a long time by deceit, we sing, we play guitars

and perform at concerts!

Children spanish dance .............................

Buffoons approach the Russians

1 Sk : Where are the Russian merchants? Where are our fellows?

Offer your product, if you like for money, if you want - as a gift.


1. In our Russia, wealth is uncountable: rivers, forests and fields - everything is here!

2. And what kind of people live in Russia! They dance, draw and sing loudly!

Children use the song ...............................................................

Children (Russians)

4. Gingerbread, lollipops, bagels, for our attractive audience!

Sweet, on honey, let's put it in a hat!

5. Onions, cabbage, zucchini are for sale - everything is very tasty!

Come, have a look and put it in the basket!

6. Here are painted, golden, Khokhloma spoons!

Buy and slurp cabbage soup, open your mouth wide!

2 Sk: These spoons are not for soup, not for porridge, not for cabbage soup.

These spoons are for fun to have fun!

Spanish children .................................................

1 Sk : The fair was a success, there were so many goods here!

And now it's time to say goodbye, everyone to return home.

Presenter: Wait, don't rush, it's too early to close the fair.

We forgot to invite the main guest.

Autumn, autumn, do not be stingy, come to our Fair!

Autumn comes to the music .

Autumn: I am always happy to come to your kindergarten for the holidays.

I like to have fun, play in a circle of guys

Games: 1.................................



Autumn: On a hillock near the river grew viburnum,

With her red berry, how beautiful she is!

We will also admire the viburnum branches.

And let's dance a dance known to everyone, children.

Kalinka dance ..................................

Autumn: Songs and dances sounded here, jokes, friendly laughter sounded.

And I was most pleased that I managed to make friends with everyone!

Children use the song .......................................

Autumn : It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye,

You accept my gift, call me more often.

Handing out treats ..........................

KVN "Mysterious nature" - a meeting of the club of experts in nature for children of the preparatory group

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about the representatives of the forest
Tasks: Learn to correctly formulate your thoughts and expressions and use small folklore (jokes, nursery rhymes, riddles) in speech. Educator: Hello, today we have a regular meeting of our club, a club of cheerful and smart children, connoisseurs of our mother nature. We will sing, dance, guess riddles, have fun, play games.

Educator: Let's split into two teams. Let's welcome the Brook team and the Foresters team
Educator: I would like to introduce you to our jury:
Head of the kindergarten - Olga Alexandrovna
Senior teacher - Svetlana Borisovna
AND music worker– Irina Borisovna

Educator: For each correct answer, the Brook team will be given a shell, and the Foresters team will receive a bump.

The questions will be interesting, and most importantly, before answering, the team needs to confer. Today we will talk about the forest and trees, birds and different animals. And I want to start with a poem Viktor Shamonin

I walk along the forest path, on the right is the forest, and on the left is the forest.
I look up, and above me, the light of the Divine heavens!
Now the cuckoo will cuckle, then I will hear the woodpecker knock
And my soul rejoices, hearing every new sound,
And raindrops on the grass, spread out like a carpet,
And walks along the path, the sun is a ray of light.
Everything is painfully familiar here, in this fairy tale I am free,
I feel a sense of home, in the sweet side of the heart.
I will soon sit on the stumps, I will hear the cry of the crane,
A wonderful, heavenly corner - This is my homeland!

Educator: Guys, what is this poem about?
Children: about the forest
Educator: This is what we are going to talk about now. Now I will ask questions in turn to different teams

1. You can make flour from the seeds of this tree, you can make coffee, and even get cereals. (Oak)
2. Which tree has a poisonous bark, so animals do not gnaw it. (Bird cherry)
3. The piano is made from what kind of wood? (Spruce)
4. This tree has very sweet juice, so people collect it in the spring? (Birch)
5. What kind of wood are the skis made from? (Birch)
6. Since ancient times favorite tree Russian people, especially poets and writers? (Birch)
7. The wood of this tree is used when building boats, small seaworthy vessels. Since its wood is resistant to decay (Larch)
8. The tree from which matches are made? (Pine)
Children in teams take turns answering

Educator: I am sure that children not only know riddles and poems about trees, but also know how to sing songs. I invite the children's choir senior group perform the song "On the mountain is viburnum", and the rest we sing along.

Children sing a song

Educator: Well done, but we need to keep going. And I invite readers who will read you a poem Vladimir Orlov"Good Tree"

Educator: And now guys, guess riddles about birds.
1) All day the fisherman stood in the water,
The bag was stuffed with fish.
Finished fishing, took the catch
Climbed up - and was like that (Pelican)
2) What birds do not have a tongue? (Albatross and Pelican)
3) Spinning, chirping, busy all day? (Magpie)
4) Not hours, but time tells? (Rooster)
5) Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (Penguin)
6) Standing on one leg, staring into the water.
Pokes his beak at random - looking for frogs in the river? (Heron)
7) He wears a colorful robe in his forest chamber,
He heals the trees: he will knock and it will be easier for them. (Woodpecker)
8) He wants - he will fly straight, he wants - he weighs in the air,
Like a stone falls from the heights and sings in the fields, sings? (Lark)
9) He comes to us with warmth, having come a long way
Sculpts a house under the window of grass and clay? (Martin)
10) Tell me what an eccentric
Does he wear a tailcoat day and night? (Penguin)

Educator: Introducing the jury

After the jury announces the results, a boy in a Sparrow costume runs in.

Sparrow: I am a sparrow.
I live among people.
I know everything about the guys
What do they do, where do they go?
How they dance. (Runs away)

Educator: And now it's time to pay attention to our viewers. Blitz poll.
The picture is brought in

Educator: Dear viewers, take a close look at the picture, in a minute we will remove it and check your attentiveness.
1) What animals are shown in the picture? (4 bears)
2) How many bears: 3,4,5? (4)
3) What forest is depicted? (Bor)
4) What trees are shown? (pines)
5) How many bears are sitting in the trees? (3)

Educator: The audience is just great, and your attention is developed just fine.
Educator: Let's continue, dear teams. You know the trees, the birds too, and now we'll see if you know the animals.

1) An animal covered with thick fur. Lives in the north. He loves reindeer moss and gets it with his hooves and
horns from under the snow. (Reindeer)
2) Which animal runs with its hind legs forward? (Hare.)
3) He looks like a shepherd dog, that not a tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth, is he ready to attack a sheep? (Wolf)
4) Get into the habit of a poultry house - expect trouble.
5) Does the red tail cover its tracks? (Fox)
6) Water masters, building a house without an ax (Beaver)
7) Blind "excavator"? (Moles)
8) What scary beast loves raspberries. (Bear)
9) What animal can be called long-eared? (Hare)
10) A cat with tassels on its ears. (Lynx)

Educator: Introducing the jury

The folk melody "From under the oak" sounds. A boy dressed as a bear comes out

Bear: I am a forest animal, Bear-Bear,
I'm not evil and I won't cry.
Girls and boys are my friends
I want to play with you.
The game "At the bear in the forest" is being held

Educator: Indeed, what kind of forest without mushrooms and delicious berries. Are the team leaders ready to name them? (Take turns calling mushrooms, berries)
Team captains competition
And the children in the teams help their captain. Whoever named the most wins the competition.
Children: wild strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, fly agaric, mushrooms, boletus, morel, mushrooms, etc.
Educator: Well done, you know a lot of mushrooms and berries. And now I suggest that you perform a round dance "In the garden, in the garden"

Children lead a round dance
Educator: In the meantime, we had a round dance, I think it's time to take stock of our meeting. The floor is given to the jury

Educator: Let's go guys
Wherever we live
We will plant trees
Let's plant gardens!
May each of us
The tree will be planted now

Children with a teacher plant a tree on the territory kindergarten. They tie it with a red ribbon to see how much it will grow in a month.

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