Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech for children of the older group Topic: “Compiling a story based on a series of pictures. scary beast


A sample is given in cases of difficulty in compiling a story by a child.

Katya and Vova went to the forest for mushrooms. Suddenly, under an old oak, in a hollow, they saw someone's burning eyes. The children decided that a terrible beast lurked there. They were very frightened and ran away from the old oak, Grandfather Yegor came across them. My grandfather had a hunting rifle. Grandfather Yegor was not afraid of anyone. Together they approached the hollow. Grandfather Yegor put his gun forward and shouted in a menacing voice: “Come on, terrible beast, come out!” And then a small funny ... kitten came out of the hollow. Katya and Vova laughed, and grandfather Yegor said: “What a terrible beast!”



Goals. Have children make up a story based on a series of plot pictures.

An adult shows a series of plot pictures about Petya and his dog and asks children questions about the content of the pictures.

Course progress. QUESTIONS

When it was? (On the first of September.) - Where did Petya go? - Who went with him? - What was Petin the dog carrying? - Where did he go? - Did Petya see his dog or not? - Who did Petin the dog Druzhok meet? - What was in the teeth black dog? - What did the dogs do? - Did Petya see that the dogs had changed? - What will Druzhok bring to school? - What will Petya say to his dog? - Did Druzhok turn out to be a reliable assistant?


1. Change of one noun by cases

Noun briefcase added to the sentence in the correct case.

Petya took to school ...

Peter is used to his...

Dog Druzhok exchanged Petin...

Petya was left without ...

Now Petya will go to school with a new...


Petya - Druzhok - school. Druzhok - briefcase - school. My friend - meet - Chernysh. Druzhok - Chernysh - change. Friend is a bone. Chernysh - briefcase. Druzhok - school - bone. Friends - laugh - bone. Petya - scold - Druzhok.

3. Drawing up a story with visual support in the form of a series of plot pictures


A sample story is given to the child in cases of difficulty in compiling a story on his own.

On the first of September Petya went to school. Petya was accompanied by his beloved dog Druzhok. Druzhok carried Petya's briefcase. Petya was proud of his dog. No one had such a learned dog! Petya walked with a bouquet of flowers and did not look back. At this time, the familiar dog Chernysh approached Druzhok. Chernysh carried a bone. The dogs stood, looked at each other, and changed: Chernysh took the briefcase, Druzhok took the bone. Petya will be left without a portfolio on the first of September! That's the "reliable assistant" dog Druzhok!



Target. Teach children to retell a large story.

Course progress. The lesson begins with reading a story to an adult.


One summer, brother and sister - Lena and Seryozha - went to the forest for mushrooms. They wandered for a long time, very tired. Only Lena collected a full basket, and Seryozha found only two mushrooms. Sergei saw that his sister had collected more mushrooms, and was upset. "I'm not going home! - shouts. - These mushrooms are bad! Bad forest! He threw the basket, fell to the ground and cries. “Well, what are you, Seryozhenka! Lena tells him.

Mushrooms are not to blame, and the forest is not to blame either. Think about it: mushrooms don't care
fry in one frying pan. Take my basket, otherwise I'm tired, it's hard for me.
And I'll take yours." Seryozha listened to his sister, calmed down and said: “I
I will carry. Only it is not heavy, it is very valuable. Thank you, sister!"


When it was? - Where did Lena and Seryozha go? - Who are they to each other? - Who is older? - Who is younger? - How many mushrooms did Lena collect? - How many mushrooms did Seryozha collect? - Why was Serezha upset? - What did Seryozha say? - Why did he say that? - What hurt him? - What did Lena say to her brother? - Why did she say that? Was it really hard for her? - Did Lena understand her brother's resentment? Was she laughing at him? - Did Lena take care of her brother? - What did Seryozha say to his sister?

What is the value of this basket of mushrooms for Seryozha? - She turned out to be a caring sister
Lena? - What else girl Lena? - What is the best way to teach another person: kindly or
evil? - If Lena laughed at her brother, would he understand his mistake? - For what
Seryozha said “thank you” to his sister: for a basket or for good words?


1. Selection of several definitions and including them in the proposal

When compiling sentences, the child's attention is drawn to the fact that the word being defined should be at the end of the sentence, for example: Whichmushrooms did the girl collect? - The girl collected large, beautiful, strongmushrooms.

What kind of girl is Lena? (Caring, attentive, sensitive, kind, etc.)

What was the day? (Clear, sunny, hot, summer.)

What kind of mushrooms did the girl collect? (Strong, large, beautiful, edible.)

What kind of girl was Lena? - On what day did Seryozha and Lena go for mushrooms? - What kind of boy was Seryozha? - In which forest did the children pick mushrooms?

By this time, in the lexical and grammatical classes, the speech therapist had already studied the topic “Distribution of sentences with several definitions” with the children.

2. Drafting proposals for key words

Children - forest - mushrooms. Lena - basket - mushrooms.

Seryozha - two mushrooms. Threw - fell - cried.

He listened - calmed down - he says.

3. Retelling the story in its entirety with visual support in the form plot picture



The cat is so cute: the breast is white, the legs are gray, smooth, it lies in the sun, it is heated - the soul rejoices. But it depends on who. Everyone knows that for a mouse there is no beast worse than a cat. But the mouse, which is stupid from the fable "The Terrible Beast", saw a beast with a good-looking appearance and said: "Kind, kind ...". And she was not afraid of him. But the loud-voiced rooster was frightened. And only the mother suggested to the silly mouse who truly should be feared. Appearances are sometimes deceiving...

"Terrible Beast"

The mouse went for a walk. She walked around the yard and came back to her mother.

- Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary and the other is kind.

Mother said:

- Tell me, what kind of animals are these?

The mouse said:

- One, terrible, walks around the yard like this: his legs are black, his crest is red, his eyes are bulging, his nose is hooked. When I walked past, he opened his mouth, lifted his leg and began to scream so loudly that I didn’t know where to go from fear.

- This is a rooster, - said the old mouse. - He does no harm to anyone, do not be afraid of him. Well, what about the other animal?

The other lay in the sun and warmed himself. His neck is white, his legs are gray, smooth, he licks his white breast and moves his tail a little, looks at me.

The old mouse said:

- Stupid! After all, it's a cat.

When it comes to painting, the imagination tends to paint pastorals and stately portraits. But actually art multifaceted. It happened that very ambiguous paintings came out from under the brush of great artists, which hardly anyone wants to hang at home. In our review of the 10 most scary pictures famous artists.

1. The great red dragon and the monster from the sea. William Blake

William Blake known today for his engravings and romantic poetry, but he was little appreciated during his lifetime. Blake's engravings and illustrations are classics of the Romantic style, but today let's take a look at the series watercolor paintings Blake, which depict a large red dragon from the book of Revelation. This painting depicts a large red dragon, which is the embodiment of the devil, which stands on a seven-headed beast in the sea.

2. Study of the portrait of Innocent X by Velázquez. Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. His paintings, striking in their boldness and gloominess, are sold for millions of dollars. During his lifetime, Bacon often painted his own interpretations of the portrait of Pope Innocent X. In Velázquez's original work, Pope Innocent X looks thoughtfully from the canvas, while Bacon portrayed him screaming.

3. Dante and Virgil in hell. Adolphe William Bouguereau

Dante's Inferno, with its depiction of horrific torture, has inspired artists since the publication of this work. Bouguereau is best known for his realistic images classic scenes, but in this painting depicted a circle of hell where the impostors are constantly fighting, stealing each other's identities through a bite.

4. Death of Marat. Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch is the most famous artist Norway. His famous painting"Scream", which personifies melancholy, tightly ingrained in the minds of any person who is not indifferent to art. Marat was one of the leading political leaders French Revolution. Since Marat suffered from a skin disease, he spent most day in the bathroom, where he worked on his works. It was there that Marat was killed by Charlotte Corday. The death of Marat was depicted by more than one artist, but Munch's painting is especially realistic and cruel.

5. Severed heads. Theodore Géricault

Most famous work Géricault is the "Raft of the Medusa" - huge picture V romantic style. Before creating major works, Géricault painted "warm-up" paintings like Severed Heads, for which he used real limbs and severed heads. The artist took similar material in morgues.

6. Temptation of St. Anthony. Matthias Grunewald

Grunewald often painted religious images in the style of the Middle Ages, although he lived during the Renaissance. Saint Anthony went through several trials of his faith while living in the wilderness. According to one legend, Saint Anthony was killed by the demons living in the cave, but later revived and destroyed them. This picture depicts Saint Anthony, who was attacked by demons.

7. Still life of masks. Emil Nolde

Emil Nolde was one of the first expressionist painters, although his fame was soon overshadowed by a number of other expressionists such as Munch. The essence of this trend is the distortion of reality in order to show a subjective point of view. This painting was made by the artist after researching the masks in the Berlin Museum.

8. Saturn devouring his son. Francisco Goya

In Roman myths, which are largely based on Greek mythology, the father of the gods devoured his own children so that they would never overthrow him from the throne. It is this act of killing children that Goya portrayed. The painting was not intended for the public, but was painted on the wall of the artist's house, along with several other grim paintings known as common name"Black painting".

9. Judith and Holofernes. Caravaggio

There is a story in the Old Testament about the brave widow Judith. Judea was attacked by an army led by the commander Holofernes. Judith left the city walls and went to the camp of the army besieging the city. There, with the help of her beauty, she seduced Holofernes. When the commander slept drunk at night, Judith cut off his head. This scene is quite popular with artists, but Caravaggio's version is particularly creepy.

10. Garden of earthly delights. Hieronymus Bosch

Usually Hieronymus Bosch associated with fantasy and religious paintings. "Garden earthly pleasures"is a triptych. The three panels of the picture respectively depict the Garden of Eden and the creation of mankind, the Garden of earthly delights and the Punishment for sins that occur in earth garden. Bosch's work is one of the most gruesome, but the most beautiful works in the history of Western art.


  1. Teach children to compose a story with a visual reference to the series plot pictures, displaying the sequence of events and being a visual plan of presentation.
  2. Continue to teach children to make complex sentences by answering questions.
  3. Develop visual attention and perception.
  4. Cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the works of writers: L.N. Tolstoy, E. Shim, N.N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky; exercise "Cat" , development of general speech skills; viewing a series of paintings "The Hare and the Snowman" , "How a hedgehog picked apples" , "The Starlings Have Arrived" , compiling stories from a series of pictures.

Demonstration material: a series of story pictures "Terrible Beast" .

Handout: Animal Overlay Pictures (according to the number of children), coasters with pencils.

Dictionary activation:

  • nouns: oak, beast, gun, hollow;
  • adjectives: old, scary, funny, burning, hunting, menacing;
  • verbs: set off, got scared, laughed, decided, put up, got caught, hid.

Individual work:

  • Zhenya A. - control of the correct coordination of words in phrases.
  • Ksenia K. - assistance in compiling complex sentences.

Lesson progress

Children stand in a semicircle.

Guys, tell me, please, who is the writer? (A writer is a person who writes stories).

What writers do you know? (L. N. Tolstoy, N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky, etc.).

Guys, do you want to be writers? (Yes).

1. Considering a series of plot pictures, placing them in the right sequence.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs standing in a semicircle in front of the easel). Today we, as writers, will compose a story from pictures.

(The teacher randomly places pictures on the easel).

Look at the pictures and try to put them in order.

(Children are given time to look at the pictures, after which the child called to the easel puts them in order).

2. Consideration of each picture separately, conversation on the content. Work on clarifying, activating and expanding the dictionary.

1 picture

What time of year is shown in the pictures? (summer has come).

How did you guess about it? (The bright sun is shining. Everything is green around. Children are dressed lightly).

Who do you see in the first picture? (In the picture we see a boy and a girl).

Let's give them names. (The boy's name is Vanya, and the girl's name is Katya).

Where do you think Katya and Vanya went? (Katya and Vanya went to the forest).

What other words can be used to say that they went to the forest? (Let's go, let's go, let's go, hurry up).

Why did they go to the forest? (They went to the forest for mushrooms, for berries, for flowers, for cones).

How did you guess that the children went for mushrooms? (They have baskets in their hands).

What can be said about their mood? (They are cheerful, contented, joyful).


Let's look at the second picture.

Why do children look scared? (Because in the hollow they saw someone's burning eyes).

Where was the hollow? (The hollow was under the old oak tree).

Why were they scared? (Because they thought there was a terrible beast lurking there).

Tell me, who did they meet? (They met grandfather.)

What did he look like? (He is old. He has long beard. He is dressed in a raincoat, on his feet are red boots, on his head is a blue cap. He carries a gun on his shoulder.).

Guess what your grandfather's name was? (Grandfather's name was Yegor, Sasha, Matvey ...).


What is happening in this picture? (Children tell grandfather about a terrible beast under a tree).

What is grandpa doing? (He thinks what to do).


What happened when they got to the tree? (Grandfather Yegor prepared a gun for a terrible beast, and the children hid behind a tree out of fear).

What do you think he says? (Hey, who's out there. Who's hiding here? Come on, scary beast!).

6 picture

Why was grandfather Yegor very surprised? (He saw not a terrible beast, but a cat).

How did you guess that you were surprised? (He raised his cap and scratches his forehead with his hand).

Why are Katya and Vanya smiling? (Katya and Vanya smile because the cat turned out to be a terrible beast).

3. Physical education. Exercise "Cat"

The teacher invites the children to go to the carpet, stand in a circle and show what cats are.

That's what a cat, Sneak around in a circle one after another on toes. Round face, stop, depict with both hands

muzzle, shake their heads. And on each paw, Rhythmically pull forward then the left, then right hand. Claws are scratches. They jump on their toes, while keeping their hands on their belts. All toys for him - Performing jumps, move in a circle one after another. Cube and reels. The cat is like a ball, Jumping around the apartment.

4. Drawing up a story along the chain.

Guys, now I will turn on the recorder, and you tell this story from beginning to end. Someone will start, and someone will continue, be careful. (Tells 3 people).

How can you name the story? ("Terrible Beast" , "Incident in the Forest" , « Interesting story» etc.).

What words can start a story? (Once, once, it was summer, one fine summer day...).

How can you finish the story? (Grandfather recognized his cat and they went home). (The children took the cat home, and they themselves went further into the forest for mushrooms).

Who can come up with their own story? Own title for the story, other names of children, grandfathers, and the end of the story).

Your stories will be printed and placed in the parents' corner.

sample story "SCARY BEAST"

One day, Katya and Vanya went to the forest for mushrooms. Suddenly, under an old oak, in a hollow, they saw someone's burning eyes. The children decided that a terrible beast lurked there. They were very frightened and ran away from the old oak tree. Grandfather Yegor came across them. My grandfather had a hunting rifle. Grandfather Yegor was not afraid of anyone. Together they approached the hollow. Grandfather Yegor put his gun forward and shouted in a menacing voice: “Well, terrible beast, come out!” And then a small funny ... kitten came out of the hollow. Katya and Vanya laughed, and grandfather Yegor said: "What a terrible beast!"

5. Exercise What animals are hiding in the picture? .

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables, on which there are already pictures and stands with pencils.

What animals are hiding in the picture? List? (Hare, wolf, bear, fox, moose, squirrel, hedgehog, cat).

What animal is missing here and why? (The cat is superfluous here, because it is a pet).

Color the cat and the smallest animal. (Children color).

Who did you color? (Cat and hedgehog).

Why? (The cat is a pet and the hedgehog is the smallest animal).

6. Reflection of the lesson

Children are invited to the table, on which there is a basket and mushrooms.

Put the fungus in the basket, and tell us what we did today? (We looked at pictures, made up a story from pictures, played a game "Cat" , considered animals).

Municipal budget children's educational institution child development center kindergarten №47 "Hello" Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech for senior group Subject: "Composing a story from a series of pictures" Compiled by the teacher N.I. Kashurkina Sarov 2016

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