Munchausen what a day. Who wrote "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"? Biography and career of Rudolf Erich Raspe


Alla Mikheeva and Ilya Averbukh (400,000 - 800,000 rubles)

1. What is the name of Gogol's comedy?
2. What they say about the newspaper article on hot topic?
3. What helps close window sashes?
4. Who or what, according to Karl Marx, roams Europe?
5. Which feint was masterfully performed by Zinedine Zidane?
6. How did Yuri Olesha name the writers?
7. What helped Phileas Fogg win the bet in Around the World in 80 Days?
8. What type of billiards will require 15 red balls?
9. In which city was the world's first Fashion Week held in 1943?
10. What is the name of Miss Marple, the heroine of Agatha Christie novels?
11. How singing voice Ivan the Terrible sings in Rimsky-Korsakov's The Tsar's Bride?
12. What was the profession of Philippe Petit, who in the 1970s rented a helicopter and circled over the buildings of the World shopping center?
13. What, as scientists recently found out, are the caterpillars of a large wax moth capable of doing?
14. What inspired Edvard Munch to paint The Scream?

Questions to the second pair of players

Marina Kim and Pyotr Tolstoy (1,500,000 - 0 rubles)

1. What they say about a person in trouble financial position?
2. What is pouring out of a household cooler?
3. What can be found on the cerebral hemispheres?
4. What is a hockey shootout?
5. Who or what is the best man holding during the wedding?
6. What is the name of a bird of the falcon family?
7. Whose name is not derived from the word "message"?
8. Which countries are connected by the Mont Blanc tunnel?
9. In which of the directions of Christianity can a Catholicos be the head of the church?
10. What dye is made from indigo leaves?
11. What day, according to the film "The Same Munchausen", gave hometown main character?

Answers to the questions of the first pair of players

  1. "Inspector"
  2. one day
  3. latch
  4. ghost of communism
  5. "pinwheel"
  6. engineers of human souls
  7. international date line
  8. English snooker
  9. NY
  10. Jane
  11. does not sing
  12. tightrope walker
  13. degrade polyethylene
  14. eruption

Answers to the questions of the second pair of players

  1. sits aground
  2. free throw
  3. crown
  4. balaban
  5. vestals
  6. Italy and France
  7. orthodoxy
  8. basma
  9. May 32

When they ask me the question: “What is my favorite domestic film?”, I answer without hesitation - “The same Munchausen”. Why? I won't even say for sure. I like everything about it. The magnificent plot of Grigory Gorin, in which there is a lot of subtle, kind, sincere and sharp humor. Almost every phrase is a gem! Brilliant acting. And what actors! Constellation! And of course, a wonderful production by Mark Zakharov.

The story of this film begins with theatrical performance- the play "The Most Truthful", for the creation of which the plots of the works German writer Rudolf Erich Raspe about the adventures of the legendary Baron Munchausen, Grigory Gorin wrote at the request of the actor Vladimir Zeldin, who really wanted to play the role of Baron Munchausen. The performance was staged at the Theater of the Soviet Army and was enjoyed by the audience incredible success. Mark Zakharov watched this performance and decided to transfer it to the big screen.

Here is how the director himself tells about how he had the idea to make a television version of the play: "The same Munchausen" began for me with a wonderful play by Grigory Gorin, when I saw premiere performance on it in the Theater Soviet army. Munchausen is a wise and skillful jester who instills in people a joyful belief that miracles can become a reality. But meets with misunderstanding of the majority. And people who don’t fit into the majority have always interested me personally.”

However, the members of the artistic council also had doubts about the correct choice of the director. Zakharov was told that Yankovsky was not suitable for his age and was suitable for the baron as a son. Screenwriter Grigory Gorin also doubted Yankovsky, writing in his memoirs: “Before that, he played direct, tough, strong-willed people- Volga characters, betraying his origin. I did not believe in his baron. Work began, he got into character, changed before our eyes. He grew into the role, and Munchausen appeared - smart, ironic, subtle. What a mistake it would be if we took another actor!

Nevertheless, Zakharov managed to defend Yankovsky's candidacy. “There was an element of risk in the invitation to the role of Baron Munchausen Oleg Yankovsky,” the director recalled. But to Oleg's credit, there were also comedic colors in his acting palette, which in the film, especially in its first part, found a worthy embodiment.

But to choose an actress who will play Martha, it turned out to be a difficult task. Among the contenders for the role of the baron's lover were Irina Mazurkevich and Galina Zolotareva, but Zakharov was inclined to shoot Tatiana Dogileva in the film. To make a choice in favor of Elena Koreneva, who, in the end, was invited to shoot, it helped that Koreneva, unlike Dogileva, as well as more than half of the performers in the film, was not an actress led by Zakharov "Lenkom". “If everyone is taken to the shooting, who will play in the theater?” Mark Anatolyevich remarked.

The actor of the Theater of Satire Yuri Vasilyev “got used to” in the role of Theophilus, but Leonid Yarmolnik was approved.

An actor from the Moscow Art Theater Kolesnikov auditioned for the role of Ramkopf, but the majority of the artistic council voted for Alexander Abdulov. They said that although there is no irony in him, there is youth, charm, he has the sympathy of the audience.

But Leonid Bronevoy was approved without trial.

In the opening scene of Munchausen's conversation with the hunters, along with Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Katin-Yartsev, German actors were filmed, who were later voiced by Russians. If you look closely, you can see that their articulation does not match the text.

A deer with a cherry tree on its head, which comes out of the forest in support of Munchausen's words, was not easy to portray. “When we came to the zoo to shoot the animal, it turned out that the deer were just shedding their antlers, so there was nothing to fix the tree,” says Vsevolod Yakubovich, operator of combined shooting. - They tried to shoot a scarecrow, but he had empty eyes. Then resorted to combined shooting. At the zoo base of the Tsentrnauchfilm studio, they found a maral, which could be passed off as a deer, decorated the lattice of the enclosure under the forest, laid turf. They released the deer, and instead of walking in front of the camera, he began to roll on the ground. Then we decided to try to lure the deer with a treat. It worked. He followed him in the right direction. Then we took a cherry stem from the Biological Station of Moscow State University and attached artificial flowers to it. Our familiar choreographer from the Operetta Theater, having carefully studied the passage of the deer, repeated his movements with a tree on his head. After that, the tree was cut out and combined with a deer.

Combined shooting was also used in the scene of the passage of Martha and Baroness Jacobina in a carriage. “We filmed this episode in the Mosfilm pavilion, and we had to place a German urban landscape in the carriage window,” says Vsevolod Yakubovich. - It turned out that the shots taken in Germany did not fit: the camera was placed on a high tripod, and the windows of the carriage were at the level of the second floor. I had to greatly enlarge the image and use only the bottom of the frame.”

“There is a scene in the film: Munchausen's servant looks through a spyglass and, when he sees flying ducks, gives the baron a sign,” says Vsevolod Yakubovich, the operator of combined filming. “He shoots into the chimney, and a roast duck falls out of the fireplace. As planned, the servant was supposed to see ducks flying at him in the pipe. When we began to look for such a passage in film libraries, we found many shots where ducks fly away from the camera, but not a single one for them to fly in the other direction. I had to arrange a film hunt for ducks and drive them towards the camera. A bear also participated in the filming of the film - according to the plot, he came out of the forest during the ducal hunt. For the beast to go the right direction, he was lured with a jar of sprat - when they knocked on it, the bear went to a familiar sound.

A German stuntman took part in the filming, a sort of German macho. During the break, the dashing Abdulov approached him and offered to measure his strength: find out who has stronger fingers. They crossed index fingers and started leaning on each other. “Suddenly I hear a crunch, I look, Abdulov’s finger is somehow unnaturally twisted,” says Dolinsky. - I tell him: "It seems that he broke it for you." “It doesn’t seem like it, but for sure,” Abdulov replies. How then Zakharov cursed! Alexander was put in an inconspicuous cast, with which he continued filming. But his adventures didn't end there. Right on the set, Abdulov also managed to break his toe.

Mark Zakharov already spoke about this: “I didn’t break it, I dislocated it. Abdulov - very gambler and persuaded me to let him jump from a four-meter fence without an understudy. The second director - a more experienced person - said that it was necessary to make a special hole, softening the impact on the ground, something else. I took it lightly. As a result, Alexander Gavrilovich jumped and injured his leg. I was very sorry that I gave in to him. There was another episode that involved a risk for Yankovsky when his hero climbs a rope ladder. At first I tried it myself, the steps go out from under my feet, it's scary. But Yankovsky, without an understudy and insurance, climbed to a decent height.

"The same Munchausen" less than the rest of Zakharov's tapes suffered from censorship - for example, when surrendering to the artistic council " Ordinary miracle Every phrase had to be defended with a fight. A single insignificant scene was cut out of Munchausen: “Director Mark Zakharov set me the task of writing words for a song about Munchausen, which the heroine of Lyubov Polishchuk would have to sing,” says poet Yuri Entin. - Recorded by Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya. When the film came out on the screen, I sat down at the TV hoping to hear my song, I watch the first series, the second - there is no song, although my last name is indicated in the credits. Then it turned out that the song was banned because of Polishchuk, who at that time, for some reason, was in disgrace on television. I reconciled myself, did not include “The Same Munchausen” in my filmography, but a few years later the song was returned to the film.

The director himself believes that he owes such luck to the fact that the film was handed over on the eve of the New Year, and the film officials who received the film were already in a pre-holiday mood, as a result of which they were not so picky about his new creation. From the very first show on television, the film became very popular, and now, after more than thirty years have passed since the premiere, it, having acquired the status iconic painting, remains beloved by a huge number of viewers.

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