Think about what. Cliche for an essay in Russian


Book: Edgar Allan Po-Narration by Arthur Gordon Pym Translated by Viktor Shovkun

Section Twelve

I have already thought more than once about the fact that we will soon reach this last terrible extreme, and mentally decided to accept death in any form and under any circumstances, but not to agree to such a way out. And my resolve was not in the least weakened by the hunger that tormented me unbearably. Neither Peters nor Augustus heard Parker's proposal. So I immediately took him aside, mentally asking God to give me the strength to persuade him to abandon his terrible intention; I began to plead in the name of all that is holy, I gave many arguments that practical circumstances required, I persuaded him to put this thought out of his head and say nothing to our two other comrades.

Parker listened to me without raising a single objection, and I already began to hope that my words had reached his soul. And when I stopped talking, he declared that everything I said was true and that resorting to such a means means making a tragic choice that can only stand before a person, but that he endured as much as a living creature can endure, and that there is no need to perish. to everyone, when the death of one, possibly and even very likely, will save the rest, and in vain I try to persuade him, he will not back down anyway, because he finally decided even before the appearance of an unknown ship, and only the sails on the horizon forced him to restrain himself and not yet inform about your intention.

Then I began to ask him to postpone the implementation of this plan for at least one day, if he did not want to abandon it completely, and to wait, or some ship would not come to our rescue, I again took all possible arguments that only came to my mind and which - so it seemed to me - could affect his rough nature. In response, Parker said that he did not respond until the very last moment that without food he would not last an hour, and therefore tomorrow would be too late - at least for him.

Seeing that he did not succumb to affectionate persuasion, I changed my behavior and tone. He must know that I passed all the tests more easily than others, and therefore I feel much better than he, then Peters, or Augustus, and, in short, I can simply resort to force to act mine, and I will throw him overboard if he decides to tell our comrades about his bloodthirsty, man-eating plan. Then Parker grabbed me by the throat and, pulling out a knife, tried several times to stab me in the stomach, but he was too weak, and he failed in the assassination attempt. Being seriously angry, in the meantime I pushed him to the side and was about to throw him into the sea. He was saved from immediate death only by the intervention of Peters, who, coming up, separated us and asked what was the reason for the quarrel. Before I could stop him, Parker explained everything.

His words had more chilling consequences than I had hoped. Both Augustus and Peters had been secretly cherishing for a long time that same diabolical idea that Parker had first expressed aloud purely by chance, and now they took his side, insisting on the immediate implementation of the bloody plan. So, in vain I hoped that at least one of them would have the strength of mind to oppose such a horror, and then, having an accomplice, with his help, without any doubt, I would not have allowed bloodshed. My hopes were not justified, and now I had to take care of my own safety, since my comrades knew from thirst and hunger, and if I had resisted further, they could save me for this the right to participate on an equal footing in the tragedy that was inevitably approaching.

I said that I was sticking to their proposal and only ask you to wait another hour, let the fog that surrounds us clear, and maybe we will see yesterday's ship again. I had to persuade them for a long time until they agreed to postpone the matter for this a short time. Soon a breeze blew, the mist - as I thought - cleared in less than an hour, but the horizon was clear, and we prepared to cast lots.

It is with great reluctance that I dwell on the drama that followed. I had to go through a lot later, but this drama, in all its smallest details, will never be erased from my memory, and the bitter memory of it will darken every minute of my existence until the end of my days. Let the reader not complain if I lay out this part of the story very briefly - as far as the events described will allow. To play the fateful lottery that was to decide the fate of each of us, we could not think of anything else but to draw lots. Therefore, we cut four thin rolling pins, and it was decided that I would hold them. I went to one end of the ship, and my unfortunate comrades sat silently on the other, turning their backs to me. I experienced the greatest torment during this drama when I began to make the rolling pins into a line. No matter what circumstances a person finds himself in, everywhere and everywhere she passionately strives to save life, and this desire is all the more violent, the thinner the thread that connects it with earthly existence. But now that the secret, well-defined, and formidable work I was doing (so unlike fighting a storm or the unbearable pangs of hunger) gave me the opportunity to think about how to avoid the most terrible of deaths, death for the sake of cannibalism, self-control, which I had held on for so long flew away like feathers in the wind, and I felt like a helpless victim of a disgusting, unstoppable horror. At first, I didn’t even find the strength in myself to break off and make rolling pins - my fingers did not obey me, and my knees were trembling so much that they painfully beat one against the other. Mentally, I went through many ways - one more pointless after another - how to avoid participating in a bloody prank. I wanted to fall on my knees in front of my comrades and beg to be released from my cruel duty, I wanted to rush at them and kill one person, making drawing lots unnecessary - one word, I thought about anything, but not about the task that I was entrusted with. From this prolonged dizziness I was awakened by the voice of Parker, who demanded that I put an end to their painful minting. But even then I still could not force myself to lay out the rolling pins, and further I thought about what trick to induce one of my comrades in misfortune to draw the shortest lot, because it was agreed between us that for the sake of saving others, the one who pulls me out will die from the hand a short rolling pin. If someone wants to accuse me of cruelty, let him first be in my position.

It was impossible to delay any further, and although my heart almost jumped out of my chest, I went to the forecastle where my companions were waiting for me. I held out my hand, and Peters did not hesitate to train his lot. Death bypassed him - he pulled out not the shortest rolling pin. And my chances of survival are down by one. Gathering all my courage, I returned to Augustus. He, too, immediately train his lot, and he, too, was lucky. Now the probability that I will live has decreased to fifty percent. At that moment, a truly bestial fury overwhelmed me, and I felt a deaf satanic hatred for poor Parker, for my comrade in misfortune. But this feeling quickly developed, and, trembling all over and closing my eyes, I handed him the two rolling pins that I had left. At least five minutes elapsed before he mustered up the resolve to cast his lot, five minutes of tormenting tense uncertainty which I stood with eyes closed. Here one of the splinters was sharply pulled out of my hand. The die was cast, but I did not yet know in whose favor it fell: for me or against me. Everyone was silent, and I did not dare to look at the rolling pin, which remained in my hand. At last Peters took my hand, I forced myself to open my eyes, and I saw from the expression on Parker's face that he had been sentenced to death, and I would live. Gasping for air, I fell unconscious on the deck.

When I came to my senses, I saw the denouement of the tragedy - death overtook the one who called it. Parker offered no resistance; Peters stabbed him in the back and he fell dead. I will not talk about the bloody feast that took place immediately after that. Such things can only be imagined, but no words can bring to consciousness the exquisite horror of their reality. Let me just say that first of all we quenched our infernal thirst with the blood of the slaughtered one, and then mutual agreement they cut off his head, arms and legs and threw him into the ocean with his entrails, and the rest ate a piece for the next four days, which I can never forget - the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth of July.

On the nineteenth, when it rained for fifteen or twenty minutes, we managed to collect some water with the help of a sheet, which we dragged out with a dredge immediately after the storm. it was no more than pivgalon, but this is not a large number of gave us strength and hope.

On the twenty-first, we again heard ourselves at an impasse. The weather was still clear and warm, with only occasional breezes and fogs, mostly from the north and west.

On the twenty-second, as we sat huddled together and thought sullenly about our fate, a thought suddenly flashed through me, with which a glimmer of hope also flashed. I remembered that when we cut down the foremast, Peters, who was standing near the anchor chain on the windward side, gave me an ax and asked me to hide it in a safe place, if possible, and that a few minutes before the last brig rolled giant breaker and flooded the ship with water, I took the ax to the cockpit and put it in one of the closets adjacent to the port side. And now I thought that if we found that ax, we could cut through the deck above the barn and get some provisions from there.

When I told my comrades about this plan, both of them gave a little cry of joy, and we all headed for the forecastle. It was much more dangerous to go down here than into the wardroom, because the passage was narrow; Let me remind you that the entire superstructure above the ladder to the wardroom was washed away by the waves long ago, while the descent to the cockpit, which was a simple hatch about three square feet in area, remained unscathed. I, however, did not hesitate for a second; as before, I was tied around my waist with a rope, and I bravely dived into the water, feet down, quickly reached the closet and found the ax on the first try. It is difficult to convey with what delight and joy I was met on the surface, and the ease with which I was lucky enough to get an ax was considered a good sign that promised us final salvation.

Hope gave us strength, and Peters and I took turns cutting the deck all night - Augustus' wounded hand did not allow him to help us even a little. We were so weak that we could barely stand on our feet and could only work for one or two minutes without rest, so it soon became obvious that we would need long hours in order to achieve the goal of cutting a hole wide enough in the deck through which we could to go down to the pantry. This circumstance, however, did not chill us in the least, and, having labored all night by the light of the moon, by the dawn of the twenty-third of July we had finished our work.

Peters volunteered to dive first. Having tied himself with chains and rope, he went down to the pantry and soon returned with a small jar, which, to our great joy turned out to be a jar of olives. Dividing the olives among ourselves, we ate them greedily and prepared to lower Peters a second time. This time his success exceeded all our expectations: he returned to the deck almost immediately with a large ham and a bottle of Madeira. We drank only a sip of wine, knowing from experience how dangerous it is to abuse it. The ham is almost completely spoiled from sea ​​water except for a piece of two pounds at the very bone. we shared the edible part, and Peters and Augustus couldn't resist - they swallowed their portions instantly. I behaved more cautiously: afraid of imminent thirst, I ate only a small piece. Then we decided to take a break from the work, which turned out to be very difficult for us.

At noon, we heard ourselves much better and, with renewed strength, we began to get food. Peters and I took turns diving until sunset. We were lucky, sometimes more, sometimes less, and we got out of the pantry four more jars of olives, a little smaller than the first, a ham, a three-liter braided bottle with wonderful Madeira and, which brought us special joy, a small tortoise from the Galapagos family; Captain Barnard took several of these turtles before leaving the schooner Mary Pitts, which went to the Pacific Ocean to hunt seals and had just returned from a voyage.

In my story, I will have to remember more than once about this breed of turtles. They live, as many readers probably know, on Galapagos Islands- islands and is named after this creature: the Spanish word galapago means freshwater turtle. Behind unusual shape and their behavior is sometimes called elephant tortoises. Some of them are gigantic. I myself have seen several weighing between twelve and fifteen hundred pounds, although I do not remember any of the sailors saying that they met specimens heavier than eight hundred pounds. They look strange and even disgusting. They move very slowly, moving their legs heavily and measuredly, and carrying their bodies a foot above the ground. Their necks are thin and very flexible, mostly from eighteen inches to two feet long, and I once killed a tortoise which was at least three feet ten inches from the shoulder to the end of the head. Their head is remarkably similar to that of a snake. These turtles can go incredibly long without food. There are cases when they were kept in the hold of a ship for several years, without feeding anything, and at the end of this time they remained as fleshy as at the beginning, and were generally in a wonderful condition. And in one respect, these amazing creatures are similar to dromedaries - one-humped camels, desert dwellers. Under the very neck they have a bag with a constant supply of fresh water. they were sometimes slaughtered after a summer fast, and up to three gallons of clean, clear water were found in this bag. They feed mainly on wild parsley and celery, as well as purslane, seaweed and prickly pear; especially useful for them is the last plant, which grows abundantly on the slopes of the coastal hills, exactly where the tortoise itself lives. their meat is a wonderful and nutritious food, and there is no doubt that thousands of seafarers engaged in whaling and other trades in pacific ocean owe them their lives.

The tortoise we were lucky enough to catch in the flooded closet was small in size and weighed somewhere between sixty-five and seventy pounds. We got into the hands of a female, very fleshy, and in her bag we found about a quart of clear and clean fresh water. It was a real treasure, and, falling on our knees in one impulse, we gave thanks to the Lord for such timely help.

It cost us considerable effort to pull the tortoise through the hole onto the deck, as it resisted furiously, and its strength is amazing. She nearly slipped out of Peters' arms and darted back into the water, but Augustus put a noose around her neck and held it until I jumped down to Peters and helped him pull her out.

We carefully poured water from the bag into a jug, which, as you probably remember, we got from the wardroom. Then we beat off the neck of the bottle, plugged it with a cork, and we got something like a glass with a capacity of one-eighth of a pint. Everyone then drank this measure, and it was decided in the future to limit himself to this amount for the day.

The weather had been dry and warm for the last two or three days, and the bed-clothes we had obtained from the saloon and our clothes were quite dry, so that night (the night of the twenty-third of July) we passed in relative comfort, consoling ourselves in a carefree rest after a generous dinner of olives and ham, seasoned with a sip of wine. Fearing that the wind might rise during the night and throw our supplies overboard, we tied them as best we could to the wreckage of the windlass. They decided to keep the tortoise alive as long as possible, so they turned it over on its back and also carefully tied it up.

1. Edgar Allan Poe Narration by Arthur Gordon Pym Translated by Victor Shovkun
2. Chapter One My name is Arthur Gordon Pym. My father was...
3. Section two, given the properties inherent in the most ...
5. Section Four I correctly determined that the brig had taken off...

Let's analyze the composition of the composition in order.


Problem (What?)
Complex, important, serious, deep, topical, topical, acute, unresolved.

Problem (What?)
Upbringing, education, patriotism, heroism, nobility, intelligence, the meaning of life, fathers and children, personality formation, preservation mother tongue, the influence of the beauty of nature on man.

Typical designs

The author reflects on the problem
The author of the text raises the issue
The author's focus is on the problem
The text (name of the author in r.p.) raises the problem
The text (name of the author in r.p.) made me think about difficult problem
(name of the author in im.p) invites its readers to think about the problem
How (why, why, etc.)…? It is this problem that attracts the attention of the author.
What is duty (honor, nobility, intelligence, etc.) and what role does this concept play in the life of a person and society? The author reflects on this problem.

The problem (of what?) of the meaning of life.
The question (about what?) about the meaning of life.

The second element in the essay is the commentary on the problem.

A comment is an explanation of a remark, reasoning about the problem of the text you have highlighted.

Artistic text
The author reveals the problem on the example of a case from life ... (the relationship of someone with whom)
It is no coincidence that the writer portrays (who, what)
The action of the hero indicates that ...
The words (thoughts) of the hero show that ...
The author condemns / approves the act (s) of the hero (s)
Sympathy of the author on the side (whom)

publicistic text
The problem is revealed by the author on the example ...
As an example, reveals
The author makes the reader think (over what)
The author turns the problem to
In the author's reflections, the idea is that
The author shares the opinion (of whom)
The author is sincerely admired, upset (by what)
The author leads us to the conclusion that

The problem (of what?) is one of actual problems our time.
This social (moral, etc.) problem has centuries of history.
Each of us has faced this problem more than once (where, when).
Like most of us, the author believes that
The author examines in detail
The author draws our attention to

Author (What is he doing?)
Notes, describes, emphasizes, dwells on, gives an example of how ..., notes importance, considers, quotes, confirms his thoughts with quotes, relies on opinion, analyzes, tells, compares, contrasts, proves, convinces, comes to a conclusion.

The author's position is manifested in the following points: the author's attitude to the depicted phenomena, events, characters and their actions. When reading the text pay attention to language tools, in which the author's attitude is expressed with the help of marker words, evaluative vocabulary, means, expressiveness, introductory words, incentive sentences.

The position of the author can be determined by answering the following questions
positive or negative human qualities manifested in the actions, words, thoughts of the hero?
How do the characters around him feel about him?
How do the actions of the hero around the characters affect him?
How do the actions of the hero affect the other characters in the story? Do you agree with the hero or not?
Does the author condemn or approve of the character's behavior?
What did the author want to tell the readers, showing the speech, thoughts, actions of the hero?

Remember: Even if the author does not directly speak about his attitude towards the hero, and the hero does, from your point of view, wrong, commits acts that bring evil to others, then most likely the author thinks the same way as you.
Remember: The position of the author and the hero-narrator may not coincide!

The author believes that
The author leads the reader to the conclusion that
Arguing over the problem, the author comes to the following conclusion
The position of the author is
The position of the author, it seems to me, can be formulated as follows
The author calls us (to what)
The author assures us that
The author condemns (who/what, for what)

Argumentation of one's own position.

In the essay, you must express your opinion, whether you agree or disagree with the author. In your answer, you must provide two or one argument from literature or personal life.

For example: It is difficult to disagree with the position of the author. I also believe that mercy is the main virtue of human nature and that we should by all means keep it in our hearts.

You must then back up your position with two arguments.

Argumentation is bringing evidence, explanations, examples to justify any thought in front of listeners (readers) or an interlocutor.

Arguments are evidence given in support of the thesis: facts, examples, statements, explanations, everything that can support the thesis.

The idea that unhealthy fast food, hamburgers and our favorite shawarma around the corner can trigger depressive moods is not new. AT Western world have long been practicing the treatment of apathy with proper nutrition, and some psychologists have devoted this phenomenon scientific works, writes I want .

depression and food

There is a psychologist in Australia named Felicia Jaka. She treats severe depression not with traditional medicines and searching for problems from her patients' childhood, but will look for the problem in their diet.

If Jaka is right, changing eating habits could be a key factor in people's recovery from depression. There is good reason for this: a series of studies recent years confirms that fatty and sweet foods are bad for the mind as well as for the body. The result is a whole cascade of brain reactions to destructive substances, ultimately leading to depression.

Of course, the fact that fast food can cause depression does not yet scientific evidence, but has already managed to scare the entire Western world.

For example, the US Department of Defense is supplying war veterans with healthy food as part of an experiment. They want to see if it makes a difference proper nutrition to reduce the number of suicides among former military.

Of course, no one says that the diet should immediately replace already existing methods treatment: Xhaka's subjects will take their medications along with adjusting food preferences. If at the expense healthy eating if you can increase the speed of recovery from depression or save other people from the symptoms of this disease, the diet will be excellent in an additional way treatment.

physical and mental

If a direct link between depression and a love of fast food has yet to be proven, then it is quite possible to understand why your favorite foods can affect the mental component of health. This has been known for 20 years.

Even at that time, it was believed that stress can weaken the human immune system, which causes a large number of diseases. However, studies have shown that people with depression have a high concentration of cytokine proteins in their blood, which can lead to injury and inflammation.

Scientists were able to figure out that there is a two-way process: not only can depression cause inflammation, but inflammation can also lead to depression. This is also confirmed by the fact that patients often report depression to their doctors before they know about the fatal diagnosis.

Where is the lethargy?

There is a theory that says that the state of lethargy during illness is evolution. Dr. Eisenberger puts forward this statement:

When we are dealing with an infection, we need to slow down, use our energy to recuperate, instead of following the usual load.

I would like to invite you to think collectively about what constitutes a currently the most noisy part of the politicized LiveJournal party. I'm talking primarily about the so-called liberals.

Why are they not liberals, namely liberals?

Firstly, because their ideas are ideas of servility to the so-called "civilized countries", as well as a certain part of "big capital", which can be safely called comprador. The real liberal in a certain sense soil worker.

Secondly, because the actions of these people imply a selective approach in solving certain problems. Which is unacceptable for a true liberal.

Let's take the same noise about Bakhmina.

What is this if not a classic example of a selective approach?

In Russia there is serious problem. The problem of keeping people in places of deprivation of liberty. Let's put aside the problem of guilt-innocence. Let's look at how people sit, and even criminals are people too.

There is forced labor, which is unacceptable. For the same Khodorkovsky (let's omit my attitude to this subject), his "unwillingness to master the profession of a seamstress-mechanic" was put forward as grounds for not granting parole. Fig with him, that the very name of the profession in relation to a man sounds comical. Here the main thing is different, he was FORCED to learn a profession, and even work in it. Meanwhile, this is a compulsion to work, which is ILLEGAL!

Article 8 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that no one shall be subject to forced or compulsory labor. (Entered into force March 23, 1976.)

ILO Convention No. 29 (1930) obliges states to abolish the use of forced labor in all its forms. This use of forced labor should be punished as criminal offense. Article 2 under forced labor means any work or service required from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which that person has not offered his services.

Why don't liberals use the example of the Khodorkovsky case to ring the alarm bell about such a blatant violation not only of his human rights, but of the rights of hundreds of thousands of other prisoners?

The very conditions of detention of people. Places of deprivation of liberty are affected by an epidemic of tuberculosis.

About the system of excessive suppression of personality, but actually trampling into the dirt human dignity, I'm silent.

Why all sorts mikhail62 don't they trumpet it on every corner?

I know these are all rhetorical questions. Air concussion, because these wrestlers do not want to understand at all what freedoms and human rights are. These "empty matters" are indifferent to them. For them, liberal slogans are a kind of toolkit for "solving problems." The fact that their noisy and ostentatious activities does not arouse sympathy in anyone in the people, they do not care. The fact that thanks to their "efforts" the very principles of social liberalism are ridiculed among the people, they are deeply on the drum.

But try to say it! Immediately there will be heaps of accusations of zhidochikism, and at the same time "sarcastic" comments in the style of "the fool himself."

to think


Which is correct: "think about" or "think about"?

The use of prepositions depends on the meaning of the verb ponder .

Think about what - in order to find out, in search of a solution: think about problem solving.

think about what and think about what - indulge in thoughts, reflections: think about the past, think about the past.


think about the past and reflect on the past, but only think about the problem.

Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. Yu. A. Belchikov, O. I. Razheva. 2015 .

See what "think" is in other dictionaries:

    THOUGHT- THINK, think, think, sov. (to ponder). 1. Indulge in thoughts, reflection. He thought about solving the problem. We have to think about how to get out of this situation. || Immerse yourself in your thoughts, fall into thoughtfulness. "He thought... Dictionary Ushakov

    ponder- come up with, think, fall into thoughtfulness, soar thoughts somewhere in the clouds, cook with a bowler hat, think, daydream, immerse yourself in thought, think with your mind, soar your thoughts far away, brainstorm, ponder, think, estimate, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    THOUGHT- THINK, ayus, aeshsya; sovereign 1. Indulge in reflection, immerse yourself in your thoughts. Z. over the task. Z. about the future. 2. with negative and with indefinite Detect indecision, hesitation in something. (colloquial). I didn't think to tell the truth. | inaccurate… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    THOUGHT- See POV VV Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

    ponder- ayus, aeshsya, owls .; ass / wash, nsv. 1) (on what) Direct your thoughts to specific person or an object in order to find out what l., find what l. decision. Think about problem solving. Think about the problem of raising a child. What are you over... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    ponder- over what and about what. 1. over what (in order to find out, in search of a solution). Think about a difficult problem. Think about problem solving. What are you thinking about? Do not ask what I am thinking about (Fet.) 2. over what and about what (to indulge in thoughts, ... ... Control Dictionary

    to think- owls. neperekh. see Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    ponder- think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, thoughtful, thoughtful, thoughtful, thoughtful, thoughtful, ... ... Forms of words

    ponder- vb., St., use. often Morphology: I will think, you will think, he/she/it will think, we will think, you will think, they will think, think, think, thought, thought, thought, thought, thought, thought, see nsv ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    ponder- THOUGHT, vayus, vaeshsya, nesov. (sov. THINK 1, ayus, aeshsya), without additional. 1. Turn sour, ferment (about food, drinks, etc.); spoil, act up (about mechanisms, etc.); rise (about prices). 2. Work slowly (about the computer) ... Dictionary of Russian Argo


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