Drawing seaweed. How to draw the underwater world with paints


Maria Nepelyak
Synopsis of GCD "Algae in the Aquarium" Drawing (pencil)




To form the ability to draw vertical lines from top to bottom in a limited space, to hold correctly pencil with three fingers just above the sharpened part, without squeezing hard

Develop the ability to distinguish and name color (green, brown, shape (round, size (long short)

Cultivate a caring attitude towards living objects


Form skill draw objects(pebbles) round shape in a limited space


- aquarium

guppy fish

Trainer skirt (wedge "fish")

1/2 sheet of paper with a picture aquarium for each child

Lesson progress:

surprise moment

The teacher enters the group in a training skirt (wedge "fish" holding a glass jar with a fish in his hands (guppies).

Look, children, who will live in our group now? (Fish) The teacher tells that this fish is from the store, she wanted to live in a nursery and make the children happy. She will live in her house aquarium.

Let's show the fish its home.

Children show aquarium in a living area, then consider his: large, round, transparent. The teacher tells the children that aquarium made of glass, you need to be very careful with it, as it can break.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the fish must live in water, without it it will die.

What do you see in aquarium?

The children say that there is water in the aquarium, there are pebbles inside and seaweed. Consider seaweed, determine that they are long, green. Long lines are drawn in the air from top to bottom.

Complication: children say that in there is water in the aquarium, inside is algae and rocks. There are a lot of pebbles, they lie at the bottom aquarium - below. Determine that they are rounded. Children in the air make shaping movements. The color of the stones is called brown.

Release the fish in aquarium.

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the skirt.

What do you see on the skirt? (Fish, seaweed)

What colour seaweed? (Greens)

How much is here algae? (A lot of)

Show short seaweed.

(Children show, then the teacher asks to run along the entire length algae fingers)

Now show long seaweed. (Show and run fingers along the length algae)

Fish also want to live in aquarium, but it doesn't. (algae)

What needs to be done to appear seaweed? (draw)

What color do you need pencil, to draw algae? (green)

Children take pencil, the teacher reminds you how to hold pencil. Then draw seaweed direct vertical lines top down. The teacher reminds that algae should be long, there must be a lot of them.


When the children draw seaweed, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the pebbles that lie at the bottom aquarium. Then he asks what shape, color, what you can draw stones with a pencil. The teacher asks to show where the children will be draw pebbles. Children show and call - below (aquarium) . The teacher reminds the children that the pebbles are round and a lot of them in the aquarium. Children draw below aquarium round stones.

When the drawings are ready, the children look at them and admire their work. The teacher tells the children that if the fish like the work, then they will definitely appear in aquariums. Children put work for them in the pocket of a training skirt.

For a surprise moment, the teacher sticks fish in algae aquariums, puts the work in the pocket of the training skirt again. In the afternoon or the next day, asks the children to get their work and look aquariums see if there are fish there. An emotionally positive mood of children is created from their work.

Many houses have this wonderful invention, which creates a special aura and gives the room a sense of mystery and tranquility. An aquarium is usually a glass vessel in which the conditions familiar to marine life are artificially created. Often there are not only fish, but also algae, sand, stones or various decorations.

This container can contain no more than 1 cu. m, since a large capacity in an apartment cannot fit. Inhabitants can be crustaceans, reptiles, corals, marine and even freshwater fish, molluscs. You need to know this before drawing an aquarium. For a quality life of such inhabitants, filters, thermometers and thermostats are provided in the tank.


The turn has come to proceed from word to deed and figure out how to draw an aquarium with fish. And again, a person cannot do without geometric knowledge. We draw a three-dimensional cube. It can be slightly expanded in length.

Stepping back a little from the upper border, we make the edge of the water, not forgetting to draw a wavy line of restless water on the edges. At the bottom of the aquarium we have groups of pebbles. On the left we draw long branches of algae, and a little to the right short but thick leaves of the plant. In the center, slightly above the bottom, we depict a small octopus with five limbs and a round head-body. We draw two eyes and a smile. And now, diagonally to the right of it, we draw two fish: below we make a small perch, and on top of a larger crucian. This fish must have a beautiful tail and scales. We draw human eyes with a century and eyelashes. Add an eyebrow on top. On the left in the upper part of the aquarium we make out a flock of small fish. There should be four. In a chaotic manner, we draw bubbles of oxygen.

We direct with a felt-tip pen all lines and borders.

We decorate the picture: we make the bottom of the container blue, the pebbles are brown, the plants are green. We paint the water blue, leaving white bubbles. For greater realism, we make strokes on the sides blue color(but take a slightly darker color). The octopus should be purple, small fish should be blue, and large fish should be yellow. Under the aquarium gray tint draw a shadow.


And now let's complicate the technique of work a little and try to learn how to draw an aquarium in stages. The container is represented as a rounded sphere.

Slightly below the upper border, draw the surface of the water. We make water circles there. At the bottom we cover a ball of round pebbles. On the sides we have algae plants. We place two fish, direct them towards each other. They should have big lips, forked tails. On the left on the side face, draw a highlight in the form of a point. Throughout the aquarium we draw bubbles of different sizes.

Color with colored pencils. The entire container is shaded blue color. We make the plants green, the fish orange, and draw the pebbles along the borders in gray.

simple drawing

Let's relax a little and figure out how to draw an aquarium with a pencil even easier. We make a ball, which we fill almost to the brim with water.

At the bottom we draw algae and stones. A little higher we make a fish directed to the left, and even higher a smaller inhabitant, but we turn it to the right. Near each fish we make out three or four bubbles of oxygen.

We make the water blue, green algae against the background of gray stones. The bottom fish will be burgundy and the top fish orange.

Sunken Castle Aquarium

It is difficult for little artists to accurately maintain the correct lines of forms, so they should have a little help. So, how to draw an aquarium for a child. We make a cross. We connect the tips smooth lines bends. From above and below we cling a stretched rectangle.

In the upper rectangle we draw the border of water. On the sides we make a bend that repeats the shape of the previous one. At the bottom we make an uneven surface of algae, stones and sand. On the right side we make out the outlines of the fish.

Detailing the image. Based on all the constructions, we describe the boundaries of a round ball. Now we also do with the surface of the water, which we describe from below. At the bottom we make a small castle, draw pebbles. The fish should have a round inflated shape, lips, eyes are made very large.

It remains to correctly decorate all parts of the aquarium. We make the stones brown. The algae is green, and the fish will be painted in all shades of brown. We make water from three colors: blue, blue and turquoise. We arrange them in such a sequence from bottom to top. Do not forget to add different bubbles over the entire surface of the container.

Drawing with cotton swabs. Master class with photo

Master class on drawing "Underwater world"

Dumler Tatyana Petrovna, drawing teacher of the MAOU gymnasium No. 56 in Tomsk
Purpose: this work is intended for small artists, teachers, parents.
Target: Perform a gouache drawing using an unconventional method.
- learn to draw animals of the underwater world
- develop imagination, creativity
- to promote the development of fine motor skills, attention.
Materials: To complete this work, we need drawing paper, gouache, a brush, cotton buds, a glass of water.

We offer first-graders to plunge into the magical world of the sea kingdom.
To begin with, a water surface should appear on the landscape sheet. With a wide brush, the guys paint over the background with paints of cold shades.

Gouache dries quickly. After a short conversation (or game, riddles, presentation), the guys start drawing marine life. brown paint draw a turtle: the body is a large oval, the paws are triangles, the head is a small oval.

Another amazing and beautiful inhabitant of the seas is a jellyfish. We draw it with lilac (or purple) paint. Semicircular body, ornate tentacles.

And of course it is difficult to imagine the sea without fish, beautiful, unusual, fabulous. Ocher (or yellow paint) draw the body of an oval-shaped fish.

Cotton swabs as a material for drawing have been used for a long time. But for little artists it is always very unusual and intriguing. I propose to decorate our heroes with patterns using cotton swabs.

We dip a cotton swab into the paint, apply it to the drawing, creating patterns. We continue to decorate the turtle. For each color we use a new stick, put them in a glass.

To decorate the jellyfish, we use pink tones. I suggest that the guys mix white and pink paints to get a new shade. We also mix purple and white helmets. The guys apply patterns at their discretion.

You can decorate the fish with warm colors.

We perform the sandy bottom with yellow, brown, ocher paints. Algae first draw with a brush.

The children themselves choose further decoration of the picture. You can add other algae, you can draw stones, shells, you can draw air bubbles.

Try this work with your students and you will see what wonderful "masterpieces" you get. Good luck! Thank you for watching!

Lesson of drawing with paints for children from 8 years old

Degtiartseva Natalya Vasilievna, teacher of MAOU DOD DDTT
Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania
The work is intended for children aged 8 years and older, teachers and parents.
Purpose: gift for family and friends, interior decoration.
Target: master the technique of drawing with cotton swabs and a brush.
Tasks: educational - to master drawing techniques: priming, separate stroke, lacing; developing - to develop fine motor skills brushes, imagination and fantasy of the child; educational - to cultivate aesthetic taste.
Materials and tools: paints, palette, cotton buds, brushes, a glass of water, napkins.

Various techniques drawing.
We draw with a brush.
For painting, you need to prepare a set of brushes. In the palette, dilute the desired color of paint with water. When switching to another color, the brush must be washed well in water.
We completely apply the brush to the sheet of paper and carefully lift it up without brushing the brush over the sheet. A petal remains on paper. You can touch a sheet of paper not with the whole brush, but only with its tip: half of the petal will be printed. So you can draw flowers, leaves, rays of the sun, algae.
Separate smear.
With a brush, draw each stroke separately from the others. Any number of colors can be used. A separate smear can be applied to a pre-dried light background. You can draw on white, tinted, colored paper. So you can draw the rays of the sun, a sprig of spruce, algae, tree leaves.
Lysirovka is a layered work. Start it from the very light tone. Then a second layer, brighter, is applied to the dried first layer. After drying, a third layer is applied, even brighter. That's what shades do.
Inhabitants of the deep sea.
To draw the sea, you need to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the deep sea.
Seaweed- plant organisms that have mastered sea ​​spaces. By its structure and appearance they are very varied.
red algae- mainly inhabitants of the bottom of the seas. Coloring of algae from bright red to bluish-green and yellow. Red algae are also called purple algae. The sizes of crimson from 1 cm to 1 meter. Among them there are filiform, lamellar, cylindrical, crusty forms, in the form of branched bushes. Algae are always attached to stones, shells with the help of filamentous outgrowths - rhizoids. Algae have no roots. Red algae live at great depths (up to 200 meters). In some species, calcium and magnesium carbonate is deposited in the cells. Such algae, together with corals, are involved in the formation of reefs. Bagryanki serve as a source organic matter in the sea and food for marine animals. Man uses some types of these algae for food. From red algae, agar is extracted, used in medicine and the food industry.
brown algae- have a yellowish-brown color of the thallus. There are filamentous, cortical, spherical, lamellar, bushy plants. The thalli of many species contain gas bubbles that keep the algae upright. Brown algae are always attached to the ground or other plants. They are found at a depth of 6-15 meters. There are cases of growth at a depth of up to 100 and 200 meters.
Brown algae are used to obtain iodine, as a feed additive for animals, and are used in medicine. Food Industry and other industries.
green algae- have a green thallus. They are used as an additional source of protein for livestock feed.

coral polyps- large group intestinal animals. They lead an attached lifestyle. They mainly inhabit the shallow waters of the tropics and rarely penetrate into great depths. These are colonial animals. They have a hard calcareous skeleton, consisting of a horn-like substance. Limestone skeletons form coral reefs and oceanic islands. Colonies of Red coral a reach sizes up to 1 meter. Polyp 1-2 mm.
Jellyfish- found in all seas. The body size reaches up to 2 meters. The body is shaped like a bell or an umbrella and contains 98% water. The tentacles of large jellyfish reach 20-30 meters. The size of hydromedusa korine is 8 cm, with tentacles up to 30 cm.
Sea stars belong to echinoderms. Sea stars are inhabitants of the seabed. They crawl along the bottom. The sizes of these animals are 3-7cm. They look for their prey - shellfish - by smell. I live in the seas, where the salinity of the water exceeds 35%.
Squid- the largest invertebrate marine animals. Sizes up to 0.5 meters. Reactive movement. The front leg has turned into tentacles with suction cups. The hind leg has turned into a siphon, from which water pours out of the mantle cavity outward with great force. The mollusk is repelled by this jet and moves backwards forward. The loligo squid reaches a size of 75cm.
Ascidia- bag-like sessile marine animals. They lead a sedentary lifestyle. The size of the sea squirt is 1-10 cm. Feeding is carried out using a siphon.
Step by step drawing.
I propose to draw the sea.

We draw algae.
We draw a line from top to bottom in the form of a small wave. On the left and right, we paint on the same lines that connect at the bottom of the first wave.
We draw a wave, and from it to the left and right are thin lines, similar to the needles of a Christmas tree. We apply the lines using the technique of a separate stroke.
On yellow algae we apply a darker yellow, making foxing. We draw thin filaments-rhizoids at the base of the algae, with which they are attached to the ground (the algae have no roots).

We draw a wave. Using the sticking technique, we apply a brush to the wave on the left and right, getting algae leaves.
We draw a wave. Draw three arcs from one point of the wave to the right, then draw three arcs to the left from the same point. Retreating down the wave, put a point and repeat the fragment of the picture.
We draw a wave, from it to different sides small twigs of algae. We paint thin lines to the branches, making the branches fluffy.

Draw red coral.
With red paint, draw a thick small branch of coral. Then with blue paint we draw a polyp - a small barrel. To do this, draw two arcs vertically, bent outward, and connect them from above and below. We paint the barrel (polyp) with blue paint. From the top of the barrel we present several wave lines - tentacles. We draw such barrels (polyps) on red branches of coral.
Draw a starfish.
The starfish has five rays extending evenly from each other.
We put a point with a brush with red paint. Then we apply the brush five times with the base to this point so that the thin ends of the brush are evenly spaced from each other. You will get five rays of a starfish.
We draw ascidia.
Draw two vertical arcs, connect them at the top and bottom. From above we paint on two siphons (small rectangles). Nearby we draw another such detail of the picture. We paint the details in red. In dark green we draw and color the stand.

We draw a hydrojellyfish Korine.
We draw an oval with blue paint, then paint an arc on top of it. With red paint from the center of the jellyfish, draw a thick line in the form of a weak wave. Draw a small petal at the end of the line. From the central point, draw two wave lines to the left and right, at the end of which we also draw small petals.

We draw a squid loligo.
Draw an orange hollow small circle (head). From the head to the left, draw three separate lines. Then we paint the torso to the head. Color the body orange and add yellow to it. Color the eye in brown and black with cotton swab or brushes.
We draw a fish.
Let's draw a yellow wave, draw from below mirror reflection this wave. Let's color the fish yellow, highlighting the fins and head in red. Color the eyes and mouth black or brown.

Our drawing looks like this.

We color the sea in blue-violet, and the sand in yellow. Fragments of the picture look like this.

I often read here how you comprehensively study the topic, which in this moment your child is interested, and I fully support this method. but she still has little experience and imagination. Can you share ideas? The son is very interested in fish, wherever he sees, he is delighted, for a long time already. In general, what we have already done: we watch the cartoon "Finding Nemo" (total delight), glue "Magic Velcro" on the theme "Underwater World", name the characters in passing, there is no aquarium at home (yes, I think it's too early to start ...

I ask the moderators, as an exception, not to transfer the topic to computers, because they don’t load at all for me today, for the life of me. The problem is this: you need to draw a simple circuit: a word in a frame, arrows or lines from it to other frames with words, and so on. I can't figure out how to do it. Surely there is such a gadget in the Word? I drew in paint, it turned out uncomfortable and ugly. I tried to simply arrange the words on a plane in the Word, it also comes out uncomfortable and ugly. Good people...


I did this in Word about 5 years ago.
you must first create the scheme itself from the cubes-ovals-arrows. make each figure the desired size.
then draw arrow sticks. then it's all "group" (select all and right-click "group") then "add text" and only then enter the words.

I draw such things in Powerpoint, it’s an order of magnitude more convenient than squirming in Word

In the topic below, something glitched :)), so I repeat the request. Suggest some ways non-traditional drawing, "games" with paints? Something like drawing with fingers, or wax with subsequent coloring??? The child loves to draw and wants something interesting!!!


It's hard to add anything, but I'll try.
Print with crumpled cloth.
Dilute the paints with a liquid paste (bring half a tablespoon of flour to a glass of water to a boil, but do not boil). And either go there toilet paper, or paint on crumpled. After drying, the paper fluffs up very interestingly. Can be combined with glue that does not fluff.

Please comment on our "drawing" lessons with our 2 year old son. I'm not sure I'm doing everything right. So. The child is sitting in the kitchen at the table. In front of him is an album and a pile of felt-tip pens. Goes through them. Takes off and puts on caps. (By the way, her favorite color is orange, she chooses it in 80% of cases). While Grisha is busy with "business", I quickly take felt-tip pens. I draw a little bunny on one side of the sheet. In the other, a carrot. Grisha follows with interest. I suggest to Grisha "Come on, we have a bunny for a carrot ...


We are 2 years 8 months old. We draw from about 1 year and 8 months. mostly paint. The process was controlled a little, the sea of ​​gouache was spoiled, wallpapers, tables, an aquarium, toys were painted. I washed the child and the apartment. Grey-brown-crimson "paintings" were enthusiastically shown to acquaintances and hung on the wall. Now we are moving on to coloring and watercolors. Green-yellow-brown kitty painted recently. Those. learned to use different colors sometimes. Rays and rain - started with coloring pages. Pencils, felt-tip pens, pens - as an addition. Basically, there are a lot of lines, circles, etc. with which the sheet is filled. Or an imitation of "letters", if she is lucky enough to find something scribbled. The child wakes up and falls asleep with the thought: "draw". But how to develop it further? If we draw not coloring with paints - as a rule, these are a lot of bizarre lines and spots, which are called a house or a snake or just a drawing ... Very beautiful abstract art, I don’t know how! ;) I'm even afraid to interfere in the process. I'm afraid to give template houses and Christmas trees, the child himself is so original ... Yes, and there are enough colorings from the "sun". Is it worth telling that you first need to make a drawing with a pencil, and then paint? Or don't touch?

02.08.2006 11:02:47, Irina and Marina 2.8

:-)) markers are not needed. True :-) Try to build something like this - tie a piece of sponge on a stick or a short pencil or stick a piece of sponge along the edge with tape. And pour the paint into a saucer. Or watercolor. Paint consumption in any way will be large, so see for yourself. Be careful with images. Do not draw his "scribbles" - it's better to turn them and come up with something ("cloud", "apple", "grass" - come up with different things), be based on color spots. There are books for "finished" pictures. :-) You can still paint on tiles in the bathroom - it’s fun to wash off right away, and the baby feels the paint on himself ...

07/28/2006 15:59:53, the teacher herself

I was told that it is very good to paint with gouache with fingers, that there is such a special gouache. I ordered one of these at Good Buy. And now all in thought. Do you think a boy 1.5 is not too early for such art At what age does a child begin to consciously draw


Question about stereotypes! I do not say to the child (1.4): "draw the sun." But she very often gives me a pencil and paper in my hand and screams demandingly. What, one wonders, should I do, except how to draw the sun, a house, a little man, and so on? Or can you draw yourself? And when I draw and tell, I love it very much. And the eldest lovingly keeps her first drawing, when Zhenya said to some kind of kalyaka: "v-v-v" (car). And what amazes me, the pencil takes correctly! The eldest was taught much later with a fight :).

Well, at your age, this is still the so-called "pre-figurative" period. Sample of the material for color and taste, awareness of one's "I" through the conscious leaving of "traces", in a word, a pure experiment. Paints are not required for this, nor gouache, nor such as in "good buy". :-)

Paints for finger drawing have two advantages - they are bitter (you can’t eat much) and are easily washed off.
if you are willing to pay for these dubious virtues, draw them.

In fact, a child at this age can draw with anything. It is better with food paints - beets, yogurts, jams. Print or smear.
Brushes are just one of many materials - I would not focus on them.

yes, conscious drawing begins when a child can voice his thoughts in terms of "and now I'll draw" .. and it doesn’t matter what he ended up with. This age is from 2 to 4 - everyone is different.

I will warn you that baby drawing is a dirty and ungrateful thing. There may not be masterpieces (drawing unconsciously), but dirt will definitely be important. Therefore, experiments should be set taking this into account. :-)

Step by step drawings on nails. Cherry design.

Cherry is a wonderful berry. In addition to great taste, it also has incomparable beauty. Thanks to this, cherries are very often used as decorative elements in clothes, jewelry, and there is even a nail design with cherries! Learning how to draw them is not at all difficult. Our step by step photo Cherries lesson. 1. Draw the central part of the cherry brightly -purple color, and make the outer one much darker. If you don't have dark purple in stock, then just...

My daughter will be a little mermaid in New Year's. WHAT should I wear? I didn’t find any costumes, I imagine Ariel myself. Any ideas?


mine is also delirious as a mermaid - I would buy something like a crinkled iridescent crystal or fabric with green sequins and sew a wrap skirt with a train in the form of a tail and this train for ease of movement with a chain or ribbon on a finger (hands :) dressed ... understandable whether? in general, the tail, as it were, curved around it and rose to the top ... only these fabrics are thin - you will have to sew all this on a dense lining ... the daughter also says the tail must certainly be green, the hair is long red branches in the hair is large ... sort of All;-)

I figured it out yesterday. After all, mermaids in the summer at Neptune's festival are completely different! This is a skirt made of ribbons, the collar is the same, a pair of silver fish on the belt - escort and servants of the little mermaid.
You can also paint white nylon tights with brilliant green / paint, draw algae or waves or scales from below. Wrap up in a long scarf (I have a turquoise silk scarf with a fringe, a large one - I can be wrapped up, I can give it for a holiday). Tie a knot on the side, there will be a coquette mermaid. Handbag beaded in the hand or over the shoulder or on the belt in marine color.

Braid your hair into small pigtails and intercept them with foil (there is also colored from sweets, green again) or plastic clips with crayons (sometimes sold in sets).

There are green tinsel wigs in the kiosks of Soyuzpechat or in the Olympic, but they fall heavily on the face.

I think how a child can draw grapes with his little fingers. Today before going to bed we drew with a pencil, I would like to do the same tomorrow with paints in different techniques. With his fingers, rather large gouache grapes will turn out, and with his fingers the mountain ash will only come out. Maybe watercolor will spread on a wet sheet to the desired size of a grape? Only fluffy grapes will turn out, not shiny. Or maybe let the brushes paint over the finished dark background with light paint ...


and if you draw with your finger - mark the outline of the berry with a pencil, and draw with your finger, and not put an imprint?
also, maybe you will be interested (or maybe you know this :) - a small one walks for riovanie, they had such a thing there - they painted the seabed. A cellophane bag was smeared with blue gouache (a thicker brush), then white - in short, such a porridge turned out :) - and this bag was printed on white paper- marvelous divorces turned out - this is the background. And then with your fingers - which is enough for fantasy - starfish, algae (little finger), all kinds of fish - the small one made the body with the thumb and the fins with the little finger, well, you can add details with a brush.
Also - also a "manual" technique - if you smear the whole palm with yellow and print it - it will look like a chicken :) Draw on the bottom of the paws with a brush, and on the print thumb- dot-eye, stroke-beak and red comb. We have such a memory (the palm is small :)

And if you print berries with your thumb? It’s not a mountain ash for sure, but a minimum of quiche-mish (or whatever this seedless grapes are called) it will turn out :-)

For the past 4-5 months, my daughter (she is 4 years old) has been designating the navel in all the drawings of "people" - she literally draws the head, eyes, mouth, torso, arms, legs and navel ... (??) Today I made a snowman with a navel . For a long time I read in the conference about the navel and the umbilical connection with the mother - that is. does it mean that now for the daughter the topic of communication with the mother (with me, that is) is relevant and unclear, or what ??? And one more thing - in the fall, having drawn a drawing of a family (she sat down and drew everyone), she drew my figure WITHOUT a navel (everything ...


Let's abstract from the navel and look at a similar situation with any depicted sign of a character in a portrait.
We take other signs that the child always draws for everyone, but does not draw for one person.
Is there another character in the family picture that doesn't have something that everyone else has?

Although the question is only for E.P., but can I butt in?

Maybe not everything has some kind of subtext and deep meaning? The child sees what he is, so he draws. Here is mine at the age of 3, excuse me, I began to draw pisi for everyone. Well, my child understood that this is an integral part of the little men. Convinced me to cover this place with panties.
At first, the drawing is primitive: head, arms, legs ... Then ears and hairs begin to appear, then eyebrows and cilia. Humans are overgrown with some details ...

If I didn’t understand you and wrote the wrong thing, I’m sorry, and never mind.

We gathered with the child in Anapa for 3 weeks. But they tell me something that now there are smelly algae everywhere on the beach and the whole sea is in them. This is true? Where do they come from and what is the probability that in two weeks the sea will clear up?


We are now in Dzhemet, a week. Well, yes, the sea is not transparent during the day. Closer to 20 o'clock - warming and transparent, peace and quiet, few people) But there are a lot of people and algae are present, but already much less. Day to day doesn't happen. Either there is porridge near the shore, and then there is practically none at all, then everywhere evenly - they hang out a little bit. I personally don't care. Yesterday I thought that we were throwing money away in the winter for all sorts of soaps and creams with algae, and here - a free supplement to the sea - phytotherapy for the skin))))) The only problem was the first 2 days, until the youngest realized that algae do not bite. They explained to her that it’s like stirring soup with your feet in the sea instead of a ladle)) But in those days there were more algae) Now she’s not afraid.

Anapa will not be cleared, it is always with them as soon as the sea begins to warm up. We went to Vityzyavo, there were much fewer people on the beach, but there were also algae. The only place where we did not see algae is a beach on a high coast in Anapa, but there is a rocky beach. ..

I don't know who exactly I'm addressing... But I really want opinions. Fine arts in an ordinary (not having an "artistic" inclination) school. Are there any grading criteria? Or is there a specific goal that needs to be achieved by the end of this course? These questions are caused by the grades that my child (an excellent student, 2nd grade, very responsible) brings in this subject and explanations of these assessments to the child himself. I myself have never been an artist, but it seems to me that creativity ...


I would still go to the teacher and clarify these criteria.

my eldest daughter in the second grade, the teacher put triples in quarters. Izo was our head teacher at the beginning. That being said, I wouldn't say it was badly drawn.
Then the teacher changed. My daughter began to draw best of all in parallel, all her drawings were taken to exhibitions. There were no extra classes. Here is such a paradox.

30.04.2010 00:10:04, I won't subscribe

I need to draw a rack, to order. The husband said - draw. but I can't. He said that there is a drawing program just for dummies. Has anyone used it?

I use this approach for the little ones. For them, the main thing is the process, in addition, they still cannot tell the story or plot of their drawing. If the child is older, I can already ask him to talk about his work. Ask your child to talk about their work One of the most frequently used phrases in our family: "Tell me about your drawing (painting, sculpture, collage, etc.)." Maya usually indulges in detailed explanations of what is depicted, inventing stories that accompany the drawings. Sometimes I write down her story. But it happens that I just listen carefully and add: “Hmm&r...
...For example, ask if this is a child or an adult, a boy or a girl, how old this person is, what he thinks about. What happened to him before he was drawn? What will happen next? And so on. This is how you stimulate your child's imagination. How to talk to a child about what he drew Do not say Must say How beautiful! Wow, how many colors did you use! What is this? Can you tell us about your drawing? It looks like a truck. Looks like you enjoyed drawing this. Paint over the space between the lines (or any other criticism). I see there are thin lines here, and...

How to draw the New Year with a pencil step by step

1. Draw your landscape sheet in half, only with very light lines, they will help us when drawing. There will be a sleigh on one side, a horse on the other. Now draw the snow wavy line and a ski from a sled. 2. Draw a carriage. Our horse is located on the right side of the sheet in the middle, we draw circles denoting the head, chest and back, the location of the legs. 3. Draw the horse's head, body. 4. Now the legs, hooves, mane and tail. 5. We draw more horse hooves and proceed to ...

How to draw a rose?

HOW TO DRAW A ROSE? Don't you think that in our pragmatic times we lack a little bit of romance? Poems, candles, declarations of love in the twilight and ... flowers. They were replaced by live wallpapers on iPhones and icons on T-shirts. Well, if so, then let's try to at least portray a little beauty! If you already draw some romantic flowers, then only roses! After all, this is not only the most popular gift for a girl, but also a symbolic image of tenderness, love and beauty. How to draw a rose? In order to...

We began to study with our son using the "Jackdaw-Igroka" play method. Is anyone else doing it? What is the child's progress?


We are engaged) my son is 1 year old and 7 months old. Every day I try different games take from the technique. But more he likes to sculpt from plasticine in the pictures. sometimes he gets carried away for a long time)) We also started to draw, first with our fingers. now it works well with a brush. In general, I advise everyone. The technique is just great!

We are busy! We started recently, so it's too early to talk about achieving any noticeable results. But my son and I really like the process :) For me, it was a big discovery that the games are simple, complex materials and special training not needed, and some classes do not require any equipment at all. Just yesterday we were playing “Who went here?” While they were going to pick up eldest daughter from the extension.

How to draw a medieval castle?

This lesson was very useful for my fourth grade. Looking at photographs of detailed brick castles with battlements, turrets and doors can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are expected to teach a child on your own. I found the perfect solution. Borrowing techniques from my lesson on how to draw a farm, I cut out small rectangular shapes from cardboard. View on Yandex.Fotkah Small squares provide an ideal template for the central part of the castle. While...

How easy it is to draw houses in space. Perspective lesson...

I am very happy to post this tutorial. This is the first successful lesson in the perspective of art, this is the lesson that Natalie gives in the smart class. Her drawing steps for a single point perspective are so perfect that not a single thing or detail needs to be changed. For those who haven't presented a lesson to your students' perspective, I encourage you to try this. When you try to come up with your own promising occupation you can't figure out how to find an easy way to do it. Help...

Something mine, it seems, can't draw anything by itself... He only paints coloring pages. What do your kids draw at this age?


My child is five years old, he doesn’t draw at all, he only does scribbles and speaks badly, help me a hundred I need to do and where to turn

12/16/2018 11:53:07 PM, Lena Mamoyan

does not draw anything, paints, but even that only recently began.

How to draw a Teddy bear.

Teddy Bear has long gained popularity among children and youth around the world! Almost every girl hides among books Teddy bear. On modern postcards, dedicated to the Day Valentine's or birthday, this kind gray bear with a blue nose flaunts. I offer you step by step drawing this good hero. So, Bear with Valentine. I think all the drawing steps are intuitive.

What else can you play on a piece of paper? Halves. Each player conceives a picture, but draws not all of it, but only a half. Then the players exchange sheets and finish drawing. Sometimes it turns out very funny, for example, one wanted to draw glasses, and there were two circles on his sheet, and cherries or car wheels were created from them. Dorisovki. Everyone draws some kind of squiggle on the sheet, then everyone changes leaves and draws the picture in a different color so that something meaningful is obtained. Treasure search on the map of the apartment. For this game, you will need to draw a plan or map of your apartment or yard. After that, you can start the game itself. Let's designate...

How to teach a child to hold and hatch?

Stages of development visual activity on the example of a drawing depicting a man.


I also expected the "decoding" of the drawings, but still this is a useful article. Reassured me. And then my eldest is almost 3, but she still doesn’t draw people “as it should” at all. For some reason, I thought that by 3 children already draw tolerably, but it turns out, only in junior schoolchildren age. So, we are all right.

Great article, very interesting. Thanks to the author - Olga Sergacheva!

09/23/2008 05:31:42 PM, Masha

Tell me, what do they draw on a child’s face when you need to draw a mustache like a cat or something like that? Can I not use special make-up (but where can I get it)?


Is there really no children's make-up anywhere in Arkhangelsk? In Moscow, they are in departments where all kinds of plasticines, paints, pencils, etc. are sold. Maybe they just didn't pay attention?
P.S. Arkhangelsk is mine hometown, although I have been living in Moscow for 15 years. It's nice to meet fellow countrymen :)

A bold cosmetic pencil is suitable for drawing conditions. They can also draw a black circle on the tip of the nose for the greatest disclosure of the image. Wash off with baby cream. Maybe you can find theatrical make-up (it happens sometimes in art salons not even very major cities, and you don’t even have a theater in your city) - it’s also suitable.

11/24/2005 12:25:47 PM, Just like that

Acquaintance with the water resources of the planet can begin with the "colored" seas. The kid will be interested to know that our planet has the Black, Red, White and even the Yellow Sea. Find them on the map and try to figure out together why these seas are so unusually called. The Yellow Sea has a yellowish tint. Special algae live in the Red Sea. During periods of their intensive growth, it seems that the blue water surface turns into red-brown tones. The White Sea really has a very light, almost White color water. And the Black Sea has long been nicknamed so because of the restless temper and the black color of the water during storms and storms. Or maybe the baby wants to draw these colored seas? In...
...Special algae live in the Red Sea. During periods of their intensive growth, it seems that the blue water surface turns into red-brown tones. The White North Sea really has a very light, almost white color of the water. And the Black Sea has long been nicknamed so because of the restless temper and the black color of the water during storms and storms. Or maybe the baby wants to draw these colored seas? Which countries are they located near? What kind of people live there? Perhaps the baby has already visited one of these seas (for example, the Black or Red) or you are about to go on a trip. Then he will be doubly interested in learning more about these amazing seas. And then find on the map and consider other seas. And also try to understand the origin of them ...

And it doesn't matter that in the picture it is almost no different from a bus or a portrait of a beloved grandfather: just one larger circle, another smaller one and a few "other" sticks! Nothing can be done, at first you have to be content with this. Of course, the kid does not immediately manage to draw what he wants. First, a one-year-old or a child, picking up a pencil, draws more or less curved lines on a piece of paper. Then, when the hand gets a little stronger (closer to two years), the dashes will take the form of spirals, then ovals, circles. And, finally, by the age of three, angles and broken lines will come out from the artist’s pen, that is, something from which you can assemble a real picture. By the way, if at the beginning of a creative ...


25.04.2006 10:34:18

I have been looking for information on deciphering drawings for a long time. Unfortunately, there is very little information in this article. I would like more.
By the way, after listening to Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, his son drew a thunderstorm five times, although he doesn't seem to be afraid of a real thunderstorm.

..... * * * The first year of study is devoted to Russian history and art. Already at the introductory lesson, I ask the children to draw what they associate with the word "Russia". A simple set - huts, birch trees, flowers and - a blue-blue sky with white clouds, and yellow sun with rays-sticks sticking out in all directions. My studio students are afraid to draw something more complicated: “I don’t know how”, “I’m afraid”, “I don’t know how” - and that’s it. Therefore, at the next lesson, we forget forever, leave the expression “I don’t know how” (I can, since I came to learn) outside the threshold of the art studio and come to the conclusion that we can draw whatever we want. The main thing is not to be afraid. And then we set off on a journey, and for starters - into the depths of centuries, into long-gone eras in the history of Russia. Goryachkina Nastya,...

We are engaged in the application with the child
... It will turn out an aquarium, but completely different. In autumn, you can glue a wide variety of paintings from autumn leaves. You can simply dry the leaves of birch, maple, mountain ash (either in a book or iron through a newspaper), and then stick them on a sheet of blue paper - you get a leaf fall. You can draw tree trunks on this blue sheet in advance, and then glue the leaves. Tree trunks can be drawn with gouache, or it can be more interesting: for example, drop black ink on paper, tilt the leaf a little so that the drop, flowing down, forms a tree trunk, and then blow on a drop of ink through a tube from the juice. The ink will spread over the sheet, forming intricate weaves of thin lines - branches. You can then, in addition to dry leaves ...


Thanks for the article and ideas, very interesting! My children (2 and 4 years old) are very fond of cutting and gluing, only there is a small snag - the little one does not want to stop and then breaks for a very long time to cut and paste everything to everything :)

01/20/2009 08:54:20 PM, aleo

a very informative article, described in an accessible way, it will definitely come in handy for me personally. Thanks to the author.

Let's try to fill them with sand together, tie a knot at the top of a glove or a ball, it is easy to give relief to the resulting capitoshka with a lace or thread to "separate" the head and make a waist. Rubber gloves are more convenient because five fingers make cool legs, handles and a head. Hair can be made by attaching mud or algae, or using threads. Great little men are obtained from unusual carrots, potatoes, with the help of a toothpick we make arms and legs, cut out a mouth, a nose. And that's it! Animals can be made from gabriaks (these are dry roots of a special shape: one resembles a bull, the other a horse, the third an elephant). The kids have probably already dug a lake or a pond in our city. Rubber men...
... In shallow water, everyone stands on the bottom, feet shoulder-width apart. The task is to swim the chain. Another option is the "fusion" of logs, adults and larger children stand in pairs, forming a stream, and the baby in a life jacket lies on his back, he is passed from hand to hand. Very nice! Especially with closed eyes. Frozen? It's time to warm up playing on dry land. We get up in a circle, previously drawn on the sand or lined with pebbles. At the call of the leader "to the shore," the kids should jump out of the circle. The team "into the water" and the heels jump in a circle. To make it more fun, the host can give the same command twice. For example, shouting "into the water" twice, who jumped out of inertia, out of the game. Returning from the country fun games, my son, climbing the stairs to the Moscow apartment, raz...

These two activities, seemingly opposite in essence, combined in a wonderful way in a mosaic, are necessary for the best preparation for school. Long before school, at the age of 3, a child can also be given a model, but not a concrete one, but an abstract one. For example, you can ask your child to draw a flower using a mosaic. "Flower" - this will be a model for the baby, and it has both of the above characteristics: "exemplary" and at the same time freedom, because as a result the baby will have a completely special flower, corresponding to his ideas and reflecting the image he has chosen. And the ability to act in accordance with someone's given rule is a ...
... In addition, the variety of these objects in one drawing will only make it richer, richer, more textured, and sometimes even give certain meaning. For example, you can make a mosaic picture "At the bottom of the ocean" using small pebbles, glass, shells, coins, buttons, etc. In this case, pebbles can serve as the bottom of the ocean, shells - algae, buttons - a chest, and coins and glass treasures in this chest. The splendor created together with the baby can, if desired, be fixed with glue, thus perpetuating. Being engaged in drawing with the help of such a mosaic together with the baby, you will help the development of all his mental activity: and such important intellectual processes as perception, thinking, imagination; and emotionality of the child; and willful...

For example, a baby can look at the aquarium lamp for a long time and bewitched, watching how multi-colored shiny fish or pieces of foil slowly “swim” in an illuminated flask with glycerin. Such contemplation acts lullingly, and the baby falls asleep. The effect of the aquarium is also given by rotating table lamps. Warming up under the influence of the heat emitted by the lamp, the lampshade with fish, algae and the underwater landscape painted on it begins to rotate smoothly, creating the illusion of floating fish. "Aquariums" made in Russia and China, depending on the model, cost from 350 to 1500 rubles. The “magic balls” are also interesting, inside of which lightning discharges sparkle. Musical table lamp "Mushroom" from Chicco (1800 rubles) at night "works" soft bedside lighting...

You will cut paper figures for the baby, and he will glue them on the sheet. So you can stick paper leaves, apples or pears on a painted tree; flowers, mushrooms, butterflies to a forest clearing, fish to an aquarium, toys to Christmas tree. Draw a background picture, prepare paper details. Show your child how to glue the figurine and stick it on the picture. It is possible that at first you will also have to apply glue, and the baby will only stick. But very soon he himself will understand what's what. When doing applique with kids, it is convenient to use a glue stick or homemade paste. It is very easy to prepare it by brewing a thick jelly from half a glass of water and a tablespoon of flour. Cool down see...
... If he already manages to tear off small pieces of paper on his own, you can do a tear-off application: glue spots and stripes to painted animals, stars in the sky, snowflakes, sun rays. Show the baby how to make a fringe on a strip of green paper with your fingers. This is some amazing weed! In the same way, you can make algae, luxurious fish tails and other unique accessories for toddlers. When doing applique with a baby, it is convenient to combine paper and plasticine: the baby pinches off small pieces of plasticine and complements the application with them. For example, this is how you can make spots on the back ladybug, dots on the fly agaric, berries, the middle of flowers, toys at the New Year's Eve ...

Firstly, you will have to fill out a map of the Country of Smeshariki, and for this you need to collect all the houses of the inhabitants of this country, and secondly, you will find something, but what exactly, you will find out when all the houses are on the map. I drew a map of the Land of Smeshariki and attached it to the wall. The map was in color, I left the outlines of the houses unpainted. When the children received the next house, they attached it with double sided tape on the map, finding its location along the corresponding contour. Smesharikov's houses (coloring pages) I found on the Internet, printed and colored. I attached a letter to each house. I arranged the houses on the map so that the result is the inscription "Look for a cake" ....

The heroes of the lower part of the sheet can be forest animals, and in the upper part draw the sun without rays. The unfortunate little animals below freeze without the warm rays of the sun. Well, how can you throw them away? Of course not. And now two brave heroes - you and your child - are sent on a rocket into space. First, show your child how to draw lines correctly by drawing a couple of rays yourself. When the deed is done, happy saved ones will be waiting on Earth for the daredevils. Now let's move on to the intersecting lines. Draw, for example, a dog at the bottom of the sheet, and a kitten at the top. In principle, there can be many options, the main thing is that one of the drawn "attacks". The task is to save the weak. How? The easiest thing is to draw m...

THERE the topic has already crawled down a little, and yesterday I did not have the opportunity to answer. I'm telling you in order. The Fisher-Price Aquarium from their "Ocean Wonders" series. When it was given to us for the birth of a child, I wondered for a long time why such a heavy, meaningless toy was released. Compared to a child, the aquarium seemed simply unbearable. The size of the aquarium is slightly smaller than a soccer ball. Now Grishka is 8 months old. He pulls and flips this aquarium SO much that I know he would be more...


Now I’ll tell you about the giraffe (they also gave it to us)
The giraffe is the most common, just plastic, but at the very bottom, inside the neck, it has a button. The child throws the cubes through the hole on the giraffe's head, when the cube reaches the bottom, it hits the button, and a funny sound is heard (various blah blah blah or trrrrrr). Then at the bottom of the giraffe, you can open the door and get the cube.
Unlike an aquarium, the "entrance hole" is only slightly larger than the size of the cube, so hitting a giraffe with a cube is much more difficult than throwing a fish ball into an aquarium.

Quite an idiotic question. Is there an option - eraser? That is - I draw a circle with an autoshape - but I need a semicircle - how to draw it?

For those who were interested in learning to draw, what do children do in the circle. I will probably write not only drawing, but also modeling. In the first lesson, they sculpted sausages, which were then supposed to be fed to a toy kitten. Sausages were placed on a "plate" (a round piece of paper). In the second - from different pieces of plasticine it was necessary to stick pencils for the doll (the same "sausage", but with a sharp point at the end). What I like is that all this is not presented as an activity, but as a game. Drawing...

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