Ingush proverbs and sayings about the native language. Ingush proverbs and sayings about girls - ezdy yo1


In Ingush proverbs and sayings

Taramiy bart blaspheme, zaohalol khurgda.
If the twins-spirits conspire, then the wedding conspiracy will take place

Takhan lergvolash sanna naha dikadar de, v1alla lergvoatsash sanna dune laha.
Hurry to do good, as if tomorrow you will die; hasten to live in your pleasure, as if you will never die.

Tesham - saga yuh.
Reliability in everything is the face of a person.

A twenty-year-old is like a wolf - nimble, fast; a forty-year-old is similar to a leopard - courageous, he will not miss his own; A sixty-year-old is like a bear - lazy and prone to hibernation.

Turo kheravayr g1azhakh khiirav.
Frightened by the sword, afraid of the stick.

Tuha cham baynachun hina cham hinnabats.
He who has lost the taste of salt has forgotten the taste of water.

1a soga "govra khyovzae" yah, with a govro boa constrictor.
You say "prancing", and the horse itself carries me.

Sag vats, naha loarh1ash vece.
He is not a person whom people do not honor.

Khokh - ijs dokhyazh, sammarsakh irs darba (Khokh ijs dokhazhi tskhya darbei, sammarsakh - tskhya dokhazhi ijs darbei).

Onion - nine poisons, garlic - nine medicines (Onion - nine poisons and one medicine, garlic - one poison and nine medicines).

Ford bukhe khacha vennar ford bukhe visav.
Who sought to get to the bottom of the sea, at the bottom and remained.

1ehacha zh1aleh ma khera, tsa1ekhar da kherame.
Do not be afraid of a barking dog, be afraid if it does not bark.

1ozhal koga k1ala yoal.
Death is underfoot.

Uyla tsa esh, dosh ma ala; anna valcha, yuha and ma vala.
Without thinking, do not speak, and having said, do not back down.

1 owdala vats naha 1exa tsa ver.
He is not a fool whom people cannot fool.

1ovdala sag - govra; hakala dola sag - tsun barre.
A fool is a horse, a smart one is its rider.
1dalcha das in hestava, 1ovdalcha nanas yo1 hestai.
A foolish father praises his son, a foolish mother praises his daughter.

1ovdalcha naha hak'al - yist tsa hilar yes.
The mind of a fool is in silence.

1ovdalcha sagatsa yakh ma lelae.
Never compete with a fool

1u voatsa 1st - berzaloy phos.
A herd without supervision is wolf prey.

1uyre ts1iyelcha, Masha kiychbe; sair ts1iyelcha, khacha kiychabe.
Red dawn - get ready for bad weather; sunset red - get ready to go.

1unal give deg1 ezde hinnad.
Noble is the body that is kept in strictness.

Yassa pyeg1a ekash hul.
Empty dishes usually rattle.

Yala ha etta boards, boarza t1a a yanna ennai.
The time has come for the wolf to die, he climbed the mound (from pride) and died there.

Yalsamalen map eh-ezdelah yay.
The fence of paradise is made of honor and dignity.

Yah yolcha ezdel a khurgda, ezdel dolcha yakh a khurgya.
Where there is pride, there is nobility; where there is nobility, there is pride.

Yuvzash eina ts1i - dolalushehya hada fu.
A fire that went out during the kindling, at the very beginning the offspring was interrupted.

Yurt yiste khiynacha sagal yurta yukye khyina phyu tol.
A dog who grew up in the center of a village is better than a person who grew up in the outskirts.

Yurtatsa iyg1achun k1ur lekab.
The one who quarreled with the whole village, the hearth went out.

Yukhalurg of the body h1ama-gargalo teda k1od yes.
Loaned - scissors, cutting kinship.

Yuhya dezadar duvtschokh loravala weza.
You have to beware of someone who flatters you to your face.

Eggar hozag1a dola h1ama da" - kaygaga alcha, kaygo shi k1orig enai, yoah.
When they said to the crow: "Bring what you consider the most beautiful," she, they say, brought her chick.

Eggar paida boatsa kh1ama - vocha sagatsa dottag1al lazar da.
There is nothing worse than befriending a scoundrel.

Ezde voatsar kito guchavoakkh.
An ignoble one can be seen by his behavior at the table

Emalk yorgla hilac.
Neuk is not a pacer.

Esala konakh: malanza - lively, small - boards.
A worthless sober man is a sheep, a drunken man is a wolf.

Esalcha nahatsa g1ulakh hulachul, denal dolcha nahatsa dov hilar tol.
Than to be friends with worthless people, it is better to be at enmity with courageous ones.

Esalcha nahatsa 1a dov ekkhiite, naha hyo a loarch1argva esalchareh.
If you start a feud with worthless people, then you will be considered a nonentity.

Esalcha sagatsa gargalo ma lelaelakh, - hyona yukhya hozadar duvtsargda tso, hyona buk t1ehashka hya sii doadergda tso.
WITH insignificant person don’t get carried away, because he will flatter you in your face, and shit behind your back.

Eh-behk e etsash a dats, e dohkash a dats.
Shame and conscience cannot be bought or sold.

She vay, khalkhiyna mohk malhala b1aykhag1a ba.
The native side is warmer than the sun.

Humpty dika ya betta chu yoallash.
A good dagger is one that lies in a sheath.
Yes, velcha, deg t1ara chya ziza 1odozh; nana elcha, deg t1ara shi ziza 1odozh.
The father dies - a flower falls from the heart, the mother dies - two flowers fall.

Da woatzacha dezala dai dukkha hinnab, payda k1eziga hinnab.
An orphaned family has many owners, but little use.

Yes makara, - dezal makara.
The owner is hardworking, - hardworking and family.

Da tsa viilhacha dakah nah biilkhabats.
If you yourself do not mourn your dead person, then strangers will not even cry.

Dakya menge k1ala a dile, khashana g1ulakh de.
Hide the dead man under the bed, but accept the guest with honors.

Daka - niysa, hyinar - t1eh.
Work harder than others, but get an equal share.

Dalla alnachoa raza hila veza, Dalla raza hurgwola x1ama a de deza.
Be pleased with God's given fate, earn God's mercy with your deeds.

Da-nana tsa loarkh1ash liyna sag yalsamala chuvitavats.
Those who did not honor their parents were not allowed into paradise.

Dakhchan vale a, yes tol; b1er1inga yale a, nana tol.
It is better to have a father - at least from a tree; better to have a mother - at least from felt.

Da-sesaga dega t1a bashargboatsa sha ul.
Stepmother's heart is covered with unmelting ice

Give hyehamashka ladiyg1ar atta g1alata vargvats.
He who listens to the advice of his father is rarely mistaken.

Give this decho shiy this Khaldoakkh.
Who honors the ancestors, he exalts his honor.

Da-nana g1ozali doakazali tekhyenakh yoal.
Both happiness and unhappiness of parents in their children.

Dnei nannei dokkhag1a dola sovg1at yes yakh yola vo1 khiycha, eh dolu yo1 khiycha.
The biggest gift for parents is a proud son and a modest daughter.

Denal dola sag kyahetameg1a va, zovza sag kyizag1a va.
A courageous person is compassionate, a cowardly person is cruel.

Denal - ca h1oag1a hilar.
Courage is the ability to restrain oneself.

Denal - teshameg1a wola dottag1a.
Courage is the truest friend.

Denaloi mayroloy kanakhchun this doakkh.
Courage and bravery exalt the honor of a man.

Denacha dikanna ham besh hila, denacha wonna satohash hila.
Goodness has come - appreciate it, misfortune has happened - endure it.

Dehar - barking, dennar - ala.
The one who asks is a slave, the one who gives is a prince.

Dekhkevannav moastag1a esala hittar.
The one who underestimates the enemy will regret.

Dekhkevargvola dosh ma ala, dekhkevargvola h1ama ma de.
Don't say things you'll regret; don't do something you'll regret too.

Dekhkevargwola h1ama hakhilale lorade deza.
We must protect ourselves from bad deeds in advance.

Desh wolf - 1aynad, tsa dechun - dainad.
For a worker (reserve) accumulates, for an idler it becomes scarce.

Deshar - khak'al irdesh bola kov ba.
Teaching is a file for sharpening the mind.

Deshara ma1an hyak'al yes, hyak'ala ma1an sabar yes, sabara ma1an yalsamalan d1oag1a yes.
The meaning of study is in the mind, the meaning of the mind is in abstinence, the meaning of abstinence is the key to paradise.
Deshan da hillal hyay di detse, dosh ma le.
Don't give a word if you can't keep it.

Deshar - zaman kulba (tour).
Teaching - the compass (sword) of the era.

Di astag1a hilcha, barre a astag1a het.
If the horse is lame, then the rider seems to be lame.

Dika bolat mukh duash hilac, dika sag vitslush hilac.
Good steel doesn't rust good man is not forgotten.

Dika yakkha niysaho - lar t1a ena yukh1arzho.
Shame is washed away by the complete victory of justice.

Dikacha dino shiina shod ettiytats.
A good horse does not allow himself to be whipped.

Doal doatsacha boahamah naha ruzka hinnad.
An economy without a master is the wealth of outsiders.

Dovkhoy dukkha khurgba hya, naha g1alatash 1a duvtse.
You will make many enemies if you talk about other people's shortcomings.

Dukkha luvsh a velash a vola konakh itched het.
A chatty and laughing man seems effeminate.

Dukkha luvsh vola sag j1alena taraverz.
A chatty person is like a liar dog.

Elkhacha sesagah ma tesha.
Don't trust a crying wife.

Geral doalla ma1abarash d1alalrh1acha khalnah dukkhag1a ba.
If you count the effeminate men, then there are more women.

Jerochoa g1anahya shi margu: venna d1avannari t1akhurgvari.
A widow in a dream sees two husbands: the deceased and the future.

Zag1a d1adennachoa dukkha khet, d1aiytsachoa k1eziga khet.
It seems to the one who gives at the funeral that he has given a lot, and to the one who received - that he received little.

Ziycha - gu, liykhacha - koro.
Observe - you will see, seek - you will find.

Zovzal sovyalcha, kyizal kotyoal; denal kotdalcha, sabar sovdoal.
Where there is much cowardice, there is much cruelty; where there is a lot of courage, there is more peace (dignity).

Zovzachun ki naha yihyai.
Papakha is torn off (and carried away) only from a coward.

Zudala vainna vokkha sag a, sov ts1imhara lela z1amiga sag a - shakkhe a chamaza va.
The coquettish old man and the senilely serious young man are unpleasant.

Dunya - baly ts1a yes, hyona vaha tsa hoyy.
For those who do not know how to live - this world is a torture chamber.

1ozhal koga k1ala yoal.
Death is underfoot.

1oazhalah khiira a vennav, tsa khiirar a vennav.
Both the one who was afraid of death and the one who was not afraid of it died.

Ts1enavar ts1erala khessacha a vagavats.
Truthful and does not burn in fire.

Ts1enoeh ts1i yalcha a vohats konakh ox sag.
A real man won't panic even if his house catches fire.

THYROID DISEASES. Knowing the location of the thyroid gland, it is not difficult to guess that the cause of its ailments is purely mechanical in nature. Being between the larynx in the back and the three muscles in front, it is clamped, in literally of this word, between these structures, when these muscles are tense (and in tension they can remain day and night and for several years). The fact is that when the muscles are tense (hypertonic, spasmodic), they begin to swell, and therefore increase in volume, and then begin to squeeze everything that is nearby, in particular the thyroid gland. Squeezing is not only the thyroid gland itself, but also its nerve and blood vessels that feed it. When the nerve is compressed, the brain partially loses control and management of the organ. And when squeezing blood vessels, we have starvation of the organ due to lack of arterial blood with its "nutrition", oxygen and immune cells, and we have intoxication in the organ due to untimely evacuation of spent, spoiled and toxic decay products. That is, we got a squeezed, hungry and toxic thyroid gland. In a word, swamp (stagnation). Plus, in such a swamp, parasites (microbes, viruses, fungi, bacteria) begin to progress with all the ensuing consequences ... We gave several of our patients a massage on the neck (in one of the future topics, we, with the permission of the Almighty, will present the massage itself) and then bloodletting (hijama) on the thyroid gland itself (to the left and right of the larynx). The result was not long in coming. In one woman, the enlarged and compacted thyroid gland immediately softened and decreased in size. Another woman had thyroid cancer that had grown to an abnormal size. She had a huge and very rigid thyroid gland with a diameter of about 10 centimeters on her shoulder. The woman experienced severe discomfort in the neck and had difficulty swallowing. In addition to massage on the neck, we tried to soften the thyroid gland itself, according to the principle of softening hard, cold plasticine, and then we made a hijama (one jar every other day, two) for this abnormal lump. After each hijama, this lump began, albeit slowly, but to decrease. And in general, any tumor or cyst decreases, with the permission of the Almighty, if you make a hijama directly on it, and disappear completely if you continue to do the hijama until victorious (it is done every day or two or three ... the criterion here is the condition of the patient and how quickly it recovers from the previous session). Of course, combining all this always and everywhere with taking natural antibiotics from the "Miracle drink" and "Morning bombardment" themes. This woman had to do hijama many more times, and therefore, in order to make it easier for her and her family (they were not rich), we ordered her son to continue to make his mother's hijama himself. And so we lost contact with her and today we know nothing about her. For self-treatment of the thyroid gland, we can recommend the following. 1) Bring all the muscles of the neck in order with exercises and stretches from the topic "A set of exercises for the muscles of the neck." 2) Self-massage to the right and left of the larynx with the thumb. The principle is to look for pain by pressing with a finger and press until the pain disappears. Everything is extremely simple! And thus, pointwise we press every centimeter from the collarbone to the lower jaw. Pain is the tension of the muscles (as well as the fascia, arteries and nerves). And the disappearance of pain is their relaxation. Relaxation is the release of blood vessels and nerves from compression, from which circulation and innervation are restored. And normal circulation and innervation is life! 3) Hijama on the thyroid gland, or at least just setting cans without incisions for 30-40 minutes after each session. 4) Taking natural antibiotics. As was said, parasites always progress in a diseased organ, and parasites must be killed. 5) Ideally, you should do visceral massage on the internal organs with a rolling pin, following the instructions of O. Khazov (video in the comments). 6) And this is all secondary! And first of all, this is an appeal to the Almighty with prayers, because all this works only according to His predestination!

1a anna vo, kkhiste-khiiste, hya lerge ott; 1a da vo hyoh khetanza dusargdats.
The good deed you have done may or may not come back to you; but your bad deed will surely come back to you.

1a dikadar dicha, tskhyavolcho moatag1al loatsash a hul.
There are such things: if you do them good, they become your enemies.

1a soga “govra khyovzae” yah, with a boa constrictor.
You say "prancing", and the horse itself carries me.

1a haina h1ama tsa yue, 1a haina (sona) mangal a hyokhargbats.
If you don’t eat for yourself (for strength), you won’t be able to mow yourself (for me).

1ay khiezha malch mo ya bezame yoatsa yo1.
A gloomy (gloomy) girl is like the winter sun.

1st eshar ahki laha.
Look in the summer for what you need in the winter.

Gayna dekhar shiy hiittad.
The long-standing debt the debtor begins to consider his own.

1ayha annacha desha ass dallal hyo vece, yist tsa hulash d1a1e.
If you cannot answer for your words, sit and be silent.

1ayha dikanga satuvse, nahatsa dika hila.
Wanna have better share- treat people well.

1ayha kov etsalehya loalaho etsa.
Before you buy a house, buy a neighbor.

1aiha khehkka d1adennar kulg hyokharg hyaetsa.
Give the cup filled to the top, and take it back, filled flush with the edges.

1aiha lovrgdoatsar nahaga ma ala.
Don't tell others what you don't like yourself.

1ayha naha ky yakkhacha, hyar t1ayn k1ala yolla.
Tore off the hat of another, hold yours under your arm.

1aiha hiy molacha khan, khast toabachun (g1uv yakkhachun) this de.
When you drink water, remember with kindness the one who arranged the spring (who dug the well).

1ayha tsa d'ar da'd ma yaha, d'chun d'ar doa a ma de.
Don't brag about what you haven't done; do not denigrate what others have done.

1zhy gan t1a khorash latats.
Pears do not grow on an apple tree.

1am lattacha ushal ishaiats.
Where there was a lake, at least there will be a swamp.

1aman k1oargal chk'arrana hov, hena lakhal chana (mikhana) hov.
The fish knows how deep the lake is, and the bear (wind) knows how high the tree is.

1an hozal (ezdel) - y1ovkhal i.
The nobility (beauty) of winter is to be warm.

1aramha Tirkah khet, Oakhkarakh Matta khetats.
The rivers Aramkhi and Terek merge, but the mountains Okhkare and Myata (Dining room) do not meet.

1atta 1asa deza, 1asana shura eza.
The cow loves the calf and the calf loves milk.

1arzha hiy 1ehash hul (kherame debt hoyt).
The river roars during the flood (warns of danger).

1akhar beshshekhya hul e k1ay, e 1arzha, e k’oarza.
A lamb from birth is either white, or black, or variegated.

“1akhacha, birzo buv; tsa 1alkhacha, das buv”, - yahad ustag1o.
The sheep said: “I will bleat, the wolf will devour it; I won’t give a vote, the owner will slaughter (believing that she is ill) ”.

1ehacha zh1aleh ma khera, tsa1ekhar da kherame.
Do not be afraid of a barking dog, be afraid if it does not bark.

1enne tsa 1ynachoa degg1ane tsa deg1ar hinnad.
Stubborn achieves what was unattainable for him.

1ozhal koga k1ala yoal.
Death is underfoot.

1oazhalah khiira a vennav, tsa khiirar a vennav.
Both the one who was afraid of death and the one who was not afraid of it died.

1 ovdal khetave g1ertar she va 1 ovdal.
Whoever seeks to reason with a fool is himself a fool.

1 vowdala vale a, diishar hak'al dolash het.
And a fool seems smart if he studied.

1 owdala vats naha 1exa tsa ver.
He is not a fool whom people cannot fool.

1ovdala sag vira a voz.
The fool and the donkey will know.

1ovdala sag - govra; hakala dola sag - tsun barre.
A fool is a horse, a smart one is its rider.

1ovdala sag desha hoavicha, yuhevisar a eg1avu.
Put a fool to study - he will go crazy.

1ovdala sag khalevachoa haza tsa dezar khozargda.
If you open up with a fool, you will hear what you would not like to hear.

1 ovdalavannna chug1ortarah dallats denal.
Courage does not lie in recklessly attacking.

1dalcha das in hestava, 1ovdalcha nanas yo1 hestai.
A foolish father praises his son, a foolish mother praises his daughter.

1ovdalcha dottag1cho massaz a tsatoam loattabu hyona.
If a friend is a fool, then he is always a burden to you.

1ovdalcha kertah khitta khera batt1a d1abahab.
The stone that hit the fool's head shattered in two.

1 ovdalcha kerto kogashka bala bakh.
A bad head does not give rest to the legs.

1ovdalcha naha hyak'al delk'al t1ehag1a diykad.
Mind was distributed among fools after dinner.

1ovdalcha naha hak'al - yist tsa hilar yes.
The mind of a fool is in silence.

1ovdalcha sagatsa gargalo malelelae, - hyona dikadar soul, yakhash, hyona bala bakhyargba tso.
Do not mess with a fool: trying to do you good, he will only hurt you.

1ovdalcha sagatsa yakh ma lelae.
Never compete with a fool in anything.

1ovdalcha sago khadenna balla boa nik shera bab.
A path that can be traveled in three days, a fool travels in a year.

1ovdalcho vekhachoa nik bitab.
The fool makes way only for the drunk.

1ovdalcho chyan deshatsa h1alakdu she mel da dika kh1ama, hyakkal dolcho chyan deshatsa toadu shiigara mel danna g1alatash.
A fool with one word crosses out all the good that he has done; a smart one, on the contrary, corrects all his mistakes with a single word.
1ovdalcho yakhad virah: “Phyagala vorh1lag1a da va er.”
The fool said about the donkey: "This is the seventh ancestor of the hare."

1ovdalchunga d1a tsa khattacha a, tso she khaoal (1ovdala volga khakhoyt).
Do not ask a fool - he will tell you everything (it will turn out that he is a fool).

1ovkara k1ala tovnash yogash hul hyona.
Keep in mind: under the ashes, it happens, the coals burn.

1ovkartsa a sapatsa a tsenlargbats 1arzha gata chutekha ker.
Neither soap nor ash can clean a bad man's black pad.

1oaha duga hagulalurgda, d1aaynna deshash yuha hyaloatsalurgdats.
Spilled rice can be collected, the spoken words cannot be returned.

1 daha hi yuhadiirzadats, d1ayaha ha yukhaenayats.
Water has flowed away - it will not return, time has passed - there is no return to it.

1oshershash mo hyo khalshirsha dalare, ts1akhachcha a hurgdar vai.
If you (drag) dragged up as well as down, we would have been at home a long time ago.

1oekkha” annachun yiynayats foart, 1oykkhachun yiynay.
The neck was broken not by the one who said “jump”, but by the one who jumped.

1u voatsa 1st - berzaloy phos.
A herd without supervision is wolf prey.

1u voatsash zha megargdats, yes t1a voatsash dezal megargbats.
Sheep cannot be left without a shepherd, just as a family needs a father (owner).

1uyre yoatsash saire enayats, tskhya dika tekhya doatsash vo a denadats.
There is no evening without morning, at least some good comes after grief.

1uyre ts1iyelcha, Masha kiychbe; sair ts1iyelcha, khacha kiychabe.
Red dawn - get ready for bad weather; the sunset is red - get ready to go.

1yrana vena hyasha haynavats.
Morning guests don't stay.

1urden sarralza bolkh tsa be, ya khudar duargdar az”, - yahad mekacho.
“It is better to eat a bowl of porridge than to work all day,” said the lazy man.

1urdenna sarraltsa qahyegarah ya zungata yuk sellara yitka.
The ant's waist is so thin because he is in labor from morning to evening.

1unal give deg1 ezde hinnad.
Noble is the body that is kept in strictness.

Ya hudaral thought lich tol.
A piece of fat tail is more satisfying than a bowl of porridge.

Yag1acha birza ts1og chk'ormadannad.
The tail of the overstaying wolf has peeled off.

Yakkhachoa kiyi, khyittachoa m1argi.
The winner gets a hat, the loser gets a kick.

Ya'lar, ehar Zloake tapcha.
Shot and exploded weapon at Zaki.

Yassa pyeg1a ekash hul.
Empty dishes usually rattle.

Yassacho dosho pyeg1yla yiza topara pyeg1a tol.
Full earthenware is better than gold and empty.

Yahy hila megargya, hyag1 hila megargyats.
The striving to be better than others is commendable, but black envy of others cannot be concealed.

Ya'cha khana berza k1aza a hul g1o eshash.
When it's born, even a wolf cub needs help.

Yala ha etta boards, boarza t1a a yanna ennai.
The time has come for the wolf to die, he climbed the mound (from pride) and died there.

Yalsamalen map eh-ezdelah yay.
The fence of paradise is made of honor and dignity.

Yahy yola pkhushi dakoa bennabats (dika phyu yustara a bakhe maralats).
A proud dog does not die in his yard (a good dog died on the side).

Yah yolcha ezdel a khurgda, ezdel dolcha yakh a khurgya.
Where there is pride, there is nobility; where there is nobility, there is pride.

Yahy is the price of degar, hyag1 is the behacha of degar.
White envy (competition) - from pure heart, black envy - from a dirty heart.

Yuvzash eina ts1i - dolalushehya hada fu.
A fire that went out during the kindling, at the very beginning the offspring was interrupted.

Yurt yiste khiynacha sagal yurta yukye khyina phyu tol.
A dog who grew up in the center of a village is better than a person who grew up in the outskirts.

Yurtatsa iyg1achun k1ur lekab.
The one who quarreled with the whole village, the hearth went out.

Yukhalurg of the body h1ama-gargalo teda k1od yes.
Loaned - scissors, cutting kinship.

Yukhalurg h1ama yiykhacha, gargara var, dottag1a var hiira voal.
Give in debt - both a friend and a relative will move away from you.

Yuhya dezadar duvtschokh loravala weza.
You have to beware of someone who flatters you to your face.

Yukh t1ara hyatara var anna, dog t1ena dolash a hul; yukha k1ay var anna, dog 1arzha dolash a hul.
It happens: swarthy in face, but pure in heart; white in face and black in heart.

Ebargasha yurt yillayats.
Abreks did not found the village.

Eggar dokkhag1a dola lazhg - saga gaig.
The largest waterskin is the human belly.

Eggar paida boatsa kh1ama - vocha sagatsa dottag1al lazar da.
There is nothing worse than befriending a scoundrel.

Eggar hozag1a dola h1ama yes”, - kaygaga alcha, kaygo shi k1orig enai, yoah.
When the crow was told: “Bring what you consider the most beautiful,” she, they say, brought her chick.

Eggar hozag1a yolcha yo1akh a “foart y1akha ya tsun” ala tsa1 koravav.
There was a detractor who even about the most beautiful girl said, "She has a long neck."

Eggar hozag1a khellacha x1amah a vo ala koradid.
Even about the most beautiful creation, they found a reason to say bad things.

Eggar esalag1a vola fusam-da a pachcha vash chi ts1ag1a.
The most useless owner - and that king in his house.

Eg1a dog attacha novqosto nuvra fu' biyhab.
He who wanted to quarrel with a friend asked him for a pommel of a saddle (i.e., on credit).

Eg1az tsa waterdar a - vir, eg1azzvahachul tekhyag1a tsa khetar a - vir.
Donkey and the one who will not be offended (when there is something), and the one who, being offended, will not forgive the offense over time.

Eg1azvakha ezdi sag voastalurgva, lay sag kisa biy a bai, lelargva.
The noble, if he gets angry, is quick-tempered; the ignoble one constantly keeps a clenched fist in his pocket.

Ezar govr-ett dar vennav, ezar yisha-vosha dar vennav.
He who had thousands of heads of cattle and horses perished, but he who had thousands of relatives survived.

Ezde voatsar kito guchavoakkh.
An ignoble one can be seen by his behavior at the table.

Ezdiycha sago naha g1alatash a duvtsats, already t1ehya a dettats.
A noble person does not talk about the shortcomings of other people and does not reproach them for this.

Ezdelo annad: “Oh, dolcha from the kororgda shoana!”.
Nobility said: “You will find me where there is shame and conscience!”.

Ezdecha saga t1a gali a tov.
On a noble and burlap looks good.

Ezdecha sago tskhyan dikatsa shiykh dannna ijs g1alat toadad, voatsacho - ijse dika tolhadaid.
A noble person corrects nine of his bad deeds with one noble one; ignoble - with one bad deed crosses out nine of his good deeds.

Ezdi voatsachuntsa lelade ezdel, - tsundukha and doatsash haydukhya lelade.
Behave noblely and with the ignoble - not for his sake, but for your own.

Eila yukye lelachun cov-kart diilhad.
The reveler's household is crying.

Eikhiaza vuvla hyo voale, hyotsa a eihyaza bargba.
If you are familiar with others, they will treat you familiarly.
Eila yukye dakkhacha kochyargah hachiyarg hinnadats.
From the matter that is enough for a shirt, you can’t even sew trousers if the matter went from hand to hand.

Emalk yorgla hilac.
Neuk is not a pacer.

Esala konakh: malanza - lively, small - boards.
A worthless sober man is a sheep, a drunken man is a wolf.

Esala konah sesaga mayra hul.
A worthless man is brave with his wife.

Esalcha nahatsa g1ulakh hulachul, denal dolcha nahatsa dov hilar tol.
Than to be friends with worthless people, it is better to be at enmity with courageous ones.

Esalcha nahatsa 1a dov ekkhiite, naha hyo a loarch1argva esalchareh.
If you start enmity with insignificant people, then you will be considered insignificant.

Esalcha sagatsa gargalo ma lelaelakh, - hyona yukhya hozadar duvtsargda tso, hyona buk t1ehashka hya sii doadergda tso.
Do not hang out with an insignificant person, because he will flatter you in your face, and shit behind your back.

Ekh doatsash vaharal khanal khalkha valar tol.
It is better to die prematurely than to live without conscience.

Eh-behk e etsash a dats, e dohkash a dats.
Shame and conscience cannot be bought or sold.

Ekh-ezdel bazar t1a etsash-dohkash hilats.
Honor and nobility are not bought or sold at the market.

Ekh-ezdel kyel-motsal yolcha lekhats.
Nobility is not sought where hunger and poverty reign.

Ekh-ezdel” oal ekhyi ezdeli tskhana mara tovsh tsa khilarakh.
We pronounce the words “conscience” and “nobility” together, because they are inseparable.

Eshash vale, lohash hila.
If you need something, look for it.

Shaikhala wala vennar shait1ala vannav.
Who tried to become a seer, he became a devil

She vay, khalkhiyna mohk malhala b1aykhag1a ba.
The native side is warmer than the sun.

She give dika doadar yes from tehadettash hilar.
A good deed is lost if they are reproached.

Shalta g1ulakh doatsash betta chura ma yakkha, yakkhacha, ma otta.
Unnecessarily, do not take the dagger out of its scabbard, and when you take it out, do not stab it (according to custom, you can only cut with a dagger).

Humpty dika ya betta chu yoallash.
A good dagger is one that lies in a sheath.

She vezacho annar d1a tsa ezar khartsakhya vargva.
Whoever does not accept the advice of those who love him will go the wrong way.

She de voallar duvtsash hilcha, she dergdolchokh voal.
The one who boasts in advance will not do the job.

She malav hovsh ox sag x1alakakhurgvats.
The one who knows his own worth will not be lost.

She hartsa wolcha h1amanna sag k1ala otta veza.
Man himself must be held accountable for his mistakes.

Shi kog b1aikhag1a lelabair unakh ts1enag1a khurgva.
The healthiest person will be the one who keeps their feet warm.

Shi kog g1ortolla mara detse a, shi latta bochag1a yes.
Native land is the sweetest of all, even if it is a patch on which you can hardly stand with both feet

Shi khakha k1ala billa, tsa1 t1abillar visav; ca1 k1ala billa, shih t1abillar vennav.
He who laid down two sheepskins and covered himself with one, escaped; laying down one sheepskin and covering himself with two, he died.

Shi loam v1ashag1akhiittabats, shi sag v1ashag1akhiittav.
Two mountains did not converge, but two people met.

Shi moatag1a tskhyan thov k1ala tarlats.
Two enemies can't get along under the same roof.

Shi pkhyor daa venna k1ets metsa d1avizhav.
I decided to have dinner in two places, but I went to bed hungry.

Shi tkam bolash yale a, kotamah lacha khurgdats.
Although a chicken has two wings, it still cannot fly like a falcon.

Shii b1arg - diamond k1ig yes.
Your eye is a diamond grain.

Shiy b1arg bainachun naha b1arga t1ara k1ay dainad.
The one-eyed man saw a thorn in another's eye.

Shiy b1enakh hazilga a g1ala het.
Even a bird's nest looks like a tower.

Shiy dalnei nannei mut1ahya dola vo1-yisha Dyalana dukkha diyzad.
Both son and daughter are loved by God if they honor their parents.

Shiy deg1a toam leha sag vai oartsana maniisaloil.
Even in great danger, we do not need a man who cares only about his own pleasures.

Shiy dezala yes voatsachoh mechka yes hinnavats.
The master of the country will not be the one who is not the master in his house.

Shiy iraz eggar khalkha sago she lorade deza.
First of all, a person must protect his own happiness.

Shii kamanza voatsar - a bowl of bo da.
He who is not with his people is a bitter orphan.

Shiy korga chu dakhkana a sheikh lom het.
In its hole, even a mouse considers itself a lion.

Shiy mechka doatsacha ero tsogal latsadats.
In a foreign land, the hound did not catch the fox.

Shiy nana siy loradecho Dahen siy a loradergda.
Who honors his mother, he honors the Motherland.

Shiy tukh-siskal cham bolashag1a da naha dulkh-khalt1amal.
Your own bread and salt is tastier than someone else's meat with dumplings.

Shiy tekhye eza, anna, khellad Dyala dune t1a mel khella sadola h1ama.
God created this world in such a way that all living things love their cubs.

Shii khannahya va howr - khysha va; shi hannahya vaha howr ah va hyasha.
A guest is one who knows when to visit and when to leave.

Shii khannahya vizhar khai vocha h1amah tinnav; shiy hannahya g1ettar khai dikacha kh1amah khiynav.
The one who went to bed on time avoided three troubles; The one who got up on time was rewarded three times.

Shiy x1ama shiyna b1argagucha dika yes.
It's good to have your stuff in front of you.

Shii ts1ag1a balinese ox sag naha a balinese verz.
He who brings grief to his family is dangerous for everyone.

Shii ts1ag1a voatsar ara a vats.
Whoever is a nonentity in his house is nobody outside the house.

Shiy ts1ag1a - khasha, nakha ts1ag1a - yurtda.
In his house - a guest, in someone else's house - foreman

Shiyla ya mehkakh vainna lelachoa, y1ayha ya give khuvrcha yiste vag1achoa.
It is cold for one who wanders in a foreign land, warm for one who warms himself at his native hearth.

Shiyna give dika ditsluchunna shiyna give vo a ditslurgda.
Whoever forgets the good done to him, he will also forget the harm done to him.

Shiyna dehov dikadar tsa desh 1iynari shiyna tsa hovr desh vallari tskhatarra va.
The one who knows what to do and does not do, and the one who does not know what to do, but does it, are the same.

Shiyna dennacha hyak'alah khoacham ber tuvlavenna sag va.
The one who is content with the natural mind is a limited person.

Shiyna doakar lush vola sag attana a veza.
Even a cow knows who feeds her.

Shiyna dukkhag1a vezachoa Dallas dukkhag1a hyak'al dennad.
God Dyala gives more mind to his pet.

Shiyna t1adoatsar duvtsar shiyna t1adar dutsa ma vahalva.
Whoever talks too much, let him not live in order to ask for what he needs.

Shiina t1akhachcha bala bokkha hetachoa ha deza khy a bokkhag1a boa bala hulash bolga.
Anyone who considers his grief huge, you need to know that there is a more serious grief.

Shiyna howr mara ala yish yats sago.
Man can't tell Furthermore what he knows.

Shiyna h1ama yelcha, they say zh1alena a dakkhad zhai.
For a fee, the maul even made a talisman for the dog.
She buvsh, dakhko and tsergash tehai.
And the mouse began to bite when they began to kill it.

She tavayna guv lakha khet.
The hill, which he himself conquered, seems to be from a mountain.

Shelalah p1elga bukhig lozaboallachulla, y1ovhalah moj mustloila sa.
Let my beard grow out of the heat rather than the tip of my finger ache from the cold.

Shelvennachoa y1aykhacha pishkal d1ayha daar tol.
A chilled hot food warms better than a hot stove.

Shera tskaa vira dulkh tsa diacha, berzana girdz doal.
If a wolf does not eat the meat of a donkey once a year, he is overcome by scabies.

Shera tsk'a muk'a sesago annachunga a ladiyg1acha megargda.
You can listen to the advice of your wife at least once a year.

Sherchasha dar govrasha du ahki dar 1ano d1adu.
What is made by bulls, horses eat; what is gained in the summer is eaten up by the winter.

Shoayla v1ashhy khyarchacha, kulgashta a y1aykhag1a hul.
And hands are warmer when they are together.

Shozza annar hyara a host.
Twice said and heard at the mill.

Shozza annochoh 1ovdal a khittav, qorachoa a khezad.
Twice said and the fool understood, and the deaf heard.

Shozza Valar da Diina Vollashehya Valar.
To die disgraced is to die twice.

Shorta vakhar gana vannav.
Walking slowly, gone far.

Shuv yiste g1ertacha istarga viro a'nad, yoah: “Ma g1erta berda yiste, - sa gi boag1argba hyo”.
The donkey said to the bull grazing at the cliff: "Do not reach for the abyss - you will lie on my back."

Shu-sherga mel doal sag bukara verz, - latto d1aveh iz.
From year to year a person stoops - this is the earth calling him to her.

Shucha-mohcha, zahal-mahal dikag1a betsy naha impudent?
Brother, cousin, brother-in-law... isn't it better than a stranger?
Ch1oag1a alcha, Kherave alcha sanna hetash; shortiga alcha, zovzala yash sanna hetash; v1alla tsa oalash 1iycha, 1ovdala hetash; alcha, khak’al dolash hila g1ertash sanna hetash… hul tskkhavar.
It seems to others: someone said loudly - he wants to scare; quietly said - cowards; said nothing - a fool; spoke out - wise guy grimaces.

Ch1oag1a vats dulhag1a voatsar.
Only the muscular can be strong.

Borzi tea v1ashag1aletad, datta khabilg sona yisai.
A wolf and a bear fought over a jug of oil, and I got it.

Chersiy chakkhala, nakka b1oahkhala - tskya tekhacha toargya dikacha dina shod; maidana yokkhala, naha dukkhala - tsk'a alcha to'argda konakhchun dosh (hartsa khurgdoatsa dosh).
IN long road, it is enough to whip a good Circassian horse once; no matter how crowded the village square is, it is enough to say a man's word (a true word) once.

Chekhkachokh ma khera, k1adachoh ma tesha.
Don't be afraid of the quick-tempered, be afraid of the quiet.

Chubellar - bottom, gibellar - fly.
What he took inside is strength, what he put on his shoulders is a load.

Chudisar - doshuv, aradannar - dotuv.
The unsaid is gold, the spoken is silver.

Ts1ag1a bart bale, gannarcha nak'ag1a vakha megarva.
If there is agreement in the house, then you can safely go on a long journey.

Ts1ag1a chu dovnash khukhya vo1-vosha hulachul kolela eg1ady zh1ali dukhaza tolashag1a da.
Much better to have in the yard mad dog than a brother or son who brings human enmity into the house.

Ts1ag1ara che fusam-nana me, arahye fusam-daga me.
Everything in the house is the care of the hostess, outside the house - the owner.

Ts1akkha baha 1ohovshargbats bus 1o tsa buvshash fatken doadergash, 1uyranna khal tsa g1ottash, bolkh boabergash.
Those who transfer kerosene (to a lamp) will never live in abundance, going to bed late, and getting up for dinner, forgetting about work.

Ts1armata sag akhchantsa eschavergva, khalkal dola sag khakhkaltsa mara eschavergvats.
A greedy man can be overcome by money, but a clever man can only be overcome by his mind.

Ts1armata sag she kerta t1ara hinj bozhar kher.
Greedy afraid to drop even nits from his head.

Ts1armata sag eh daina hul.
A greedy person has no shame.

Ts1armatacha saga shi b1arg yakkha hul.
The miser has a greedy eye.

Ts1armatacha sago cho ahbakkhab.
The greedy even divides the hair in half.

Ts1armatacha fusam-das yakhad: “Modz dukkha diacha, dog lozadoal.”
The stingy owner used to say: “He who eats a lot of honey starts to hurt the heart.”

Ts1ena vats shiy sina khalkha ts1ena voatsar.
Only he who is pure in front of his soul (himself in front of himself) is pure.

Ts1envala vakhar behvenna venav.
He went to make excuses, but returned blackened.

Ts1enavar ts1erala khessacha a vagavats.
Truthful and does not burn in fire.

Ts1enakh ts1a der ts1ennana i.
The hostess (wife) makes a house (a well-coordinated family) out of a house.

Ts1enachshiy khastara khy khyida a dukkhag1a deza.
And the frog loves water from his pure spring more.

Ts1enoeh ts1i yalcha a vohats konakh ox sag.
A real man won't panic even if his house catches fire.

Ts1enosh far away cards ottaycho ts1enosh dergda; cards ottaylehya ts1enosh de volavennacho ts1enosh dergdats.
The one who first put up the fence will build the house; but whoever immediately began to build a house without a fence will not build it.

Ts1enosh de etta sag parg1ata hurgvats.
The one who starts building a house will lose peace.

Ts1erga g1irta cisk flicker.
The cat, which was huddled against the hearth, was scorched.

Ts1ero dakhcha duash sanna duneno adam du.
Life devours people like fire eats firewood.
Ts1ertsa 1ema sag ts1erakh kherats.
Accustomed to fire, fire is not afraid.

Ts1echa 1attagara e 1archcha 1attagara, - hyona fu be da shura k1ay hilcha.
From a red cow or from a black one - what difference does it make to you, since the milk is white.

Ts1i tsa yogacha k1ur ihabats.
There is no smoke where there is no fire.

Ts1i ts1ero mara iizayats.
Fire is only kindled by fire.

Ts1y hyaina hyakha lakha loam bukhye yiynay.
An enraged (obese) boar was killed on top of a high mountain.

Tsa dicha dargdoatsa h1ama gana ma dakkha.
Do not put off what sooner or later, but you have to do it.

Tsa dezar leladachunga khacha tsa dezar khoach.
He who does what he is not supposed to get, what he would not want to receive.

Tsa oalash disa dosh doshoh dad.
The unspoken word is made of gold.

Tsa hovchun khacha hovcho biab.
The dinner of the clumsy is eaten by the craftsman.

Tsadiisha sag - khunsag.
Uneducated - "forest man"

Tsamogash volchoa mogash hilar dokkha ruzka debt.
The patient knows that health is the greatest wealth.

Tsamogash hilcha bu unakhts1enonna max.
Only those who are ill will know the price of health.

Tsarg yoatsash bordz hinnayats, shelal yoatsash 1a hinnadats.
There is no wolf without teeth, no winter without frost.

Tsakhovchokh hatta dukkha hinnad.
The unknown raises many questions.

Tsakhovrash howrachar daar yes.
Those who do not know are food for those who know.

Tsatsa chu hy khahya attag1a yes 1ovdala sag khetavechul.
It is easier to carry water in a sieve than to reason with a fool.

Tsisk zh1alets tats, zh1ali berzats tats, bordz sagatsa tats.
A cat does not get along with a dog, a dog does not get along with a wolf, and a wolf does not get along with a man.

Tsiskakh kherabenna 1urgara tsa banna dakhka motsala bennab.
The mouse, which did not leave the hole for fear of the cat, died of hunger.

isko annad dumeh: “Az-m buargbatsar hyo, khalkhachchacha a”.
The cat said about the fat tail: “Even if I reached out, I wouldn’t eat you”

Tsk'a a'nnar hoz of a savage sesaga.
A good wife will hear once said.

Tsk'a yannacha topo shi phagal yiyayats.
You can't kill two birds with one stone.

Tsogalo yakhad: "Dikag1dar yes - zhalena she galehya, zhalena sheina gar."
The fox said, "The best thing is to see the dog before it sees you."

Tskhya som of Dennachunza dottag1al latzad, Tuma of Dennachunza moatag1al latzad.
By lending a ruble, you will make a friend, and by lending a gold piece, you will make an enemy.

Tskhavolchun govza kama'l chkariy luvtsa z1ak sanna yes.
The speech of some cunning people is like a fishhook.

Tskhadola khazilg lachan dog dolash hul.
There is a birdie with a falcon's heart.

Tskkhakkha sunt dats khivo dokhorgdoatsash.
There is no such dam, no matter what water has not carried away over time.

Tskhalkha tskhya sag nakha atta hetargva, chuhya sa doatsash from mira tsa khule.
It is difficult for a loner among people if he is not extremely brave.

Tskhyan be d1akhovdadayr vokha be hyayitsad.
Served with one hand, taken away with the other.

Tskhyan yoakharo yurt v1ashag1a lotayy.
Because of one gossip, the whole village quarreled.

Tskhyan kulgah doakhka p1elgash a ts1 shollag1choa tara dats.
Even the fingers of one hand do not look alike.

Tskhyan kherakh g1ala khinnayats, tskhycha barechun saz hezayats.
A tower cannot be built from one stone, no one can hear the voice of a lonely one.

Tskhyan siygo yurt lotayy (yoagayy).
One spark burned the whole village.

Tskhanne dikakh shi voahavennavats.
Good (property) one is not enough for two.

Tskhannega haita dog mehkaga haitad.
He shared a secret with one - and it became known to the whole world.

Tskhannena ma dokkha a da hyo, shinnena maggotta a da hyo”, - annad kashah.
They said about the grave: “To one you are spacious, but to two you are cramped.”

Tskkhaka lelacha sago g1ala yottargyats.
A single tower cannot be built.

Tsk'cha saga top yannayats.
Lonely and the gun does not shoot.

Hya valarga hiezhzha da hyona desha yassiy.
Your death (life) corresponds to the departing prayer read to you.

Khya vosha hulachul, hya ust-vosha hinnavalara so (annad vocha veshiiga).
Rather than be your brother, I would rather be your brother-in-law (about a bad brother).

Khada” yahar k1ordavav, “d1aetsa” yahar viyzav.
The one who asks is tired, the one who gives is loved.

Khadehash vale, d1alush a hila.
If you like to ask, be able to give.

Khazilgiy iraz da tsisk tkamash doatsash khella.
Fortunately for the birds, the cat is created wingless.

Khyai dosh duvtsash bola khelahoy dikag1a khaba.
Judges leading your business, feed better.

Haina wild far away, duvets; 1ayha dika give far, lochkade.
They did you good - talk about it; did it myself good deed- shut up about him.

Khakhii shura miinachokh khakhii oamalash yoakhk.
Fed on pig's milk acquires swine habits.

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