How to draw a live fox. Easy ways to draw a fox with a pencil


How to draw a fox in watercolor step by step Master class with photo

Master class for junior schoolchildren"Fox". Master class with step by step photos.

Author: Victoria Fomicheva, 11 years old, studying at the Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov, Velikie Luki, Pskov region.
Teacher: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov, city of Velikie Luki, Pskov region.

Description: work can be done with younger children school age. The material can be useful to educators and teachers, parents.
Purpose: such work can be a wonderful decoration of the interior, creative exhibitions, as well as a gift for relatives and friends.
Target: based on discussions with children about loved ones fairytale heroes create a composition with the image of a fox.
- teach to portray an animal fox;
- create a composition with the main figure in it;
- to consolidate the skills of working with watercolor;
- to cultivate love and interest in the diversity of the animal world.
Hello dear guests! The fox is one of the most popular heroines of children's fairy tales. But how fabulous image endowed with features characteristic of these animals in reality. The fox is beautiful: a magnificent tail, which is a little less than half the length of the body, a red coat and a roguish narrow-nosed muzzle with beautiful brown eyes. In addition, the fox is slender, graceful, it has an elongated torso and slender legs, and it is the size of a small dog: it weighs 6-10 kilograms.
The fox is not only a cunning beast. This is a predator that wins not only by force, but by intelligence and cunning, can fool not only prey, but also a person. No wonder they say "sly as a fox." The image of a fox has entered many fairy tales and legends about foxes. various peoples. Foxes were like a personification evil spirits, and a symbol of fire, purification.
The Slavs had special treatment to the fox, as to a totem animal, the incarnation of the goddess Mokosh. Foxes were admired for their beauty and ingenuity, despite the fact that the red-haired beasts never missed an opportunity to climb into the chicken coop.

Foxes have long been popular in folk art, their cunning was depicted in folklore. Christians used to consider the fox to be like the devil. And all because she catches her victims at night, very insidious, cunning, but also smart. Such Interesting Facts about foxes are simply amazing. In many folk tales the fox is portrayed as a cunning lady who, with her flattery and deceit, will achieve everything she needs.
Not many animals are called by name and patronymic. But the fox is often called that way. Moreover, her middle name is unusual - Patrikeevna. About 600 years ago, there lived a prince named Patrikey Narimuntovich, famous for his resourcefulness and cunning. Since then, the name Patrickey has become equivalent to the word cunning. And since the fox has long been considered by the people as a very cunning beast, then as the heiress of the famous prince, she received Patrikeevna's patronymic.
red fox in Ancient Rome acted as a demon of fire. The same deity took place in Scandinavia, and was called Loki.
For peoples living on Far East, the fox is to this day an example of evil spirits.
Unlike other countries, in North America, the fox is considered a neutral deceiver, while the coyote is slandered to the fullest. For alchemists, the fox is a symbol of temporarily solidifying sulfur.

There is no such place on the planet where it would be impossible to meet a fox. Foxes can be seen in the tundra, forests, steppes, mountains, swamps, and where no human has gone before, and near rural outskirts. Surprisingly well this beast adapts to the most different conditions, however, prefers open landscapes: splitting forests, ravines, hills, fields, forest-steppes, does not like to live in the dense taiga, in snowy areas and deserts.
One study found that 69% of their diet consisted of mice, 20% hares, 10% plant foods such as fruits, and the rest insects and other miscellaneous foods.
The fox does not chew food, but only tears the meat into small pieces and swallows them.
The fox tail changes its appearance Depending on the season, it is especially beautiful in winter. On the paws, the fox has sensitive hairs that help it navigate in space and find the right direction.
Except for the breeding season, red foxes live alone and sleep under open sky even in very frosty winters, characteristic of the northern part of their range. Since the tip of the nose and paw pads are sensitive to frost, the animal sleeps with its fluffy tail wrapped around the body.
The red fox is a common species of fox found on every continent.

The fox tail changes its appearance depending on the time of year, in winter it is especially beautiful. The fox is a solitary animal. If the female fox dies, then the male never looks for a mate again and lives the rest of his life "single". However, if the male dies, then the female finds herself a new "cavalier". Although foxes are similar to cats and dogs, they avoid contact with these animals. Foxes are mostly nocturnal animals and prefer to hunt at night.
This animal is found in almost every kind of habitat. They can adapt to the presence of people. In addition to the red fox, there are individuals with a different color of fur, for example, with a black chest, belly and scruff. Some foxes have a black cross on their back.
Common, or red fox - the most common and largest species of the fox genus. Body length 60-90 cm, tail - 40-60 cm, weight - 6-10 kg. The common fox is very widespread: throughout Europe, North Africa, most of Asia, North America and Australia.
The fennec fox is a miniature fox that lives in the deserts of North Africa. This is the smallest representative of the canine family, it is smaller in size than a domestic cat. Height at the withers 18-22 cm, body length - 30-40 cm, tail - up to 30 cm, weighs up to 1.5 kg. Fennec ears are the largest among predators in relation to the size of the head; they reach 15 cm in length. Fenech needs such big ears not only because he has to learn from the slightest rustle in the sand about the movement of his main prey - insects and small vertebrates, but also for better cooling of the body in the heat of the day.

This is a marble fox, an artificially bred subspecies of the red fox.

The gray fox is a species of wolf family that lives in North and Central America, as well as on far north South America. The height at the withers is 30-40 cm. The gray fox is very agile and dexterous, for his family, he runs fast, and also knows how to climb trees.

The black-brown fox is a subspecies of the common fox. According to legend, the black-brown fox brings happiness to everyone who has ever seen her, this is a very rare animal. A man put him on the verge of extinction because of the fur of an unusual color.

The polar fox, or arctic fox, is a predatory mammal of the canine family, the only representative of the genus of arctic foxes. Body length 50-75 cm, tail - 25-30 cm, height at the withers - 20-30 cm. The average body weight of a male is 3.5 kg, maximum - up to 9 kg, females - 3 kg. The Arctic fox is distributed beyond the Arctic Circle, on the coast and islands of the Arctic Ocean, in the tundra and forest-tundra zones.

The silver-black fox is a subspecies of wild red foxes that are common in the eastern part of North America, In Canada.

Materials and tools:
- A3 sheet
- simple pencil, eraser, brushes
- a glass for water, a cloth for brushes

Master class progress:

We start with a pencil drawing. Main character fox work, place it in the middle of the sheet, start with the head and details of the muzzle.

The fox will sit on a stone in a birch grove. We draw a torso and a silhouette of a back paw, a tail.

Then we draw the paws, first the foreground, then the back.

Next, draw sketches of the background trees.

In our drawing, the fox is sitting on a stone, and behind it are spring birches. Snow-white birches will help make the fox's coat brighter. Before working with watercolors, you need to erase the extra lines of the drawing, make the drawing as transparent as possible in order to pencil drawing did not shine through the watercolor. In general, a pencil drawing should always be light, but it is hard to see in the photographs, and we deliberately intensified the color. It is also necessary to prepare watercolor, soak it in small droplets pure water in every color.

We always start with a light one, first the breast, and then a darker back, head and tail. You can outline the breast outline in orange, and then blur the color with water.

Then, gradually compacting the color, new strokes of paint are applied, we decorate the paws, draw the edging of the ears, and apply shadows on the muzzle. Decorate the stone (poke method) using gray shades colors.

We highlight the silhouette of the fox with black, draw individual hairs.

The plot of the composition is early spring, when the birch trees are covered with light fluff of foliage that has not yet blossomed. Therefore, the main background will be light green with a slight blotch. blue color sky. At the bottom of the work, we make green more saturated, implying green grass.

We draw the contours of birches in black, draw individual twigs and branches, lines characteristic of birches.

In the development of children, drawing occupies a separate niche. At first, the baby, wielding a pencil, clumsily depicts drawings in the style of “kalyaki-malaki”. Improving, over time, these pictures turn into whole plots. If you develop skills and help the baby draw, you can teach him to distinguish between figures and their position in space, determine the size, shape and ratio of the details shown on the sheet. In today's article, you will learn how to draw a fox using a pencil and step by step instructions.

Drawing geometric shapes and items for children is not a very exciting activity. It is much more interesting to portray animals and embody stories with their participation, especially if the lesson is conducted in a playful and accessible form for a beginner.

To get started, prepare a simple set:

  • Paper.

Before you draw a fox with a pencil, you need to arrange the tools so that the baby can clearly see all your movements. At the same time, it is important to show an example to the child how to sit correctly, hold a pencil in his hand.

First stage

Before starting the process, you should imagine how the fox is best placed on the sheet and put the paper accordingly. Now you can start drawing step by step.

Let's do a sketch first. It should be a slightly elongated oval. This will be the body of the sitting fox. Then you can outline where the head of the beast will be. To do this, in the upper part of the oval, we begin to draw a figure resembling a mediator in shape. Having completed the action, you can begin to draw two high triangles with a pencil. These will be the ears, and should be placed at the top of the fox's head.

As previously mentioned, we are teaching children how to draw a sitting fox. Therefore, the front paws of the animal must be depicted as parallel, emanating from the upper part of the body-oval. Hind legs the chanterelles will be bent. So, they should be drawn behind the front. At the same time, you can focus on the contour of the animal, displaying the limbs with triangles with two rounded corners.

For some adults, as well as for children, the difficulty of drawing lies in the image of the muzzle. However, by drawing in stages, following this instruction, you will be able to quickly and easily transfer the image to paper. To do this, remember how to write English letter"W", since the shape of the mouth and nose remotely resembles this particular symbol. We transfer it to the muzzle of our fox so that the image is located at the bottom of the form, resembling a plectrum for a guitar. But at the same time, one should be guided by a sense of proportion, since an overly wide symbol can easily turn a fox into an evil wolf.

Now you can apply the eyes. To do this, parallel to the ears of the fox, you need to place two almond-shaped shapes. In general, they are similar to the eyes of a cat. It should be noted that for children this stage of drawing can be difficult. Therefore, you should show patience and help the crumbs.

Final stage

Our sitting fox is almost ready. It remains to draw a tail with a white tip and a mustache. After that, along the entire contour of the animal's body, a "fringe" should be applied with light pencil movements. In conclusion, on the breast and throughout the body we draw wool with small thin lines. It is desirable to apply strokes heterogeneous and rather rare. You need to finish the drawing by erasing the main contour with a soft eraser in places where it is strongly manifested. It is also worth removing the strokes of the auxiliary lines and the fox, drawn with a pencil, is ready.

As you can see, draw a fox, guided step by step instructions, for children it will be quite simple and quite exciting.

"Mom, draw!"

Every mother sooner or later hears from her child the cherished "Mom, draw me ...". And there are a lot of options for ending this phrase. Children are asked to draw a flower, a tree, a house, a dog, a cat, a butterfly and many other things. For parents who are not deprived of artistic talent, it will not be difficult to translate any request of their baby on paper. But what about those who can't draw? It remains only to learn how to portray all this. In many cartoons, there is such a character as a fox or a fox. How to draw a fox, we will discuss today. Everything is very simple. It is enough to follow the instructions, doing everything carefully and slowly. I want to offer several options for how to draw a fox with a pencil.

Fairy fox with mom

The cutest and most suitable drawing for children - a fox with a mother - is performed in several stages.

STEP 1. Let's start the drawing with four circles, two for each animal that we are going to draw. Connecting the circles to each other, we denote the lines of the neck. This will be helpful for the next step.

Step 2 Now we'll turn the top right circle into the mother fox's head. Let's place her face in profile. Then we will sketch the ears.

Step 3. Having drawn the contour of the face and ears, we apply additional lines to the latter. After that, we proceed to the image of the eye, nose and antennae. We finish on this work on the muzzle of the fox.

Step 4. In this step, we will give the bottom circle the shape of the fox's body. Carefully draw the torso the same as in the picture in front of you. Draw a tail large and fluffy.

Step 5 Draw small curved lines for the animal's thighs. Next, draw the necessary additional lines on the tail. Having completed this work on the adult fox, we move on to the fox.

Step 6. We draw his head, muzzle, ears and, of course, do not forget about the fluffy cheek.

Step 7. We put additional lines on the ears, draw his eyes, nose and antennae. Completely finish the muzzle of the fox.

Step 8. Now draw the torso, focusing again on the sample. Let's add a lush and beautiful ponytail. We draw all additional lines on the tail and torso.

Step 9. Let's clear the drawing from unnecessary details with the help of an eraser and outline the outline of the drawing more clearly. Now you can color your masterpiece.

I offer another option on how to draw a fox.

How to draw a fox in stages? Next method will help to create a red-haired beauty, more like a real beast, and not a fairy-tale character.

Fox from the triangle

Here Alternative option- how to draw a fox starting with a triangle instead of a circle. We make sketches. Draw a small triangle. We add two small triangles to it - ears. Next, draw a line of the neck, back and draw the tail. Then - a sketch of the front paw, then the back and the two remaining. Outline the lines, smoothing them and giving them softer shapes. We draw a muzzle, finishing the eyes, nose, antennae. We bring to final version ears and paws of the depicted animal. We do hatching for wool.

Our wonderful fox is ready!

If you do not know, we hasten to say that this is not as difficult as an inexperienced artist might think. Despite the fact that this forest hunter is cunning and resourceful, the lines of her body are smooth and flexible. It is enough to show a little perseverance, then you will be able to depict a cheat on a piece of paper.

Basically, all foxes look the same - short legs, a long body, a sharp muzzle with protruding ears and a bushy tail. Ours will be a great help for you, and you can easily draw a red fox.

Fox step by step drawing

Stage 1 - draw the silhouette of a fox

With light jerky lines draw a muzzle, slightly rounding it at the bottom. Then move on to the back. Go down a little to get a tail. Don't be afraid to do jerky movements pencil - in the process of drawing, all unnecessary details will be erased with an eraser.

Having drawn the tail, you can outline the area of ​​​​the neck, back of the body and paws. Do not forget to mark the belly with a thin curved line as shown in the first figure.

Stage 2 - add details

Now you can start detailing your sketch. On the face you need to draw small pointed ears and go to the head itself. Swipe through the center of a thin vertical line, and then in the center of this line a small horizontal one.

In this area, the fox will have eyes. Draw a small circle for the animal's nose. The front paws must be made straight, but the hind legs are slightly curved. How to do this is shown in the figure. You can also draw a shirt-front on the chest of the animal - several lines, so that in the future we will not forget about this detail.

Stage 3 - remove extra lines

Erase from the sheet all unnecessary contour lines, leaving only a clear silhouette of a fox. Make eyes and nose rich. Ears are slightly rounded at the crown. Work on the paws and tail. It needs to be made more magnificent, and draw fur on the paws. This can be done with small strokes.

Stage 4 - adding wool, drawing eyes

This step is the penultimate one in our lesson. You just have to finish the eyes, nose and draw a small mouth. The entire body of the animal must be “covered” with wool using strokes. The figure clearly shows in which area to do this.

Stage 5 - final

So we come to the last step, which will help make our fox more realistic. Add more hair over the body, and also take time for the eyes. You need to draw small cilia and make the eyes darker. Don't forget about these small parts, like a mustache, claws on the paws, fluff on the top of the head and a black tip on the tail. That's all - the fox is ready!

Other phased drawing options

Option 1

Option 2

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a fairy tale Gingerbread Man - Fox and Gingerbread Man with a pencil in stages. This is the moment when the fox says: "I can't hear well, sit closer." The gingerbread man is naive and sat on the nose of the fox, she threw it up and ate it. What is the meaning of the fairy tale, I never thought, but now I thought about it and, probably, not to be a naive simpleton and not to trust anyone you don’t know. You can post your versions in the comments. So, how to draw a Fox from the fairy tale Gingerbread Man.

Let's sketch right away. First, draw a stump, then at a certain distance big circle- this is the head, below is a sketch of the body, skirt and paws.

Now we draw a muzzle of a fox. Draw how you feel comfortable, some will find it more convenient to draw from the nose, others from the forehead. Then we draw a mouth, ears and an eye.

We draw with small curves the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe white cheek of the fox, then the cilia and pupil, the shape of the ear inside. Draw a sleeve and make more smooth lines.

Now we draw the fingers on the paws, the bottom of the skirt and legs.

Draw the tail, the neck of the blouse, the decoration on the blouse, separate the color on the legs. On the stump we draw the bark of a tree, and on the nose of the fox a bun. If you don't know how to draw a kolobok, there is a separate lesson

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