Fox Poem. A novel about a treacherous fox


The Lion King of Beasts Noble hosts a reception on the occasion of the Ascension Day. All animals are invited. Only the rogue Fox dared not come to the royal feast. The wolf Isengrin complains to the lion about the Fox, his old enemy: the swindler raped the wolf's wife Gryzenta. Noble arranges a trial. He decides to give Lis a chance to improve and instead cruel punishment orders Isengrin to conclude a peace treaty with the Fox.

At this moment the animals see funeral procession: a rooster and chickens carry a chicken torn to pieces by the Fox on a stretcher. They fall at Noble's feet, begging him to punish the villain. The angry lion orders the bear Biryuk to find the Fox and deliver it to the palace. But the cunning rogue manages to trick him too: he lures the honey lover to the beehive, and the clumsy Biryuk gets stuck in the hollow of the oak. The forester, seeing the bear, convenes people. Barely alive, beaten with sticks, the poor fellow returns to Noble. The lion is angry. He instructs the cat Tiber to deliver the villain. Not daring to disobey the order of the lord, he goes to the Fox. He decides to lure the criminal into the palace with cunning and flattering speeches. But this time, too, the dexterous rogue inflates the royal envoy. He invites him to go hunting together - to the priest's barn, where there are many mice, and to the chicken coop. The cat is trapped.

The enraged lion decides to go to war against the criminal. The animals go on a hike. Approaching the fortress where the Fox hid, they realize that it is not so easy to overcome the stone walls. But, seized with a thirst for revenge, the animals still set up camp around the castle. They storm the fortress for days on end, but all their efforts are in vain.

The animals, having lost all hope of taking the fortress, go to bed. Meanwhile, the fox, slowly getting out of the castle, decides to take revenge on the enemies. He ties the tails and paws of the sleeping ones to the trunks of trees and lies down at the side of the queen. Waking up, the frightened lioness raises a cry. The animals, seeing the Fox, try to get up, but cannot move. Slug Slow, having decided to free everyone, hastily cuts their tails and paws. The fox is already ready to run away, but in last moment Slowly manages to grab the scoundrel. Finally the Fox is captured.

Noble issues a cruel but fair sentence - to execute a liar and a villain. The wife and sons of the Fox, having learned that he is in danger of imminent death, beg the lord to pardon the criminal, offering a rich ransom in return. In the end, the lion agrees to forgive the Fox, but on the condition that he leave his daring antics. The delighted Fox hides as soon as the rope is removed from his neck. But it turns out that in the crowd and confusion, the Fox committed another crime - he crushed the mouse. And he's already gone. Noble orders everyone who sees the criminal, without waiting judicial trial, deal with him on the spot.

Hard times have come for the Fox, He is forced to wander, hiding from everyone. It was not so easy to get food for yourself. But cunning and ingenuity still help him out. Either he manages to lure a piece of cheese from a raven with flattering speeches, or he cheats fishermen who are returning home with a rich catch. This time, the Fox pretends to be dead, and the simpletons put him in the wagon. In the meantime, the slicker fills his belly to the full, and even takes part of the prey with him. That was the joy of his household!

Meanwhile, Isengrin, prowling in search of food, approaches the Fox's house. Smelling the smell fried fish, he, forgetting about the mortal enmity with the Fox and all his crimes, asks to feed him. But the sly one tells the wolf that the supper is for the monks, and they accept anyone who wants to join their community. Starving, Isengrin expresses a desire to join the Order of Tyrone. The fox assures the wolf that for this it is necessary to cut off the tonsure. He tells him to stick his head through the crack in the door and pour boiling water over it. When the wolf, exhausted by these tortures, reminds him that he promised to feed him, the Fox invites Isengrin to catch fish himself. He takes him to a frozen pond, ties a bucket to his tail and tells him to lower it into the hole. When the ice freezes and the wolf is no longer able to move, people gather to the pond. Seeing a wolf, they attack him with sticks. Left without a tail, Isengrin barely takes his legs.

Beast King Noble suddenly falls ill serious illness. Renowned healers flock to him from all over the world, but none of them can help the lion. Badger Greenber, who is Fox's cousin, convinces him that the only way to earn forgiveness and win the favor of the king is to heal him. Having collected healing herbs in a wonderful garden and robbed a sleeping pilgrim, he appears before Noble. The king is angry that the insolent Fox dared to appear before his eyes; but he explains to Noble the purpose of his visit. He says that the skin of a wolf, the horns of a deer and the hair of a cat will be required to heal the sick. The king orders the servants to fulfill his request. The fox rejoices: Isengrin, the deer and the cat Tiber - his old enemies and offenders - are now disgraced forever. With the help of potions prepared by the Fox, the king recovers. The trickster finally wins the king's love.

The lion goes to war with the pagans. He instructs the Fox to guard the palace and appoints him as his viceroy. Taking advantage of Noble's absence, he seduces his wife and lives without denying himself anything. Soon, an insidious plan matures in him: he persuades the messenger to announce to the animals that the lion died on the battlefield. The messenger reads to the beasts the will of the king, concocted by the fraudster Fox: after the death of the lion, the throne should go to the Fox, and Noble's widow will become the wife of the newly-made king. Sorrow for the deceased sovereign is replaced by joy: no one wants to quarrel with the new king.

Soon the lion returns home with a victory. He storms the castle and takes the traitor prisoner. Rooster Chauntecleer pounces on the impostor, but he pretends to be dead, and he is thrown into a ditch. Crows flock to the carrion, but they fail to eat: the Fox tears off one of their paws and runs away. The ravens complain to the king, and he sends the badger Greenber to the Fox. Wanting to help out his cousin, Greenber returns and tells Noble that this time the Fox actually died, although he was unharmed. The animals rejoice, only the lion is disappointed and saddened by the unexpected death of the enemy.


Parody of noble literary genres (epos and courtly novel):

  • life at court: Beast barons gather in the throne room to judge the guilty, prepare for war, or celebrate
  • breaking the festive atmosphere of the royal court some incident, as in Breton novels
  • appeal to the reader/listener like in an epic Seignor, or escotez merveillez - Gentlemen, listen to a wonderful story)
  • visionary dreams Chanticleer and Renard, reminiscent of the dreams of Charlemagne before the Battle of Ronceval
  • endless sieges, battles and duels(Renara with Isengrin, Chauntecleer with Renard), as in the epic
  • laments of wives and sisters mourning the death of loved ones(Pinta the hen mourns Sister Pinta at her grave)
  • similarity queens, lionesses Fier, with Guinevere, wife of Arthur: Fier does not love her husband, feels a penchant for Renard (Guinevere-Lancelot) and even cheats on her husband, sets dates for him, gives him a ring (like Lodina in "Yvein" by Chrétien de Troyes)

Criticism of medieval society

  • the authors criticize idealized depiction of the world in courtly novels and show the true face of a society ruled by cunning, stupidity, greed, selfishness, cruelty and fear
  • subjected to traditional satire "women". So, Renard, drawing up a will, does not build special illusions about the fidelity of his wife Ermeline. Indeed, in one of the branches, Ermeline, considering her husband dead ready to get a new one. Ermelina, Isengrin's wife, symbolizes sensuality, duality and female inconstancy. Everything, sometimes "women" show themselves with better side(Pint the hen is often smarter than her stubborn husband Chauntecleer; even the unfaithful Ermeline rushes to bring a ransom when Renard faces execution, and tenderly cares for him when he returns home in a pitiful state).
  • peasants, sometimes appearing in the "Roman", are depicted as rude ignoramuses; their greed amazes the authors. Peasants don't know how to handle weapons. With apparent pleasure, the poets show the peasants in real slavery to Renard, who orders them to kill their dogs and devastates their chicken coop.
  • criticized and feudal society. Renard argues, for example, that kings mistreat poor vassals, follow bad advice, tax the poor, are ungrateful, appropriate other people's goods. Leo Noble (like King Louis VIII) is either despotic or weak-willed, loves gold, forgives dangerous vassals.
  • church representatives also avoid criticism. Some churchmen, of course, deserve respect (one such churchman separates the fighting Ermeline and Ersana and advises them to return home to their husbands). But most of churchmen are village priests, not much different from peasants. They live with mistresses, graze cattle, plow the land, etc. They are not greedy. Here is how Richard de Lison, in the twelfth branch, depicts a priest replacing his "colleague" who went to the fair to buy a dress for his mistress (robe va querre a sa putain): he can only read prayer books, does not know Latin, should not Christian commandments, likes to hunt. The monks do not avoid criticism either. The author of the fourth branch accuses them of laziness, greed and treachery.
  • subjected to satire and religious rites. Thus Tiber and Renard celebrate Vespers; with all the details, the funeral of Pinta the chicken takes place. The drunken wolf Primo, Isengrin's brother, shorn by Renard and dressed in church robes, sings a mass: obviously, the author wanted to show that often a priest differs from parishioners in one robe and a shaved head, but in fact he is so unworthy that he could be replaced beast.
  • in the "Roman" there is also confession criticism. Several times Renard confesses his sins, but most often his repentance is feigned and immediately after the confession, Renard is taken for his own (for example, in the seventh branch he eats his confessor). Even excommunication does not particularly scare Renard.
  • most of the characters go on pilgrimage out of profit, and not from a religious feeling: Renard becomes a pilgrim to avoid execution; the ram Belen sets off, because his master wants to make boots out of his skin; donkey Bernard to go on a pilgrimage, tired of carrying sacks of coal. No one ever reaches the end goal.
  • even miracles are questioned: on the grave of the holy martyr, the hen Kupe, the Kuar hare is cured of a fever, and Izengrin is cured of earache. The author adds: if it were not about the shrine, the courtiers would have considered that all these miraculous cures were a lie. Note that in the era of the creation of the "Roman of the Fox" they began to expose the cult of fake relics.

“The Lion King, with decent dignity for his dignity, sat in an armchair, surrounded by a brilliant retinue of his famous barons.

Is there really nowhere in the world to look for the truth, sire?! - exclaimed the wolf Isegrin, speaking to the middle of the hall. - Your desires and even your orders are nothing for Renard the Fox, the instigator of all evils and strife, this embodiment of cunning and cunning. Not out of revenge I came here to seek the death of Renard - I came to ask you for justice!

The noble Leo did not like his barons to quarrel and sue among themselves.

Court of the Noble Lion.

If you absolutely desire it,” he said, “then Renard will be summoned to court and this case will be judged with observance of all legal formalities. I accept your complaint.

Isegrin, sadly hanging his tail, stepped aside. Suddenly a whole procession appeared at the palace: Chantecler the rooster, Pint the hen, and three other ladies, her sisters, Gusset, Blanche and Noirette. All of them accompanied the funeral chariot with the remains of the noble chicken Cope. Not later than the day before, Renard ambushed her, tore off her wing, gnawed her leg and tortured her to death. The king, tired of the debate, was about to dissolve the meeting when this cortege appeared. Pint was the first to speak.

Gentlemen wolves and dogs, noble and sweet animals, do not reject the complaints of innocent victims! I had five brothers - Renard ate them all! I had four more sisters, in the prime of life and beauty - all went to Renard. The turn has finally come to you, my little Cope! Was there a chicken in the world fatter and more tender than you, my unfortunate friend? What will happen to your inconsolable sister now? May heavenly fire devour you, insidious Fox! Haven't you scared us to death so many times and ruined our dress by climbing into the chicken coop?! And now we all have come to seek protection from you, noble barons, since we ourselves are not able to take revenge on Renard!

At the end of this speech, often punctuated by sobs, Pint fell unconscious on the steps of the throne, followed by all her sisters. Wolves and dogs rushed to their aid and began to splash water on them, after which, brought to their senses, they ran up to the king and threw themselves at his feet. Chauntecleer stood there, wetting the king's knees with his tears.

Deep pity filled the king's soul. With a heavy sigh, he raised his head and, throwing back his mane, let out such a roar that all the animals backed away in horror, and the hare - so that he then had a fever for almost two days.

Miss Pint! exclaimed the king, lashing his tail furiously at his sides. - In the name of my father, I promise you to call Renard. Then you would see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears how I punish night thieves, murderers and traitors!

"The Romance of Renard the Fox", from which we took the scene in the palace of the noble Lion, is one of greatest works French folk art.

Like the Russians folk tales and songs created in the old days, the novel about Renard reflected the real life of a distant era. It originated in France in the XII-XIII centuries. We see here a whole gallery of animals. Their characters, their relationships are formed into a picture of the animal world, organized like human society well known to the authors and narrators of the novel. All these beasts and little animals, starting with the mighty king - the noble Lion - and his barons: the heavy wolf Isegrin, the insidious predator Renard the Fox, the swaggering donkey Bernard, the sly cat Tiber, up to the snail Late, Frobert's cricket and other small things - typical figures feudal order. The scenes of the royal court, the duel between Renard and Isegrin, the church service over the body of the Fox pretending to be dead, the sermon of the archbishop, the donkey Bernard, and the papal ambassador, the camel Musard, are permeated with a sharp cheerful mockery of the feudal nobility and clergy that dominated those days. The novel about Renard the Fox is a witty and well-aimed satire with which the masses took revenge on their oppressors.

Complaints of animals

Perro is talent and mind,

So that there was both Fox and Fox kum

Wolf Isengrin is sung, directed,

But best scenes did not insert into the verses:

For example, how and whose rights

In the chambers of the Lion Lord

Considered a harsh judgment

Deciding how criminal fornication is,

Done by the Fox over the truth,

A gnawed-lady, a she-wolf.

From the first lines we learn

That every trace of winter has disappeared,

The rose bush blossomed after the frost,

Became a bush of hawthorn roses

And the ascension came

When a great number

Sir lion called the beasts to the mansions,

To surprise with a magnificent reception,

And for failure none

Of them did not dare to look for reasons.

Everyone is going ahead of time, -

Everyone except for the wretched Fox:

Thief, swindler, liar

So heavy is the guilt before the beasts,

What's on the criminal evidence

They rush to wipe out the lord,

And Isengrin, not a friend at all

Dodger lays out the essence:

“I, sir, on the Fox with a petition!

Fornication with the defenseless

My gnat fornicator

In Malpertui, in his hole,

Done: squeezed his wife into a corner,

He raped, and then sprinkled,

Having peed, wolf cubs with moisture;

His delights are bitter to me.

Moreover, the other day he inspired a paskuda,

That it didn't go to hell.

But at the introduction of the saints

Relics - mixed up and calmed down,

And, without making you wait with departure,

Used cover again.

How can you not fall into melancholy and anger!

The king said, saddened:

“Ah, Isengrin, no noise is needed.

What will you achieve, gloomily

Remembering your shame?

King or count, whose court is magnificent,

Subject to the same troubles.

Your shame today is known to us,

In fact, no harm

Grieve and be angry not a trace.

So imperceptible

What will not give rise to gossip.

- "Sir," Biryuk the bear took the floor, -

Don't say it better! What to mourn!

Isengrin was not captured,

Not dead, just fooled.

In vain he asked for retribution.

Isengrin has enough strength -

In the event that the fox is a rogue

Resume is not inclined to the world,

Which was kept by an oath

But you are the ruler of the whole country?

Vassalam start wars

Without giving, show your power to them!

With whom. you are fighting, we are fighting

We are all, we are with you, sir.

Waiting for punishment Lisa Isengrin -

Well, there would be a court verdict

Here the measure is truly necessary.

What should, let the neighbor return,

You have paid a fine for harm.

Send for the Fox to Malpertui

Me. On his visit here

I see the good: than in a hole,

He'd be better off at court." -

"Senior Biryuk, - bull Buyan

It is interrupted - your mind is flawed,

Kohl gave advice to the lord, he

Take a penalty for damage from the Fox,

And shame, and fornication

With Kuma, which is extremely criminal.

Who did such an abomination

And showed such audacity

They don't give help.

Why is Isengrin on trial,

When it's so obvious

Both vile and illegal?

No, dummies! Turn out to be a wife

Mine is in the hands of a slut,

By whom the whole country is defiled,

And let her be ashamed

At least Malpertui is like a fortress

And impregnable, I would ferocity

He showed such a fight,

That the walls are all brought down in the mud.

And you recovered, Gryzenta,

From that unfortunate moment

Like an insolent Fox, a fiend of evil,

He lifted you on the pommel of the saddle?

- "Buyan," a badger voice rang out, -

We have a chance to humiliate evil,

So that it doesn't grow.

As we exalt evil

And we expand and multiply,

When we can't cut.

We were talking about violence here:

No ailment lady, the door is intact,

And with amicable consent

There is no place for vain penalties.

For a long time dear friend to him,

And she didn’t go to beat with her forehead;

But Isengrin is here, head

I swear I saw my damage.

Do not deal with the same barons

And damage to the king!

Vassal harm done,

When he was touched by the Fox,

Nut, right, it's not worth it,

And he will easily cover the damage,

When will the fox come here

Wait for judgment.

In the meantime, we have arguments

To blame Gryzenta...

How thin twist, how elusive:

Today your husband is a shame

Introduced to all vassal beasts!

He has the right to stuff you with fat:

They are called you dear sister,

But you were in the wrong mood.

He believed you, forgetting the fear.

Gryzentu shame drives into the paint,

I would pluck the fur on it,

But he says, sighing, for everyone:

"In vain, Ser Greenbear, I stubbornly

You reproached. To live in peace

I wanted, my lord

Or with. That was not my intention

And the style is not mine: I won’t fit into the scandal,

Let someone go to water or to iron

He came running, heating them on fire.

Just an excuse for me

Sick, tired and frail,

My rights are trusting-obedient.

Saints whom the church glorifies,

I swear that God will leave me

Kohl Fox at least once dared to hug

Me not like a mother.

I'm not at all peaceful to the Fox,

I do not make it easy for him,

Curious about what's up with him

Who do we praise and who do we blaspheme, -

Like you - donkey burdock.

I am dejected by Isengrin:

The jealous man blames everyone

For supposedly horned.

Tenth - marriage anniversary

(According to the age of Pinkar-son

I judge) it was already at Easter,

In April, the first

Many guests came to the wedding;

Hollow, and mink, and lair -

Everything was occupied by animals,

Sat in almost every hole,

And as far as the eye has seen around,

There were no empty places

I became faithful wife to him,

Didn't resort to bad tricks,

And the bestial disgusts me filth.

However, back to the topic.

Believe all who want to believe -

I can't be hypocritical.

I swear by holy mary, rumor

Prepodl that I'm from sluts:

Commit sins or blunders

It's just as hard for me as it is for a nun."

Gryzenta, having finished this speech,

I was able to attract others.

Donkey Bernard became the heart of oars,

When all the pros and cons weighed,

"Oh, baroness, learn

You could have my donkey!

Wolves and dogs and all cattle

To have wives like you!

Lord punish me

And give me a tender taste

In my pasture burdock:

After all, if I understood correctly,

Whether the Fox loves you and beckons

Where, your mind was not busy.

But the world, leaning towards evil,

The stench exudes blasphemy:

Judging what he does not see

He, where to praise, offend.

The fox, damaged by reason, -

We have the right to consider you a bastard,

To those who are conceived at an unkind hour,

Will you bring discord into the world?

Any news of this incident

With Gryzenta, I would bring it to the handle:

There was an innocent interest in her,

After all, before that he climbed to her,

High-born glorious sire,

Tell them to make peace

And so show the Fox mercy.

Entrust me, your grace,

No matter how Isengrin is to blame

Don't give offense to him:

Let such a foam be

To which your court will award him.

But if boldly he is ready

To delay and scorn your call,

And the yard is empty time is wasting,

The blame is on him and let him pay.

The assembly says: "Be offended

On you, oh sir, holy Aegidius,

Kohl summoned Fox here today

Or tomorrow (as you please)

It won't be: if it doesn't come,

Then the day after tomorrow drive

Let the villain be violent

And the treat is so plentiful

So that he remembers the reception for a long time.

River Lord: "Guilt on that,

Who wants to judge with anger:

Don't choke on this bone

Arrogance that exalts you

Above him, he will sting you in the eye.

I see the fox's humiliation

And that's why I don't hate it.

He wants to fix

I will be honored again.

Forgive my wife, since everything

Here, Isengrin, only mischief,

And get divorced, since intercourse.

I would forgive. - "Sir, wait,

He is stupid who believes that his wife

My skillful and smart

Kohl so, joker, mischievous.

Who is my enemy - now triumphs.

From every hole they shout:

“Here, he is jealous, and horned!”

But if I'm under sentence

Should be put to shame

Avenged shame let it be me:

I'll go to the fox I'm at war

Before the grape harvest

And the fence will not save him,

Constipation, and a manhole, and a strong fort.

The king exclaimed: “What the hell!

Sir Isengrin, how you bully,

To incline us more towards the world?

Want to win the war

Slay him, hold him prisoner?

Holy me Leonard witness -

The fox casts so many loops

That you are a disgrace rather than he,

Be patient, as well as damage.

In addition, an oath was given to the world

Animals - for the benefit of the whole country.

Ready to ignore her

He's looking forward to bringing trouble on himself."

So Isengrin peaceful

Sovereign upset by the call,

What how to be here and finish what,

He doesn't understand at all.

He sat on the ground between two benches,

Tail hanging between legs.

But the whole course suddenly turned to luck -

The Lord intervened, not otherwise:

Here is the king, no matter how angry

The plaintiff will approve his decree,

And will be concluded chin-chin

Between the Fox the world and Isengrin,

But Chauntecleer with the Motley Court

Suddenly seen; five of us are going

To complain about the Fox: lord,

Here is the Greek fire, put out the carcasses!

Rooster, that is, Ser Chauntecleer,

Motley, whose eggs are an example to everyone,

Rozet, Chernava and Belyan

Hurry, huddled around the Rydvan,

Which is covered with a canopy,

Under which the chicken lies,

Motionless, over the litter,

On a funeral stretcher

thrown over. And this is Lis

It's not like she's been bitten

And he took a tooth and tore out his thigh,

Yes, the wing deprived the poor thing.

The lord is so fed up with the court,

It hurts the complainers kind

Annoying: chickens tremble,

Chauntecleer's palms splash;

But here is Pestra and all with her

"O dogs and wolves and all beasts,

Pain to share my loss

I pray, for God's sake, you!

I'm sick of every extra hour

Lived, death is not afraid:

Let the Fox take my life!

My father left me five brothers -

Oh, the pain of loss! sent everyone

In the womb of the Fox, shameless thief!

Mother gave five sisters:

Girls, pure natures,

Pretty, in a word, chickens.

Comb-with-ash they

Were covered in those days:

What eggs "will carry, he looked forward to,

But in vain - I just didn’t hide one

Lis immediately, and most

Instantly disappeared into his mouth.

And behold, the body lies in the tomb,

What was tender and debelo.

Sister, why your sister

You left one in the world

Where can she not meet you?

O Fox, be thrown into the evil flame!

How many times have you choked us,

Waited for, crippled, shook,

And tore our clothes to shreds,

And drove all the way to the fence.

Yesterday at my door in the morning

The fox left his dead sister

And rode off into the valley.

The horses of the Comb were all in dispersal,

And how will you catch up if you are on foot!

I came with a complaint, but where

There's justice here! He is not without reason

You are not afraid if karam

And the price of anger is two leaves,

Barely speaking, she

And with her all the relatives, in a fit

Fell in the middle of the field.

To revive the four ladies,

Get up from the bench for wolves and dogs,

And all the beasts had their time

And sprinkle the top of their head with water.

Waking up, to the king immediately

(As our story goes)

Directing steps, unfortunates

They rush to fall at the feet of the lord,

And Chauntecleer, prostrate in the dust,

He washed his feet in tears.

Lord Chauntecleer Captured:

Though young, but a knight in manners,

He let out a heavy sigh,

What caused the uproar

Always, he raises his head.

Who hears the lion's sigh or the roar

Whether it's a bear or a boar -

Trembling, terrified.

And the hare is a coward for two days

In a fever, he is sensitive to sounds.

Shakes and all the courtiers completely,

And the most daredevils are trembling.

But now the tail is already raised menacingly:

Deciding that the matter is so serious,

That touches every family

The Lord began his speech:

"Motley, I give you, lady, the word,

My father's soul is my witness,

What would it be like today without good deeds

And lived when he didn't want to

The harm done to you, mend,

I order the Fox to deliver to us,

For your eyes to see

And ears heeded how a thunderstorm

Our retribution is terrible.

I will judge impartially

Cases of robbery and murder.

Immediately after these ordinances

Rising, Isengrin took the floor:

“Your decision is exemplary.

Sire, I won't pick up praise

To the fact that you are for Pestra

Note, and for the lady Krapa,

Which Fox chopped off a paw.

I'm not saying this out of malice

But out of sympathy for the person

Deceased, I would do so

For the Fox, my enemy, to be punished,

Again the emperor of the rivers: "Friends,

I am very sad in my heart.

Not the first messengers came

To me: both you and strangers

Here you complain about fornication

And humiliation, then to the studio,

to which I have been subjected,

Biryuk, here's an epitrachelion for you,

To let the soul say goodbye to the body.

Buyan, and your business will be

Descending between the hills into the valley,

Start digging the grave."

- "Oh, sire, be as you decide," -

Biryuk said. In stole

He makes a sign to the assembly,

According to which the king and everyone

Of the relatives, who was in what form,

They immediately begin the memorial service.

Senor Slow-slug is very

Correctly read three psalms,

Rvanel stichera sang to the singing

Brekhmerovo, that is, deer.

The memorial service was reprimanded,

As dawn approached

Corpse ready for burial

They carry, putting lead into a vessel,

Astonishing everyone, so beautiful

He was. Burrow under the tree

And laying the marble on the pit

(It is written what the lady's name was,

On it, and how old it was),

Everyone sends farewell greetings to her,

And the epitaph was sculpted

Someone immediately wrote:

"Lies under a tree on a mountain

That Krapa, that sister Pestre:

Fox, aggravated by gross sin,

He killed her with his teeth."

Over her tears so poured Motley and

The fox cursed so

So Chauntecleer, barely standing,

He was weak, which made them feel sorry for him.

But little by little the crying subsided,

And sorrow departed from them:

"Oh emperor! - says retinue.-

We must punish the bandit

For being naughty, chicken,

And many have bitten off our paws.

Vladyka replied: “Sure!

Biryuk, be afraid of this person

There is no reason for you, dear brother.

I give three days to go back with him

Come: the judgment will not be delayed."

Biryuk replied: "I will be accurate."

Descending from the slope into the valley,

He went straight to the trot

And, know, cowardly, not resting.

When he left, this is what

The accident happened

Worsening Lisova affairs.

Messira Coward fever

(Which, remember, seizures

Two days lasted) the end came

Suddenly - merciful creator! -

Lady Krapa on the grave:

Falling down when they buried her,

To the tomb, healthy got up from sleep.

That she really is a martyr

Rumors reached Isengrin:

Began to complain, immediately in the ear

Some kind of sickness.

Lie at the grave gave advice

Rwanel, and inspired by the word

Him, he lay down - and got up healthy.

But their faith was not the same

What is undeniable and pure,

And even though Rvanel is a witness, all the same

The court judged that this was a lie.

At the same time, another courtier considered

Both good news and bad news.

But Greenber considered her bad,

In defense of the fox a lot of measures

He accepted them in litigation with Tiber.


And Lis, what measures were resorted to

Now, unknowing, doomed:

Biryuk is already under the shadow of crowns,

Malpertui sheltered, trotted

He trots along the path to the fortress like a fox.

But the entrance of the bear carcass is already:

So he stayed outside

Staring at the barbican.

And the Fox, whose trade is deceit,

Having gone the moment he arrives

Take a nap, climbed into the depths of the shelter,

Stored in a hole

They are a chicken, very obese,

Since breakfast was not heavy,

From just two chicken thighs,

He spends his leisure time in bliss.

Meanwhile, Biryuk stands by the walls.

“Respond! - screams rush.-

Fox, I'm Biryuk, the ambassador of the lord!

Let's go to the field: I'll pass

There is a royal order for you,

The fox immediately recognized the bear

By outline and, in conversation

Pry it up properly

Thinking about it, I started like this:

“Biryuk, is that you, my dear friend?

The idea was useless

Force you to come here.

I myself was almost walking:

I only refined, French

Enjoy a snack.

But if a feast is arranged by the courtyard,

The nobleman with a request: “Hands, sir,

Wash!" - there it is met.

The one who is provided is welcomed.

Bull with sauce will bring

First, and plenty of other dishes:

There will be enough food for all the seniors.

On the contrary, those to the table who are poor,

Whose life is to hell, piece of shit

Not invited, not at home.

Though pressed closer to the bosom

Food and keep the defense

Dogs have time to pull off the bread.

Drink once a day, and then a little.

Don't get 'em out of nowhere

The second time, no drink, no food.

Bones, dry as coal, where b

Beg from the servants, they look.

Bread Clamped in everyone's palm.

Seneschals to be in the corral

The chefs are used to it too.

Another lord gives them shelter,

To help in low undertakings, -

Burn them down and blow them away!

Bread is stolen for him, there is a rumor

And meat to feed the whores.

In order to avoid the deplorable fate,

I ate at the midday meal

A little lard and peas

Even though the breakfast was good.

Honey bought for seven denier

From fresh honeycombs, it was delicious to me.

“Christ,” he says, “son of God!

Saint Egidio, his

We honor the body! Is this honey

More? my stomach can't

Nothing like honey, satiety

Find and relish. Sir, lead

me, and God help me!"

The Fox could not help but snort in response -

He is too easily deceived, -

And the belt with which the fool is pulled,

He imperceptibly sprinkled

Saying: "When I was sure,

What is an ally in you, if it's tight

I'll have to find a friend

I swear by Rovel son, honey

I would squeeze you out of fresh honeycombs

And to be filled to capacity

Belly, you would immediately

Into the forest of Lanfroy the forester.

But is it necessary? I think so far

Not worth it. I'll give it as a friend

I, having bothered, do you a favor,

And you will hurt me."

"Sir Fox, what's the matter with you? Ile came

To break our acquaintance suddenly?

- "Yes." - "What is the reason?"

- "Treachery, Desire to strike

Treacherous. - "In the power of the spell

You, Fox, if you are angry with me,

- “Well, we are quits from now on

I won't take it out on you."

- “Reverence to the Lion Sovereign

Feeding, I bad impulses

So alien that, if you are fair,

Would consider everything unthinkable

There is deceit and deceit in me."

- "Enough, I believe you completely,

Just be kind to me in the future."

And set off on the road overnight

Fox and Biryuk are already in agreement,

The road is easy, the goal is close:

Into the Forest of Lanfroy the Forester

Jumping, letting go of the reins,

And they dismounted when they arrived. grounds

All Lanfroy, meanwhile, is stingy

Decided to give and, the first oak

Starting to bring down, over the butt of an oak

Made two notches under the wedges.

“Biryuk,” said the Fox, “my dear,

Here is what I promised.

There is a hive, look into the deck.

It's mealtime, let's taste the honey.

Now you can enjoy it."

Bear in the hollow first fall

Vanities, then a paw for a paw.

Pushes from below the Fox to the muddler,

To quickly climb, and sideways

He shouts: “Open your throat wider!

I was waiting to sweeten my beard with honey,

Son of a slut, open your mouth!

Well, rogue! well, a wicked prank!

And how punished he is by fate,

Who is not a single drop of honey

He won't drink, he won't lick the honeycombs!

Biryuk sits with his mouth open,

And the Fox, to complete the chipping,

With difficulty, but knocks out wedges.

When he knocked out, he could not

Biryuk extract the head and side,

Stuck in the heart of an oak:

Sit, at least like it, at least not like it,

Kohl is pinched by the trap.

And the Fox, without repentance (for he

Doesn't think about fixing it)

He stood at a safe distance.

“Biryuk,” he says, “eku agility

You showed to cheat

Lest I try honey.

But I know how to be, if Skoda

It will come to your mind to repeat.

Scoundrel you if this honey

Don't redeem with a generous fee.

Already something would be an escort

You to me, something to me would be

Protection from you, be I weak, -

They would leave me sluggish pears,

At this conversation interrupted them

Lanfroy himself, Sir Forester,

And in the thicket the Fox sped off in an instant.

And he looks: the bear is crucified

On the oak, which he felled

Should be - and run to the village.

"Atu! - screams. -

Bear! Let's take

We bare his hands!”

The villagers in the grove, they are led,

Let's go. Walked on a bear

Who took the ax, who is the flail, who is the stake,

Who is a pole in thorns. Back their swings

Foretelling, he waits in fear,

Shaking, hearing a menacing noise.

But then the thought comes to mind

What is better to lose the pasture,

Than be in power with Lanfroy,

Whose ax is raised above all.

Pulled and pulled, climbed and

(Fur is torn, tendons are torn)

He is so fierce that from effort

All skin to shreds, fracture

In the back of the head, blood runs in a stream,

There is no skin on the paws and head, -

No one has seen scarier faces.

All bloody; blew his face off

Outright; skull without hair

So much so that it fits into a bag.

But Medveditsyn's son is free

In the end: the trail leads

Into the depths of the forest. The crowd yells after

Villagers: Murmur, son of Ser Zhila;

Khrabier from the Kopitvila clan;

And the Comb itself, and the son of Kaplun;

Hulein de Krechet, the one who is young;

Odran from niello de l "Angle,

That he strangled his wife from evil;

Behind him is Tyagun, the stove-maker of the village,

Whose wife Karga was;

Scream from the Sbitykosa family

With Tru one, the offspring of Braskosa;

And the son of the Glutton de la Place,

That he was shaking with an ax all the time;

And Sir Huber de Gruznovat,

And with him Kosar de Golopyat.

The bear is rushing around as if drunk.

Father Martin of Orleans,

Parish priest, in the woods

Brought to drain the manure from the barrels,

Managed to hit only once

Him, but exactly between the kidneys,

Almost killed on the spot:

He is stunned and barely alive.

In carpentry and lantern business

Knowing sense - hid in the crack

Between two oaks and a bull's horn

He was planted on the butt in the side.

Dubyem villagers beaten-broken

So much so that with great difficulty he

Ran away with many losses.

Well, meet Lis him now,

He will drive him into a trap.

But, hearing how he moans mournfully,

The fox sent his steps

Back to the fortress of Malpertui,

Whose walls are not afraid of digging,

No assault. Suddenly with Biryuk their paths

Agreed. Two jokes Fox in store,

Shouts: "Look, you're doing

Went with honey Lanfroy not smoothly -

Without a friend, a treat is not sweet?

You look like a heretic.

Well, expect trouble: the last moment

You will hardly be encouraged

Priest. What is the order

Why is the hood on you so scarlet?

Didn't say a word in response.

Bear, so broke the poor man

Misfortune, but added a step:

Would not receive new wounds

From Lanfroy and all the villagers.

Spurring a horse for acceleration,

He is at the hour of the noon bell

I flew there at full speed,

Where the lion kept his lush court,

On the porch he crashed helplessly:

Blood runs profusely down my face

Plus, he's clueless.

What surprised the yard.

"Who did it? - rivers lord. -

Biryuk, who cut your hair so wildly,

That the head was almost taken off?

Bear only mumble barely

Capable, from blood loss.

“King,” he said in a short word, “

Whatever you want to see -

All Foxes! and fell at his feet.

Tiber cat

Who would have seen how with a thunderous roar
The lion tore his skin in great anger
And swore by death and soul:
“The harm done to you is great.
Away mercy! Let about revenge
My know in every place!
I swear by my soul and by the blood of wounds,
All France will be given by me
Lesson! Hey Tiber the cat! you to the crook
Leave this minute.
Come tell the red creature:
I will subject to fair punishment
Him in the presence of the court.
Let him not carry any silver,
Not gold: there is no such trick,
Saved my neck from the rope.
The cat did not dare to refuse:
Whenever I could, I didn’t dodge -
Ultimately, isn't it
Is that debt? Goes of good will
Priest, there is nothing to pull!
A path winds between streams
Luzhkom. Here I turned to the left
Trail. Tiber spurred the mule
And soon stood at the gate with a prayer,
So that God and Leonard the saint,
Protector of the chained,
At the call would be ready
Get rid of the Lisovs
Him, for no friend,
meaner and meaner he did not know the beast,
Yes, and lives, not believing in the creator.
Already at the door at random
Things went: it all started
With what, stopped trelyo
Thrush-fellow traveler between spruce
And ash, he raised a cry:
"Right, right!" The one to the left - jump.
I wondered what it means
Tiber: bad omen
He is embarrassed and scared.
He knows that shame awaits him
And grief and heavy languor.
Trampling out of fear near the house,
So as not to incur the wrath of the Fox,
He speaks from a distance
(Without a chance to foresee a counter move):
"Fox," says he is a friend cordial,
Answer: are you at home?
And the Fox answers with a hiss
Through his teeth so that he does not hear:
“You went out on your mountain on your way
And where I graze, the edge
Came to my misfortune!
There is a puzzle for you
We have". And exclaims loudly:
"Tiberus, blessed art thou!
Paths lead you from Rome
Or from Saint James -
It doesn't matter: everything is ready for the meeting,
They are waiting for you like Trinity Day.
Talk is not worth a penny
But how, rogue, softly spreads.
Tiber in response to his own, know, grinds:
“Fox, you are threatened with sovereign wrath.
I pass: does not mean my visit,
That I hate you fiercely -
Vladyka took great care of you.
Court against you: take action
Everyone is waiting. Only your cousin Greenber,
Perhaps anger will not divide them,
The fox, on this, grinds:
“Tiber, what do we care about their threats!
Let them sharpen their teeth: ya interrogation
I will appear. I live as best I can. R
exposing everyone's idea
My enemies, I will slay the bullies.
“How wise, good sire!
I praise you, I love you.
But hellish hunger I endure:
I would have devoured a crow, and I would have a dish
Of chicken how glad I'll be!
In short, is there any food here?”
- "Does a lot of harm to me
And inconvenience, - the answer was the Fox, -
Now a fat mouse, then a rat.
You don't eat that kind of food?"
- "Eat, eat." - "Catching them is hard work."
- "My vocation is hunting."
- "Then eat them without counting,
When dawn approaches.
I'll go ahead, you follow."
Left the Fox hole. Does not see,
Attached to him, the cat, what will come out
Here is a rogue or other evil,
Hiding, they go to the village,
Where is the rooster, then the chicken
To the kitchen Trouble Fox
Came in frequently. "Straight to the house
To the priest, Tiber, let's go -
The fox sharpens his foxes along the way.-
I know all his supplies:
What to take wheat, what oats -
It’s full, even though the genus of mice has inflicted
Damage to them, good polmuid
Having devoured, - I saw it myself, that's an insult.
The other day I happened to carry
From there chickens: out of ten
Today I ate a heel,
The heel is buried for later.
Get in bolder, here is the entrance,
And stuff your stomach!”
The rogue, whether so, whether, will deceive:
The priest's barn is not occupied
Was neither oats nor barley,
The works of the world are not according to him.

(The cat falls into a trap. The lion lets the Fox go on a penitential pilgrimage, but he deceives the lord. The animals go on a campaign to Malpertui.)

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