Rebus proverbs. Rebuses in pictures


To learn how to compose and understand puzzles, it is worth understanding what they are.

Word "rebus" of Latin origin (lat. rebus, with the help of things, "Non verbis sed rebus" - "Not with words, but with the help of things"). The rebus originated in France in the 15th century, and the first printed collection of puzzles published in this country in 1582 was compiled by Etienne Taburo. In the time that has passed since then, the technique of compiling rebus problems has been enriched with a variety of different techniques.

So, rebus- this is one of the types of puzzles, a riddle for deciphering words. Encrypted according to certain rules in a rebus can be not only a single word, but also a proverb, saying, quote, riddle, and even a whole short story. Words and phrases in the rebus are depicted in the form of pictures, letters, numbers, notes and other various signs, the number of which is not limited. Solving the rebus is a whole science. When solving a rebus, it is necessary to write down all the signs in the form of a meaningful word or sentence. Although there are several types of puzzles (literary, mathematical, musical, sound, etc.), there are some general rules for compiling and solving them.

rebus example


A word or sentence is divided into such parts that can be depicted in the form of a picture or any sign. The rebus is read from left to right, less often from top to bottom. Punctuation marks and spaces in the rebus are not taken into account. If one word is guessed in the rebus, then it should, as a rule, be a noun, moreover, in the singular and in nominative case. Deviation from this rule must be stipulated in the conditions of the rebus. If a sentence is guessed (proverb, aphorism, etc.), then, naturally, it can contain not only nouns, but also verbs and other parts of speech. In this case, the conditions of the rebus must contain the appropriate phrase (for example: “Guess the riddle”). The rebus must have a solution, and, as a rule, one. The ambiguity of the answer should be specified in the conditions of the rebus. For example: “Find two solutions to this puzzle.” The number of techniques used in one rebus and their combinations is not limited.


The simplest option, when the rebus consists of two pictures to help you create a new word. The names of the objects depicted in the rebus should be read in the nominative case singular or multiple, if several objects are depicted.

rebus 1


rebus 2


rebus 3


From the last example, it can be seen that the picture in the rebus can have more than one name (eye and eye, bees and swarm, etc.); or the image may have a general or private name (bird - common name; swift, swallow, chicken - a private name). If the depicted object has two meanings, then it is logically necessary to determine the appropriate one. This is the hardest part of puzzles.

If the picture turned upside down, which means that the word is read backwards.

rebus 4

Inverted NOSE = SLEEP

If to the right or left of the picture is one or more letters- this means that these letters should simply be added. Sometimes they are preceded by a "+" sign. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

rebus 5


rebus 6

Letter X + LION = SHED


commas to the right or left of the picture means that in the word conceived with the help of the picture, you need to remove as many letters as there are commas. At the same time, commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the hidden word, commas at the end of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word. Sometimes the commas to the left of the image are drawn upside down, although this does not play a fundamental role.

rebus 7


rebus 8


rebus 9


The arrow pointing to the left above the picture indicates that after the word is deciphered, it must be read backwards.

rebus 10

DRESSER - KO, read from right to left = HOUSE


If above the picture is strikethrough letter, and there is another one nearby, then this letter in the word must be changed to the specified one. If one or more letters are simply crossed out, then they must be removed from the given word. The "=" sign also serves to replace one of the letters with another.

rebus 11

O R YOL \u003d Donkey

rebus 12


rebus 13


If the crossed out letter(s) stands as an independent figure, then it must be read with the addition of the “not” particle.

rebus 14


Numbers can be used instead of a picture. If part of the word in the rebus is represented by a number, then the number is pronounced as a numeral.

rebus 15

Number SEVEN + letter I = FAMILY

rebus 16

STO number + letter L \u003d TABLE

Keep in mind that a number can have more than one name.

rebus 17


rebus 18

Letter W + QOL + letter A = SCHOOL

rebus 19

Letter P + ONE + AR KA \u003d MELLE

rebus 20

ON VAR + figure TWO + L EU \u003d BASEMENT

Several identical letters or other images in a row mean that you need to try to count them.

rebus 21

SEVEN letters I = FAMILY

rebus 22


rebus 23

PAIR of letters D = PARADE

Numbers next to the picture are used to number the letters in a word. The number indicates the place of the letter in the given word, and the order in which the numbers are written determines the new place of this letter.

rebus 24


rebus 25


If there are fewer numbers than letters in the hidden word, this means that only the specified number of letters must be selected from the hidden word.

rebus 26


The use of crossed out numbers means that the corresponding letters must be removed from the hidden word.

rebus 27


If two figures are shown next to the figure with arrows pointing to different sides, which means that in the word it is necessary to swap the letters indicated by numbers.

rebus 28

Z A M OK \u003d SMAMA

Roman numerals may also be used.

rebus 29

Forty A = FORTY

The use of fractions is not excluded. When a fraction is used in a rebus, it is unraveled as "ON THE"(divide by). If a fraction with a denominator 2 is used in the rebus, then this is unraveled as "FLOOR"(half).

rebus 30

Z divide by K \u003d SIGN

rebus 31

Gender of letter E = FIELD

crossed out sign "=" between pictures should be read as "NOT".

rebus 32

And not Y \u003d hoarfrost


Often in rebuses, letters are drawn placed in an unusual perspective relative to each other (one inside the other, one under or above the other, one runs towards the other, one goes out of the other, etc.). This means that it is necessary to describe a drawing or letter combinations using prepositions, unions: “I”, “B”, “K”, “U”, “C”, “FOR”, “FROM”, “ON”, “ON” , "BEFORE" and others.

If objects, numbers or letters are depicted one in the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "IN" before or between titles.

rebus 33

In the letter O, the letter Z = WHO

rebus 34

The letter Z in the letter O + the letter H \u003d CALL

If one object is depicted after another, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "BEFORE" or "BEHIND".

rebus 35

Behind the letter L, the letter P \u003d ZALP

Usage horizontal bar between pictures, letters or numbers placed one below the other means the use of prepositions "ON THE", "ABOVE", "UNDER".

rebus 36

On the letter C, the letter T \u003d NAST

rebus 37

Under the letter C cok \u003d HOOP

rebus 38

C letter H letter E + letter G \u003d SNOW

Each player is given Blank sheet paper and pen. In addition, everyone takes a piece of paper on which an encrypted proverb or saying is written. To encrypt it, you simply need to drop all the vowels, leaving only the consonants. Participants are best to sit in a circle. Thirty seconds after the participants started deciphering, regardless of whether they guessed it or not, they pass the sheet with the encrypted saying to the neighbor on the left. The game continues until each player has read all the sheets. The winner is the one who guessed and wrote down the most sayings on his blank sheet. If there are participants with the same number of deciphered proposals, then an additional round of the same competition is arranged, but especially for them.

For example, SMRZTMRDNRZTRZH - "Measure seven times, cut once."

We offer the following sayings.

1. If you like to ride - love to carry sleds - LBShKTTSLBSNChKVZT.

2. There are no comrades for the taste and color - NVKTSVTTVRSHNT.

3. Water does not flow under a lying stone - PDLZHCHKMNVDNTCHT.

4. Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest - RBTNVLKVLSNBZhT.

5. The word is not a sparrow, flew out - you won’t catch it - SLVNVRBVLTLNPMSh.

6. Not caught - not a thief - NPMNNVR.

7. The hat on the thief is on fire - NVRSHPKGRT.

8. Clothes make a person - DZHDKRSTCHLVK.

9. The one who laughs last laughs well - HRSHSMTSTTKSMTSPSSLDNM.

10. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree - BLKTBBLNKNDLKPDT.

11. Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are - SKZHMNKTTTVDRGSKZHKTT.

12. Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne - KTNRSKTTTTNPTShMPNSK.

13. Morning is wiser than evening - TRVCHRMDRN.

14. Do not dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it - NRDRGMMSMVNPDSh.

15. The truth speaks through the mouth of a baby - STMMLDNTSGLGLTSTN.

16. A penny saves a ruble - KPKRBLBRZhT.

17. Did the job - walk boldly - SDLLDLGLSML.

Perfect for the second round the following proverbs and sayings:

1. Book - best friend- KNGLCHSHTVRSCH.

2. It's never too late to learn - CHTSNKGDNPZDN.

3. One head is good, but two are better - DNGLVHRSHDVLCHSH.

The next competition is "Guess the number."

The players must guess the words that are associated with the presented numbers. Be sure to give an example so that the players understand what is required of them.

We offer you ready-made tasks:

33 \u003d B in A - 33 letters in the alphabet;

1001 = N - 1000 and one night;

12 \u003d Z-Z - 12 signs of the zodiac;

36 and 54 \u003d K in K - 36, or 54 cards in a deck;

88 = K at R - 88 keys at the piano;

90 \u003d G in P U - 90 degrees in right angle;

24 = H to S - 24 hours a day;

29 = D in F in VG - 29 days in February in a leap year;

7 \u003d W S - 7 Wonders of the World.

The next game is called "The reporter" .

The rules of the game are as follows: each player is given sheets of newspaper, blank sheets of paper and colored pens. Competitors are asked to start at the very top of the first page and look for a word that begins with A.

They should circle this word and write it out on a blank sheet of paper. Further, the search for words continues through all the letters of the alphabet, except for Y, Y, Ъ, L and Y. In this game, even proper names and prepositions are allowed.

You have 7 minutes to complete this part of the task. Those who did not have time to complete the list continue to play with the words that they managed to find. Next, the participants of the words found and written out by them must make sentences. Words can be put in any order and case.

The winner is the one who used the largest number words from your list.

The next competition is "Make a sentence" .

Each participant draws a sheet. Names and surnames should be written on each sheet famous people or unreal heroes. We offer you the following list.

1. Renata Litvinova.

2. Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

3. Verka Serduchka.

4. Vladimir Putin.

5. Britney Spears.

6. Scrooge McDuck.

7. Irina Khakamada.

8. Andrey Malakhov.

10. Spiderman.

If you are compiling this list yourself, then try to have as many letters in the surnames and names as possible, this will at least make this game a little easier. Participants must make up the sayings of these people. But at their disposal are only those letters that make up the name and surname of this celebrity or a fake hero. Believe me, this game is usually a lot of fun, because normal full-fledged sayings from the proposed letters can hardly be made up.

The next competition is "Entertaining geography" .

For it, you need to pre-cut views of famous cities, preferably capitals or historical centers. Players will have to guess the name of the cities that you show them. For greater convenience, number the pictures and also put down the numbers, leaving after them empty seats on sheets for participants. If you have a computer, then arrange a viewing of these cities using the "Slideshow" function. On the Internet you can find a huge number of such photographs.

You can also run a competition to write more words. But limit the number of these words with some condition, for example:

1) words must be monosyllabic and contain two letters ss(examples: mousse, class, cross, boss, miss, etc.);

2) words ending in To(track, roller, cup);

4) adjectives starting with h, in, or d .

We have offered you fairly standard games that will suit any company. But you can arrange any other guessing games. To do this, you will need to come up with several questions that relate directly to your place of residence or study - thus, you can choose the most attentive participant.

In general, it must be said that for the victory in each of the competitions, participants should receive a point. The player with the most points at the end of all games will be the winner of the entire game. Each score can be assigned as follows.

Firstly, you can write the names of the participants on the poster and put the number of points in front of it, or you can pre-make the so-called medals from colored cardboard and thread. In our opinion, participants will be very pleased to receive such medallions for winning competitions. On the medallions (it is desirable that they are made of colored paper), it is better to write: “1 point”.

It is best for the winner of the entire assembly of sages to put a scholar's cap on his head. It seems to us that the best gifts for this evening will be books.

As incentive prizes, stationery that develops or teaches computer games or programs.

Making an apartment will not be difficult for you. You can use the sayings of great scientists or sayings about the mind by hanging them on the walls, for example: “Learning is light, not learning is darkness”, “Birds are given wings, but man is given reason”, “ smart head revered from youth.

In order for your participants to transform into real sages, make black robes for each of them. It won't be too difficult.

Buy a piece of lining fabric (it's not as expensive as the others) and cut it into as many pieces as there are contestants. On one side, go through the stitches, and then tighten the threads and get the assembly. On both sides of this assembly, you need to sew ropes for fastening or simply sew to the clothes of the participants.

Participants can be called bachelors, and the winner - master.

In order for your guests to be able to refresh themselves, arrange a small tea party between the competitions. You can pre-purchase various sweets.

You can treat all participants with desserts. Any of the ice cream treats described in the Frostbite party will do, but fruit salad is the best. To do this, mix the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits and season the resulting salad with condensed milk. From drinks, you can also treat participants with any fruit juices or compote.

And after the evening arrange a disco in order to relax. Let your guests sing and dance. And the winner on an impromptu stage will express comic gratitude to everyone who contributed to his intellectual development.

So, arm yourself with our tips and determine the smartest among your friends. Such identification of the smartest person gives a group of friends many advantages. For example, the most intelligent person can be sent for beer. A joke, of course, but still useful to know.

To learn how to compose and understand puzzles, it is worth understanding what they are.

Word "rebus" of Latin origin (lat. rebus, with the help of things, "Non verbis sed rebus" - "Not with words, but with the help of things"). The rebus originated in France in the 15th century, and the first printed collection of puzzles published in this country in 1582 was compiled by Etienne Taburo. In the time that has passed since then, the technique of compiling rebus problems has been enriched with a variety of different techniques.

So, rebus- this is one of the types of puzzles, a riddle for deciphering words. Encrypted according to certain rules in a rebus can be not only a single word, but also a proverb, saying, quote, riddle, and even a whole short story. Words and phrases in the rebus are depicted in the form of pictures, letters, numbers, notes and other various signs, the number of which is not limited. Solving the rebus is a whole science. When solving a rebus, it is necessary to write down all the signs in the form of a meaningful word or sentence. Although there are several types of puzzles (literary, mathematical, musical, sound, etc.), there are some general rules for compiling and solving them.

rebus example


A word or sentence is divided into such parts that can be depicted in the form of a picture or any sign. The rebus is read from left to right, less often from top to bottom. Punctuation marks and spaces in the rebus are not taken into account. If one word is guessed in the rebus, then it should, as a rule, be a noun, moreover, in the singular and in the nominative case. Deviation from this rule must be stipulated in the conditions of the rebus. If a sentence is guessed (proverb, aphorism, etc.), then, naturally, it can contain not only nouns, but also verbs and other parts of speech. In this case, the conditions of the rebus must contain the appropriate phrase (for example: “Guess the riddle”). The rebus must have a solution, and, as a rule, one. The ambiguity of the answer should be specified in the conditions of the rebus. For example: “Find two solutions to this puzzle.” The number of techniques used in one rebus and their combinations is not limited.


The simplest option, when the rebus consists of two pictures to help you create a new word. The names of the objects depicted in the rebus should be read in the nominative singular or plural if several objects are depicted.

rebus 1


rebus 2


rebus 3


From the last example, it can be seen that the picture in the rebus can have more than one name (eye and eye, bees and swarm, etc.); or the image may have a general or private name (a bird is a common name; a swift, a swallow, a chicken is a private name). If the depicted object has two meanings, then it is logically necessary to determine the appropriate one. This is the hardest part of puzzles.

If the picture turned upside down, which means that the word is read backwards.

rebus 4

Inverted NOSE = SLEEP

If to the right or left of the picture is one or more letters- this means that these letters should simply be added. Sometimes they are preceded by a "+" sign. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

rebus 5


rebus 6

Letter X + LION = SHED


commas to the right or left of the picture means that in the word conceived with the help of the picture, you need to remove as many letters as there are commas. At the same time, commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the hidden word, commas at the end of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word. Sometimes the commas to the left of the image are drawn upside down, although this does not play a fundamental role.

rebus 7


rebus 8


rebus 9


The arrow pointing to the left above the picture indicates that after the word is deciphered, it must be read backwards.

rebus 10

DRESSER - KO, read from right to left = HOUSE


If above the picture is strikethrough letter, and there is another one nearby, then this letter in the word must be changed to the specified one. If one or more letters are simply crossed out, then they must be removed from the given word. The "=" sign also serves to replace one of the letters with another.

rebus 11

O R YOL \u003d Donkey

rebus 12


rebus 13


If the crossed out letter(s) stands as an independent figure, then it must be read with the addition of the “not” particle.

rebus 14


Numbers can be used instead of a picture. If part of the word in the rebus is represented by a number, then the number is pronounced as a numeral.

rebus 15

Number SEVEN + letter I = FAMILY

rebus 16

STO number + letter L \u003d TABLE

Keep in mind that a number can have more than one name.

rebus 17


rebus 18

Letter W + QOL + letter A = SCHOOL

rebus 19

Letter P + ONE + AR KA \u003d MELLE

rebus 20

ON VAR + figure TWO + L EU \u003d BASEMENT

Several identical letters or other images in a row mean that you need to try to count them.

rebus 21

SEVEN letters I = FAMILY

rebus 22


rebus 23

PAIR of letters D = PARADE

Numbers next to the picture are used to number the letters in a word. The number indicates the place of the letter in the given word, and the order in which the numbers are written determines the new place of this letter.

rebus 24


rebus 25


If there are fewer numbers than letters in the hidden word, this means that only the specified number of letters must be selected from the hidden word.

rebus 26


The use of crossed out numbers means that the corresponding letters must be removed from the hidden word.

rebus 27


If two numbers with arrows pointing in different directions are shown next to the picture, it means that in the word it is necessary to swap the letters indicated by the numbers.

rebus 28

Z A M OK \u003d SMAMA

Roman numerals may also be used.

rebus 29

Forty A = FORTY

The use of fractions is not excluded. When a fraction is used in a rebus, it is unraveled as "ON THE"(divide by). If a fraction with a denominator 2 is used in the rebus, then this is unraveled as "FLOOR"(half).

rebus 30

Z divide by K \u003d SIGN

rebus 31

Gender of letter E = FIELD

crossed out sign "=" between pictures should be read as "NOT".

rebus 32

And not Y \u003d hoarfrost


Often in rebuses, letters are drawn placed in an unusual perspective relative to each other (one inside the other, one under or above the other, one runs towards the other, one goes out of the other, etc.). This means that it is necessary to describe a drawing or letter combinations using prepositions, unions: “I”, “B”, “K”, “U”, “C”, “FOR”, “FROM”, “ON”, “ON” , "BEFORE" and others.

If objects, numbers or letters are depicted one in the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "IN" before or between titles.

rebus 33

In the letter O, the letter Z = WHO

rebus 34

The letter Z in the letter O + the letter H \u003d CALL

If one object is depicted after another, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "BEFORE" or "BEHIND".

rebus 35

Behind the letter L, the letter P \u003d ZALP

Usage horizontal bar between pictures, letters or numbers placed one below the other means the use of prepositions "ON THE", "ABOVE", "UNDER".

rebus 36

On the letter C, the letter T \u003d NAST

rebus 37

Under the letter C cok \u003d HOOP

rebus 38

C letter H letter E + letter G \u003d SNOW

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