Thunderstorm and lightning pencil drawing. How to Create a Lightning in Adobe Illustrator


Looking at the buckle, do you think that it is very easy to draw it? Many draw it simply as a square. But in order to show the full reality, the subject needs to add at least a few details.

Let's take an example of a military buckle. The belt is not leather, but braided. The buckle operates with the help of two buttons-pinches.

Lightning. Usually they are drawn like a snake or a zigzag. But we must achieve a more realistic image of her. After all, when the character is close, all the accuracy of the object is visible. This will take time, of course.
We draw each individual clove as a square with a circle at the top and connecting with the rest of the identical squares into one.

Depicting the buttons, you need to try hard. If we look at clothes with a button fastened, we will see only part of it - the top. But the button itself consists of two parts in the form of a cylinder, where the top one has a smaller diameter and is inserted into the bottom one.

We draw laces. Do not repeat other people's mistakes by simply depicting lines. See how they intertwine each other. Don't forget to show the material change when the lace is tightened. The material is wrinkled and shrinks.

Hello, my dear. Everyone, for sure, tried to photograph lightning at least once, but, in most cases, no one succeeds. Firstly, it is too fast, I think no one will argue, and, secondly, it is difficult to predict when and at what time it will shirk. It’s always so insulting, I went out into the street with an umbrella in the rain, waited and waited for the lightning to strike, didn’t wait and went home, and as soon as I put the camera away, right there one after another. You take out your camera and start taking pictures, but, what a pity, I took ten photos, but none of them showed lightning. And so you, frustrated, come home, launch Photoshop and try to draw lightning bolts in photos with an empty sky. But even here nothing works. In this case, our site will come to your aid.

To begin with, we should open a picture with a photo in which you do not have lightning, but in which there is a sky. If you took a photo not during lightning, but, for example, on a sunny day, but there were clouds, then we should create the necessary lighting. During lightning, it is mostly dark, so we will have to remove the cheerful mood from our picture and add sad colors. This will help us such a style as "Curves ...". We can find this corrective style in the "Image" tab - "Correction" and the fifth from the top "Curves ...". Or simply press the hotkeys of this style "Ctrl + M". We have already addressed this style in the lesson “How to improve quality in Photoshop? ”, so if you want to learn about other uses of this style, check out this tutorial. In the window that opens on the diagram, a diagonal is drawn, and we must give this diagonal the shape of an arc curved down.

Now our picture has a mood, and in truth, formidable. It's time to draw the lightning itself. First, let's create a new layer, on which we draw a wide selection in the middle with the Rectangular Marquee tool.

We fill this selection with a gradient with standard settings: Linear, Black and White. Know that how you fill the gradient will determine the shape of your lightning, so experiment.

Once we've filled the selection with a gradient, we need to apply the Clouds Overlay filter to it. This filter can be found in the "Filter" tab - the fourteenth item from the top is "Rendering" - and the second from the bottom is "Clouds Overlay".

Our gradient is completely painted over with something that looks a bit like clouds with black lightning in the middle. If you are not satisfied with the outlines of our lightning, I advise you not to redo it all over again, but simply undo the "Clouds with Overlay" action in the "History" window and apply this filter again. When you apply the Overlay Clouds filter a second time on the same gradient, the lightning changes as new clouds are overlaid each time. Black Lightning has nothing to do with the film about the flying car, it just drew lightning, though black.

In order for our lightning to become white, we need to invert our clouds. You can do this by going to the tab "Image" - "Correction" - "Invert" or simply press the key combination "Ctrl + I".

Our lightning now has not very clear outlines, and it is very bright. In order to make it more realistic, you need to apply the "Levels" action to it, which can be found in the "Image" tab - "Correction" - and the seventh from the top "Levels". When you click on this item, we open a window in which there are two settings, they can also be changed by moving the checkboxes. I moved the black flag to the beginning of the histogram, the gray flag to the very left, and left the white one motionless. If such settings are not suitable for your lightning, try changing the location of the flags yourself, strive for such a result that the lightning takes on the shape you need.

Now our lightning is simply wonderful, but it is somehow not colored, and everyone knows that lightning is electricity, and electricity has a bluish color. In order to give our lightning a bluish tint, we need to apply a Hue/Saturation adjustment to it. We can find this setting in the same place as the previous ones in "Image" - "Correction". In the window of this setting, we can see three checkboxes "Hue", "Saturation", "Brightness". Check the box next to "Toning" in the lower right corner, and the following settings for those three parameters: "Hue" - 240, "Saturation" - 20, "Brightness" - 0. If you are not satisfied with the result of these settings, you can experiment with them by making your own. You can also make the lightning golden or yellowish here, but I hope you can figure it out yourself.

That's it, our lightning is almost ready, now press the "Ctrl + T" keys, and transform our image to the size you need. Clamp on the black dot at the corner of the image and reduce to the size we need. But do not forget to hold down the "Shift" key while transforming, in order to reduce the image proportionally.

But our lightning is on a black background and does not fit into our photo in any way. We need to change the blending mode to Lighten, after which the black layer will dissolve into the background, but the lightning will remain.

Now the method is a little simpler than the previous one. This time we will not draw the lightning ourselves, we will take the lightning from another picture and transfer it to our photo. Suppose you take two photos, one of them has a great lightning, but it shows your huge finger, and the other does not have a finger, but there is no lightning either. So we will transfer the lightning to the drawing from another image. First, we also create a menacing mood for our photo and start working on the image in which we have the photographed lightning. To make it easier to highlight, we need to increase the contrast and decrease the brightness. For those who can do it themselves, you can skip the next paragraph.

Next, we need to select the Magic wand tool and set the tolerance value in the settings of this tool so that we can safely select our lightning.

When we have selected the lightning, it can be safely transferred to another image and transformed to the size you need.

Change the blending mode to Color Dodge and make some adjustments with the eraser tool. And, also, we slightly highlight the area of ​​the clouds from which the lightning comes.

And there is a third way. This method is the easiest of all that I know. To do this, we will have to download lightning brushes from the Internet and simply draw them in the place we need. And I recommend that you draw the lightning not on the main image, but on a new layer. Because in which case you can move it, resize it and erase unnecessary parts. If you don't know how to load brushes in Photoshop, then we have a section "Brushes", In it you can find how to use brushes and how to load them. But using a brush, you will never achieve such a realistic result as painting lightning yourself.

Well, here we have corrected your photos, and no one will doubt your professionalism. Let your photos have only real lightning drawn by you;). I wish you good luck and new conquered horizons in Photoshop!

Often children who do not yet know how to draw what they want on paper ask their parents to do it. What to do if a child asks to draw a thunderstorm? First of all, he wants to see lightning and menacing heavy clouds on a paper sheet. This article will teach you how to draw lightning, clouds, thunderstorms in stages with a pencil.

Draw a cloud with a simple pencil

To get started, prepare workplace. Take Blank sheet paper and a simple pencil (preferably sharpened).

In the middle of the sheet, sketch out the outline of the oval - this is the future. If you cannot draw an oval on the go yourself, do it like this. vertical and horizontal line divide the sheet in half, you get a cross. Now round this shape, an oval will come out. Now, on the borders of the silhouette, we carefully depict the edges of the clouds. They should resemble a lamb. Keep the distance between the roundness of the cloud about one centimeter. You will have a voluminous thundercloud.

How to draw lightning?

Now that the cloud is ready, it's time to depict the lightning coming out of it. This is easy to do - from the bottom of the cloud, put a few broken lines on the paper (for sure everyone knows what lightning looks like). Now, next to each of the lines, draw on parallel line so that their ends meet at the bottom. You will have an excellent lightning that pleases the child. Now it's time to complete the drawing - decorate the cloud. This can be done using light wavy and semicircular lines inside the cloud. Now you and your child know how to draw a lightning bolt with a pencil. If desired, add colors to the drawing or shade it darker with a simple pencil.

Such a lightning and a cloud can become both a separate pattern and an element of an interesting landscape.

How to draw lightning on a computer?

Many people have tried to capture lightning in a frame, but this is not very easy to do. Photos of thunderstorms and lightning look mysterious, bewitching and very beautiful. You can draw a lightning using the most common "Photoshop". How to do it?

  • First you need to find a photo for the base. The sky on it should be gloomy, gray, it’s good if heavy clouds are present. Open the photo through the Photoshop editor.
  • Create a new layer.
  • Open "Tools". Select the Rectangular Region button. With this tool, select a wide area on a new layer.
  • Fill this area with a gradient. Do this carefully, as the fill - important step at work. How you make the gradient fill depends appearance future lightning.

  • In the "Filter" menu, find the "Rendering" submenu. There, click on the button with the name "Clouds with overlay".
  • Then in the "Images" - "Correction" menu, click the "Invert" button. After completing this action, you will receive a white lightning bolt.
  • Move the flags that appear, watching the lightning change.

We continue to draw lightning in the editor

Lightning in the sky, drawn with the editor, looks just like the real one. We continue to learn how to draw it.

  • Enter the "Pictures" menu again, press the " color background". Then click the "Toning" button. Try different color variations that suit you.
  • Hold down the Ctrl + T keys on the keyboard and reduce the lightning to the desired size while holding down the Shift key. This will keep the proportions.
  • Change the mode to Lighten.
  • Find the Dodge tool. With it, you need to illuminate the place where the lightning goes. Point the instrument at Right place and move your mouse over it. Do not release the mouse button.

Now you know how to draw a lightning bolt with simple pencil on paper, and also learned how to depict a thunderstorm using a computer editor. It is very interesting for both children and adults.

In this lesson for Adobe Illustrator we will go through the important and basic techniques and illustrator tools. And our task will be to create an image of lightning. We will use the Roughen / Roughen, Tweak / Blots effect and create a lot of lighting effects.

Final result

Step 1

Create a new 800 x 600px document. Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a rectangle to fit the document. Now in the Gradient palette, give the rectangle a radial gradient from dark gray (R=77 G=77 B=77) to black (R=0 G=0 B=0). Stretch it with the Gradient Tool as shown below.

Step 2

Copy the gray-black rectangle and paste the copy on top. Open the Gradient palette and copy the linear gradient rectangle to the following shades of blue: R=45 G=136 B=190, R=0 G=66 B=199, R=16 G=95 B=160, R=4 G= 86 B=235. Without removing the selection in the palette Transparency / Transparency change Blending Mode / Blend Mode to Overlay / Overlap (Opacity / Opacity 85%).

Step 3

It's time to draw lightning! Click to start on the Paintbrush/Brush Tool (B) to open the brush settings. In the window that appears, specify the settings as shown below. Click OK.

Use the Paintbrush Tool (B) to paint wavy line as shown below. With the path still selected, in the Stroke Palette, choose ‘Width Profile 4’ and set the Width to 4pt. In the Color palette, select White color for line (R=255 G=255 B=255).

Step 4

Make sure the line is still selected, and from the menu choose Effect > Distort & Transform > Roughen... Adjust the settings as in the second picture below.

Now select Effect > Distort & Transform > Tweak... from the menu. Specify the parameters as in the fourth picture below.

Keep the line selected and go to the Graphic Styles palette. Click on New Graphic Style / New Graphic Style. Double click on the style and rename it to 'Main Lightning Strike'.

Step 5

Use the Paintbrush Tool (B) to draw lightning lines extending from the main one. Select them and in the Graphic Styles palette, select the style we created in the previous step. In the Stroke palette, give the lines a smaller stroke weight.

Group all the lines that make up the lightning (Ctrl + G) and from the menu select Effect > Stylize > Outer Glow…/Effect> Stylization> Outer Glow. Apply the settings as shown in the fourth picture below .

Step 6

Let's draw branches of light. Use the Paintbrush Tool (B) to draw a branch of the lightning bolt. Keeping the line selected, and in the Stroke Palette select ‘Width Profile 1’. Set the Stroke Weight to 0.2pt and White (R=255 G=255 B=255). Lower the Opacity/Opacity to 50% in the Transparency Palette.

Step 7

Keep the branch selected and select from the menu Effect > Distort & Transform > Roughen… Adjust the settings as shown in the second picture below.

Now select Effect > Distort & Transform > Tweak…/Effect > Distort & Transform > Blots from the menu. Adjust the settings as shown in the fourth picture below.

Open the Graphic Styles palette and click on New Graphic Style. Rename a new style in Forks of Lightning.

Step 8

Take the Paintbrush Tool (B) and draw as many branches as you want. When you're done, select all the branches and apply the last created graphic style to them. You can give some branches a different stroke weight to diversify big picture. Group all the branches and in the menu find Effect> Stylize> Outer Glow…/Effect> Stylization> Outer Glow. Specify the parameters as shown in the fourth picture below.

Step 9

Now we need to create a bright cloud of light. Grab the Ellipse Tool (L) and draw a 140 x 140px circle. In the Gradient palette, give the circle a gradient from white to black, and with the Gradient tool, stretch it as shown in the first picture below. In the Transparency palette, change the Blending Mode to Screen/Lightening (Opacity/Opacity 100%).

Now create a 300 x 65px oval and place it right on top of the previous one. Open the Gradient palette and fill the oval with a gradient as shown in the fourth image below. Set Blending Mode to Color Dodge.

Create another 90 x 90px circle. Set its Blending Mode to Color Dodge. Place it on top of all other ovals.

Place the entire resulting structure at the base of the zipper.

Step 10

Use the Ellipse Tool to create a perfect circle (hold Shift to do this) 150 x 150px. Fill the circle with a radial gradient of the following colors: light gray (R=177 G=177 B=177) and black (R=0 G=0 B=0). Change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge. Make several copies and place them all over the zipper.

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