Schools with a theatrical and musical bias. School with a musical bias


Children's Music School - an educational institution in which children studying in ordinary general education schools receive additional musical knowledge and skills. Students of the children's music school learn to play a musical instrument, as well as singing, basic musical and theoretical disciplines (solfeggio and elementary theory music), study the history of music. The children's music school is the first stage of musical education and educates cultured amateur musicians, and prepares professionally gifted students for entering music schools.

Special children's music schools for ten years, which, as a rule, exist at conservatories, combine general education and musical subjects in their curricula, and prepare their students for admission to the conservatory.

Academic Musical College at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Comprehensive musical and general education; classes in piano, keyboard and string instruments; choir; Learning foreign languages.

Address: Merzlyakovsky lane, 11C


  • Secretary: 291-0554
  • Department of Education: 291-0512, 291-1259

Music School No. 80 named after. Blazhevich

Children from 7 years old are accepted. Learning to play wind and percussion instruments.

Address: st. Trekhgorny Val, 2/4


  • Director: 255-0623
  • Security: 252-0305

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 – 21

Center for Family and Childhood

Association of private teachers. Individual development of a child through music (Smirnova method). Piano, vocals, lessons in musical synthesis and composition.

Address: st. Krylatskie Holmy, 25 (in the premises of kindergarten No. 479)

Tel: 412-8657, 415-7942

Mon. - Sat. 10 – 20

Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky

General education under the state program and a music school. Preparation for school from the age of 5 years. Learning to play keyboards, wind and string instruments. The possibility of accepting foreign students. Private lessons with a tutor.

Address: Boulevard General Karbysheva, 15, kor. 3


  • Director: 199-3898
  • Head teacher: 199-9414

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 18

Cultural center "Krylatskoye"

Center for culture and recreation. Choir, dance school, sports classes, fitness training.

Address: st. Krylatsky Hills, 49

Tel. 415-1713, 415-6504

Children's Musical School No. 2 im. Dunayevsky

Admission to the preparatory class from the age of 5, to the first class - from the age of 7. Piano, string and folk instruments, jazz department, choir and individual sessions vocals.

Address: Chapaevsky lane, 5A


  • Office: 157-6842
  • Administrator: 157-6131
  • Educational department: 157-6203
  • Fax: 157-4668

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Moscow Municipal Music School. Gnesins

Admission to the preparatory class from the age of 6, to the first class - from the age of 7. Keyboards, strings and wind instruments, choir.

Address: st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 29


  • Office: 142-1930
  • Director: 142-2324
  • Fax: 142-0874

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Musical school. Gnesins

Musical and general education, reception of children from 5 years old. All keyboards, strings and wind instruments (except button accordion and guitar), choir.

Address: st. Znamenka, 12

  • Secretary: 290-6777
  • Director: 291-1790
  • Deputy Director: 290-6476
  • Fax: 291-3771

Opening hours: daily from 9 to 21

Children's Music School No. 5 named after. K.N. Igumnova

Learn to play all musical instruments. Children from 5 years old are accepted.

Address: st. Pokrovka, 39, building 3

Tel. 917-5677

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School No. 15 named after. A.K. Lyadov

Children from 7 years old are accepted. Keyboards and stringed instruments, choir, center for the aesthetic development of children 4 - 6 years old.

Address: st. 1905, d. 8

Tel: 252-2623

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Moscow College of Musical Improvisation

Wind instruments, guitar, vocals, jazz.

Address: Andropova Avenue, 48

Phone: 112-1346

Opening hours: daily 18 – 23

Moscow State Institute of Music. Schnittke

Address: st. Marshal Sokolovsky, 10

Tel. 194-0433, 194-8389

Children's Music School No. 11 named after. Muradeli

Keyboards, strings, folk and wind instruments, choir. Reception of children from 7 years old, in the preparatory class - from 6 years old.

Address: st. Prechistenka, 32

Phone: 210-3783

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Acceptance of children from 6 years old. Keyboard, string and wind instruments, choir. Optional study of foreign languages. Teaching is conducted by teachers of the music school at the Moscow State Conservatory. Individual sessions.

Address: Merzlyakovsky lane, 11

Tel: 290-2814

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School No. 3 at the Moscow State Musical College. Chopin

Reception of children from 7 years old, in the preparatory class - from 6 years old. Keyboard, folk and string instruments, choir.

Address: st. Sadovaya-Karetnaya, 4

Phone: 299-7027

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School No. 40 named after. Novikov

Competitive selection of children from the age of 6 years. Children of foreign citizens are accepted. Learn to play all keyboard and string instruments.

Address: st. Simonovsky Val, 12A

Phone: 274-5697

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 – 20

Children and Youth Creativity Center "Na Miussy"

Music and dance classes from the age of 5 years. Interest groups, pool, basketball.

Address: st. Alexandra Nevsky, 4

Tel. 250-5396, 251-9021

Opening hours: daily 8 – 21

Children's Music School No. 1 named after. S. Prokofieva

Acceptance of children from 7 years. In the preparatory class - from 5 years. Keyboard and string instruments, choir.

Address: Tolmakov lane, 8

Phone: 261-0383

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 – 17

Center for Musical and Performing Arts on the basis of school No. 686

Reception of children from 3 years. Vocal, performing arts and music classes are in addition to the general high school curriculum.

Address: st. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 11

Tel/Fax: 156-3876, 156-3955

Working hours: Mon. – Fri. 10 – 18

Musical school. Yu.A. Shaporin at the Moscow State Institute of Music

Reception of children from 7 years old, in the preparatory class - from 6 years old. Piano, keyboard and string instruments, choir.

Address: st. Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya, 7A

Phone: 200-0635

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

School No. 122

School with a musical and choral bias. Optional study of foreign languages ​​and informatics.

Address: Maly Palashevsky lane, 3

Phone: 291-6150

Music and choral school No. 72 "Spring"

Reception of children from 5 years. Folk instruments, piano, choir.

Address: Dezhneva proezd, 3

Children's Music School No. 36 named after. Stasova

Acceptance of children from 7 years. Keyboards, strings, folk instruments, jazz department, choir.

Address: Maly Strochenovsky lane, 14

Phone: 236-3072

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

State School of Brass Arts

Musical and general education, admission based on the results of entrance examinations.

Address: st. Trekhgorny Val, 2 (in the premises of the music school No. 80)

phone: 255-0785

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Music School No. 83 under the direction of Tabakov

Reception of children from 5 years. Wind musical instruments, department of aesthetic development.

Address: st. 26 Baku Commissars, 12

Tel. 433-6100

Working hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Many parents try to teach their child to early childhood to art. Art can be different - music, drawing and the like. This article will focus on music education.

The tradition of teaching children music came to us from Europe. Aristocratic families paid great attention to musical education. In addition, they paid great attention to other types of art, so every teenager easily understood it.

Many studies have shown that children who attend music school from an early age have higher intellectual abilities. They easily master many disciplines and adapt better in society. Upon closer study brain activity musicians, scientists have found that such people see the big picture better. This makes it much easier for musicians to plan and think logically. This is not the only argument why you should send your child to a music school.

Even if the child does not become a musician in the future, musical education will help him in life. It will be much easier to adapt to environmental conditions. Such a person will be much easier to master any profession.

Every person has the right to a musical education, so in every city there is a school with a musical bias. AT recent times the number of such institutions has decreased, but, despite this, those wishing to visit such an institution have not diminished.

A comprehensive school with a musical bias is ready to accept any person. It can enter like children younger age as well as teenagers. Even some adults can graduate from such an institution. The school provides an opportunity to choose one of the directions for study. For example, playing the piano, violin, learning vocals, and the like.

A boarding school with a musical bias has a narrower specialization, so there are fewer directions in it. However, its main advantage is that children with various physical disabilities can study in it.

Any parent, before sending their child to a music school, will think, why do this? Below are compelling reasons why you should attend a music school.

Music education is good for health. Many studies have proven that classical music has a positive effect on the digestive and nervous system person. In addition, music helps to overcome insomnia, depression and even chronic fatigue. Singing in a choir can improve the protective functions of the immune system, which means that resistance to colds increases. Same choral singing helps to get rid of bad diction and stuttering. Children who attend music school not only develop better, but also grow better.

No one can argue with the fact that attending a music school broadens one's horizons. A child who goes to a music school will not have time to associate with "bad company". In addition, he will form a circle of interests that will be useful to him in the future in life. Music awakens creativity, it contributes to the development of aesthetic qualities and gives inspiration. Many famous poets and composers created their masterpieces thanks to the influence of the classics.

Children who study at a music school plan their time wisely. From year to year, you have to allocate time so that it is enough for studying at school, for visiting music lessons, to chat with friends and so on. In addition, the child develops such qualities as willpower, perseverance and others. In addition, the child learns to do several things at the same time, and at the same time use several senses.

A person who graduates from a music school is not afraid of the public and public speaking. After all, he has to attend various auditions, perform at concerts. It does not matter whether the child will sing in the choir or play the piano solo - he will still perform in front of the public. Over time, the child gets used to control himself on stage and cope with his emotions. He gets used to being the center of attention - this can be very useful in life in any field of activity. In addition to all this, students at the music school constantly have to pass exams and tests. Therefore, a child studying at a music school will easily pass the exam and any other exam without fear and nervous experiences.

Very often, children who graduate from a music school find their place in society faster. Starting from school years, the child will be able to show off his musical talents at some evening. Also, while studying at two schools at the same time, the child will make more useful acquaintances, including friends with the same interests, which is very important.

And finally, music education helps to develop logic, linguistic and musical ability. During music lessons, the child has to comprehend the space, manipulate the abstract concept and memorize the structure of the musical text.

Even if, after graduating from a music school, the child does not have outstanding musical talents or absolute hearing, he can become a genius in another field - journalism, mathematics, etc.

My 122nd school left only positive good memories in me. I studied there from 1988 to 1998. Vyacheslav Vladimirovich was in primary school. I think he still works at that school. I always came up with something interesting and creative, never parted with my favorite photo and video equipment. Then Lyudmila Grigoryevna was the class teacher. The director at that time was Kuzmina Elena Georgievna, the head teacher was Tamara Semyonovna, and at the music school - Kamburg Ninel Davydovna (the kingdom ...

Thanks to the teachers, a very strong school. The child was engaged in it with great pleasure, still remembers the warm words of his teachers. Very strong teacher primary school Zhurkina Elena Nikolaevna, a teacher from God, put her whole soul into each student, studied on an extension. Children love her. Thanks a lot to the solfeggio teacher Olga Ilinichna, a very strong, talented teacher with good heart. He teaches children very well. Children love you! In a word, the school is very good, education...

Children of all in a row study at this school, and every year there are more and more children of janitors and plumbers. Education is really free, there are no fees, but teachers are very fond of gifts for the holidays. Although, in fairness, it is worth saying that those who do not give do not spread rot. Unfortunately, the school has no advertising and no competition. There was a lot of rabble, especially after the disbandment of the 124th school in the neighborhood. The headmistress takes everyone, C students, L students, non-Russian speakers. There are very strong teachers...

There is only one second grade in the school. The teacher is very good. You can take the flute.

It turned out at school 122 from 1986 to 1996. For me it whole life, the whole story. Thanks to many teachers. Ninel Davydovna Camburg is mine head teacher, although he had not liked her before. Elena Giorgievna - Director of the Society. The school seemed strict to me, everyone was afraid of it. It is worth noting the Honored Teacher of Russia Tamara Semyonovna Yaroslavtseva and the mathematician Elena Sergeevna. I remember many teachers, I'm just afraid to make a mistake with the names. Soon I will post a video on YouTube with the choir's tour to America in 1993, Ninel is there ...

After the 9th grade, the son entered the prestigious music school. college with a competition of 6 people per place. Judge for yourself.

The school building is really old. The school was built on the site of the demolished church. The school yard (respectively) on the site of the cemetery. When we walked (mid-80s) in the school yard, on an extension, they found bones. All this is not good. At the turn of the 70-80s, in a crush, in a wardrobe, a boy was crushed to death, in the early 80s, a schoolboy fell from the railing - an open fracture of his arm. I myself, having fallen in physical education, stuck out my elbow (the arm bent to the other side). But the training was at a very high level. What is it in...

Amazing teachers, family atmosphere. The children are happy to go.

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