Pole dance private lessons. Sports pole dancing


Wins more and more admirers of this bewitching and amazing skill. It is not only incendiary and beautiful, but also sexy and luxurious. Many people want to master this skill and bring it to the level of mastery, but simply do not know where to start. In order to master the pole dance and learn it on your own, you need not only to have a desire, although it is also important.

Basic nuances for beginners

First of all, make a choice style direction dance. In order for the choice to be as correct as possible and not disappoint in the future, you can seek advice from a strip-plastic teacher. Depending on your plasticity and the physical condition of the body, the trainer may advise you to make your choice in favor of erotic or rhythmic. Or, if you are aware of which direction you would like to dance, the choice can simply be adjusted.

To begin with, it is important to feel the pole. If you are a beginner and don't need stunning results, it is better to buy a static pole. Otherwise, you can pay attention to the spinning ones, but for classes on such units you need to have an initial base. Numerous videos of training lessons will allow you to get acquainted with the simplest elements. But even when exercising at home, one should not neglect a high-quality warm-up for all muscle groups, which should be at least half an hour and doing stretching exercises, without which your elements will be boring and dull.

Having mastered basic elements, and even before mastering them, one should devote time to improvisation - the basis of pole dancing. It is important to understand that in this kind of dance there is no traditional memorization of elements and their flawless reproduction. There also cannot be a specific dance setting. There are only the main directions of the elements and unlimited imagination, which makes the dance unforgettable.

When practicing pole dancing, it is important to keep your body in good physical condition, since twists and turns require serious physical effort. Of course, from the first lessons of self-training it is unlikely that it will work out, but already at 3-4 lessons you will notice some progress.

The visual image is important not only in end result as well as daily workouts. In order for you to ignite more and more from your dances, it is important not only to have plasticity, but also to pick up the right clothes. Do not rush to immediately put on your heels. Training can also be carried out in softer shoes (Czech shoes, soft light sneakers or just socks), from which the legs will not overwork. Attractive, tight and stretchy clothing should add visual appeal to your look.

IN Lately became widespread Pole Dance, or dance on a pylon - a projectile, which is a steel vertical pole for performing acrobatic stunts. Beginners should practice the beginner pole exercises before they can be demonstrated. This will allow you to learn basic movements and prepare the main muscle groups.

Pole dancing - health benefits

Dancing helps to correct the figure and remove extra pounds, which is much safer than liposuction, strict diets and other weight loss methods. Weight will go away gradually and evenly from all parts of the body - it will become toned, cellulite will disappear.

Dancing has the following benefits:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • increase immunity and reduce the risk of infectious diseases;
  • the appearance of an even and beautiful posture, developed muscles.

The main thing is that mood and self-esteem improve, the athlete becomes liberated, shyness and uncertainty disappear. Dancing allows you to escape from everyday worries and bad thoughts, make you fall in love with yourself.

Preparing for a workout

Preparation for training - important step for successful exercise

It is important to have the attitude and desire to go to the goal. If everything is available, then you can start classes, but before that you need to prepare. Decide for yourself what is more convenient for you - to attend group or individual lessons. The latter option is preferable for those who want to carefully study the material and hone their skills under close attention teacher. Classes in the group will appeal to people who are interested in communicating with other students, to monitor their progress.

Pick up comfortable shoes and clothes. To warm up, it is better to use leggings and a T-shirt - due to them, the heat will disperse through the body, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and affects adipose tissue. Pole exercises for beginners should be done in short shorts and a top to ensure better grip on the surface of the pole. When dancers get professional skills, they put on strips - shoes on high heels and platform 4.5 cm.

Warm-up is a must

Each session should begin with a 15-minute warm-up to stretch the muscles - as a result, physical activity is easier to tolerate, and the likelihood of sprains and other injuries is halved.

A set of exercises:

  • For the neck. Tilt your head in different sides- 16 repetitions left-right and back and forth, do full turns and semicircles - 8 repetitions each.
  • For chest muscles. Arch and round your back, move its upper part from left to right - 16 repetitions.
  • For the press. Perform twisting of the press - 2 sets of 20 repetitions are enough.
  • For buttocks. Do regular squats - 40 reps.

Pay attention to your hands - during the dance, they have the main load. It is necessary to train the muscles of the hands not only during the warm-up, but also in between lessons. Bend and unbend the wrists with a barbell in a sitting position - 10 repetitions each. It is useful to bend your arms with dumbbells weighing up to 3 kg - 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Pull up on the horizontal bar and push up from the floor or bench - this will help strengthen the muscles of the arms, back and abs.

Pole exercises for beginners: basic level

All movements of pole dancing are divided into tricks - static elements (fixed) and twists - rotations around the pipe. The category of tricks includes "hanging" and "grazing" - the athlete hangs or "sits" on the pole.

Static elements for beginners:

  • Firefighter. Cross your bent legs around the pole, hold on to the pylon with your hands, arch your back beautifully.
  • High chair. Grasp the pylon and squeeze it with the inside of your thighs, straighten your legs perpendicular to the pipe or bend, hold on tightly to the pole with your hands.
  • Slingshot. Hang on the pipe upside down, hold on to the pole with straightened arms, straight legs spread apart.

Beginner dancers should aim for perfect pole movement.

Rotating pole exercises for beginners:

  • Stretching. With a straight hand, hold on to the pole above your head, and with the other - at the level of the hips. Push off the floor with your feet, spread them and scroll. The arms should be straight.
  • With double rearrangement of legs. Grab the pole with one foot under the knee crease, twist, grab the pole with the other leg and gracefully complete the turn, holding onto the pipe firmly with your hands.
  • Frog. With your left hand straightened, hold on to the pole above your head, and with your right hand bent - at chest level. Grab the pipe with your left foot, push off with the other, bend it and scroll.

You should study under the supervision of a teacher - he will tell you how to perform the movements correctly. After training, you need to reduce the load and relax, restore breathing and heart rate. It is better to attend classes 2-3 times a week, and during breaks to rest or allocate time for stretching (of course, within reasonable limits, so as not to overstrain).

Learn something new with Anix Dance dance studio

In professional dance school Anix Dance every beginner will be able to learn directions, and other varieties of pole dancing. Professional trainers will teach the dancers the basic elements and control their implementation. Exercises will help develop strength, endurance and allow you to master more complex movements.

Pole dance (pole dancing) is becoming more and more popular every year. And this is not surprising, because this sport helps to gain self-confidence, make the figure perfect, maintain good physical shape for many years.

You can start classes at any age, because pole dancing for beginners suggests that the exercises will not be difficult, because you need to strengthen the muscles and learn how to do the basic elements. After a few months, if desired, you can start training on professional level, but that doesn't always make sense.

Why you should practice pole dancing

There are many reasons why you should choose Pole Dance for beginners:

  • problems with excess weight disappear;
  • muscles are tightened;
  • develops flexibility and plasticity;
  • joints are developed;
  • the muscular corset is strengthened;
  • metabolism is normalized.

Pole dance is also suitable for beginners because femininity, sexuality and grace develop. After a few beginner pole dancing lessons, you will begin to perceive yourself in a completely different way.

Another undoubted plus is that such training improves well-being and cheers up. Pole dancing for beginners is a great way to fight depression.

Training Features

Starting from scratch, you will learn the elements of gymnastics, choreography and acrobatics. It is important to understand that Pole Dance differs from strip plastic or ordinary striptease at least in that physical activity, even if you have chosen pole dancing for beginners, is quite large. This speeds up metabolism and increases energy consumption.

The pole is an excellent exercise machine for beginners to play sports, as all muscle groups are worked. But it will not only improve physical form. From the very beginning of learning to dance on the pole for beginners, you will begin to move beautifully. Also improve stretching and get rid of complexes. And changes in the body will become noticeable after 2-3 weeks, because energy consumption is colossal.

Anyone can learn to dance in our school. Our coaches are the best in Moscow, they find an approach to each student. Be sure: in just a few lessons you will fall in love with dancing and cannot imagine your life without it. Moreover, there are no contraindications. Even for beginner athletes, dancing is the best choice.

The basic course SUPER INTENSIVE for beginners is:

* 6 workouts per week (=3 visits per week)
* individual approach to every student
* 1 student per pylon!
* professional trainers in Pole Dance, Stretching
* the opportunity to speak after the end of the course at Reporting concert schools

Program cost(20 lessons) - 7700 rubles.

20:00 stretching Angelina Guseva
21:00 pole dance Angelina Guseva
20:00 pole dance Marina Zubkova
21:00 stretching Angelina Guseva
19:00 pole dance Marina Zubkova
20:00 Paulina Lubova stretching

A diploma of completion of the course is issued ONLY upon completion of 80% or more of training!(If the student missed 5 or more classes, the diploma is not issued)

With NO PASSES, the student receives a 10% discount on the purchase of a two-month Pole Dance course Step 2 or 5% on subscriptions of 16 or 20 lessons!!!

Every year, for girls around the world who want to find the desired slender and toned figure, more and more new and modern views dance directions. One of the most progressive trends that is gaining popularity every day is Pole Dance, which combines the best of sports and dance.

Given sports direction represents choreographic dances with a pole, during which a person performs complex tricks, trains the muscles of the arms and legs and performs entire artistic dance performances. Pole dance has replaced fitness and grueling workouts in gym, from which in most girls cramps muscles throughout the body. In addition, not every trainer can choose the optimal training program, which leads not to benefit, but to harm to their own body.

What is Pole Dance

The direction itself comes from striptease, but in it the nakedness of the body is compensated by the beauty of the dance itself and, in some cases, the whole plot setting. No wonder pole dance won such love from simple girls, because you will never meet a dancer suffering from excess weight.

The main goal of the classes is to instill a person's love for his own body. A rich variety of dances, the relative absence of large physical activity and the very beauty of the performance united in the intriguing art of handling the pylon.

IN modern world developed following directions pole dance sport:

  • pole art, where the main emphasis is on the image of the performer (costumes) and the artistry of performing tricks;
  • pole sports, in which the complexity of the movements performed plays a significant role;
  • pole fitness, combining sportiness and entertainment performance;
  • erotic pole dance. As the name implies, the main point is given to the eroticism of the production, the choreographic component and the sensuality of the movements.

The art of dance from the choreographic studio "AnixDance"

If you decide to take care of your own body and learn the art of Pole Dance, come to our studio - qualified trainers, convenient equipment and the advantageous location of the halls in Moscow guarantee that the classes will be not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible!

Start learning Pole Dance with us

AnixDance dance studio opens new horizons for self-improvement!

In theory, yes, but in practice… “Pole training requires stretch, flexibility, and strength,” says Polina Volchek, two-time world champion in pole dance, ex-soloist of Cirque du Soleil, artist of the Leningrad Center troupe. “That is, of course, you can try to do without them, but the number of elements that you can perform in this case will be significantly reduced.”

For beginners, it is important to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, as early stages hand strength is important for mastering pole tricks. “In the first lessons, we study near-pylon choreography, some basic tricks at the“ lower ”level, the simplest twists,” comments Vera Kefner, teacher of pole dance, stretching and other fitness areas of the Yaradance dance studio, author of the complex that we will show today. - And only then we transfer them to the “upper floors”, to the pylon. With strengthened arm muscles, it is much easier to work on the pylon: it is easier for a person to pull himself up, statically hold himself in certain positions on the pylon, without touching the floor. As for a good stretch, it makes the muscles more elastic, gives more joint mobility, increasing the range of motion, which makes the task easier and reduces the risk of injury. We must not forget about visual effectgood stretch allows you to perform tricks gracefully and beautifully.

So if you have long wanted to try the pole, but did not know where to start, start with strength exercises and stretching. We asked Vera Kefner to compile and show us a suitable set of exercises.

How to build an activity

* Start your workout with warm-ups. 10-15 minutes of simple articular gymnastics will prepare the muscles, joints and connections for the upcoming load.

* Do exercises sequentially.

* Engage in this program 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the load. The pace is medium or slow, which will allow you to concentrate on correct technique performing exercises.

To complete the complex, you will need a rug, a chair and dumbbells (weighing 2-3 kg).

Ready to get started? Then repeat after Vera Kefner.

Push-ups with wide arms

Take an emphasis lying on straight arms (you can rely on your knees). Put your hands wider than your shoulders, fingers look forward and widely spaced, distribute the load on a full palm. The neck is a continuation of the spine, the gaze is lowered down, the abdominal muscles are tense. While inhaling, keeping the body absolutely straight, bend your arms, spreading your elbows to the sides. chest you should almost touch the floor. As you exhale, focus on how you contract pectoral muscles, push up and return to the starting position. While you're a beginner, do as many push-ups as you can. You can start by doing it on your knees 8-10 repetitions V 1-2 sets 10-15 repetitions V 3 sets

Push-ups with narrow arms

Take an emphasis lying on straight arms (you can rely on your knees). Place your palms shoulder-width apart, fingers look forward and wide apart, distribute the load on the entire palm, the neck is a continuation of the spine, look down, the abdominal muscles are tense. While inhaling, keeping the body absolutely straight and moving it slightly forward relative to the hands, bend the arms, pulling the elbows back. Your chest should also almost reach the floor. Exhale as you push up and return to the starting position. While you're a beginner, do as many push-ups as you can. You can start by doing it on your knees 8-10 repetitions V 1-2 sets , gradually increasing the load to 10-15 repetitions V 3 sets . Further, without support on the knees, perform the same number of repetitions and approaches with straight legs (feet hip-width apart).


Take an emphasis lying on straight arms, arms shoulder-width apart, hands in line with shoulder joints, feet together (fingers in line with heels). Make sure that the muscles of the legs, buttocks and the press are in tension. Do not arch your back and keep your torso straight as a single line from crown to heels until the end of the exercise. Hold this position, start with 15-30 seconds By 2-3 times gradually increasing this time.

Stand on the shoulder blades ("Birch")

Lie with your back on the mat, arms along the body, palms on the floor, legs bent at the knees or straight, knees and feet touching each other. Throw your legs over your head as much as possible. Bend your arms at the elbows, place your palms on your lower back, straighten your legs up. The body should be straightened, extended upwards so that the body and legs form one straight line. Keep your feet and knees together, hips and buttocks tense, palms on the lower back. Breathing during the exercise is deep, even, calm. You need to finish the rack in the reverse order, slowly, without jerking, supporting your back with your hands. Hold this position 15-30 seconds . Repeat 2-3 times . A variant with the support of the feet on the wall is possible.

Reverse push-ups with a chair

Sit on a chair, place your palms under the shoulder joints at shoulder width, fingers forward. While inhaling, slowly lower the pelvis, bending your elbows to right angle. Make sure your forearms are perpendicular to the floor throughout the movement. As you exhale, push yourself back to the starting position. Do as many push-ups as you can. The main thing is that each repetition is done correctly and in full amplitude. You can start with 8-10 repetitions V 1-2 sets , gradually increasing the load to 10-15 repetitions V 3 sets .

Lifting dumbbells for biceps

Sit on a chair, take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg. Lower your arms with dumbbells along the body. The hands are turned towards the body. Fix the position of the elbows, pressing them to the body, tighten the press. Slowly bend your elbows. When the forearms are parallel to the floor, begin to turn the hands outward, that is, upward with the wrists. Next, raise the dumbbells to the point where your wrists almost touch your shoulders (at the top of the exercise, there should be a few centimeters between your wrists and shoulders). Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds and just as slowly return to the starting position.

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