Open music lesson in the younger group. Music lessons for younger groups of kindergarten


Musical lesson for children 3-4 years old "Katya doll is our guest"

1) Learning tasks:

Listen to the song from beginning to end without being distracted;

Respond to changing parts of the music;

Walk in an even circle;

To form a modal feeling;

Sing along the end of musical phrases;

Clap your hands rhythmically according to the nature of the music.

2) Developmental tasks:

Learn to improvise;

Compose elementary tunes;

Come up with dance moves;

Distinguish between the movement of the melody up and down, in place.

3) Educational tasks:

Bring up careful attitude to toys;

To form initial maternal feelings, kindness, tenderness, affection, sympathy.

Lesson progress

The girls enter the room. Musical director sings the greeting: “Hello, girls!”

Girls(sing). Hello (descending major triad).

The cheerful music of D. Shostakovich sounds - "Waltz Joke". girls and music worker perform the simplest musical movements- depict pupae. The music director draws attention to the house with a window.

Musical director. Someone came to us.

Children. Doll.

The doll says hello. The song “Doll” sounds, music by M. Krasev, words by L. Mironova.

Musical director. She wants to meet you. Sing your name and make wooden and cloth dolls.

The girls are doing their homework.

Musical director. Let's invite the Doll to our kindergarten.

To the song "Kindergarten", music by A. Filippenko, words by T. Volgina, the girls sit on the chairs.

Musical director. Doll Katya told me that she did not want to come to visit us alone. But her friend got sick. And she wants to hear a song about it

Listening to the song “The Doll Got Sick”, music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina. A conversation about the song, its character and content.

Musical director.

Quiet. Quiet. Silence.

The poor doll is sick.

The poor doll is sick,

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she'll get better...

E. Blaginina

Musical director. How do we come to kindergarten: by car, by trolleybus, by bus. And I suggest you go today on the "Solar Tram". Let's sing a song loudly, joyfully.

Performance of the song "Solar Tram", music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Demidenko.

Musical director. Here we have arrived. Let's knock.

The improvisational game “Knock like me” is performed.

Musical and didactic game "Ladder"

Musical director. When we approach the kindergarten, we go up and enter it on a ladder.

The music director plays the melody step by step - up or down.

Musical director. Let's listen to the song. Who will show me how the doll goes up the ladder, and how it goes down. And now the doll will go up the stairs the way music plays. Along this ladder, the doll came to our kindergarten. I saw how beautiful it is here. I heard cheerful music and wanted to dance with you. Come out with our guest.

Performed "Dance with Dolls", Ukrainian folk melody arranged by T. Shutenko

Musical director.

Looks at us through the window

Sweet sunshine:

Invites us to walk on the street,

Play hide and seek with the sun and rain.

A game is being played to the song "Sun and Rain", music by M. Rauchverger, lyrics by A. Barto.

Musical director. Let's sing a song to the doll.

A song about rain is performed (at the choice of the music director).

Musical director. Say goodbye to the doll: "Goodbye" (descending sounds).

Title: Musical lesson for children 3-4 years old.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, 2 junior group

Musical lesson in the younger group "On a visit to the cat Timofey"

Program content: pin familiar musical repertoire using game situation. Develop a sense of rhythm, stability of attention, musical memory; develop the ability to imitate the behavior of animals. Teach singing skills, smoothly perform movements in pairs, consolidate familiar dance moves. Cultivate Kindness in Children

preliminary work: Listening to the play "Kitty" by T. Lomova

Learning the song "Tsap-scratch" by S. Gavrilov

Learning the dance "Palms"

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Flies into the hall balloon

Musical director: Guys, look, a balloon flew to us, and a postcard on a thread. Now let's see what kind of postcard it is. Guys, this is an invitation. Who is it from, who sent it? Don't worry, we'll try to guess everything together. There is musical riddle- I will play music for you, and you tell me who she is talking about

Plays the play "Cat" by T. Lomova

Guys, did you recognize this music, who is it about? (you can make a riddle)

Mokhnatenka, mustachioed,

Sits songs sings (cat)

That's right, cat.

Educator: I guessed who sent us this invitation, it was sent to us by the cat Timofey

Musical director: Now I will read what he writes, “Guys, I miss you so much, come to visit me, I will be waiting for you.” Well, shall we go to visit the cat? (children answer)

And we will go with you by train, take the trailers as soon as possible, our train is leaving

Sounds "train" T. Suvorova

And now we will go along this path, take your hands rather

Frenkel's "round dance" sounds

Well, here we are. And where is the cat Timothy, why doesn't he meet us? Guys, let's call him, sing his name very affectionately. Everyone sings: "Timofey" on one sound. No, he can't hear, he's probably asleep. Guys, let's clap (clap to the music) And now let's stomp (stomp to the music)

Exercise "clap-stomp" arr. Ya Stepovoy

A cat appears on the screen

Cat: Meow meow, hello guys, how glad I am that you came to visit me

Musical director: Why don't you meet us?

Cat: To be honest, I dozed off

Musical director: What are you shaggy, unkempt . What do you guys have to do in the morning? (children's answers)

Exercise "The cat washes" (elements of psycho-gymnastics)

On the screen is another picture of a cat washed, combed

Musical director: For such beautiful cat can you sing a song

Children sing the song "tsap-scratch" from Gavrilov

Cat: Oh, what a good song, thank you guys! I also love to dance, would you like to dance with me?

Dance "Chok da Kok" by E. Makshantseva

Cat: what a fun dance, thank you guys

Musical director: Cat Timofey, do you like to play?

Cat: Of course I love

Musical director: Then play with the guys

Cat: My favorite game is Cat and Mice , but there are no mice here

Musical director: And we will say magic words and turn into little mice

They say turn left and right

And turn into a mouse

The game "Cat and Mice" by V. Petrova Children are caught by a cat - a toy similar to the screen

Cat: thank you, you made me laugh

Musical director: Timothy the cat got so much snow, the guys and I made snowballs , will you play with us?

Speech therapy game "Snowball" by M. Kartushina

Musical director: Well, Timothy the cat, you cheered me up

Cat: Of course, they cheered me up, I'm so glad that you came to visit me

Musical director: Unfortunately, Timothy, it's time for us to say goodbye. Our train leaves for kindergarten

Cat: What a pity, but will you come again?

The kids are in charge

Musical director: Goodbye, Timothy, don't miss us (Children say goodbye and "ride" again on the train)

Educator: Well, guys, we came to kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? (children answer) Me too

Musical director: I liked it too, bye guys.

Nomination: Music lesson for children 3-4 years old.

Position: music director of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 142
Location: Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

The synopsis of a musical lesson in kindergarten was compiled by Sheshukova Zoya Vladimirovna, musical director of the highest qualifying category MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 17", Glazov. The lesson is held for children of the first junior group.


1. Educational: (artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development)

  • to attach to melodious, drawn-out, expressive singing;
  • to learn to move in accordance with the pronounced nature of the music, to associate movements with music;
  • to acquaint children with the change in the life of animals in the spring season;
  • encourage children to make their own decisions.

2. Developing: (artistic and aesthetic development, speech development)

  • to promote active manifestations of children in the process of listening and performing activities;
  • develop emotional responsiveness to music, its character and mood, musical image available to the child.

3. Educational: (social and communicative development)

  • to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, towards Mishutka, respect for toys;
  • encourage children to desire to please each other;
  • education of independence in actions with objects.


  • Dance "Ribbons", music by G. Vikhareva.
  • “Dance with flags”, music by G. Vikhareva.
  • "Game dance with bears".
  • Song "Sun", music by A. Filippenko.
  • Playing with a bell, music by E. Grinina.
  • Communication game "Horse", music by E. Makshantsev.

Equipment and aids:

  • notebook,
  • multimedia projector,
  • screen (interactive whiteboard);
  • bells,
  • flags,
  • bear cubs toys,
  • ribbons,
  • containers for attributes (for each child) are located under the chairs.


  • Vikhareva G.F. Song call! Toolkit. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 1999. - 48 p.
  • "Kolokolchik" No. 54/2013 educational-methodical and literary-musical magazine - St. Petersburg.
  • Makshantseva E.D. Children's fun. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 64 p.
  • Petrova V.A. Reader for the program "Baby" for children of the 3rd year of life. Part 1.: Moscow 2000.

Synopsis of a music lesson for children of the first junior group

Music is playing, the children are calmly entering the hall.

Musical director: - Hello guys! The sun came to visit us today!

Musical director: - Guys, let's say together "Hello, Sunshine!".

Children greet the Sun.

Musical director: - The sun really likes the way you sing. What song can we sing for him?

Children's answers.

The song "The Sun", music by A. Filippenko.

Musical director: - Sunny, did you like how the guys sang for you? Well done, guys, you all tried very hard - the Sun really liked it!

Educator: - From the joy of the sun, the rays became multi-colored, like our ribbons. They invite us to dance.

Children take ribbons, go out into a circle.

“Dance with Ribbons”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: How fun we danced! Let's put the rays in baskets so that they do not scatter.

Children put ribbons in baskets - containers.

Music Director (points to the screen): Look, guys, who is sleeping so sweetly?

Children: - Bear!

Musical director: - Where does he sleep?

Children: — In the den.

Musical director: "And when will he wake up?"

Educator: - It's already spring! It's time to wake up Mishenka.

Musical director: - Let's take our ringing bells and wake up Mishka.

Playing with bells, music by E. Grinina.

Educator: - So Mishutka woke up! Say hello to Mishka.

Children greet Mishutka.

Educator: - Mishutka slept well, rested and is very glad that we came to visit him. Mishutka loves to play. Show, Mishutka, what are your favorite toys.

Slides 5, 6, 7 depict various toys.

Educator: The bear asks us to guess which toys he likes to play with the most.

Further, the repertoire in the lesson will be performed in random order. Children optionally choose "Mishutka's favorite toy". If they guess right, the toy stays on the screen and gets bigger. If the choice is not correct, the toy disappears.

Educator: - What kind beautiful balls! Where can you guys go with balloons?

Children's answers.

Educator: “Don’t we have balloons that we can take with us to the party?”

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, flags. Look, Mishutka, how cheerfully we walk with them!

“Dance with flags”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: - Come on, Mishutka, we'll try to guess your favorite toy. Look, guys, Mishutka loves to play with a teddy bear! And let's show Mishutka how you can dance with the cubs.

"Game dance with bears".

Educator: - Mishutka offers us to guess another favorite toy. Who is it guys? That's right, Horse! What interesting toys Mishutka has! Thank you, Mishutka, for showing us your favorite toys, come and visit us. We will also show you our favorite toys. Goodbye!

Children say goodbye to Mishutka.

Educator: - And we will harness the horses and go back to kindergarten!

Communicative game "Horse", music by E. Makshantseva.

Musical director: - Guys, did you like visiting Mishutka? What are his favorite toys? What toys did you play with?

Educator: - Probably, our toys in the group got bored without us. Let's get back to them soon!

Children say goodbye, leave the hall to calm music.

Perhaps the last toy will not be a horse, in which case the teacher, at his own discretion, will sum up the lesson.

BDOU Omsk "Kindergarten No. 4"

Musical game lesson

at 2 junior group

« musical journey»

Compiled by: E.A. Kuzlyakina,

music director


Development of emotional responsiveness of children through different kinds musical activity


    Cultivate interest and love for music;

    to form the ability to listen to music, to determine its characteristic features,

move in accordance with the nature of the music, hear its end;

    improve basic movement skills (walking and running);

    encourage children to sing cheerfully, joyfully, pronounce words correctly, sing in harmony;

    expand children's active vocabulary;

    to consolidate the ability of children to independently recognize, name musical instruments and play funny melodies on them.

Lesson progress:

The children, along with the teacher, enter music hall(stand in a circle). The music director meets them: Good morning, guys! How glad I am for you

see! Look, the sun has already woken up, all the guys smiled! It gave us a good and cheerful mood. And how can you convey a good mood to everyone around you?(Need to smile). Let's smile to the sun, to each other, say hello and wish everyone good health!

Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

M.R.: How else can you convey a good mood(Play fun music, sing) That's right, music will help us! And for this we need musical instruments. I'll play the piano now and O.G. merrily play along with musical spoons.

Sounds like "Oh, you birch!" (spoon suddenly breaks, music stops)

Teacher: What to do now?(children's answers)

M.R.: And I think that only music master, which the

makes music. tools, it will easily repair our spoon.

Locomotive whistle sounds

M.R.: Do you hear? What's this? This is a cheerful whistle of a train that is ready to take

us to the master. Do you agree to go to the master? And music will be our assistant in everything today. And first she will help us get to the train

The music will play, the children will all walk,

The music will be silent, the children will all stand.

Edit: Get up one after the other. They put the handles on the belt, and they walked behind me, the back is straight

Exercise "Walk-Run":

M.R .: Legs are walking along a flat path,

Top, top, top. Top, top, top - stop!

Play: Handles on the belt, stood on the toes, ran one after the other.

M.R .: Run, run, legs run,

Run, run straight down the path. La-la... Stop!

Well done, and now once again, and our assistant, music, will tell you how to go!

The second time the children perform on their own

M.R: How did you go(fast and slow) because the music was slow and fast


Vosp .: The locomotive is in a hurry, the engineer Misha is waiting for us, so I prepared the tickets. I

I will give you tickets(distributing) they are also musical, on them you see the image of the muses. tools. To find your place in the trailer, you must find the same picture, this will be your place. Take your seats in the wagons.(Children are seated, music director checks tickets)

M.R.: Well done, everyone found their place correctly. Is everyone comfortable? The train is leaving!


M.R: Here's a fun locomotive. He took wagons.

His path is long, our train is musical

The song "Steam" (with movements)

M. R.: How quickly we arrived with a cheerful song. Our train has stopped. Listen. What do you hear?(fragment of "Cry-Baby") And I hear someone crying.

Question: How did you guess that someone was crying?

M.R.: By the nature of the music. Guys, what kind of music is playing?(sad, sad)

Edit: Who is crying? Get out of the trailers, let's go look.

M.R: The music will tell you where to look again.

Quiet-loud game

(Children with a teacher go to a loud sound, find a basket with a kitten)

Edit: So it is little kitty. What happened to him? Why is he crying?

(children's answers) He probably has Bad mood. Don't be sad kitty. Guys, let's pet the cat, you need to scratch behind the ear. The cat wants to say something in my ear. Says he can't dance

M.R.: Nothing, our guys will teach you. Stand in a circle, show the cat

how you learned to dance to cheerful music, don't forget to smile!

Dance "How? Like this!"

M.R.: Well done, guys! And now let's sing a funny song to the kitten.

Well open your mouth, listen to me and try to sing every word

Song "Tsap-scratch"

M.R.: So we cheered up the kitten!

Question: Kitty, we need a music master, do you know where to find him?

(Leans over to the kitten, listens, takes the mouse out of the basket) Guys, the mouse will show us the way, only you need to go carefully, like a cat, so as not to frighten the mouse, show how you will move?

Hush, hush, hush, hush(walk figuratively, finger to lips)

Settled in the mouse's house,

And now it sounds in silence: shi, shi, shi. Children: shi, shi, shi.

If we catch a mouse,(spread their arms to the sides, catching each other in an embrace)

We will scare the mouse very much.

She can't get away from us: pi - pi - pi. Children: pi, pi, pi.

The teacher puts the mouse on the floor, pulls the fishing line, the children carefully follow the teacher, they approach the house - on the screen - music. and carpentry tools)

M.R.: Here is a musical house, a unique master lives here.

I will go to the house and knock softly.

Musical and didactic game "Cheerful knock" (fast slow)

Master (toy) appears in the screen window

Master: Who is knocking on my window?

Children: We are!

Master: Why did you come to me?(Children answer) I'll help you, quickly spoon

fix it!

M.R.: Let's watch how the master works

Video "Kind Master" (fragment)

M.R .: How fun the master works, sawing, planing, and our music helps him,


The Master appears: So I fixed your spoon, you can play!

Resp.: Thank you!

Master: Take other tools as a gift from me. What are their names!

(tambourines, bells) Do you know how to play them?

M.R.: Thank you, good master! (Hand out tools)

Master: Listen carefully to the music, it will tell you when and for what

instrument needs to enter

Game on DMI "Funny Tools"

Master: Well done, I see that you can listen carefully to music and play

musical instruments. And so that you do not forget the way to me, I will give you a magic cube that will remind you of a fun journey.


Vosp .: Thank you kind master, and a musical train is waiting for us, we have to go

back to kindergarten!

Master: Goodbye, have a safe journey!

Edit: Take your seats, the train is leaving!

The song sounds - the game "Locomotive with stops"

Vosp: We've arrived!

M.R: So our journey ended on musical train. Let's say

thanks to the driver. What good fellows you were today, you studied well, listened attentively to music. And where did we go today on a musical train? And what kind of music helped us on the road: Cheerful and .. quiet and ... fast and ... And what did we bring from the trip? (Musical instruments, cube) And let's look at it.

Game "Fun Cube"

(On each side there is an image: a cat, a master, a train, spoons, tambourines, bells. The child throws a die, the teacher shows the picture that has fallen out, the children tell what this picture means)

Exp.: What interesting game, and continue to play in a group

M.R.: Goodbye, guys!

Children: Goodbye!(Leave the hall)

Synopsis of an open musical lesson for children 3-4 years old “Our bus rush forward, where happiness lives!”

The abstract will be useful to music directors, kindergarten teachers.
Target: Formation musical ability preschoolers in familiar songs, games.
1. Strengthen the correct posture, the ability to walk, easy on the toes.
2. To develop sound-altitude hearing and attention.
3. To convey in singing the cheerful, joyful nature of the songs.
4. To form singing skills: breathing, diction, lightness and flight of the voice.
5.Create a joyful, relaxed atmosphere.

Progress of joint activities

Organizing time:
(Children are in front of the entrance to the music room)
Musical director:
Hello children. Do you love to travel?

Yes Yes Yes.
Musical director:

Today we will go on a trip, and a magic bus will take us. Please tell me what each passenger should have?
Musical director:
Well done.
I'm handing out tickets
On the way - I call the road to everyone.
(Music director: and the teacher distribute tickets, sit down in their seats)
Main part:
Do you have a ticket in your hand?
He's handsome, no doubt about it.
We'll breathe on him
To keep him alive.
(the back is straight, we breathe through the nose, the mouth is closed, we slowly release the air)
Breathing exercises: "Blow on the ticket"
Musical director:
So we got on the bus
And we'll go far
And on the way we will meet friends,
Let's play, what else?
And we will sing for you
And we dance from the heart.
We will tell the guests all in unison:
"Hello, thanks for coming!"
Wait, don't rush
I know that someone will come to us
And collect the tickets.

(music sounds, Conductor enters and collects tickets)
Musical director:
Buses, buses
Running down the alley
We have fun, we have fun
We're going for a walk!
Musical director:
Ride with the wind
Now let's go on foot.
Getting off the bus
And let's look around. (easily on toes approach the "store")
What do you think this house is, where various goods are sold?

Children's answers
Musical director:

Well done, this is a store. There are food, books, toys, and handkerchiefs here. They will be useful for us to dance.
The boy finds the girl
He will dance with her!
Dance in pairs "Stomp my leg"
Musical director:
How merrily you danced
And not a bit tired!
What lies ahead for us?
Take the steering wheel in your hands.
Plastic exercise:
"I turn the steering wheel,
I twist, I twist
go further
I want".
(“they drive up to the “Forest Glade”)
Musical director:
All the guys, stop-
Let's rest a little now.
Stop is not easy
And a forest clearing.
We sit comfortably so that no one interferes with anyone. I will play music for you, and you will try to say: who is in a hurry to us? Who does the music represent?
Children's eyes are closed
Who is this - they call:

Listening: (music is playing, depicting a bunny jumping)
Children's answers:
Bunny, Bunny!
Musical director:
That's right, Bunny.
How did he get to us?
Will you show us all?
Movement exercise: "Bunny, bunny
Jump and jump.
Musical director:
Kids, music is magical! She told us with only musical sounds that it is the Bunny who hurries to us, and not the wolf and not the fox. And now the music will reveal a secret to us: with whom the Bunny is friends. Come closer to me so that everyone - everyone knows.
(the melody of the song "Merry Bears" sounds)

Children's answers:
Musical director:
Of course, these are funny teddy bears!
Attention! Attention!
I will say a spell:
"You are now uneasy children,
And funny bears ”(we put on bear cubs hats)
Who will I be now?
I will be your mother for you.
Singing, singing: "Merry Bears" (performance) (E. Poplyanova)
Teddy bears cut,
Fortified with delicious honey.
And they decided to play pranks:
Papa - wake up the bear!
Game: "Teddy bear sits in a den" (conducted 1-2 times)

Musical director:
Well it's time for us to go back
And turn into kids.
(take off hats)
We get on the bus, take our seats - it's time to go back to kindergarten.
(“the driver” will be one of the children)

Singing with movement "Here we are sitting on the bus"
Musical director:
And so our magical journey ended. Did you like it?
Let's remember: whom did we meet at the Forest Clearing?
Children's answers
Musical director:
Good. Yes, music is magical! Who did you become while traveling?
Children's answers
Music Director: Well done.
But it's time to say goodbye
Return to the group for the kids.

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