Download fairy tale Snow Maiden Russian folk tale. Russian folktale


Once upon a time there was a peasant Ivan, and he had a wife, Marya. Ivan da Marya lived in love and harmony, only they had no children. So they grew old in solitude. They greatly lamented their misfortune, and only looking at other people's children consoled themselves. And there is nothing to do! So, apparently, they were destined. One day, when winter came and the young snow attacked knee-deep, the children poured out into the street to play, and our old men sat down by the window to look at them. The children ran, frolicked and began to sculpt a woman out of snow. Ivan and Marya looked in silence, lost in thought. Suddenly Ivan chuckled and said:

We should go too, wife, and make ourselves a woman!

On Mary, apparently, he also found a fun hour.

Well, - she says, - let's go, roam in old age! Only for what you sculpt a woman: it will be one with you and me. We better blind ourselves a child from the snow, if God did not give a living one!

What is true is true ... - said Ivan, took his hat and went into the garden with the old woman.

They really began to sculpt a doll out of snow: they rolled up the body with arms and legs, put a round lump of snow on top and smoothed the head out of it.

God help? - said someone, passing by.

Thanks, thank you! Ivan answered.

What are you doing?

Yes, that's what you see! - says Ivan.

Snow Maiden ... - said Marya, laughing.

So they fashioned a nose, made two dimples in their forehead, and as soon as Ivan drew a mouth, a warm spirit suddenly breathed out of it. Ivan hastily took his hand away, only looks - the dimples in his forehead have already become bulging, and now blue eyes peer out of them, now lips are smiling like crimson.

What is this? Is it not an obsession? - said Ivan, putting the sign of the cross on himself.

And the doll tilts its head towards him, as if alive, and moved its arms and legs in the snow, like a baby in swaddling clothes.

Ah, Ivan, Ivan! cried Marya, trembling with joy. - The Lord gives us a child! - and rushed to hug the Snow Maiden, and all the snow fell off the Snow Maiden, like a shell from an egg, and in Marya's arms there was already a really living girl.

Oh, my dear Snow Maiden! - the old woman said, hugging her desired and unexpected child, and ran with him to the hut.

Ivan hardly came to his senses from such a miracle, and Marya was unconscious with joy.
And now the Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds, and every day, everything is better. Ivan and Marya are overjoyed at her. And they had fun in the house. The girls from the village are hopeless for them: they amuse and clean the grandmother's daughter like a doll, talk to her, sing songs, play all sorts of games with her and teach her everything how they do things. And the Snow Maiden is so smart: she notices and adopts everything.

And over the winter she became like a girl of about thirteen: she understands everything, talks about everything, and in such a sweet voice that you will hear. And she is so kind, obedient and friendly to everyone. And by herself she is white as snow; eyes that forget-me-not, a light blond braid to the waist, one blush is not at all, as if there was no living blood in the body ... And even without that, she was so pretty and good that it was a feast for the eyes. And how it used to play out, so comforting and pleasant that the soul rejoices! And everyone does not stop admiring the Snow Maiden. Old Marya does not have a soul in her.

Here, Ivan! she used to say to her husband. - God gave us joy in old age! My sadness is over!

And Ivan said to her:

Thank the Lord! Here joy is not eternal, and sadness is not endless...

The winter has passed. The spring sun played joyfully in the sky and warmed the earth. In the clearings an ant turned green, and a lark sang. Already the red maidens gathered in a round dance under the village and sang:

Spring is red! On what did you come, on what did you come? ..

On a bipod, on a harrow!

And the Snow Maiden got bored.

What's wrong with you, my child? - Marya said to her more than once, fondling her. - Are you sick? You are all so sad, completely asleep from your face. Haven't you been jinxed by an unkind person?

And the Snow Maiden answered her every time:

Nothing, grandma! I am healthy...

That's last snow drove spring with its red days. Gardens and meadows blossomed, the nightingale and every bird sang, and everything became livelier and more cheerful. And the Snow Maiden, warm-hearted, became even more bored, shy of her girlfriends and hides from the sun in the shade, like a lily of the valley under a tree. She only liked to splash around the icy spring under the green willow.

The Snow Maiden would still have a shadow and a chill, or even better - frequent rain. In the rain and dusk, she became more cheerful. And how once it moved gray cloud and sprinkled with large hail. The Snow Maiden was so happy with him, as no one else would be happy with erratic pearls. When the sun was hot again and the hail took on water, the Snow Maiden wept for him so much, as if she wanted to shed tears herself, like a sister weeps for her brother.

Now the end of spring has come; Ivanov's day came. The girls from the village gathered for a walk in the grove, went for the Snow Maiden and stuck to Grandmother Marya:

Let the Snow Maiden go with us!

Marya did not want to let her in, and the Snow Maiden did not want to go with them; they couldn't answer. In addition, Marya thought: maybe her Snow Maiden will clear up! And she dressed her up, kissed her and said:

Come on, my child, have fun with your girlfriends! And you, girls, take care of my Snow Maiden ... After all, I have it, you know, like gunpowder in the eye!

Good good! - they shouted cheerfully, picked up the Snow Maiden and went in a crowd into the grove. There they made wreaths for themselves, knitted bunches of flowers and sang their cheerful songs. The Snow Maiden was always with them.

When the sun set, the girls made a fire of grass and small brushwood, lit it, and everyone in wreaths stood in a row one after another; and the Snow Maiden was placed behind everyone.

Look, - they said, - how we will run, and you also run after us, do not lag behind!

And so everyone, having sung a song, galloped through the fire.

Suddenly something behind them rustled and groaned plaintively:

They looked around in fear: no one was there. They look at each other and do not see the Snow Maiden among themselves.

And, right, she hid, a minx, - they said and fled to look for her, but could not find her in any way. They called, hawked - she did not respond.

Where would she go? the girls said.

Apparently, she ran away home, - they said later and went to the village, but Snegurochka was not in the village either.

They looked for her the next day, they looked for her on the third. We went through the whole grove - bush by bush, tree by tree. The Snow Maiden was still gone, and the trail disappeared. For a long time Ivan and Marya grieved and cried because of their Snow Maiden. For a long time the poor old woman went every day to the grove to look for her, and she kept calling like a miserable cuckoo:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden! Ay, ay, dove! ..

No, it was not a fierce beast that rushed her into the dense forest, and not a bird of prey carried her away to the blue sea; and when the Snow Maiden ran after her friends and jumped into the fire, she suddenly reached up light steam, twisted into a thin cloud, melted ... and flew into the heavenly heights.

Once upon a time there was a husband and a wife: Ivan and Marya. They lived together, they loved each other. And everything would be fine, but the trouble is: they are already old, but there are still no children.

Winter came. It snowed a lot during the night. Children ran out into the street from all the yards. They ride on a sleigh, play snowballs, and then they started to sculpt a snow woman.

Ivan and Marya were sitting at the window, looking at other people's children. Marya sighed, and Ivan suddenly said:

“Let’s go, Maryushka, we’ll also make a woman out of snow.” What a glorious day!

So they began to sculpt a doll out of snow in the garden. The torso was blinded, the legs, the handles were fitted, the head was attached. Ivan fashioned a nose, began to make holes instead of eyes. The sun suddenly peeked out from behind the clouds, and the snow sparkled under Ivan's hands - as if his eyes looked. And as he fashioned his lips, they turned pink and smiled. The doll moved its shoulders, as if shuddering, moving its arms and legs...

— Ivan! Marya screamed. - Daughter is alive!

She grabbed the snow doll and rushed into the hut with it, while she herself kept saying:

- My dear daughter! Snow Maiden!

So their daughter Snegurochka began to grow by leaps and bounds. During the winter, she became quite a big girl. And every day, she becomes more and more beautiful. The eyes are blue, the braid is blond below the waist, the face is white-white, only the lips are scarlet. And yet she smiles. She was so affectionate, friendly, and smart that girls from all over the village began to run to Ivan's hut.

Mary. They taught the Snow Maiden to sew, knit, and embroider. And how many songs she adopted from them! The voice is sonorous, clear, sings - you will hear. Ivan and Marya doted on their daughter.

The winter has passed. It began to warm spring sunshine. Everyone is happy about spring, but the Snow Maiden is sad. Quieter, sadder every day she became. Ivan and Marya asked her more than once:

- What's wrong with you, daughter? Aren't you sick?

- Nothing, father. Nothing, mother. I'm healthy...

And she hides herself from the hot sun. He will go to the icy stream in the shade under the willows, here sometimes he will even sing a song. I rejoiced when dark clouds rolled into the sky. Once a heavy black cloud moved in, hail began to fall. The Snow Maiden was delighted with him, like a brother of his own. And when the hot sun came out and the hail began to melt, she wept, but so bitterly... But no one had ever seen her tears before.

Summer days have arrived. The evenings became long and bright. One evening the girls gathered in birch grove sing songs, lead round dances. They ran to call the Snow Maiden. She didn't want to go. And Marya did not want to let her go, but she thought: “Maybe my daughter will have fun!”

“Go, child,” she said to the Snow Maiden, “take a walk with your friends.” And you, dear, take care of your daughter. Don't offend her.

The girls grabbed the Snow Maiden by the arms, ran with songs to the grove. While the evening dawn burned in the sky, the girls danced round dances, then they picked flowers, weaved wreaths. And as it began to get dark, they gathered brushwood, lit a fire, and decided to jump over it.

The Snow Maiden stood aside, and the girls ran up to her, slowed down, caressed her ... She went with them. The girls are jumping over the fire, laughing, calling to each other ... Only suddenly, behind them, not a groan, not a sigh, was heard: “Ah-ah-ah ...”

Looked around - no one was there. They were afraid of something. They look at each other in fear, and they realized:

- Girls! And where is the Snow Maiden?

The girls rushed to look for the Snow Maiden. They dispersed throughout the grove, calling each other around, calling the Snow Maiden, looking for it, but they can’t find it. And how was it to be found? As soon as the Snow Maiden approached the fire, she was enveloped in heat and pulled up. It was then that she groaned. And then a light vapor rose above the fire, twisted into a thin cloud, and the wind carried it away beyond the forests, beyond the seas...

They looked for the Snow Maiden the next day and the third ... And how they grieved for their daughter Ivan and Marya! .. They walked all over the grove, they all called: “Ay! Ay! Snow Maiden! Ay! Ay! Dove!"

They say that they are still wandering together through the forests and through the copses, looking for the Snow Maiden.

You will go into the forest, look: will you meet Ivan and Marya? Marya is wearing a yellow scarf, and Ivan is in a purple shirt. They are always together, do not part.

Fairy tale questions

Who is this tale about? What magic happens in it? (The snow girl turns into a real one, and then turns into a cloud.) What are the names of fairy tales that describe various miracles, transformations, magic? (Magic.)

What were the names of the husband and his wife? How did they get the Snow Maiden?

What was the Snow Maiden? (The eyes are blue, the braid is blond below the waist, the face is white-white, the lips are scarlet.) How do you understand the expression: “So affectionate, smart, friendly”?

Remember what words in Russian folk tales they talk about beautiful girls. (A beautiful girl; a beautiful girl, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen.) Is it possible to say this about the Snow Maiden?

How does the fairy tale say about the love of Ivan and Marya for his Snow Maiden?

Why was the Snow Maiden sad when the sun began to warm? Tell me what the Snow Maiden was like in winter. (Joyful, cheerful, friendly, happy.) How has the Snow Maiden changed with the advent of spring?

Tell me what happened to the Snow Maiden when the summer days came. What has she become?

How did the fairy tale end? Have you guessed what kind of Ivan and Marya, who never part, is said at the end of the fairy tale? Have you ever seen this forest flower?

What fabulous words and expressions did you notice?

Snegurochka - instructive Russian folk tale With deep meaning and morality. The tale can be read online or downloaded in DOC and PDF formats.
Summary of the fairy tale Snow Maiden you can start with how the grandfather and the woman did not have children, and they decided to make themselves a Snow Maiden. The girl from the snow miraculously came to life, and became like him. own daughter. Time passed, winter ended, the sun warmed more and more hotly. Everyone around was happy, except for the Snow Maiden, she was sitting at home and hiding in the shade. Grandfather and woman, without a second thought, persuaded the Snow Maiden to go for a walk with her girlfriends. The girlfriends had fun jumping over the fire, the Snow Maiden jumped and melted. This is where the story actually ends, there is no happy ending.
The main meaning and moral of the fairy tale Snegurochka- all living beings living on our planet are very different, and what is good for one may be deadly for another. Don't treat everyone with the same brush. Analyzing this tale, one can understand that the Snow Maiden could never become like her girlfriends, no matter how much the grandfather and the woman would like it. Realizing that she will say so special child parents had to come to terms with this, and not impose their desire, make her like everyone else. Surely the grandfather and the woman were so blinded by their happiness that they forgot what their daughter was made of. The Snow Maiden's mistake is that she did not tell her parents that she felt bad in the sun, did not share her problems and experiences. And she also went on about the girlfriends, who made her jump over the fire, because she could have refused.
Read the story of the Snow Maiden not only very interesting, but also instructive for children of any age. She teaches children not to be led by other people, to have their own opinion on everything, and not to repeat after their friends what they consider wrong. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they consider you a coward or tease you, your health is more precious and above all. Children must necessarily consult with their parents, trust their secret experiences, report on their well-being. You should also not communicate and be friends with those who you do not like and you feel negative or dangerous from them. Children are very different in nature and character, among girls there are also Snow Maidens who cannot join the team. This is not their fault, they are simply children of a different psychotype and upbringing, they are not comfortable in noisy companies, and they are not clear contemporary pursuits teenagers. If you involve the Snow Maiden in such a company, then a psychological breakdown may occur, the Snow Maiden will melt.
The tale of the Snow Maiden is a good example of many folk proverbs . About caution: Better to be careful than to get burned, Caution is not a disgrace, You can do everything carefully, Know the edge, but don’t fall, Take care of glassware: if you break it, you won’t fix it, Don’t get on the rampage, Don’t go into hell before the father, Don’t go into the hut a row with a cloth snout, It’s good to be brave, but you have to be careful, If you don’t recognize the ford, don’t stick your head into the water, If you knew where you fell, then spread straws, Whoever burns himself in milk blows on the water.

Once upon a time there was a peasant Ivan, and he had a wife, Marya. Ivan da Marya lived in love and harmony, only they had no children. So they grew old in solitude. They greatly lamented their misfortune, and only looking at other people's children consoled themselves. And there is nothing to do! So, apparently, they were destined. One day, when winter came and the young snow attacked knee-deep, the children poured out into the street to play, and our old men sat down by the window to look at them. The children ran, frolicked and began to sculpt a woman out of snow. Ivan and Marya looked in silence, lost in thought. Suddenly Ivan chuckled and said:
- We should go, wife, and make a woman for ourselves!
On Mary, apparently, he also found a fun hour.
- Well, - she says, - let's go, roam in old age! Only for what you sculpt a woman: it will be one with you and me. We better blind ourselves a child from the snow, if God did not give a living one!
“What’s true is true ...” Ivan said, took his hat and went into the garden with the old woman.
They really began to sculpt a doll out of snow: they rolled up the body with arms and legs, put a round lump of snow on top and smoothed the head out of it.
- God help? - said someone, passing by.
- Thank you, thank you! Ivan answered.
- What are you doing?
- Yes, that's what you see! - says Ivan.
- Snow Maiden ... - said Marya, laughing.
So they fashioned a nose, made two dimples in their forehead, and as soon as Ivan drew a mouth, a warm spirit suddenly breathed out of it. Ivan hastily took his hand away, only looks - the dimples in his forehead have already become bulging, and now blue eyes peer out of them, now lips are smiling like crimson.
- What is this? Is it not an obsession? - said Ivan, putting the sign of the cross on himself.
And the doll tilts its head towards him, as if alive, and moved its arms and legs in the snow, like a baby in swaddling clothes.
- Oh, Ivan, Ivan! cried Marya, trembling with joy. - The Lord gives us a child! - and rushed to hug the Snow Maiden, and all the snow fell off the Snow Maiden, like a shell from an egg, and in Marya's arms there was already a really living girl.
- Oh, my dear Snow Maiden! - the old woman said, hugging her desired and unexpected child, and ran with him to the hut.
Ivan hardly came to his senses from such a miracle, and Marya was unconscious with joy.
And now the Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds, and every day, everything is better. Ivan and Marya are overjoyed at her. And they had fun in the house. The girls from the village are hopeless for them: they amuse and clean the grandmother's daughter like a doll, talk to her, sing songs, play all sorts of games with her and teach her everything how they do things. And the Snow Maiden is so smart: she notices and adopts everything.
And over the winter she became like a girl of about thirteen: she understands everything, talks about everything, and in such a sweet voice that you will hear. And she is so kind, obedient and friendly to everyone. And by herself she is white as snow; eyes that forget-me-not, a light blond braid to the waist, one blush is not at all, as if there was no living blood in the body ... And even without that, she was so pretty and good that it was a feast for the eyes. And how it used to play out, so comforting and pleasant that the soul rejoices! And everyone does not stop admiring the Snow Maiden. Old Marya does not have a soul in her.
- Here, Ivan! she used to say to her husband. - God gave us joy in old age! My sadness is over!
And Ivan said to her:
- Thank the Lord! Here joy is not eternal, and sadness is not endless...
The winter has passed. The spring sun played joyfully in the sky and warmed the earth. In the clearings an ant turned green, and a lark sang. Already the red maidens gathered in a round dance under the village and sang:
- Spring is red! On what did you come, on what did you come? ..
- On the bipod, on the harrow!
And the Snow Maiden got bored.
- What is the matter with you, my child? - Marya said to her more than once, fondling her. - Are you sick? You are all so sad, completely asleep from your face. Haven't you been jinxed by an unkind person?
And the Snow Maiden answered her every time:
- Nothing, grandma! I am healthy...
So the last snow was driven away by spring with its red days. Gardens and meadows blossomed, the nightingale and every bird sang, and everything became livelier and more cheerful. And the Snow Maiden, warm-hearted, became even more bored, shy of her girlfriends and hides from the sun in the shade, like a lily of the valley under a tree. She only liked to splash around the icy spring under the green willow.
The Snow Maiden would still have a shadow and a chill, or even better - frequent rain. In the rain and dusk, she became more cheerful. And once a gray cloud approached and sprinkled with large hail. The Snow Maiden was so happy with him, as no one else would be happy with erratic pearls. When the sun was hot again and the hail took on water, the Snow Maiden wept for him so much, as if she wanted to shed tears herself, like a sister weeps for her brother.
Now the end of spring has come; Ivanov's day came. The girls from the village gathered for a walk in the grove, went for the Snow Maiden and stuck to Grandmother Marya:
- Let the Snow Maiden go with us!
Marya did not want to let her in, and the Snow Maiden did not want to go with them; they couldn't answer. In addition, Marya thought: maybe her Snow Maiden will clear up! And she dressed her up, kissed her and said:
- Come on, my child, have fun with your girlfriends! And you, girls, take care of my Snow Maiden ... After all, I have it, you know, like gunpowder in the eye!
- Good good! - they shouted cheerfully, picked up the Snow Maiden and went in a crowd into the grove. There they made wreaths for themselves, knitted bunches of flowers and sang their cheerful songs. The Snow Maiden was always with them.
When the sun set, the girls made a fire of grass and small brushwood, lit it, and everyone in wreaths stood in a row one after another; and the Snow Maiden was placed behind everyone.
- Look, - they said, - how we will run, and you also run after us, do not lag behind!
And so everyone, having sung a song, galloped through the fire.
Suddenly something behind them rustled and groaned plaintively:
- Ay!
They looked around in fear: no one was there. They look at each other and do not see the Snow Maiden among themselves.
“Ah, it’s true, she hid, minx,” they said and fled to look for her, but could not find her in any way. They called, hawked - she did not respond.
- Where would she go? the girls said.
- Apparently, she ran away home, - they said later and went to the village, but Snegurochka was not in the village either.
They looked for her the next day, they looked for her on the third. We went through the whole grove - bush by bush, tree by tree. The Snow Maiden was still gone, and the trail disappeared. For a long time Ivan and Marya grieved and cried because of their Snow Maiden. For a long time the poor old woman went every day to the grove to look for her, and she kept calling like a miserable cuckoo:
- Ay, ay, Snow Maiden! Ay, ay, dove! ..
And more than once she heard, as if in the voice of the Snow Maiden, she answered: “Ay!”. The Snow Maiden is still not there! Where did the Snow Maiden go? Did a fierce beast rush her off into the dense forest, and didn’t a bird of prey carry her away to the blue sea?
No, it was not a fierce beast that rushed her into the dense forest, and not a bird of prey carried her away to the blue sea; and when the Snow Maiden ran after her friends and jumped into the fire, she suddenly stretched upward in a light steam, twisted into a thin cloud, melted ... and flew into the heights of heaven. That's

Snegurochka (Snegurushka) is a Russian folk tale about a girl fashioned by a grandfather and a woman out of snow… On our website you can find two versions of this folk tale.

Snegurochka read

There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived well, together. Everything would be fine, but one grief - they had no children.

Now the snowy winter came, snowdrifts were piled up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman looked at them from the window and thought about their grief.

And what, old woman, - says the old man, - let's make a daughter out of the snow.

Come on, the old woman says.

The old man put on a hat, they went out into the garden and began to sculpt a daughter from the snow. They rolled up a snowball, adjusted the handles, legs, put a snow head on top. The old man fashioned his nose, mouth, chin.

Look - and the Snow Maiden's lips turned pink, her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

The old people were delighted, they brought her to the hut. They look at her, do not fall in love.

And the old people's daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day, everything becomes more beautiful. She herself is white, like snow, her braid is blond to the waist, only there is no blush at all.

Old people do not rejoice at their daughter, they do not have a soul in her. The daughter is growing up and smart, and smart, and cheerful. With all affectionate, friendly. And the work of the Snow Maiden is arguing in her hands, and she will sing a song - you will hear it.

The winter has passed. The spring sun is starting to shine. The grass turned green on the thawed patches, the larks sang.

And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.

What's wrong with you, daughter? the old man asks. - Why are you so unhappy? Can't you?

Nothing, father, nothing, mother, I am healthy.

So the last snow melted, flowers bloomed in the meadows, the birds flew in.

And the Snow Maiden is getting sadder day by day, becoming more and more silent. Hiding from the sun. All would be for her a shadow and a chill, and even better - rain.

Once a black cloud moved in, a large hail began to fall. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail, like erratic pearls. And as soon as the sun came out again and the hail melted, the Snow Maiden began to cry, so bitterly, like a sister by her own brother.

After spring, summer came. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, their name is Snegurochka:

Come with us, Snow Maiden, to walk in the forest, sing songs, dance.

The Snow Maiden did not want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her:

Come on, daughter, have fun with your friends!

The girls with the Snow Maiden came to the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, dance round dances. Only one Snow Maiden is still sad.

And as soon as it grew light, they gathered brushwood, made a fire and let's all jump after each other through the fire. Behind everyone and the Snow Maiden stood up.

She ran in her turn after her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. All the girlfriends heard was how something plaintively moaned behind them: “Ay!” They turned around - but there was no Snow Maiden.

They began to call her:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Only an echo in the forest responded to them.

(Ill. E. Vikhoreva, Yu. Isaikin)

Fairy tale Snow Maiden read

(Pomerantseva, recorded in the village of Akhlystino, Pokrovsky district, Bashkir ASSR, from E.I. Kononova in 1948)
Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman; they had no son or daughter. Here they are lying on the stove, and the grandfather says to the grandmother: “I came up with something: go bring snow.” The grandmother brought it in a sieve of snow. They pushed, they pushed the snow and pushed the Snow Maiden out. They put her in a stove, she dried up and began to grow by leaps and bounds. She grew up quickly - by the spring she was already a girl. They found out in the village that the grandfather and grandmother had a Snegurochka, and two girls came: “Let the Snegurushka go into the forest for berries.” Twenty times they asked. Finally, the grandfather took pity: "Well, okay, go." The grandmother gave her a cup, a shanezhka, and the girls went into the forest. They came, sat down to eat, and the Snow Maiden tears berries and puts them in a cup. They look, Snegurushka has a full cup, but they have nothing. It became a shame, and they killed the Snow Maiden. They killed, broke the cup, divided the berries, ate the shanezhka. The body was buried under a bush and fastened with a twig. Well, they came home. “Where is our Snow Maiden?” “We don’t know, she got lost.” They cried, the grandfather and grandmother cried - there was nothing to do.

Suddenly, a merchant was riding through this forest, and with him a little son. I saw a twig growing under a bush: “Dad, cut the twig, make me a pipe, I will play on it.” They cut off a twig for him, made a pipe, he began to play on it, and she sang:

Uncle, little by little
Light native, slowly!
Two girlfriends killed me
Buried under a bush
The cup is broken
The berries are divided
They mentioned Shanezhka.
Fastened with a twig!

We drove, we drove, the boy kept playing and playing. We drove up to the village, decided to take a break, just in time for my grandfather and grandmother and stopped by. Grandfather fed the horses, grandmother set up a samovar. The boy was sitting on the porch. He took this pipe, played it, and she sang a song:

Uncle, little by little
Light native, slowly!
Two girlfriends killed me
Buried under a bush
The cup is broken
The berries are divided
They remembered with a shanezhka
Fastened with a twig!

Here the grandmother listens: “Oh, how well she plays! Let me try." I took it - and the pipe:

little mama,
Light native, slowly!
Two girlfriends killed me
Buried under a bush
The cup was broken
The berries are divided
They remembered with a shanezhka
Fastened with a twig!

The old woman heard and was stunned: “Oh, what is it? Old man, play!" The old man took the pipe - she began to play:

Father, little by little
Light native, slowly!
Two girlfriends killed me
Buried under a bush
The cup was broken
The berries are divided
They remembered with a shanezhka
Fastened with a twig!

The people gathered, everyone was listening, and those girlfriends also came running. The grandmother of one of them gives a pipe, and she grabs the pipe on the ground: “I won’t play!” The pipe broke, and the Snow Maiden sat alive in it ... Grandfather and grandmother were delighted - how much joy for them! Those girlfriends were sent into the forest to be eaten by animals.

Published: Mishkoy 25.10.2017 16:04 18.11.2018

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