Veiled marble statues. Marble Veil Masterpieces


Today we will get acquainted with the works of the Italian sculptor Rafael Monti 1818-1881. He was one of the sculptors who managed to create real masterpieces of vestals with a marble veil - priestesses Greek goddess Vesta. ABOUT THE ARTIST A native of Milan, he took his first steps under the guidance of his father, also a sculptor, Gaetano Matteo Monti, in Imperial Academy. He debuted early and won a gold medal for a group called "Alexander Tames Bucephalus." He and other young sculptors belonged to the Lombard school, which dominated Italian sculpture in the first half of the nineteenth century. He worked for some time in Vienna and Milan, made his first visit to England in 1846, but returned to Italy again in 1847 and joined the People's Party, became one of the chief officers of the National Guard. After the disastrous failure of the Risorgimento campaign of 1848, he again fled from Italy to England. His career in England was very successful and fruitful. Monty's work was exhibited at the Royal Academy and he soon earned recognition as a leading sculptor. His Prize and Medal-winning Eve after the Fall was particularly fine, but two other sculptures in the exhibition, Slave Circassian and Vestal, the finest in technique, became his trademark: the fine workmanship of hard marble figures wrapped in sheer veils. The Vestal Virgin, purchased in 1847 by the Duke of Devonshire before the exhibition began, and The Dream of Sorrow and the Joy of a Dream, is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum. A LITTLE DISCUSSION ABOUT THE VESTALS. I thought it was interesting. Vestals - priestesses of the goddess Vesta Ancient Rome who enjoyed great respect and honor. Their person was inviolable. Vestals were freed from paternal authority, had the right to own property and dispose of it at their discretion. Anyone who insulted a Vestal in any way, for example, tried to slip under her stretcher, was punishable by death. A lictor walked ahead of the vestals, under certain conditions the vestals had the right to ride in chariots. If they met on the way a criminal led to execution, they had the right to pardon him. The duties of the vestals included maintaining the sacred fire in the temple of Vesta, keeping the temple clean, making sacrifices to Vesta and the Penates, guarding the palladium and other shrines. Newly entering the Vestal community was first of all introduced into the atrium of the temple of Vesta, where her hair was cut off and hung up as a donation to sacred tree, which in the era of Pliny the Elder was already more than 500 years old. Then the young vestal was dressed in all white, called her the name "Beloved", which was added to her name and initiated her into new duties. The term of service was 30 years, divided in equal parts for training, direct service and teaching others (mentoring). After these years, the Vestal Virgin became free and could marry. However, the latter happened extremely rarely, since there was a belief that marriage with a vestal would not lead to good, and besides, when she got married, the former vestal lost her social and property status, unique for a Roman woman, and became an ordinary matron, completely dependent on her husband, Which, of course, didn't work for her. The Vestal Virgins were very wealthy, mainly due to their possession of large estates, which provided a large income, in addition to which each personally received a significant amount from her family at the initiation and received generous gifts from the emperors. In the year 24, when Cornelia entered the ranks of the Vestals, Tiberius gave her 2 million sesterces. All the time of the ministry, the vestals had to maintain a chaste lifestyle, its violation was severely punished. It was believed that Rome could not take on such a sin as the execution of a Vestal Virgin, so they were punished by being buried alive (on a field located within the city at the Colline Gate on the Quirinal) with a small supply of food, which formally was not death penalty and the seducer was flogged to death. The Vestal Virgin, guilty of breaking her vows, was placed in a litter tightly closed and tied with straps so that even her voice could not be heard, and carried through the forum. Everyone silently made way for her and accompanied her, without saying a word, in deep grief. For the city there was no more terrible sight, there was no day sadder than this. When the stretcher was brought to the appointed place, the slaves untied the straps. The high priest recited a mysterious prayer, raised his hands to the sky before the execution, ordered the criminal to be brought up, with a thick veil on her face, placed on the stairs leading to the dungeon, and then retired along with other priests. When the vestal descended, the ladder was taken away, the hole was covered from above with a mass of earth, and the place of execution becomes just as level as the rest. The institution of the Vestal Virgins lasted until approximately 391, when Emperor Theodosius banned public pagan worship. After that, the sacred fire was extinguished, the temple of Vesta was closed, and the institute of vestals was disbanded. THE MOST FAMOUS WORKS OF MONTI.

Rafael Monti, The Bride, mid XIX c. Stone - inanimate matter. But the great masters have long proved that this is not so.
In their sensitive hands unsurpassed masterpieces are born - you look at them, and it seems that you are about to hear a quiet sigh and tremble eyelashes.
How can a light, transparent veil be sculpted from a block of hard marble? This requires a truly divine gift. Only brilliant sculptors can convey in stone the tenderness and airiness of the lightest fabric, curves and folds, while maintaining every feature of the face and body. It's impossible to believe that human hands capable of that.

The block, which was to become a statue, had to have two layers - one more transparent, the other more dense. Such natural stones are hard to find, but they exist. The master had a plot in his head, he knew what kind of block he was looking for. He performed it, observing the texture of a normal surface, and walked on the border separating the denser and more transparent part of the stone. As a result, the remains of this transparent part "shone through", which gave the effect of a veil. The peak of popularity for the image of a veil in stone fell on the 17th century. Almost two hundred years later, at the beginning of the 19th century, there was another surge.

Vestal. Raphael Monti.

Raphael Monti is an Italian sculptor, writer and poet. A native of Milan, he took his first steps under the guidance of his father, also a sculptor, Gaetano Matteo Monti, at the Imperial Academy. He debuted early and won the gold medal for group composition. He was one of the sculptors who managed to create true masterpieces of the vestals with a marble veil - the priestesses of the Greek goddess Vesta.

Vesta is a Roman goddess, the guardian of the sacred fire. Raphael Monti.
The sculpture depicts a priestess of Vesta, a Vestal Virgin, covered with a veil. Vesta is the Roman goddess-keeper of the sacred fire, symbolizing the center of life - the state, city, home. It was believed that in any fire there is a particle of the spirit of Vesta.

Soft flowing folds are so skillfully carved by the sculptor that they come to life in the rays of the sun, letting in light. The effect is enhanced by the contrast with the unpolished wreath of wildflowers. The marble in the front part is amazingly clean, has practically no visible defects and inclusions, revealing all its nobility and beauty.

A veil ennobles, making a woman attractive and desirable, because under the veil she is inaccessible. And for centuries they have been admiring this beauty and do not understand how it is done.

The Vestal Virgin, purchased in 1847 by the Duke of Devonshire before the exhibition began, is currently in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

The marble bust of a Vestal Virgin under a veil was created by the Italian sculptor Raffaello Monti in 1860.
The bust is exhibited at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and for the English manor of Chatworth. The sculptor made the same vestal woman in full growth.

Rafael Monti worked for some time in Vienna and Milan, made his first visit to England in 1846, but returned to Italy again in 1847 and joined the People's Party, became one of the chief officers of the National Guard.
After the disastrous failure of the Risorgimento campaign of 1848, he again fled from Italy to England. His career in England was very successful and fruitful. Monty's work was exhibited at the Royal Academy and he soon earned recognition as a leading sculptor.

Antonio Corradini, Bust of a Veiled Woman (Puritas) 1717.

Veiled girl.

The Virgin Mary.
Virgin Mary in marble by Giovanni Strazza (1818-1875), mid-19th century.

Chastity, San Severo Chapel. Antonio Corradini, 1752, Naples.

The statue "Chastity" (Pudizia) is a tombstone Cecilia Gaetani del Aquila d'Aragona (1690 - 1710), mother of Prince Raimondo, who died shortly after giving birth.

Monument "Chastity" defines clarity given title in work, because in its forms, it expresses in volume the meaning of its name: virtue, spirituality and frank purity.

"Sleep of Sorrow and Joy of Dream". Raffaello Monti, London, 1861.

The Sleep of Sorrow and the Joy of a Dream was acquired in 1847 by the Duke of Devonshire before the exhibition began. It is currently in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

In a transparent veil, Raphael Monti.

Antonio Сorradini, "Tuccia", detail.

Antonio Сorradini, "Tuccia" (la velata).

"Undine emerging from the water", 1880. Chansey Bradley Ives. Yale University Gallery, USA.


Veiled Lady Femme voilée Louvre, Paris.

The fabric, as if becoming damp from oil fumes from the lamp, fits elegantly and naturally. female body. The fabric is so thin that it is like a weightless web.

"Circassian slave". 1851, Raphael Monti.

At the ends of the falling veil, you can see how quiveringly the sculptor sculpted marble openwork lace.

Veiled Girl by Giuseppe Sammartino.

"Night", 1862, Raphael Monti.

"Christ under the shroud". Giuseppe Sammartino.

Initially, Prince Raimondo de Sangro commissioned the work of Antonio Corradini for the San Severo Chapel in Naples, but he managed to make only a clay model (kept in the Certosa San Martino Museum). After the death of Corradini, Prince Raimondo entrusted the completion of the work to the young and obscure Neapolitan sculptor Giuseppe Sanmartino.
Sanmartino kept the main feature original intention- the thinnest marble canvas.

Prince Raimondo intended to place "Christ under the Shroud" not in the chapel itself, but under it - in the crypt, where the sculpture of Sanmartino, according to the prince's plan, was to be illuminated by a special "eternal light" invented by him. The statue of Jesus Christ, realized by Giuseppe Sanmartino, is one of the greatest sculptural masterpieces of all time.

Giovanni Battista Lombardi, 1869.

Veil Lady. Artist Rossi, Pietro. 1882.

skulptury pokrytye vualyu ot livio Scarpella.

Kevin Francis Grey.

Prosper D. Epine "Cupid under a veil, begging", 1887

What a delicate work, because the veil looks so natural that it seems that at the slightest breath the fabric will begin to move.

There were several sculptors who so skillfully conveyed the impression of the thinnest fabric that one is amazed - how is it done?

However... The technique of veils in sculpture has been known since ancient Greece.

Terracotta head of a woman in a veil, Cyprus, 2nd - 1st century BC

Terracotta head of a veiled woman, 4th century BC

Ancient Greece, 4th century BC Metropolitan Museum.

Ancient Greece, 3rd - 2nd century BC e. Bronze.

"Christ under the shroud"

Antonio Corradini (Antonio Corradini, September 6, 1668, Este, Padua - June 29, 1752, Naples) and Giuseppe Sanmartino (Giuseppe Sanmartino, 1720 - 1793) combines the 18th century, the profession - they are both Italian sculptors, and the work "Christ under the Shroud", commissioned by Raimondo de Sangro (the seventh prince of San Severo) for the San Severo Chapel in Naples .

Initially, the prince entrusted the work to Antonio Corradini, but he managed to make only a clay model (kept in the Certosa San Martino Museum). After the death of Corradini, Prince Raimondo entrusted the completion of the work to the young and obscure Neapolitan sculptor Giuseppe Sanmartino.

Sanmartino retained the main feature of the original design - the thinnest marble canvas.
Prince Raimondo intended to place "Christ under the Shroud" not in the chapel itself, but under it - in the crypt, where the sculpture of Sanmartino, according to the prince's plan, was to be illuminated by a special "eternal light" invented by him.

Antonio Corradini, "Sarah"

Antonio Corradini

For the most part he worked for Venetian customers. His sculptures are on the squares and in parks, cathedrals and museums in Este, Venice, Rome, Vienna, Gurk, Dresden, Detroit, London, Prague, Naples, where he commissioned Raimondo de Sangro to decorate the San Severo Chapel. The statue of Christ under the Shroud, begun by him in the chapel (he managed to make only a clay model), was executed by the young and then unknown Neapolitan sculptor Giuseppe Sanmartino.

Antonio Corradini, Bust of a Veiled Woman (Puritas) 1717/ 1725 Marble Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca" Rezzonico, Venice

Chastity, Naples, San Severo Chapel.

The statue "Chastity" (Pudizia) is a tombstone of Cecilia Gaetani del Aquila d'Aragona (1690 - 1710), the mother of Prince Raimondo, who died shortly after giving birth.

"The Veiled Lady"

"Veiled Girl"

Bust "Veiled Girl"(Carrara marble) - a fragment of the famous statue "Vera" by sculptor Antonio Corradini (1688-1752), bought for the collection of Peter the Great in Venice by S. Raguzinsky for "100 golden ducats". was in summer garden before late XVIII century, then - in St. George's Hall Winter Palace where it was damaged in a fire in 1837. The upper part of the statue, after restoration, was placed by A.I. Shtakenshneider in the Inner Garden of the Tsarina's Pavilion in Peterhof.

Giuseppe Sammartino

Giuseppe Sanmartino."Christ under the shroud"

Giuseppe Sammartino (1720-1793) - Italian sculptor of the southern Italian school. Worked in Naples. In his manner, the traditions of the Baroque were combined with the verismo of Neapolitan plastics.

First dated work - marble sculpture"Christ under the Shroud" (1753), originally commissioned from the sculptor Antonio Corradini, in the San Severo Chapel.

The sculpture aroused the admiration of Antonio Canova, who, according to him, would give ten years of his life to become the author of such a work. Legend has it that the real veil was petrified.

Raffaello Monti

"Sleep of Sorrow and Joy of Dream". Raffaello Monti, London, 1861.

"Night", 1862



The marble bust of a Vestal Virgin under a veil was created by the Italian sculptor Raffaello Monti (1818-1881) in 1860.
The bust is exhibited at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and for the English estate of Chatworth, the sculptor made the same vestal in full growth.

The sculpture depicts a priestess of Vesta, a Vestal Virgin, covered with a veil. Vesta is the Roman goddess-keeper of the sacred fire, symbolizing the center of life - the state, city, home. It was believed that in any fire there is a particle of the spirit of Vesta.

"Circassian Slave" (1851)

Marble Bust of a Veiled Maiden Signed By Raffaello Monti

Giovanni Strazza

"Virgin Mary" made of marble by Giovanni Strazza (1818-1875), mid-19th century.

Sculptural bust "Woman in a hat with a veil". Marble. Western Europe. Early 20th century

Musee d'Orsay in Paris

"In a transparent veil", XX century. Elizabeth Ackroyd. Bankfield Museum, UK.
The effect does not disappear at any angle and at any distance.

"Undine emerging from the water", 1880. Chansey Bradley Ives. Yale University Gallery, USA.

Veil Lady. Artist Rossi, Pietro. 1882

Mysterious Vestals. Raphael Monti, "Marble Veil", mid-19th century

When looking at these amazing statues, the question involuntarily arises: how? How did the sculptor manage to turn a hard and cold stone into a light, translucent veil that easily envelops a female figure?

Sculptor and Carbonari

The author of these unique works of art is the Italian sculptor, writer and poet Rafael Monti (1818-1881). He was born in Milan (according to some sources - in Switzerland, but soon his parents returned to Milan) and learned to work with stone from his father, Gaetano Matteo Monti, who taught at the Imperial Academy.

The son turned out to be a worthy student. Already at the age of 20, Raphael received a gold medal for a group sculpture entitled "Alexander Taming Bucephalus." For some time he lived in Vienna, where, together with the Austrian sculptor Ludwig Schaller, he worked on a monumental pediment for National Museum in Budapest, but soon returned to Milan and then went to England.

In 1847, a national liberation movement was formed in Italy, and Monti, returning home, joined the Carbonari, and became one of the leaders.

But a year later it was all over. Monty, as one of the main "criminals", was forced to flee back to England, where he remained forever, forgetting about politics and completely immersed in the world of art.

It was then that his first enigmatic "Vestals" appeared - sculptural portraits of women covered with a stone veil.

Transparent marble

"Sleep of Sorrow and Joy of Dream". London 1861

Do you want to know how the sculptor managed to create such a "veil"? In fact, it is quite simple, or rather, it sounds simple, in fact it is a very delicate and serious process and it looks like this.

Marble, as you know, is a heterogeneous stone (in fact, like any other stone). And the sculptor chose for his work such a block of marble, which initially had two layers - very dense and almost transparent. It is difficult to find such a stone, but the master knew what he needed, and therefore very carefully chose the material for work.

After appropriate processing with a chisel - it was necessary to strictly observe the separation of the dense and transparent sections - the master left the dense marble, in fact, the figure of a woman, and the lighter, transparent layer just turned into a veil mysteriously wrapping her body. Everything is simple, isn't it? Then - try it!

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