How to draw a fern in a pot. How to draw a fern? Wizard's advice


I was recently presented with a bouquet of flowers, and there were some lush fern leaves. This is how this fern is called, unfortunately, I could not find out, but I will continue to find out. However, this namelessness will not hurt to draw a fern.

I will draw from nature. Not from pictures on the Internet, not from wo-oh-oh! - what imagination, but simply what I see, I will draw.

How to draw a fern step by step

I start drawing with a pencil - first the middle vein of the leaf - it is very powerful, then I outline the lateral veins.

They have small leaves.

They are, one might say, almost oval with a jagged edge. These leaves look very decorative and generally look like ... floral ornament. I just want to draw the same type of leaves WITHOUT LOOKING at nature. And here we will not. On a real sheet, its parts are far from being located as correctly and naturally as in a mathematical-mechanical ornament.

Some leaves withered, others fluttered.

Therefore, we draw as it is, and not as it should be according to an imaginary pattern. I am already a self-confident artist - I draw the leaves right away with a felt-tip pen. Everything is so bright, beautiful, but, mind you - vital. Because I do not take my eyes off nature. And I advise you: work with nature. The basic principle is general contour- to private details. And a constant check of compliance with the proportions of the original.

To fill the shaded areas in the garden, for example, under the spreading crowns of trees or on the north side of the buildings, the cultivation of certain plants is required. How to properly plant and provide further care in the open field or in a flowerpot for various varieties of ferns known for their shade tolerance will be described in detail in the article.

Description of the culture, its famous varieties and varieties

About 200 of these wonderful plants are known in the world, most of which are inhabitants of tropical forests. If you look in general at various kinds ferns, the following biological features of the plant can be noted:

  • Perennial herbaceous shrub.
  • Outwardly, a fern can look like a low grass, and a rather impressive tree size.
  • Under the ground is a medium-sized creeping rhizome.
  • Above the surface is a dense stem composed of wire tissue.
  • The culture does not have true leaves. So-called fronds depart from the stem - primitive leaf plates. Their formation occurs in the spring in the roots.

fern bush

  • Reproduction occurs with the help of spores located in bulges Brown color, clearly visible in the photo of the underside of the leaves.
  • Ferns are ideal plants for shady areas.
  • Planting a plant is possible both in open ground and in flowerpots.

Attention! Growing heat-loving representatives in the middle lane is possible only in a room.

In the open ground of a temperate climate, they feel great the following types and varieties:

How to plant and care for a plant

Although the plant is not capricious, in order to obtain beautiful, lush bushes, certain requirements must be met.

  • The place in the open ground where the landing will be made should be in the shade. In the sun, the plant withers and can quickly die.
  • The soil in the place of the planned cultivation should be loose, as the roots of the plant are demanding on the presence of air.

Advice. If fern shoots are dug up in the forest, it is necessary to take some earth from the same area and pour it into the planting hole.

  • Absolutely all varieties prefer moist soils. Therefore, plant care should include abundant and frequent watering. At the same time, water stagnation is unacceptable. Landing should be accompanied by good drainage. Mineral fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation 2-3 times per season.

fern spores

  • It is desirable to plant ferns in a flower bed in the open field in the spring, as soon as the fronds begin to bloom. In warm weather, with good care, the plant takes root perfectly.
  • Planting should take place immediately after digging up the shoot, so that the roots do not have time to dry out and the leaves to wither.
  • The main care for the fern is timely watering. It is especially necessary to monitor this in the first year after planting and during hot, dry periods.

It is very good if it is possible to mulch the soil under the plant with coniferous needles. This will keep the soil loose and moist, which will positively affect the strengthening of the root system. Of course, maintenance includes regular removal of old or broken leaves. This will not only give the plant aesthetic appearance, but will also contribute to the growth of new wai.

Varieties such as leaflet and kochedyzhnik do not differ in particular frost resistance. For the winter, they need to be covered with leaves or a small layer of peat.

Fertilizer, top dressing, as well as fern propagation methods

On fertile soils, ferns do not need to be fed. Fertilizer on depleted soil is best applied in advance, when preparing a flower bed in the fall. Suitable organic and mineral complexes containing nitrogen.

When planting a fern, you can pour a little peat into the hole, which will act as a fertilizer and a baking powder for the soil at the same time.

Ferns are propagated by gardeners in three ways:

  • separation of root offspring;
  • budding;
  • disputes.

Ferns love wet soils.

The first method is the fastest and easiest. It is most often used in the propagation of all varieties. The main thing here is good watering after the shoot is separated.

The second method is more time consuming and is only suitable for some species, for example, a multi-row, capable of forming buds on leaves. They are detached and germinated in wet moss. A fairly common method is reproduction by spores. They are collected by scraping off the leaf, dried and scattered over the surface of the substrate. Care consists of everyday spraying. After a month, spores germinate and next season you can already plant plants in the ground.

What plants are combined with ferns in the garden and what diseases and pests threaten them

Thanks to the beauty of openwork leaves and bushes in general, ferns take pride of place in the design of the site. Photos of such compositions are very natural and beautiful.

Attention! The rhizome of the fern quickly spreads over the site, so the installation of limiters is mandatory.

The combination of fern with lilies and arrowhead by the pond will give the site a special charm. On shady rock gardens, low varieties can be placed next to flowering creeping plants, such as periwinkle.

Fern can not be fed

We can say that the combination of ferns in the garden is possible with any shade-tolerant plants: hostas, astilba, gout, etc.

Diseases, subject to the rules of care, the plant is not affected. Of the pests, slugs and caterpillars can be noted that damage the leaves.

A fern can be called a bright decoration of a shady area that does not require much attention. Its cultivation is available to absolutely everyone, even inexperienced gardeners.

The main part of the fern

The fern is an ancient plant. In nature, its numerous varieties are found, but they are all stems, seated with a large number of leaves. Vaya - this is the name of the leaf-like organ of the fern. Before you learn how to draw a whole fern, you need to learn how to depict its individual stem.

To do this, you need to draw a smooth, slightly concave line on paper - the basis for the future stem. On each side of the stem, parallel to each other, with short, slightly rounded strokes, depict the bases (central veins) of future leaves. At this stage, the sketch should resemble a kind of skeleton, but not of an animal, but of a plant.

Let's continue the lesson "How to draw a fern." Now we will “plant” a small leaf on each vein. It has an oval shape with a slightly tapered end, small notches on the sides. For clarity, above exemplary sample which you can refer to.

Whole plant

But the fern branch is only part of the plant. To make the sketch as close to reality as possible, you need to attach many such branches to the main stem, as in the example above. At the same time, it is important to try to observe the proportions and the correct geometry: place the leaves parallel to each other. If you look closely, you can see that each small branch is the main stem in miniature.

Now you know how to draw a fern with a pencil. The sketch can be made in color using watercolor, gouache, colored pencils and even felt-tip pens.

Other varieties

Ferns are different types. How to draw a fern differently? To expand your skills, try to draw two different plants, as shown in the example above.

The basis of the first is a long flexible stem, at the base of which is a bunch of saber-shaped leaves, and the top is decorated with small leaves similar to clover.

The second fern consists of three stems connected together. Each stem is planted with small leaves, located one opposite the other.

Sometimes you can hear the question: “How to draw a fern flower?” In nature, this plant does not bloom. The fern flower is a myth beautiful legend ancient Slavs. Therefore, everyone can draw it as fantasy tells.

The background of one great work for the exhibition I have fern leaves. The plant is sincerely beautiful, but it is very tiring to draw it - there are a lot of all sorts of nuances and small things. First, I dug up a bunch of photos to see how to draw thickets, and then, quite by accident, I found a living model in the middle of the city in a real concrete jungle. A small bush of fern was pushing its way through some long-forgotten ventilation grate at the entrance to a filthy high-rise building. I was tormented by remorse that the plant tried so hard and grew in completely inhuman conditions, and I cut off one leaf for it. But he has been with me for more than a week and is not going to fade. I look at it and draw.

And in November, for some reason, everything went off the chain in terms of work. Millions of some orders and requests to write something, inform, finalize, watch, judge, or finish. All this would have been more than wonderful if it had happened a month earlier or at least a month later. Because it was November that I had planned for intensive revision of the drawings for the exhibition - since the spring there was no time to do just that, and there was nowhere to fall further than November. It will be necessary to decorate the exhibition hall on December 1st, the vernissage is already on the 5th.

At the same time, after 1.5 weeks I am already flying to Minsk for 4 days: in one evening, a meeting with readers, and then 2 days of a workshop. Those. in reality, I only have these 1.5 weeks from today (minus a couple of days of preparation for the trip) and that's it. And of course, I got up in the morning completely sick and weakened. How else. I move in small dashes between the computer and the canvas. I look at the fern and think it's so beautiful, but right now it's so hard to draw it. On the other hand, you have to force yourself, yes. And then if you give yourself free rein, you will never be ready and you will always put something off somewhere, feel sick or unprepared and transfer it to later. And such are deadlines very stimulating - do it or lose the chance. Have to do. Chances and so it was lost more than it is good for health.

All in all, thank you for making it all work out so well. Otherwise it would be damn boring to live 🙂

Fern tattoo is a special symbol endowed with sacred meaning. This figure can carry both creative and destructive energy, so it is rarely considered as a banal wearable image. What is true value tattoos, who is it suitable for?

The fern myth

Fern is a mysterious and mysterious plant, shrouded in many myths and legends. Our Slavic ancestors often called it "Perun's color" in honor of the revered god of thunder and military prowess. According to legend, on the night of Ivan Kupala, Perun won a battle with a demon who sent a drought to the earth. After the rain, exactly at midnight, a fiery red flower blossomed on the fern, illuminating all the hidden treasures. It is believed that since then Perunov color appears at the same time every year for one moment, but only selected people can see it.

The Slavs endowed the fern with magical properties and considered it the personification of strength and insight. Many people who dreamed of discovering the gift of providence in themselves decided on dangerous ritual, which contributed to the activation of supernatural abilities. To do this, it was necessary on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala to find a fern bush, spread a tablecloth around it, draw a circle with a knife and look at the plant without looking away. Every now and then terrible images, snakes and monsters should appear around. If the daredevil passed the test, he eventually disbanded beautiful flower. It was necessary to pluck it, cut the hand and attach the plant to a fresh wound. After that, a person got access to secret knowledge.

Tattoo Meaning

The fern flower tattoo has a sacred meaning and is a powerful amulet for its owner. Its main meaning is the desire for knowledge, renewal, peace. Outwardly, the tattoo resembles a swastika, so the sketch should be selected with great care so as not to incur troubles and troubles. Image having magical meaning, often chosen by shamans and sorcerers. A fern tattoo on the arm helps them energize supernatural abilities. Uninitiated people should refrain from such a symbol, since not everyone can cope with its unbridled energy.

Fern leaf means humility and loneliness and characterizes its owner as a person sincere and open to communication. Although the Maori tribe had a different positive interpretation of the same symbol: harmony, peace, change for the better and the beginning of a new happy life. That is why such a tattoo can often be seen in women. The fair sex, who want to emphasize beauty and grace, love to decorate the body with graceful carved sheet. A fern leaf looks very impressive on the back in open clothes, but in this case, the tattoo performs only a decorative function.

Perunov color is of particular importance for men. The Slavs believed that the Thunderer put part of his powerful fiery energy into the plant, therefore given character suitable for the strong half of humanity. It is believed that a fern tattoo on the arm endows its owner with strength and endurance, which means it is also a talisman against negative external influences. The owner of such a tattoo has excellent health and is protected from diseases.

Choose a style

For those who put a special magical meaning into the tattoo, the ethnic style is suitable. You can dwell on the Polynesian style, where the fern is harmoniously woven into overall composition. Such a tattoo looks impressive thanks to authentic patterns and ornaments. Men should consider the ancient Maori style, which is one of the progenitors of the art of body painting in general. Usually the tattoo is done in black and white (sometimes with the addition of one color), and the arm, wrist, chest or shoulder is chosen for the place of application.

A fern tattoo (see photo in the gallery) looks beautiful in dotwork and minimalism styles. Monochrome images are concise and simple, but this is precisely their main highlight. Clear lines predominate in minimalism, while dotwork drawing is applied using many small dots that harmoniously form smooth transitions and shadows. A small tattoo under the breast will be an exquisite decoration for the fair sex.

Less often there are images of a fern in color. Fans of saturated bright sketches can opt for realism and watercolor styles. Such a tattoo is as close as possible to the original, so it looks very beautiful and natural. Any part of the body is suitable for the application site, depending on the size of the sketch.

Photos of tattoos

A selection of sketches

The drawing of a fern applied to the body carries information about the loneliness of the owner of the tattoo. The fern leaf symbolizes sincerity of intentions and humility with one's own share.

Fern Tattoo Meaning

In Polynesian culture, the blossoming fern leaf serves as a symbol life beginning, change, striving for harmony. The Maori Indians call it the “spiral of the bark” and weave it into tattoos, among other plant motifs, changing the meaning to one degree or another. Their wearable painting tells the story of a person's life, replacing writing.

AT Slavic culture body painting is not welcome. But the fern, or rather it mythical flower, found a special place in it, becoming a talisman that protects from evil and ailments. It was believed that he was able to bestow endurance, courage and temper the will. "Perunov color" - the personification of the strength of the spirit.

Fern leaf on a female body.

Plant motifs in a tattoo are always relevant and attractive not so much by their meaning as by their appearance. Floral lace looks very impressive on the female neck and hands. Openwork fern leaves are especially good. Their elongated silhouette will favorably emphasize the elegance of the hand or ankle, visually lengthen the neck and legs, show the beauty and smoothness of the natural curves of the body.

However semantic load images of a fern twig will not be to every woman's taste. Loneliness and humility. Another thing is the leaf spiral beginning to blossom - a symbol of the beginning of beginnings, the desire for harmonious changes, the cyclical nature of life.

It carries a completely different meaning. symbolic image mythical fern color.

Magic fern color - a talisman for men.

According to the legends ancient Rus' and pagan tribes, the god Perun created a magical flower in honor of the birth of Kostroma and Kupala, which is why he received the name Perun's color or Fire-color. After all, the flower carried a particle of the light of the fiery patron. The Slavs believed in the power of the fern, which they endowed with the ability to fulfill a cherished desire, if it is from pure heart. His image is a two-sided kolovrat, applied in the form of protective embroidery on clothes or used as an amulet. This symbol was preferred by men as the personification of courage, courage, spiritual strength.

In a broad sense, the image of a fern flower serves as a talisman against dark forces that can also awaken hidden talents. It carries the life-giving power of the sun and contributes to the cure of diseases and spiritual development.

Who Shouldn't Wear a Fern Tattoo?

For a gambler who is prone to risk, a fern flower can bring trouble. Perunov's color, like the fern itself, is not suitable for those who are insincere in their actions, hide their true intentions, have unkind thoughts, as well as people who give unnecessarily great importance material values.

Important! Undoubted benefit Slavic amulet will bring to those who seek to acquire or improve knowledge, such as students and scientists. Also in need of such a talisman are people who have lost interest in life, with poor health and a lack of vital energy. This sign will be useful to military personnel. And for those who are associated with ritual and ritual magic, it will serve as additional protection.

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