Tattoo on the arm of a male tiger meaning. Tiger Tattoo


The tiger is one of the most revered animals in Asian countries. His image in the culture of these countries has a very deep meaning: it is a combination of ruthless cruelty and impeccable grace, bloodthirstiness and softness, speed and ability to wait, passion and self-sufficiency.

In many cases, a tiger tattoo can also mean royal majesty, power, the ability to influence destinies, kill and pardon.

The tiger tattoo has another meaning: it symbolizes strength, protection from violence, resistance to evil, salvation from accidents and malice. This is designed to save its owner as more powerful enemies, and from the vicissitudes of fate.

In the event that a black streak in life has already begun, the tiger gives the ability to endure all hardships steadfastly and courageously.

There are additional values ​​such. Tiger in a cage, that a person restrains his beliefs, seeks to defeat the negative traits of his character. An animal with an open mouth and a grin symbolizes the readiness to fight to the end for loved ones, principles, ideas, for everything that is dear to a person.

How a tiger tattoo characterizes a person

The image of a tiger on the body can also symbolize the character traits of the person himself. First of all, it speaks of energy, tirelessness, readiness to move towards your goal, no matter what. Also, a tiger can mean excessive temper and aggression, which a person does not always consider it necessary to restrain.

This animal is in symbolic meaning does not accept the lower levels of the hierarchy. When it comes to a prison tattoo, it means a strong, domineering person, a kind of "king" among the prisoners. AT ordinary life it symbolizes someone who does not want to obey and does not recognize authorities.

A tiger can mean a person who is not only passionate, domineering and aggressive, but also very gentle, especially in matters relating to family and friends. This is a loyal and strong protector, very attentive to the choice of environment and ready for anything for the sake of his loved ones. When determining such characteristics, much can be guessed from the features of the image of a tiger. A tattoo can be either clearly demonstrating aggression, or static, calm, even refined and evoking associations with tenderness and softness.

Celebrities." It's about about Justin Bieber's tattoo, made in 2013. The singer stuffed the tiger, or rather, his head. The predator's mouth is open in a grin. Only fangs are drawn. The eyes are also not fully developed - there are no pupils.

At the same time, as the artist stated, the process of applying tattoos is over. Confuses the composition of the tattoo. The head on the biceps is turned in profile. She, as if, cut off, there are associations with a defeated tiger. But Justin is fine with it. For him, only important secret meaning tattoos, and not what critics think of her. It's time for us to find out what is the meaning tiger tattoo.

Tiger tattoo meaning

In Europe, Africa, the lion is considered to be the king of animals. But, in Asia, the “throne” is occupied by a tiger. That's why, Chinese legend says that the 4 cardinal directions and the center of the world are guarded by striped predators. According to giving, tiger tattoo meaning changes depending on the color of the animal:

    The blue tiger guards the East, is associated with growth and the plants themselves, in spring

    The white tiger is responsible for the West, associated with autumn and all metal

    The red tiger is the South, summer, the energy of the Sun and the element of fire

    The black tiger is associated with the North, water and the cold of winter.

    The yellow tiger guards the center of the earth and represents absolute power.

Another tiger, the color of which is standard, carries Cai Shen on his. This is the god of wealth. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire believe that the spirit keeps all the gold in chests. Cai Shen keeps a close eye on the treasures not to be stolen, patrolling the area on the back of a tiger. This explains in China why there are fewer rich people than poor people. Try to get gold in such conditions.

So that, tiger tattoo on shoulder Bieber can mean his chosenness, social status. The fact that only Gods can ride a tiger is also claimed by peoples who profess shamanism. Saddle the beast in reality, or in - become like God.

Representatives of all cultures agree that the striped predator is a symbol of strength, rage, protection, male energy. But women also apply the image. For example, in Thailand and China tiger tattoo - photo, which is often posted online by pregnant women.

It is believed that when there is no father nearby, the future mother will be protected from adversity by a drawing expressing male energy. So keep talking about the role tiger tattoo for girls.

tiger tattoo for women

Women request tiger tattoo on chest, shoulder, back, to emphasize the duality of his nature. Everyone knows the phrase that says that a girl “should be a mystery.

So, the gray stripes on the skin of an animal are a sign dark forces, hidden energy, magic and others mysterious phenomena. Golden stripes, on the contrary, are a sign of the sun, light energy.

The striped predator was chosen by Angelina Jolie. She asked for a Bengal tiger to be stabbed on her lower back. The tattoo was made in 2004. Then the actress, as an ambassador of the peacekeeping mission, was given the citizenship of Cambodia. In this country, the striped predator is a sacred animal.

What does a tiger tattoo mean, depends not only on the color of the animal, but also on the nature of its image, the pose of the predator. So, the representatives of the weaker sex, as a rule, request crouching tigers. It is a symbol of grace, hidden power and wisdom. Popular among girls and sketches with sleeping cats. They are associated with tranquility, hearth, peace.

Women also vote for tattoos with tiger cubs. The predator cub is innocent, vulnerable, there is a connection with the mother. So many visitors emphasize their love for their own offspring, their readiness to protect them.

tiger tattoo for men

Men often choose tiger grin tattoo. This is a symbol of rage, aggression, determination to defend oneself, family, homeland. A tattoo has a similar meaning in a prison environment.

Only, in the zone, a beast with an open mouth also means anger at the authorities. Willingness to kill can also be expressed through grin of a tiger. The meaning of the tattoo it is especially obvious if a skull is drawn in the animal's mouth, or blood flows from the fangs.

Tiger Head Tattoo is also a sign of ladies' man, zealous men. Adam LaVine is one of them. Soloist of the group "Maroon5". The singer was with Maria Sharapova, and met with Jessica Simpson, and was seen with Rebecca Ginos.

The last girl not from star party- waitress. After Rebecca there were model Anna Vyalitsina and another fashion model Behzati Prinsloo. Basically, you can't list them all. Given his passion, Adam decided to turn to Thai philosophy, in which the tiger is the embodiment of passion. Artist stuffed tiger tattoo on arm.

Some men prefer to emphasize their exclusivity and uniqueness with the help of the image of a predator. For this, select tiger tattoo on back, chest, arms. But, the tiger is not easy but ... white.

Albinos are rarely born, but even more rarely survive in wild forests. Color distinguishes animals from nature, making the kitten a target for other predators. Therefore, the white tiger can also be a symbol of vulnerability, fate, the predestination of all things.

Some men are accustomed to restrain their rage, power. Those who consider self-control as their main quality do tiger tattoo on leg, or other parts of the body, but enclose the beast in a cage. This is a symbol of curbing desires. The image can also reflect views, for example, on personal life, convey feelings in marriage.

Where to get a tiger tattoo

"Tiger" - tattoo, sketches which are most often performed with the expectation of transferring to the back, chest, or stomach. The image of the animal looks best in volumetric technique. For its implementation, extensive areas of skin are needed.

If they are not planned to be used, they are limited not to a full-scale image of the animal, but to drawing only its head. It is easy to fit on the arm, leg, neck.

The tiger is a plastic and graceful animal. This partially facilitates the task when choosing a sketch and correlating it with a site on the body. The beast can curl up into a ball, or it can stretch out like an arrow. This helps to fit the image into the given frames.

Since most of the options are large-scale, it is not uncommon for them to be tested. First, a temporary tattoo is applied. A couple of weeks is enough to decide on a permanent one, or to abandon this idea once and for all.

Interestingly, the highest concentration with tigers is recorded in Tibet. The people of the mountainous province believe they are descended from werewolves. Only, they did not turn into wolves, but into striped predators.

Honoring the ancestors, the Tibetans stuff their images on their bodies, sparing neither their backs, nor their torsos, nor even their faces. In addition to wearable drawings, figurines of tigers are popular. It is customary to give them to boys and girls for adulthood.

Finally, consider the popular tiger tattoo photo:

Welcome to another drawing lesson! Now we will learn (at the request of the participants and visitors of the site) how to draw a tiger. Let's break our lesson into several small and important steps, which will help you make the right pencil drawing of this beautiful predator step by step. First of all, we will draw a base - a sketch that will show the main features and proportions of the tiger, then we will take on the structure and large details, and at the end we will add shadows, texture and the smallest details.

So, if you have stocked up with an eraser and a sheet (the larger the format, the better), then we can start drawing.

1. How to draw a tiger. Proportions

First we need to outline the proportions of the tiger. The contour is drawn with light strokes. The big circle will be the muzzle. Let's divide it into four parts using axes. This will help us in the future to calculate exactly where the eyes, nose, stripes, etc. are located. Same way

First we need to outline the proportions of the tiger. The contour is drawn with light strokes. The big circle will be the muzzle. Let's divide it into four parts using axes. This will help us in the future to calculate exactly where the eyes, nose, stripes, etc. are located. Also pay attention to the drawing that should turn out in the final version.

Please note that the circle should not be at the bottom and not at the top, it is best to place it in the very center, so that later there would be enough space for the body.

The following sketch can clearly show you how a tiger's head is built. We divide the upper half of the circle into two equal halves (dotted line). Next, draw the ears. Notice that the lower edge of the ears is just adjacent to the dotted line. Don't forget to include small bumps. Also, it is worth remembering that the ears stand diagonally to the main axes and are equal in size to half of the upper part (visually shown by the letters L).

In the next sketch, we see that it's time to draw the lower part of the muzzle. We also divide it into two halves and draw a part of the muzzle in the lower part, which resembles the letter W. Note that the width of this part is equal to the height (indicated by red and gray arrows). If you look closely at the picture, you will see that our tiger looks a little to the side, so the parts of the tiger's muzzle are slightly shifted relative to the center lines.

We continue to add the main details. Add a nose triangle. On both edges of the main line, add a couple of curves that outline the line of the nose. We draw the lower lip and a large oval of the chin with two lines.

We draw eyes. To make the sketch clear, I explain in more detail. The eyes are almond shaped. The blue arrows show that the distance from the eye to the top of the head is equal to the size of the ears. Make four equal distances - one more eye should fit between the eye and the center line.

Now, having got rid of the extra lines, we see that our tiger becomes like itself. Add some lines that will show the main features of the body. Since the head of the tiger is not the same as that of a person and will not fit into the circle, we add a collapse line between the ears and sideburns on both sides. Two additional oval lines from the bottom of the face to the forehead. Two lines that represent the body. The lines of the body can be drawn later, but I tend to believe that you need to see a holistic image in front of you in order to feel the fullness of its form.

Now remove the circle and centerlines. We won't need them anymore.

2. How to draw a tiger with a pencil. Structure, details and details of the tiger.

We have drawn the main proportions of the predator and now we are moving on to working out the details and a more detailed plan.

We start with the eyes and nose. Let's give them their final shape. Here, multi-colored lines show the main lines.

Nose. The nose is shaped like a rounded W.

Ears. The ears can be drawn finished right away before we make the bottom part. The ears are at the very top, and in further drawing we will not touch them with our hand.

What do you need to draw an ear. Take an HB pencil and draw a lot of tiny dots along the contour of the ear. This will make them look fluffy. Then make them a little darker on the left side. Then add a bundle long hair, which will remain white, do not need to paint over them inside. Take soft pencil and shade around those hairs.

The next step. Around the muzzle and chin we draw a contour from

The next step. Around the muzzle and chin we draw a contour of small hairs - the same as with the contour of the ears, only the hairs should be slightly larger.

Add a long mustache with free sweeping hand movements. Closer to the chin, the mustache becomes a little shorter.

fur pattern

The pattern of tiger fur must be approached carefully. These will be white and black zigzag spots on the face of the tiger.

We draw two large spots above the eyes and under the eyes. Pay attention to the arrows that indicate very important bulges

We draw two more white spots closer to the ears and the beginning of the rim around the muzzle, which begins at the nose.

That's all! If you have mastered the lines, consider that the drawing will turn out, since the sketch is ready.

3. Next and last step in drawing the Tiger: Final texture.

The third part of the drawing is the final and, in my opinion, the most interesting, as the final touches are worked out here. Better if you draw with pencils different hardness and softness, so that the difference in texture can be seen.

Eyes. Fill the pupil with a soft pencil and leave a white highlight inside.

Make the lower eyelids very dark. Make some bold lines to give the eyelid a 3D effect.

We make the upper eyelid with one bold line and add a few cilia.

We draw the iris. With a hard pencil we make a little curved lines towards the center of the pupil, as shown by the blue lines. This way you get an interesting visual effect.

Nose. With a soft pencil, draw clear lines under the nose. Then draw many small hairs along the top horizontal line nose. On the right, as shown by the arrow, we denote a small shadow from the nose and shade it with light gray. Also, three arrows indicate darker areas that need to be shaded a little darker.

Fur. When drawing fur, it is important that your pencils are very sharp. We take soft to indicate dark stripes. Now we shade all the lines-stripes on the muzzle, which we indicated earlier, with thin dashes-strokes, in the direction as shown in this figure. Thus, we will achieve not only dark stripes, but also the texture of the fur, which consists of hairs. Remember that the direction of the lines or strokes is very important here. On the forehead they should

Fur. When drawing fur, it is important that your pencils are very sharp. We take soft to indicate dark stripes. Now we shade all the lines-stripes on the muzzle, which we indicated earlier, with thin dashes-strokes, in the direction as shown in this figure. Thus, we will achieve not only dark stripes, but also the texture of the fur, which consists of hairs. Remember that the direction of the lines or strokes is very important here. On the forehead, they should be turned up, from the sides - from the corner of the eye to the side, on the sideburns - slightly down.

Next, we take hard pencil, also sharpened sharply, and stroke everything between black and white stripes. I would especially like to focus on the white stripes. You don't have to enter their territory. Also fur space gray color quite large and no need to try to fill them with long strokes. The hair on the muzzle of the tiger is short, and the strokes should also be short. At the bottom of the muzzle, they can be made a little longer than on the forehead. The direction of the strokes is the same as on the black stripes.

The fur on the nose is indistinguishable. Not a single hair is visible on the nose of a tiger, because the hairs are very small. To achieve the effect of fur, you need to do this: shade the nose, make it a little darker at the sides, and then make some dots along the edges of the nose and on the nose, which can indicate that there is not bare skin, namely wool.

We make the black dots between the whiskers and on the chin of the tiger slightly elongated.

Let's add a few bright dots on the sides of the bridge of the nose to emphasize its borders. This completes the muzzle of the tiger. It remains in a few quick steps to finish the visible part of the body.

The first thing we will do is take a soft pencil, preferably 4B, and with small clear strokes draw a few lines under the muzzle. Naturally, you need to try to make them even, it is advisable to first outline them with a weak outline.

Secondly, take a pencil B and shade on the sides, or, if I may say so, outline the body along the fronts. The near part, the one on the right, is lighter, and the far part, on the left, is darker.

Here is the final drawing of the tiger. This is exactly what you should get. You can see that there are a few extra points here that have been added to final version: the skin in front of the ball is indicated by long but light strokes; the body along the fronts was supplemented and became darker, in addition, several stripes were added on the left side; on the sideburns, a few oblique strokes have been added that emphasize the texture of the tiger's hair.

This concludes another drawing lesson. Here we took a detailed look at How to Learn to Draw a Tiger.

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Good afternoon, today we have not an easy lesson, today we will show you how to draw a tiger. The tiger is one of the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous animals living on our planet. It is because of the beauty of their fur that there are very few of these animals left.

People who care about the fate of tigers are trying their best to save their population. Special protected areas are being created where these animals can live without fear that they will be hunted and that their cubs will grow up with their tigress mothers.

Learning how to draw a tiger

In our lesson on how to draw a tiger, we will draw the Bengal tiger, this is a subspecies of the tiger that lives in Pakistan, North and Central India, East Iran, as well as at the mouth of the Indus, Ravi, Sutlij, Ganges rivers. The population of this tiger is rapidly declining, and soon they may disappear altogether, as, for example, they were completely exterminated in Afghanistan. Let's start our lesson on how to draw a tiger.

Step 1
First, let's practice drawing the head of a Bengal tiger. Let's start with a profile. For auxiliary lines, use a 2H pencil. Let's draw a circle for the head. Let's draw a shape for the future muzzle at the bottom right side circle. Then draw the lines of the neck.

Step 2
Now let's draw the outlines of the head. The coat of tigers is long, it is longer and thicker than that of most of the cat family. The fur on the muzzle is rather smooth, while the fur on the neck and chin is fluffy.

Step 3
We continue to add details on the head. We draw an eye, a nose and a mouth. As a rule, the lower lip of the tiger hangs down a little and a dark spot in the corners of the mouth merges the upper and lower lips. Add fur in the ears and on the neck.

Step 4
We complete the drawing by adding stripes, eyelashes and a mustache. Erase the guide lines to leave a clean image.

Step 5
Now let's draw the head of the tiger in full face. Let's start with the auxiliary lines. Draw a circle and guide lines for the nose and eyes. We also draw the lines of the neck.

Step 6
Since we're drawing the head from the front, it's best to start with the muzzle before moving on to the contours of the head. Let's draw the eyes (at a distance of the width of 2 eyes). Now we draw a wrinkled nose. Since the tiger is growling, let's draw the mouth open. The upper fangs are much larger than the lower ones. The tongue is hard to fit in the mouth. Don't forget to draw the lips and chin.

Step 7
Now let's draw the outline of the head and neck. Do not forget that the fur on the muzzle is smooth, and closer to the neck it becomes fluffy. On the this figure the fur on the head is smooth. The ears are brought back and we cannot see them, as the tiger growls and gets angry.

Step 8
Let's draw additional wrinkles around the nose and eyes. We will also draw stripes and a mustache. Let's add a shadow in the mouth and around the lips. We draw lines on the tongue to give it volume.

Step 9
When drawing the tiger stripes, start at the top of the head and work your way down. We draw the stripes of the muzzle behind the ears, around the eyes and on the sides of the muzzle. Typically, tigers have many stripes above their noses, and the base of their whiskers is always marked with black spots. They also have black spots at the corners of their mouths. The lower the stripes along the body, the longer and thicker they are, as if forming the contour of the animal's body. The stripes on the tail are very frequent, and the tip of the tail is usually black.

Step 10
These cats have huge paws that grab prey with ease. On the front paws of the tiger there are 5 fingers, and on the back 4 all with retractable claws. The lateral toes on the paws are used by tigers to capture prey. In the front of the paws, thick fur, and in the back, long. There are also stripes on the paws.

Step 11
Here are the eyes of the tiger different angles. There are many emotions in the look of the tiger and he can tell what the animal feels in this moment. Tigers have large pupils and irises that cover almost the entire visible part of the eye. When viewed in profile, note that there is a layer of membrane between the edge of the eye and the pupil, which creates the illusion that the pupil is wandering in the center of the eye.

Step 12
After we have practiced, let's start learning how to draw a tiger step by step. Draw a circle for the head, at the bottom of the circle draw a square for the muzzle. Draw guide lines for the nose and eyes. Now big circle for the upper torso, and then another for the lower. Do not forget that these are auxiliary lines that will be removed later, so do not make them too bold.

Step 13
Now let's draw the head, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Step 14
Next in the lesson on how to draw a tiger, we will work on the back of the neck, front paws and chest. Let's draw big paws. The left paw is firmly on the ground, while the right paw is bent, the tiger is about to take a step forward.

Step 15
Let's finish drawing the outlines of the figure by drawing the tail, hind legs and lower abdomen. The tip of the tail is curved upwards.

Step 16
It's time to erase the auxiliary lines.

Erase guide lines

Step 17
Let's draw the hair on the neck, as well as the mustache and eyelashes.

Draw hair on the neck

Step 18
Now let's draw the stripes. Let's start from the top of the head and go down the back to the sides. There are no similar stripes, so draw as you can.

Step 19
To complete the image, let's add some shadows. Our tiger is ready!

Our tiger is ready

Our lesson on how to draw a tiger is over, the tiger is drawn, now you can decorate the drawing. If you liked the lesson, then you can subscribe to new drawing lessons that come out every week. Good luck!

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