A smart son is a replacement for his father, a stupid one is no help. Latvian folk tales


Once upon a time there was a peasant, and he had only one son. The peasant sent his son to different schools mind to learn. Once, on the roof of my father's house, a raven croaked. The father asks his son:

What is the raven croaking about? You've been trained in all sorts of wisdom, you should know.

How should I know? - answers the son. I did not study at the raven school. Then the father sent his son for one year to the raven school. By the end of the year, a raven flew to his father and said:

I am your son from the crow school, tomorrow you must come for me. There are many students there, all turned into ravens. Do you recognize me in such a flock of crows? If you don't find out, I'll have to stay there. Remember how to recognize me. We'll all have to sit on a long pole. The first time I will be the third from this end, the second time - the fifth, and the third time a fly will fly near my eye. The raven said this and flew away. The next day my father went to the raven school. The crows have already perched on the poles. It is necessary for the father to guess who is in the row - his son.

Third! - showed the father.

That's right, you guessed it! After that, the crows scattered, mixed up and sat down on the pole again. Again, the father has to guess.

Fifth! - showed the father.

That's right, you guessed it!

Again the crows mixed up, and again the father had to guess. The father sees: a fly flew past the eye of one raven.

This! he says. The raven turned into his son, and they went home by sea. As they sailed across the sea, a raven croaked at the top of the mast.

You studied at the crow school. Tell me, what is this raven croaking about? the father asks.

Oh, father, if I told you what this thief is croaking about, you would have thrown me into the sea. I can't tell you this.

The father was angry with his son for such an answer and in anger threw him into the sea. Speak or don't speak - one end. However, the son did not drown, turned into a fish, swam to the shore and again turned into a man. He met an old man on the shore and settled in his house. He lived, lived for some time, and one day he said to the old man:

Tomorrow I will turn into a songbird, you take me to the city and sell me. Just remember: don't sell the cage! The next day the old man took the bird to town. He met the royal daughter. She heard how beautifully the bird sang, and bought it for a lot of money. But the old man did not sell the cage. The royal daughter took the bird and went a new cage buy. While she was talking to the seller, the bird escaped and flew home before the old man. Soon the young man again says to the old man:

Tomorrow I will turn into a bull. Take me to the city and sell me. Just don't sell the rope! So the old man did: he sold the bull without a rope. The buyer began to look for a new rope, and in the meantime the bull escaped and ran home. Soon the young man again says to the old man:

Tomorrow I will turn into a horse. Take me to the city and sell me. Just remember: don't sell the golden bridle! The old man took the horse to the city. But then greed seized him, and he sold the golden bridle with his horse. And the sorcerer bought the horse, he taught the ravens at school all sorts of miracles. The sorcerer brought the horse home, took him to the stable and ordered the groom to feed him worse. Fortunately, the groom disobeyed the sorcerer and fed the horse ad libitum, and then completely released it. The horse sped off, and the sorcerer followed him. They ran and ran and ran to the seashore. By the sea, the horse turned into a fish, the sorcerer too, and they swam across the sea. On the other side stood the royal palace, and in front of the palace the three royal daughters were pounding clothes with rollers. The first fish jumped ashore, to the princesses, and turned into a diamond ring. The youngest princess saw the ring first, put it on her finger and ran home. In the upper room, the ring turned into a young man. He told the girl about everything that had happened and what would happen. He said that musicians and a sorcerer would come to the palace in the evening. For the game, he will require a diamond ring. But you can't give him the ring. As the young man said, so it all happened. Skillful musicians came to the palace in the evening and played so well - you will hear. Having finished playing, the king asks what payment they want for the game.

We don't need anything, just give us the diamond ring that's yours. youngest daughter wears.

Well, take it! the king agreed. But the girl does not give up the ring in any way. So the musicians left with nothing. The young man's ring turned around again, and he said to the younger princess:

Tomorrow the musicians will come again and ask for a diamond ring for playing. If you can’t fight them off in any way, throw the ring under the chair!

That's how it all happened. The next day the musicians came and played even better than the day before. They finished playing and demanded a ring in payment. The princess does not give the ring. If it doesn’t give in a good way, they want to take it away by force. Then the younger princess tore off the ring from her finger and threw it under a chair. The musicians instantly turned into ravens and - for the ring. And the ring turned into a hawk, and they started a fight. But the hawk was stronger and drove the ravens away. The hawk turned into a young man and married the youngest royal daughter. The king gave him the kingdom, and the young man lived happily.

il-was a peasant, and he had one and only son. The peasant sent his son to different schools to learn the mind-reason. Once, on the roof of my father's house, a raven croaked. The father asks his son:

What is the raven croaking about? You've been trained in all sorts of wisdom, you should know.

How should I know? - answers the son. I did not study at the raven school.

Then the father sent his son for one year to the raven school.

By the end of the year, a raven flew to his father and said:

I am your son from the crow school, tomorrow you must come for me. There are many students there, all turned into ravens. Do you recognize me in such a flock of crows? If you don't find out, I'll have to stay there. Remember how to recognize me. We'll all have to sit on a long pole. The first time I will be the third from this end, the second time - the fifth, and the third time a fly will fly near my eye.

The raven said this and flew away. The next day my father went to the raven school. The crows have already perched on the poles. It is necessary for the father to guess who is in the row - his son.

Third! - showed the father.

That's right, you guessed it!

After that, the crows scattered, mixed up and sat down on the pole again. Again, the father has to guess.

Fifth! - showed the father.

That's right, you guessed it!

Again the crows mixed up, and again the father had to guess. The father sees: a fly flew past the eye of one raven.

This! he says.

The raven turned into his son, and they went home by sea.

As they sailed across the sea, a raven croaked at the top of the mast.

You studied at the crow school. Tell me, what is this raven croaking about? the father asks.

Oh, father, if I told you what this raven is croaking about, you would have thrown me into the sea. I can't tell you this.

The father was angry with his son for such an answer and in anger threw him into the sea. Speak or don't speak - one end. However, the son did not drown, turned into a fish, swam to the shore and again turned into a man. He met an old man on the shore and settled in his house. He lived, lived for some time, and one day he said to the old man:

Tomorrow I will turn into a songbird, you take me to the city and sell me. Just remember: don't sell the cage!

The next day the old man took the bird to town. He met the royal daughter. She heard how beautifully the bird sang, and bought it for a lot of money. But the old man did not sell the cage. The royal daughter took the bird and went to buy a new cage. While she was talking to the seller, the bird escaped and flew home before the old man.

Soon the young man again says to the old man:

Tomorrow I will turn into a bull. Take me to the city and sell me. Just don't sell the rope!

So the old man did: he sold the bull without a rope. The buyer began to look for a new rope, and in the meantime the bull escaped and ran home.

Soon the young man again says to the old man:

Tomorrow I will turn into a horse. Take me to the city and sell me. Just remember: don't sell the golden bridle!

The old man took the horse to the city. But then greed seized him, and he sold the golden bridle with his horse. And the sorcerer bought the horse, he taught the ravens at school all sorts of miracles. The sorcerer brought the horse home, took him to the stable and ordered the groom to feed him worse.

Fortunately, the groom disobeyed the sorcerer and fed the horse ad libitum, and then completely released it. The horse sped off, and the sorcerer followed him. They ran and ran and ran to the seashore. By the sea, the horse turned into a fish, the sorcerer too, and they swam across the sea.

On the other side stood the royal palace, and in front of the palace the three royal daughters beat the linen with rolls. The first fish jumped ashore, to the princesses, and turned into a diamond ring. The youngest princess saw the ring first, put it on her finger and ran home. In the upper room, the ring turned into a young man. He told the girl about everything that had happened and what would happen. He said that musicians and a sorcerer would come to the palace in the evening. For the game, he will require a diamond ring. But you can't give him the ring.

As the young man said, so it all happened. Skillful musicians came to the palace in the evening and played so well - you will hear. Having finished playing, the king asks what payment they want for the game.

We don't need anything, just give us the diamond ring that your youngest daughter wears.

Well, take it! the king agreed.

But the girl does not give up the ring in any way. So the musicians left with nothing.

The young man's ring turned around again, and he said to the younger princess:

Tomorrow the musicians will come again and ask for a diamond ring for playing. If you can’t fight them off in any way, throw the ring under the chair!

That's how it all happened. The next day the musicians came and played even better than the day before. They finished playing and demanded a ring in payment. The princess does not give the ring. If it doesn’t give in a good way, they want to take it away by force. Then the younger princess tore off the ring from her finger and threw it under a chair. The musicians instantly turned into ravens and - for the ring. And the ring turned into a hawk, and they started a fight. But the hawk was stronger and drove the ravens away.

The hawk turned into a young man and married the youngest royal daughter. The king gave him the kingdom, and the young man lived happily.

Seeing your son beautiful and healthy in a dream portends news of his happiness and well-being.

But if in a dream you see that he is sick, injured, pale, etc., then expect bad news or trouble.

If you dream that your son killed you, then after your death he will inherit your fortune.

The dream in which you saw that your son died portends you great concern for his well-being.

Sometimes such a dream may indicate that your child has excellent health and your worries are groundless.

If in a dream your son is calling you, then soon he will need your help.

If you dream that you have a son, although in fact you have no children, then you will have to courageously endure future troubles or material losses.

Sometimes such a dream warns of great experiences. See interpretation: children, relatives.

The dream in which you saw that your son was born portends unrest and worries.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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smart son- a replacement for his father, stupid - no help.

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17. Jesus says to her: do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren and say to them: I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God. Perhaps Mary, in unexpected joy, rushed to Christ to grab hold of his feet. This is what can

8. Now, my son, obey my words in what I command you: 9. go to the herd and take me two good goats (young) from there, and I will prepare food from them for your father, which he loves, 10. a you will bring to your father, and he will eat to bless you before his death. 11. Jacob said

author Lopukhin Alexander

8. Now, my son, obey my words in what I command you: 9. go to the herd and take me two good goats (young) from there, and I will prepare food from them for your father, which he loves, 10. a you will bring to your father, and he will eat to bless you before his death.

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From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

30. As soon as Isaac blessed Jacob (his son), and as soon as Jacob went out from the presence of Isaac his father, Esau his brother came from his hunt. 31. He also prepared food, and brought to his father and said to his father, Arise, my fathers, and eat the game your son,

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